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Aldnoah.Zero Season One
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Aug 4, 2014 12:23 PM

Sep 2010
L-Ryoshi said:
The way I see things, it'll probably be Inaho and the Princess. Her current proximity to Inaho, plus the fact that in the past 5 episodes, she hasn't even said anything about missing Slaine, wondering how he's doing, etc., pretty much indicates that he's not THAT important to her.

She hasn’t even had screen time to introspect in the show, only shows up when is plot relevant to stop the war, though. We don't see her thoughts at all. So how would you know? (actually the only characters who get some kind of depth so far are Marito and Slaine, it's pretty bad overall ugh).

L-Ryoshi said:
I get the feeling that Slaine might actually turn bad due to jealousy, which would be really cool to watch. He would make a really good antagonist for Inaho, considering that all the Martians thus far seem to be complete idiots. It'll be like "only a human can truly outsmart a human" sort of thing.

Slaine is described as a nice boy with a kind heart in his core. He didn’t go full revenge when she died, he lamented the circumstances. You are completely misunderstanding the character.

He’s also a protagonist with Inaho and the Princess, not an antagonist. See Aoki Ei interview about the show. He is obviously the protagonist in charge of the political intrigue like Inaho’s function is to fight the Mecha of the Episode ™ so far. Their goal is to stop the war, was not that kind of obvious? According to the director, they have equal measure of importance, so you should expect Inaho pushed aside and get the Princess to shine in the future on her own.

I'm unsure why people even think there's going to be a love triangle, this isn't Macross. Male protagonists in mecha rarely get their love interests overlap (rarely as in I never saw an example of it). I'll be very surprised if there is one.

L-Ryoshi said:
If authors and directors really gave a shit about fan shipping, Asuna would have already been killed off in SAO :P

You would think that they've already got a rough draft of the overall story already, and they're just using the time between episodes to animate the stuff. Storyboards and overall flow of the anime shouldn't vary much from what they've already set way before the anime started. Fan-Shipping really has no say in this world much.

That said, please indicate a poll anywhere that shows that people ship who you say they do. Cold hard facts, an observation makes, not just pictures you see on the internet.

Asuna is the most popular female character in SAO (even if I don't follow the show I know this). What's your point?

I am correcting a mistaken fact about the fanart. Why are you randomly jumping at this?

But I'll indulge you, here is a tip about cold facts since you want them: the people doing official art for the show pair Slaine and Asseylum, not just the fanartists. Slaine is so popular that he is getting his own manga special in the second BD. The ED show (episode 4) has a visual key of Slaine with the princess and Inaho…with birds. So yes, they do care. More cold facts: people have cared to modify plot before. This is not an adaptation but an original IP of an expensive budget and they do care about getting a good reception.

You should not forget that this has half to be animated after a long pause. You should learn a bit more about marketing. They are gauging the market. That is Aniplex wants to do. A pause in production and then continue. Producers have a lot to say.

Oh, and scenes are cut and changed and added in BD occasionally. Yunoha and Jin was so popular as pairing in Aquarion Evol that the staff regretted killing him off but that was written, so they compensated with the ending bonus with his spirit possessing Yunoha's toy so he'll be alive in a sense and with her in the last BD. Why? Because it was the show fan favorite pairing: they even got a special ending for themselves when they were side characters (hilariously). It's that simple.

I wouldn't make assumptions that Asseylum doesn't like him or she'll fall with Inaho (I doubt she'll survive the show, anyway), but I'll say this now: they are conscious the money maker is Slaine, that's why he's getting this manga and merchandise (while Inaho gets 0). Now, in a not romantic or shipping concern, Aniplex is recently known for throwing their mecha-piloting Japanese protagonists to the wolves if they aren't profitable (See Haruto of Valvrave; the other protagonist, L-Elf, overshadowed him in the second half so much he became the "liberator" that the motto of the show focused on, of revealing the truth of the world, and it was hinted that he became Emperor of the Galaxy because, well, he was more popular. While Haruto died in his arms, obviously, they weren't going to completely pair him with a girl when the fandom was mostly into BL and bromance).

P.S: Wasn't you the one who said Tsumugu was a fifthwheel to the group and Kaname and Chisaki were going to end up together?

Yeah, sorry but not taking your analysis about romantic subtext seriously, buddy.
ThessAug 4, 2014 1:50 PM
Aug 4, 2014 5:50 PM

Dec 2013
Thess said:

Woah, look at all that flame and hate in that comment.

Firstly, to address your NagiAsu assumption, which I have no idea why it's here in the first place. Go back to all my posts on NagiAsu and re-read them if you really want to quote me on something proper. I made objective anaylsis on each and every episode of NagiAsu, I never made any statements of Kaname and Chisaki ending up together, nor did I mention that Tsumugu was a fifth wheel in a personal opinion (well... perhaps once and only in hindsight). What I did was analyze all the routes available, and I even concluded with the fact that Tsumugu and Chisaki were going to be together despite the fact that some people ship otherwise. I even lamented the fact that I cheered for the underdog that is Kaname. Go back and properly read each post if you really want to quote and be a smart ass, otherwise, don't bother quoting half-assed,

Second, you talk about Aquarion Evol,yeah they didn't exactly change the original script now did they? They changed up shit on the BD, in POST-Broadcasting, simply because they did a popularity poll AFTERWARDS. Read my post. I wrote it on the basis that they already have an overall direction and flow made and readied BEFORE the entire show started getting animated. Sure they can chop and change as they like with the animation and stuff, but more often than not, they aren't gonna change up their set pairings and stuff after just four episodes because their "Internet Fans who do Fanart demand it". Is that concept simple enough for you?

As for your deal with Aniplex and their tendencies, dude you chucked out two names, out of how many? I've not seen either so I don't really have any say about them, but:
1) were they both original animations and not adaptations from god knows where (Light novels perhaps, with an already set ending) ?
2) How many mech shows has Aniplex done in which your little hypothesis is refuted? Care to share ALL the Mech shows that they've done?

Is your population limited to just two shows? If so then I fear for the state of this Earth.
Are you some Aniplex employee, in that you would understand how they operate? If so, then kudos to you, but I don't think you should assume that how you view these companies operate is what happens EVERY SINGLE TIME.

As for the Asuna point, we have a shitload of haters of SAO on MAL calling for her to be cut from the show, moreso than those supporting her (at least from what I've seen in the SAOII forums and during the ALO arc). My point, is simply that if directors were actually that overly concerned with how viewers and fans perceived their works, then they would probably have come out with a half dozen endings to cater to all of those fans. The fact that there is one ending to every anime, and not all fans will be happy about said ending pretty much sums it up for me. The studios work on their own agenda, they don't give a shit about how the fans like or dislike the stuff, specially not halfway through the first cour.

Cold hard facts-wise: People doing official art for the show do pairings for more than one set of people all the time, if you took all those official cards and shit so seriously as you do now, then most of those girls in almost every show would be lesbians, considering how much time official artists draw girls together hugging and shit. As for your cold hard facts: where's the examples?

I said it before, I ain't hating on you or anything, I just want to see your argument backed up with actual data, which you aren't giving me thus far, not just your speculation of the reason for what happened.
For all we know the Princess will be getting a manga special in the third BD, and then the Lieutenant in the fourth. How does appearing in a manga special on the second BD indicate popularity? It could be that they just happened to line up their specials to have the MCs back stories first (for gods sake I would personally say that no one in this story thus far has had their story developed yet)? Could the reason why they are doing the manga special be because Inaho is getting too much screen time and they want fans to focus on the fact that they have more than one MC in this show?
You talked about gauging the market to see what happens after the first cour, well considering they are coming out with the BDs now for the first cour, wouldn't you say that their "market gauging" as you so mention, is incomplete? If so, then throwing any specials out int he BDs would be to Test the markets, and not in response of the reaction to the markets.
To keep things simple: Japanese popularity poll link for characters/ships/what other data you want to base your arguements for Aldnoah.Zero on please?

The fact that you answered my "I get the feeling..." comment with a defensive post just clearly states your preference for Slaine as an MC and most likely your ship as well. I simply made a comment on what I think may happen in the future, pure speculation, and that's my right to do so because I haven't seen the end of this show yet.
The fact that you would blow up in my face because of this just shows how much you care for the character (sic). I still haven't formed my opinion on anyone in this show yet because to me no one has developed much character-wise since the first episode, I'm also basing my guesses regarding Inaho and the Princess on simple, basic facts (proximity, time spent together, experiences together) and coupled them with things which I have and have not seen on screen, like the fact that the Princess is too busy with her field trip to even worry about your favorite Slaine, and the fact that the Princesses interactions with Slaine in the first episode indicated no romantic entailment (what else am I suppose to do but observe whats been put out there).
As to romance, like I stated in my episodic post, I couldn't care less about it, and I would definitely not mind if this show had none at all because I prefer watching all the political and military maneuvering/outmaneuvering over mushy love shit that has nothing to do in a war zone. Re-read if you don't get me. I'm basing my stuff solely on observations from the show. I couldn't give a rats ass if half of Japan liked your favorite character or followed your ship or not, because thats just the fandom speaking. To me the only sure thing in a plot is how the director develops it, and in my humble opinion, they tend to have a set flow to things before people started favoring characters and ships and shit like that.

I don't tend to ship romance in mech shows (given that most of them are harems anyway), though... after your vehement reply, I'll consider making an exception and ship the pairing that you hate most, just for the fun of it. It's obsessed "I know everything there is to know about marketing and this industry and regular viewers with comments like you can just shut the fuck up" fans like you who detract from my viewing enjoyment afterall.

