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Feb 27, 8:29 AM
Dec 2020
don’t jump on me
This series is okayish at best
I mean the animation is good (could have been better), directing and cinematography is aesthetic but the thing is that the plot is so predictable and cliche it feels like every single generic shounen anime combined into one.
The characters feel like some 14 year old designed them and it feels so shady and cheeky
Tho, i am trying to enjoy it but i really can’t and still i will watch the whole series as they are trying to do something
I just want them to do something new and give us a something suspenceful or some intense moments.
Whenever a fight starts our main protagonist defeats them so easily and in every single episode it’s the same
Even john wick had better intense moments than this.
Well, these our my only complaints and i wouldn’t have complained but people are overrating this shit
Saying things like ‘the next big thing ‘better than solo levelling’ ‘best anime of the year’ when it’s even a good ninja anime even tho it’s name is ‘ninja kamui’
Hope they change some stuff and increase the budget for the next season if they make one.
Feb 27, 8:56 AM

Dec 2021
Man, this is why I don't want stuff to get popular. Only the 3rd episode is out, and people are complaining.
Feb 27, 9:17 AM
Dec 2020
Rishon007 said:
Man, this is why I don't want stuff to get popular. Only the 3rd episode is out, and people are complaining.

Dude, it’s not that ‘only the 3rd episode has come’ it’s my opinion on the basis of 3 episodes and it can change too. Also one single episode is enough to criticise the bad stuff and praise the good stuff
These complaints are facts and the studio should change it.
Also you should accept the fact that this series provides nothing new in terms of anything
Feb 27, 9:24 AM
Mar 2020
Some people overrating something doesn’t make it universally true, and besides that opinions are subjective. What you find predictable or whatever may be hitting the spot for someone else. I also don’t think people are expecting this to be anything mind blowing, it’s a fun action anime with well choreographed fight scenes and solid animation. I don’t think every anime has to reinvent the genre or anything
Feb 27, 9:35 AM
Oct 2023
if u don't like it don't watch it
Feb 27, 9:41 AM
Jun 2022
There are not enough episodes yet, but the animations / quality of the anime are wonderful
Feb 27, 9:45 AM
Jul 2021
Not just you if this show didn’t have park directing it, it would have a rating of a 6
Feb 27, 10:40 AM
Nov 2021
This is ninja John wick. People like good revenge stories with amazing action. Is this some ground breaking story/animation? No but it's doing its job very well for what it's trying to be.

If it's not your cup of tea, that's totally fine. As someone who likes this genre I've really enjoyed this series so far. Animation has been great and the OP is amazing.
Feb 27, 10:47 AM
Dec 2022
Smh, 2nd thread today on Ninja Kamui being boring. You can drop it if you don't like it. Frieren was getting popular, they made threads on it saying it's boring and now the same thing for Ninja Kamui. It's getting really annoying at this point. For me, I like the anime because good revenge stories always get me going. Drop it if it's boring to you. No one will come at you.
Feb 27, 10:49 AM
Feb 2022
i Like it but People today dont know how to enjoy enemy there Always needs to be it is bad or not good boring and all that stuff Like god if you don't Like it don't watch it is that simple
Feb 27, 11:12 AM
Jul 2021
Only 3 episodes in and it’s being called overrated lol…

The fight scenes are cool, MC has a good VA, it’s a simple revenge plot. The show is fun
Feb 27, 11:18 AM
Oct 2023
It’s an action anime, and it’s really doin alright. It’s that some people will find it boring while others find magnificent, but to me, it is a masterpiece.
Feb 27, 11:30 AM

Mar 2022
Idk man it’s almost like 5 other people created the same thread. Call me crazy, but it might not just be you.
Feb 27, 12:33 PM
Feb 2020
I agree. I’m gonna give it a chance as you can see I rarely drop shit but it’s very generic, my biggest issue is the attempted banter and dialogue of the characters there’s no chemistry at all and SO FAR, the plot and characters are boring and played out. Looks coo tho
Feb 27, 1:04 PM
Jan 2022
Someonerandom0x0 said:
Rishon007 said:
Man, this is why I don't want stuff to get popular. Only the 3rd episode is out, and people are complaining.

Dude, it’s not that ‘only the 3rd episode has come’ it’s my opinion on the basis of 3 episodes and it can change too. Also one single episode is enough to criticise the bad stuff and praise the good stuff
These complaints are facts and the studio should change it.
Also you should accept the fact that this series provides nothing new in terms of anything

One thing you’re wrong about. They’re not facts, it’s just what you think.
Feb 27, 1:27 PM

Jan 2022
Someonerandom0x0 said:
Even john wick had better intense moments than this.

