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Jun 9, 2012 4:05 PM
Jun 2012
I am gonna rank the saddest and why by order. WARNING if you HAVEN'T seen the end don't read. I don't want to spoil things for you.

1. Lelouch-just because I love this character. Everything he had planned out had worked in the end and I couldn't bare the show ending and with him dying either...I have seen the show 15 times though and I still cry every time.

2. Euphemia-I loved this character too...I hadn't really seen this one coming. I thought she was gonna be a character in it for a long time because of Suzaku. Any who she was a cute character so I was sad to see her go.

3. Shirley-I wasn't a fan of Shirley. I didn't really like her till her death. The first time I was like finally she is gonna die then when she talked to Lulu it got me to cry. It was then I started to like her and made me cry.

4. Rolo- First time through I didn't like Rolo so I cheered at his death...I have now met his voice actor and from that started to like the character. I also like how he saved Lelouch so after the first time I watched it I cried for him. He isn't a character I cry for every time, but I cried a few times for him.

5. Nunnally- I was only sad the first time. I kinda liked her because Lelouch did. When she 'died' I was all 'oh no! now Lelouch won't try to destroy Britannia!'. Once I found out she was alive and Lelouch continued to fight I didn't really care about her. She started to get annoying at that point. I now just don't like her....
Jun 22, 2012 12:55 PM
Jun 2012
Nunnaly was the saddest for me,just to have to see Lelouch like that, when he lost lost it!
Shirley was also quite sad, her death made me hate Rolo, so i was happy when he died
Jul 2, 2012 3:38 AM
Feb 2012
1. Lelouch. Fav character of all time. he overcame every obstacle in his way, though no matter what he gone through he would keep going till the end. there losts of reasons.but when he die he did in the most epic way possible.but i was so pissed off cuz i had 2 see him go.

2. Euphemia. Lelouch's sister he cared 4 her deeply. when she announced the japan nation . and they agreee i was like it can finally be over. but his geass took over. she did the massacre. and how it ended. she was shot by lelouch and then suzaku final moments w. her.

3. Shirley - Never really cared 4 her character, but i felt bad the way she went. shot by rolo then shirley talkiing 2 lelouch before her death.

4. rolo. 2 be honest never like his character . but what he did to shirley was a bad move. so when it was his time 2 go i didnt care at all
Jul 8, 2012 5:26 PM
Jun 2012
Lelouch-the saddest of all but i just can't cry i never cry on any sad anime and this anime if i could i want to cry and if i could i want to say to everyone in that anime the real reason Lelouch died but only her little sister know(--_--)

Jul 15, 2012 6:28 AM

Jul 2012
eh, Lelouche~ he kept the story going~

Icanb3madJul 15, 2012 7:21 AM
Jul 15, 2012 6:45 AM

Apr 2011
Before watching R2, it was definitely Euphy's death. So sad how her death was caused from an accidental geass.... and also for Suzaku, to loose the one he loved most :((((
But I must say Lelouch's death was beyond words!! I cried so much when I realized that it was all part of his plan T___T I somewhat knew that he was going to be killed (because of the obnoxious spoilers I hear from my friends -___-''' ) but had no idea he would actually sacrifice himself D: Such a noble death.... even though there were many mistakes he made along the way he indeed led the world to true justice.
So yeah...I only cried for those two but all the deaths were pretty upsetting.

On a different note: Shirley's death was indeed sad... but man... I feel pretty bad for her mother :( She lost her husband in the massacre, and a year or so later looses her only daughter. I know she's not considered important but I cant stop but think how devo she would be -___-''''
Aug 4, 2012 6:19 AM

Jul 2008
So first of all i have to say that for me shirley's death wasn't as sad as lulu using geas on her to forget him.
That said lelouch's death was the saddest, he was just the best ever.
Second would be Rolo, even if he wasn't the best guy in life, his death brought me unexspected to tears.
"You will always enjoy your life"
-fortune cookie
Sep 28, 2013 2:22 PM

Jun 2013
Nurarihyon95 said:
Shirley - Was the happiest

And Euphemia. She was so annoying.
The saddest - of course Lelouch. Epic death scene (sob)
Sep 29, 2013 7:06 AM

Jul 2013
Lelouch DEFINITELY. But Shirley's was also really sad because of how upset Lelouch was. Hell, all deaths in this show are sad. Even if I didn't like all the people who died.
"Komugi, are you there?"

