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May 8, 2008 5:07 PM

Feb 2008
Think we forgot some one important? Say!
How ever it won't be that easy.
You must say the following things:
Name: ( Self explenatory. )
Anime: ( Like before. )
Reason: ( We won't add just about any character just becous some one likes it. So no cute things and stuff like that ok. You may say the reason why you think that character is fit to be called badass. )

P.S.1: This club has just started so yeah there are no Character relations yet or not enough and it will take ton of time to compleat is so be patient.

P.S.2: Yeah I like cute things as well as you can see in my forum avatar and sig but that won't make anything that is cute into a badass for me.

---Important edit---
- I ask everyone to be patient. I'll get to every request.
( Even if you aren't patient I won't work any faster then how I possible can so being unpatient would only anoye me and delay things even further. I'm not a lifeless machine who dose this all day. ^^" )

- From this point on I won't write any Post regarding the requests. Instead of that I will edit the post of the request and write it into that post wheter or not we accepted it. This way everione will be able to see where I am and who's next in line.

- You can argue whit me ( But plz do it in pm ) if you can't accept my desision. BUT! Only inteligent arguing is accepted when you can say valid reasons about why I should change my mind, so lines like " This character kicks ass. " won't do any good. Those lines would just simply anoye me to death. ^^"

I think this rules are acceptable.

---Possible Answers:---
-Accepted: Self explenatory. The Character will be added.
-Denied: The character won't be added unless you somehow make me change my mind. ( That won't be easy. )
-Already Up: The character was up before the request. ( I don't like when this hapens. -_- )
-Nothing yet: Not the one next in line but will get there.
-On-Hold: There is not enough info about this character yet / the character cen get either bater or worse as time goes. Need to wait.
-Under Judgement: We have enough material about the character but it's a hard desision. Meaning that said character hase some badass parts but also parts that make us think twice about really adding the character. ( This ones will take time to decide. If you're request is like this then I suggest you try to talk to me about it in PM or in MSN. You find my MSN on my profile. )
- Won't be judged: The character has some obsticles that makes us unable to judge it. Such as the character is from an anime where I'd reather kill myself then to watch it. ( Shounen ai is such an anime type. I will NEVER in a million years watch shounen ai. ) This is basically the same as geting a " Denied " but you can't argue about this as if I had to resort to this status then it means my desision if final. ( This is only changable if I'll ever have an admin who would take the place of me/my other admins and would judge this request. )
Revillo_PhoenixJul 12, 2009 6:10 PM
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Pages (5) [1] 2 3 » ... Last »
May 8, 2008 5:10 PM

Feb 2008
Name: Kamina
Anime: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Reason: He's the coolest guy ever! He is the character with the most fighting spirit, who passes it to all the other characters, and does a big role in guiding Simon. And he's really awesome!

Status: Accepted.
Revillo_PhoenixJun 1, 2008 9:33 PM

May 11, 2008 8:46 PM

Feb 2008
]Name: Rollo Lamperouge
Anime: Code Geass R2
Reason: He is so cool, he help my avorite character Lelouch Lamperouge. With his geass he is strong but for some seconds

Status: Denied

Well to say it short: A yandere boy can't really be called badass.
Revillo_PhoenixAug 26, 2008 7:59 AM

May 13, 2008 7:24 AM

Jan 2008
Name: Guts
Anime/Manga: Berserk
Reason: He just swings his big badass sword no matter what is against him.

Status: Accepted
Good. Call. Guts in fact is a badass.
I'm on it.
Revillo_PhoenixJun 1, 2008 9:34 PM
May 14, 2008 5:46 AM

Apr 2008
Name: Mugen
Anime: Samurai Champloo
Reason: A violent wildman, more akin to a rabid dog than a person. Just watch him wield his weapon with unabashed glee as he slaughters those weaker than him.

Status: Accepted
Well Mugen certainly have some badass trairs even thou I didn't added him by defoult I supose I will if he is requested.
Revillo_PhoenixJun 1, 2008 9:35 PM

Alucard and Seras

May 16, 2008 8:00 PM

Jul 2007
Name: Hei
Anime: Darker than Black
Reason: He's a fucking assassin, he has a badass mask, he has badass powers, he has a badass personality, and is just overall GAR.
Status: Accepted ( Probation )
I don't know a thing about Darker than Black yet but I heard some stuff about that Hei so I might as well belive it for now ( so I'll add him ) then later I will see for myself when I have some time to do so.
Revillo_PhoenixJun 1, 2008 9:38 PM
All the mods fucking blow on this website except Kaiserpingvin, Cloudy-Sky, Baman and aero. PM me if you're actually good and I left you out.

