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Feb 5, 2012 7:15 AM

Nov 2008
1. It really bugs me when they make all men out to be a bunch of perverts, while at the same time making women into a bunch of asexuals.

2. Bad anime adaptations. Often times if they had just followed the manga the show would have actually been good.

3. Never ending series. I'll admit I like them sometimes, but they almost always seem to get boring before I finish them.

4. Excessive fan service. A little is okay, but when it happens all the time for no reason it gets annoying.
Feb 5, 2012 8:25 AM

Feb 2012
Welll i'm sorta getting sick of the plot idea wherein a couple that isn't fit together, FINALLY gets together and then the girls who like the guy get all jealous and stuff then start bullying the girl and it causes soooo much drama, which takes up a LOT of episodes/chapters >_< I'm not saying i hate drama, i actually watch some from time to time, it's just that i think its a little bit too "over" if they make it last longer than 2 episodes *sigh* like in hana yori dango (don't get me wrong i absolutely LOVED that show :)) umm and in kimi ni todoke (again I LOVED THIS SHOW :)) and where else? well i can't really remember all of them right now but more or less you get my point XD
I'mma persistent little bugger ;D
La-LA-la- Nikka-kouhai reporting for duty! ^^ Ready to be anyone's imouto-chan >u<
Feb 5, 2012 9:18 AM

Mar 2009
1. cheap fanservice
2. predictable plot (one main thing I never enjoy drama)

Feb 5, 2012 1:38 PM

Feb 2012
Some fan-services are fine, but I found those stupid "maid" outfit/fetish extremely annoying. Why do Japanese like this retarded stuff? :\
Feb 5, 2012 1:40 PM

Sep 2010
Plusme said:
Some fan-services are fine, but I found those stupid "maid" outfit/fetish extremely annoying. Why do Japanese like this retarded stuff? :

For the same reasons adults costume shops in America carry maid, nurse, and school girl outfits. Regardless of how stupid a fetish may seem to you there are people out there willing to pay good money to indulge in their desires.

Feb 5, 2012 1:49 PM

Jan 2011
Transformation scenes... While teh character is dancing around getting changed... no one EVER thinks it's a good idea to freakin attack them or at least exploit this moment of vunerability... (I hate it especially when there are drawn out high quality transformation scenes and the rest of the anime just plain sucks... (e.g. Star Driver)...)
Feb 5, 2012 1:53 PM

Sep 2010
Infimus said:
Transformation scenes... While teh character is dancing around getting changed... no one EVER thinks it's a good idea to freakin attack them or at least exploit this moment of vunerability... (I hate it especially when there are drawn out high quality transformation scenes and the rest of the anime just plain sucks... (e.g. Star Driver)...)

You need to ask yourself if these transformation scenes are taking place in real-time or in a place where time is flowing differently because some magical/special event is happening.

Feb 5, 2012 2:04 PM

Jul 2011
Plusme said:
Some fan-services are fine, but I found those stupid "maid" outfit/fetish extremely annoying. Why do Japanese like this retarded stuff? :

Feb 5, 2012 2:21 PM
Jul 2018
Good VS Evil war.
Too much fanservice (especially if done without class).
Ze "oh noes, I fall and stumble on your crotch" situation. Grah. x_X
Drama, soap.
Pedo things.
Animes that never seem to finish. I like when there is a start and an end. :p
Ugly mecha.
Men who look like alien creatures in Yaoi and Shoujo. *snuggles Jet Black* :p

And this:
azzyzx said:

- when excessive use of symbolism become excuse for lazy writing
Feb 5, 2012 2:25 PM

Feb 2011
overly emotional male main characters.

Another Sig WIP
Feb 5, 2012 3:31 PM

Apr 2010
1. Male leads who are oblivious to everything, especially in romance.

2. Girls who fall in love with this totally idiotic male character for no reason at all.

3. Writers trying very hard to make female characters wear sexy clothes like a maid outfit or a bunny girl costume.

4. Characters dramatizing over everything, having monologues which go like "I love you my friends! I will fight on despite all the ahrdships I face ! Gambatte kudasai!"