Sep 29, 2013 7:10 AM

Jul 2013
narutebayo said:
narutebayo said:

"Komugi, are you there?"

Oct 21, 2013 4:09 PM

Sep 2012
To me, I think the saddest death was Euphie and Shirley.
and Lelouch, just to remember I feel something in my eyes ;-;
Oct 31, 2013 9:25 AM
Jul 2018
Shirley TT_TT

I cried from greatness at the end
I wasn't sad
Lelouch done the right thing
and he isn't dead
Nov 8, 2013 2:57 AM
Nov 2013
i think shirley and euphy was the saddest. And lelouch's death is not confirmed.
Nov 13, 2013 5:15 AM

Jun 2011
_Saphira said:
To me, I think the saddest death was Euphie and Shirley.
and Lelouch, just to remember I feel something in my eyes ;-;


dhruvrana said:
And lelouch's death is not confirmed.

But I still cried. ;_;
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Nov 13, 2013 5:33 AM

Feb 2013
Shirley and Lelouch, other then those two nothing to say about the others who died.
Nov 21, 2013 5:09 AM
May 2012
Tamotsu-7 said:
Shirley TT_TT

I cried from greatness at the end
I wasn't sad
Lelouch done the right thing
and he isn't dead

I don't care anymore.

Still Rolo is a such a piece of shit that I wanna kill in the first place. But I don't care he died later episode.
Dec 6, 2013 11:16 AM

Apr 2012
Wait what ....

Nunnally didn't die.
My Reviews and Rants:

Jan 7, 2014 10:21 AM
Jun 2013
Lelouch for sure. (But I don't think he actually died)

Then Shirley
The Euphy
Then Rolo
Jan 8, 2014 9:48 PM

Jun 2013
1. SHIRLEY - This death was clearly the most emotional death in the series. Undeniably tragic as she died with the whole world collapsing before her very eyes. The series itself felt the impact of her death. And I don't even like Shirley :P

2. LELOUCH - Lelouch was my favorite character so I hated to see him go. His death was incredibly complex, as people cheered for his death while those closest to him lost someone important to them. Especially Nunnally, poor Nunnally.

3. EUPHEMIA - The tragedy behind her death is what makes this one so sad. She wanted nothing more than to bring the Japanese people true freedom, but ended up murdering the Japanese thanks to the power of Geass. Suzaku changed completely after her death.
Feb 4, 2014 5:34 AM
Jul 2011
1. Shirley - At first I wasn't much of a fan of "Shirley" as she always seemed like that character, but getting into the series I noticed how vital she became to the story line and how it affect Rolo etc;, but just seeing him use his Geass on her saying "Live Live LIVE LIVE", really got to me, though this wasn't one of those moments where I cried, but you can't help but feel for Lelouch in that scenario, the fact that he attempts to use his geass to try to make her live....though it does nothing.

2. Euphemia without a doubt is my second - mainly due to her part in the series and how her and Lelouch reconnected and how she attempted to make a change....but due to the "uncontrollable" geass, lelouch without realizing it, lost control and tragedy struck, which just hurt inside, the huge impact it had on Lelouch and Suzaku which meant that both just went berserk in different manners. Then just seeing Suzaku just changing completely, even at the end.

