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Jul 4, 2013 3:51 PM

Jan 2013
Dragon_Slayer_X said:
Exaccus said:
Dragon_Slayer_X said:
Exaccus said:
7threst said:
This hate on Manami has nothing to do with incest or Kirino's wishes on her brother, Kyousuke. It has to do with ethics and the context of the situation -In this case, Manami making blunt accusations based on interpretations, which, in that time-frame, couldn't be proven (That the relationship between Kirino and Kyousuke was just more than a ordinary sibling-love for each other)

With that in mind, I find it peculiar how you seem to implicate something negative every time Kirino is in one of your sentences. Of course, you have your own "prerogative".

So let me get this straight, Exaccus: Your coming up with some of the most overused arguments ( that by the way is relied upon an interpretation)....

...And afterwards proceeding to place a mundane demeaning insult...

Doing this in list form will be easiest.

1) ALL arguments rely upon interpretation, so pointing that out as if it were so kind of flaw is fundamentally misguided. Moreover, an argument is not false just because it's overused. Though as I will outline later in this post, I've got to wonder if you even properly understand what I argued.

2) Pretty funny how you look at my tame "insult" but ignore the ones others made. No bias there. Not selective evidence at all. Nope.

3) "Evade being KO'd"? LOL. If you consider debates about fictions to be that hardcore and serious business, well, you might want to reassess your priorities.

4) It's not my burden to provide proof from the LNs since I'm not making the claim. You and several others are. So it's not a matter of willful ignorance, it's a matter of you not doing your part by bringing that evidence forward. Saying "LOL look it up" is simply in error. Learn how debates and burden of proof works, please.

5) I don't see any refutation of the points I actually made, only sheer dismissal and red herrings. Although I never made any claims that Manami definitely couldn't have been the cause of Kyousuke supposedly being degraded. I just said that I don't see evidence for your position, and that we should wait for the anime to end before over zealously assuming things. Furthermore, even IF Manami turned out to be the cause of Kyousuke's supposed degradation, it still wouldn't matter to me, personally. This is because what Manami does or does not do won't change the fact that over the course of this entire show Kirino will most likely STILL be far more pathetic and detestable since she's been that way from the very beginning of the show. Whereas Manami was more or less just there not doing much of anything.

6) One need not have to personally care about a particular issue to just point out that people aren't arguing properly regarding that issue. I'm just making observations and noting mistakes in reasoning that I see. Again, the ones emotionally invested in this are you and that other guy. So there's no inconsistency on my part as your post wants to imply.

Just saiyan.

Says the guy who lostly badly in an argument and runs away by saying "I don't want to read the LN" or "he is not invested in this". But he doesn't admit that all he said was a bunch of illogical, stupid and ignorant points and still comes back with similar bs again and again. Not invested enough huh? What a sore loser and total hypocrite!!!

People aren't arguing properly huh? Take a look at your arguments that are totally trash and reeks or typical Kirino-hate.

Yeah, except that I didn't lose. You are the ones saying "the LN says such and such". My question is: Where? You need to prove this, and not refuse to provide evidence while mistakenly thinking you've done your job when you actually haven't. Secondly, you say my argument is trash yet you haven't actually addressed any my points.

Just saiyan, amigo.


I'm not familiar with the LN, nor am I interested in reading it.

How is anyone supposed to prove something to you when you refuse to see the proof? Good enough.......stop being a sore loser. You are not interested in reading it and you ware saying such stuff like where is the proof!!! Oh let me ask you something "Can you prove there isn't any stuff like that in the LNs" that mr.hypocrite? Your so called counter-arguments "show me proof" or "i am not interested in reading" are just masking the truth which is that "You are running away" after throwing around some random arguments without even knowing the full details.

Just in case you genuinely don't have any idea what LNs are (a minor possibility) the last 2 scratch that just read volume 12 which can be found translated on baka-tsuki. Your proof is right there. You can always run away by saying "I don't want to read the LNs".

