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Event Game v1: Easter Egg Mafia III | Game Over - Can't Beatshu the Mishu

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May 18, 2019 10:40 AM
Jul 2018
yurkin said:
aa-dono said:
Ok, I'm up-to-date.

1. I'm not jailkeeper. I told her I was the watcher. I clearly said what I am to Kiana. I'm guessing she's lying now to rolefish.

2. Kiana lied when she said she wasn't paying attention. The first thing she said to me in the neighbours chat was everyone thinks I'm scum, to which I replied I'm aware.

3. I suspected her to be lost wolf initially because she was so keen about that role even in the neighbours chat, but now I think she's looking for the lost wolf.

4. I didn't persuade her anything about my alignment. She asked me if I was scum and I said no, and then she decide on her own that I was trustworthy. How was that persuasive?

5. I didn't submit my action because I was sick and I forgot. I did ponder between Lucian and Phraze but I delayed it because some neighbour strongly advise me not to. So I decided to think twice about it, but ended up sleeping.

So dono was the one to do the kill on N1, that suggests her partner has active ability that they would want to use. Who used ability on N1?
As a matter of fact, a mafioso can use their ability and make the factional kill.
May 18, 2019 10:41 AM

Dec 2013
AbuHumaid said:
If you're town, you have nothing to blame other than your scumminess.

What did i do that was scummy? Putting low amounts of effort into a game doesnt make someone scum nor does sheeping.

If you cant over look that you can only blame yourselves.

May 18, 2019 10:45 AM

Oct 2011
Mishukax said:
RE said:

The only reason you are remotely close to being confirmed town is because of ironace's redirect.

Yet you are asking me how ironace confirms someone? Really?

Didn't iron target dono?
Yes, I am asking how ironace redirecting a player's action confirms that player as not being scum.
forgot this. so that means it's between ironace and Abu. well, ironace made sense when it came to redirecting for the Logic kill -.-

May 18, 2019 10:46 AM

Jul 2009
AbuHumaid said:
yurkin said:

So dono was the one to do the kill on N1, that suggests her partner has active ability that they would want to use. Who used ability on N1?
As a matter of fact, a mafioso can use their ability and make the factional kill.

lol all this time thought rules say can't saw it
May 18, 2019 10:47 AM

Oct 2011
Shinichi-Kun said:
AbuHumaid said:
If you're town, you have nothing to blame other than your scumminess.

What did i do that was scummy? Putting low amounts of effort into a game doesnt make someone scum nor does sheeping.

If you cant over look that you can only blame yourselves.
that's fair. tho I blame ur lack of input. same for few others. how tf do we read ppl who are inactive? should've just lynched Yurkin to get us a conftown.

May 18, 2019 10:48 AM

Oct 2011
@ironace redirect a suspect onto yurkin pls

May 18, 2019 10:48 AM

Dec 2013
Phraze said:
Shinichi-Kun said:

What did i do that was scummy? Putting low amounts of effort into a game doesnt make someone scum nor does sheeping.

If you cant over look that you can only blame yourselves.
that's fair. tho I blame ur lack of input. same for few others. how tf do we read ppl who are inactive? should've just lynched Yurkin to get us a conftown.

Yurkin is town though, why are you being so paranoid of people that are clearly town. Whats next? Gonna suggest to lynch abu?

May 18, 2019 10:49 AM

Dec 2013
Phraze said:
@ironace redirect a suspect onto yurkin pls

no we shouldnt be getting the confirmed town we should be lowering the poe of those who arent confirmed

May 18, 2019 10:50 AM
Jul 2018
Phraze said:
Shinichi-Kun said:

What did i do that was scummy? Putting low amounts of effort into a game doesnt make someone scum nor does sheeping.

