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Jan 5, 2015 3:30 PM

Jan 2014
StrayBotato said:
CookingPriest said:
Just don't give it to fucking Miura...
I discovered today that KnK movie 6 is 1 hour long despite having as much content as the 7th movie.

I can see why people hate him now. And I am scared of touching KnK 6.

He is doing a fine job. He could have improved over the years.

Idk why Fai is so angry.

Episode 0 and 1 handled monologues and inner images perfectly (except Fai complaining about Lancer scene and I don't see that as a big problem). Later episodes are kinda lacking, but I will see the BD to make the final judgement.

Just_ChickenJan 5, 2015 3:34 PM
Jan 5, 2015 3:32 PM

Jul 2007
StrayBotato said:
CookingPriest said:
Just don't give it to fucking Miura...
I discovered today that KnK movie 6 is 1 hour long despite having as much content as the 7th movie.

I can see why people hate him now. And I am scared of touching KnK 6.

KNK6 has same problem as FSNUBW

>Skip all the monologues, descriptions, exposition, PLOT, EVEN THE MAIN FUCKING VILLAIN OF THE MOVIE
> Spend all that time on Shiki and Azaka rolling in futons.
Jan 5, 2015 3:36 PM

Aug 2014
I'll admit there are some differences from the novels in the previous KNK movies, but 6 takes it to another level.
Jan 5, 2015 3:37 PM

May 2011
CookingPriest said:
StrayBotato said:
I discovered today that KnK movie 6 is 1 hour long despite having as much content as the 7th movie.

I can see why people hate him now. And I am scared of touching KnK 6.

KNK6 has same problem as FSNUBW

>Skip all the monologues, descriptions, exposition, PLOT, EVEN THE MAIN FUCKING VILLAIN OF THE MOVIE
> Spend all that time on Shiki and Azaka rolling in futons.


Knk 6 is worse than UBW because: well.. Knk6 doesn't follow the plot completely-_-...

and we will get 90 min extra so ...
Jan 5, 2015 3:41 PM

Jan 2014
CookingPriest said:
StrayBotato said:
I discovered today that KnK movie 6 is 1 hour long despite having as much content as the 7th movie.

I can see why people hate him now. And I am scared of touching KnK 6.

KNK6 has same problem as FSNUBW

>Skip all the monologues, descriptions, exposition, PLOT, EVEN THE MAIN FUCKING VILLAIN OF THE MOVIE
> Spend all that time on Shiki and Azaka rolling in futons.

I don't see FSNUBW has serious problems like KnK 6.

It is not perfect, yes. But still great.
Jan 5, 2015 3:43 PM

May 2011
chickenonthepan said:
CookingPriest said:

KNK6 has same problem as FSNUBW

>Skip all the monologues, descriptions, exposition, PLOT, EVEN THE MAIN FUCKING VILLAIN OF THE MOVIE
> Spend all that time on Shiki and Azaka rolling in futons.

I don't see FSNUBW has serious problems like KnK 6.

It is not perfect, yes. But still great.

yes... and they will be 90 min extra... AGAIN

we can't clealry compare the adaptation of knk6 and UBW....

knk6 is really the bad note of the movies

well i enjoyed it: clearly not as much as the other movies, but it was clearly under the level of what we should have, but anyway see it, at least if you read the novel you will get the plot in the good way lol
Jan 5, 2015 3:45 PM

Jan 2014
I hope they will throw in 60 mins of monologues so that Fai could fap for the rest of his life. :3
Jan 5, 2015 3:46 PM

Jul 2007
normalpriest said:
CookingPriest said:

KNK6 has same problem as FSNUBW

>Skip all the monologues, descriptions, exposition, PLOT, EVEN THE MAIN FUCKING VILLAIN OF THE MOVIE
> Spend all that time on Shiki and Azaka rolling in futons.


Knk 6 is worse than UBW because: well.. Knk6 doesn't follow the plot completely-_-...

and we will get 90 min extra so ...

