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11 hours ago

May 2024
Many people find anime to be a great tool for escapism. Why do you think that is the case?
11 hours ago

Sep 2016
Because it often portrays certain wishful fantasies other media usually don't dare to portray.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
11 hours ago

Jan 2009
the hot waifus and husbandos is the most obvious
11 hours ago

May 2024
Reply to deg
the hot waifus and husbandos is the most obvious
@deg A lot of animated media includes hot looking characters, tho you don't see many people feel the same way about western cartoons despite them.
11 hours ago

May 2024
Reply to Zarutaku
Because it often portrays certain wishful fantasies other media usually don't dare to portray.
@Zarutaku So it's just that western media does not pander to the fantasies of more secluded individuals?
11 hours ago

Sep 2016
Reply to SimplyBrazen
@Zarutaku So it's just that western media does not pander to the fantasies of more secluded individuals?
@SimplyBrazen Not just, but it's a major reason I guess.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
11 hours ago

Sep 2016
Reply to SimplyBrazen
@deg A lot of animated media includes hot looking characters, tho you don't see many people feel the same way about western cartoons despite them.
@SimplyBrazen Indeed, there are plenty of hot cartoon waifus.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
8 hours ago

Jan 2024
Wishful fantasy which is way too unrealistic.
8 hours ago

May 2022
i feel like this is a rethorical question whose answer is already known to you...
8 hours ago

May 2024
Reply to trinitroglycerin
i feel like this is a rethorical question whose answer is already known to you...
@trinitroglycerin Not quite. I do have my own idea as to why this is the case, however anime overall does not contain any aspects that differ so much from western media in terms of what can be considered a factor of escapism. That's why I'm curious to know what people may think regarding that.
7 hours ago

May 2022
Anime is obviously way more escapist friendly than the average western show. The fact that most anime produced nowadays have for Main character generic looking dudes with pathetic lives being gifted godlike powers and/or beautifull girls is very telling.
7 hours ago

Mar 2021
SimplyBrazen said:
Many people find anime to be a great tool for escapism. Why do you think that is the case?

Anything can be a great form of escapism. It's a matter of something used as a distraction from one's life that brings them joy. As an example I have a hobby of buying broken old retro arcade cabinets then spend sometimes up to a full year completely refurbishing them to work like new. Sometimes I will have to actually do large amounts of manual soldering to actually replace electronics components like resistors, capacitors, diodes, etc... to actually needing to hunt down specific common gaming hardware components from the joysticks to the buttons. There were a few times in the past I had to actually take apart 5 different old Laser Disc players just to find working components to use on a few old Laser Disc arcade cabinets and actually hunt down a working copy of the optical ROMs.

The thing that makes something like Japanese Anime a great tool for escapism is it's affordability as a entertainment medium. Typically it's extremely inexpensive hobby compared to the amount of money I dump into old retro arcade cabinets where in the past I have ended up spending at times over 25,000 USDs just to fix up three cabinets where at most I only ended up making back about 6,000 USD profit when trying to sell them off to collectors once they worked like new again. Other times I ended up losing money trying to fix something up as an example where I ended up buying the very 1st Mrs. Pacman cabinet from the 80s and dump over 1,500 USDs more in money trying to fix it up than it was actually worth (I simply just wanted to fix it up so I could keep it).

With Modern Japanese Anime one at most will simply spend no more than the cost of a Blu-ray disc set to simply just spending a subscription fee to watch Japanese Anime streaming. Japanese Anime is the most inexpensive form of escapism I have in my life where typically the amount of money I spend a year collecting it on Official Physical Copies to subscribing to multiple streaming platforms is fractions to just down right chump change in comparison to any of my other hobbies I spend money on. Even to the average modern Anime consumer that simply just relies on streaming subscriptions will end up paying exponentially less a year than the average modern gamer that invests in modern computer hardware to actual gaming consoles (this wouldn't even touch on the amount of money spent on just the games alone either).
ColourWheel4 hours ago
7 hours ago
Jun 2021
It speaks to me and understands me (depending on the series of course) i find relatable characters comforting, all this I hardly ever experience irl. Only 1 person irl understands me, but anime/manga does so on another level xD
7 hours ago

Oct 2021
In addition to depicting fantasies that are rarely found in Western shows, anime itself is more unrealistic than movies and series, which can further distance the viewer from reality. When it comes to Western cartoons, perhaps it is precisely the fantastical approach present in them that stands out. Personally, I am not very familiar with many Western cartoons because I do not usually consume this media. However, the ones I do know are generally quite childish. This is not to say that only these exist; Avatar is an example.
“What's wrong with running away from reality if it sucks?!”
Shinji Ikari
7 hours ago
Apr 2024
For me it's the relatability, I don't find most other media as relatable as anime can be, it's comforting seeing characters that are relatable struggle, succeed and even fail in struggles you understand and most western media either mocks or do a sad attempt at representation that ends up being more insulting than anything else
And there is pokemon, it's just a world you can't not be absorbed into
6 hours ago

Jan 2022
Probably because anime is very fantastical and you can explore high ideas.
LenRea10 minutes ago
6 hours ago

Aug 2017
Reply to SimplyBrazen
@deg A lot of animated media includes hot looking characters, tho you don't see many people feel the same way about western cartoons despite them.
@SimplyBrazen That only applies to a few characters from pre-2010 Western Animation. All characters from Western Animation nowdays look ugly on purpose due pressure by woke activists or the creators being woke activists themselves.

Returning to your question: Hot husbandos, portrays certain wishful fantasies other media usually don't dare to portray like taboo topics, different art styles, characters not looking realistic, variety of genres and Anime creatores not restricted or presured to self-censorship by woke activists avoiding realism to enter into the Anime realm.
All weebs creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by western animation. You will no longer know hunger, nor pain. Your Anime have come to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom. And the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their western animation ways… For you, there will be great wrath.
6 hours ago

Jun 2024
Because it's anything but real, that's why.
4 hours ago
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