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Jan 9, 2013 7:08 PM
Aug 2011
Lolicon = A person who likes lolis

So, Yes. I like myself
Jan 9, 2013 7:19 PM

Mar 2012
Hoppy said:
SquadmemberRitsu said:
I think this would be the perfect thread to ask a question like this. What's Ro-Kyu-Bu! like?

Good anime with decent drama, some basketball (it gets rushed at times), good characters, you'll love Hinata, she'll melt your heart.
Thanks for the advice. I'm asking because Kodomo no Jikan (Amazing episode 6 aside) bores the crap out of me. If it was another show just like it, I wouldn't watch it.
Jan 9, 2013 7:55 PM

Nov 2012
No, I don't hate it or think it's wrong but I don't like it myself.
Jan 9, 2013 10:46 PM

Sep 2009
A lot of it really depends on how the girl acts more than how she looks. If she looks loli, but acts like an adult, I can roll with that. But convincingly childish? Nah. That just sort of creeps me out.
Jan 9, 2013 10:56 PM

Oct 2012
Idgaf about Lolis
but shotas? Fuck yes
Alone on a Friday night? Remember that DIO did nothing wrong!
Jan 9, 2013 11:01 PM

Jul 2012
Itermin8rX said:
Idgaf about Lolis
but shotas? Fuck yes

Hurray, another who appreciates the shota counterpart of lolita! I'm sorry but I feel the boys never get their due in these matters.
Jan 9, 2013 11:09 PM

Sep 2012
Amarae said:
Itermin8rX said:
Idgaf about Lolis
but shotas? Fuck yes

Hurray, another who appreciates the shota counterpart of lolita! I'm sorry but I feel the boys never get their due in these matters.
yayy I'm not the only one
Jan 9, 2013 11:11 PM

Jul 2012
Red_Keys said:
Amarae said:
Itermin8rX said:
Idgaf about Lolis
but shotas? Fuck yes

Hurray, another who appreciates the shota counterpart of lolita! I'm sorry but I feel the boys never get their due in these matters.
yayy I'm not the only one

Joy, the solidarity of shared interest! Which brings me to a point I've wondered about. Your avatar may I ask whom it is and from which anime/manga they are?

Edit: I want to say it's Ren from Vocaloid actually, but not quite.
Jan 9, 2013 11:39 PM

Oct 2010
Not really!
Jan 10, 2013 12:04 AM

Oct 2011
i don't like it

i love it !

Jan 10, 2013 12:06 AM

Sep 2012
Amarae said:
Joy, the solidarity of shared interest! Which brings me to a point I've wondered about. Your avatar may I ask whom it is and from which anime/manga they are?

Edit: I want to say it's Ren from Vocaloid actually, but not quite.
It's Len, from vocaloid.
Jan 10, 2013 12:06 AM

Jul 2012
fluffyxx said:
i don't like it

i love it !

And everything about your profile reflects this. You are certainly dedicated.

Red_Keys said:
Amarae said:
Joy, the solidarity of shared interest! Which brings me to a point I've wondered about. Your avatar may I ask whom it is and from which anime/manga they are?

Edit: I want to say it's Ren from Vocaloid actually, but not quite.
It's Len, from vocaloid.

Ah, sorry, I'm confusing my vocaloids (though it is late and I'm rather tired).
Jan 10, 2013 12:13 AM

Jan 2013
Ugh, no. -__-

It's one of the biggest embarrassments to the anime/manga franchise.
Salmon is delicious.
Jan 10, 2013 12:17 AM

Jul 2012
Exaccus said:
Ugh, no. -__-

It's one of the biggest embarrassments to the anime/manga franchise.

I could say the same of many aspects of anime that I personally dislike.

Would you care to elaborate as to how this in particular damages the image of anime and manga as a franchise?
Jan 10, 2013 12:38 AM

Jan 2013
Amarae said:
Exaccus said:
Ugh, no. -__-

It's one of the biggest embarrassments to the anime/manga franchise.

I could say the same of many aspects of anime that I personally dislike.

Would you care to elaborate as to how this in particular damages the image of anime and manga as a franchise?

Because it gives people the impression that pedophilia and sexualization of children are things that are glorified amongst the anime/manga fandom.