UBW also has deviations like the unwelcome change in the taiganapping.
Jan 5, 2015 3:46 PM

Oct 2014
StrayBotato said:
CookingPriest said:
Just don't give it to fucking Miura...
I discovered today that KnK movie 6 is 1 hour long despite having as much content as the 7th movie.

I can see why people hate him now. And I am scared of touching KnK 6.

Tbh, it was an enjoyble Filler for me
except for 5 min or something.

I never read the novels, so i don't know what they skipped.

CookingPriest said:
Yet again, if fate route is adapted correctly as psychological thriller with monologues and inner imagery, it would do miles upon miles at helping to understand Shirou.

Jan 5, 2015 3:51 PM

Jan 2014
CookingPriest said:
normalpriest said:


Knk 6 is worse than UBW because: well.. Knk6 doesn't follow the plot completely-_-...

and we will get 90 min extra so ...

UBW also has deviations like the unwelcome change in the taiganapping.

Strange. Most active VN readers here welcome that change...
Jan 5, 2015 3:51 PM

Jul 2007
Shrimperor said:

CookingPriest said:
Yet again, if fate route is adapted correctly as psychological thriller with monologues and inner imagery, it would do miles upon miles at helping to understand Shirou.


that's what fate route is?

Majority of it is set in shirou's head, with various things in the world triggering reactions/halucinations.

THe rest is pretty much a mystery thriller of trying to find the master at school.
Jan 5, 2015 3:52 PM

Jul 2007
chickenonthepan said:
CookingPriest said:

UBW also has deviations like the unwelcome change in the taiganapping.

Strange. Most active VN readers here welcome that change...

CHeck the episode thread.

Most of the novel readers agree that taiganapping at the bridge was fucking stupid and opened up plotholes and made saber look more competent than shirou.
Jan 5, 2015 3:54 PM

Oct 2014
CookingPriest said:
Shrimperor said:


that's what fate route is?

Majority of it is set in shirou's head, with various things in the world triggering reactions/halucinations.

THe rest is pretty much a mystery thriller of trying to find the master at school.

never did i conider Fate-route as a thriller
maybe it has to do with me getting the wrong way into F/SN (manga)
Jan 5, 2015 3:54 PM

Jan 2014
CookingPriest said:

CHeck the episode thread.

Most of the novel readers agree that taiganapping at the bridge was fucking stupid and opened up plotholes and made saber look more competent than shirou.

First part -no

Second part -yes
Jan 5, 2015 3:57 PM

Jul 2007
how the fuck is saber and CASTER clashing in melee not a fucking plothole?
Jan 5, 2015 3:58 PM

Jan 2014
CookingPriest said:
how the fuck is saber and CASTER clashing in melee not a fucking plothole?

Caster is more powerful than in the VN? :3
Jan 5, 2015 4:00 PM

Aug 2014
If Caster is matching Saber in a melee, how did Saber look more competent than before?

Jan 5, 2015 4:01 PM

May 2011
chickenonthepan said:
CookingPriest said:

CHeck the episode thread.

Most of the novel readers agree that taiganapping at the bridge was fucking stupid and opened up plotholes and made saber look more competent than shirou.

First part -no

Second part -yes

it was only a matter of time before caster was going to snap fujimura's neck... i see it like that. Caster never was in a position of disadvantage.

Anime-only maybe don't wants to see it like that, then they can try to think and see why what shirou has done made sense.

and anyway anime only secondaries true complaints is that: Shirou should have let taiga died so -_-
Jan 5, 2015 4:02 PM

May 2011
Insertanamehere said:
If Caster is matching Saber in a melee, how did Saber look more competent than before?


good point...

They only exchange a few blows though. Caster was in the air, had clearly an advantage of the field. And it's not because you exchange few blows that that make you stronger

Berserker is way more powerful than Saber it doesn't mean that saber can't compete with him for a few blow...
Jan 5, 2015 4:04 PM

Jul 2007
normalpriest said:
chickenonthepan said:

First part -no

Second part -yes

it was only a matter of time before caster was going to snap fujimura's neck... i see it like that. Caster never was in a position of disadvantage.

