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Aug 19, 2017 1:46 AM

Dec 2014
aa-dono said:
CorruptedPurity said:
Ima stick my vote with aa-dono cos she's making me sad with confusing me with my own words even though I'm best town. And since I'm best town, I can get away with it.

If someone can't tell I'm fluffing and actually quotes me on this, I gonna start not respecting that.
I quoted! Mwahahaha

Shouldn't it be aa-nee? tsk tsk

So where are you with Last?

No comments on last. He's been fluffy but we've all been fluffy at one point or another in our lives. He was heated with logic abit. We've all been heated with logic at one point or another in our lives.


Claire ruined onee-san for me with "that" comment that day. Lynch her for ruining it.
Aug 19, 2017 1:47 AM

Dec 2014
aa-dono said:

CP has join Shin to the other side...

Aug 19, 2017 1:51 AM

Jan 2014
Tingle said:
Coelestin said:
Abu pretty much seems like town atm, hope it's gonna stay that way
can you describe what makes him town in your eyes?

Just a hunch from reading all his posts against Claire, but scum!Abu is most often not as motivated. He makes the effort to explain to Claire why voting for CP is not the ideal way of playing this time instead of dismissing it like most people, kind of makes me think that he really cares for town to do well this time. But to be fair, I've only mostly played with scum!Abu, so I'm not actually really familiar with his town game, so don't take this for granted.
Aug 19, 2017 1:52 AM

Sep 2012
CorruptedPurity said:
Innocent childlike, immature reads:
Aa-dono is scum (she confuse me)
Chi is town (she defends me)
Claire is scum (she vote me)
Lamb is town (his accent is too sexy to be scum)
Logic is town (he vote Claire)

Less fluffy reads which I should be doing more instead of roleplaying as a 3 year old version of denjax.

Claire is NAI (I see both scum and town motive from her push onto me. No further comments. Do ping me if you have a question for me regarding her tho.)
Logic is town-ish (applying reasonable pressure on claire and last. A tad bit weak reasonings but it's only the first 10 hours, he can afford for his arguments to be weak. (Regarding last). Quite a one sided view on Claire, did he even stop to consider the possibility of her being town? At the very least, he didn't vote her until forced. Shows conviction in some form)
Arri is slight scum lean (ya maybe nobody asks him questions, but that shouldn't stop him from saying his thoughts anyway. He asks others, creating generation around him but not from him. His only opinion he shared was the one on claire and tbh, logic was already half way through Claire at that point, it would be so ez to just hop on the anti Claire train. I would call this lurking in a smart form, he does enough to garner views that he's actually active while not doing anything of his own conviction that could be questioned by others.

That's about it, the rest are slight neutral. Dono is a confusing read for me. She post town but my gut screams scum. I can't explain it.

Question to myself, should I vote ari? Lemme think about it.

Arri did the most for me, even if I didn't like it...
Aug 19, 2017 1:52 AM

Aug 2012
CorruptedPurity said:
aa-dono said:

CP has join Shin to the other side...

Nvm >,>

I'm eh-oh ok with your other reads.
Not feeling it on Arri.

Aug 19, 2017 1:53 AM

Jan 2014
Oh welp, gotta come back later. Bookmark #203
Aug 19, 2017 2:02 AM

Dec 2014
Labs said:
Tingle said:

I am glad you asked this cause I was contemplating alot about revealing my second ability or not.

My Passive is "Best Town" - It does as what Ruu posted at the start of the thread. Host did warn me that people may not believe me because it was a bastard game though. Seems like his warning is true.
I have another passive which can turn into an active under a set of conditions. What it is, what it can be and what the conditions are will be secret for now.
would host actually do that? It feels kinda unlikely to me.

Yeeaahhhh dis bold seems on point tbh.
I don't see the host sticking their nose in the game like that...... I'd bet more on backwards meta fuhkking the roster, as per the repeat of not tagging said player with the whole best town insert.

Edit: I cut the quote up wrong here.... wooops[/quote]

I replied it with

CorruptedPurity said:

Also, host said that. Not those exact words cos I can't quote him, it's against the rule. But paraphrased mode (I went to town with synonyms): "However, it will say that maybe the mods may be 'not telling the truth'."