Don't presume to know me. And again, cold hard statistical facts and data, with links to said facts please. 80%? Did you statistically come up with those numbers?Don't make me laugh. It's pretty much all commissioned fan-art. Propaganda, much?
Happy shipping "buddy".
L-RyoshiAug 4, 2014 7:01 PM
Aug 4, 2014 7:29 PM

Sep 2010
L-Ryoshi said:
Firstly, to address your NagiAsu assumption, which I have no idea why it's here in the first place. Go back to all my posts on NagiAsu and re-read them if you really want to quote me on something proper. I made objective anaylsis on each and every episode of NagiAsu, I never made any statements of Kaname and Chisaki ending up together, nor did I mention that Tsumugu was a fifth wheel in a personal opinion (well... perhaps once and only in hindsight). What I did was analyze all the routes available, and I even concluded with the fact that Tsumugu and Chisaki were going to be together despite the fact that some people ship otherwise. I even lamented the fact that I cheered for the underdog that is Kaname. Go back and properly read each post if you really want to quote and be a smart ass, otherwise, don't bother quoting half-assed,

You did say Tsumugu was a fifthwheel during the first half of the show which was obviously wrong. While I didn’t post in the forum, I did lurk and keep an eye on it. You saw him as someone who was not going to be pair up, so nope. Sorry. You also misjudged and analyzed them wrongly trying to pass their dynamics as “family” when they were obviously romantic and look, they were meant to be romantic. Obviously your radar of reading romantic subtext must be broken somehow if you didn’t detect it.

Anyone who posts in Animesuki knows I predicted Tsumugu/Chisaki since earlier in season 1, and look it happened. Why? Pay attention to the way the character set ups are.
L-Ryoshi said:
Second, you talk about Aquarion Evol,yeah they didn't exactly change the original script now did they? They changed up shit on the BD, in POST-Broadcasting, simply because they did a popularity poll AFTERWARDS. Read my post. I wrote it on the basis that they already have an overall direction and flow made and readied BEFORE the entire show started getting animated. Sure they can chop and change as they like with the animation and stuff, but more often than not, they aren't gonna change up their set pairings and stuff after just four episodes because their "Internet Fans who do Fanart demand it". Is that concept simple enough for you?

Director cuts are the final version and canon of the product, not the broadcast (only made to sell and promote the product in late night anime like this one). They regretted killing him in the first season, so shoehorned this ending for the fans.

You don’t get it, right? This is not some form of art, this is a product they want to sell and it’s an original, so they want to sell well. Go to twitter, go to the nico broadcasts, and you’ll see which character is a breakout character.

L-Ryoshi said:
As for your deal with Aniplex and their tendencies, dude you chucked out two names, out of how many? I've not seen either so I don't really have any say about them, but:
1) were they both original animations and not adaptations from god knows where (Light novels perhaps, with an already set ending) ?
2) How many mech shows has Aniplex done in which your little hypothesis is refuted? Care to share ALL the Mech shows that they've done?

Original. The process for anime original is different, I am sure you know why. Because it doesn’t have a preexisting fanbase and they don’t want to repel the fanbase they are pandering to. It’s their buyers, dude. You don’t piss off who is giving you yen.

I am sure Aniplex didn’t touch Evol. However, Aniplex is behind the backing of this and was of Valvrave, their last year star mecha show. They used the same strategy of a pause and the other half produced in the interim of those months. I think you know why, production schedules and change to appeal to the market they gain. It is not like they had a clear idea of what to do with poor Inaho. They didn’t even know his personality until they sat and wrote the script for the first time (which is awfully unprofessional of them and I blame his poor characterization on this).

L-Ryoshi said:
As for the Asuna point, we have a shitload of haters of SAO on MAL calling for her to be cut from the show, moreso than those supporting her (at least from what I've seen in the SAOII forums and during the ALO arc). My point, is simply that if directors were actually that overly concerned with how viewers and fans perceived their works, then they would probably have come out with a half dozen endings to cater to all of those fans. The fact that there is one ending to every anime, and not all fans will be happy about said ending pretty much sums it up for me. The studios work on their own agenda, they don't give a shit about how the fans like or dislike the stuff, specially not halfway through the first cour.

Who the hell cares about MAL? She is Japan’s number one favorite female SAO character. MAL users, in their majority, don’t buy BD and DVD and aren’t the LN author target audience.

L-Ryoshi said:
Cold hard facts-wise: People doing official art for the show do pairings for more than one set of people all the time, if you took all those official cards and shit so seriously as you do now, then most of those girls in almost every show would be lesbians, considering how much time official artists draw girls together hugging and shit. As for your cold hard facts: where's the examples?

Hugging is supposed to be a showcase of lesbian behavior? Who knew. Anyway, in case you are being sarcastic, mecha shows usually showcase their main heterosexual couples in official art, ending or opening cues. Did you ever even watch mecha? So far, Inaho is paired with no one. While Slaine is always attached to certain someone. Even the manga adaptation cover of the show has Asseylum blushing and clutching her hands on Slaine’s amulet. The OST cover is the Princess striding in Slaine’s room. They aren’t being subtle, why do you think they made their meeting that way?

L-Ryoshi said:
I said it before, I ain't hating on you or anything, I just want to see your argument backed up with actual data, which you aren't giving me thus far, not just your speculation of the reason for what happened.

The show just started and Slaine gets cards, posters and his amulet in sale. Inaho does not get merchandising. Except for one picture he shares with Slaine and the Princess (with the said Princess asymmetrically closer to Slaine, which is eye-unpleasant) and a cover (with his co protags) in this Comiket: he does not get special material, so far. If you lurked more in the fandom you would know about it. It’s because there is no demand for it so far. There is demand for Slaine products.

L-Ryoshi said:
For all we know the Princess will be getting a manga special in the third BD, and then the Lieutenant in the fourth. How does appearing in a manga special on the second BD indicate popularity? It could be that they just happened to line up their specials to have the MCs back stories first (for gods sake I would personally say that no one in this story thus far has had their story developed yet)? Could the reason why they are doing the manga special be because Inaho is getting too much screen time and they want fans to focus on the fact that they have more than one MC in this show?

Doesn’t matter if they do. That’s not announced, Slaine was announced because his success was immediate (the mangaka assigned to this gave the news a day before the official announcement in the website and she was just contacted). They are reacting to his popularity immediately. The Princess will feature anyway. Also not at all. The bonus buddled with BDs is because they want to increase the sales of their products, adding an extra value, they include a desirable item for the fanbase like CD dramas, for instance.

L-Ryoshi said:
You talked about gauging the market to see what happens after the first cour, well considering they are coming out with the BDs now for the first cour, wouldn't you say that their "market gauging" as you so mention, is incomplete? If so, then throwing any specials out int he BDs would be to Test the markets, and not in response of the reaction to the markets.

Nico commentaries are a way of gauging, since the audience posts their comments in their channels. Also twitter trends, Slaine was one briefly. Inaho wasn’t.

L-Ryoshi said:
To keep things simple: Japanese popularity poll link for characters/ships/what other data you want to base your arguements for Aldnoah.Zero on please?

Not yet out. But please, if you want to know some number of ‘fans’, go and use at least twitter tags, access to mixi, or look up in the number of “favorite” and “searched” art in pixiv.

L-Ryoshi said:
The fact that you answered my "I get the feeling..." comment with a defensive post just clearly states your preference for Slaine as an MC and most likely your ship as well. I simply made a comment on what I think may happen in the future, pure speculation, and that's my right to do so because I haven't seen the end of this show yet.

Of course, Inaho is really boring. I never hide this show would be better if they bothered to give him a proper characterization. Pairing him with the princess is likely going to make him the target of hate which means he will derailed and die a horrible end in the second half, despite my large indifference, I don’t want Haruto V2. I want an engaging character or this show would be a chore to watch.

L-Ryoshi said:
The fact that you would blow up in my face because of this just shows how much you care for the character (sic). I still haven't formed my opinion on anyone in this show yet because to me no one has developed much character-wise since the first episode, I'm also basing my guesses regarding Inaho and the Princess on simple, basic facts (proximity, time spent together, experiences together) and coupled them with things which I have and have not seen on screen, like the fact that the Princess is too busy with her field trip to even worry about your favorite Slaine, and the fact that the Princesses interactions with Slaine in the first episode indicated no romantic entailment (what else am I suppose to do but observe whats been put out there).

No, the reason I told you off was because you misunderstood a major character (like usual judging by your posts in Nagi no Asukara forum) and tried to paint him as a cheap soap opera villain when the director of the show had already stated how he is truly and we have already seen him enough to have a decent grasp where they are going with him. If you feel attacked is because you insist to demonize a character for the sake of your OTP and because YOU blew on me when I simply corrected a fanart related commentary for no reason. Maybe are you upset nobody gives a damn to draw Inaho/princess? Seriously, what was your problem?

First you assume as ‘fact’ (not a fact, by the way, buddy, but your interpretation) she didn’t have romantic interaction with him. As second fact you assume as your interpretation is that Slaine is in love with her, when he could just be devoted to her in a chaste way. All are your views and interpretations which other people don’t find facts.

Just like you tried to color Tsumugu and Chisaki as "lol super platonic family" from her side until the show slapped you in the face with what to others was blatantly obvious.

L-Ryoshi said:
I don't tend to ship romance in mech shows (given that most of them are harems anyway), though... after your vehement reply, I think I'll make an exception and ship the pairing that you hate most, just for the fun of it.

As if you didn’t ship it. Your obvious bias was showing in your earlier post, please stop trying to sound mature with your holier than thou attitude because it's not fooling anyone. You'll notice nobody was preachy or nasty until you reared to the thread with your snide remarks. If you actually think that most mecha are harem shows your ignorance of the mecha genre that hurts. Please name more than 3 mecha harems, Infinite Stratos aside.

Inaho/Asselyum shippers try to sell this show as some love story between them and mean Antagonist Slaine (lol), except well you know, we were told that the three of them will work together toward a common goal from their respective positions that are being clearly established. Also Slaine's the opposite of possessive, jealous or evil, he's mean to be the nicer of the trio. Which means there can’t be this Evil Wicked Yandere Slaine OOC interpretation the obnoxious shippers like you have because it’s the only way for you to get your couple, it seems.

There is certain way this could happen without disturbing the trio by revealing Slaine is related to her or something, no doubt a poor twist, but considering how identical he looks to the emperor and his mysterious father, it is not that far-fetched. Also, like I said, you assume his devotion to her is of romantic nature, which you took as 'fact'.

