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Nov 22, 2019 11:59 PM

Jun 2012
Smile like you got a straw in something
Nov 23, 2019 12:19 AM

Feb 2018
Everything here is just cringeworthy, like always with this someone voiced criticism of a random show or just said something stupid and a whole bunch of people immediately cry about the bad sjw feminists coming to destroy animu.
Just shut up.
Nov 23, 2019 12:48 AM

Dec 2008
ManThighs said:
Dude, feminist fight for equality between men and women. There is nothing sexist or "anti-men" about that. Get your head out of the gutter and stop spewing bullshit.

Oh and sense your so keen on evidence (even though you have provided no information besides your baseless, false claims), here is the literal definition of feminism: Belief in or advocacy of women's social, political, and economic rights, especially with regard to equality of the sexes.
Hello there. Piro is kinda missing the point and fell into MRA talking points, so may I interject? After the 2nd wave was done and women got all the rights, and even some privileges on top of it, what is the point of continuing with the movement, if it's goals have been met? If you disagree and think, that they aren't, then can you provide an example of "rights", that women are still missing nowadays?

xShinigami3125 said:
Everything here is just cringeworthy, like always with this someone voiced criticism of a random show or just said something stupid and a whole bunch of people immediately cry about the bad sjw feminists coming to destroy animu.
Just shut up.
Hm, I don't get it, why can't people complain and raise the stink, when they see favorite media being pressured into changing for worse (in their opinion) by outrage-mobs? Or are you saying, that this doesn't happen ever and crazy people on twitter don't have any influence? You know, there's a saying, that goes somewhat like this: "one time is an accident, two times is a coincidence, three times is an enemy action". And I can count way more than that, when this happened, leading to japanese media "loosing" bits and pieces during the localization process. And yes, before you ask, I am upset that I didn't get my "bath towel costumes" in Code Vein.
MinashiroNov 23, 2019 1:02 AM
Nov 23, 2019 2:40 AM
Aug 2018
[quote=Minashiro message=58697553]
ManThighs said:
Dude, feminist fight for equality between men and women. There is nothing sexist or "anti-men" about that. Get your head out of the gutter and stop spewing bullshit.

Oh and sense your so keen on evidence (even though you have provided no information besides your baseless, false claims), here is the literal definition of feminism: Belief in or advocacy of women's social, political, and economic rights, especially with regard to equality of the sexes.
Hello there. Piro is kinda missing the point and fell into MRA talking points, so may I interject? After the 2nd wave was done and women got all the rights, and even some privileges on top of it, what is the point of continuing with the movement, if it's goals have been met? If you disagree and think, that they aren't, then can you provide an example of "rights", that women are still missing nowadays?

There are still many places in America where woman aren't payed equal wages/receive full benefits and such. It's also harder for woman to get into positions of power when compared to their male counterparts. Sexism is engrained in the core of our country, and while feminist have fought and changed lots of laws, there are still permenating issues that are the result of living in a male society.
Nov 23, 2019 4:20 AM

Dec 2008
ManThighs said:
There are still many places in America where woman aren't payed equal wages/receive full benefits and such. It's also harder for woman to get into positions of power when compared to their male counterparts. Sexism is engrained in the core of our country, and while feminist have fought and changed lots of laws, there are still permenating issues that are the result of living in a male society.
I'm sorry, but this is just not true. Under the 'Equal Pay Act of 1963' it is illegal in USA to discriminate women by paying them less. Not "bad" or "frowned upon", illegal, meaning that any company will be sued out of existence, if they'd did that. Now, I'm speculating, that you are looking at the gender pay-gap "studies" and basing your faith on those. What you should do, is go ahead and closely look at the exact methodology, that they used to come to such conclusions, you'd be surprised by the sheer amount of cherry-picking and disregarding of the actual data, that can counter the narrative.
Modern day social sciences are not to be trusted blindly, they are heavily motivated by ideology and very corrupt.
Nov 23, 2019 4:25 AM

May 2015
[quote=ManThighs message=58697869]
Minashiro said:
ManThighs said:
Dude, feminist fight for equality between men and women. There is nothing sexist or "anti-men" about that. Get your head out of the gutter and stop spewing bullshit.