No, John Wick never had a gay midget lusting for him, unless that happens in the 4th one which I haven't watched
Feb 27, 1:51 PM
Dec 2022
Someonerandom0x0 said:
don’t jump on me
This series is okayish at best
I mean the animation is good (could have been better), directing and cinematography is aesthetic but the thing is that the plot is so predictable and cliche it feels like every single generic shounen anime combined into one.
The characters feel like some 14 year old designed them and it feels so shady and cheeky
Tho, i am trying to enjoy it but i really can’t and still i will watch the whole series as they are trying to do something
I just want them to do something new and give us a something suspenceful or some intense moments.
Whenever a fight starts our main protagonist defeats them so easily and in every single episode it’s the same
Even john wick had better intense moments than this.
Well, these our my only complaints and i wouldn’t have complained but people are overrating this shit
Saying things like ‘the next big thing ‘better than solo levelling’ ‘best anime of the year’ when it’s even a good ninja anime even tho it’s name is ‘ninja kamui’
Hope they change some stuff and increase the budget for the next season if they make one.

bro, shut up. if you think its boring, drop it. its a typical "MC wants revenge" anime. its just the 3rd episode and you are already finding it boring? what do you want? do you want the plot to be entirely skinned in just 3 freaking episodes? for goodness sake, if the anime has plot and no action, you guys will complain, if it has plot and action, you'll still complain, what the hell do you want?
Feb 27, 3:10 PM
Jun 2021
just you bro

animation is great
it might not be different than a lot of action revenge but it executes the stereotype excellent
good action scenes
interesting story that expands with ever episodes

again it’s not something revolutionary but it out of many from its genre it does perform better than a lot of them

it’s also only the 3rd episode give it a chance bro
Feb 27, 3:45 PM

May 2015
It's not boring it's just a terrible show. All style no substance, awful writing, awful dialog and an awful plot. But hey it looks good. It's the anime equivalent of a Michael Bay movie.
Feb 27, 4:14 PM
Apr 2021
Rishon007 said:
Man, this is why I don't want stuff to get popular. Only the 3rd episode is out, and people are complaining.

Bro im laughing my ass off bc it’s only the THIRD episode like bro hasn’t even let this build up yet and he’s already complaining😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭😭

Like let it build up bro💀
Feb 27, 4:56 PM
Jan 2021
Someonerandom0x0 said:
don’t jump on me
This series is okayish at best
I mean the animation is good (could have been better), directing and cinematography is aesthetic but the thing is that the plot is so predictable and cliche it feels like every single generic shounen anime combined into one.
The characters feel like some 14 year old designed them and it feels so shady and cheeky
Tho, i am trying to enjoy it but i really can’t and still i will watch the whole series as they are trying to do something
I just want them to do something new and give us a something suspenceful or some intense moments.
Whenever a fight starts our main protagonist defeats them so easily and in every single episode it’s the same
Even john wick had better intense moments than this.
Well, these our my only complaints and i wouldn’t have complained but people are overrating this shit
Saying things like ‘the next big thing ‘better than solo levelling’ ‘best anime of the year’ when it’s even a good ninja anime even tho it’s name is ‘ninja kamui’
Hope they change some stuff and increase the budget for the next season if they make one.

Animation could've been better? My guy this is sakuga at its peak and you will probably never see such well choreographed fights that don't keep cutting away or have random zoom ins. This is up with some of the best hand to hand action animation I've ever seen and to call it just "good with room for improvement" is an understatement.
Feb 27, 6:16 PM
Apr 2023
If you don’t like it then, obviously, it wasn’t meant for you. At least not right now. Kick back and relax my guy.
Feb 27, 6:23 PM
Aug 2020
they think that just gore stuff is a masterpiece 😭 incomparable to Vinland saga with the same revenge genre.
Feb 27, 9:44 PM
Jun 2021
i have been saying this from episode 1 too everyone was and still hyping it like it's some good shit just because of sung woo park it's nothing special story wise (I was hoping under ninja to get this production treatment cause it has a mind blowing story but it was okay at best). Yes, the animation is good, yes the fight scenes are awesome but the story lacks a lot of stuff till now (even though it's a quarter way through) it's a meh anime at best (till now, my opinion might change if they take a story driven 2nd half, it needs it), it feels rushed(storywise)
Kappa1504Feb 27, 9:57 PM
Feb 27, 11:15 PM

Aug 2022
Rishon007 said:
Man, this is why I don't want stuff to get popular. Only the 3rd episode is out, and people are complaining.