Anime-only maybe don't wants to see it like that, then they can try to think and see why what shirou has done made sense.

and anyway anime only secondaries true complaints is that: Shirou should have let taiga died so -_-

VN accentuates that perfectly, especially with enclosed space.

Anime is very hard to see that.
Jan 5, 2015 4:04 PM

May 2011
Shrimperor said:
CookingPriest said:

that's what fate route is?

Majority of it is set in shirou's head, with various things in the world triggering reactions/halucinations.

THe rest is pretty much a mystery thriller of trying to find the master at school.

never did i conider Fate-route as a thriller
maybe it has to do with me getting the wrong way into F/SN (manga)

considering he doesn't even go to school for like 2 days to train himself and so not searching for him: i don't get how this is really a mystery thriller... Well actually i don't even get how it's a thriller cause we get to guess who is the culprit pretty early...
Jan 5, 2015 4:09 PM
Aug 2014
CookingPriest said:

VN accentuates that perfectly, especially with enclosed space.

Anime is very hard to see that.

actually the anime shows it very clearly how the threads are shortly before snapping her neck, like they go out of your way to tell you that shirou notices that and only THEN stops saber

honestly its not ufotables fault that so many viewers have the attention span of a goldfish
Jan 5, 2015 4:10 PM

Oct 2014
celeminus said:

honestly its not ufotables fault that so many viewers consider Taiga, his sister by all but blood, expandable

Jan 5, 2015 4:11 PM

May 2011
CookingPriest said:
normalpriest said:

it was only a matter of time before caster was going to snap fujimura's neck... i see it like that. Caster never was in a position of disadvantage.

Anime-only maybe don't wants to see it like that, then they can try to think and see why what shirou has done made sense.

and anyway anime only secondaries true complaints is that: Shirou should have let taiga died so -_-

VN accentuates that perfectly, especially with enclosed space.

Anime is very hard to see that.

even if it's hard, people just need to think... it's already episode 12 if they think caster had for once second a disadvantage...their problem
if they think shirou is a fool and would do such a BAD move when the anime show him to have good wits at multiple time (even not as much as the VN) their problem also.

It's the same guy who summoned saber and use a command spell to do it.

If viewers want to have a negative view from it, instead of trying to see why it meant sense: then too bad for them.

I was to be honest myself disturbed by this scene but then i thought and it was clear that shirou made the good move...

And again i feel like this was the complaint of the VN reader, because the anime viewer didn't even complaint on that point: most of them thought that: we should keep saber ...
Jan 5, 2015 4:24 PM

Jan 2014
Even Fai said that, he cannot deny that some changes are great

- Rin vs Illya is great

- Kirei-Gil conversation is great

- Saber excaliblash Berserker is good

- Illya bath scene is great

- Taiga graveyard scene is great

- Kirei addition is great

Sometime people are too focus on negative aspect and forget all about the positive things. =.=
Jan 5, 2015 4:26 PM

Aug 2014
chickenonthepan said:
Even Fai said that, he cannot deny that some changes are great

- Rin vs Illya is great

- Saber excaliblash Berserker is good

- Illya bath scene is great

- Taiga graveyard scene is great

Sometime people are too focus on negative aspect and forget all about the positive things. =.=

Expecting Fai to take any additional portrayal of Saber in a positive light is a bit too optimistic, Chicken.
Jan 5, 2015 4:26 PM

May 2011
yeah, there is clearly nice addition
and again 90 min extra...
Jan 5, 2015 4:28 PM

Dec 2013
It's because the Fate route sucks and they don't want to be associated with it.
Jan 5, 2015 4:33 PM

May 2011
tsuyurii said:
It's because the Fate route sucks and they don't want to be associated with it.

lol wut...
Jan 5, 2015 5:47 PM

Jul 2007
normalpriest said:
Shrimperor said:

never did i conider Fate-route as a thriller
maybe it has to do with me getting the wrong way into F/SN (manga)

considering he doesn't even go to school for like 2 days to train himself and so not searching for him: i don't get how this is really a mystery thriller... Well actually i don't even get how it's a thriller cause we get to guess who is the culprit pretty early...