I'm curious, would the public impression of us anime/manga fans being morally unsavory matter to you?
Salmon is delicious.
Jan 10, 2013 12:42 AM

Dec 2012
Amarae said:
fluffyxx said:
i don't like it

i love it !

And everything about your profile reflects this. You are certainly dedicated.

Loli level tags, that's just too clever :0.
Jan 10, 2013 12:43 AM

Sep 2012
fluffyxx said:
i don't like it

i love it !

Your signature works well in this thread.
Jan 10, 2013 1:37 AM
Apr 2009
No, I do not. The fact that anime fans are so disproportionally pedophilic is a problem, as is the fact that most seem to think that's perfectly okay.
Jan 10, 2013 1:50 AM

Apr 2011
Exaccus said:
Because it gives people the impression that pedophilia and sexualization of children are things that are glorified amongst the anime/manga fandom.

I'm curious, would the public impression of us anime/manga fans being morally unsavory matter to you?

dkrdude3 said:
No, I do not. The fact that anime fans are so disproportionally pedophilic is a problem, as is the fact that most seem to think that's perfectly okay.

You guys seem to be misunderstanding what a loli is here. A loli is a character that has a body that is not mature. Pedophilia refers to having a sexual attraction to children. In short, loli simply refers to appearance, not age. I'm pretty sure most loli haters (or pedophilia haters such as yourself) will have no problem with Cleo Zaubraff simply because she doesn't have the body of a child of her age. However those same people would hesitate to say they like Nana Astar Deviluke who has a rather childish body despite being a teenager. And if you didn't know, Cleo is 12 and Nana is 14. In this case, Cleo is not a loli, but Nana (who is older than her) obviously is. Just clearing that up, though I do understand where you're coming from.

OT; Yes, I do like loli characters. The biggest reason would be that from where I come from, having a body that is just slightly more mature than a loli is quite normal. In fact, my personal preference goes towards lower sizes than bigger. And no, I don't see anything wrong with being attracted to a loli, or even children (as long as you don't do anything illegal in this part, that is).
Jan 10, 2013 1:55 AM
Apr 2009
yhunata said:
Exaccus said:
Because it gives people the impression that pedophilia and sexualization of children are things that are glorified amongst the anime/manga fandom.

I'm curious, would the public impression of us anime/manga fans being morally unsavory matter to you?

dkrdude3 said:
No, I do not. The fact that anime fans are so disproportionally pedophilic is a problem, as is the fact that most seem to think that's perfectly okay.

You guys seem to be misunderstanding what a loli is here. A loli is a character that has a body that is not mature. Pedophilia refers to having a sexual attraction to children. In short, loli simply refers to appearance, not age.

The problem is that we shouldn't be encouraging unnatural attractions to the bodies of children, for obvious reasons. If those reasons aren't obvious, it's because the overwhelmingly vast majority of people who look like children are, in fact, children. 2D or 3D, it makes no difference: adults should not be attracted to that. If you are, I feel sorry for you.
TaquishaJohnsonJan 10, 2013 2:06 AM
Jan 10, 2013 1:59 AM

Oct 2011
dkrdude3 said:
The problem is that we shouldn't be encouraging unnatural attractions to the bodies of children, for obvious reasons. If those reasons aren't obvious, it's because the overwhelmingly vast majority of people who look like children are, in fact, children.

but anime children do not look like real children

Jan 10, 2013 2:02 AM

Oct 2011
dkrdude3 said:
No, I do not. The fact that anime fans are so disproportionally pedophilic is a problem, as is the fact that most seem to think that's perfectly okay.

Just like all first-person-shooting gamers are murderers. amiright?
Jan 10, 2013 2:02 AM

Dec 2012
dkrdude3 said:
No, I do not. The fact that anime fans are so disproportionally pedophilic is a problem, as is the fact that most seem to think that's perfectly okay.

Lolicon =/= pedophilia. I personally adore lolis, but real underage girls just don't click for me in the slightest. I was actually mortified when I saw a television program on the preteen modelling industry, it's rather disgusting to see real girls try to mimic anime lolis.
Jan 10, 2013 2:04 AM

Apr 2011
dkrdude3 said:
The problem is that we shouldn't be encouraging unnatural attractions to the bodies of children, for obvious reasons. If those reasons aren't obvious, it's because the overwhelmingly vast majority of people who look like children are, in fact, children.

