WELCOME TO THE MONTHLY ROULETTE. HOW DOES IT WORK? - Submit one anime by commenting below. Submissions close on November 15th, 00:00 UTC-8.
- An anime you have not started/completed will be randomly assigned to you when sign-ups close.
- You will have two months to complete your anime.
- If you fail to complete your anime in two months, you will be penalized (see below).
- You can not submit:
- Anything from the Top 300 most popular anime. These can be submitted in the Intermittent Roulette instead.
- Anything already submitted by someone else. This goes by edit time and not the time you create your post (so if someone posts after you but fills in their form before you do, you will have to pick a different anime).
- Anything that is still airing.
- Anything that is not available for free streaming and fully subbed in English.
- Anything shorter than 1 hour or longer than 12 hours in total runtime.
- Anything that you have not completed.
- Anything that you think is bad (anything you scored higher than your mean score is fine)
- Sequels or anything that heavily implies that you know about another piece of media beforehand (such as Persona: Trinity Soul, Carnival Phantasm, Isekai Quartet).
- Anything that doesn't have a MAL page.
- Hentai, some Erotica (accepted on a case-by-case basis), and mindless ecchi (shows where the main appeal is arousal, such as Kiss x Sis (TV) and Inu ni Nattara Suki na Hito ni Hirowareta.). There's a lot of leniency regarding "mindless ecchi," only the worst offenders won't be allowed. Shows with sexual scenes/innuendos (such as Yosuga no Sora, Seitokai Yakuindomo, and Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai) are allowed as long as the entire appeal of the show isn't sexual arousal.
- For those that participate in these roulettes frequently, please do not submit the same thing every month. I'll notice and put that anime on cooldown.
- There are no formal rules regarding requests. As long as it doesn't eliminate a majority of the submitted shows, it's fine.
- I may change the rules at any time or disallow submissions that are on the edge / that follow the rules but seem disingenuous (no, you can not give Ex-Arm a 10 and submit it).
- Failing to complete your anime in 2 months will result in a 4 month penalization, which starts when the deadline passes. You cannot join monthly roulettes until your penalization is over.
- If you watch the anime or read its adaptation after the deadline, your penalty will be reduced to 1 month after the deadline. If you complete your assignment more than 1 month after the deadline, you can join the next monthly.
- Penalizations do not stack and run out independently.
- If you know you won't be completing the anime, you can state that you are dropping it, and your 4 month penalty will start from that day, instead of the deadline.
ALTERNATIVES TO AVOID PENALIZATION - Sometimes, you really just don't want to watch what you've been assigned. There are several alternatives if you'd like to avoid penalization without watching the anime:
- If the anime has an adaptation (manga, LN, video game, visual novel, etc), you may read/play it and it will count as completing the roulette. You must state that you are using this option when you complete it.
- Re-roll: You will be randomly assigned an anime from the completed list of the person who submitted what you were originally assigned. The new anime will still follow all of the submission rules. To re-roll, you must complete 2 roulettes. Once you use your re-roll, you must complete another 2 roulettes to re-roll again. Re-rolls do not stack if they go unused.
- Skip: You do not have to complete the anime and you will not be punished. Simply state you are using your skip and you're set. To skip, you must complete 5 roulettes. Once you use your skip, you must complete another 5 roulettes to skip again. Skips do not stack if they go unused.
- If using a skip or re-roll: because the tracking spreadsheet hasn't been updated in forever, please tell me which kind of roulette(s) you've been participating in (intermittent anime, seasonal collab anime, intermittent manga, monthly manga, seasonal manga) if they aren't monthly anime roulettes, so that I have a better idea of where to check for completions.