Oh and sense your so keen on evidence (even though you have provided no information besides your baseless, false claims), here is the literal definition of feminism: Belief in or advocacy of women's social, political, and economic rights, especially with regard to equality of the sexes.
Hello there. Piro is kinda missing the point and fell into MRA talking points, so may I interject? After the 2nd wave was done and women got all the rights, and even some privileges on top of it, what is the point of continuing with the movement, if it's goals have been met? If you disagree and think, that they aren't, then can you provide an example of "rights", that women are still missing nowadays?

There are still many places in America where woman aren't payed equal wages/receive full benefits and such. It's also harder for woman to get into positions of power when compared to their male counterparts. Sexism is engrained in the core of our country, and while feminist have fought and changed lots of laws, there are still permenating issues that are the result of living in a male society.

"MuH wAgE gAp"
"MuH sExIsM"

Nov 24, 2019 5:01 AM
Aug 2018
Minashiro said:
ManThighs said:
There are still many places in America where woman aren't payed equal wages/receive full benefits and such. It's also harder for woman to get into positions of power when compared to their male counterparts. Sexism is engrained in the core of our country, and while feminist have fought and changed lots of laws, there are still permenating issues that are the result of living in a male society.
I'm sorry, but this is just not true. Under the 'Equal Pay Act of 1963' it is illegal in USA to discriminate women by paying them less. Not "bad" or "frowned upon", illegal, meaning that any company will be sued out of existence, if they'd did that. Now, I'm speculating, that you are looking at the gender pay-gap "studies" and basing your faith on those. What you should do, is go ahead and closely look at the exact methodology, that they used to come to such conclusions, you'd be surprised by the sheer amount of cherry-picking and disregarding of the actual data, that can counter the narrative.
Modern day social sciences are not to be trusted blindly, they are heavily motivated by ideology and very corrupt.

Equity doesn't strictly boil down to laws like equal pay. We live in a males society and it's reflected in all its heirchachal forms. Discrimination is still very prevalent in the work force.
Nov 24, 2019 5:02 AM
Aug 2018
[quote=TsukuyomiREKT message=58698156]
ManThighs said:
Minashiro said:
Hello there. Piro is kinda missing the point and fell into MRA talking points, so may I interject? After the 2nd wave was done and women got all the rights, and even some privileges on top of it, what is the point of continuing with the movement, if it's goals have been met? If you disagree and think, that they aren't, then can you provide an example of "rights", that women are still missing nowadays?

There are still many places in America where woman aren't payed equal wages/receive full benefits and such. It's also harder for woman to get into positions of power when compared to their male counterparts. Sexism is engrained in the core of our country, and while feminist have fought and changed lots of laws, there are still permenating issues that are the result of living in a male society.

"MuH wAgE gAp"
"MuH sExIsM"

Way to say "I'm an idiot."
Nov 24, 2019 7:19 AM

May 2015
[quote=ManThighs message=58703852]
TsukuyomiREKT said:
ManThighs said:

"MuH wAgE gAp"
"MuH sExIsM"

Way to say "I'm an idiot."

Wage gap doesn't exist, and while sexism definitely does, it's nowhere near to the degree you're acting like it does.

Nov 24, 2019 8:01 AM

Feb 2010
okay you two
take it to private chat.
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

Nov 24, 2019 9:03 AM
Jul 2018
I guess they spent the budget that was supposed to be for Overhaul's good looks into making her more busty
Nov 24, 2019 10:29 AM

Jan 2014
no idea why i clicked but since i did i will just have to say, haha lol, "accusations " by who? people that make youtube videos or write on some websites? is that it? since when is the opinion of an ant important to a Tiger? really why would anyone even bother listening or remembering what the ants said? anyway at least i got some laugh with this so not totally worthless haha.
Nov 24, 2019 10:43 AM

Dec 2012
16106 that right? Either way, it's rule 34 time!
Nov 26, 2019 9:17 AM

Dec 2008
ManThighs said:
Equity doesn't strictly boil down to laws like equal pay. We live in a males society and it's reflected in all its heirchachal forms. Discrimination is still very prevalent in the work force.
Okay, just to recap:
  • Me: What's the problem with womens rights? Why do we need feminism at this point?
  • You: Women face discrimination in our society, such as getting less pay for equal work!
  • Me: But this isn't true.
  • You: Yeah, it's not, but this doesn't change anything, we live in a male-based society and therefore!

