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Do you prefer Chihaya/Taichi or Chihaya/Arata?
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Jun 1, 2014 3:32 PM
May 2013
sweetangie said:
Hahalollawl said:
This is such a difficult question. I like Taichi a lot, I think he has matured from when he was a kid and I think his feelings for Chihaya are so clear. Arata is not quite as clear, I'm not sure how he feels. Chihaya seems to like Arata based on the last episode.

Arata feelings for Chihaya is so clear as water (during the anime) and everyone can see how much he desires to be with her (by him playing karuta is expressing how much he loves her: the way goes with her: is their bond that brought them together). You should read the manga from the ahead chapters to know more details: there you will see what I mean. :)

Well, we can agree to disagree. It wasn't clear to me that him wanting to play Karuta meant that he was in love with her. Also, if I have to read the manga to understand it, then doesn't that mean it wasn't clear in the anime? Anyways, I'm holding off on reading the manga at least for now, in case it gets a season 3.

Ashishgup said:

I mean, when I came here, I expected around 90% people to vote for Chihaya x Arata. I mean, even the idea of Chihaya ending up with Taichi sounds bizarre to me. Arata is superior to Taichi in every way. I'm not just referring to Karuta. I mean, he's obviously kinder and a better person at heart. I say this because, he always puts his team before him, wants them (Chihaya, Taichi and Himself) to get back together, doesn't hold any grudge against Taichi, and heck, he even goes to the old apartment where he used to play with Chihaya(He clearly treasures those memories). Whereas, Taichi is a cunning guy. He tries to direct Chihaya's attention away from Arata everytime, and doesn't want them to get back together on a team. I can go on and on about how Arata is better than Taichi while not coming up with a single point for the opposite. I just don't understand why people would want her to end up with Taichi.

Keep in mind, I think Chihaya/Arata makes the most sense to me, and perhaps is how it should end up.

HOWEVER, I don't think this is fair to Taichi. Was he mean to Arata when they were kids? Yes, because he was jealous. But I think many people would agree to write that off as him being immature at the time. Or at least I can forgive him for that.

Also, what is this about him always trying to direct Chihaya's attention away from Arata? Who was the guy who nearly DRAGGED Chihaya to watch Arata's match with Shinobu? TAICHI. Who was the guy who told her when he got a message from Arata on his phone? TAICHI. Who was the guy that told Arata he should give Chihaya his (Arata's) number himself? TAICHI. He does not ALWAYS try to direct her attention away from Arata! Is he prone to the very HUMAN feeling of jealousy? Yes. Can he be cunning? Yes. BUT he is self aware, and knows that he is being that way and, if I remember correctly, even indicates that he doesn't like that he is that way. That's totally different from someone who is devious/cunning and doesn't care. That he is aware that his jealousy leads him to do cunning things and doesn't like that aspect of himself makes him an even more ENDEARING character to me.

Also, Taichi is perhaps the most humble character in the entire show. He's perhaps the most talented guy in their class (maybe their entire school) but have you even once heard him brag about it? Also, he could have been bumped up to A Class after placing second in B Class at multiple tournaments if Harada Sensei went against their rule, but did he want that? NO. He wanted to earn it by winning a tournament in B Class.

Perhaps his best quality, and one for which he seems to shine in the anime, is his immediate instinct to take responsibility for things. He does not like to make excuses for his own failure. Even if he seemed to have terrible luck, he thought it was because of his own lack of skill that he had trouble winning a tournament.

So is Taichi a perfect character? No. But is he inferior to Arata in every way? I don't think so. I think he is a character that is easy to empathize with and has many positive qualities.
HahalollawlJun 1, 2014 4:13 PM
Jun 2, 2014 6:16 PM

Feb 2011
Hahalollawl said:
Well, we can agree to disagree. It wasn't clear to me that him wanting to play Karuta meant that he was in love with her. Also, if I have to read the manga to understand it, then doesn't that mean it wasn't clear in the anime? Anyways, I'm holding off on reading the manga at least for now, in case it gets a season 3.