Actually now that I think of it, host never stated that they could be lying. Lemme see check up on that.

Then I checked with host. They did mention it in the prologue as follows:

Ruu said:

They like hosting so they were cool with the idea what Shin didn't know was that they had lied before, they actually liked the idea but hosting would allow them to have even more fun! So with everyone ready to start, the game was put into motion (and so did the hosts' plans)....

CorruptedPurity is best Town

So yes, host did warn you that they could be lying and yes he wanrned me that he's warning you. I'm not making this up

E: @aa-dono @Tingle @Laby
Aug 19, 2017 2:07 AM

Aug 2012
@CorruptedPurity Why'd you tag me? o.O? I don't think I've said anything about you lying.

Aug 19, 2017 2:10 AM

Dec 2014
aa-dono said:
@CorruptedPurity Why'd you tag me? o.O? I don't think I've said anything about you lying.

Cos you confused me and quoted me with the thing...
You confused me, you deserve to be tagged >.<

Aug 19, 2017 2:13 AM

Aug 2012
CorruptedPurity said:
aa-dono said:
@CorruptedPurity Why'd you tag me? o.O? I don't think I've said anything about you lying.

Cos you confused me and quoted me with the thing...
You confused me, you deserve to be tagged >.<

I have no idea what I confused you about. :|

Aug 19, 2017 2:16 AM
Jul 2018
Vote: Claire
I wanted to vote her when i was arguing with her but since i wasn't caught up i didn't, but now after i reread the thread I'm scum reading her.
Aug 19, 2017 2:17 AM

Dec 2014
AbuHumaid said:
Vote: Claire
I wanted to vote her when i was arguing with her but since i wasn't caught up i didn't, but now after i reread the thread I'm scum reading her.

Any particular part of her argument screamed scum to you?
Aug 19, 2017 2:19 AM

Aug 2012
@AbuHumaid What do you think of Arri, logic and Mishu?

@Tingle same question (plus Claire)

Aug 19, 2017 2:23 AM
Jul 2018
CorruptedPurity said:
AbuHumaid said:
Vote: Claire
I wanted to vote her when i was arguing with her but since i wasn't caught up i didn't, but now after i reread the thread I'm scum reading her.

Any particular part of her argument screamed scum to you?
the fact that she thinks you have a higher chance of being scum without a good or apparent reason and the fact that she got defensive when i called her out.
Aug 19, 2017 2:25 AM
Jul 2018
Also she's worrying about CP too early on the game, she seemed like a scum looking for a mislynch with such weak reasons
Aug 19, 2017 2:28 AM

Dec 2014
AbuHumaid said:
CorruptedPurity said:

Any particular part of her argument screamed scum to you?
the fact that she thinks you have a higher chance of being scum without a good or apparent reason and the fact that she got defensive when i called her out.

The part where I have a higher chance of being scum stumped me too, but I respect it! It's only natural to get defensive when called out, its NAI i think. But I see your point, I respect that. On a scale of 1-10, 1 being, "she's maybe scummy with that one phrase in that one post", and 10 being, "her existence is scum, any cop that checks her will get scum results or I'll cut my balls off", how scummy do you think she is?
Aug 19, 2017 2:43 AM

Apr 2015
AbuHumaid said:
CorruptedPurity said:

Any particular part of her argument screamed scum to you?
the fact that she thinks you have a higher chance of being scum without a good or apparent reason and the fact that she got defensive when i called her out.

I did say the reason.
This is a bastard game. I said, Chris did the same thing in previous game, does not mean it will happen now. He also blatantly tells us he can tell a lie.

You just refuse to listen to me, thats all Abu.

Also even if you think its not good reason, its you. I think it is good enough because at that time I have no leads.
You never play with me is it? Defensive is my middle name. But if you want to scumread me based on that, oh well.. I guess people just believe behaviours more than action :) Its sad honestly.
Aug 19, 2017 2:58 AM

Apr 2015
PS: as the phase change is always at 6 AM my time, it is next to impossible for me to be in any phase change at all.
Aug 19, 2017 3:21 AM

Sep 2012
_Claire_ said:
PS: as the phase change is always at 6 AM my time, it is next to impossible for me to be in any phase change at all.