Oh, rule 8...

( ̄ー ̄)
May 19, 2008 6:52 AM
Jan 2008
Name: Vegeta
Anime: DBZ
Reason: Do I really have to give a reason for this character...loooool. Vegeta defines badass put him on the list.
Status: Accepted
Even thou I didn't liked the reasoning...-_-

Status: Denied
Resune: Vegeta is always envyus of Goku and half the time he is eighter crying about how week he is or acts like a tsundere. Vegeta can't be considared a True Badass.
Revillo_PhoenixNov 22, 2009 4:54 AM
May 19, 2008 4:30 PM

Dec 2007
You know very well why he's a badass. He eats people and can trow a shark at you.

Status: Accepted
Revillo_PhoenixJun 1, 2008 9:41 PM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 21, 2008 5:44 AM

Feb 2008
Kaname Kuran from Vampire Knight. Maybe he fit for this club. Döntsd el :D

D from Vampire Hunter D - Bloodlust

Allelujah Haptism from Gundam 00:

Berserker from Kenichi:

Stark from Bleach manga:

Kazuma from Scryed:

Kaname Status: Accepted
I don't know him but i trust your decisions so ok.

D Status: Accepted
Even thou I only patially watched VHD and didn't liked it all that much D was a cool character so ok.

Allelujah Status: Target of of the request has bin changed.
Hmmm. Hehe. I do know that who you really whant to add is Hallelujah. (
Split personality ) He didn't had a page when you requested it be we made it since then.

Berserker Status: Accepted

Stark Status: Accepted

Kazuma Status: Accepted
Don't know him but as in the first case I will trust your judgemant.

Revillo_PhoenixJun 1, 2008 9:45 PM
May 21, 2008 6:23 AM

Oct 2007
Character: Brandon Heat/ Beyond the Grave
Show: Gungrave
Reason: First, he was so badass the they turned his game into an even more badass anime, where he then became badass before and after his death.

Character: Train Heartnett
Show: Black Cat
Reason: Train's the best assassin in the world. So good that when he quits, his former organization has to send three of its best after him at once.

Status: Already Up.
The characters wear already added by the time of the request.
Revillo_PhoenixJun 1, 2008 9:52 PM
May 22, 2008 9:33 AM

Mar 2008
Name: Natsume Shin
Anime: Tenjo tenge
Reason: he's a cool white long haired guy, + I like his sword the long reiki, and he's got a realy dangerous hit, + when he gives out his anger he kick's realy much but's

Status: Accepted
By Relunx:
Ok. I also watched Tenjo Tenge (Revillo don't know about this anime so it cames to my resort), and I know about this char, so permission granted.

Revillo_PhoenixJun 1, 2008 9:48 PM
May 25, 2008 5:49 PM

Mar 2008
Name: Boma
Anime: Heat Guy J
Reason:He's an ex-con who doesn't take orders from anyone but himself, he uses a katana against guns, can cut through steel, and has a wolf's face!
I mean come on!

Status: Accepted
Revillo_PhoenixJun 1, 2008 9:50 PM

May 30, 2008 9:39 AM

Feb 2005
Name: Alita
Anime/Manga: Battle Angel Alita, BAA- Last Order
Reason: Frequently goes on manically rampages, tearing people apart with a huge halberd, all while grinning and laughing. Also worthy to note that she gladly fights even when missing various limbs.

Name: Integra Hellsing
Anime/Manga: Hellsing, Hellsing Ultimate
Reason: She is calm and cool minded, and is more than capable of slicing through Millennium's vampire infantry all by herself, as proven in the latest chapters.

Name: Ergo Proxy
Anime: Ergo Proxy
Reason: A self styled "emissary of death". Need I say more?

