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Apr 4, 2008 6:11 AM

Feb 2008
Apr 10, 2008 9:04 AM

Apr 2008
Why would I? It doesn't matter to me what other's read or watch, everyone can do what they like.
I guess I'm one of those n00b because I don't keep in update...I prefer to go at my own pace.

Same here
Apr 10, 2008 11:15 AM

Mar 2008
Yes I do

there are some n00bs that have extremely good taste and I think that's commendable. And elitists are great people to talk to (whether it be for amusement or discussion purposes)
May 14, 2008 4:56 PM

Jan 2008
Nope not all read what you want, everyone has to start somewhere.

May 14, 2008 5:11 PM

May 2008
I try my best not to, but it happens to everyone once in awhile. I try to be as open-minded as I can when it comes to this community, and hope that everyone tries to do the same...

I'm pretty sure life is a tsundere...
May 15, 2008 5:48 AM

Jul 2007
axis said:
Back then, Dragonball was THE thing...Which was happening with the emergence of many anime that became mainstream. A lot of people judged those who like Dragonball as amateurs.

Nowadays, do you judge others as "n00b"s for their reading material?

yes i look down on them liking long running shounen crap like that. and i expect people to look down on me for the mindless drivel that i read like girls bravo, gacha gacha, or hayate.

it's not like i'm advocating removing shounen action from bookstores. if i wanted to push my views on other people like that i'd go join christianity or something.
May 16, 2008 4:15 PM

Dec 2007
Nah, I do find the majority of shonen a bit dull and silly, but understand I'm not part of the demographic. Just not very interested in it. Had I gotten into anime and manga much earlier, I could see myself enjoying it more.
SchnickelFritzMay 16, 2008 4:24 PM
May 17, 2008 5:38 PM

Oct 2007
I only look down on them if they're wannabe-otaku, and there's a lot of signs of wannebe-otakuness :D

May 22, 2008 6:35 AM

May 2008
only when people know only 2 -3 mainstream series, refuse to explore other series and yet still claim that they are "hardcore" fans. wtf? to me, the label "hardcore" should should only be applied when someone's love of anime start to affect their health and hygiene. at that point its really not something to brag about.

my apologies for the rant that went slightly off topic >.>

May 22, 2008 7:37 AM

Oct 2007
I have a few friends who only follow Bleach and Naruto. But that's only because they're not as interested in all-that-is-otaku. Makes me kinda sad though, because they were the ones that inroduced me to anime in the first place ;_;

My kingdom for a bottle of plum juice!
May 22, 2008 6:03 PM
Mar 2008
It doesn't matter to me what someone else reads. If they like it, they like it. Who am I to judge? Now I would give recomendations
May 22, 2008 7:56 PM

Jan 2008
I don't care what a person likes or dislikes. People who stick on only a few anime/manga series or refuse to branch out are missing out on a huge portion; I don't look down on them it's frustrating at times.
May 24, 2008 3:19 PM

Oct 2007
I sometimes judge dub-watchers as inferior to sub-watchers. Or maybe just the series themselves.

Other than that, I don't judge people by what they read/watch. It has more to do with their behavior, like these people mentioned:

OTOhime said:
I only look down on them if they're wannabe-otaku, and there's a lot of signs of wannebe-otakuness :D

Voron79 said:
The only people I look down too are people who are scared of what people think of there hobby. People who are to afraid to read manga in public. >:-(
May 24, 2008 7:52 PM

Jan 2008
Not really. Watch or read what you want, I really don't care all that much. I may not understand it(such as yaoi>______>) but I don't look down on people for it. Though I do tend to get slightly annoyed by people who think their better because they watch anime or read manga that no ones heard of, and act as if there's something wrong with liking mainstream.

Same goes with people who act stuck up because you prefer the dub of a manga over a sub. "OMG YOU LIKE TEH DUB, SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH YOUSSS".
May 25, 2008 6:21 AM

Feb 2008
OverChasm said:
I sometimes judge dub-watchers as inferior to sub-watchers. Or maybe just the series themselves.

Other than that, I don't judge people by what they read/watch. It has more to do with their behavior, like these people mentioned:

OTOhime said:
I only look down on them if they're wannabe-otaku, and there's a lot of signs of wannebe-otakuness :D

Voron79 said:
The only people I look down too are people who are scared of what people think of there hobby. People who are to afraid to read manga in public. >:-(

Yeah I agree with that.
I read the Naruto manga so alot of people look down on me because of that, but it's a hell of alot better than the anime.