Cheers, I'll know to snipe you then <3
Aug 19, 2017 5:47 AM

Jun 2013
aa-dono said:
@AbuHumaid What do you think of Arri, logic and Mishu?

@Tingle same question (plus Claire)
Alright here we go.. I believe most that people have could said about these 4 has been said, but I’ll try to find some more things to nitpick on :’) Imma try and mark everything I’m saying in blue to make it more easy to tell apart. But forgive me if I forget.


Forgive me if I missed it Dono, but why are you actually asking about these for in particular, are they your scum reads? And if so, why?
Aug 19, 2017 5:56 AM

Jan 2014
aa-dono said:
lastwhisper31 said:
Since Logic voted me its only fair that I vote him, he thinks I'm scum for something I did before, and I think hes scum for something he usually never does. vote: Logic
What's the thing he usually never does?

Would like to know as well @lastwhisper31
Aug 19, 2017 6:08 AM

Jan 2014
_Claire_ said:
logic340 said:
I don't think this being a bastard game makes it any more or less likely that an innocent child claim from host to start the game will be scum aligned. That is some serious hos meta there and I would like to see something that supports it other than one Favorites game where everyone got screwed over. It's one thing to acknowledge the possibility it's another to lead a witch hunt based on paranoia.

Just my 2 cents.

I feel like everyone telling me my vote is based on paranoia is something that has been happening my whole mafia career.

Just my two cents as well, dont forget the fact that this is a bastard game, and anything can happen. I acknowledge that he could be town as well, but I am not hammering any vote or anything. I am pressuring.

Pressuring... what exactly?
Aug 19, 2017 6:09 AM

Aug 2012
Tingle said:
aa-dono said:
@AbuHumaid What do you think of Arri, logic and Mishu?

@Tingle same question (plus Claire)
Alright here we go.. I believe most that people have could said about these 4 has been said, but I’ll try to find some more things to nitpick on :’) Imma try and mark everything I’m saying in blue to make it more easy to tell apart. But forgive me if I forget.


Forgive me if I missed it Dono, but why are you actually asking about these for in particular, are they your scum reads? And if so, why?
I didn't see Claire's post as rolefishing before. I guess that is one way to rolefish. Hnn

I actually liked logic atm. I have a slight scum lean on LastWhisper as well, and I like that logic picks up on things I find suspicious. Though imo, the points are all weak and while it deserves suspicion and pressure, they're not scumtells.
If you go by meta, most people would tell you that agressive logic = town!logic. I'm not familiar with his scum game though so to be he's just aggressive as a player sp picking fights is NAI. And yeah, he has the tendency to scream town, and gets defensive over the slightest hint of someone scumreading him. Even as town.
I tend to disagree with logic's method so my views are sometimes biased so I like to get opinions on his slots, especially from those not familiar with his playstyle.

Why do you think him asking for ability name = rolefishing though?

Yeah, I like Arri for town atm too.

For Mishu, I'm leaning towards scum but while it's not a strong read, it's a lingering suspicion.

You didn't miss anything. I never did explain why I asked for them. They're just people I have my eyes on.

Aug 19, 2017 6:10 AM

Aug 2012
@logic340 Why did you ask for CP's ability name? or role

Aug 19, 2017 6:16 AM

Jun 2013
aa-dono said:
Tingle said:
Alright here we go.. I believe most that people have could said about these 4 has been said, but I’ll try to find some more things to nitpick on :’) Imma try and mark everything I’m saying in blue to make it more easy to tell apart. But forgive me if I forget.


Forgive me if I missed it Dono, but why are you actually asking about these for in particular, are they your scum reads? And if so, why?
I didn't see Claire's post as rolefishing before. I guess that is one way to rolefish. Hnn

I actually liked logic atm. I have a slight scum lean on LastWhisper as well, and I like that logic picks up on things I find suspicious. Though imo, the points are all weak and while it deserves suspicion and pressure, they're not scumtells.
If you go by meta, most people would tell you that agressive logic = town!logic. I'm not familiar with his scum game though so to be he's just aggressive as a player sp picking fights is NAI. And yeah, he has the tendency to scream town, and gets defensive over the slightest hint of someone scumreading him. Even as town.
I tend to disagree with logic's method so my views are sometimes biased so I like to get opinions on his slots, especially from those not familiar with his playstyle.