Why hype it so much if only 3 episodes are out and the only thing that's happening is fights and character introduction.
If someone can't judge a show on the basis of 3 ep, people shouldn't say "it's the next big anime" on the basis of just 3 episodes. Wait for story to grow.
Oh wait, the Character's family is dead 😱 He is going to take revenge 😱, demon slayer have the same plot or every other shonen have this plot.

Feb 28, 11:37 PM

Jun 2021
Please just don't watch something you're not into, whether the hype is there or not. I've been saying this for a long time but many people are just so childish it gets on my nerves these days
Feb 29, 1:45 PM
Sep 2023
Rishon007 said:
Man, this is why I don't want stuff to get popular. Only the 3rd episode is out, and people are complaining.

Thinking this. People have such high expectations due to who’s involved that they forget what story structure is like haha.
Feb 29, 3:29 PM
Feb 2021
probably it's not your type...?
Mar 3, 1:30 AM
Mar 2018
another post created by woke pepole
Mar 3, 1:42 AM

Jan 2011
I have been enjoying it. Sorry if it isn't your jam. It's my favorite nonsequel of the season.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Mar 3, 3:44 AM
Aug 2022
I mean this is an original anime.
The story is simple and fine. It doesn't need to have a complex plot.
The animation and surroundings are amazing for an original anime.
Also, the fighting sequences are top-notch.
Mar 3, 4:56 AM

Dec 2022
That's just you, i'm afraid
Mar 3, 5:20 AM

Apr 2022
it is way better than solo leveling so far though. this show feels like a breath of fresh air to me.
Mar 3, 7:26 AM

Jun 2014
Well it was only a matter of time before a thread like this popped up. Classic MAL. Maybe this was better off not being added to the database.

And there was someone above calling it a terrible show because it's "all style and no substance," and I truly don't understand what it is with people on this site having a problem with that. Not every show needs to have deep and profound themes, Shakespearean writing/storytelling, and nuanced subtle character drama. Sometimes people just want a good-looking action show with a simple plot. That in no way makes this show, or any show that fits that description, inherently bad, but people on here need every new thing to re-invent the wheel. If it doesn't, boom it's "generic" and for some reason, generic is immediately equated to "bad" on MAL. It's like no one can just sit back and enjoy shit, and any show like this one just gets the "edgy" buzzword thrown at it by the "herm, this drivel is for simpletons and 12 year olds ☝️🤓" crowd, as if that automatically makes criticism toward it valid (still waiting for someone to actually define what "edgy" means).
thebrentinator24Mar 3, 7:38 AM
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

Mar 3, 7:29 AM

Mar 2016
That's because it is (bland). It's checking every box.
This is just me but I'd rather watch actual choregraphed fight(s) in live-action like John Wick than this mess. I just watched episode 1 of Kamui and it's cliche as it gets.
Revenge stories are fucking stupid because they're power fantasies that don't make you powerful or inspire power. At the end the victim stays the victim. Why would I watch something with zero development? The story would actually start after he took vengeance that's when the character development would begin.
This is just some edgy AdultSwim crap that would've served its time 20 years ago on the channel. It's ironic, we have better shows from that medium and time. This has nothing going for it other than a lot of blood and sharp swords swung into bodies. 'Ninja' isn't even a thing, on top of that we're supposed to have a precontrived vision of what 'Ninja' is. This just wreaks of cultural cliches. This show would've done great if anime wasn't mainstream as it is now. The shock of seeing violence in what westerners see as cartoons would be genuinely interesting and it was for all of us back then. Someone who grew up on 80's cartoons, having that concept flow with your progression of age and evolve with it into adulthood was something else - in the 2000s. Not so much anymore.
Lie until what you want to be true becomes truth. Lie until you can't remember what's a lie and what isn't.  Lie until you aren't lying anymore!
Mar 4, 2:37 AM

Feb 2021
Yes, only for you. If you don't like it, then don't watch it like with any other series. It is simple.
May 6, 6:26 AM

Jun 2015
The plot only got "worse" when the pretty animation was removed. Because people are hypocrite and can't admit it was carried by animation.
May 9, 12:51 AM
Jun 2019
Reply to Memore
Yes, only for you. If you don't like it, then don't watch it like with any other series. It is simple.
@Memore If you don't like it, then you could also just ignore their opinion. It is simple.
May 9, 2:12 AM

Feb 2021
Reply to TheRockerX
@Memore If you don't like it, then you could also just ignore their opinion. It is simple.
@TheRockerX, I know it, thanks.
May 9, 2:15 AM

Mar 2023
This anime is a proof of just becaused it gets hyped at the begining doesn't means that it will end up as an all time classic.
May 9, 3:31 AM
Jun 2019
Reply to Memore
@TheRockerX, I know it, thanks.
@Memore I'm glad you know it now. You're welcome.

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