I don't judge people by the manga they read, in fact it's quite fun when you meet someone with completely different taste to you. You could be introduced to something completely alien but you learn to love it.
May 26, 2008 1:33 AM

Apr 2008
I certainly don't look down on others for what they read or watch. However, I do sometimes look down on them for what they don't read or watch. It can get a little complicated if I go down that track, though, so I won't.
Jul 1, 2008 1:19 AM

Mar 2007
HaddenIV said:
I wont usualy give out a "noob" label myself, but I have been known to label some as "adult swim otaku" which im sure the label speaks for it's self. There are quite a few out there who only watch adult swim and assume they know all there is to know about anime.

Totally agree...
Jul 1, 2008 4:25 AM
May 2008
Sorry I skipped a few pages, but I have a bit to get on with today. I try not to look down on others for their tastes but it depends on how they act about it. By that I mean I don't have a problem with people who like something that I do not like or am not into yet, but I really have a problem with those who claim their series is better than that of others if they have not seen/read the series before. Now I say this as someone who is an ex-fanboy (there was my high-danger level with pokemon, then my mid danger level with DBZ, now no danger).

I really dislike those who keep switching allegiances with series because it is the next big thing or it is popular, regardless of how much they really like the series. This happened with DBZ and it has happened or will happen with Naruto, it will always happen. I like stuff because I like it, and people liking something just because it is popular is a weak reason to like something, it is one of the traits I hate most in people because it indicates sheep mentality. By that I mean the thinking of people who do not really think for themselves, who just go with the crowd etc.

Now don't get me wrong I like some popular stuff, but for the reasons I personally find it good not because it is popular, exapmples including Bleach, Dragonball and Naruto. I also like some series which aren't as popular outside of Japan like Hunter X Hunter and Beet the vandel Buster.

I can usually see it as preference and thus am fine but sometimes I can be considered a purist. I usaully refuse point blank to watch the dubbed version of anime series, because I have seen so many be wrecked by Americans, trying to force their own culture into something originating elsewhere, and some of the voices are just horrific. Not that they are all bad, like Outlaw Star had good dubbing. I tend to prefer manga anyway because it is usually the original form (with exceptions like Tenjou Tenge and Samurai Champloo I think).

To sum up what I have just said: i really dislike those who judge something if they have not seen it or read it, particularly if they have went by the view of another who is biased against a series or is a fanboy/girl.
Jul 1, 2008 8:14 PM

Jun 2008
Yes, I do. But it's usually the Adult Swim crowd I tend to look down on. I know it's wrong and I end up looking like an elitist ass, but I don't really care. I can't help feeling a twinge of disappointment and some nerd rage when I go to conventions and they're flooded with mediocre crap like Naruto/Bleach/whatever.

People are free to watch/read whatever they want, and I'm not gonna stop them. But I'm still gonna think they're kinda lame.

But then again, I watch Soul Eater, so who am I to talk.

[edit]: Just realized what I was trying to say. It's not so much the shows, but the fans themselves. The fandoms can make me go from being simply indifferent to a show to absolutely hating it (ex. crazy yaoi fangirls)

Jul 1, 2008 8:23 PM

Dec 2007
OmegaJudgement said:
The only people i would look down upon is those that have worn the naruto head protector in public and say that naruto invented ramen...

...shame i know such a person.

actually, i would have to agree on this one ...
Jul 2, 2008 2:15 AM

Feb 2008
OuterSpaceDog said:

But then again, I watch Soul Eater, so who am I to talk.
And what exactly is so wrong with Soul Eater? :|
Jul 2, 2008 2:20 PM

Jun 2008
LolitaDecay said:
OuterSpaceDog said:

But then again, I watch Soul Eater, so who am I to talk.
And what exactly is so wrong with Soul Eater? :|

Just another generic shounen. It's not horrible, but it's nothing new either. The manga's art is atrocious (though I've heard it gets better in the later volumes, so I'm still gonna give a chance..), so I really only watch the anime for BONE's animation.

Take a look at Harry Potter. Then Soul Eater.

Jul 2, 2008 2:34 PM
Jul 2008
I don't look down on anyone. And why would people look down on [as] anime watchers? A lot of them do think they know everything about anime just by watching what's on [as], but that's ok. They are still learning. xD I was like that too. I used to be an [as] action discussion regular.