Funny how you interpret that statement as a refusal to see the proof when I've been asking for a proof this entire time. I simply lack the time or interest to read through multiple volumes just to know that your assertions are legitimate. But more importantly, it's not my burden to go research and prove your claims, that's your job and yours alone. If you would entertain a more level headed approach, quoting some relevant passages or paragraphs would be helpful and would properly shoulder the burden of proof you hold. Is such a simple solution really that lost to you? Lastly, your accusations about my "running away" are false and incredibly ironic, as it's you this entire time who has been running away by refusing to quote the relevant passages from the LNs to support the assertions that you're so riled up about.
Salmon is delicious.
Jul 4, 2013 11:31 PM

Apr 2013

Just saiyan.

Go back to your local skate park.
7threstJul 5, 2013 2:29 PM
Yahari <3
Jul 5, 2013 2:44 AM

Aug 2012
Well, I sure as hell did not see this (and I mean basically everything here there and everywhere) coming.
Jul 5, 2013 4:41 AM

Dec 2012
100+ posts, objective completed. You can stop your little flame war now.
Jul 5, 2013 5:55 AM

Apr 2013
tsudecimo said:
100+ posts, objective completed. You can stop your little flame war now.

No! This flame war is hilarious.
Yahari <3
Jul 5, 2013 6:13 AM

Mar 2011
Exaccus said:
I simply lack the time or interest to read through multiple volumes just to know that your assertions are legitimate.

But you have the time and interest to argue about it for 3 days...?
Jul 5, 2013 7:28 AM
Aug 2012
tsudecimo said:
100+ posts, objective completed. You can stop your little flame war now.

Ah didn't you unintentionally start this?

ThisIsDK said:
Exaccus said:
I simply lack the time or interest to read through multiple volumes just to know that your assertions are legitimate.

But you have the time and interest to argue about it for 3 days...?

I think the guy doesn't even know he is being a hypocrite and a sore loser. He is asking for proof and refusing to see it. It's just pathetic.

Jul 5, 2013 8:56 AM

Apr 2013
Dragon_Slayer_X said:
I think the guy doesn't even know he is being a hypocrite and a sore loser. He is asking for proof and refusing to see it. It's just pathetic.

This summarizes it completely brother. I even gave him the evidence now (check my reaction with the links to proof. I bet he's going to be like "Oh, I don't have time to read through all those links you send me!" wahahahahahh
Yahari <3
Jul 5, 2013 11:25 AM

Sep 2012
Dammit...too bad i was engaging in radiant conversation with the army of my fellow Kirinofags over at /a/. It looks like i missed something good.
Jul 5, 2013 1:51 PM

Oct 2012
I really appreciate the effort of this debate and I am impressed with the
quality of the contributions by a number of people. But there is just one
thing I want to mention which is that it would be nice if people edit their
posts so that only a small part of the previous posts is shown. If you could
do that, it would make it a lot easier for us to follow your conversation.
Jul 5, 2013 3:43 PM

Aug 2012
Hey guys, just remember there are three episodes left. I agree with the original poster than Manami's hate is unwarranted. If there is anything that will cause many people to truly hate her, it will be in those last three episodes. But so far, nothing has happened yet, so stop whining. :|
This topic has not been locked and is still available for discussion.
Jul 5, 2013 4:55 PM

Mar 2011
okanagan said:
it would be nice if people edit their
posts so that only a small part of the previous posts is shown. If you could
do that, it would make it a lot easier for us to follow your conversation.

This x1000.

I always do this and I have no idea why nobody else does.
Jul 8, 2013 1:36 AM

Dec 2012
Well, if a character does something that destroys the relationship between any other two characters they are bound to receive some hate I guess, but honestly I didn't even feel that Manami did anything wrong in that part. I was pretty shocked that she received hate just because of that tiny little part. Anyway, the quarrel is what led us to OreImo, isn't it?

I don't really care much for Manami, she had her moments but otherwise she pretty much fell off hard in the show and was never really a contender for Kyousuke's love. I don't like or dislike her, simply because she didn't really matter to me.
Jul 9, 2013 12:01 AM

Jun 2010
I'd have to say I hate Manami simply because she added fuel to a blazing inferno of the bridge between kyou and kirino. Some people are so obsessed with the siscon aspect they instantly think Kirino/kyou want to f' each other. At least to me it feels pretty clear they both just want to be the most important people in each others lives, they aren't having sexual fantasies about each other.