As you assume survival for any of the was a fact or romance in general will happen.
ThessAug 4, 2014 7:41 PM
Aug 4, 2014 7:41 PM

Jan 2014
L-Ryoshi, I'm supporting you. All of comments on this thread is just SPECULATION. Nothing can be regarding as fact whatsoever, except what we saw on the screen. And yet, Thess appeares as he know everything about the anime marketing and Aniplex, but he doesn't show us any ACTUAL DATA. At least link a poll here to see which shipping is more popular.
As for fan art, 80% of the fan arts ship PRincessXSlaine because of that "kissing" scene. Inaho and Princess haven't interacted that much. If a romantic plot happens between Inaho and Princess, I'm pretty sure that the percent will change drastically.
But the truth is most anime don't give the f*** about fan opinions. They have the script already. All they do in the break is just polishing the animation. This is NOT fan service show. If they fix the script according to popular fandom, the anime will be no better than trash because it will ruin all the overall flow of the story. Especially not for some silly shipping.
As for VVV, I think it has a good overall story with a good flow. Haruto dies not because of the popular poll. L-elf gets enough screen time and back story as he should have. Haruto's death and L-elf background story are foreshadowed in earlier episodes already.
And L-Ryoshi is right again. Slaine cares deeply for the princess but she doesn't think of him even once. She doesn't even look at the pendant Slaine gives her. I don't see any sort of affection on the princess side. All what we should care about is what shown on the screen. Poster, fanart, manga? Meh. Even the magaka has his own shipping preference. he may draw his shipping as he like. But he is NOT the one writing the script.
Sorry Thess, but you are just picking up random side materials and try to interpret them the way you want.
Just_ChickenAug 4, 2014 7:50 PM
Aug 4, 2014 7:47 PM
Aug 2011
My sixth sense tells me its going to be Inaho x Princess. I have a pretty high prediction rate when it comes to these things xD
Aug 4, 2014 7:52 PM

Jun 2012
jzmagic said:
My sixth sense tells me its going to be Inaho x Princess. I have a pretty high prediction rate when it comes to these things xD

You remind me of one of those couple compatibility machines.
~Here's a waffle, please calm down...

"See that? She's cute and popular. You could say that her milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard. But YOU club President... your milkshakes are wasted on you. In other words, you're wasteful." ~D-Frag (Best.Reference.Ever.)
Aug 4, 2014 7:52 PM

Sep 2010
chickenonthepan said:
As for fan art, 80% of the fan arts ship PRincessXSlaine because of that "kissing" scene.

Um… It was like this since the beginning.

chickenonthepan said:
But the truth is most anime don't give the f*** about fan opinions. They have the script already. All they do in the break is just polishing the animation. This is NOT fan service show. If they fix the script according to popular fandom, the anime will be no better than trash because it will ruin all the overall flow of the story. Especially not for some silly shipping.

Of course. If they have it all decided, explain why there is not a single official image with the Princess and Inaho if they are mean to be the show main couple? I am waiting. Because you know that's the norm.

chickenonthepan said:
As for VVV, I think it has a good overall story with a good flow. Haruto dies not because of the popular poll. L-elf gets enough screen time and back story as he should have. Haruto's death and L-elf background story are foreshadowed in earlier episodes already.

That's wrong, the first half did not have the “they’ll lose their memories and die!” plot twist. This was added in the second half. In the first half, there was no indication of memory loss. If they had that decided, we would had it foreshadowed with L-Elf, idk, not recalling his parents because Haruto ate his runes. That was pretty sure added as excuse to drive Haruto into suicide ugh.

chickenonthepan said:
And L-Ryoshi is right again. Slaine cares deeply for the princess but she doesn't think of him even once. She doesn't even look at the pendant Slaine gives her. I don't see any sort of affection on the princess side.

You know what else is right? She has no interest in hanging out with Inaho unless she can use him as tool to get to the UE headquarters. She does not spend time with him or wants to know him (Inko does). This indifference is mutual. Inaho so far doesn't seem to give a damn about her as person, only about her as tool to stop the war.

Anyway, she has no reason to be worried. Slaine is not a soldier, he’s supposed to remain in the Count’s post and side. And she barely has screentime.

Slaine, on the other hand, has reasons to be concerned about her since her life is in danger. This is basic common sense, because we're told they are "very close" by official sources. I am not even speaking of romance here. Once again, Slaine's feelings might not be romantic, they can be of reverence.
ThessAug 4, 2014 7:58 PM
Aug 4, 2014 8:07 PM

Jan 2014
Thess said:
chickenonthepan said:
As for fan art, 80% of the fan arts ship PRincessXSlaine because of that "kissing" scene.

Um… It was like this since the beginning.

chickenonthepan said:
But the truth is most anime don't give the f*** about fan opinions. They have the script already. All they do in the break is just polishing the animation. This is NOT fan service show. If they fix the script according to popular fandom, the anime will be no better than trash because it will ruin all the overall flow of the story. Especially not for some silly shipping.

Of course. If they have it all decided, explain why there not a single official image with the Princess and Inaho if they are mean to be the show main couple? I am waiting.
chickenonthepan said:
As for VVV, I think it has a good overall story with a good flow. Haruto dies not because of the popular poll. L-elf gets enough screen time and back story as he should have. Haruto's death and L-elf background story are foreshadowed in earlier episodes already.

That's wrong, the first half did not have the “they’ll lose their memories and die!” plot twist. This was added in the second half. In the first half, there was no indication of memory loss. If they had that decided, we would had it foreshadowed with L-Elf, idk, not recalling his parents because Haruto ate his runes. That was pretty sure added as excuse to drive Haruto into suicide ugh.

chickenonthepan said:
And L-Ryoshi is right again. Slaine cares deeply for the princess but she doesn't think of him even once. She doesn't even look at the pendant Slaine gives her. I don't see any sort of affection on the princess side.

You know what else is right? She has no interest in hanging out with Inaho unless she can use him as tool to get to the UE headquarters. She does not spend time with him or wants to know him (Inko does). This indifference is mutual. Inaho so far doesn't seem to give a damn about her as person, only about her as tool to stop the war.

Anyway, she has no reason to be worried. Slaine is not a soldier, he’s supposed to remain in the Count’s post and side. And she barely has screentime.

Slaine, on the other hand, has reasons to be concerned about her since her life is in danger.

Really at the beginning? I'm pretty care about this show. And I can say that Slainexprincess fanart and shipping exploded after ep5. Before that, not really much.
You want them to spoil the viewer? And please link an OFFICIAL image of PrincessxSlaine shipping here. (excluded that 'kissing" plz). I can't find any on Aldnoah Zero official website.
VVV has all kind of unexpected plot twist everywhere. I often go "wtf" when watching it. So that plot twist is just 1 of many really.
That why I said that there is NO affection on the Princess side. Inaho and Slaine are having equal chances. that aside, she does worry about Inaho when he is fighting Vlad. She even calls out his name. She sees Inaho more than a tool if I must say. But that's still pretty minor. I won't set my argument based on that.
Think of it, the princess doesn't think about Slaine ONCE. So much for the person in love, isn't it? If you are far way from your lover and don't think of her once in a couple of days because "there is no reason to be worry", I suggest you reconsidering that you truly love her.
Just_ChickenAug 4, 2014 8:19 PM
Aug 4, 2014 8:28 PM

Sep 2010
chickenonthepan said:
Really at the beginning? I'm pretty care about this show. And I can say that Slainexprincess fanart and shipping exploded after ep5. Before that, not really much.

Thank you for confirming you know nothing of the Japanese fandom. I didn’t have doubts, but this confirms you were not paying attention at all. here, not even all of the art because there’s some that’s embarrassing to post. There is also… 2 fanarts for all of you Inaho/Princess shippers.

chickenonthepan said:
You want them to spoil the viewer? And please link an OFFICIAL image of PrincessxSlaine shipping here. (excluded that 'kissing" plz). I can't find any on Aldnoah Zero official website.

What? Romance in mecha is not treated as “spoiler” unless it’s the main point of the story (like in Macross). Also, did you miss the ending in episode four, too? Nah, I will not because you refuse to acknowledge the TWO manga shipping art-hint and the sketches from the character designer, I already posted in this forum. You shouldn’t be lazy.

chickenonthepan said:
That why I said that there is NO affection on the Princess side. Inaho and Slaine are having equal chances. that aside, she does worry about Inaho when he is fighting Vlad. She even calls out his name. She sees Inaho more than a tool if I must say. But that's still pretty minor. I won't set my argument based on that.

LOL, so calling a name is now “romantic” but make-out meeting of fate is “platonic.” Seriously, what??? She blushed around Slaine. Not around Inaho.

From my viewpoint, he is useful and an ally, but he’s not an interesting person to interact with. So she doesn’t, so far. Who can blame her when he barely has a personality? I am sure not many just want to stare blankly at. For the record, he’s seemly not interested either because he’s not seeking her out. Why are you assuming he’s into her romantically? Like why you are assuming Slaine's devotion is romantic?

Later has higher chances to be, but I have no reason to believe Inaho is romantically interested in her at all.

chickenonthepan said:
Think of it, the princess doesn't think about Slaine ONCE. So much for the person in love, isn't it?

Yeah, because she doesn’t think about anything. We aren’t getting her thoughts in the show. ;)
chickenonthepan said:
Poster, fanart, manga? Meh. Even the magaka has his own shipping preference. he may draw his shipping as he like. But he is NOT the one writing the script.
Sorry Thess, but you are just picking up random side materials and try to interpret them the way you want.

Yawn. Sure, let’s do this. In addition to visual cues from OFFICIAL material, let’s go to what we have now: She was in his room, dressed in provocative clothing late at night, blushing and invading his personal space until a chaperone arrived. She vowed she would carry his wish for peace and accepted his pendant. He blushed at her too and gave her a memento.

Then they had a romantized meeting where they find out how to two kids had engaged in tongue action with sexualized angles for a contrived and unnecessary reason.

Inaho has… nothing so far.

Slaine romantic subtext: 2. Inaho romantic subtext: 0
Aug 4, 2014 8:43 PM

Sep 2010
My prediction:

Inaho: I'm sexually attracted to eggs.

Asseylum: I'm dead before this show is over.

Slaine: I will mourn my princess and then probably be considered a True Martian.