Why do you think him asking for ability name = rolefishing though?

Yeah, I like Arri for town atm too.

For Mishu, I'm leaning towards scum but while it's not a strong read, it's a lingering suspicion.

You didn't miss anything. I never did explain why I asked for them. They're just people I have my eyes on.
Just by the name of an ability you can potentially know a lot about someone's role. And imo it's better to not expose town so early into the game.
Aug 19, 2017 6:18 AM

Jan 2014
aa-dono said:
So far, there are three votes that I like.

1. Claire - She grasp at whatever lead she can now, and already started to move out of RVS with her vote.

Is it really good to grasp at ANY lead you can? It's not exactly even a legit one.
Aug 19, 2017 6:26 AM

Aug 2012
Coelestin said:
aa-dono said:
So far, there are three votes that I like.

1. Claire - She grasp at whatever lead she can now, and already started to move out of RVS with her vote.

Is it really good to grasp at ANY lead you can? It's not exactly even a legit one.
Idk, I can think of reasons why it's a reasonable lead. Not that I want to share it, since it's her defense.
But yeah, that vote is not scummy to me.

Aug 19, 2017 6:31 AM

Jan 2014
aa-dono said:
Coelestin said:

Is it really good to grasp at ANY lead you can? It's not exactly even a legit one.
Idk, I can think of reasons why it's a reasonable lead. Not that I want to share it, since it's her defense.
But yeah, that vote is not scummy to me.

Well, I actually am interested in your view on it, since she's already said enough about her own defense imo. Kind of sounds paradox that you like with Arrisu's reasons for the vote but also support Claire's vote.
Aug 19, 2017 6:36 AM

Apr 2015
Coelestin said:
_Claire_ said:

I feel like everyone telling me my vote is based on paranoia is something that has been happening my whole mafia career.

Just my two cents as well, dont forget the fact that this is a bastard game, and anything can happen. I acknowledge that he could be town as well, but I am not hammering any vote or anything. I am pressuring.

Pressuring... what exactly?

The vote itself is a pressure. >.>

Coelestin said:
aa-dono said:
So far, there are three votes that I like.

1. Claire - She grasp at whatever lead she can now, and already started to move out of RVS with her vote.

Is it really good to grasp at ANY lead you can? It's not exactly even a legit one.

Can I know why its not legit? I know its off-game based idea, bur can I get your opinion about CP being a confirmed town?
Aug 19, 2017 6:41 AM

Jan 2014
_Claire_ said:
Coelestin said:

Pressuring... what exactly?

The vote itself is a pressure. >.>

I doubt that CP feels much pressured with such reasoning... but oh well.

_Claire_ said:
Coelestin said:

Is it really good to grasp at ANY lead you can? It's not exactly even a legit one.

Can I know why its not legit? I know its off-game based idea, bur can I get your opinion about CP being a confirmed town?

Well, just my opinion, dunno what you're thinking. I've learned from the past as well and that is to ignore flavor and roles entirely unless it's something to be absolutely sure about.
Aug 19, 2017 6:44 AM

Aug 2012
Coelestin said:
aa-dono said:
Idk, I can think of reasons why it's a reasonable lead. Not that I want to share it, since it's her defense.
But yeah, that vote is not scummy to me.

Well, I actually am interested in your view on it, since she's already said enough about her own defense imo. Kind of sounds paradox that you like with Arrisu's reasons for the vote but also support Claire's vote.
Hn true.
Here it is then:
It was early phase, and not everyone posted yet. Iirc, she mentioned wanting to vote for RVS but has found a better lead. Playing in previous game, where Denja (haha) was the mafia innocent-child, it actually made sense that she finds pressuring CP over the role as a good lead. And Claire is a meta player.
She made the post/vote somewhere in page 2-3. So yee, it was very early. Whether it's a good lead or not is subjective. I think it's NAI. She thinks it's worth pursuing. If she's scum, she could have just gone with RVS. In that early pages, what else would be considered a good lead? Everyone else went for RVS and tried to interact through that, she made an entrance with that.
That's the gist of it.