If you cant over look that you can only blame yourselves.
that's fair. tho I blame ur lack of input. same for few others. how tf do we read ppl who are inactive? should've just lynched Yurkin to get us a conftown.
You and RE are wild, we shouldn't lynch anyone before Ace and Shin are lynched.
May 18, 2019 10:50 AM

Jul 2009
Read the Redirector ability again smh
May 18, 2019 10:51 AM
Jul 2018
Phraze said:
@ironace redirect a suspect onto yurkin pls
He can't decide the target, read his role again.
May 18, 2019 10:51 AM

Nov 2015
🐰 Day 4 Final Vote Count 🐰

Shinichi-kun (3) - ironace, yurkin, Phraze
Mishukax (2) - RE, Shinichi-kun
ironace (2) - AbuHumaid, Mishukax

Not Voting (1) - Kiiruma
May 18, 2019 10:52 AM

Oct 2011
Shinichi-Kun said:
Phraze said:
that's fair. tho I blame ur lack of input. same for few others. how tf do we read ppl who are inactive? should've just lynched Yurkin to get us a conftown.

Yurkin is town though, why are you being so paranoid of people that are clearly town. Whats next? Gonna suggest to lynch abu?
Yurkin being conftown will help us figure the rest. activity is dismal to get any solid reads. redirector lightningrodding still has a chance of being wrong, and not giving us their targets. so yeah, if redirect, the redirect should go to a town who won't actually die.

May 18, 2019 10:52 AM

Nov 2015

Shinichi-kun has been lynched. He was a:

With his last breath, Shinichi-kun left behind one final message:

It is now Night 4. Day 5 will begin in 24 hours, on May 19th at 1:00 PM EST.

>>Night 4 Timer<<
May 18, 2019 10:54 AM
Jul 2018
May 18, 2019 10:54 AM

Oct 2011
AbuHumaid said:
Phraze said:
@ironace redirect a suspect onto yurkin pls
He can't decide the target, read his role again.
hmm.. that's new. I hope RE misunderstood too since that makes the redirect useless.

May 18, 2019 10:56 AM
Jul 2018
Phraze said:
AbuHumaid said:
He can't decide the target, read his role again.
hmm.. that's new. I hope RE misunderstood too since that makes the redirect useless.
She thinks that if the kill was randomized into a sub-optimal target (a player in PoE) that would mean that Ace redirected a mafia.

Pointless, flawed plan.
May 18, 2019 10:58 AM

Oct 2011
AbuHumaid said:
Phraze said:
hmm.. that's new. I hope RE misunderstood too since that makes the redirect useless.
She thinks that if the kill was randomized into a sub-optimal target (a player in PoE) that would mean that Ace redirected a mafia.

Pointless, flawed plan.
idr her saying randomized.. tbh. it's obv pointless if it redirects to a random

May 18, 2019 10:58 AM

Sep 2016
Phraze said:
AbuHumaid said:
He can't decide the target, read his role again.
hmm.. that's new. I hope RE misunderstood too since that makes the redirect useless.
It's not completely useless.
But you can yell at me if ironace is scum.
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 18, 2019 11:01 AM

Oct 2011
RE said:
Phraze said:
hmm.. that's new. I hope RE misunderstood too since that makes the redirect useless.
It's not completely useless.
But you can yell at me if ironace is scum.
hmm.. so u factored that in. it wouldn't clear PoE imo, only confuse it. we wouldn't be able to read who scum were really targeting.

May 18, 2019 11:02 AM
Jul 2018
RE said:
AbuHumaid said:
I jailed Mishu, and Awa got redirected, the chance of Mishu being scum is low.

And, Kiiruma is town, Eyeh really pushed him on D1, plus he tries harder than this as scum (look at Computer mafia)

You didn't explain why Ace is town btw, just because he's Redirector doesn't mean we should keep him, he's still scummy.
ironace could be scum. He's likelier than most of the players. But I also think it's mechanically incorrect to lynch him today, in case he is town. If he still has a shot, he can use it tonight. In fact, the chances may even be higher this time around, of targeting scum (and the kill being redirected onto someone in the PoE).