As I already stated the Fate route is the most focused on Shirou's psychological state and how he reacts to shit around him and how his mind works. At the same time it is combined with the elements of death game and how Shirou is effected by it.

Psychological thriller.

Insertanamehere said:
chickenonthepan said:
Even Fai said that, he cannot deny that some changes are great

- Rin vs Illya is great

- Saber excaliblash Berserker is good

- Illya bath scene is great

- Taiga graveyard scene is great

Sometime people are too focus on negative aspect and forget all about the positive things. =.=

Expecting Fai to take any additional portrayal of Saber in a positive light is a bit too optimistic, Chicken.

Re-check the episode threads. I did say that.

celeminus said:
CookingPriest said:

VN accentuates that perfectly, especially with enclosed space.

Anime is very hard to see that.

actually the anime shows it very clearly how the threads are shortly before snapping her neck, like they go out of your way to tell you that shirou notices that and only THEN stops saber

honestly its not ufotables fault that so many viewers have the attention span of a goldfish

Except that the way Ufotable animated it for newcomers it would look like threads were loosening and Saber was seconds away from beating Caster.

If in the VN Saber actually got to the point of FIGHTING Caster, Fujimura would be dead.

Why? It is a hostage situation. And ufotable failed to portray of just how close Caster is from killing her(as well as taking out Saber's "Fuck fujimura" line which shows that she is not interested in saving her), hence for us needing to explain that
AhenshihaelJan 5, 2015 5:50 PM
Jan 5, 2015 6:33 PM
Jan 5, 2015 7:38 PM

Jan 2014
While we are at it, where is Taiga?

Jan 6, 2015 3:01 AM

Aug 2014
CookingPriest said:

Re-check the episode threads. I did say that.

What is this parallel dimension I landed in
rin pls stop using gem sword,
Jan 6, 2015 3:04 AM

Apr 2012
Because then it would take 5 more years for HF.
As a child, I was told that society is a melting pot of talents; knowledge and experience combined to form important alloys that will contribute to mankind. When I got to highschool, however, I thought that it's more like a river in which the water represents our peers while we ourselves are the stones in the river. Constant erosion by mindless majority sheeping has made us lose our unique edge. After I hit the age of 18, I realized that I've been wrong all along. Society is no melting pot. Society is no river. Society is a person, a very skilled rapist, and he has fucked us all.
Jan 6, 2015 3:05 AM

Apr 2012
chickenonthepan said:
While we are at it, where is Taiga?

She fell into a hole.

A plothole.
As a child, I was told that society is a melting pot of talents; knowledge and experience combined to form important alloys that will contribute to mankind. When I got to highschool, however, I thought that it's more like a river in which the water represents our peers while we ourselves are the stones in the river. Constant erosion by mindless majority sheeping has made us lose our unique edge. After I hit the age of 18, I realized that I've been wrong all along. Society is no melting pot. Society is no river. Society is a person, a very skilled rapist, and he has fucked us all.
Jan 6, 2015 3:35 AM

Aug 2014
Rins house for a week.

Anime is good, fucking deal with it.
Jan 6, 2015 6:47 AM

Nov 2014
chickenonthepan said:
While we are at it, where is Taiga?

went back in time and now is on Einzbern Consultation Room with best girl from Zero
Jan 6, 2015 7:16 AM

Mar 2008
CookingPriest said:

Except that the way Ufotable animated it for newcomers it would look like threads were loosening and Saber was seconds away from beating Caster.

If in the VN Saber actually got to the point of FIGHTING Caster, Fujimura would be dead.