3. Lelouch - Without a doubt was he a key player in this series, suffering through thick and thin and then stating "To defeat evil, I SHALL BECOME AN EVEN GREATER EVIL", just this line from him, made me shiver inside and seeing how everything was planned out and allowing himself to die at his "best" friends sword was just unbearable....made me want to jump out and just say ....STOP STOP STOP.....though it was amazing to see how it all planned out, how he suffered through the entire series, how he almost lost hope when he though Nunally died....JUST amazing death and amazing ending to the series...(I believe he is dead...and even if he isn't, I hope they do not continue the story...due to the mystery behind it...)
Feb 20, 2014 9:12 PM
May 2012
Evatallica said:
1. SHIRLEY - This death was clearly the most emotional death in the series. Undeniably tragic as she died with the whole world collapsing before her very eyes. The series itself felt the impact of her death. And I don't even like Shirley :P

2. LELOUCH - Lelouch was my favorite character so I hated to see him go. His death was incredibly complex, as people cheered for his death while those closest to him lost someone important to them. Especially Nunnally, poor Nunnally.

3. EUPHEMIA - The tragedy behind her death is what makes this one so sad. She wanted nothing more than to bring the Japanese people true freedom, but ended up murdering the Japanese thanks to the power of Geass. Suzaku changed completely after her death.
Tennou said:
1. Shirley - At first I wasn't much of a fan of "Shirley" as she always seemed like that character, but getting into the series I noticed how vital she became to the story line and how it affect Rolo etc;, but just seeing him use his Geass on her saying "Live Live LIVE LIVE", really got to me, though this wasn't one of those moments where I cried, but you can't help but feel for Lelouch in that scenario, the fact that he attempts to use his geass to try to make her live....though it does nothing.

2. Euphemia without a doubt is my second - mainly due to her part in the series and how her and Lelouch reconnected and how she attempted to make a change....but due to the "uncontrollable" geass, lelouch without realizing it, lost control and tragedy struck, which just hurt inside, the huge impact it had on Lelouch and Suzaku which meant that both just went berserk in different manners. Then just seeing Suzaku just changing completely, even at the end.

3. Lelouch - Without a doubt was he a key player in this series, suffering through thick and thin and then stating "To defeat evil, I SHALL BECOME AN EVEN GREATER EVIL", just this line from him, made me shiver inside and seeing how everything was planned out and allowing himself to die at his "best" friends sword was just unbearable....made me want to jump out and just say ....STOP STOP STOP.....though it was amazing to see how it all planned out, how he suffered through the entire series, how he almost lost hope when he though Nunally died....JUST amazing death and amazing ending to the series...(I believe he is dead...and even if he isn't, I hope they do not continue the story...due to the mystery behind it...)

Hmm... everyone had a same opinion regarding THIS.
Apr 18, 2014 5:58 AM

Jan 2014
Apart from Lelouch's that ripped my soul apart, I'd have to say Shirley, it was so sad how she was laying there on the floor dying, and then Lulu finding her and then she telling him he wasn't alone. A bit clichè, but still heartbraking :'(
Game over. If that's the case, I just have to play again.
May 23, 2014 11:36 PM

Sep 2013
I would have gone with euphy but then Nina made some epic face, that honestly just had me dying. On that note then deff Lelouche!!!! Nunally reaction what got me there!
May 24, 2014 8:55 PM
Mar 2014
Shirley would probably be my pick for who actually died

BUT if were going on who's precieved death gave us the most bawwwww. I would have to give it hands down to Lelouch. The most tactful and interesting character I've ever witnessed in an anime getting a sword cut through him gave me a case of the bawwww's like I've never experienced in an anime ever before.

I did feel sad when Rolo died but nothing in comparison to Shirley or Lelouch.
Jun 14, 2014 5:31 AM

Jun 2014
Talamare said:
Sayoko's death, she was so cute and her ninja skillz had awesome animation, felt so sad >_<

Guilford, a true soldier till the end, he held his honor! *21 gun salute*

I was so happy when Nunnally died, that bitch screwed up the first rebellion

Shirley dying, I was pretty happy too, since that bitch is competition for my Kallen

Rolo... was really annoying, and I wouldnt have been surprised if he turned incest