It's because those body types are common in Japan. Why are they gonna make adults and teenagers in Japanese anime look like American adults and teenagers? That's completely illogical. And you obviously haven't seen real life children if you think lolis look like real life children. Either way, it does not promote pedophilia in any way what so ever. It's not like anime say, "Hey Americans. Here's how women look like in Japan. If your women look too adult, just do the kids."
Jan 10, 2013 2:30 AM
Apr 2009
Iasuru said:
dkrdude3 said:
No, I do not. The fact that anime fans are so disproportionally pedophilic is a problem, as is the fact that most seem to think that's perfectly okay.

Just like all first-person-shooting gamers are murderers. amiright?

That's not exactly a fair comparison. All first-person-shooting gamers are people who enjoy competitions requiring various skills, such as marksmanship and tactical thinking. All lolicons are people with a lolita complex -- named for the novel "Lolita," this refers to people with an inappropriate sexual attraction to 9 to 14 year-old "nymphets," such as the archetypal "nymphet," Dolores, from the book. It's the very definition of the word. Now, if I were saying "all lolicons are child molesters," then your comparison would have some degree of validity. I'm not, of course; that would be ridiculous. I'm saying they're attracted to the bodies of children, because they are, by definition. Now, you could say, "but they're just cartoons! They look nothing like REAL children!" But honestly, if you're only into 2D girls and not 3D ones, that's a problem in itself. See: Japan's record low birth rate.

And, no, "those body types" are not common in Japan among adults. When you find an adult woman who looks like Kuro Kagami, you have found someone very rare and very unfortunate.
Jan 10, 2013 2:31 AM
Apr 2009
Odd, I posted but my post disappeared. Retrying:

Iasuru said:
dkrdude3 said:
No, I do not. The fact that anime fans are so disproportionally pedophilic is a problem, as is the fact that most seem to think that's perfectly okay.

Just like all first-person-shooting gamers are murderers. amiright?

That's not exactly a fair comparison. All first-person-shooting gamers are people who enjoy competitions requiring various skills, such as marksmanship and tactical thinking. All lolicons are people with a lolita complex -- named for the novel "Lolita," this refers to people with an inappropriate sexual attraction to 9 to 14 year-old "nymphets," such as the archetypal "nymphet," Dolores, from the book. It's the very definition of the term. Now, if I were saying "all lolicons are child molesters," then your comparison would have some degree of validity. I'm not, of course; that would be ridiculous. I'm saying they're attracted to the bodies of children, because they are, by definition. Now, you could say, "but they're just cartoons! They look nothing like REAL children!" But honestly, if you're only into 2D girls and not 3D ones, that's a problem in itself. See: Japan's record low birth rate.

And, no, "those body types" are not common in Japan among adults. When you find an adult woman who looks like Kuro Kagami, you have found someone very rare and very unfortunate.
Jan 10, 2013 2:45 AM

Apr 2011
Dude, once again a lolicon =/= pedophile. Lolicon refers to the physical appearance, while pedophilia refers to the age. They're different. There's nothing wrong with being attracted to a woman whose body hasn't quite matured. There is nothing wrong with being attracted a child either (it's disgusting, yes, but not wrong). It's wrong when you act on your impulses on said child. Please stop mixing actions and opinions.

As I said before, my preference to loli over big busty comes from the place I've lived in. Maldives doesn't really have a lot of women with big busts. Thus my preference of less matured bodies over more developed bodies.

Also, if you've watched Japanese movies or dramas, you would see that a lot of women their don't have really developed bodies. Hell, I was thinking that the person who played Sayu's role in the Death Note movie was around my age when she was 8 years older than me. There's a reason why a 20 year old was given the role of a 15 year old, or could they not find a better 15 year old to play the role?

EDIT : For some reason it appeared here, so I'm "merging" my posts together.

No, your post is there. Mine isn't. It's a pain to write it out all again, so I'll just write a little summary of what I wrote.

Lolicon =/= Pedophile. Lolicon refers to an attraction to a physically under developed body, while pedophilia refers to an attraction to an under aged person. There is nothing wrong with either one, unless you act on your impulses against the other person's wishes. It is looked down upon in the west because western women are often more developed. In Japan, it's the opposite. More women have underdeveloped bodies more often than not. For example take a look at this:

That is a 20 year old woman playing the role of a 15 year old teenager. I myself mistook her to be around my age, when she is in fact, 7 years older than I am. For them to use a 20 year old to play the role of a 15 year old, that has to say something about the Japanese.