She's kinda neutral to me atm, so it feels weird defending her vote.

Aug 19, 2017 6:53 AM

Jan 2014
aa-dono said:
Coelestin said:

Well, I actually am interested in your view on it, since she's already said enough about her own defense imo. Kind of sounds paradox that you like with Arrisu's reasons for the vote but also support Claire's vote.
Hn true.
Here it is then:
It was early phase, and not everyone posted yet. Iirc, she mentioned wanting to vote for RVS but has found a better lead. Playing in previous game, where Denja (haha) was the mafia innocent-child, it actually made sense that she finds pressuring CP over the role as a good lead. And Claire is a meta player.
She made the post/vote somewhere in page 2-3. So yee, it was very early. Whether it's a good lead or not is subjective. I think it's NAI. She thinks it's worth pursuing. If she's scum, she could have just gone with RVS. In that early pages, what else would be considered a good lead? Everyone else went for RVS and tried to interact through that, she made an entrance with that.
That's the gist of it.

She's kinda neutral to me atm, so it feels weird defending her vote.

Hmm yeah, ok, that's where I am at as well, it just sounded weird that you said you "liked" the vote. Huh.

@_Claire_ What exactly do you believe to achieve out of your vote?
Aug 19, 2017 6:59 AM

Apr 2015
Coelestin said:
_Claire_ said:

The vote itself is a pressure. >.>

I doubt that CP feels much pressured with such reasoning... but oh well.

_Claire_ said:

Can I know why its not legit? I know its off-game based idea, bur can I get your opinion about CP being a confirmed town?

Well, just my opinion, dunno what you're thinking. I've learned from the past as well and that is to ignore flavor and roles entirely unless it's something to be absolutely sure about.

I see

Coelestin said:
aa-dono said:
Hn true.
Here it is then:
It was early phase, and not everyone posted yet. Iirc, she mentioned wanting to vote for RVS but has found a better lead. Playing in previous game, where Denja (haha) was the mafia innocent-child, it actually made sense that she finds pressuring CP over the role as a good lead. And Claire is a meta player.
She made the post/vote somewhere in page 2-3. So yee, it was very early. Whether it's a good lead or not is subjective. I think it's NAI. She thinks it's worth pursuing. If she's scum, she could have just gone with RVS. In that early pages, what else would be considered a good lead? Everyone else went for RVS and tried to interact through that, she made an entrance with that.
That's the gist of it.

She's kinda neutral to me atm, so it feels weird defending her vote.

Hmm yeah, ok, that's where I am at as well, it just sounded weird that you said you "liked" the vote. Huh.

@_Claire_ What exactly do you believe to achieve out of your vote?

No idea.
I just believe what I believe, and I would see whatever come.
Though his lack of response sort of bothers me, because from what I know CP is that bombastis(?) person who will slash at people when its against him (sort of?) but I dont see it here.

Setting aside my vote that youve got problem there, what else do you think? Beside picking on Awa liking me vote and being paradoxical.
Aug 19, 2017 7:06 AM

Aug 2012
Coelestin said:
aa-dono said:
Hn true.
Here it is then:
It was early phase, and not everyone posted yet. Iirc, she mentioned wanting to vote for RVS but has found a better lead. Playing in previous game, where Denja (haha) was the mafia innocent-child, it actually made sense that she finds pressuring CP over the role as a good lead. And Claire is a meta player.
She made the post/vote somewhere in page 2-3. So yee, it was very early. Whether it's a good lead or not is subjective. I think it's NAI. She thinks it's worth pursuing. If she's scum, she could have just gone with RVS. In that early pages, what else would be considered a good lead? Everyone else went for RVS and tried to interact through that, she made an entrance with that.
That's the gist of it.

She's kinda neutral to me atm, so it feels weird defending her vote.

Hmm yeah, ok, that's where I am at as well, it just sounded weird that you said you "liked" the vote. Huh.
I did. It was the later interactions that made her gone back to neutral.

Aug 19, 2017 7:18 AM

Jan 2014
_Claire_ said:
Setting aside my vote that youve got problem there, what else do you think? Beside picking on Awa liking me vote and being paradoxical.