Vers becomes a democracy after they realize they should stop roleplaying in the XXI century.
Aug 4, 2014 9:07 PM

Jan 2014
Thess said:
chickenonthepan said:
Really at the beginning? I'm pretty care about this show. And I can say that Slainexprincess fanart and shipping exploded after ep5. Before that, not really much.

Thank you for confirming you know nothing of the Japanese fandom. I didn’t have doubts, but this confirms you were not paying attention at all. here, not even all of the art because there’s some that’s embarrassing to post. There is also… 2 fanarts for all of you Inaho/Princess shippers.

chickenonthepan said:
You want them to spoil the viewer? And please link an OFFICIAL image of PrincessxSlaine shipping here. (excluded that 'kissing" plz). I can't find any on Aldnoah Zero official website.

What? Romance in mecha is not treated as “spoiler” unless it’s the main point of the story (like in Macross). Also, did you miss the ending in episode four, too? Nah, I will not because you refuse to acknowledge the TWO manga shipping art-hint and the sketches from the character designer, I already posted in this forum. You shouldn’t be lazy.

chickenonthepan said:
That why I said that there is NO affection on the Princess side. Inaho and Slaine are having equal chances. that aside, she does worry about Inaho when he is fighting Vlad. She even calls out his name. She sees Inaho more than a tool if I must say. But that's still pretty minor. I won't set my argument based on that.

LOL, so calling a name is now “romantic” but make-out meeting of fate is “platonic.” Seriously, what??? She blushed around Slaine. Not around Inaho.

From my viewpoint, he is useful and an ally, but he’s not an interesting person to interact with. So she doesn’t, so far. Who can blame her when he barely has a personality? I am sure not many just want to stare blankly at. For the record, he’s seemly not interested either because he’s not seeking her out. Why are you assuming he’s into her romantically? Like why you are assuming Slaine's devotion is romantic?

Later has higher chances to be, but I have no reason to believe Inaho is romantically interested in her at all.

chickenonthepan said:
Think of it, the princess doesn't think about Slaine ONCE. So much for the person in love, isn't it?

Yeah, because she doesn’t think about anything. We aren’t getting her thoughts in the show. ;)
chickenonthepan said:
Poster, fanart, manga? Meh. Even the magaka has his own shipping preference. he may draw his shipping as he like. But he is NOT the one writing the script.
Sorry Thess, but you are just picking up random side materials and try to interpret them the way you want.

Yawn. Sure, let’s do this. In addition to visual cues from OFFICIAL material, let’s go to what we have now: She was in his room, dressed in provocative clothing late at night, blushing and invading his personal space until a chaperone arrived. She vowed she would carry his wish for peace and accepted his pendant. He blushed at her too and gave her a memento.

Then they had a romantized meeting where they find out how to two kids had engaged in tongue action with sexualized angles for a contrived and unnecessary reason.

Inaho has… nothing so far.

Slaine romantic subtext: 2. Inaho romantic subtext: 0

Animesuki is just 1 of many. And they are not really Japanese...
The person who posted that may have much more interested in Slainxprincess shipping so he mainly searched more image about that shipping. Animesuki is not objective in the first place. If you can link me a Japanese popular poll, I will give up and admit my defeat.
As I said, mangaka and character designer can be subjective. The moment of the kiss is "cute", even I think so too. It is not a surprise if the designer loves that moment and shows his art. No poster/image from the film producer has shipping in them. Inaho and Slaine are always shown in equal places. Oh, and can you screen shot the scene in ep4 you are talking about? I just see Inaho and Slain in the ending...
Like I said, it is freaking MINOR. Because you said that Inaho is a tool for the princess, I must mention it to show you that he means more to her.
If the romance is so important, why don't they make 1 scene of the princess caring about Slain. Simple: she hold the pendant murmuring: "Slain, what are you doing?". Take just 3 secs, yes.?
If you want to go into some minor detail like that, here I go:
- she is blushing because of excitement, just like after she saved Slaine. She mainly talk about how curious she is about Earth. And that's not Slain' room. It's more of a lobby. And that's what the princess usually wear at home, not some "provocative" clothes. See the similar dress in their meeting scene?
- Next, the scene of the pendant. She is not even blushing when holding Slain's hand and receiving the pendant from him. Only Slain has some notable reaction
- After that, on the personal talk with Eldetturio, she only refers him as a person from Earth. No affection or whatever.
- Inaho side, remember in ep3 when she looking down from the bridge and smiling. That's one of the cutest scene lol.
I think it's still 0-0 atm. Maybe Slaine has a better start as her friend.
All i can say for now is that there is no indication of the shipping whatsoever. It's just fans who interpret the way they want. I don't even try to ship InahoxPrincess, just say that Inaho has better chance because he will have more time interacting with her now. And I doubt romance will play important part in this show.
Just_ChickenAug 4, 2014 9:13 PM
Aug 4, 2014 9:40 PM

Sep 2010
It was me who shared the fanart and I shared it all except the porn involving faceless men I don’t save, yuri and BL. They are all from Japanese websites. So nope. I only link them to prove how wrong you are about the number of them which you refuse to acknowledge when they are all uploaded.

That is why I said, it was 80% of the fanart in a tongue in cheek comment to that other person. Why the hell are you disputing this? Don’t move goal post, you said there wasn’t many until last episode, I proved you wrong. So suck it up and accept you were wrong and never bothered to browse a Japanese website.

Manga it’s official and sanctioned. Less biased than you who post in MAL and approved as a cover and product that is considered the adaptation (one) and another Slaine’s backstory. What do I mean about the ending? I mean this., of course. You know ED/OP in mecha have messages of who are mean to be perceived as couples, right? Since you watched Valvrave recently, you surely remember that Saki and Shoko hovered Haruto and L-Elf had Lieselotte in two of them. Inaho doesn’t get a girl, maybe he’s meant to be asexual.

Inaho is a tool, trusted ally at best. Nothing else, nothing more. But I'm sure they'll become at least friends.

chickenonthepan said:
If the romance is so important, why don't they make 1 scene of the princess caring about Slain. Simple: she hold the pendant murmuring: "Slain, what are you doing?". Take just 3 secs, yes.?

Romance isn’t important, nobody here even said that, if you check my predictions, I foresee she’ll die. What I said is that the Asselyum/Slaine had actual official art, massive fanart support and actual romantic subtext scenes. In fact, the only one who thinks this is important is the ones who regard it as a “spoiler” or think they’ll derail a protagonist characterization to turn them into wicked witch soap opera villain which serves no reason or purpose to the story other than further their OTP agenda.

Asseylum barely gets screentime (Inko seems to have more screentime so far), she gets no thoughts at all, so you don’t know what she’s thinking. She’s also very sensible to keep her priorities straight, Slaine, as far as she knows (whether she likes him romantically or not) isn’t in danger. Her appearances are all just limited to reactionary things about plot. Slaine thinks about her because she’s in danger and is involved in his plot (and we have his introspection unlike the other characters sadly). Which again doesn’t mean he’s in love with her, even if it’s a likely possibility.

chickenonthepan said:
If you want to go into some minor detail like that, here I go:
- she is blushing because of excitement, just like after she saved Slaine. She mainly talk about how curious she is about Earth. And that's not Slain' room. It's more of a lobby. And that's what the princess usually wear at home, not some "provocative" clothes. See the similar dress in their meeting scene?

She’s excited to shoot a gun, but she doesn’t blush about that. I’ll say that, when she’s relaxed, she’s giddy and smitten around Slaine. It’s part of Slaine’s chambers. She has a similar one in hers (as show in a promotional image and the secret file books) with an identical view to Earth, yet she chose to be there in his instead. At late night hours. With him. She averted her eyes when she was scrutinized.
No, it isn’t, it’s midriff-leg-showing wasn’t what she was wearing at least in the meeting.
To me, it’s obvious romantic subtext because it’s played with certain intimacy and “interruption”. Does this mean they’ll be a couple? Nope.

chickenonthepan said:
- Next, the scene of the pendant. She is not even blushing when holding Slain's hand and receiving the pendant from him. Only Slain has some notable reaction

Because Slaine blushes a lot, unlike her. He’s also blushing when he’s distressed. Anyway, she’s the one giving reassurances and hold his hands, making a vow to him. She acts more formal, but still very casual, because Eldetturio is around.

chickenonthepan said:
- After that, on the personal talk with Eldetturio, she only refers him as a person from Earth. No affection or whatever.

She calls him by his name and questions why she looks down at him because he’s a Terran. Then when she worries about the mission, she grips tightly Slaine’s memento.

Also, they are supposed to be “very close” officially, but unlike Inko-Inaho, they don’t get the official label of “friends”. I wonder why? (Hint for you: because they don’t want it to label it friendship).

chickenonthepan said:
- Inaho side, remember in ep3 when she looking down from the bridge and smiling. That's one of the cutest scene lol.

Eh… she’s smiling without blushing because a bad guy was defeated? How is that romantic? She also smiled at Rayet. She’s pretty much putting Rayet and Inaho in a similar level. In fact, it’s interesting her eyes shine and blushes when she’s excited and around Slaine alone (of the two scenes they are in fact alone) but in other circumstances, she doesn’t have this same expression, huh?

Score is still 2-0. With the princess giving him a romantic troupe meeting accompanied with a soft background music of a typical meeting of fate in Mars. Unless you are naïve to believe that meeting was absolutely necessary and not just to establish the obvious romantic subtext?

chickenonthepan said:
-All i can say for now is that there is no indication of the shipping whatsoever. It's just fans who interpret the way they want. I don't even try to ship InahoxPrincess, just say that Inaho has better chance because he will have more time interacting with her now.

No, I can say Slaine has indication of romantic subtext, Inaho doesn’t (yet). But I’ll say something else, I frankly doubt anyone will be ending up together, I am pointing out that there is legitimate romantic-flavored scenes that are not so ambiguous. This doesn’t mean it’s true love or anything or there will be wedding bells tolling. A funeral march is more likely to happen.