Alita Status: Accepted ( Relunx )
Integra Status: Already Up
Ergo Status: Nothing Yet
Revillo_PhoenixJul 12, 2009 6:17 PM
May 30, 2008 9:46 AM

Mar 2008
Name: Revy
Anime: Black Lagoon (and Black Lagoon Second Barrage)
Reason: couldnt find a good enough reason but shes is cool and i anyone thats seen black lagoon will agree with me
Status: Accepted
I sure did heard a lot about her so far so I think I give her a place in the list in advence and then do the resurch to see things for myself.
Probation goes to hell. Her place finalised.
Revillo_PhoenixJun 6, 2008 7:33 AM

new sig
May 30, 2008 11:59 AM

Apr 2008
I have some, but you go decide

Name: Shizuru Fujino
Anime/Manga: Mai-HiME
Reason: Acting all kept up and sweet in the beginning, but went super overboard near the end. She went berserk after finding out her love interest (Natsuki who btw is on the list) isn't giving her the love back.

Name: Asogi, Rin
Anime/Manga: Mnemosyne
Reason: Apart from being so totally hot, she runs a detective business which deals with the supernatural. *quoted* "Her whimsical personality serves as a front for extraordinary martial skills, supernatural regenerative abilities, and as-of-yet unrevealed sinister past." Plus, she's immortal.

And the anime Mnemosyne too, I say should be added. ;D

Shizuru Status: Denied ( Relunx )
Asogi Status: Accepted ( Relunx )
RelunxAug 11, 2008 5:09 AM
May 30, 2008 12:08 PM

Feb 2008
Anime: In the explanations part of the club details I have wrote:
"The anime relations wear made like "this anime contains a badass character" and not like "this anime is badass". "

Meaning that if we decide to add Asogi we will auto matically add Mnemosyne as well.
Revillo_PhoenixJun 1, 2008 9:57 PM
May 30, 2008 12:14 PM

Mar 2008
name: Spike Spiegel
anime: Cowboy Bebop
reason: hes a pretty cool guy
Status: Accepted
Revillo_PhoenixJun 1, 2008 10:01 PM

new sig
May 30, 2008 12:53 PM

Sep 2007
Males: Aoshi Shinomori and Saitou Hajime from Rurouni Kenshin

Females: Re-l from Ergo Proxy , Motoko from Ghost in the Shell

these are the best kick asses xDDDDDDDD I think there is more of them but I'm so lazy to find all of them ^^

Aoshi Status: Already Up
Saitou Status: Already Up
Re-I: Nothing Yet
Motoko: Accepted
Revillo_PhoenixJun 1, 2008 10:03 PM

May 30, 2008 1:55 PM
Mar 2008
Name: Alucard
Anime: Hellsing
Reason: he's the king of vampires
Status: Already Up
Revillo_PhoenixJun 1, 2008 10:04 PM
May 30, 2008 1:55 PM

Sep 2007
ok I add some more.. ^^

Fermales: Kirika and Chloe from Noir,
Males: Batou from Ghost in the Shell, Kamui Shirou from X TV

Kirika: Denied
Batou: Denied
Rest: Nothing yet
Revillo_PhoenixOct 31, 2008 12:31 PM

May 31, 2008 1:56 PM

Oct 2007
Not only do these particualr characters need to be added, the animes need to be added as well. The characters I'm gonna name below can whoop the majority of the other characters named here...badly.

Names: Kenshiro, Rei, Raoh
Anime/Manga: Fist of the North Star
Reason: the bios can tell it much better than me



Rei: there is no bio given, but he uses a martial art where he can use his fingers to have a razor-wire effect, cutting his opponents into slices


Kenshiro: Accepted
Raoh: Accepted
Rei: No page means no relations

1: Next time make it one post instead of 3.
2: I don't think yo're right about the whoping part. Unless they can stop the moon crushing into the earth and stuff like that.
3: Read the club details about the anime part.
Revillo_PhoenixNov 22, 2009 5:03 AM
May 31, 2008 2:00 PM

Oct 2007
Names: Yusuke Urameshi,

Anime/Manga: Yuu Yuu Hakusho

Reasons: Yusuke shpould be the posterboy for this group! Hei is one of the coldest and brutal characters on the show next to Yusuke. This show should definitely be added.



Status: Already Up
Revillo_PhoenixJun 1, 2008 10:07 PM
May 31, 2008 2:03 PM

Oct 2007
last but not least

Name: Jubei Kibagami

Anime/Manga: Ninja Scroll

Reasons: Jubei, a samurai, was able to beat demons, ninjas, and other samurai, while barely breajking a sweat half the time, and even made sny remarks half the time. This anime fits the whole theme of this club...almost every charcter fits the requirements!