*Is still stuck on page 6, rip*
So far this whole thing with logic's statement here with the fight following that
logic340 said:
Abu/Labs/whisper have all scum claimed, I think it would be worth looking into and pressuring all of them heavily.

Is bothering me, doesn't even sound like an effort to actually understand the people but to tunnel them, so I'm kind of with Whisper on that one. The problem is, that it sometimes appears in his town meta as well. If he's actually scum, he's bound to trip at some point anyways because of that slip though.

Now, because of that, Whisper had an easy time bashing logic for that. It's not alignment indicative, even if I like to believe that one of them is scum. They tunnel each other too hard.

Already said my opinion on Abu. Will have to look into Ari, Tingle, Mishu, Labs and CP later when I actually read everything in depth...
Aug 19, 2017 7:26 AM

Apr 2015
Coelestin said:
_Claire_ said:
Setting aside my vote that youve got problem there, what else do you think? Beside picking on Awa liking me vote and being paradoxical.

*Is still stuck on page 6, rip*
So far this whole thing with logic's statement here with the fight following that
logic340 said:
Abu/Labs/whisper have all scum claimed, I think it would be worth looking into and pressuring all of them heavily.

Is bothering me, doesn't even sound like an effort to actually understand the people but to tunnel them, so I'm kind of with Whisper on that one. The problem is, that it sometimes appears in his town meta as well. If he's actually scum, he's bound to trip at some point anyways because of that slip though.

Now, because of that, Whisper had an easy time bashing logic for that. It's not alignment indicative, even if I like to believe that one of them is scum. They tunnel each other too hard.

Already said my opinion on Abu. Will have to look into Ari, Tingle, Mishu, Labs and CP later when I actually read everything in depth...

I can tell you that many of us are easily angered by Logic for some reason.

Yeah neither do I like that post. I said it was unreasonable and he was answering some other thing after that, but I dont think the mafia claim is worth investigating because its NAI at best.
Aug 19, 2017 7:33 AM

Jun 2013
Ya'll have to tell me what NAI means because it keeps popping up and I have no idea.. I also still don't fully understand what quote sniping is haha. ^^'
Aug 19, 2017 7:38 AM

Apr 2015
Tingle said:
Ya'll have to tell me what NAI means because it keeps popping up and I have no idea.. I also still don't fully understand what quote sniping is haha. ^^'

Not alignment indicative...? That was what I thought at least.
The players nowadays are introducing more and more abbreviation it seems >.>
Aug 19, 2017 7:39 AM

Jan 2014
_Claire_ said:
Coelestin said:

*Is still stuck on page 6, rip*
So far this whole thing with logic's statement here with the fight following that

Is bothering me, doesn't even sound like an effort to actually understand the people but to tunnel them, so I'm kind of with Whisper on that one. The problem is, that it sometimes appears in his town meta as well. If he's actually scum, he's bound to trip at some point anyways because of that slip though.

Now, because of that, Whisper had an easy time bashing logic for that. It's not alignment indicative, even if I like to believe that one of them is scum. They tunnel each other too hard.

Already said my opinion on Abu. Will have to look into Ari, Tingle, Mishu, Labs and CP later when I actually read everything in depth...

I can tell you that many of us are easily angered by Logic for some reason.

Yeah neither do I like that post. I said it was unreasonable and he was answering some other thing after that, but I dont think the mafia claim is worth investigating because its NAI at best.

I'm very much aware of that, and that is what makes it very hard to judge whether or not that is still within the realm of logic's town play or not, especially since it was so early in the game.

How about this then. I don't like doing this because I already have a train on Mishu and would like to pressure him too, but...
Vote: logic340
Join me and Whisper on this one, Claire.
Aug 19, 2017 7:40 AM

May 2013
Tingle said:
role fishing.

No. I know what CP's role card is. Don't need to fish for it lol.
Also I was definitely around in 2015, maybe I misremember you. In any case, hullo.
Tingle said:
I think we should look for other reasonings on why claire is scummy.. We’ve gotten pretty much all the answers we could’ve gotten from her concerning this issue. I like arri’s reasoning on why she’s voting.. I’m gonna analyze Claire’s activity again, look if I can get anything else out of it myself.