Well throughout the anime Arata did show huge signs in what he sees in Chihaya is LOVE. In ep. 20 from S1 where Arata handed Taichi his cell phone information to give to Chihaya; then later Taichi returns the paper back to Arata that he should be the one to give it to her, but Arata wasn't sure if he should give it to her because he thought that Chihaya is dating Taichi. After Taichi clear that misunderstanding that they aren't dating, Arata felt relieved after hearing that, if Arata would just see Chihaya "as a friend" he wouldn't reacted like that or rather he wouldn't care if Chihaya really is dating Taichi or not: it wouldn't made any difference to him but he didn't. Also, in ep 04 from S2 when Arata was thinking about Chihaya, about their phone conversation in ep 23 from S1 when Chihaya said that the cell phone is like the Misty Bridge and Arata said " Chihaya, in my mind, our misty bridge is not a cell phone, but something else.": meaning their special bond and that's when he tells his parents to let him move to Tokyo for college: that's he ways of showing that he wants to get close to Chihaya: of course the manga reveals his true objective (AND A LOT MORE): and yes being together with Chihaya is his main purpose : read the manga for more details :)).

So no one can't say about Arata doesn't love Chihaya just because he didn't mention the word love in his mind, it doesn't mean that he can't feel it, his actions really demonstrated in what he sees in Chihaya is LOVE.
sweetangieJun 16, 2014 12:51 PM
Jun 17, 2014 8:29 PM

Oct 2013
sweetangie said:
Hahalollawl said:
Well, we can agree to disagree. It wasn't clear to me that him wanting to play Karuta meant that he was in love with her. Also, if I have to read the manga to understand it, then doesn't that mean it wasn't clear in the anime? Anyways, I'm holding off on reading the manga at least for now, in case it gets a season 3.

Well throughout the anime Arata did show huge signs in what he sees in Chihaya is LOVE. In ep. 20 from S1 where Arata handed Taichi his cell phone information to give to Chihaya; then later Taichi returns the paper back to Arata that he should be the one to give it to her, but Arata wasn't sure if he should give it to her because he thought that Chihaya is dating Taichi. After Taichi clear that misunderstanding that they aren't dating, Arata felt relieved after hearing that, if Arata would just see Chihaya "as a friend" he wouldn't reacted like that or rather he wouldn't care if Chihaya really is dating Taichi or not: it wouldn't made any difference to him but he didn't. Also, in ep 04 from S2 when Arata was thinking about Chihaya, about their phone conversation in ep 23 from S1 when Chihaya said that the cell phone is like the Misty Bridge and Arata said " Chihaya, in my mind, our misty bridge is not a cell phone, but something else.": meaning their special bond and that's when he tells his parents to let him move to Tokyo for college: that's he ways of showing that he wants to get close to Chihaya: of course the manga reveals his true objective (AND A LOT MORE): and yes being together with Chihaya is his main purpose : read the manga for more details :)).

So no one can't say about Arata doesn't love Chihaya just because he didn't mention the word love in his mind, it doesn't mean that he can't feel it, his actions really demonstrated in what he sees in Chihaya is LOVE.

these huge signs can be considered love for Chihaya about the karuta, dont get me wrong, i think that Arata did love chihaya because they have the same adoration about the karuta,i think that Chihaya dont love taichi like a lover but like a friend, sadly..... anyway the anime is sooooo focused on the kurata
Jul 13, 2014 6:18 AM
Mar 2014
I dont care what Chihaya does or who she screws.
I want Taichi to have a good ending.
I dont want him to suffer anymore serving that air head.
Jul 28, 2014 3:48 AM