I'm really thankful for [as] anime. [as] was like a gateway drug for me, and now passion to seek out more anime that interests me.
Jul 2, 2008 7:19 PM
May 2008
Actually without manga I wouldn't have my main goal, and if people look down on me and perhaps give criticism or say "how sad, having manga as his main reason for his future goal", quite simply I will respond- yeah like learning an entire language isn't admirable. It may be a tough path but if done I consider it an immense achievement- especially being not good at learning languages. Long live willpower!
Jul 2, 2008 7:31 PM

Apr 2007
Only when I'm in tall buildings.

An inclination to harbor condescension, whether expressed or internal, is poison for good character. There's a difference between thinking you're right and thinking you're better.
Jul 3, 2008 12:51 AM

Feb 2008
Jiraiyathesage said:
Actually without manga I wouldn't have my main goal, and if people look down on me and perhaps give criticism or say "how sad, having manga as his main reason for his future goal", quite simply I will respond- yeah like learning an entire language isn't admirable. It may be a tough path but if done I consider it an immense achievement- especially being not good at learning languages. Long live willpower!
Here here! That's my goal also, although I've never come across someone who thinks it's sad. Quite the opposite really.
Jul 3, 2008 5:19 AM
May 2008
Ah but I have met some pretty conformist people who I had a lot of problems with. Most I've told about it though seem to find it an admirable goal. Anyway it's my business why I want to do it lol so I don't really care who disagrees with why I am doing it! Obviously I'm going to need to have a good speaking ability, but the kanji is sort of the top priority since ultimately I want to read manga in Japanese. I've heard it's pretty expensive over there, yet the manga is incredibly cheap. I mean so long as I am reasonably well paid, and my loved ones are seen to, all I really want apart from that is more manga.

I advise you to keep going like I intend to do Lolita, if you aren't a natural that doesn't have to stop you, ultimately it comes down to perseverance and desire. Anyone like to challenge me on that point please do so.
Jul 3, 2008 5:36 AM

Jun 2008
i look down if there shorter than me =D

but no i dont judge people unlike they dont earn my trust
Jul 6, 2008 9:18 PM

Nov 2007
honestly, I do call some people n00b
when the animes you only know is Naruto, Bleach and One Piece and when you don't really make the difference between manga and anime and you say "manga" when you are talking about "anime", then yes you're a n00b

Thanks crystal_yuy for the signature & avatar!
Jul 7, 2008 5:41 PM
May 2008
Actually no that isn't necessarily true- since manga originallly meant comics and cartoons, and since noob means newbie the people who say manga for both are less noobish since they are using older versions of the word usage. However you did say "when the only animes you know..." so apologies there. As it happens I use on the most part the 2 different words because it causes a hell of a lot less confusion. And by the way while we are on the subject of language use you don't need anime in the plural, so you don't have to say animes, because it originated in Japan and the Japanese wouldn't have a plural on that word.

As for the word noob, remember everyone here had to start somewehere, give people a chance to get used to something, would you have been wanted to be called a noob when you started manga and anime? Apologies for any offence there, I offer a handshake if you accept. Nice meeting you btw.
Jul 9, 2008 9:32 AM

Jan 2008
Nah, I don't think so. Read whatever interests you~ :]

Jul 9, 2008 9:53 AM

May 2008
Nope! I never look down on anyone when it comes to this kind of thing, i don't see how you can. Just because someone has different tastes to you doesn't make them any better or worse a person, it just makes them different. When it comes to hobbies i find elitism abit pointless really!
Jul 9, 2008 7:59 PM

Sep 2007
I look down on kids that always pick up Bleach and Naruto, thinking to myself "If only you knew what else was out there."
Jul 11, 2008 10:17 AM

Nov 2007
Jiraiyathesage said:

As for the word noob, remember everyone here had to start somewehere, give people a chance to get used to something, would you have been wanted to be called a noob when you started manga and anime? Apologies for any offence there, I offer a handshake if you accept. Nice meeting you btw.

Well, I didn't want to be mean or anything. I'm not using the word noob in a disrespectful way to mock people, just a synonym of newbie. I call my friends who begin watching anime and reading manga noob, in a friendly way, as for they are newbies... I was a noob too when I begin reading manga and watching anime until I learn how to properly use a computer for anime and manga...