I love this. It's a fair and upright look at Claire. Not getting excited about already having a lynch option on hand.
Tingle said:
you make it feel more and more like D1 post was about the role not the player, and that CP is just going along with it.. And it's actually quite plausible.

The thing is, why would CP go along with it if he's mafia? Because if that's true then there is someone with the CP card ready to "counterclaim" and CP ends up in an awkward position. Unless he didn't realize the announcement could be referring to the role so he jumped on it quickly and now he's forced to go along with it.
If he's town it makes sense for him to jump in the thread acting as a confirmed town so we can't really analyze his entrance. Plus, if he's town and he understands that the announcement might not be talking about him, he could still pretend like it's talking about him anyway since he really is town and has no reason to agree or disagree with any theory that the announcement is talking about the role card.
Tingle said:
would host actually do that? It feels kinda unlikely to me.

Good catch (?) I actually agree with this. Feels weird for the host to warn the participant that his role could be affected by bastard elements when it obviously can anyway from the game presentation. But perhaps CP's role is an exception and required an additional warning because of its nature.
Edit after #357: eh, that's an okay explanation from CP. I'm already tired of looking into the endless possibilities of CP's role, ugh.
aa-dono said:
@AbuHumaid What do you think of Arri, logic and Mishu?

@Tingle same question (plus Claire)

That question is meh as heck. I'd rather you guide someone better with a more precise question instead of asking them about everyone who they haven't given an opinion of. Maybe you could ask Abu what he thinks of CP's read on Arri. Something like that. I'm picking at straws but sorry, I tend to dislike simple questions which scum can take right from their pocket. Not that I can complain if you end up with interesting results from asking that question, but anyway.
Tingle said:
Has been playing actively, and been questioning players, the question really is if his questions are really doing anything. Has been kinda defensive, and has been picking a fight with everyone, but that can honestly be both a scum or a town tell, depends on the player, I don’t know him, so that at least doesnt get me anywhere. I have scumread someone before because they were defensive about everything, and they flipped scum. What do ya’ll think?

From my experience with logic, he does ask many questions, a lot of which end up becoming useless, but he always knows how to capitalize on the more important ones to form his scumreads on. I think logic is a generally outspoken player who is aggressive through his defensiveness, if that makes sense to you.
Tingle said:
Here they went back on the subject of fake claiming scum. This was already on page 7, and it had long passed. They were active the entire game until here. So why tackle back on that subject now?

That's fair enough. I was going to sleep so I wanted to leave on a note of something that had been on my mind but not that worth mentioning, anything that could get Labs in the spotlight he probably deserves to be in. I know how this person plays, I know it's not that weird of a play from him to fake claim scum, I just want more from him, and I do expect more from him will come, but I definitely don't want him to cruise through D1 with now an unexplained vote on me and all. I tend to like players who fluff, but I'd rather put out a warning. Though I do like what he tried to do with the no-claiming stuff concerning who might have the CP rolecard. That said, Labs' playstyle can be interpreted as scummy by most people so it's a slot to be careful about. Like Shinichi, or I don't know, Karote.

Aug 19, 2017 7:46 AM

May 2013
@Phraze do you still like your RVS vote on me or does this gamestate lead you to another line of thinking?
@MaiTai @roz1roz
I don't know how busy you three are but don't make the mistake of falling behind in such an active game o/ Plus things are calm now, it's a good time catch up.
I was like ten pages behind in another game and I felt like dying.
Aug 19, 2017 7:49 AM

Jan 2014
_Claire_ said:
Coelestin said:

*Is still stuck on page 6, rip*
So far this whole thing with logic's statement here with the fight following that

Is bothering me, doesn't even sound like an effort to actually understand the people but to tunnel them, so I'm kind of with Whisper on that one. The problem is, that it sometimes appears in his town meta as well. If he's actually scum, he's bound to trip at some point anyways because of that slip though.

Now, because of that, Whisper had an easy time bashing logic for that. It's not alignment indicative, even if I like to believe that one of them is scum. They tunnel each other too hard.

Already said my opinion on Abu. Will have to look into Ari, Tingle, Mishu, Labs and CP later when I actually read everything in depth...

I can tell you that many of us are easily angered by Logic for some reason.