See, this is the reason I can't take seriously the arguments from people like you. You don't have a strong principled position and when countered, start to move the goalpost and bring in vague and nebulous statements, that boil down to "bad man bad".

The reason for this is quite simple. Your whole position is based on the feelings over facts. Facts you bring in are either just simply wrong, or skewed in a way to arrive at a predetermined conclusion. But you feel, that it's right, it sounds convincing to yourself, so there must be something to it, right? And I may be wrong, but most people like you didn't even arrive at this conclusion by themselves and instead were dragged into it by ideologs and influencers.

This is just sad, but I get it. At one point of my life I believed in so much bs, that I could've probably hosted a segment at infowars without any issues. And many of my friends did, so I think it is completely natural stage in life, when you are easily swayed by emotional arguments and rhetoric. But here's a kicker: there wasn't an echochamber for me, that modern day social networks had become. I couldn't block or mute all people with differing opinions, or label them a troll or baby-eating monster, because a person was right there, next to me. To be completely honest, I don't see how you get out of such ideology, or even if you can.
MinashiroNov 26, 2019 9:32 AM
Nov 26, 2019 9:52 AM

Sep 2015
It'd be great if the feminist movement was actually something egalitarian, and not an interest group that's continued existence is entirely reliant on propagating a narrative of one specific gender being forced to live in a society where they are inherently treated as lesser while downplaying or outright ignoring any of the issues plaguing the other side. At best, you can see them go on a TED talk and offer up some extremely lopsided take on the problems men face that conveniently happens to also fit within their narrative as well. The lady blaming toxic masculinity for male suicide rates being so high made me, a suicidal male, want to kill himself even more, for what that's worth. Nothing quite as uplifting as feeling society is being encouraged to accept a stance towards people like you that completely misses the point of why you feel that way in the first place. Certainly doesn't put you in a position of feeling you're being dug deeper into your pit by others, but hey, speaking out with as much and trying to actually explain why you feel that way gets backlash too because toxic masculinity is only like, 5 - 10% of the entire issue at best, rather than 90 - 95% of it.

Of course, I'm sure I'm nothing but an MRA incel or something for feeling that way, even though that's not at all the case and it's just the same bullshit as alt-righters tossing out cuck - transforming a label into a pejorative based on an opinion to try to pressure or shame people out of speaking up on that stance - but no matter, because either way, it's impossible to take this:

Dude, feminist fight for equality between men and women

As anything more than vapid lipservice at this point, whenever the discussion is over an interest group that's ostensibly seeking to dominate and control all aspects of gender discussion while maintaining its identity as an interest group. It's ideological imperialism, nothing more, nothing less, and because of that intersectional feminists can fuck off. Disassemble the whole thing and begin marching under a banner that's actually capable of being egalitarian, because right now even the fucking name signifies where its interests and its primary focus lies and continues to lie, and people will be your idea that you're an egalitarian movement easier. You can't just claim something and act and advocate things that seem entirely counter-intuitive to as much.

Anime tiddies are fine, but being iffy or disliking how they're presented is fine as well. However, death threats over anime tiddies are absolutely not fucking fine, and trying to backtrack to B-B-BUT MUH FEMINISM IS GOOD THEY'RE FIGHTING FOR WHAT'S IMPORTANT to distract away from what these people did, rather than actually speaking out about them being associated with your movement and making it clear that this is absolutely not okay, and the fact that as far back as page 1 we're having people walking in to distract from the issue is incredibly telling that something is extremely fucked up here.

The passivity that people treat disgusting shit with just because they're on the same political side is absolutely fucking repulsive. I'd say you should all feel ashamed, but telling zealous ideological crusaders like some of the people in this thread who are trying to make it sound less bad than it is would be a fruitless endeavor. It's not about actually making a positive difference or anything, it's about your side *winning.*
ManabanNov 26, 2019 10:13 AM