Agree that the chances of Mishu being scum are low, but the chances were 3/11 imo of the redirected kill hitting someone ideal (Wisp/Phraze/Abu). So not entirely impossible.
May 18, 2019 11:06 AM

Sep 2016
Phraze said:
RE said:
It's not completely useless.
But you can yell at me if ironace is scum.
hmm.. so u factored that in. it wouldn't clear PoE imo, only confuse it. we wouldn't be able to read who scum were really targeting.
I think it could be worth it if mafia either is redirected onto someone who might be mislynched in the future or onto themselves. If ironace is scum, he might shoot mislynch bait to confuse others (but that's still a win for us), or he forces himself to look at others besides the player he targeted.
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 18, 2019 11:06 AM

Oct 2011
yeah.. got it. tho the redirector is guaranteed to be safe in this plan (they just won't use it if scum). thought it was said as picking a target from PoE. anyways. would've been better to get yurkin confirmed to narrow the pool.

I'm also not in the mood to be yelling at ppl. so no worries there.

May 18, 2019 11:08 AM

Oct 2011
RE said:
Phraze said:
hmm.. so u factored that in. it wouldn't clear PoE imo, only confuse it. we wouldn't be able to read who scum were really targeting.
I think it could be worth it if mafia either is redirected onto someone who might be mislynched in the future or onto themselves. If ironace is scum, he might shoot mislynch bait to confuse others (but that's still a win for us), or he forces himself to look at others besides the player he targeted.

Wisp wasn't mislynch bait

May 18, 2019 11:08 AM

Dec 2013
Phraze said:
@ironace redirect a suspect onto yurkin pls
not possible
i can only chose the person whos actions would be redirected to a random
May 18, 2019 11:09 AM

Oct 2011
Logic also wasn't mislynch bait

May 18, 2019 11:10 AM

Oct 2011
ironace said:
Phraze said:
@ironace redirect a suspect onto yurkin pls
not possible
i can only chose the person whos actions would be redirected to a random
noticed already

May 18, 2019 11:12 AM
Jul 2018
Something feels wrong, like I'm being deceived, I'm not having scum vibes from Ace honestly.
May 18, 2019 11:13 AM

Sep 2016
Logic was the scum's actual night kill.

Wisp might have been, might not have been. The chances were slim but if you take into account that Wisp wasn't the only strongly townread player then he could have been a random target. We wouldn't have thought a kill on Abu or Phraze (and arguably yurkin and logic) was random.
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 18, 2019 11:14 AM

Sep 2016
Can you restate your reasoning for your reads again? Just to get an idea of where you're at.
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 18, 2019 11:18 AM

Oct 2011
N2: Mishu jailed by Abu, Dono redirected by Ironace, Wisp died

something there should be scum

May 18, 2019 11:19 AM

Oct 2011
AbuHumaid said:
Something feels wrong, like I'm being deceived, I'm not having scum vibes from Ace honestly.
maybe. did u read yurkin's scumgame?

May 18, 2019 11:22 AM

Oct 2011
Mishu jailed by Abu, Dono redirected by Ironace, Wisp died
RE reloaded by Phraze, Phraze commuted by RE?


those not involved in N2 actions:

scum could be in those not involved in N2 actions, or were.

May 18, 2019 11:24 AM

Oct 2011
now I do regret not flipping yurkin. even if shin is in the uninvolved pile, yurkin will be conftown.

[edit: or not?]

May 18, 2019 11:26 AM

Jul 2009
Phraze said:
Mishu jailed by Abu, Dono redirected by Ironace, Wisp died
RE reloaded by Phraze, Phraze commuted by RE?


those not involved in N2 actions:

scum could be in those not involved in N2 actions, or were.

She commuted Abu on the night you reloaded her tho. Recall how Abu was asking to be reloader
May 18, 2019 11:28 AM

Dec 2013
RE said:
Can you restate your reasoning for your reads again? Just to get an idea of where you're at.

for kii its like he has just vanished.. like here ive defended myself, my job here is done
for mishu its like he just pops in and out and has little to no impact. his vote for kiiruma was soo bad, like im just going to vote so i dont get any flak
for shin i was certain of his scuminess before last day but last day i was uncertain, but since i was not sure where to go next, i decided to keep my vote.
can anyone tell me all alive players and their roles?
May 18, 2019 11:28 AM

Oct 2011
yurkin said:
Phraze said:
Mishu jailed by Abu, Dono redirected by Ironace, Wisp died
RE reloaded by Phraze, Phraze commuted by RE?


those not involved in N2 actions:

scum could be in those not involved in N2 actions, or were.