Status: Nothing Yet
Revillo_PhoenixJun 19, 2008 9:28 PM
Jun 1, 2008 10:49 AM

May 2008
Name: Graham Spector

Anime: Baccano OVA

Reasons: Graham Spector is alot like Ladd Russo (who's already on character relations), only he never stops talking. And he's more psychotic and has more frequent mood changes. And he caught a -bullet- with a -wrench-.


Name: Firo Prochainezo

Anime: Baccano

Reasons: Well, this.

Graham: Accepted
Firo: Accepted
Revillo_PhoenixAug 26, 2008 4:19 PM
Jun 1, 2008 11:36 AM

Mar 2008
Name: Deunan Knute

Anime: Appleseed, Appleseed: Ex Machina

Reason: She was chosen for the ESWAT team, a police force with world wide jurisdiction, because of her combat skills. Known as the "Goddess of war", when teamed up with her partner, Briareos, she is unstoppable. Not only is she adept with any weapon, her body is also an incredible Martial Arts machine.

Name: Briareos Hecatonchires

Anime: Appleseed, Appleseed: Ex Machina

Reason: Briareos was originally a soldier, but after the war was over, he joined ESWAT. After having over 75% of his body damaged, Brearios became the first man to ever fully adapt to the Hecaton-class cybernetic body. Brearios' combat data was so superior to that of the other members of ESWAT that his DNA was chosen to be cloned as a Combat-Bioroid, genetically altered humans disigned for a specific purpose.
Status: Nothing Yet
XtransylvanianXOct 18, 2008 10:37 PM
Jun 1, 2008 1:15 PM

Mar 2008
Char Aznable
from: MS Gundam and Zeta Gundam
Because: He's always a few steps ahead of everybody else. He's one of the best
mobile suit pilots ever (hence he doesn't need a fancy one). And he always calm cool and

Status: Accepted
Revillo_PhoenixOct 31, 2008 12:33 PM

Jun 1, 2008 1:21 PM

Feb 2008
Now I'm compleatly floded whit requests.
I'd like you all to slow down a bit cuz in each request when neither I or Relunx don't know the character I would like to investigate before accepting. If I accept characters whitout investigation I might end up like the other "Badass" club. Do to all this I'd like you all to be patient. I'll get to all request in time but I'm kind of busy whit my life as well and other things so it takes a lot of time and effort.

Thx in advence. ^^"
Jun 1, 2008 1:59 PM

Mar 2008
can i just suggest you add someone else you trust to be an admin its could be easier for you...

new sig
Jun 1, 2008 2:29 PM

Feb 2008
Well Relunx is my helper since I know him personally and is a friend of mine. So I know that I can trust his judgemants.
Amcsi has his power as a general helper not specifically as a helper of the True Badass Club.
Katu even thou he gaind the officer rank in an event is one I started to trust but I'm the kind who can hardly trust anyone when I don't really know them.
( Other persons I would trust aren't part of MAL. )

So I don't really have that option. ^^"
Jun 1, 2008 7:41 PM

Nov 2007
Name: Jin
Anime: Samurai Champloo
Reason: He fights to a stalemate with Mugen, who is currently on the list, which means they are equally baddass. However, he is more of a mysterious baddas than Mugen.

Name: Soul Eater
Anime: Soul Eater
Reason: He turns into a friggin' Scythe. Need I really say more?

Name: Kallen Stadtfeld / Kouzuki
Anime: Code Geass
Reason: She pilots the Guren Nishiki, easily the most baddass Knightmare Frame ever. It's weapon is a nuclear gun. Does not get much more baddass than that.

Jin: Accepted
Soul Eater: Accepted
I have one problem whit this request: For starters..."He turns into a friggin' Scythe. Need I really say more?" YES! Yes you do. The ability of turning into a Scythe has nothing to do whit being badass. It's nice and all but we still judge if someone badass or not not based on the powers but more likely on the style.

Kallen: Denied
Reason: Well you wrote the reason you're self if we think about it. The Guren is badass. How ever Karen isn't. She is more of a moe/sexy girl who is there to be sexy and the story need some one to pilot the Guren. She don't act cool all that much and stuff. Even thou I agree that the Curen mecha it self is badass the Guren isn't Karen. In this case I would add the Guren if it had a character page whitout Karen. Hope you understand my point.
Revillo_PhoenixJul 21, 2009 11:12 AM
Jun 1, 2008 7:48 PM

May 2007
I'd like to suggest Rorona Zoro, from the anime and manga One Piece. I expect that people who haven't actually read or watched One Piece will have their doubts, but anyone who actually knows Zoro's character should have no problem adding him.