Why? It is a hostage situation. And ufotable failed to portray of just how close Caster is from killing her(as well as taking out Saber's "Fuck fujimura" line which shows that she is not interested in saving her), hence for us needing to explain that

I gotta agree, from the live reactions and some reviews I see, people say that saber should have gone for the kill since Caster was distracted. This would be fixed if we saw the threads constrict instead of loosen.
Reaction Channels for Fate/Stay Night UBW (TV)
first season
second season
Jan 6, 2015 7:35 AM

Oct 2014
Caster was in her own created Field,
she can almost do whatever the Fuck she wants there.
Jan 6, 2015 8:21 AM

Aug 2010
Shrimperor said:
Caster was in her own created Field,
she can almost do whatever the Fuck she wants there.

Alright, I'm gonna play the devil's advocate for the anime-only viewer and say:
1-Caster was crushed in her field in episode 7.
2-Saber was established to have very high magic resistance in episode 10, so Caster's beams don't mean shit.
3-Saber was established to be very very fast as we've seen in the previous episodes, so she could've rescued Taiga.

Please try to refute these points using anime-only knowledge.
Jan 6, 2015 8:34 AM

Aug 2014
astroprogs said:
Shrimperor said:
Caster was in her own created Field,
she can almost do whatever the Fuck she wants there.

Alright, I'm gonna play the devil's advocate for the anime-only viewer and say:
1-Caster was crushed in her field in episode 7.
2-Saber was established to have very high magic resistance in episode 10, so Caster's beams don't mean shit.
3-Saber was established to be very very fast as we've seen in the previous episodes, so she could've rescued Taiga.

Please try to refute these points using anime-only knowledge.

1.That wasn't her "field" in the same sense, it was inside the temple, this is clearly something different.
2. & 3. But Saber went after Caster and the strings were shown, to imply that she was about to kill Taiga.
Jan 6, 2015 8:36 AM

Jan 2014
the CGI-ish string was fucked up. We can agree on that.
Jan 6, 2015 8:40 AM

May 2011
astroprogs said:
Shrimperor said:
Caster was in her own created Field,
she can almost do whatever the Fuck she wants there.

Alright, I'm gonna play the devil's advocate for the anime-only viewer and say:
1-Caster was crushed in her field in episode 7.
2-Saber was established to have very high magic resistance in episode 10, so Caster's beams don't mean shit.
3-Saber was established to be very very fast as we've seen in the previous episodes, so she could've rescued Taiga.

Please try to refute these points using anime-only knowledge.

archer pretty much stated that: He can't kill her in her territory, this has been brought out also in the thread discussion.

and i mean... Taiga is clearly hanging in the air with thread link to Caster. Saber can't even fly to touch Caster if she wanted to kill her.
Jan 6, 2015 8:42 AM

Jan 2014
normalpriest said:
astroprogs said:

Alright, I'm gonna play the devil's advocate for the anime-only viewer and say:
1-Caster was crushed in her field in episode 7.
2-Saber was established to have very high magic resistance in episode 10, so Caster's beams don't mean shit.
3-Saber was established to be very very fast as we've seen in the previous episodes, so she could've rescued Taiga.

Please try to refute these points using anime-only knowledge.

archer pretty much stated that: He can't kill her in her territory, this has been brought out also in the thread discussion.

and i mean... Taiga is clearly hanging in the air with thread link to Caster. Saber can't even fly to touch Caster if she wanted to kill her.

well, to add. They said that if she is cornered, Caster will self-destruct and bring everyone with her.

But yeah, I do think that the hostage scene should be conveyed better.
Jan 6, 2015 8:51 AM

Aug 2010
Insertanamehere said:
astroprogs said:

Alright, I'm gonna play the devil's advocate for the anime-only viewer and say:
1-Caster was crushed in her field in episode 7.
2-Saber was established to have very high magic resistance in episode 10, so Caster's beams don't mean shit.
3-Saber was established to be very very fast as we've seen in the previous episodes, so she could've rescued Taiga.