Yeah neither do I like that post. I said it was unreasonable and he was answering some other thing after that, but I dont think the mafia claim is worth investigating because its NAI at best.

Thoughts on this @aa-dono ? Since you liked his vote as well.
Aug 19, 2017 7:52 AM

Jan 2010
So I've read everything and I'm a little miffed at how my posts are being misconstrued, misunderstood, misrepresented, and considered useless.
I'll go over specific posts and give clarification here shortly but I have live mafia, another mafia game, work, and general real life to tend to as well.

Abu for town - even if I want people to look into him and pressure him for his scum claim.

Talking about the three who scum claimed, I see a lot of you misrepping me or commenting on that post without understanding where logic is coming from. This is the one that stands out the most as at least 4 people have touched on it.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 19, 2017 7:53 AM

Aug 2012
Coelestin said:
I don't like doing this because I already have a train on Mishu and would like to pressure him too, but...
I thought Mishu was just your RVS?
Why did Mishu's train made you think twice on pursuing your scumread?

Aug 19, 2017 7:53 AM

Dec 2014
aa-dono said:
@logic340 Why did you ask for CP's ability name? or role

Nvr thought about this before. But isn't it usually me who flavourhunts and usually logic who condemns flavour hunting? Quite an ironic twist here. I would like to see where this goes. Sharp eye onee san
Aug 19, 2017 7:54 AM

Aug 2012
CorruptedPurity said:
aa-dono said:
@logic340 Why did you ask for CP's ability name? or role

Nvr thought about this before. But isn't it usually me who flavourhunts and usually logic who condemns flavour hunting? Quite an ironic twist here. I would like to see where this goes. Sharp eye onee san
Not me. It was Tingle.

Aug 19, 2017 7:58 AM

Apr 2015
Coelestin said:
_Claire_ said:

I can tell you that many of us are easily angered by Logic for some reason.

Yeah neither do I like that post. I said it was unreasonable and he was answering some other thing after that, but I dont think the mafia claim is worth investigating because its NAI at best.

I'm very much aware of that, and that is what makes it very hard to judge whether or not that is still within the realm of logic's town play or not, especially since it was so early in the game.

How about this then. I don't like doing this because I already have a train on Mishu and would like to pressure him too, but...
Vote: logic340
Join me and Whisper on this one, Claire.

Lets go where the pressure is more applicable.
I admit my view on CP isnt perfect and etc, so I would look into it more later on.

Vote: Logic340
Aug 19, 2017 7:59 AM

Dec 2014
Also, I'm loving the fact that I'm the centre of attention now. Really helps with my needy attention seeker craving attitude. Every time I see my name, it excites me.

Also @Claire, I think you mentioned that your vote may be for pressure. If it is, I just wanna say that I feel more disappointed with a slight tinge of annoyed instead of pressure. After all, I am best town.

Forgive me for being so smug and snobbish, It's so rare I get to be best town that I wanna bask in it's glory while it lasts. (I am CP after all, the Night 1 NK wetdream of every scum team)
Aug 19, 2017 8:00 AM

Dec 2014
aa-dono said:
CorruptedPurity said:

Nvr thought about this before. But isn't it usually me who flavourhunts and usually logic who condemns flavour hunting? Quite an ironic twist here. I would like to see where this goes. Sharp eye onee san
Not me. It was Tingle.

Oh then Good Job @Tingle
I'd give you 2 best town points. These points are imaginary and holds no value other than making you feel better if you're town.
Aug 19, 2017 8:01 AM

Jan 2014
aa-dono said:
Coelestin said:
I don't like doing this because I already have a train on Mishu and would like to pressure him too, but...
I thought Mishu was just your RVS?
Why did Mishu's train made you think twice on pursuing your scumread?

Logic is like an open book, he talks a lot. I can pressure him anytime, and I know how to do it as well, because I understand him quite well, I'd say, and I know he'll answer me. And most important of all, he already has plenty of attention. Mishu, not so much, I think. He does seem more dangerous to me in a sense that he tends to be more neutral no matter what he does, and easier slips under the radar. I would like more attentino on Mishu to be honest.

Maybe I can get to it sometime when I'm done with backreading and paperwork -.-
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