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Feb 24, 2012 8:14 PM
Feb 2011
Neizaru said:

Nah, it's quite correct. And I'll even prove it!

Alright. Lets do this. XD

In summary:
1) affecting fate of huge empire as a single insignificant cog (trooper)

You mean like trying to destroy a whole nation that takes up 1/3 of the world with a bunch of rag-tag terrorists with limited... well... everything? Sorry, I do not care HOW awesome or intelligent or what kind of crazy eye powers there are. It ain't gonna happen. Just like Lelouch, Suzaku met the right people to advance him in the right ways. That automatically justifies being able to change things in this fashion.

2) a humongous, thouroughly rotten empire can be changed without violence, against it's psychopatic rulers will

It is only rotten due to rather poor leadership and policy. If you can change policy, it matters little. Which is what ultimately happens at the end.

If Suzaku weren't a main char he'd be dead fiften times an episode.

I am pretty sure the same can be said for Lelouch. Both had a ton of luck all through the series.

Nope. As he stated HIMSELF in R2, he was just selfish and trying to erase his guilt with a heroic kamikaze. Fact he eventually joined with L is his only redeeming point.

This is very true. However, he could have easily of done that by joining the resistance (and it would have happened faster, too.) He chose the harder path and chose to join Britannian forces. Which just means he didn't compromise what he started.

Only? For a 180 degree shift in a path that resulted in plenty of dead that's quite a lot.

Lelouch changed considerably as well, though. He did not start to really give a damn about what he was doing till he thought Nunnally was dead and he met with his father and mother in the World of C. Otherwise he was just as selfish as Suzaku. Abandoning the Black Rebellion if point enough.

You mean L's final plan? Clever ruse combined with a sucide? Suzaku seppuku tendencies finally taking effect on L, a fusion of ideals indeed xD. Personally I'd prefer he just got over it, but YMMV.

It wasn't just that. The only reason he was able to systematically take apart the Britannian leadership is because he did so as Emperor... which means he did it from INSIDE the system. Where did actively fighting against Britannia from the outside get him? Two lost Tokyo battles, losing his whole army, and having to deal with FLEIJA warheads. He did more damage from the inside than he ever accomplished with the Black Knight. So, yeah, a fusion of ideals. Destroying a nation by changing it from the inside. Nice little compromise.

1) battle in the getto - superadvanced prototype smashes L troops

That is not really luck as much as Lelouch was thrown off from the capabilities of something he never saw before. He rectifies this later in the series.

2) battle in narita - superadvanced prototype smashes L troops

Again, less luck and more coming out of no where when he did not expect it. Lelouch learns from here to expect the Lancelot to show up and be prepared for it ahead of time.

3) battle in the harbor - superadvanced prototype smashes L troops

This really did not happen. The Guren kept the Lancelot in check for most of this. Suzaku did minimal damage at best.

4) battle to rescue Tohdoh - recently upgraded super prototype holds ground against four same mecha types .

I do not call getting systematically trounced on "holding ground." Sure, Suzaku was good enough to NOT be killed right away, but Suzaku was going to die right then and there if Lelouch didn't call the attack back.

5) battle in Kyushu - superadvanced prototype smashes chinese army - and than unexpectedly gets rescued by L

Yes. That I say is luck. But that was really all Lelouch's choice, and Lelouch only did that to save a friend and show where the Black Knights stand. ALso to show what the two of them together are capable of if they worked together.

6) 1st Tokyo battle - flying upgraded superadvanced prototype smashes L troops

No. A pissed off Suzaku that no longer gave a damn attacked Lelouch's troops that do not have flight capabilities. And again, Suzaku was trapped by the Gefjun Disturbers and was once again going to die if Lloyd did not come to pick him up.

So an upper hand thanks to recent advances in technology. How lucky for him. In those technologically even fights he gets his ass kicked and barely survives.
Overkill + luck? Very much.

This is not true. He fought Kallen twice in season one with equal footing and there was no real clear victor. Not only that, but Suzaku is always fighting at a disadvantage because he was always sent in by himself to do things early on. Hell, again when he fought Kallen on the Damocles on a mostly even playing field it was borderline even.

Chigau! It's his tendencies that caused him to be geassed like that in the first place. Karmarific!