NOTE: I do not mean Japanese look like children, they just have underdeveloped bodies, which is what a loli is. If you take a look at most loli characters, you'll see that they don't look like children, but rather have underdeveloped bodies.
yhunataJan 10, 2013 3:14 AM
Jan 10, 2013 4:30 AM
May 2009
Loli's are just cute.

Some Real Life kids can be cute, but they are usually naive and still learning everything around them. However they are usually, between 2-6 years old, before they start becoming annoying brats. Of course this depends on their up bringing.

To me a Loli is just a girl with an underdeveloped body, And I would class myself as under Takanashi Souta's love of small cute things, rather then sexual attraction.
Jan 10, 2013 7:22 AM

Aug 2011
You mean if you like loli

depends really on who it is
Jul 31, 2013 7:32 AM
Jul 2013
Okey, first of all- pedophilia. I hope you people are aware that it was perfectly ok for adult man to have a sex with, lets say, 14-15 years old girl back in 15th-16th century? Thats not so long time ago. 400 years, its like 5-6 generations ONLY. This implies that your own ancestors, the guys with YOUR bloodline did this and YOU still turned up to be just fine.

About now-days. What if that 13 years old girl grows up, and when she hits age of 18-20 she tells she still wish she could have had sex with that old guy back when she was 13? In this case, I guess, it would be ok for her to actually have sex when she is 13, if her wishes doesnt change when she is adult.

Also, a lot of 13/14/15 years old girls do in fact have sex when theyre in this age and their parents dont even know it and these girls grow up to be just fine. Google "when you lost virginity" and you will find countless of articles from mature, respectable women who lost their virginity at age 13/14/15 and grew up just fine.

Thats just sex. Sex means something good. Act of sex means that both parties involved will feel physical euphoria. How can consensual physical euphoria be wrong, regardless of age? No physical harm have been done to any of parties (assuming pregnancy doesnt occur). Guess what, im 30 and I still wish that lady would have fcked me back when I was 14. Thanks a lot mom for ruining this for me.
Jul 31, 2013 7:38 AM

Feb 2010
@ guy above me: 400 years is more than 5-6 generations.

@ thread: Yes.
I probably regret this post by now.
Jul 31, 2013 7:42 AM
Jul 2013
Higashi_no_Kaze said:
@ guy above me: 400 years is more than 5-6 generations.

@ thread: Yes.

with average life spawn of 70 years its between 5 and 6 generations. Even if life spawn is shorter you just add one more generation. Obviously not the point
Jul 31, 2013 7:47 AM

Apr 2013
Higashi_no_Kaze said:
@ thread: Yes.
Jul 31, 2013 7:48 AM

Oct 2011

Also, flat is justice. Screw Z cups.
Jul 31, 2013 7:49 AM

Feb 2013
NO, fucking loli is sick.

jk, i fap to lolis daily.
Jul 31, 2013 8:06 AM

Jul 2012
Hell yes. Lolis are best. Please get me out of this shitty loli-less reality and place me into my loli paradise!
I am falling, I am fading, I am drowning, help me to breathe.
Jul 31, 2013 8:07 AM

Dec 2012
x9YI0XO5Wo said:
Okey, first of all- pedophilia. I hope you people are aware that it was perfectly ok for adult man to have a sex with, lets say, 14-15 years old girl back in 15th-16th century? Thats not so long time ago. 400 years, its like 5-6 generations ONLY. This implies that your own ancestors, the guys with YOUR bloodline did this and YOU still turned up to be just fine.

About now-days. What if that 13 years old girl grows up, and when she hits age of 18-20 she tells she still wish she could have had sex with that old guy back when she was 13? In this case, I guess, it would be ok for her to actually have sex when she is 13, if her wishes doesnt change when she is adult.

Also, a lot of 13/14/15 years old girls do in fact have sex when theyre in this age and their parents dont even know it and these girls grow up to be just fine. Google "when you lost virginity" and you will find countless of articles from mature, respectable women who lost their virginity at age 13/14/15 and grew up just fine.