But you can’t disregard the bias the show has given to a side and not to the other so far.
ThessAug 4, 2014 9:53 PM
Aug 4, 2014 9:53 PM

Jan 2014
Well, ok, ship them as you want. all of this is your personal thought. I doubt there will many people agree with you on those 2-0 subplot you mentioned. Those are all what friends do. I have some female friends too and they enjoy teasing around like that. I'm pretty sure that's a lobby. I don't see any romance plot here. Just don't regard them as fact so that your shipping is true.
Still, link me some official arts of this shipping. I will appreciate that. Put manga cover (yes, cover) aside plz. It would be best if you link me a large image or a poster.
And the scene in ep4, screen shot it plz. I just watched the episode again and I still didn't see what you saw.
And I think that you gave up on persuading me about Japanese preference. Good then.
Aug 4, 2014 9:59 PM

Mar 2013
The ship to ship combat here makes the battle of Midway look like some pretty pussy shit.
Aug 4, 2014 10:09 PM
Aug 2011
fst said:
The ship to ship combat here makes the battle of Midway look like some pretty pussy shit.

Aug 4, 2014 10:09 PM

Sep 2010
chickenonthepan said:
Well, ok, ship them as you want. all of this is your personal thought. I doubt there will many people agree with you on those 2-0 subplot you mentioned. Those are all what friends do. I have some female friends too and they enjoy teasing around like that. I'm pretty sure that's a lobby. I don't see any romance plot here. Just don't regard them as fact so that your shipping is true. .

You do keep in mind two things:

1. They aren't labelled as friends by the official source (they just say they are very close to each other).
2. They still do those scenes.

Romantic subtext exists, but no one said they are dating, obviously they couldn't even if they were to have feelings (racist, class differences, etc).

chickenonthepan said:
Still, link me some official arts of this shipping. I will appreciate that. Put manga cover (yes, cover) aside plz. It would be best if you link me a large image or a poster.

Manga cover (official manga), manga panel (for Slaine’s manga as teaser). Asseylum in Slaine’s veranda (in OST cover, still associated with things-Slaine, not Inaho’s) which you can find in the website. There are no posters except one with the three protagonists that is rather ugly. I am sure you have see it, the asymmetrical Princess between Slaine and Inaho, but closer to Slaine which leaves a horrible gap. Takako Shimura (the anime character designer) sketches:

Asseylum doesn’t feature with Inaho, except in the ones she’s with Slaine and usually closer to Slaine (that awful poster) or looking at Slaine’s direction as that sketch show it or holding Slaine's memento (the manga cover), which seems to be very... consistent?

chickenonthepan said:
And the scene in ep4, screen shot it plz. I just watched the episode again and I still didn't see what you saw.

I just linked you the screenshots. Do you want more birds for Inaho? If not here is Asseylum with her formal dress shape with Slaine:
And here morphing with her hair down donning her usual outfit front/back:
(final one is the one I posted early).

Inaho gets flying birds. Slaine gets morphing princess in the ending.

Also it’s pretty obvious what they prefer. They all cheered and wwwwwww in nico when the kiss happened in the stream. Maybe you should try it next time.
ThessAug 4, 2014 10:23 PM
Aug 4, 2014 10:27 PM

Jan 2014
Thess said:
chickenonthepan said:
Well, ok, ship them as you want. all of this is your personal thought. I doubt there will many people agree with you on those 2-0 subplot you mentioned. Those are all what friends do. I have some female friends too and they enjoy teasing around like that. I'm pretty sure that's a lobby. I don't see any romance plot here. Just don't regard them as fact so that your shipping is true. .

1. They aren't labelled as friends by the official source.
2. They still do those scenes.

Romantic subtext exists, but no one said they are dating, obviously they can't even if they have feelings (racist, class differences, etc).

chickenonthepan said:
Still, link me some official arts of this shipping. I will appreciate that. Put manga cover (yes, cover) aside plz. It would be best if you link me a large image or a poster.

Manga cover (official manga), manga panel (for Slaine’s manga as teaser). Asseylum in Slaine’s veranda (in OST cover, still associated with things-Slaine, not Inaho’s) which you can find in the website. There are no posters except one with the three protagonists that is rather ugly. I am sure you have see it, the asymmetrical Princess between Slaine and Inaho, but closer to Slaine which leaves a horrible gap. Takako Shimura (the anime character designer) sketches:

Asseylum doesn’t feature with Inaho, except in the ones she’s with Slaine and usually closer to Slaine (that awful poster) or looking at Slaine’s direction as that sketch show it.

chickenonthepan said:
And the scene in ep4, screen shot it plz. I just watched the episode again and I still didn't see what you saw.

I just linked you the screenshots. Do you want more birds for Inaho? If not here is Asseylum with her formal dress shape with Slaine:
And here morphing with her hair down donning her usual outfit front/back:
(final one is the one I posted early).

Inaho gets flying birds. Slaine gets morphing princess in the ending.

Also it’s pretty obvious what they prefer. They all cheered and wwwwwww in nico when the kiss happened in the stream. Maybe you should try it next time.

Like I said, I don't regard manga cover as official. The bonus manga is about Slain, and it's about his time with the princess, I'm sure that manga panel is designed for that purpose. We will have bonus manga for the princess and Marito too, so Marito is the loved character now? And your interpretation on the OST cover is so funny lol.
OMG, you call that romance implication? Who ever pay attention to that? I thought it was a clear picture lol. If you want some thought, here go:
- All what Slaine did until now is to protect the princess. The princess is his main concern.
- Inaho is having a free mind right now. He has so many possibility as a free bird. It's totally a new life for him
I take that as the reflection of their mind. But really, after watching so many anime, I don't take opening/ending scene as any implication of the story. Note that in the opening, they are pretty much equal.
No, even I take that scene as cute. We saw that in the episode preview, ofc we will expect that scene to come. That proves nothing really. I think even an Inaho-Princess shipper wouldn't scream "nooooo". They were preparing for that.
Just_ChickenAug 4, 2014 10:42 PM
Aug 4, 2014 10:47 PM

Sep 2010
chickenonthepan said:
Like I said, I don't regard manga cover as official. The bonus manga is about Slain, and it's about his time with the princess, I'm sure that manga panel is designed for that purpose. We will have bonus manga for the princess and Marito too, so Marito is the loved character now? And your interpretation on the OST cover is so funny lol.

…You don’t regard the official manga as official? Okay. Whatever you say.

I don’t know if you’re trying to be foolish, until you actually get a manga with Marito and the Princess, please let me know? Until then: deal with it.

chickenonthepan said:
OMG, you call that romance implication? Who ever pay attention to that? I thought it was a clear picture lol. If you want some thought, here go:
- All what Slaine did until now is to protect the princess. The princess is his main concern.
- Inaho is having a free mind right now. He has so many possibility as a free bird. It's totally a new life for him.

Or you know, Inaho fights for Earth and not the Princess. The Earth flag has a bird and it’s framed as coming out of the shape flag.
Slaine fights for the Princess. Still visual cue and shipping goes to him.

Inaho's not concerned about a woman. And this trolls people who wrongly believed Inaho actually thought highly on Asseylum’s life as person and not just as a tool for world peace after episode 4. He was acting logical again.

chickenonthepan said:
No, even I take that scene as cute. We saw that in the episode preview, ofc we will expect that scene to come. That proves nothing really.

They were cheering for them as a couple.

Just as you know, Inaho/Asseylum have just three fanarts (two of those as a joke/crack couple) and Slaine/Asseylum has over a hundred (some of those with over a thousand of favorites).
ThessAug 4, 2014 10:53 PM
Aug 4, 2014 11:02 PM

Jan 2014
Thess said:
chickenonthepan said:
Like I said, I don't regard manga cover as official. The bonus manga is about Slain, and it's about his time with the princess, I'm sure that manga panel is designed for that purpose. We will have bonus manga for the princess and Marito too, so Marito is the loved character now? And your interpretation on the OST cover is so funny lol.

…You don’t regard the official manga as official? Okay. Whatever you say.

I don’t know if you’re trying to be foolish, until you actually get a manga with Marito and the Princess, please let me know? Until then: deal with it.

chickenonthepan said:
OMG, you call that romance implication? Who ever pay attention to that? I thought it was a clear picture lol. If you want some thought, here go:
- All what Slaine did until now is to protect the princess. The princess is his main concern.
- Inaho is having a free mind right now. He has so many possibility as a free bird. It's totally a new life for him.

Or you know, Inaho fights for Earth and not the Princess. The Earth flag has a bird and it’s framed as coming out of the shape flag.
Slaine fights for the Princess. Still visual cue and shipping goes to him.

Inaho's not concerned about a woman. And this trolls people who wrongly believed Inaho actually thought highly on Asseylum’s life as person and not just as a tool for world peace after episode 4. He was acting logical again.

chickenonthepan said:
No, even I take that scene as cute. We saw that in the episode preview, ofc we will expect that scene to come. That proves nothing really.

Doesn’t mean it’s not a romantic meeting classic scene because you “expected” it. Romance is not a “spoiler”, what did I tell you? It seems like you are taking romance seriously because you want a pairing that so far has not gotten any attention by the official sources and by the Japanese fanbase.

Romantic subtext can't be more in your face when it involves kids sucking face after one has a rocket randomly crashing in middle of a gorgeous romantic-like abandoned setting.

I said I just don't take the "cover" of the manga as official. The artist can draw everything he likes on the cover. lol
So you agree with my thought then. Thank you. I never said that Inaho expressed any affection for the princess, period. And because Slaine fight for the princess, he should get her. Err, how about no? It's not some beautiful fairy tail.
Just my preference. At least I don't take any sources and interpret them to fit my preference. And I don't see any Japaneses poll so...
I see that scene as a plot to explain why Slaine is so obsessed with the princess. I can tell that he loves her since that moment. But I don't see any affection on the princess side. I can tell that they are really close friend. Slaine maybe the only friend the princess have. But as of now, it stops at that. As long as the feeling is not mutual, can't call it an actual romance.
Sorry but I think I have more objective view than you do.
That's my thought. You are free to trust in your shipping. Maybe you will be right, maybe not. I will just see what happen.
Just_ChickenAug 4, 2014 11:14 PM
Aug 4, 2014 11:36 PM

Sep 2010
1. The cover is official as any poster, because it's published by official sources that approve it. You don't get to choose it: Aniplex does. ;)

2. I never said he should "get her", I said he fights for her, he gets the shipping implication because he's fighting for her while Inaho doesn't. Period (as a sidenote, even the cesspool as 2ch immediately said Slaine and Asseylum are the "couple" after that ending, you really don't know how how OP/ED works in mecha, right? And this was in Inaho's fans character thread *g* They got the memo it was a shipping flag - but again, most of them seem to root for Inko/Inaho, so maybe it's their shipping bias).