I can probably write more but that's it for now.
Feb 5, 2012 3:38 PM

Dec 2011
1. random characters with god like powers that never gets damaged or dies
2. never ending series
3. too much drama
4. annoying male characters that get too emotional

I think theres more, but I can't think of them o.o
Feb 5, 2012 3:46 PM

Dec 2010
Oversized breasts.
Feb 5, 2012 4:02 PM

Feb 2012
Higurashi said:
1. It really bugs me when they make all men out to be a bunch of perverts, while at the same time making women into a bunch of asexuals.


I hate the cliche, perverted main love interest in romance. And then the main girl character is always way too violent. I hate frigid main characters with no sex drives. Those kinds of girls also always over react to everything. And towards the end of the anime, they're always blushing and shivering when the man comes on to them.

Like, for example, Maid Sama. No offense to any fans of the anime (or manga), but its characters were horribly cliche.

-Misaki has this legion of men tripping over themselves for her
-The cross dresser is a tsundere.
-Usui is a possessive pervert
-Misaki switches from one cliche personality to the next. She starts out as a frigid tsundere and ends as a subserviant Mary Sue.

Don't get me wrong, Maid Sama wasn't HORRIBLE. It's just a good example of cliche personalities.
Feb 5, 2012 4:08 PM

Feb 2012
I forgot to mention about those re-cap and filler episodes, they are just waste of time. Some fillers are funny though.
Feb 5, 2012 4:33 PM

Nov 2011
1. Don't like it when they over-excessively have fan service. For EX: HOTD.. Had a pretty good story and everything but the excessive fan service almost ruins it..

2. Childish-looking male lead characters, it kind of puts me off when it's like an anime where the male lead is on some crazy perilous journey to save the world or something but looks really young.. For ex: princess corpse or resurrection?? Forgot the exact name but the male lead looks like so god damn young almost like a chibi or loli or something.. Saito is another example( sort of) Im okay with him but characters that look as young as he does it just puts me off. I prefer a lead that looks at least somewhat mature instead of like a little 12 year old. (EX: Ichigo from Bleach, Ed from FMA whom grows throughout the show, or like the characters from Angel Beats! and Haruhi Suzumiya whom are young but at least look their age.)

3. Cowardly or useless male leads, I mean its just my own opinion but I really don't like it when the main lead protagonist is useless or just a coward.


I'm sure their is a lot more I am missing but these are just the 3 things that came to mind.
Touch me, you filthy casual~
Feb 5, 2012 4:38 PM

Jan 2011
You need to ask yourself if these transformation scenes are taking place in real-time or in a place where time is flowing differently because some magical/special event is happening.

Even if this were the case and time can be merely altered by some magical event, why, instead of getting dressed up with over-the-top movements, can't the character do something more useful with this opportunity... (Actually I already have a hunch why... but no matter what logical reason (or illogical reason) anyone ever comes up with, I will always think that transformation scenes are a waste of the production budget...)
Feb 5, 2012 4:46 PM

Nov 2011
Nikepharos said:
When there are spoilers in the opening theme.


Also too much ecchi pisses me off.
Feb 5, 2012 4:49 PM

Apr 2009
Anime that pretend to be smart like Code Geass or Death Note for examples. They are just facepalm worthy most of the time.
Feb 5, 2012 5:15 PM

Jan 2012
When characters have been totally re-designed at the beginning of a new season.
Feb 5, 2012 5:50 PM

Jul 2011
I have a feeling that you just finished BRS :D
Feb 5, 2012 6:25 PM

Oct 2011
it seems like the longer someone watches the more annoying the quirks of anime piss them off O.O
I dislike liars
<img src="" />
Feb 5, 2012 6:40 PM

Dec 2010
I hate the fact that even the good shows seem to have ecchi.

Well, actually it's not that I dislike having ecchi, it's just that when I try to introduce people to anime they always tend to think ecchi is hentai and not a seperate genre. So they get all weird watching anime when they see sexual innuendos like panty shots, blatant showing of cleavage, etc.