Sep 2013
Hahalollawl said:
Also, Taichi is perhaps the most
humble character in the entire show.
He's perhaps the most talented guy
in their class (maybe their entire
school) but have you even once heard
him brag about it? Also, he could
have been bumped up to A Class after
placing second in B Class at multiple
tournaments if Harada Sensei went
against their rule, but did he want
that? NO. He wanted to earn it by
winning a tournament in B Class.
You're giving Taichi too much credit. Humble? well maybe he is humble (its not like he has anything to brag about in the first place) but you failed to consider that none of the main characters so far bragged about their success so pointing out Taichi's "humility" is just nonsense. If we are talk about humility then Arata would have won by a long shot. He has proven himself time and time again but never has he bragged about it.
"I have been wielding a blade since before your were swimming around your father's scrotum." - Kurou
Aug 9, 2014 3:51 PM
Aug 2014
I do hope TAICHI wins Chihaya over, i believe he DESERVES her better. I feel like he puts Chihaya first before anything else- everything he does is directly and indirectly for Chihaya, even him getting better at karuta is also for Chihaya in the first place, whereas for Arata, karuta comes first (there were so many times that he ignored Chihaya just for karuta). Taichi wanted to get better at karuta for Chihaya to get better too- he wants the both of them to grow together, whereas Arata seems like he wants Chihaya to get better at karuta just so she could catch up to him. And Taichi knows Chihaya way better, he's always been with her, and he loves her for who she is and who she's not. I don't even know why Arata would say that he's in love with Chihaya, what made him say that? Just coz he saw that Chihaya is getting better at karuta? And the fact that he (out of whim?) confessed to Chihaya that easily just goes to show that what he feels for Chihaya is not that deep unlike Taichi who is having a hard time expressing his feelings for Chihaya. And Taichi is graceful enough to have not taken the lead against Arata given his advantage of being with Chihaya.
Oh well,you don't always get what you deserve.
Anyhow, Arata is cute too. hahaha
Aug 9, 2014 3:57 PM
Aug 2014
SPOT ON hahalolawl
Aug 10, 2014 7:54 AM
Aug 2014
i vote for Taichi-Chihaya. Taichi deserves her more!
Aug 14, 2014 8:38 PM

Jul 2014
I vote for Chihaya x Taichi. The first episodes, I thought Taichi was a coward, like Arata thought, but he really cares about Chihaya, and I think that's sweet of him.

And the episode where he broke with his gf on the phone without a bat of the eye is something that I interpreted as a sign that maybe Taichi doesn't really care for her gf, but maybe somebody else.
Oct 15, 2014 6:08 PM
Feb 2013
Arata/Taichi. (Lol I'm not even sorry but sometimes... It's impossible to don't think about this possibility, lol)
I CANNOT, I LOVE Taichi so much now but I have love Arata too ! Idk...
Oct 15, 2014 9:45 PM
Aug 2014
Chihaya & Taichi

Even though I wanted to knee Taichi in the face when he was a child, he has shown that he has matured quite a bit. Of course he still gets jealous, but hes human after all. On the other hand, Arata is an okay guy, besides being a beast at Karuta there isn't much else to him. I hear that in the manga he even looks down on Taichi which is kind of a dick move.

In the likely event that they do show who she ends up with at the end, it will most likely be with the guy who has been by her side the longest. Either that or piss off 2/3s of the fans
derprumeOct 15, 2014 9:49 PM
Oct 18, 2014 3:39 AM

Oct 2014
there a no "chi" in arata so i pick Taichi x Chihaya
Oct 27, 2014 7:38 AM

Aug 2011
Sick of seeing first love surpassing all despite how hard the other guy tries. Taichi deserves her more. They have great chemistry and this is the only pairing that makes me appreciate that childhood friendship can turn into something even more beautiful.

I had literally hoped Chihayafuru won't take the typical cliched first love route and goes beyond and address things like understanding what love is really about, the meaning of moving on and understanding..well whatever, I feel bad for Taichi. Great guy, relatable character who makes real human mistakes.
Nov 13, 2014 9:47 PM
Jun 2008
You noobs, the BEST couple is
Nov 17, 2014 6:45 AM
Aug 2011
Going with Arata. It's not like I was feeling bad for Taichi , because since they were young , Taichi has always been mean with Arata , so he only deserve what he deserve.
Even now , Taichi is still jealous and still doesn't like Arata, and at the opposite , Arata sees Taichi has a good childhood friend, even if Taichi has been mean to him.
And from the beginning , there were only Arata and Chihaya.
Maybe that's my point of view since I don't like Taichi.