On a side note I always find it funny when people freak out to the max over "incest" related things. Its not like I'm an advocate of siblings porking each other but most of you don't even understand why you consider it wrong. It's just society telling you it is. Theres nothing wrong with having sex with anything technically, until you make up some morality. The only actual bad thing about "incest" is that it increases the chance for mutations in children not because its wrong, but because of mother fucking science. It narrows the gene pool and if you understand what recessive genes are then you understand what I'm talking about.

Guess what though? We are all related a thousandfold over.
Jul 9, 2013 10:36 PM
Jan 2013
LuciferIAm said:
Guess what though? We are all related a thousandfold over.

Exactly, on some level all relationships are incestual.

I would also like to add that the majority of the risk still lies on the participants themselves rather than the combination. If the couple is healthy, then the risk is always minimal, it the couple is sickly, then the risk will always be higher. The biggest risk increase is in regards to disordered recessive genes, and even they can pass and manifest in children born from non-consanguinamory. If the diseased gene is dominant than 100 percent it will manifest. Overall incest doesn't actually add much risk for diseases, it's somewhere in the single digits actually. And similar risks can occur under many circumstances such as smoking or even when the mother is over 35. And despite this nobody attacks them, nobody accuses them. Most will just act like it's a luck of the draw, which it is, childbirth is always a luck of the draw, and while a child born from consanguinamory has a higher chance of catching genetic diseases, they also have a higher chance of catching the superior genes as well.

I also had a comment typed the other day, but I didn't have the time to post it, so I'll just post it below.

I think the Manami hate is well deserved. When I moved back with my mother (I had lived with my grandmother for a few years), we had a lot of hardship. My step-father was verbally and emotionally abusive. It was almost hell living with them. But during that time, I got really close to my younger half-sister. Now things were platonic (I was around 11 or 12 at the time), and we didn't think anything of being close even out in public. But kids got the wrong idea, and I was bullied. "It's not normal being so close." They said, I wanted to say "being abused isn't either". Facing hell alone shouldn't be normal either. I bet if they were in my situation, they would see how such a bond could pull you through. But I grit my teeth, and I became cold toward her in public. She never seemed to have a problem, intellectually she was several years ahead of the curve, and seemingly forgave me. Eventually we were separated again, and my platonic feelings turned into romantic love. This was around puberty for me. The thing that had the most effect was her understanding and forgiving smile. I don't know if my feelings would have progressed or not without the bullying, but I feel that they raised the chances significantly. As I look back, I regret caving in. My friends, their smiles were just facades. I could tell the difference I also know that behind my back they talked about me. I abandoned my sister to be with people that couldn't care less about me. Now I ask why should I listen to society now. They don't know right from wrong, everything is just a facade to feel better about themselves.

Now to Kirino, Manami is that bully, a part of society, and Manami is the friend that isn't really a friend. And like in my life, Kyousuke was conned. He was conned into being normal all for the sake of a girl who didn't really care about him, she only cared about herself. If Manami hadn't driven a wedge between Kyousuke and Kirino, they probably would have grown up just fine.*

But she didn't let them be. She drove that wedge because she saw Kirino as competition, an obstacle. She didn't care about Kirino or Kyousuke, only herself. Because of this, Kirino became a siscon, and the easiest way was also to become a lolicon, since the two commonly go hand in hand. She began to project her feelings for Kyousuke onto the sisters in some way. To be honest, I'm not sure how a sister who is in love with her brother exactly becomes a siscon for lolies, but it happened similar to myself actually.

Society drove me away from my sister, and fictionally drove Kirino from her brother. In both there were bullies, conmen, deceivers who were able to trick us at least on some level to abandon the ones we love. And it was this deception that played at least some part in our circumstances.