Status: Accepted

Yeah I my self had my doupts since I haven't seen much One Peace. Also I don't really like it. But just seen enough to see Zoro. And yeah. He is acceptable even thou the anime is One Peace.
Revillo_PhoenixJun 19, 2008 9:36 PM
Jun 1, 2008 8:18 PM

Feb 2008
I have wrote some Important things into the first post.
Jun 1, 2008 8:47 PM

Jan 2008
Name: Luffy
Anime:One piece
Reason: okay, so some people think luffy is just a "Funny, Childlike" character,and let's face it he kinda is *_*, but that doesn't change the fact that he is a total badass. He beat a powerful warlord with crazy sand powers using his own sweat, and he beat a god-like king and sent his ass flying to the moon.

Status: Denied

Problem is alreadi mentioned. Badass dose not equal power. Some one whit no special power can be a badass. In fast a totaly normal human can be one. Like Sakio from Yu Yu Hakusho. He has no power how ever he dares to put his life on the line in Toguros match, he has a cool stile so in the end he is a powerless badass. You're reasunes wear all about power and that isn't enough. If we would go only for power then we might as well add Haruhi...she is basically god herself and can destroy the world whit her will...but no...she isn't a badass just cuz of that. Hope you understand my point.
Revillo_PhoenixJun 19, 2008 10:38 PM
Jun 1, 2008 9:29 PM

Feb 2008
One more edit. ( Changed the secound point of the original edits. )
Jun 2, 2008 6:39 AM

Dec 2007
Name: Hao Asakura
Anime: Shaman King
Reason: He's really... strong O_O??? Kills others w/o remorse, owns others w/o trying. So like... I dunno how to say it >_<.

Status: Accepted

Not perfect but acceptable I think.
Revillo_PhoenixJun 19, 2008 9:44 PM
Jun 2, 2008 11:45 AM

May 2008
Name: Ikkaku Madarame
Anime/Manga: Bleach
Reason: He's strong, has a Bankai, doesn't care about the being a captain even though he could, he loves to fight and kill, he fights like a man, and he beat a full powered arrancar at only 20% of his power before they allowed his team to release their limits.


Name: Kimimaro
Anime/Manga: Naruto
Reason: He has that badass attitude, and he disposes of anyone he thinks is trash, even his teamates, and he can grow his bones out of any part of his body and use them as weapons.

Name: Himura Kenshin
Anime/Manga: Rurouni Kenshin
Reason: Although he does settle down and what not, in the past he was a badass manslayer who was feared throughout all of Japan. Not to mention he was like a whole different person...


Name: Sagara Sanouske
Anime/Manga: Rurouni Kenshin
Reason: He fights with his fists against people with weapons. And he wears the sign "BAD" in katakana on his back.


Name: Kusuriuri
Anime/Manga: Mononoke
Reason: He hunts down all kinds of demons (mononoke and ayakashi) and transforms and kills them with his magical sword. Most importantly, he does it for fun, not actually to protect people, he just uses them to find out the keys to destroy the demons.


Name: Yujiro Hanma
Anime/Manga: Grappler Baki
Reason: In the anime he's the strongest man alive, shows no remorse, is feared by all fighters, is always referred to as a beast, and has a demon on his back.

Ikkaku: Accepted
Kimimaro: Accepted
Kenshin: Accepted
Sanosuke: Accepted
Kusuriuri: Nothing Yet
Hanma: Nothing Yet
Revillo_PhoenixJun 10, 2009 6:15 AM
Jun 6, 2008 2:02 AM

Mar 2008
Name: Alucard
Anime: Hellsing OVA
Reason: He is just Alucard :D The best from vampire .

Name: Spike Spiegel
Anime. Cowboy Bebop
Reason: He is absolutely cool and he is master on fight with broom :D:D ( Cowboy Bebop Movie )

Status: Already Up
Revillo_PhoenixJun 19, 2008 9:45 PM
Jun 6, 2008 4:12 AM

Feb 2008
BEFORE ask, PLZ USE CRTL+F in the character list to FIND OUT that the characters you want to add is on the list or not.

Baranica said:
Name: Alucard
Anime: Hellsing OVA
Reason: He is just Alucard :D The best from vampire .

Name: Spike Spiegel
Anime. Cowboy Bebop
Reason: He is absolutely cool and he is master on fight with broom :D:D ( Cowboy Bebop Movie )

They are already on the list.