Anyway , Arata x Shinobu could be great aswell , they perfectly fit together , but I think that Chihaya x Arata has a stronger bond.

Can't wait for Chihaya's Answer.
Nov 17, 2014 6:56 AM

Aug 2014
TAICHI! TAICHI! TAICHI!I really like taichi so much! TAICHIxCHIHAYA,,I wish chihaya end up to tachi,,
May 2, 2015 12:06 PM

Oct 2012
Taichi has a crushing win here!! Fighto Taichi!
No seriously after all the heartbreak he's been through, i terribly hope Chihaya will finaly have some feelings for him............
May 3, 2015 10:25 AM

Dec 2013
Chihaya and Taichi for sure. There is no other way.
May 7, 2015 5:20 PM

Nov 2014
robis798 said:
Chihaya and Taichi for sure. There is no other way.

It has to happen I'm sick of first love beats all bullshit Taichi deserves her more.
May 11, 2015 9:13 AM
May 2015
Taichi is noob, he has all the time wasted, he has all the advantage wasted.
this manga is josei and josei ladies vote for Arata! hopefully the mangaka is going for Arata as well.
I am still catching up to the manga tho and I was just on the chapter where Arata confessed!
Arata ganbatte!
May 30, 2015 10:39 AM

May 2015
Chihaya & Taichi

Taichi is best for Chihaya .

You live in the past, arata is no more your poor. While the grandfather was ill, he was playing karuta , it was very selfish, so felt guilty and then cashed friends, the fault is his alone . He is away from friends because he wants only sends message when is related to karuta , only appears to play karuta . He had a part-time job if he wanted to travel to tokyo nothing would stop him . While the grandfather was ill, who looked after him was another friend that he only remembers when needed her to assemble the team .
Arata suffered in the past, now he is a strong person , and those who live in the past is the museum.

I feel no pity on arata because his family overcame the difficulties , it is no more poor , however . I think it selfish , very despised team play , only individualistically thought of your success in karuta without worrying about the feelings of friends. An episode that shows how he is addicted to Karuta was when he said he did not mind which college to enter. Karuta is not everything in life. And taichi not guilty of having a sound financial situation. I find it interesting that even in spite of this he cares about the future , about college . It is the most mature character . Now these people tell me that arata are suffering , please , the arata is so quiet that neither was shaken after pleading , he remained the same .

The taichi is the engine of this manga , even his enemies want to see it without taichi , emotionless . To others are bland.

I agree , but taichi is what appears to be the typical sufferer character shoujo . It seems to be the girl of shoujo and Chihaya the popular kid to be conquered . She is the principal, but the manga very focused on taichi character , especially character development , he won many people. I do not know if you noticed , but over manga taichi has taught Chihaya to be a more attentive person towards others .

But I still think he became the manga of the engine , especially in the category romance, after all, he has loved it ever since and it has not changed , his childish attitude in the past was a form of love , because jealousy is a form of to demonstrate love. It is a very deep character , I liked him from the start because he already knew what she wanted and used the weapons they had .

I have talked with a staff , I think it is a cultural issue , Westerners, here I include myself , prefer active people as taichi , scrappy . The Taichi seems to be the typical protagonist of shoujo manga , the guy who is fighting for the girl and she does not see and prefer the one that does not put as a priority. Many people only watched the anime and returned to follow the manga just to know how it ends the struggle of taichi . It is very beautiful to see that despite numerous problems , family pressure , studies, he always made time for Chihaya and helped . It is the most human character , he erred and became a worthy person .

I need to see taichi . I need to see taichi . The manga is boring without it , lose all emotion, movement. He became the engine of this manga. Everyone, even those who hate him , you know what will happen to him. Sensational a character have got so much attention.

I hate arata. It only appears to play karuta , apart from the fact of having given a dream Chihaya , but has not done anything. Moreover, it was taichi who helped build the dream girl these three years , as not like taichi ? A guy so keen and dedicated by the person you love.