*I want to add that even if their relationship developed beyond Kirino looking up to Kyousuke, I don't think anybody has the right to judge them. It is incredibly insulting to be told you can't be with the one you love, and nobody has any good reasons to be against it. "It's creepy" is the worst excuse anybody could give. Some may find homosexual relationships creepy, but that doesn't make them wrong. Nor does finding interracial relationships creepy make them wrong. I've researched and researched and haven't found a reason to be against Kirino x Kyousuke, or even a real pair of siblings. People either assume that the siblings will go at it like bunnies, producing mutant babies, to which research has shown that the risk of a defect is only increased by a little. The risk is actually in the single digit percentages, and not much higher than for a child born from nonrelated people. Other people then assume that those children will go bonking in the future as if falling in love with a family member is hereditary. Actual incest is more common that people think, but as for consecutive instances in a single bloodline, that could really only happen if it was forced. Actual incest can be reversed with a single generation of non-incest. Ultimately it is the parents themselves that matter in the defects. A child born from two healthy siblings is more likely to be healthy than a child born from two non-healthy unrelated people. And along with added risks, there is also possible benefits. Genetics are genetics, so if the parents both have a good trait then there is a higher chance of passing it on than with a stranger.
IchigoRadianceJul 9, 2013 10:43 PM
"There is perhaps no phenomenon which contains so much destructive feeling as moral indignation, which permits envy or hate to be acted out under the guise of virtue."
— Erich Fromm
Jul 10, 2013 12:49 AM

Aug 2009
still manami a shit.
Jul 10, 2013 1:57 PM

Jun 2010
IchigoRadiance said:
LuciferIAm said:
Guess what though? We are all related a thousandfold over.

Exactly, on some level all relationships are incestual.

Personally I don't have any kind of backstory in your sense, I just spin philosophical, but interesting read nonetheless. Suppose this isn't really the thread to discuss it but while I think Kirinos INITIAL experiment with little sisters was indeed projection but It just seems silly thats what has sustained it. Otherwise she would instnatly stop being an Otaku once her relationship was mended with her brother. Just figured I'd point that out. It doesn't really seem shes sexually attracted to little sisters, despite playing eroge, just that she loves the kawaiiness of them.

Btw, people always throw out lolicon fast.. its technically supposed to be a sexual attraction to prepubescent humans.
Jul 11, 2013 4:28 AM

Dec 2012
This thread.......
Jul 15, 2013 11:48 AM

Oct 2012
feel so bad for manami... :"( Please be strong manami. They will understood someday
I like her more than Kirino and kyoushit..

Jul 15, 2013 9:29 PM

Sep 2011
I thought Manami was a pretty likable character to be honest.
Jul 16, 2013 6:10 AM
Aug 2012
ryshin said:
feel so bad for manami... :"( Please be strong manami. They will understood someday
I like her more than Kirino and kyoushit..

Heh what's the easiest way to defend the villain and evil bitch called Manami..............blame the MC Kyousuke who was also a victim, who was manipulated into becoming a normal person.

Hey man you can just join the team that says the it's the victims fault for being raped. Like her but at least see through her faults or what she did. You don't simply like the bitch and say that she didn't do anything.

Jul 17, 2013 2:26 PM
Jan 2013
i think it's funny that people like her and blame Kyousuke, most using how he is now, when she was the one who molded him into who he is. The old kyousuke was outgoing, smart (while he is intelligent he relies too much on it and not enough on studying), and athletic.It was easy to see why Kirino looked up to him, heck if he was my brother I would too at that age. But manami had a twisted view of Kirino's admiration. Why? I wonder, was it jealousy (she has a brother herself and might not get such admiration maybe?), or was she just so selfish that she saw Kirino's innocent admiration an obstacle to having Kyousuke all for herself. Or was it more sinister in that she felt inferior to Kyousuke since he was so outgoing and felt he needed to be brought down to her level. I'm at least seeing that last one, but I think it's also that she wanted to take away everything Kirino liked so she would be out of the picture.

Manami looked down on new kyousuke. She made him feel worthless and brainwashed him into being content with a lazy lifestyle.Look at the difference in how they treat each other. Old Kyousuke treated her like a little sister (because she was almost like family to him) but still an equal. But new Kyousuke treats her like an older sister or even a grandmother. Their positions have shifted. Old kyousuke helped her with her homework. New Kyousuke has her help him with his because he won't study on his own. He's become dependent on her. On the flipside, she treats him like a little brother now. She didn't want an outgoing and independent Kyousuke, she wanted a dependent one. And her actions highlight that she was trying to make him dependent on her so he wouldn't leave her. I believe this is a form of psychological manipulation. And not the only form she has used. Nor is this the only time she has manipulated him.