Nov 26, 2019 7:02 PM

Sep 2017
Manaban said:
It'd be great if the feminist movement was actually something egalitarian, and not an interest group that's continued existence is entirely reliant on propagating a narrative of one specific gender being forced to live in a society where they are inherently treated as lesser while downplaying or outright ignoring any of the issues plaguing the other side. At best, you can see them go on a TED talk and offer up some extremely lopsided take on the problems men face that conveniently happens to also fit within their narrative as well. The lady blaming toxic masculinity for male suicide rates being so high made me, a suicidal male, want to kill himself even more, for what that's worth. Nothing quite as uplifting as feeling society is being encouraged to accept a stance towards people like you that completely misses the point of why you feel that way in the first place. Certainly doesn't put you in a position of feeling you're being dug deeper into your pit by others, but hey, speaking out with as much and trying to actually explain why you feel that way gets backlash too because toxic masculinity is only like, 5 - 10% of the entire issue at best, rather than 90 - 95% of it.

Of course, I'm sure I'm nothing but an MRA incel or something for feeling that way, even though that's not at all the case and it's just the same bullshit as alt-righters tossing out cuck - transforming a label into a pejorative based on an opinion to try to pressure or shame people out of speaking up on that stance - but no matter, because either way, it's impossible to take this:

Dude, feminist fight for equality between men and women

As anything more than vapid lipservice at this point, whenever the discussion is over an interest group that's ostensibly seeking to dominate and control all aspects of gender discussion while maintaining its identity as an interest group. It's ideological imperialism, nothing more, nothing less, and because of that intersectional feminists can fuck off. Disassemble the whole thing and begin marching under a banner that's actually capable of being egalitarian, because right now even the fucking name signifies where its interests and its primary focus lies and continues to lie, and people will be your idea that you're an egalitarian movement easier. You can't just claim something and act and advocate things that seem entirely counter-intuitive to as much.

Anime tiddies are fine, but being iffy or disliking how they're presented is fine as well. However, death threats over anime tiddies are absolutely not fucking fine, and trying to backtrack to B-B-BUT MUH FEMINISM IS GOOD THEY'RE FIGHTING FOR WHAT'S IMPORTANT to distract away from what these people did, rather than actually speaking out about them being associated with your movement and making it clear that this is absolutely not okay, and the fact that as far back as page 1 we're having people walking in to distract from the issue is incredibly telling that something is extremely fucked up here.

The passivity that people treat disgusting shit with just because they're on the same political side is absolutely fucking repulsive. I'd say you should all feel ashamed, but telling zealous ideological crusaders like some of the people in this thread who are trying to make it sound less bad than it is would be a fruitless endeavor. It's not about actually making a positive difference or anything, it's about your side *winning.*
Imagine being triggered because some people don’t like anime tiddies. To you, anyone who hates sexual fanservice is either a gay/asexual male or an SJW.
Nov 26, 2019 7:06 PM

Sep 2015
MeisterDM said:
Imagine being triggered because some people don’t like anime tiddies. To you, anyone who hates sexual fanservice is either a gay/asexual male or an SJW.

Ab-so-lutely what I was getting at in that post and not at all irrelevant to the thing that pissed me off.

Kudos for your excellent and well-developed reading comprehension skills.

Nov 26, 2019 7:09 PM

Sep 2017
Manaban said:
MeisterDM said:
Imagine being triggered because some people don’t like anime tiddies. To you, anyone who hates sexual fanservice is either a gay/asexual male or an SJW.

Ab-so-lutely what I was getting at in that post and not at all irrelevant to the thing that pissed me off.

Well, feminism is needed in certain countries such as most African countries, the Middle East and parts of Asia, where the gender inequality index is high.
Nov 26, 2019 7:13 PM

Sep 2015
MeisterDM said:
Manaban said:

Ab-so-lutely what I was getting at in that post and not at all irrelevant to the thing that pissed me off.

Well, feminism is needed in certain countries such as most African countries, the Middle East and parts of Asia, where the gender inequality index is high.

Okay. Awesome.

We're discussing people on twitter sending death threats and other kinds of harassment because they don't like a character's tit size.

Condemning this behavior and not treating it with passive acceptance or trying to distract negative responses away from it isn't going to change anybody's situation in Africa or the Middle East, but it does carry the added baggage of creating an identity for the western feminist movement of being the type of people who are zealous enough to, well, harass people and send death threats over a character's breast size.

And well, hey, if this is the kind of behavior that people in the feminist movement are going to downplay or treat as being acceptable, guess what type of people I'm not exactly eager to associate myself with?