3. Except it's not framed as his flashback, it's a neutral glimpse of the past. As long love might exist, you might call it romantic subtext. Something that's non-existent so far from the other "couple" (snort).

4. Stop calling Slaine her friend. He's not. When a character is a friend to another, it's specified by the official commentary and profile. See all of Inaho's classmates as example. If you want to be really "objective", stick to the official description that they have been "very close" since they were young and he is one of her educators.
ThessAug 4, 2014 11:40 PM
Aug 5, 2014 12:21 AM

Jan 2014
Thess said:
1. The cover is official as any poster, because it's published by official sources that approve it. You don't get to choose it: Aniplex does. ;)

2. I never said he should "get her", I said he fights for her, he gets the shipping implication because he's fighting for her while Inaho doesn't. Period (as a sidenote, even the cesspool as 2ch immediately said Slaine and Asseylum are the "couple" after that ending, you really don't know how how OP/ED works in mecha, right? And this was in Inaho's fans character thread *g* They got the memo it was a shipping flag - but again, most of them seem to root for Inko/Inaho, so maybe it's their shipping bias).

3. Except it's not framed as his flashback, it's a neutral glimpse of the past. As long love might exist, you might call it romantic subtext. Something that's non-existent so far from the other "couple" (snort).

4. Stop calling Slaine her friend. He's not. When a character is a friend to another, it's specified by the official commentary and profile. See all of Inaho's classmates as example. If you want to be really "objective", stick to the official description that they have been "very close" since they were young and he is one of her educators.

1. nah, nah, the only thing I care about is the anime itself. Manga can be served as side material. It is the reverse for anime adaption from a manga. Do you take any anime original material from Naruto anime as official? I don't think so. Same here, just the other way around. But is it really the shipping from them? OR is it what you think it is.
2. hmm, he fight for her because he likes/loves her, yes? It's a one sided "romance", period. You are just thinking too much about that ending, just saying. Pay more attention to the scenes. And I watch enough mecha anime to tell that OP/ED are not that relevant to the plot.
3. Ok, so I will keep in mind that one sided feeling is one kind of romantic subtext.
4. Hmm, if Slaine is not her friend, he can hardly go further than that as a lover. "very close" can only happened as friends or lovers in their case, right? I just put some thought into it. A "very close" servant or "very close" teacher means worse for your shipping. :)
And to be honest, I started this because you were regarding this shipping as an undeniable fact. And you even think that the producers will even fix the script to please silly fan shipping. But look like we have some improvements now.
I think that you like Slaine as a character. He is fighting for the princess so you sympathize with him. And you like everything that imply just a little of their shipping. I was also like that when watching CG. I liked CC, so I tried to find every indication of their shipping. In the end, nothing happened. LL was indifferent toward romantic relationship. And I realized that I should base my opinion on the real plot, not my preference. Not to mention that CG even has some official posters of LL and CC. But meh, I got over that.
Just_ChickenAug 5, 2014 12:38 AM
Aug 5, 2014 1:02 AM

Mar 2011
Its not my intention to offend anyone, but honestly, its rather disturbing how anime fans take so seriously shipping wars.
Aug 5, 2014 1:07 AM

Jan 2014
Raziel1991 said:
Its not my intention to offend anyone, but honestly, its rather disturbing how anime fans take so seriously shipping wars.

yeah, I think I went over a little. I will stop here. Thanks mate.
Aug 5, 2014 3:09 AM

Dec 2013
Thess said:

You did say Tsumugu was a fifthwheel during the first half of the show which was obviously wrong. While I didn’t post in the forum, I did lurk and keep an eye on it. You saw him as someone who was not going to be pair up, so nope. Sorry. You also misjudged and analyzed them wrongly trying to pass their dynamics as “family” when they were obviously romantic and look, they were meant to be romantic. Obviously your radar of reading romantic subtext must be broken somehow if you didn’t detect it.

Anyone who posts in Animesuki knows I predicted Tsumugu/Chisaki since earlier in season 1, and look it happened. Why? Pay attention to the way the character set ups are.

Pray do quote me please, I BEG you to. If you can actually find the post in the first half of the show and link it that is (considering the fact that i hardly posted prior to the second half of the show anyway). if not, then you're just extracting stuff I wrote in one post or another out of context and pasting them as your view of my opinion. I'm pretty sure with you're "Awesomeness" you'll be able to actually FIND this post which you are talking about and quote/read it properly? I await your link.

I wouldn't give a shit about whether your ships are canon or correct or not. I based my selections on things I observed from the anime, just like for Nagi. Just because my speculations weren't realized has no bearing on what I merely speculated during the course of the show. It doesn't make you a better person either. It's your holier than thou sentiment and anal know-it-all attitude about what is canon and what is the "proper" ship that makes people like you annoying. And for the record, dude, the show isn't even halfway past the first cour yet, so what the fuck do you know about canon in the script? Are you the author herself?

Thess said:

Director cuts are the final version and canon of the product, not the broadcast (only made to sell and promote the product in late night anime like this one). They regretted killing him in the first season, so shoehorned this ending for the fans.

You don’t get it, right? This is not some form of art, this is a product they want to sell and it’s an original, so they want to sell well. Go to twitter, go to the nico broadcasts, and you’ll see which character is a breakout character.

Really, so director cuts and shit are canon, why the fuck are there two versions of Evangelion? Why the fuck are there two versions of FMA. Then there's the remakes, Movies and OVAs which are different from Mangas and LNs (One Piece, Doraemon, Saint Seiya, etc). Are all of those "Canon" as well? Dude, just take your head out of your ass and stop being so Anal about what you think is prim and proper route for an anime. The world doesn't work that way. Why do you think Visual Novels have multiple endings, and why do you think many Anime adaptations will extract elements of various story lines when adapting (Fate/Stay Night)? It's to make it more interesting for sure, but does it mean that the Anime is definitely canon? I think NOT.

Thess said:

Original. The process for anime original is different, I am sure you know why. Because it doesn’t have a preexisting fanbase and they don’t want to repel the fanbase they are pandering to. It’s their buyers, dude. You don’t piss off who is giving you yen.

I am sure Aniplex didn’t touch Evol. However, Aniplex is behind the backing of this and was of Valvrave, their last year star mecha show. They used the same strategy of a pause and the other half produced in the interim of those months. I think you know why, production schedules and change to appeal to the market they gain. It is not like they had a clear idea of what to do with poor Inaho. They didn’t even know his personality until they sat and wrote the script for the first time (which is awfully unprofessional of them and I blame his poor characterization on this).

Dude, since when did viewers have the power to pressure directors and animators into flipping the script, writing up or writing off a character, midway through an anime cour in Japan? This isn't some "Choose your own anime ending" visual novel. If it was that easy to change the anime flow, specially an original anime in which viewers wouldn't know fuck all that will happen in the next episode, then they might as well include a poll at the end of each episode asking "What do you want to see in this anime in the next episode?". Sure, there's a break in between the two cours to gauge fan reaction and all that, but that's to adjudge how well the fans are taking to the show, NOT as a medium for looking for the best ending.

I said it in another post previously. Everyone has different tastes. You're never gonna please everyone with what you come out with. There is no such thing as "You don’t piss off who is giving you yen." because you don't even know exactly how successful this show is gonna be.

Oh yeah, and your argument just reduced your "examples" down to one mech show. Out of how many in this world?

Thess said:

Who the hell cares about MAL? She is Japan’s number one favorite female SAO character. MAL users, in their majority, don’t buy BD and DVD and aren’t the LN author target audience.

By the same token, who the hell cares about the fans on Nico, or twitter, or wherever you think the fans congregate online when you have billions of more fans on Youtube and such. It's not like those sites assure the sale of BDs, DVDs and LNs either, right?

International sales make up for a large percentage of anime goods these days. Japan is a market, so too is the rest of Asia, America and Europe. Stop acting so xenophobic in thinking that the rest of the world has no say in anything just because they reside outside of Japan.

Thess said:

Hugging is supposed to be a showcase of lesbian behavior? Who knew. Anyway, in case you are being sarcastic, mecha shows usually showcase their main heterosexual couples in official art, ending or opening cues. Did you ever even watch mecha? So far, Inaho is paired with no one. While Slaine is always attached to certain someone. Even the manga adaptation cover of the show has Asseylum blushing and clutching her hands on Slaine’s amulet. The OST cover is the Princess striding in Slaine’s room. They aren’t being subtle, why do you think they made their meeting that way?

Say what? Now you're just confusing me. For the record, I was being sarcastic, because plenty of shows have end cards with female characters all over one another wearing skimpy outfits and not posing in an innocent manner either. It's eye candy for the fans. Does it have THAT much implication for the progression of the show? That's up to the director and his crew to decide. They could draw the entire cast doing the Harlem Shake for all I care, to me it's just a pleasant bonus for my finishing another episode.

So she's in a room on the OST cover with her back towards us , and blushing for no apparent reason staring into space on a manga cover. Woah, I guess that means that she's in Lurve with the owner of the room then? Seriously dude, you rant that the stuff I observe in the anime is pure biased speculation and such, and yet you're basing your argument on two non-related pictures and products that it's "blatantly obvious" it just happens to "imply" there being romantic subtexts between the Princess and Slaine. Hypocritical much?

By the same token, I could also say that Inaho's inexplicable behavior of risking his own life to face the plasma sword dude in episode 4 to buy time for his crew to escape (which, as stated by his classmates, was so awfully out of character of him) and the glances he and the princess throw at one another during the course of the last five episodes could be linked to romantic subtext, too eh? Of course, for those that are against pairing up these two characters, they'll either deny the scenes, and have other things to say about them.

Thess said:

The show just started and Slaine gets cards, posters and his amulet in sale. Inaho does not get merchandising. Except for one picture he shares with Slaine and the Princess (with the said Princess asymmetrically closer to Slaine, which is eye-unpleasant) and a cover (with his co protags) in this Comiket: he does not get special material, so far. If you lurked more in the fandom you would know about it. It’s because there is no demand for it so far. There is demand for Slaine products.