V.V. since I wished he was never born, Im glad he died

Euphemia, bitch needed to die! she went fuckin berserk

Nina, still waiting for it to happen... got a "Hurray Nina Died" banner already made

o.O You sure have got a strange way of thinking..Well, maybe except the Nina part.

viesiu said:
About Rolo's death, I was rather happy when he died XD

Alphapanda said:
Rolo - I somewhat smiled and not, since he helped out lelouch escape, dam him xD (so for me he's not the saddest death)


The deaths of the characters in my eyes:

(1) Rolo: My poor baby! He's my fave! He shouldn't have died! And all that to save Lelouch after he said those harsh words to him! Rolo, hands down to you! I cried my eyeballs out when he died. TTT.TTT

(2) Lelouch: I understand that all the posts here were posted before the last episode, so there are no signs of his death. But I'll mention it as I am posting this after the last episode. It was so unexpected. From the way things happened, Lelouch acting like a demon, him and Suzaku joining forces, and him going against even Nunally! But this, this still surprised me like HECK!! I cried really hard when he died. But I was smiling too. Wow, you're really smart Lelouch. You planned all this from the beginning. And you were able to make it all come true. You truly are a hero. He made the ending of CG the most epic ending of anything I have ever seen, with the whole world (except C.C., Suzaku, Nunally, Kallen and Jeremiah) thinking of him as a demon, celebrating in his death, while Nunally crying over his dead body, asking him to come back to her, telling him that her only dream was to live together with her older brother happily. So sad TT.TT

(3) Shirley: Ok, now whio said that someone can't like both Rolo and Shirley? Well, I sure am an exeception! Her death was sooooo sad! I ALMOST cried! I don't blame Rolo for killing her, no. But didn't want her to die! I liked her! No, I didn't find her annoying at all. I actually do ship Shirley x Lelouch ( In fact, I ship almost every character with Lelouch. Ex: Rolo x Lelouch, Suzaku x Lelouch, Kallen x Lelouch, C.C. x Lelouch. I know, I know! I know that I'm weird. XD). And all that with her Death speech. T.T Shirley and Lelouch forever! I hope that they both can be together in after life.

(4) Euphy: 'Bloodstained Euphy', hmmm. I was warned by seeing the episodes' name in advance that SOMETHING was gonna happen. Either Euphy was gonna die, or she was going to kill somebody. Well, both of them turned out to be true, but not in the least in the way I expected them to. It pains me so much to think that her death was an accident. A MERE ACCIDENT!! Seeing the good person she was, she really didn't deserve to die...

(5) Nunnally: I know she didn't die, but she almost did. I was kinda happy she died, but then she just had to pop out -_-, and get in Lelouch's way! >:O But I really liked her in the last episode. You know, the way she cried over Lelouch and understood him. Then I was happy that she didn't die. Now I pair Nunnally with my fave, Rolo, even though how impossible they both may seem together.

(6) V.V.: Well, let's just say I had this faint idea he was gonna die ever since he came into CG. I was quite indifferent and emotionless at his death. Yes, he was cool, but he was bad too. So they both equal each other out. But, oh well, I don't hate him, but I don't like him either.

(7) Nina and Ohgi: Oh yes, they did die. How, you ask? Well, I murdered them! :D And Gawd, it was such a heavenly feeling! Oh I hate them to death! DX

Jun 25, 2014 10:19 PM
Jul 2011
Hi everyone! First time joining a club and of course had to pick this one.

The saddest for me was actually what got me hooked. I saw a music video with Shirley dying and what she said I thought it was so beautifully sad that I had to find the anime.

Bawled when I saw the actually scene with Shirley dying when watching the anime.
Aug 1, 2014 4:18 PM

Oct 2013
The saddest death was when Shirley died T_T

Oct 31, 2014 10:18 AM

Oct 2014
Euphie's death had to be the saddest death of all. Euphie and Suzakus relationship was by far the most developed romantic relation ship in all of Code Geass in my own opinion of course. Everything she went through to prove Suzaku's loyalty. Everything they did together to rise up, and then finally...Almost get to their dream. The Specially Admitted Zone Of Japan. Then, the accident of between Lelouch and Euphie that lead to the most screwed up event in all of the series.