That's not always the case though since not all shows have ecchi but a lot that I enjoy do have ecchi. But yeah the main point I'm trying to make is the fact I can't share some of these anime shows with my friends because they think it's weaboo hentai shit or something.

Feb 5, 2012 9:48 PM

Sep 2010
Infimus said:
You need to ask yourself if these transformation scenes are taking place in real-time or in a place where time is flowing differently because some magical/special event is happening.

Even if this were the case and time can be merely altered by some magical event, why, instead of getting dressed up with over-the-top movements, can't the character do something more useful with this opportunity... (Actually I already have a hunch why... but no matter what logical reason (or illogical reason) anyone ever comes up with, I will always think that transformation scenes are a waste of the production budget...)

If the show is about magical transformation like say a magical girl anime then there aren't very many places to better spend the money as transforming is integral to genre. Keeping with the magical girl anime example, a character who is a magical girl that transforms won't be of much use if they don't transform.(there are exceptions but those aren't the norm) The most useful thing for those types of characters to do in a fight is transform.

Feb 5, 2012 10:06 PM

Dec 2011
In general it would be....cliched dialogue.
Feb 5, 2012 10:07 PM

Jan 2012
Det0x said:
In general it would be....cliched dialogue.


But generally very obvious cliche dialogue.

Feb 5, 2012 10:15 PM

Jan 2012
The ages always annoy me.

Most animes I've seen or just watched parts of are kids in Middle school.
I wanna see highschooler shit. >C
Feb 5, 2012 10:26 PM

Apr 2011
I hate fillers that have 15 seconds of material that relates to the plot; typically occurring at the very end, but the worst when it's somewhere in the middle.
“Suppose, gentlemen, that man is not stupid.”
Feb 5, 2012 10:33 PM

Jan 2012
Ineptia said:
I hate fillers that have 15 seconds of material that relates to the plot; typically occurring at the very end, but the worst when it's somewhere in the middle.

Well Naruto has a lot of fillers. But I enjoy them, most of them have really good character development eps. But to each ones own I guess.

Feb 6, 2012 5:41 AM
Jul 2018
Pointless fan-service and how women are generally portrayed in most anime.
Feb 6, 2012 7:51 AM

Jan 2012
I generally dislike the 'will they or won't they' cliche, unless there's a reason and it makes sense.
My apologies, children, for I am afraid I cannot save you all.
Feb 6, 2012 7:59 AM

Dec 2011
The only thing that I'm starting to dislike right now is that tripping scene that all anime seem to have. You know, the one where the main protagonist trips into the arms of the female lead or vice-versa, then they lock eyes on each other only to blush soon afterwards.
Feb 7, 2012 7:27 AM
Apr 2010
Usually when two fighters thoroughly explain their attacks and weaknesses to each other.
Feb 7, 2012 8:24 AM

Oct 2010
When the characters try to speak english.
Tsudere and moe girls who do nothing except for being tsundere or moe.
Fanservis. (female or male)
Also, I get pretty annoyed when the characters have a 5 minute monologue about "What is this feeling?" when they feel jealous or like someone.

But honestly, I don't mind most of the cliches already mentioned here. I mean .. how on Earth does it bother you where the character sits?
merurinFeb 7, 2012 9:48 AM
Feb 7, 2012 10:55 AM
Sep 2011
Overt fanservice, overly cutesy girls, fight scenes that go on too long.
Feb 7, 2012 3:50 PM

Jul 2011
when anime throws a ton of symbolism to cover up their poor story. thus playing the "it's to deep for you to understand" card while the story in fact just meh. like mawaru penguidrum
Feb 7, 2012 4:00 PM

Sep 2009
Too much cutesy background music!!!
Feb 7, 2012 4:01 PM

Jan 2012
azzyzx said:
when anime throws a ton of symbolism to cover up their poor story. thus playing the "it's to deep for you to understand" card while the story in fact just meh. like mawaru penguidrum