Thats just sex. Sex means something good. Act of sex means that both parties involved will feel physical euphoria. How can consensual physical euphoria be wrong, regardless of age? No physical harm have been done to any of parties (assuming pregnancy doesnt occur). Guess what, im 30 and I still wish that lady would have fcked me back when I was 14. Thanks a lot mom for ruining this for me.

People often misuse the word pedophilia, since being attracted to 13-15 year olds is not classified as such. I disagree with the rest of your post however, since the times have changed and there have been both scientific as well as moral developments in this subject matter. 400-500 years ago it was a certain way, 1200+ years ago it wasn't so strange for grown men to marry and bed 8-9 year old girls in some countries as well.

But I believe the main issue is that people try to impose reality on anime. Anime characters do not follow a singular and absolute standard for age. Anime characters do not even closely resemble a living, breathing human being either. Last I checked, 5th grade girls didn't have gemstone eyes, rainbow hair, or the physique and sex appeal of college girls (of course I don't mean breast size, flat chests for life!).
ZekkenshinJul 31, 2013 8:13 AM
Jul 31, 2013 8:11 AM

Aug 2012
Jul 31, 2013 8:16 AM

Feb 2013
x9YI0XO5Wo said:
Okey, first of all- pedophilia. I hope you people are aware that it was perfectly ok for adult man to have a sex with, lets say, 14-15 years old girl back in 15th-16th century? Thats not so long time ago. 400 years, its like 5-6 generations ONLY. This implies that your own ancestors, the guys with YOUR bloodline did this and YOU still turned up to be just fine.

About now-days. What if that 13 years old girl grows up, and when she hits age of 18-20 she tells she still wish she could have had sex with that old guy back when she was 13? In this case, I guess, it would be ok for her to actually have sex when she is 13, if her wishes doesnt change when she is adult.

Also, a lot of 13/14/15 years old girls do in fact have sex when theyre in this age and their parents dont even know it and these girls grow up to be just fine. Google "when you lost virginity" and you will find countless of articles from mature, respectable women who lost their virginity at age 13/14/15 and grew up just fine.

Thats just sex. Sex means something good. Act of sex means that both parties involved will feel physical euphoria. How can consensual physical euphoria be wrong, regardless of age? No physical harm have been done to any of parties (assuming pregnancy doesnt occur). Guess what, im 30 and I still wish that lady would have fcked me back when I was 14. Thanks a lot mom for ruining this for me.

This guy...made an account today.....just to talk about this?

Jul 31, 2013 8:17 AM
Jul 2013
Ratohnhaketon said:
People often misuse the word pedophilia, since being attracted to 13-15 year olds is not classified as such. I disagree with the rest of your post however, since the times have changed and there have been both scientific as well as moral developments in this subject matter. 400-500 years ago it was a certain way, 1200+ years ago it wasn't so strange for grown men to marry and bed 8-9 year old girls in some countries as well.

How can you disagree with rest of my post? What if that 13 years old girl grows up, and when she hits age of 18-20 she tells she still wish she could have had sex with that old guy back when she was 13? In this case, it would still be wrong if she did had sex with him back when she was 13? You cant disagree with this. Idea behind age-restriction in sex is that girls brains are not developed enough for her to make decision, so she could end up regretting her choice. This clearly doesnt apply if she still wants same thing even when she is old enough to make her decisions. Also, you cant disagree that there are large number of girls who does in fact have sex in this age and STILL end up being just fine with no regrets.
Jul 31, 2013 8:19 AM

Jun 2008
x9YI0XO5Wo said:
Also, you cant disagree that there are large number of girls who does in fact have sex in this age and STILL end up being just fine with no regrets.

Some people =/= all people...
Face_FaithJul 31, 2013 8:33 AM
Jul 31, 2013 8:22 AM

May 2013
Looking for a character or a certain Anime/Manga?
Looking for recommendations?
Rie Kugimiya Fanclub
Jul 31, 2013 8:38 AM

Dec 2012
x9YI0XO5Wo said:

How can you disagree with rest of my post? What if that 13 years old girl grows up, and when she hits age of 18-20 she tells she still wish she could have had sex with that old guy back when she was 13? In this case, it would still be wrong if she did had sex with him back when she was 13?

You cant disagree with this. Idea behind age-restriction in sex is that girls brains are not developed enough for her to make decision, so she could end up regretting her choice. This clearly doesnt apply if she still wants same thing even when she is old enough to make her decisions. Also, you cant disagree that there are large number of girls who does in fact have sex in this age and STILL end up being just fine with no regrets.