Please, again, links to your pictures for the amulet and other merchandise. I highly doubt that they're only going to come out with one piece of merchandise over the course of the entire show. Just so happens that no one else int he show has anything as fancy as an amulet for them to remake and sell to fans (I guess you can make Inaho's collar/headphones, but that takes more crafting and time than a simple amulet afterall). How much material is there available right now anyway? Not a lot I gather. With such a small sample size, it really doesn't indicate anything as of yet.

As for lurking, it seems you do it so well, I'm not that obsessed with this show as to "lurk" for news and stuff, sorry, I actually have a life.

Thess said:

Doesn’t matter if they do. That’s not announced, Slaine was announced because his success was immediate (the mangaka assigned to this gave the news a day before the official announcement in the website and she was just contacted). They are reacting to his popularity immediately. The Princess will feature anyway. Also not at all. The bonus buddled with BDs is because they want to increase the sales of their products, adding an extra value, they include a desirable item for the fanbase like CD dramas, for instance.

Basically, more Slaine fanboy-ing whilst ignoring the fact that they'll come out with more than one BD and thus come out with more products to sell the goods, in which case each and every other character will have their chance to shine. Come back to this point with me when all the BDs are out and Slaine products are overflowing from each BD as you so apparently assume they will. Plus, considering its one of the first few BDs, it's pretty much a no-brainer that they're gonna put the focus on at least one of the three MCs anyway. If they wanted to appeal to more fanboys, then the princess would have been the more obvious choice ( considering the major population of this anime's viewers). That Slaine was first just makes the choice seem random to me. More data is needed for further speculation on this though.

Thess said:

Nico commentaries are a way of gauging, since the audience posts their comments in their channels. Also twitter trends, Slaine was one briefly. Inaho wasn’t.

Evidence? Links? Data Source? I don't see any substantial evidence apart from what you are telling me. Wheres the data, wheres the proof? I use twitter often enough. Never saw any trend for a Slaine Troyard or it's Katakana equivalent over the past month. Can anyone else here back him up on this point?

Thess said:

Not yet out. But please, if you want to know some number of ‘fans’, go and use at least twitter tags, access to mixi, or look up in the number of “favorite” and “searched” art in pixiv.

So basically, you got nothin'. And why would I want to search on an animation fan art site where the data is pretty much skewed for the most part and can't even be compiled and sorted (for the record, I have an account on pixiv) to provide meaningful observations? You're just telling me to check out the site rankings but I see nothing there to indicate the show is really that popular (it's ranked 65 last I checked on the weekly ranking). And as for fan preferences. You've got barely 10 pages of fan-art on that site, I count over half of the so-called "Shipping art" Yaoi shit as well (at least the ones I see being re-tweeted on twitter and Google plus).

Thess said:

Of course, Inaho is really boring. I never hide this show would be better if they bothered to give him a proper characterization. Pairing him with the princess is likely going to make him the target of hate which means he will derailed and die a horrible end in the second half, despite my large indifference, I don’t want Haruto V2. I want an engaging character or this show would be a chore to watch.

That's really your opinion, and not one that is entirely shared by the greater community, now is it? They had months to plan ahead for this show, you think they would be lazy or stupid enough to just slap a mediocre MC into an original animated story without thinking of the consequences? You must think that every last one of these production houses stupid to want their hyped up Anime to tank or something.

Currently in 5 episodes, hardly anyone, not even the princess has had any "proper characterization" so to speak. Pairing two undeveloped characters will result in your hate, and the hatred of Slaine-Hime Shippers (thus, only a portion of the fan base I guess, and we still have no idea how large a portion said fan base is). For me it does nothing except establish a cliched characterization in typical anime fashion that complete opposites attract, nothing more.
On that note, may I ask how Slaine has been characterized thus far? How much more interesting is his character? He is a slave with average intelligence (does not think two steps ahead, thus was outsmarted by the Martian dude) who is not entirely in control of his emotions. He had chances to escape, decided to go back to his Vers masters and take some physical beatings as well as verbal abuse. I guess a masochist might really be more interesting than a silent genius, but then again, I wouldn't know because I can't really relate. Stockholm Syndrome perhaps? Or maybe a belief that he can affect changes from within? It wasn't explained yet, so we shall have to see.

Thess said:

No, the reason I told you off was because you misunderstood a major character (like usual judging by your posts in Nagi no Asukara forum) and tried to paint him as a cheap soap opera villain when the director of the show had already stated how he is truly and we have already seen him enough to have a decent grasp where they are going with him. If you feel attacked is because you insist to demonize a character for the sake of your OTP and because YOU blew on me when I simply corrected a fanart related commentary for no reason. Maybe are you upset nobody gives a damn to draw Inaho/princess? Seriously, what was your problem?

First you assume as ‘fact’ (not a fact, by the way, buddy, but your interpretation) she didn’t have romantic interaction with him. As second fact you assume as your interpretation is that Slaine is in love with her, when he could just be devoted to her in a chaste way. All are your views and interpretations which other people don’t find facts.

Just like you tried to color Tsumugu and Chisaki as "lol super platonic family" from her side until the show slapped you in the face with what to others was blatantly obvious.

I based my speculations and interpretations on observations of what has happened in 5 episodes of the anime. I'm not so eternally free or obsessed with this show as to constantly "Lurk" through fan-sites and director interviews to check on whether my interpretations or speculations are accurate. Nor I am so anal about my guesses being right or wrong. Do I care if someone stated that Slaine is a goody-two-shoes? Nope. Why should I? I just stated what I saw from Episode One onwards and made an observation (that Slaine would make a better villain then the Martians).

Read my post: First, I explicitly stated my reasons on why I THINK that Inaho will be with the Princess. I even listed my reasons (based on observation of the Anime, and not all the side-products that you've been touting). It's pure speculation on my part. Where in that portion of the post did I even say what I said was fact? Again, quote me please if you can find something, anything, to back up your subsequent rant on me. Seeing that you taking my observation as facts really did amuse me quite a bit.
All I said is that it would be cool if Slaine turned evil since most of the Martians are idiots. I never said that it would definitely happen, nor that I wanted it to happen, now did I? You're the one railing on my speculation just because it conflicts with your sentiment (Why? Because I "demonized" your favorite character into a "cheap soap opera villain"? Boohoohoo. Look who's being anal about characterization now? Grow up will ya). We haven't gone through even a quarter of the entire show, hardly any of the back story has been revealed and here you are ranting because someone painted your favorite character in a bad light.

You yourself stated:
"actually the only characters who get some kind of depth so far are Marito and Slaine, it's pretty bad overall"

At the same time, I could ask you the same question you asked me: So how would YOU know how to interpret what the relationships between each character is like? As I said, unless you have some sort of insider information (source please), you're pretty much speculating just like the rest of us here. I doubt even you would know for certain how things are gonna develop in future episodes, can't deny that you're just speculating along with the rest of us, can ya?

Fanart is fanart, it's a wish-fulfillment mechanism, just like fanfic and doujinshi. Does it mean that what happens in fanart will come true just because "80%" of the fanart community want to ship a certain pairing? I don't think so.

For the record, I still consider my analysis of the NagiAsu situation to be without problems. Siblings can be close enough to have near telepathic/ habitual understanding of one another's thoughts and actions. There is no evidence supporting otherwise to refute that, and I highly doubt that you could refute that with your so-called facts either. Just because my theory shat on your OTP and made you mad, doesn't mean that the theory is innately flawed. What didn't happen in the anime doesn't mean it doesn't happen in real life. Don't be so butt hurt that other people have differing opinions than you.

Thess said:

As if you didn’t ship it. Your obvious bias was showing in your earlier post, please stop trying to sound mature with your holier than thou attitude because it's not fooling anyone. You'll notice nobody was preachy or nasty until you reared to the thread with your snide remarks. If you actually think that most mecha are harem shows your ignorance of the mecha genre that hurts. Please name more than 3 mecha harems, Infinite Stratos aside.

Inaho/Asselyum shippers try to sell this show as some love story between them and mean Antagonist Slaine (lol), except well you know, we were told that the three of them will work together toward a common goal from their respective positions that are being clearly established. Also Slaine's the opposite of possessive, jealous or evil, he's mean to be the nicer of the trio. Which means there can’t be this Evil Wicked Yandere Slaine OOC interpretation the obnoxious shippers like you have because it’s the only way for you to get your couple, it seems.

There is certain way this could happen without disturbing the trio by revealing Slaine is related to her or something, no doubt a poor twist, but considering how identical he looks to the emperor and his mysterious father, it is not that far-fetched. Also, like I said, you assume his devotion to her is of romantic nature, which you took as 'fact'.

As you assume survival for any of the was a fact or romance in general will happen.

Again, quote me please. If "I get the feeling...." backed up by what I consider sound reasoning (proximity, time spent together, shared experiences, etc) constitutes an "obvious bias", then your post is pretty much an explicit defense of your favorite character blatant support of your own OTP. No one was preachy or nasty before or after my "snide remark". Nobody but you actually, which started things off. If you cannot ignore a simple "snide" remark and have to baulk at the very suggestion that a semi-developed character may actually be suited for an antagonistic role, well then that's all on you.

All I said was that Slaine would make a great antagonistic counterpart for Inaho. I was praising him for having better characterization then the entirety of the mustache-twirling Martians. If that sentence flew over your head and all you could read was "Slaine" = "Antagonist", that's hardly my fault.

For the record:

1.) Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari
2.) Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse
3.) Aquarion Evol
4.) Vandread
5.) Sidonia no Kishi

Happy now?

Also, the above in bold, source please? Or just your own pure speculation?

Second paragraph. I never took my assumptions as fact. I took them as observations of the anime and points to back up my speculation. If you cannot differentiate fact from speculation, well that can't be helped now can it?
Never did state that I want whom and whom to get together. All I said was what it looks like in the Anime (As I said, I ain't anal for every single detail that's not in the Anime, why should I be? I'm here to purely enjoy watching the show). Never said I couldn't be wrong either. I can't have a legit conversation here with you if you're still going on about past differences in views, man. Either link me or give it a rest. I'd pretty much forgotten that I'd even disagreed with you where ever until YOU brought it up again.