Sorry if I was thick, but it's weird, the arata almost not involved in the manga, his appearances are just to play karuta, I find it very cold, despised team play, just thought individually. He does not seem a human character, not like the perfect type characters. It is seen as a God. He said and went quiet, not bothered, returned to do what only can do. Obviously I support taichi, I like to cheer for the guy who fights for the little girl, who is struggling, he reminds me of Naruto. It is a matter of justice, for all he has done throughout history. The Taichi was not perfect, but became the character better character. I think the question of love, taichi is the shoujo part of the manga, he evokes the suffering of shoujo manga characters, the other always put love aside. So I think the champion will be taichi is weird because it was not his dream, he just wanted to become a good player.

I've noticed that many men prefer arata, first because he is poor, as if money was an issue. After dislike taichi because it is beautiful, as if beauty were a problem. Need to change their views, most women prefer men as taichi, not because he is rich or because it is very beautiful, but the person he is. It has the best character, is a good person, is what best represents a normal person. It is very jealous, men do not stand to see a guy fighting for the little girl, suffering, etc.
The arata has done almost nothing for Chihaya, just told her to have a dream, but who helped build the dream was taichi.
I've never seen a character be so mistreated just because it has a sound financial condition and is beautiful, however, it is worth remembering that despite this, he did not stop being a responsible person, by contrast, is a fighter, think of the future, unlike the other is trying to get into a good college unlike others who said get into any college to accept it. The arata even after pleading remained the same, or worried, returned to his karuta, the karuta for it is still the first thing in life. Already taichi ... has greater love than to do that you do not like the person you love?

Note: only in anime girls will be dreaming of a guy who never appears in real life, they prefer an active guy who is beside them.

Brasil :D
simonedsantosMay 30, 2015 11:09 AM
Jun 8, 2015 3:34 AM
Jun 2015
the truth is im confuse.. im still thinking who chihaya truly loves.. i mean.. she loves arata.. but she cant live without taichi.. so i dont know. and i just cant help myself to support taichi, he's just adorable.. he's always there for chihaya.. i just cant let him hurt and gone after all the things he had done ... but arata and chihaya love story is also cute and touching.. arata is really innocence and i love him.. i like LDR relationship hehe~ but finally i vote for taichi , because he's too perfect to be rejected.. BTW,, I LIKE ARATA X TAICHI AND CHIHAYA X CARDS TOO HAHAHA XD chihaya is wayyy too innocence that it annoys mee,, so i dont care about her.. as long as both taichi and arata has a happy ending im okay ! (btw many of my friends said that my personality is really resembles chihaya T.T ambisious, innocence, annoying,, full of spirit, chherrfull etc.. but argh ! i dont know ! #sorry
Jun 18, 2015 6:51 AM
Jun 2015
I prefer si much chihaya /taichi !! 'Cause taichi is the better masculin protagoniste on my point of view. Well in fact i love his manner of loving her showing it but hiding it in the same time...and this is the most profound character and Make the story more interesting
Well to cut it short i think i have fell for him myself ^^
Aug 8, 2015 10:18 PM

Jun 2015
kimione said:
Sick of seeing first love surpassing all despite how hard the other guy tries. Taichi deserves her more. They have great chemistry and this is the only pairing that makes me appreciate that childhood friendship can turn into something even more beautiful.

I'd go for Arata. I just think that the kind of relationship that Arata and Chihaya has fits perfectly in the story being Josei. Yes, it'd be nice to see a story that takes the childhood-friends-to-lovers love story route, but I believe Arata and Chihaya's relationship isn't really a first-love love story route but more of a long-distance-relationship love story route, which is rarely taken. For me, a successful long distance relationship would be more mature and wonderful. What really matters aren't the characters--Arata and Taichi are both wonderful in their own ways--but rather, the core itself: the love and the passion. The whole story is about Karuta, and what connects Arata with Chihaya is Karuta. I find it beautiful that through Karuta, two characters--who might've grown up without even knowing each other (since Arata was quiet when they were still children)--no matter how far apart, have connected and were able to send the feelings of love and passion to one another.
Aug 21, 2015 11:24 AM
Aug 2015
All the symbolisms seem to point toward arata x chihaya. I'm rooting for Taichi though, it's really painful to watch him suffering. No matter what he did chihaya never seem to look his way and it's turning into frustration at this point. I guess people really can only love whom they love. I'm just glad taichi distance himself from chihaya, no point in torturing yourself when the girl you love doesn't love you back.
Oct 7, 2015 10:40 AM