Reminds me of how, during the crusades, remission of sin was granted to each crusader so they could do whatever the fuck they want and still have 0 wrongs attached to their name. Who cares about standards or principles or just basic, non-barbaric, mentally stable behavior? They're on our side and we fight for the greater good! This isn't that bad, people are making a bigger deal out of than need be, what about africa and the middle east, "There's more people responding negative to this behavior than there are people sending death threats lmao" as an insightful user said in this thread, like it suddenly was a non-issue because it prompted backlash larger than the sum of its parts.
ManabanNov 26, 2019 7:16 PM

Nov 26, 2019 7:17 PM

Sep 2017
Manaban said:
MeisterDM said:

Well, feminism is needed in certain countries such as most African countries, the Middle East and parts of Asia, where the gender inequality index is high.

Okay. Awesome.

We're discussing people on twitter sending death threats and other kinds of harassment because they don't like a character's tit size.

Condemning this behavior and not treating it with passive acceptance or trying to distract negative responses away from it isn't going to change anybody's situation in Africa or the Middle East, but it does carry the added baggage of creating an identity for the western feminist movement of being the type of people who are zealous enough to, well, harass people and send death threats over a character's breast size.

And well, hey, if this is the kind of behavior that people in the feminist movement are going to downplay or treat as being acceptable, guess what type of people I'm not exactly eager to associate myself with?

Reminds me of how, during the crusades, remission of sin was granted to each crusader so they could do whatever the fuck they want and still have 0 wrongs attached to their name. Who cares about standards or principles or just basic, non-barbaric, mentally stable behavior? They're on our side and we fight for the greater good!

Then those people are a bunch of clowns then. There are problems that actually harm women in the real world, yet they choose to get triggered over fiction.

No wonder the fanbase is hated.
Nov 26, 2019 7:19 PM

Sep 2015
MeisterDM said:

Then those people are a bunch of clowns then. There are problems that actually harm women in the real world, yet they choose to get triggered over fiction.

No wonder the fanbase is hated.

And the fact that multiple people in this thread are downplaying this behavior and trying to redirect backlash from it, ostensibly out of political tribalism instead of, I don't fucking know, trying to be a semi-decent and civilized person, is why I was triggered as fuck in my first post.

So now we agree and you're not just trying to wall up and do that obnoxious YOU JUST MAD PEOPLE DON'T LIKE FANSERVICE bullshit. Fuckin' A, I guess.

Nov 28, 2019 6:50 AM

Dec 2008
MeisterDM said:
Well, feminism is needed in certain countries such as most African countries, the Middle East and parts of Asia, where the gender inequality index is high.
Yeah, you see, I'm completely behind this point. A lot of women up there are definitely miserable and I'm all for helping them out. But there's a slight problem with that... you go out and point to the terrible things happening in Africa and see how long it will take progressives to label you a "racist". Or an "islamophobe", in case of Middle East.

Maybe there are some feminism activists, advocating for it, but I haven't seen any. And the ones prominent enough to have influence and visibility are just a virtue signaling bunch, whom Manaban mentioned.
Dec 1, 2019 11:54 PM
Aug 2018
Minashiro said:
ManThighs said:
Equity doesn't strictly boil down to laws like equal pay. We live in a males society and it's reflected in all its heirchachal forms. Discrimination is still very prevalent in the work force.
Okay, just to recap:
  • Me: What's the problem with womens rights? Why do we need feminism at this point?
  • You: Women face discrimination in our society, such as getting less pay for equal work!
  • Me: But this isn't true.
  • You: Yeah, it's not, but this doesn't change anything, we live in a male-based society and therefore!

See, this is the reason I can't take seriously the arguments from people like you. You don't have a strong principled position and when countered, start to move the goalpost and bring in vague and nebulous statements, that boil down to "bad man bad".

The reason for this is quite simple. Your whole position is based on the feelings over facts. Facts you bring in are either just simply wrong, or skewed in a way to arrive at a predetermined conclusion. But you feel, that it's right, it sounds convincing to yourself, so there must be something to it, right? And I may be wrong, but most people like you didn't even arrive at this conclusion by themselves and instead were dragged into it by ideologs and influencers.