Thanks crystal_yuy for the signature & avatar!
Jul 11, 2008 1:04 PM
Sep 2007
Allek said:
Jiraiyathesage said:

As for the word noob, remember everyone here had to start somewehere, give people a chance to get used to something, would you have been wanted to be called a noob when you started manga and anime? Apologies for any offence there, I offer a handshake if you accept. Nice meeting you btw.

Well, I didn't want to be mean or anything. I'm not using the word noob in a disrespectful way to mock people, just a synonym of newbie. I call my friends who begin watching anime and reading manga noob, in a friendly way, as for they are newbies... I was a noob too when I begin reading manga and watching anime until I learn how to properly use a computer for anime and manga...

on most places on the 'net, noob/n00b and newb/newbie are two different things.
saying 'noob' and meaning 'newbie' will throw several people for a loop. >w<;
Jul 11, 2008 1:36 PM

Apr 2008
As someone pointed out, I tend to question some peoples' tastes. Like, I have a friend who only watches stuff on [adult swim], yet calls people who like Bleach and Naruto "n00bs." Uh, fail.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 11, 2008 7:29 PM

May 2008
Not rlly i kinda try not to judge ppl and even less to be inferior i think we are all equal just with diff tastes

Jul 12, 2008 5:57 PM
May 2008
Nah I understand there wasn't any ill intent, and sorry if I overreacted. I get a bit jumpy with stuff like that ever since I quit a forum because of one of the many Superman vs Goku arguments, which had possibly the highest level of fanboyism I have ever seen lol. Inter comics vs comics battles (like Marvel VsDC threads) and inter-manga vs manga battles (like One Piece vs Naruto) are nothing compared to an all out war between manga fans on one side on comics on the other, they are awful lol. It's bad enough people looking down on others without our world physics being brought into it!

I tend to stay away from looking down on others, I'm usually trying to convert them ha ha. Hey you never know what you may like. Years before my Sailor Moon subbed anime conversion I was surprised to find that my battle manga hungry male friend was into the series. I think I'm too busy to look at the mountain of manga I could read to look down on people lol.
Jul 12, 2008 7:20 PM

May 2008
No. That would just make me look ridiculous to judge somebody solely based on what they watch and read. That's called being prejudice, people.
"I've read so much manga that at times my mind works in comic panels and dramatically expressed chibis. I'm both ashamed and amused by this."

Jul 13, 2008 12:19 AM

Nov 2007
marukawa said:

on most places on the 'net, noob/n00b and newb/newbie are two different things.
saying 'noob' and meaning 'newbie' will throw several people for a loop. >w<;

yeah... I just read about the difference between noob ("bad") and newbie ("good") on urban dictionary... I didn't knew noobs were THAT bad. I think I'll avoid using the word noob now... ¬_¬'

Thanks crystal_yuy for the signature & avatar!
Jul 15, 2008 1:04 PM
May 2008
Lol- well in-fighting never did any good- it puts more fans off lol! I shouldn't really care as I've got my own things to worry about- I just like to watch people treating new people fairly- which going by what you said have been. So you seem alright lol. I look forward to conversing with you in future posts Allek, see ya then!
Jul 16, 2008 3:12 PM

Aug 2007
Nope. I mean, I read "n00b" manga all the time but that doesn't mean that I'm new to this or anything.
Jul 17, 2008 1:43 PM

May 2008
Normally I wouldn't call them n00bs. Only if I'm joking or something.Like they said, read what you want.
Jul 19, 2008 4:14 PM

Jun 2008
No, I don't. I'll watch/read what I want when I want. I don't get why people care about things like that...
Jul 19, 2008 9:57 PM

May 2008
i don't see any reason to look down on anyone. everyone has to start out as a "n00b" some time or another. i feel like there's already a stigma placed on people who like to read/watch manga and anime. why tear apart people who are trying to understand and enjoy the same type of things you do?
Jul 20, 2008 12:51 AM

May 2008
i do question some peope's tastes but i dont look down on them >.>
Jul 20, 2008 12:56 AM

Jun 2008
HaddenIV said:
I wont usualy give out a "noob" label myself, but I have been known to label some as "adult swim otaku" which im sure the label speaks for it's self. There are quite a few out there who only watch adult swim and assume they know all there is to know about anime.

God DAMN! I know exactly what you mean.
I'm back.
Jul 22, 2008 8:35 PM

Jul 2008
only if it's me against the world.

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