Mar 2014
(Taichi appreciation post ahead)
Taichi has done EVERYTHING for Chihaya. Everything's root is Chihaya. She is the one thing he cannot obtain, yet the only thing he truly wishes to obtain as secure in his life. Her, her love, her presence, all. The ONLY place his kindness ever stopped was Arata, and that's only because Arata's anti-Taichi/Chihaya! He'd 100% acknowledge Arata as a bro otherwise; Arata's the one outside of Chihaya to whom Taichi manages to blush so much!
If Taichi tragically ends up with Sumire or something and has a depressed look on his face because Chihaya is his one true love and he can't do anything about it, I'd be really upset tbh LOL.
Now, this isn't to say Arata sucks or doesn't deserve Chihaya or anything. He totally does. He's a great guy and I respect the crap out of him. But Taichi is just... holy crap, that character development.
Oct 24, 2015 11:08 PM

Jul 2015
Wow how amusing. It seems as though Arata is a lot less popular than I expected. But I still want Arata and chihaya. Although if your a manga reader then we all know Chihaya is a Hoe.
Oct 26, 2015 1:13 PM

Oct 2015
Well, this is my first comment on MAL and I never imagined I would ever comment in a poll discussion, hell even cast a vote myself.
But I definitely want to see the Taichi & Chihaya together.
I just finished the 2nd season and the very dailog "..I'll always love Arata" has become my nightmare but it does make the anime all the more interesting. Just playing karuta matches one after another makes it look very dry.
P.S. No hard feelings for Arata. I really like this character and everything but I can't see him care for Chihaya in the way that Taichi does. Chihaya might look up to Arata but she still has no profound feelings for Arata. It is Taichi who has helped her everytime.
Oct 26, 2015 1:17 PM

Jun 2014
Chihaya/Taichi definitely <3
but I like Arata a lot too though.
Nov 7, 2015 9:26 PM

Feb 2010
Both of them are ok for me, depends to mangaka of course

with Arata? because c'mon can you just realize that Chihaya is already in love with Arata? the symbolism, Chihaya's expression and Arata is the one who brings the world to her

or with Taichi? since he is the one who hurts the most and loved Chihaya more that anyone + he has the most character development,really deserved for Chihaya's love

Dota 2 Esports Stories are a fuckin Anime IRL Anime Sports

Nov 8, 2015 12:09 AM

Sep 2013
Taichi + Arata is the only true answer.
Nov 12, 2015 2:41 AM
May 2015
Jan 9, 2016 5:15 PM

Nov 2015
Taichi and Chihaya!!!
For salty fans
Feb 21, 2016 6:27 AM

Dec 2014
Taichi and Chihaya pair all the way. :) I think they'll be a good match since, they've been friends (and by friends I mean they are present in each other's lives) for a long time. They've been through their ups and downs and they greatly remotely support each other. I don't see why Arata should win Chihaya because he's the one who inspired Chihaya to play Karuta. Don't get me wrong, that is big but Arata's been literally absent in Chihaya's life, and meet only in tournaments. Both have a connection with Karuta but that's it. For now I see them as just friends not even best friends.

Chihaya and Taichi have a very good foundation for a possible future romance so yeah, this pair.
LuzuNataliaMar 5, 2016 4:45 PM
Mar 1, 2016 8:34 AM
Feb 2009
I dunno about taichi deserves chihaya or arata deserves chihaya. I mean I don't think in love you deserve what you get. It's more like a gift. So for me what is more mature in the pairing is chihaya arata since them meeting each other is like a gift given to them. Like thank God i met this person. Like destiny if we want to be more cheesy. You can't even completely explain why do they have such a deep bond.