Please try to refute these points using anime-only knowledge.

1.That wasn't her "field" in the same sense, it was inside the temple, this is clearly something different.
2. & 3. But Saber went after Caster and the strings were shown, to imply that she was about to kill Taiga.

Continuing to play the devil's advocate:
1-You mean to say Caster was weaker in the temple, where she stores the mana she gathers in it's soil, where she can imitate True Magic (whatever that means) inside, where she doesn't even have a hostage to attempt a negotiation (which she did after she got crushed)?
2. & 3. You mean the threads that didn't kill Taiga immediately, while caster was engaging Saber (the Strongest in close range) in combat?
Jan 6, 2015 8:53 AM

Oct 2014
astroprogs said:
Shrimperor said:
Caster was in her own created Field,
she can almost do whatever the Fuck she wants there.

Alright, I'm gonna play the devil's advocate for the anime-only viewer and say:
1-Caster was crushed in her field in episode 7.
2-Saber was established to have very high magic resistance in episode 10, so Caster's beams don't mean shit.
3-Saber was established to be very very fast as we've seen in the previous episodes, so she could've rescued Taiga.

Please try to refute these points using anime-only knowledge.

1-As Archer already said in that ep., you can't defeat her without killing her master first.
2&3-Beams don't mean shit to saybah, but what about Shirou and Rin?
Would Saber have gone to rescue Taiga, it would've been pretty much ggwp for Shirou and Rin, espicially Rin.
Also, while i did get the impression that Saybah would've defeated Caster, Taiga would've 100% died if Shirou had not stopped Saber.

btw, i didn'T start the VN yet, so...
ShrimperorJan 6, 2015 9:02 AM
Jan 6, 2015 8:54 AM

Aug 2010
normalpriest said:

archer pretty much stated that: He can't kill her in her territory, this has been brought out also in the thread discussion.

and i mean... Taiga is clearly hanging in the air with thread link to Caster. Saber can't even fly to touch Caster if she wanted to kill her.

Making her flee would've been more than enough in that situation. Killing her doesn't need to be the goal.

normalpriest said:

and i mean... Taiga is clearly hanging in the air with thread link to Caster. Saber can't even fly to touch Caster if she wanted to kill her.

She clashes swords with her multiple times, let alone touch her.
Jan 6, 2015 9:00 AM

Aug 2010
Shrimperor said:

2&3-Beams don't mean shit to saybah, but what about Shirou and Rin?
Would Saber have gone to rescue Taiga, it would've been pretty much ggwp for Shirou and Rin, espicially Rin.
Also, while i did get the impression that Saybah would've defeated Caster, Taiga would've 100% died if they had Shirou not stopped Saber.

btw, i didn'T start the VN yet, so...

From what the scene conveyed, the threads were clearly loosening while caster was occupied with Saber so Shirou and Rin would've been safe.
Saber forcing caster to flee would've been enough.

Shrimperor said:

btw, i didn'T start the VN yet, so...

It's alright, this all should be from the anime-only viewer perspective.
Jan 6, 2015 9:01 AM

Jul 2007
Yep, as far as they know, Archer made Caster run for her life AND saved Shirou from the beams.

What proof IN ANIME there is that Saber was not going to save Fujimura or everyone else or was not going to defeat Caster?

Hence ufotable fucked up.
Jan 6, 2015 9:02 AM

May 2011
astroprogs said:
normalpriest said:

archer pretty much stated that: He can't kill her in her territory, this has been brought out also in the thread discussion.

and i mean... Taiga is clearly hanging in the air with thread link to Caster. Saber can't even fly to touch Caster if she wanted to kill her.

Making her flee would've been more than enough in that situation. Killing her doesn't need to be the goal.

normalpriest said:

and i mean... Taiga is clearly hanging in the air with thread link to Caster. Saber can't even fly to touch Caster if she wanted to kill her.

She clashes swords with her multiple times, let alone touch her.

she can Teleport, regenarate, stop time, create illusion...
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