Jun 6, 2008 5:21 AM

Feb 2008
And Relunx you read the first post about the new ways. ^^"
Jun 6, 2008 6:42 AM

Mar 2008
Relunx.. Sorry for that.. My stupid mistake ..once again sorry
Jun 7, 2008 4:23 PM
Jan 2008
Surprised no one has said this one.

Name: Heero Yuy
Anime: Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
Reason: Gets invited to a birthday party by a very popular and famous girl, rips up her invitational in her face and then threatens to kill her.
He activates Wing Gundam's self-detonation device while only standing outside the cockpit and still comes through it alive, and dislocates his shoulder at one point and just puts it back into place like it was nothing. Barely shows any emotions when he fights.

Status: Nothing yet
Revillo_PhoenixJun 19, 2008 9:57 PM

Jun 10, 2008 1:52 PM

Feb 2008
Name: Hibari Kyoya
Anime: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Reason: Cool, emotionless, bloodthirsty :D

Status: Nothing yet
Revillo_PhoenixJun 19, 2008 9:58 PM
Jun 11, 2008 12:19 AM

Nov 2007
Easy call:

Name: Hime
Anime: Princess Resurrection
Reason: A princess who wields a chainsaw? And who revives the dead to be her servants? And who battles it out with werwolves, vampires, and her own siblings? Honestly, how much more badass can it get?

Status: Accepted
Revillo_PhoenixAug 26, 2008 8:19 AM
Jun 11, 2008 12:07 PM

Mar 2008
name: Sousuke Sagara
anime: Full metal panic
why, because he was grown up in several battlefilds and he becamed a realy skilled solder, and when he get's in a fight he picks up he gun and shoot, and when he find's something different around him, he places bombs on it.

Status: Denied

He's too much of a lol character in our perspective. Like the planting a bomb stuff you mentioned. Being a Badass is a serious thing. Hope you understand my point.
Revillo_PhoenixJun 19, 2008 10:38 PM
Jun 14, 2008 3:31 PM

May 2008
A few I think should be added:

Name: Chloe
Anime: Noir
Not only does she look cool, but she is an amazing assassin (who uses throwing knives in this gun-toting world).

Name: Kanmuri, Shigeru
Anime: Yakitate Japan
Yes, he's a baker. But he is a genius, capable of outsmarting and outbaking next to anyone.

Name: Shirase, Akira
Anime: Batte Programmer Shirase
He dropped a satalite on a gunboat and saved a building from a computer based terrorist attack with a cellphone.

Anime:Shakugan no Shana II
He rides a tidal wave of flaming swords...nuff said.

Status: Nothing yet
Revillo_PhoenixJun 19, 2008 10:03 PM
Jun 14, 2008 4:41 PM

Feb 2008
Hell... I hate torrent ... -_-
It takes tons of time and my net conection is bad so I can hardly do anything while using torrent. -_-
( This is why I'm not progresing at all whit the requests. )
Jun 19, 2008 8:32 PM

Dec 2007
Name: Johan Liebheart
Anime: Monster
Reason: He can manipulate people to do anything even kill themselves, he never losses his cool, he isn't afraid of dying, he's killed hundreds of people since he was 10, and he can command other criminals to do anything. Oh, and in my opinion he's the most evil character in anime history.

Status: Accepted (Relunx)
RelunxJun 23, 2008 6:15 AM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 19, 2008 11:53 PM

Dec 2007
Name: Anna Kyouyama
Anime: Shaman King
Reason: She's able to scare fearsome men. She's also able to fight on par with someone... which I won't say cuz I don't wana spoil.

Status: Accepted ( amcsi )

You can use spoiler tags.
Revillo_PhoenixSep 9, 2008 5:01 PM
Jun 20, 2008 5:19 AM

Mar 2008
Name: Bruce Wayne aka Batman
Anime: Batman: Gotham Knight
Reason: He took years to train so that he could fight crime in Gotham City. He pretty much knows every fighting style. He has awesome detective skills. He is respected by many people who have super powers. He is feared by the criminals of Gotham City.

This gives a list of many of his abilities.

Status: Accepted.
Revillo_PhoenixOct 22, 2009 3:20 AM
Jun 20, 2008 6:52 PM

Jul 2007
Names:Fujiki, Gennosuke ;Irako, Seigen
Reason: estreme sword fighting and isane life style. They just blow up the mind
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