Nicely put. I've been noticing that recently, but I didn't know how to begin putting it in words.
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Feb 7, 2012 4:24 PM
Feb 2010
- The main character being wimpy for most of the show
- Relying too much on fan service. I don't mind fan service, but too much fan service is too much.
- When the word "impossible" is used so damn much (I'm looking at you Claymore)

Those come to my mind at the moment.
Feb 7, 2012 4:26 PM

Jul 2011
Penguindrum's story actually represents japanese economy, and all other parts of the story are really good (like drama and comedy) (it kept me interesting from the beginning till the end and the end was nicely pulled off) so maybe it really is too deep for you to understand *giggles*

Just finished ZnT's latest ep so i really hate when one guy who can choose between 10 of them but in the end he picks damn loli, flat, annoying tsundere...
Feb 7, 2012 4:35 PM

Nov 2011
azzyzx said:
when anime throws a ton of symbolism to cover up their poor story. thus playing the "it's to deep for you to understand" card while the story in fact just meh. like mawaru penguidrum
Or like Eden of the East.

'Hey we have all these meaningful names, aren't we cool. ... What, you mean you want us to expain why they're meaningful? Surely you jest.'
Feb 7, 2012 5:17 PM

Sep 2010
Masakisu said:
azzyzx said:
when anime throws a ton of symbolism to cover up their poor story. thus playing the "it's to deep for you to understand" card while the story in fact just meh. like mawaru penguidrum
Or like Eden of the East.

'Hey we have all these meaningful names, aren't we cool. ... What, you mean you want us to expain why they're meaningful? Surely you jest.'

Specifically what symbolically meaningful names are you referring to. Selecao, Mr. Outside , Pants?! "Mr. Outside" was about as meaningful and symbolic as E. Nigma.and was not used to cover up a poor story.

Feb 8, 2012 1:47 AM

Jul 2011
CheerfulSadness said:
Penguindrum's story actually represents japanese economy, and all other parts of the story are really good (like drama and comedy) (it kept me interesting from the beginning till the end and the end was nicely pulled off) so maybe it really is too deep for you to understand *giggles*

Just finished ZnT's latest ep so i really hate when one guy who can choose between 10 of them but in the end he picks damn loli, flat, annoying tsundere...

i got to admit the drama and comedy are pretty good. But it's only until the end of ringo arc. After that they throws tons of symbolism at the last several episodes just to say "love conquers all" >_>
Feb 8, 2012 7:32 AM

Nov 2011
Anime_Name said:
Specifically what symbolically meaningful names are you referring to. Selecao, Mr. Outside , Pants?! "Mr. Outside" was about as meaningful and symbolic as E. Nigma.and was not used to cover up a poor story.
This point was that the names aren't particularly symbolic, they just pretend to be to make it seem more mysterious.

I love Eden and all, but you know.
Feb 8, 2012 7:41 AM

Dec 2010
latest one for shows I've watched:

when villains are really nice and considerate towards their opponents
Feb 8, 2012 1:03 PM
Nov 2010
I can't stand the Noble girls with a "Hohoho" laugh...
I also think that having a main character in a harem eerie that has gynophobia is a terrible idea.
(Girls Bravo...)
Feb 9, 2012 11:32 AM

Apr 2008
When MC has irrational fear of opposite gender. I just find it time consuming and annoying.

Too many effing nosebleed gags.
Feb 11, 2012 3:19 PM
Feb 2012
i hate when the popular cute girl talks to MC and the MC just stands there with mouth open saying "uhhh...."
Feb 11, 2012 5:31 PM

Dec 2011
Sorry, but it annoys the heck out of me. Its either subs or learn the language.
Dubs ruin everything.

*bring on the hate dub lovers*

Feb 11, 2012 5:46 PM
Mar 2011
Snowing said:
Sorry, but it annoys the heck out of me. Its either subs or learn the language.
Dubs ruin everything.

*bring on the hate dub lovers*

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When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
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