But the grown woman can't possibly know what consequences would have come out of acting on that desire. She may also have a misguided understanding of the situation based on warped ideas that she had when she was 13. Additionally, simply looking back on a desire with fondness and regret that one did not act upon it does justify the action itself.

For example, I wanted to join the Bloods when I was 13. If I look back now and say "aw man I wish I had become a gangster after all", does that mean that joining would have been justified back then? I can't possibly gauge the consequences of what would have happened if I joined based on experiences I never had.
Jul 31, 2013 8:41 AM
Jul 2013
x9YI0XO5Wo said:
But the grown woman can't possibly know what consequences would have come out of acting on that desire. She may also have a misguided understanding of the situation based on warped ideas that she had when she was 13. Additionally, simply looking back on a desire with fondness and regret that one did not act upon it does justify the action itself.

For example, I wanted to join the Bloods when I was 13. If I look back now and say "aw man I wish I had become a gangster after all", does that mean that joining would have been justified back then? I can't possibly gauge the consequences of what would have happened if I joined based on experiences I never had.

But its your business. If you do have sex when your 13 and you don't regret it and are happy with it when your 30, its noones business what you did back then when you was 13.
Jul 31, 2013 8:48 AM

Jul 2013
yes i do, so cute.
Jul 31, 2013 8:49 AM

Feb 2010
x9YI0XO5Wo said:
Higashi_no_Kaze said:
@ guy above me: 400 years is more than 5-6 generations.

@ thread: Yes.

with average life spawn of 70 years its between 5 and 6 generations. Even if life spawn is shorter you just add one more generation. Obviously not the point

A new generation doesn't start when an old one dies but when an old one gives birth to a new one though, which usually happens before they are 60 or 70 for biological reasons. More like 20-40 years per generation.
Not the point, but still. I just pointed it out because either way it isn't an argument for any kind of laws or morals we have nowadays.
I probably regret this post by now.
Jul 31, 2013 8:58 AM
Jul 2013
Higashi_no_Kaze said:
A new generation doesn't start when an old one dies but when an old one gives birth to a new one though, which usually happens before they are 60 or 70 for biological reasons. More like 20-40 years per generation.
Not the point, but still. I just pointed it out because either way it isn't an argument for any kind of laws or morals we have nowadays.

Laws and morals themselfs are not considered logical arguments because they are subjective. In past there were different laws and morals, now there are different laws and morals and in future there might and probably will be different laws and morals. Not considering that even in same time line they change from territory to territory. Not really a logical way to prove or disprove claim.
Jul 31, 2013 9:02 AM

Feb 2010
x9YI0XO5Wo said:
Higashi_no_Kaze said:
A new generation doesn't start when an old one dies but when an old one gives birth to a new one though, which usually happens before they are 60 or 70 for biological reasons. More like 20-40 years per generation.
Not the point, but still. I just pointed it out because either way it isn't an argument for any kind of laws or morals we have nowadays.

Laws and morals themselfs are not considered logical arguments because they are subjective. In past there were different laws and morals, now there are different laws and morals and in future there might and probably will be different laws and morals. Not considering that even in same time line they change from territory to territory. Not really a logical way to prove or disprove claim.

Yes, that is why I was wondering about your first paragraph and why you tried to present it as some kind of argument.
I probably regret this post by now.
Jul 31, 2013 9:09 AM
Jul 2013
Higashi_no_Kaze said:
x9YI0XO5Wo said:
Higashi_no_Kaze said:
A new generation doesn't start when an old one dies but when an old one gives birth to a new one though, which usually happens before they are 60 or 70 for biological reasons. More like 20-40 years per generation.
Not the point, but still. I just pointed it out because either way it isn't an argument for any kind of laws or morals we have nowadays.

Laws and morals themselfs are not considered logical arguments because they are subjective. In past there were different laws and morals, now there are different laws and morals and in future there might and probably will be different laws and morals. Not considering that even in same time line they change from territory to territory. Not really a logical way to prove or disprove claim.

Yes, that is why I was wondering about your first paragraph and why you tried to present it as some kind of argument.

It wasnt meant as argument, more like information that people from your own bloodline did it, since this fact is usually ignored.
Jul 31, 2013 11:35 AM

Apr 2013
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
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