And? That does not mean anything since he still had no say in the matter and should not be held fully responsible.

And his response to genocide? Another betrayal, another suicide attempt and "it's the geass fault".

1) It was the Geass's fault.
2) He no longer cared about anything after he launched the FLEIJA warhead. This was the main shift in character he had. He became much more like Lelouch at this point. A person can only take so much before breaking. That was the final push.

Summarising, half-baked-half-crazy idealism doesn't fit the CG universe. At all.

If that is the case than Lelouch fits the description as well since his "burn everything down" policies are just as reckless and misguided as Suzaku's can be. And, really, Suzaku is just a person of high ideals. You can say what you want, but being that way may be foolish or naive, but there are plenty of people like that in real life. That is what makes me like him, because it is hard to o through this sort of thing all the way. Despite all the trash and horrid things done to him fro a corrpt system. After all is said and done, he did not really stay that way for long. He started to slowly unravel more and more after Euphemia was killed. After launching the FLEIJA we never saw this side of him again. War changed him just like it changes any one person. Hell, just like it changed Lelouch. I do not see why he is any worse a character for how he was, or what he turned into.

This isn't your average generic anime, shounen action types are a misfit.

I agree with you on it not being your average anime. That is why it is my all time favorite series.
Orga777Feb 24, 2012 8:21 PM
Feb 25, 2012 3:49 AM
Aug 2011
Being a fan sometimes result in being subjective I guess.

I'll just repeat my arguments, and leave it at that, before it turns into a flame war or something equally stupid.
You mean like trying to destroy a whole nation that takes up 1/3 of the world with a bunch of rag-tag terrorists

One depowered person < guerilla army+power+carefully crafted alliances. Doesn't happen immidiately, but L learns from his mistakes. Still smarter.
It is only rotten due to rather poor leadership and policy. If you can change policy, it matters little. Which is what ultimately happens at the end.

And again, Zaku thinks everyone will just stand there and watch as he divides the empire. With no backup plans or allies or whatanot. What if Charles actually gave a damn?

As for the battles - the point is the superadvanced prototype trope. L plans realistic battles, but this literary device ignores reality.
Exactly all those "coming out of nowhere" and always winning or barely winning or "good enough to NOT be killed right away" or " was once again going to die if..". It's always ONE charging against a whole organized resistance and he always gets his way. Why? Just because.

What happened to Orange-kun when he tried the Suzaku approach in episode 11?
"Bzzzzz.. Ka-booom!!!"

Paraphrising Sun Tzu "You cannot make plans against he who makes no sense"

Lelouch fits the description as well since his "burn everything down" policies

Nah, he just loves to be melodramatic that's all. It's more like "remove corrupted political structure and replace it by any means neccessary". All that fabulousness got into his head.

It was the Geass's fault.

It's impossible to convince a fan his favourite is a hypocrite so I won't even try :)

Suzaku is just a person of high ideals.

That's not the issue here. The issues are:
-the practical implications, rather than the ideals themselves
-that his "ideals" are motivated by hipocrisy until the almost very end, where there is a complete switch
-And that he is an invincible action hero.

It just doesn't fit. It's like magical girl Nanoha invaded Berserk realm and tried to befriend the God Hand.
...Whaaaaat??!! Is (s)he??!! Doing??!! Yes, it's that much of misfit.

I'm sure Suzaku would make a great shounen series protagonist, allong the likes of Naruto or Songoku, but here? No, no zakus in my Code Geass!
NeizaruFeb 25, 2012 4:00 AM

Apr 29, 2012 6:19 AM

Apr 2012
I don't hate Suzaku at all in fact half my personality is Suzaku. Then I'd hate myself in a way.
And Zero said "Let there be rebellion for the power of the geass is hidden within all of you".
May 16, 2012 10:02 AM

Sep 2010
Used to hate him, but not anymore same for Nina too. =D At least he was better in R2 than Lelouch was who I wanted to punch in his face half the time along with Shirley (well all the time for her). >_>
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
May 23, 2012 6:28 AM

Feb 2010
Not gonna first time watching Code Geass...I hated Lelouch and loved Suzaku...still love Suzaku, my mind has changed about Lelouch.
Jun 1, 2012 6:18 PM
Apr 2012
Suzaku is a hypocritical SOB.