But of course with taichi's efforts it shows how much she loves chihaya, but I don't think just because of that he should be loved in return, it's just that it's kinda sad if chihaya loved him Because of his hardwork. Maybe it's ok if chihaya did love him from the start...if that would be the plot twist

But i guess for both to work, more equal character development for all of them
Aug 16, 2016 2:50 AM
May 2010
I honestly think that Taichi x Chihaya is the most suitable pairing.

Thing is, I think that Chihaya won't really realize what they feel for her or brush it off and even then, I wonder how far (anime wise) Arata's love goes towards Chihaya. I wonder mostly because I think Chihaya and Arato might confuse the feeling of wanting to play with eachother, because they haven't been able to really, as opposed to Taichi's purer I like/love this girl, that he's had at least parts of before Chihaya even met Arato. Taichi has taken care of her so much, spent so much time for her, to help her, support her, make her dreams come true, whilst Arato has just been.. not there, a strong Karuta player. I think you can count the amount of times the two have seen/spoken since he left the school years back on two hands, that's how seldom the two interact. thus far in the anime, since the two reunite, Taichi and Chihaya have spent two years together. I don't really want to doubt or rather, diss the decision of the internal confession that Chihaya has but, to be honest, even though Taichi has more chances, he's not trying to do anything underhanded, not abusing the fact that he can be with her, he's not asking her out, doing stuff unrelated to karuta. Instead, he seems to want to almost go face to face and battle it out with Arato for Chihaya's affection. In this sense, even though taichi has more time to spend with her, he still feels like this massive, massive underdog, he's the one that's been struggling the most thus far and, I think if Arato lost Chihaya to Taichi, it would rock him, but not destroy him, I'm not as sure for Taichi... I doubt he could play as well as he did if Arato and Chihaya end up going out... Besides, with how Arato phrased how he vizualized the battles, he said he always visualized that time back then, and thought that the only team he needed was the three of them back then, in a sense, he's willing to live in the past and instead, almost selfishly dedicates himself to his own craft instead of trying to help others out like Chihaya and Taichi have done in the anime.

In the end I'm hoping for a Taichi x Chihaya, Arato x Shinobou. Chihaya x Shinobou might be interesting too, but I doubt we'll get a Yuri end here.

The last thing I want though is for a pairing to form in a way that destroys the club at the highschool, ripping captain and president apart, worst case being during a tournament they should win or do well in... While I get it's Josei, it still would feel like a cheap trick to have them do something that would endanger their friendship at a crucial time when 98% of what is on their mind is Karuta. (99.9% in chihaya's case)
Aug 16, 2016 2:53 AM
Jul 2018
chihaya x arata seems like a better pairing to me
Sep 12, 2016 11:22 AM

Aug 2014
Taichi and Ayase make a great couple as Shinou and Arata make a great couple.

This is the only possible way it should go, other than that it will suck.
Sep 15, 2016 10:35 AM
Aug 2014
taichi is by far one of the most relatable realistic manga characters ever i feel for him on the bro-est level possible he is literally the most "human" majority of the best quotes from the entire series that reflect on the characters and even real life come from taichi out of all of the shown characters his flaws are always visible throughout the story unfading he has best development hes expirence is just raw going through the battle field of life taichi x chihaya is a real story most can appreciate if they expirenced real love and its uncertainties and trials cant say im the romantic type but shit his quote "Love is when it isn't fun to be with that person. It's when nothing goes the way you want. When you're not having fun...and yet,,, You still want to be with her." that won me over i will probably recycle that quote to my kid one day or something tbh lol