Surely these people have to admit when they look at the facts that at best the change in their relationship is a bit unhealthy. She's not even to a level of lesser of two evils. You can't claim to like her and ignore that she "created" something you hate. And it wasn't an accident, she was molding him into something she could be dominant over. Look at her subtly express her superiority over him. It's a good thing her efforts went to waste, and in the most ironic way. She not only ended up turning Kirino's innocent admiration into a full blown brother complex that even went into romantic and sexual territories, but she ended up being reversed imprinted on due to her controlling and ever present personality. In other words, at best she merely replaced Kirino as a sister, making Kirino the lover, whereas if she had stayed out of it, she may have become his lover and Kirino would have outgrown her brother worship and grown up to be normal most likely. Unfortunately for her, he wouldn't be inferior to her. I personally believe they would have been fairly equal, the only gap being the one she made, in other words she limited herself to being "normal". But a relationship with Old Kyousuke wouldn't have made her happy, she has some kind of inferiority compex or some kind of need to look down on her partners. Most of the other girls fell in love with the Kyousuke that shined through the brainwashing. Ayase was introduced to a pervert, a guy that even went so far as to say that forbidden doujin strengthened his bond with Kirino and suggested he loved Kirino in that way (though at the time I think his tactic would be more a refuge in audacity move rather than him sincerely seeing Kirino in that way.) Ruri fell in love with the guy that took a punch from his father so Kirino could keep her hentai and even convinced him of the legitimacy of her anime hobby. And he got on the floor to defend Kirino's anime adaption, and she probably knew he was basically the one that repaired Kirino's friendship with Ayase. And he helped Ayase get Kirino a birthday present. And he helped Ruri out as well when she was new at his highschool, helping her join a club, make a new friend, make a game. Kirino fell in love with her idealization of him, though it was after he changed, and caused her to get a complex for him that eventually developed into something more. Even Kanako who didn't quite like some of his features (such as thinking he was a pervert) liked him for his quirky personality that showed through the boringness that he was groomed into. Kirino and all of her friends practically undo most of what Manami set into motion. Take a look at first season, now take a look at second season. Big difference, especially in regards to Ayase, he gets all pervy around her. In the first season before Kirino's life counseling sessions he would have never jokingly proposed to Ayase. Nor would he have suggested a classmate make an eroge for a game either. Kirino too changed a bit, though not as much as Kyousuke. She became less tsun as the series progressed and more open. Her complex became less about the idealization of Kyousuke's past self and she began to fall in love with him based on his new acts despite his new personification. Manami never changed though, and she didn't fall in love with the Old Kyousuke, nor the one that poke through her manipulation. No she was entirely in love with the Kyousuke she made, in a way, she was in love with herself, for he wasn't a different person, but an extension of Manami, held on by her leash. He was like her pet, not an equal.
"There is perhaps no phenomenon which contains so much destructive feeling as moral indignation, which permits envy or hate to be acted out under the guise of virtue."
— Erich Fromm
Jul 17, 2013 2:44 PM

Aug 2012
IchigoRadiance said:
College thesis of the year. It's amazing how seriously people take this stuff.
This topic has not been locked and is still available for discussion.
Jul 17, 2013 2:53 PM
Oct 2012
gamer2710 said:
College thesis of the year. It's amazing how seriously enjoyable people take find this stuff.

Does that make more sense now?
Jul 31, 2013 9:25 PM

Jun 2012
My reason for disliking Manami has more to do with what she does to Kyousuke rather than what she says to Kirino.

Imagine this, you have this really amazing person you admired, he/she was a hardworker and was always active. You wanted to be like this person. Then one day that person changes and becomes lazy and ambition-less. He/she no longer studies like he/she used to, just sits around the house and is barely active anymore.

Now taking all this into consideration, you find out that it was a certain person that told your role model "You're not that amazing" and "Stop trying so hard" causing them become like this. Would you not be extremely pissed and hate that person too?
~Here's a waffle, please calm down...

"See that? She's cute and popular. You could say that her milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard. But YOU club President... your milkshakes are wasted on you. In other words, you're wasteful." ~D-Frag (Best.Reference.Ever.)
Aug 1, 2013 4:40 PM

Jan 2012
TonyC1994 said:
My reason for disliking Manami has more to do with what she does to Kyousuke rather than what she says to Kirino.