Everything that happened form then on and to the point of her demise, was so sad, depressing, over all tear gushing and heart wrenching. Out of all the deaths. It was the only one that had actually brought me to tears. In both dub and sub. The voice actors did a great job of showing the tragedy and turmoil of the situations. I absolutely loved it. Then Suzuaku wanting to go to school with Euphie and then lying to her about the Specially admitted zone...It was just so perfect. It was too good.
Jan 21, 2015 9:03 PM

Jul 2014
Shirley & Lulu ;_;
May 13, 2015 2:29 PM

Mar 2015
Well aside from Lelouch I'd have to go with Shirley or Euphie.

I know a lot of people find Shirley annoying but I liked her because she brought a little sanity to Lelouch's life and Lelouch's tears are enough to make anyone cry :(.

Euphies was also sad because she died known as a mass murderer when it wasn't her fault. Lelouch made an oopsie there.

I honestly couldn't give a crap about Rolo's death. VV was pretty cool but his death wasn't sad.
blubcreatorMay 13, 2015 2:32 PM
Jul 27, 2015 10:22 AM
Jul 2015
wait nunaley died?
Aug 7, 2015 2:13 PM
Jul 2015
i think at the end of second series when lelouch died i was really sad to see him die
Oct 2, 2015 5:43 PM
Oct 2012
Lelouch death was the sadest
Dec 10, 2015 12:21 PM

Nov 2014
Lelouch death no contest.. Euphie come close in the 2nd place
Reality is the lifeblood that makes a work pulse with energy. Reality itself is entertainment

Dec 16, 2015 2:13 PM

Oct 2015
I just cried when Lelouch died

Call me whatever you want
i liek ecchi
Dec 17, 2015 4:21 PM

Feb 2015
Shirley....Why did you had to die? T.T
Dec 28, 2015 4:38 AM

Nov 2013
Saddest deaths?
Well Shirley for sure, y'know, when a good pair dies, it's just sad, and she had chemistry with Lulu-boy.
That's pretty much it...
Also I don't believe that Lelouched died due to his powers and the open ending, so nope, his "death" does not make me sad.
Feb 6, 2016 8:49 AM

Jan 2016
Euphy's death was really sad, especially with suzaku by her side, Shirley's last monologue was also saddening but to be fair she just wasn't as important in my eyes as Euphy or Rollo.

Rollo's sacrifice to save Lelouch was honorable and it made us like Rollo just right before his death

Lelouch's death however was actually an intense and epic moment. His last words still bang in my head haha. Even if we know he's still alive!!
Feb 8, 2016 6:12 AM

Feb 2016
The saddest death for me overall was Lelouch - but that is probably expected. I bawled hard. So many tears I nearly turned myself into a raisin.

BUT, besides Lelouch, the death that actually got to me the most was Rolo. Even though he had SERIOUS issues with sanity, in the end, the only 'family' he had ever known or felt a part of was Lelouch. So dying for him made his death seem sad to me as he had never truly had a normal life at all.

...But like I said...he had problems. One being his twitchy fingers with guns.
Mar 3, 2016 6:47 AM
Jan 2016
Aug 2, 2016 12:38 PM
Jul 2016
Sad: Rolo
Very Sad: Euphy
I cried a lot: Shirley
Infinite sadness: Lulu T_T
May 30, 2023 9:50 AM
Dec 2011
The death of Shirley or Euphie was sad but when Lelouch died I cried.
I really didn't care when Rolo died.
Oct 14, 2023 2:22 AM

Jan 2015
Reply to dekopinn
narutebayo said:
narutebayo said:


I'm from the future and still share the same feeling. Thank god for
or I would have been depressed for life.
"Any betrayal you can see is trivial, what is truly frightening and much more lethal, is the betrayal you cannot see."

All Hail Lelouch!
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