This is just sad, but I get it. At one point of my life I believed in so much bs, that I could've probably hosted a segment at infowars without any issues. And many of my friends did, so I think it is completely natural stage in life, when you are easily swayed by emotional arguments and rhetoric. But here's a kicker: there wasn't an echochamber for me, that modern day social networks had become. I couldn't block or mute all people with differing opinions, or label them a troll or baby-eating monster, because a person was right there, next to me. To be completely honest, I don't see how you get out of such ideology, or even if you can.

Perhaps I should have been clearer in my statement. When I brought up discrimination in forms of pay I was largely refering to the positions in which men/women receive jobs, the income of those jobs, and discrimination regarding promotions/raises (which is a form of wage discrimination and answers your piece on less pay for the same work).
Dec 2, 2019 6:40 AM

Dec 2008
ManThighs said:
Perhaps I should have been clearer in my statement. When I brought up discrimination in forms of pay I was largely refering to the positions in which men/women receive jobs, the income of those jobs, and discrimination regarding promotions/raises (which is a form of wage discrimination and answers your piece on less pay for the same work).
Ah, got it! Can you throw a couple of links at me? Some studies/articles or youtube videos? I'm genuinely curious to see the arguments for it and see, if I guessed them correctly.
Dec 6, 2019 7:51 PM

Feb 2018
Minashiro said:
ManThighs said:
Dude, feminist fight for equality between men and women. There is nothing sexist or "anti-men" about that. Get your head out of the gutter and stop spewing bullshit.

Oh and sense your so keen on evidence (even though you have provided no information besides your baseless, false claims), here is the literal definition of feminism: Belief in or advocacy of women's social, political, and economic rights, especially with regard to equality of the sexes.
Hello there. Piro is kinda missing the point and fell into MRA talking points, so may I interject? After the 2nd wave was done and women got all the rights, and even some privileges on top of it, what is the point of continuing with the movement, if it's goals have been met? If you disagree and think, that they aren't, then can you provide an example of "rights", that women are still missing nowadays?

There are still many places in America where woman aren't payed equal wages/receive full benefits and such. It's also harder for woman to get into positions of power when compared to their male counterparts. Sexism is engrained in the core of our country, and while feminist have fought and changed lots of laws, there are still permenating issues that are the result of living in a male society.

Oh my my!!! Women dont have 20 percent representation among top tech colleges and yet want 50 percent representation in tech companies. WOW.
Now, this might be due to discrimination but you have to solve this bottom up, not pressurising tech companies to lower the bar for women workers and create a discriminating work environment.
This lowering the bar leads to the perception that women are favored due to there looks.
Women usually have much lower bar to enter a tech company and get much higher pay compared to the skill level all in the name of equality. Comeon, solve the discrimination right way, this is just propaganda at present!!
'I have no bonds tying me down. That's why I can see things as they are!!' - Yugami
Dec 6, 2019 7:56 PM

Feb 2018
Minashiro said:
ManThighs said:
Dude, feminist fight for equality between men and women. There is nothing sexist or "anti-men" about that. Get your head out of the gutter and stop spewing bullshit.

Oh and sense your so keen on evidence (even though you have provided no information besides your baseless, false claims), here is the literal definition of feminism: Belief in or advocacy of women's social, political, and economic rights, especially with regard to equality of the sexes.
Hello there. Piro is kinda missing the point and fell into MRA talking points, so may I interject? After the 2nd wave was done and women got all the rights, and even some privileges on top of it, what is the point of continuing with the movement, if it's goals have been met? If you disagree and think, that they aren't, then can you provide an example of "rights", that women are still missing nowadays?

There are still many places in America where woman aren't payed equal wages/receive full benefits and such. It's also harder for woman to get into positions of power when compared to their male counterparts. Sexism is engrained in the core of our country, and while feminist have fought and changed lots of laws, there are still permenating issues that are the result of living in a male society.

What is meant by not paid higher/equal wage. When tgey are hired from college they get equal wage, the discrepancy has to do with the fact that
1. Some women have house responsibilities and are not able to give office as much time as needed and get lesser pay.
2. The bar for them entering the company is lower. When bonuses are going to dictate the salary, they would get less (on average, dont get me wrong tgere are amazing women in tech, we are discussing average case scenario) if the skills dont match.
'I have no bonds tying me down. That's why I can see things as they are!!' - Yugami
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