Imagine this, you have this really amazing person you admired, he/she was a hardworker and was always active. You wanted to be like this person. Then one day that person changes and becomes lazy and ambition-less. He/she no longer studies like he/she used to, just sits around the house and is barely active anymore.

Now taking all this into consideration, you find out that it was a certain person that told your role model "You're not that amazing" and "Stop trying so hard" causing them become like this. Would you not be extremely pissed and hate that person too?

Well said and I hate Manami for being evil to Kirino and changing Kyousuke. Kirino needs to plan revenge on her ^_*


"Humans, your existence was a mistake. Conflicts, lies, jealously, greed. You once caused me to lose everything and today I will devour everything... Because I am the Valkyrie Goddess">
Aug 24, 2013 11:50 AM
Aug 2013
I've been looking for a discussion regarding how it ended/ how Manami's actions were in the last episode (just finished the series except for the LN one) , and I have to say there's a hell lot of haters out there. Manami suddenly changed at the last part. They made her the villain all of a sudden which was rather disappointing.

Yes, everything she said at the last part was cruel, but well it's true. I'm not defending her because she's my fave or anything ( My fave in this series'll always be Kuroneko lol), but I feel most comments about her are biased. She just stated the fact about their relationship being viewed as indecent/ disgusting by the society, etc. which I thought would be the parents' responsibility but well they gave the job to Manami and made her "the most hated character" as said by the others. Yes, her way was harsh but she had no other choice.

Personally I'd rather see the "Kuroneko Route" as the end but oh well, it's not titled "My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute" for nothing lol. Just seeing the "little sister" and "cute" part in the title made me understand this'll be a brother-sister incest themed anime. I started watching it for the comedy part ( which btw is the reason I enjoyed this series) and was ready to ignore the incest and just "roll with it", but the way it ended was horrible and I felt sorry for Manami and some other characters who became victims and so I had to share my opinion with this one. it's not that i hated the series as a whole I had fun actually, it's just that the way it ended was wrong IMO.

I don't know how it ended in the light novel and I'm not planning on reading it. but what I said here were just based on the things I saw on the tv version.
Jan 11, 2014 8:23 PM
Jan 2014
She is cold-hearted, selfish, close-minded and manipulative.
And she is obsessed with this single "reality" and what society finds "normal".
Anyone should hate her after everything she said and did.

And I want to punch Kyousuke for saying that she is right.
When it comes to standing for what you believe in, he fails.
Jan 23, 2014 4:14 AM
May 2013
I've read through some pages of this thread and I would like to express my opinion about a few things that seem interesting to me. As I have no knowledge of the LN please forgive me for any inaccurate statements I make.

Someone posted that Manami made Kyousuke a lazy and ambitionless boy (in my interpretation that was the gist of it), which is like taking off all of the reasponsibility from Kyousuke's shoulders for his own actions. I'm not trying to say that she wasn't manipulative or a bitch (hell, she did this it in a badass "evil mastermind" way) but the thing is: if there is stuff you really like/love to do (e.g. sports, playing outside, music, etc.) then you will make some time for it even if you have to work, study for an exam and so on... What I want to say is: Kyousuke having a coolness level of a pebble is partly his fault for getting too comfortable with his life. We all make that mistake, don't we?

Lets move on to Kirino: she was an elementary school student when she got bitch-slapped with reality. There are people who are more mature than the average, but how could a 6-7-8 year old (don't know exact age) fully understand the concept of social taboo and love? The whole consequence/morality stuff in our mind starts to develop around the age of 5, but for it to fully blossom we need a lot more than 3 years. Anyway, she came up with her own answer and went through with it. That is something I can respect wether it was right or wrong.

Back to Manami: I personally like manipulative characters so she was kind of refreshing in this harem-esque environment. It was nice to see that she actually did reveal her feelings and didn't become one of the "suffer in silence" characters. You can often see characters accepting the "protagonist male+obviously future lover female" pairing but this had a new kind of feel to it imo.

All in all, Manami is quite awesome for not being "normal harem girl #4" but "badass manipulative harem girl #4". And again, this if my personal opinion, not trying to force anything on you guys/girls.
Jan 30, 2019 12:13 PM

Aug 2017
I agree I don't hate her. She was plain but nice.
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