but dont get me wrong arata is cool but like a "god" the guy gets credit for the things he is not there for that someone else has craft and others have suffered through but somehow we gotta believe he derserves these things cause "first love" right? even dr senpai sees taichi battle and thinks that by now he would have a "reward" and not many can go through what he is and stay dedicated to his path not that any woman should be a reward but in this case chihaya is the end results he is hoping for the "fruits of his labor" but arata on the other hand ? he is a tree without roots worst he is a apple and were only being told there is a tree its like stop showing me the apple let me see the tree hes written almost like a shonen hero? all he needs is a duel disk he currently has least amount of development of the main 3 but tbh i dont think the author even realizes shes writing taichi so good i support his path over arata's anytime cause its real writing im like the only bro fangirling but hey his character should be deeply appreciated cause its actually written well
kwamehamehaSep 15, 2016 12:40 PM
Oct 8, 2016 10:39 PM
Sep 2016
I just finish watching the 2 season + the manga and for me it has to be Taichi X Chihaya just remembering the past episode Arata did nothing but play karuta except during there elementary but is that enough.. Arata only play karuta because of his grand father and not because of chihaya but Taichi play karuta just to be with Chihaya its really sad that Taichi got rejected and Arata has a chance..
Chihaya can play Karata even without Arata but Chihaya can't play karuta when Taichi quit and her game back when she know that Taichi did'nt really quit Karuta
Nov 6, 2016 4:20 PM
Nov 2016
I prefer Chihaya X Arata because of the chemistry AND history they have together, like how Chihaya stood up to Arata's bullying, and then took his place in the finalist competition and WON!!! Also their childhood promise of playing together, making them the best anime shipping, which we could tell from every other romance anime. Taichi is in love with Chihaya, and i recognize it, BUT the fact is that this is basically a love triangle, and in a love triangle one will have to get hurt, and so its like choose between the guy that is technically always there for you, you have some history with, and some chemistry OR a person that you have a lot of history with, a childhood promise, a lot of chemistry ((the looks they have between each other cannot be denied!!!)), and someone that you think about CONSTANTLY!!! He isn't always there but he is there when it matters and thats his impact on Chihaya's life and was able to give her a dream and plus "If i am the master then Chihaya is the Queen" YOU CANNOT IGNORE THAT QUOTE!!!
Nov 6, 2016 6:39 PM

Dec 2014
chihaya? taichi of much hype was created
Nov 9, 2016 10:57 AM
Oct 2016
very hard question i love both of them >< i can't ship Chihaya with Arata because i would l feel sorry to Taichi and also if i ship her with Taichi i would feel sorry for Arata too >< aghhhh
gummygum55Nov 9, 2016 11:13 AM
Nov 9, 2016 11:12 AM

Feb 2016
I like Arata more as an individual character, as a ship I would have to go with Taichi tho they have spend way more time together to actually build a relationship
Oct 29, 2017 7:45 AM
Oct 2017
yeah their adorable💕
Oct 29, 2017 7:49 AM
Oct 2017
I think Chihaya is Taichi’s first love . Their Chemestry is breathtakingly 😍 Adorable 💕
Nov 11, 2017 4:09 AM
Nov 2017
g0ng0n16 said:
Taichi sucks.. since Episode 1 of the first season I hated that guy,, remember that episode where he bullied Arata ? ohhh god that poor young arata getting bullied by a rich spoiled pathetic kid still fresh in my head everytime I watch this series.. Never hated A character like I hate Taichi.Hope Yuno get him for me..
Well I think he regretted it...One way or another..xD
Sep 18, 2018 2:22 PM
Sep 2018
The moment Chihaya realizes her potential, She will definitely know who helped her in troublesome situations. Arata did nothing for Her. And I don't believe in this long and phony friendships. Chihaya for now is living in fantasy world. Let her mature and realise her own potential.

And I'm with Taichi all the way even if he becomes the antagonist. I don't want him to suffer in the friend zone though.
Sep 24, 2018 11:53 AM
Jan 2016
Of course i will choose Taichi. He deserve to win!!
Nov 4, 2018 6:25 AM
Nov 2018
Arata's not by Chihaya's side because he lives miles away from her. He's not exactly rich or sociable. Chiharata imo, and It's also the more popular in Japan, but who knows?
VitaminiNov 4, 2018 6:29 AM
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