I really liked him in the beginning and I was rooting for him, but as the show progressed I lost more and more respect for him. He killed his own father for God's sake for some naive selfish reason. Who does that? He forsook his entire family in order to lighten his guilt for murdering his father by betraying his own country. Even when he was up against his old sensei, Toudou, he did not hesitate to fight him or condemn him to a death sentence. I simply can't see someone who is able to turn his own back on his entire family and people who raised him, for some self-righteous, naive quest to change the system from the inside as admirable. He'd rather be Britannia's dog than fight along those who cared for him (i.e. Toudou, his family, Lelouch).

To be honest, his abrupt switch to Zero's side in the 1 month time skip made me lose even more respect for him. He couldn't even stick to his own beliefs until the end and switched to the side he's been condemning and fighting tooth and nail.

To all of you who are saying Suzaku has high moral and/or ideals and wants to do things the "right" way - what part of being in a operation of mass genocide is the right way? What part of being willing to kill your own people, the very same person who taught you how to fight, the very same people who raised him is right?

He is a mentally unstable, self-righteous, self-loathing dick with almost zero sense of loyalty.
Aug 14, 2012 2:52 PM

Aug 2012
I never hated him & I never liked him either. But, I admit he was a pain in the butt >_< He was always interfering with Lelouch's plans & all that...But, when I see him with Euphemia, he seems like a really nice guy & they both just give me the feeling that Suzaku should not be hated! Ughh, words can't explain it! But, Suzaku was a really weak guy -.- And that's what I hated about him.
Mar 1, 2013 5:01 AM

Oct 2012
I watched few animes compared to a lot of people in this site. But i need to say He's one of my most hated characters of all time. So explaining it better I kinda of don't like him
Apr 11, 2013 3:53 AM

Jan 2013
i dont like him at first but I like him better now...
Jun 6, 2013 11:28 AM

Mar 2013
Jan 21, 2015 9:05 PM

Jul 2014
IMHO everybody hates him because he killed lelouch <yeah shoot me if i'm wrong>
to me he's my favorite in this series he's well-developed and wise , i love lelouch but suzaku more
Jan 24, 2015 7:52 AM

Sep 2014
Karin-Covenant said:
IMHO everybody hates him because he killed lelouch <yeah shoot me if i'm wrong>
to me he's my favorite in this series he's well-developed and wise , i love lelouch but suzaku more

I don't hate im cuz he killed Lelouch. I dislike him cuz he's a hypocrite who bitches at lelouch for having the wrong idea of achieving his goal, while doing the exact same thing later on.
Jan 24, 2015 8:26 AM

Dec 2014
Locusta said:
I always liked him even if he did some big mistakes.

Agree :-) XD
Jan 30, 2015 9:48 PM

Mar 2009
I used to dislike him. For some reason I don't anymore.
May 13, 2015 2:21 PM

Mar 2015
I actually liked Suzaku. Honestly I thought him being Lelouch's enemy ended up making up for a great story. He may have been doing this in a hypocritical manner but his intentions were along the same lines as Lelouch.

And in the end he totally kicked ass and helped Lelouch all the way through.
May 13, 2015 2:35 PM

Nov 2014
I used to hate him, but then I realized that he was the most realistic character on the show which I can respect even if he's annoying hypocrite... Most people are.
Nov 28, 2016 6:09 AM

Nov 2016
Honestly I just really dislike him. In the first season I guess he wasn't too bad. However in R2 he was just a straight up asshole.
Aug 26, 2017 4:04 PM
Jun 2017

I always hated him. The end changed nothing for me. He's a traitor, betrayer, and generally a dick.

His ideals are stupid too!
Oct 22, 2017 6:51 AM
Jul 2018
BigBagODicks said:
Where's the "Why? Suzaku is the best character in the series" option?
I still can't see why people hate Suzaku and like Kallen..

IKR i dont understand why people hate him so much . I love him!
( well i haven't watched the whole anime yet, i'm just in season 1, so i dont know much about his character. even then my opinions towards him are never going to change. but i still wonder why people choose c.c. over kallen!)

removed-userOct 22, 2017 6:55 AM
Dec 4, 2017 3:56 AM

Jun 2014
I like him.
Jan 18, 2018 3:04 PM

Nov 2017
should be a "Love him" one.

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