Italics part: Say what? Didn't make much sense there "buddy"

Said it before and I'll say it as many times as I want again: I'd rather not have romance in a mech show like this. I rather enjoy watching the humans flee for their lives and attempt to fight back against the martians.
L-RyoshiAug 5, 2014 3:13 AM
Aug 6, 2014 2:55 PM
Aug 2011

From the link

Inaho x Princess
Aug 6, 2014 5:30 PM

Jan 2014
jzmagic said:

From the link

Inaho x Princess

I wonder what Thess will say about this one. LOL.
Anyway, Slaine is not amused.
Just_ChickenAug 6, 2014 5:41 PM
Aug 6, 2014 5:47 PM

Sep 2011
jzmagic said:

From the link

Inaho x Princess

He really got NTR'd
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Aug 6, 2014 8:26 PM

Jul 2014
jzmagic said:

From the link

Inaho x Princess

Kya!!! Beautiful picture. But it seems Inaho is not interested in princess.
Aug 6, 2014 8:34 PM

Jan 2014
Maryruss said:
jzmagic said:

From the link

Inaho x Princess

Kya!!! Beautiful picture. But it seems Inaho is not interested in princess.

He just doesn't express his emotion, as always. None knows what he is thinking.
Aug 6, 2014 9:21 PM

Mar 2013
That magazine spread contains enough shipping fuel to brim a post-panamax tanker.
Aug 7, 2014 12:10 AM
Apr 2013
jzmagic said:

From the link

Inaho x Princess

*salutes* I will go down with this/my ship.

fst said:
That magazine spread contains enough shipping fuel to brim a post-panamax tanker.

Ain't that the truth xD
Aug 7, 2014 3:40 AM

May 2009
Looks like sensational ruse.
Aug 9, 2014 5:27 PM
Aug 2011
the love triangle cannot be stopped. slaine makes his entrance as soon as he detected the NTR happening lol
Aug 9, 2014 6:18 PM
Jul 2014
NTR, please explain what is it?
Aug 9, 2014 6:31 PM

Sep 2011
y123y said:
jzmagic said:
the love triangle cannot be stopped. slaine makes his entrance as soon as he detected the NTR happening lol

What does NTR stand for?
Bluebirds22 said:
NTR, please explain what is it?

Oh boy...

Use Urban Dictionary, kids.
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Aug 9, 2014 6:32 PM
May 2011
Emotionless guy and the princess

Bluebirds22 said:
NTR, please explain what is it?

Netorare. In short, the main protagonist's loved one(s) are taken or seduced away from him and the heroine might be willing or unwilling. This is to cause an emotion of deep jealousy on the reader. (urban dictionary)
Aug 17, 2014 7:08 AM

Jun 2012
GodlyKyon said:
jzmagic said:

From the link

Inaho x Princess

He really got NTR'd

hahahah por Slaine xD

- I only draw freestyle! -
Aug 17, 2014 9:22 AM

Apr 2013
jzmagic said:

From the link

Inaho x Princess

Even the headline in the magazine spread's not helping poor Slaine here.
Aug 17, 2014 10:18 AM

Feb 2013
Wrong use of NTR, but who cares.
Aliis si licet, tibi non licet.
Aug 17, 2014 10:28 AM

Sep 2011
Gravis said:
Wrong use of NTR, but who cares.

more of a joke, since Inaho be stealing dat ho
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Aug 17, 2014 11:38 AM

Feb 2014
I have never once seen the term NTR used correctly when addressing an anime on MAL. I saw it thrown around all the time by morons when talking about Nagi no Asukara, I guess this anime is no different

Slaine is in the friendzone - you can't steal a girl from someone that is not dating her. NTR is not "hey, I had a crush on her first but she met you and fell in love with you!"

Inaho x Princess train though, choo choo
Aug 17, 2014 11:58 AM

Dec 2009
jzmagic said:

From the link

Inaho x Princess

yeayyyyyyyyy ! ^___^

I ship them since the beginning, in episode 1. though their interactions were very little in early episodes....
but now it seems that in every battle, Inaho DOES care for the Princess :3
"A man is not his length or his speed. It is how many rounds he can fight." - Gintama
Aug 17, 2014 1:18 PM

Jul 2014
JaeRyn said:
jzmagic said:

From the link

Inaho x Princess

yeayyyyyyyyy ! ^___^

I ship them since the beginning, in episode 1. though their interactions were very little in early episodes....
but now it seems that in every battle, Inaho DOES care for the Princess :3

It seems Inaho wants to exploit to hime-sama.
Aug 17, 2014 2:47 PM
Jun 2013
Maryruss said:
JaeRyn said:

yeayyyyyyyyy ! ^___^

I ship them since the beginning, in episode 1. though their interactions were very little in early episodes....
but now it seems that in every battle, Inaho DOES care for the Princess :3

It seems Inaho wants to exploit to hime-sama.

Some are saying that Inaho was just testing Slaine?? So what if that's the case?
But it does make sense since she is a huge war asset with the Aldnoah sequence.

In the end, I'm just an Inaho x Asseylum ^.^
Aug 19, 2014 5:51 AM
Jul 2011
Maryruss said:
JaeRyn said:

yeayyyyyyyyy ! ^___^

I ship them since the beginning, in episode 1. though their interactions were very little in early episodes....
but now it seems that in every battle, Inaho DOES care for the Princess :3

It seems Inaho wants to exploit to hime-sama.

Inaho's and the princess' Seiyuu interviews for last month Animedia. Nothing to do with romance. I've already read it. They mostly speak of Inaho's relationship with Slaine and how it was Inaho's first time in the battlefield. If the seiyuu of Slaine had been able to be contacted (he's a bit too high profile with a lot of tours), he'll be in the spread.

No meaning to sink your shipping, you can cherish it, I'm simply grounding them. There's more material for Inaho/Slaine shippers in that text than anyone else because their meeting is "fateful" and they will influence each others like "no one else has".
HopeLightAug 19, 2014 5:57 AM
Aug 19, 2014 6:38 AM

May 2009
HopeLight said:
Maryruss said:

It seems Inaho wants to exploit to hime-sama.

Inaho's and the princess' Seiyuu interviews for last month Animedia. Nothing to do with romance. I've already read it. They mostly speak of Inaho's relationship with Slaine and how it was Inaho's first time in the battlefield. If the seiyuu of Slaine had been able to be contacted (he's a bit too high profile with a lot of tours), he'll be in the spread.

No meaning to sink your shipping, you can cherish it, I'm simply grounding them. There's more material for Inaho/Slaine shippers in that text than anyone else because their meeting is "fateful" and they will influence each others like "no one else has".

Also, whole article on that page is only about Slaine. In other words that picture is just an official ruse like posters with Athrun and Lacus few years ago.
Aug 19, 2014 7:37 AM
Jul 2011
bastek66 said:
HopeLight said:

Inaho's and the princess' Seiyuu interviews for last month Animedia. Nothing to do with romance. I've already read it. They mostly speak of Inaho's relationship with Slaine and how it was Inaho's first time in the battlefield. If the seiyuu of Slaine had been able to be contacted (he's a bit too high profile with a lot of tours), he'll be in the spread.

No meaning to sink your shipping, you can cherish it, I'm simply grounding them. There's more material for Inaho/Slaine shippers in that text than anyone else because their meeting is "fateful" and they will influence each others like "no one else has".

Also, whole article on that page is only about Slaine. In other words that picture is just an official ruse like posters with Athrun and Lacus few years ago.

I wouldn't call it a 'ruse'. It's just an interview with the seiyuus of those two characters without kissing or hand holding or hugging or even blushing. I don't know why anyone would assume romance, but I digress... If it was an interview with Kensho Ono and Komatsu (both who are pretty busy with their schedules), then the spread would have Slaine and Inko because those are their characters. Newtype has an interview with the princess seiyuu, so the article picture is just the princess. It happens often in anime. The "first time" they mention is clarified in text it's the first time in the battlefield and it was the magazine 'theme' for that month (different characters different first time). I'll say the friends from the other pond also were "rused" when they saw the picture, but when they got the article laughed. They hadn't realized it was a seiyuu interview where they are shipping Slaine and Inaho more than any "pairing" (it inspired a lot of "fujoshi princess pictures" on a colorful note). If you come across them is because of the seiyuu's obvious preference.

The interviews with the real staff usually had a general assemble of characters spreads, if anyone is curious (that maid, the princess, Slaine in the first one, then Inko, Calm and Inaho in the second one. Also Slaine and Inaho x 2), but because it was speaking of the general plot and series setting. Since the beginning (the mars trio spread), Slaine and Inaho were introduced as "dual main characters" if there was any doubt about their status. They wanted them to be 'unique' and not just typical GARRR pilot and Shinji Ikari type who will refuse to pilot.

While we're on this, as clarification, the only character in the show who has actual official romantic feelings is Yutaro toward Nina. Slaine's feelings for his princess have been described as "敬と愛", the connotation could have romantic stirrings because he loves her, however when the phrase is used together is more leaning on devotion or reverence towards a leader or important figure than referred to a romantic interest. This doesn't rule out he's not in love too, but it could be respect and esteem towards his savior. It is a warning so no shipper would jump unto assumptions about the nature of Slaine's feelings too. We can't forget he lived 5 years in a hostile and isolating environment, he could probably latch at anyone who shows him a shred of kindness.
HopeLightAug 19, 2014 7:58 AM
Aug 21, 2014 7:31 AM
Mar 2013
Please, NO! Inaho and the Princess do NOT go well together! The princess is made for Slaine, as for Inaho, he fits much better with Rayet. That scene where she picked him up with the boat~
Don't you think "Oh, not again" when you hear an anime start with cicadas?
Aug 21, 2014 4:00 PM

Nov 2013
U9 said:
Please, NO! Inaho and the Princess do NOT go well together! The princess is made for Slaine, as for Inaho, he fits much better with Rayet. That scene where she picked him up with the boat~
Inaho should just take both along with Inko, Yuki and the loli and make his own harem.
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