She commented Abu on the night you reloaded her tho. Recall how Abu was asking to be reloader

RE commuted Abu? then sure. asking for reload isn't a night action

May 18, 2019 11:29 AM

Sep 2016
yurkin said:
Phraze said:
Mishu jailed by Abu, Dono redirected by Ironace, Wisp died
RE reloaded by Phraze, Phraze commuted by RE?


those not involved in N2 actions:

scum could be in those not involved in N2 actions, or were.

She commuted Abu on the night you reloaded her tho. Recall how Abu was asking to be reloader
I don't recall him asking before I commuted him. If he did though, pull up the post.
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 18, 2019 11:30 AM

Jul 2009
Phraze said:
yurkin said:

She commented Abu on the night you reloaded her tho. Recall how Abu was asking to be reloader

RE commuted Abu? then sure. asking for reload isn't a night action

Well she explained why she commuted Abu instead of wisp that night. No I mean you are confusing the nights
May 18, 2019 11:32 AM

Jul 2009
RE said:
yurkin said:

She commuted Abu on the night you reloaded her tho. Recall how Abu was asking to be reloader
I don't recall him asking before I commuted him. If he did though, pull up the post.

I recall one post @>reloader hit me up
or something like this
May 18, 2019 11:34 AM

Sep 2016
yurkin said:
RE said:
I don't recall him asking before I commuted him. If he did though, pull up the post.

I recall one post @>reloader hit me up
or something like this
I'll search for it but I honestly don't recall reading it.
It looks bad for me but it's circumstantial evidence. I can't refute it.
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 18, 2019 11:35 AM

Oct 2011
yurkin said:
Phraze said:

RE commuted Abu? then sure. asking for reload isn't a night action

Well she explained why she commuted Abu instead of wisp that night. No I mean you are confusing the nights
they all happened the same night iirc? I reloaded, RE commuted, ironace redirected, Abu jailed. when Logic was killed, RE used up another shot.

May 18, 2019 11:44 AM

Oct 2011
honestly tho.. this game feels similar to the other one Yurkin was scum in

May 18, 2019 11:44 AM
Jul 2018
@Phraze on the game on Anime Base, yurkin seems extra careful, and I mean really extra, look at how she started the game, in page 6 she made it clear that she had no reads and she isn't going to force pushes.
Unlike here on this game, where she started strongly with posts like this:
yurkin said:
lmao hope shin is not faking ignorance, otherwise town reading him for it
yurkin said:
vote: Mishukax

Real scum here boiz
Straight into solving and voting scum.
May 18, 2019 11:45 AM
Jul 2018
I'll read more and see though, I'm on page 8 now.
May 18, 2019 11:48 AM
Jul 2018
Yeah, yurkin on that game was doing a commentary rather than solving, her votes are backed with surface level explanations, no deepness in her reads, unlike here, here she's really engaged.
May 18, 2019 11:54 AM
Jul 2018
Phraze said:
honestly tho.. this game feels similar to the other one Yurkin was scum in
The only similar thing is the occasional lurking, but that's NAI for yurkin.
May 18, 2019 12:00 PM

Oct 2011
AbuHumaid said:
Phraze said:
honestly tho.. this game feels similar to the other one Yurkin was scum in
The only similar thing is the occasional lurking, but that's NAI for yurkin.
hmm ok. I could be reading the game more than yurkin tbf, and conflated both of them in my mind. opinions help.

Kiiruma or ironace then.

May 18, 2019 12:04 PM
Jul 2018
ironace > Mishu > Kiiruma > RE

The order of lynches.
I I die, please remember this.
May 18, 2019 12:06 PM
Jul 2018
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