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Nov 5, 2023 4:05 AM
Dec 2020
I don't care if yoi loved the ending or hated the ending.

You're personal opinion about the ending and how it affected the series as a whole is irrelevant to the topic at hand.

Before the finale came out so many people kept saying that everyone will hate the ending or the majority will hate the ending.

It will be just as poorly recieved as GOT ending.

Right now on the Episode Poll the Finale has a 77% percent vote in the loved it or liked it category.

A 16% vote in the Disliked it or Hated it category.

And 7% in the it's okay category.

Similarly, the Final Season Part 3 still stands at about the same rating it did before the finale aired. And I doubt it will drop below the Top 50 by the end of it.

And on Imdb(I know people don't like it bieng mentioned) it has a 7.7 rating with 17K votes.(And it's likely to go up.)
That's about the same as the best review episode of GoT season 8. And not even close to the actually hated Season 8 episodes.

And no matter what kind of inverted logic you want to use. In the end 7.7/10 is not an episode that is hated by everyone. It's not even a divisive.

It's a rating that shows the episode was liked by most just not loved.

So in conclusion, despite your personal opinions. AoT does not have a hated ending. It does not even have a divisive ending.

It just has a ending that was mostly liked but not as loved as the rest of the show.

Or to put it simply, it's a good ending to a great show.

AoT has finally ended. And I liked the ending. And I'm happy with it.

Goodbye everyone.
Nov 5, 2023 4:13 AM
Mar 2021
The IMDb rating would definitely be more than 8 if you exclude the review bombing honestly
Nov 5, 2023 4:16 AM
Dec 2020
Reply to Khushal_v
The IMDb rating would definitely be more than 8 if you exclude the review bombing honestly
@Khushal_v Yes I know. But even then let's say some people are positive review bombing the finale so the negative review bombing gets compensated.

Also the finale went from 6.3 to a 7.7 in a day.

I have no doubt that in the next few days it will cross over into the 8+ bracket.
Nov 5, 2023 4:18 AM
Jun 2023
the episode was downvoted even before it aired by ond piece fans so you shouldn’t take it as an “objective” measurement
Nov 5, 2023 4:24 AM
Dec 2020
mid piece fans creating their own happiness
Nov 5, 2023 4:27 AM
Dec 2020
Reply to alpassione
the episode was downvoted even before it aired by ond piece fans so you shouldn’t take it as an “objective” measurement
@alpassione I know it was downvoted.

I didn't mention it because someone would have made an argument about AoT fans Positive Review Bombing the episode.

And even if it's not objective, removing the review bombing would have just supported my point.
Nov 5, 2023 4:27 AM
Dec 2020
Reply to stryhx
mid piece fans creating their own happiness
@YadunandanBhat Unfortunately
Nov 5, 2023 4:33 AM
Jan 2021
It could have been perfect without some details
but it makes sense and that is the most important thing and of course it is not bad by any meaning just could have been much better
Nov 5, 2023 4:45 AM
Apr 2023
Did anyone stayed till the end of the credits?
U can see a glimpse of Mikasa, she was also buried next to Eren under the tree with her scarf.
Nov 5, 2023 5:06 AM

Nov 2021
It is definitely perceive better than manga, which shows how unrealistic and high expectations manga readers had from the ending, and some of them are still crying about it 🤡
Nov 5, 2023 5:07 AM

May 2009
Wait few days for hype to end and animeonlies finally starting to think.
Nov 5, 2023 6:22 AM
Dec 2020
Reply to bastek66
Wait few days for hype to end and animeonlies finally starting to think.
@bastek66 Yeah cause it world exactly like this for previous parts of Season 4 that Manga readers said Anime Onlies would hate
Nov 5, 2023 6:32 AM

May 2009
Reply to Fuhrer_Wrath
@bastek66 Yeah cause it world exactly like this for previous parts of Season 4 that Manga readers said Anime Onlies would hate
@Fuhrer_Wrath It worked for GoT
Nov 5, 2023 7:40 AM
Dec 2020
Reply to bastek66
@Fuhrer_Wrath It worked for GoT
@bastek66 No because GoT ending was hated right out of the gate.
Nov 5, 2023 7:41 AM

Feb 2020
Yeah, I think it had a pretty decent ending.
Nov 5, 2023 7:42 AM

Jun 2016
I wouldn't bring up the 8th season of GoT as an example considering that even the "good" episodes are crap.
Nov 5, 2023 7:47 AM

Jul 2021
only brain dead manga readers hated the ending. i am yet to meet an anime-only (who wasn't spoiled beforehand) that hated the ending. something has to be wrong with these manga readers as i've been reading comments like "now it only goes downhill from here" since season 4 part 1 started airing. it didn't go downhill it only went uphill as a matter of fact. feel sad for the manga readers who because of their own foolishness are depriving themselves from properly able to say good bye to this absolute gem of a series. instead they choose to believe the ending was bad and don't want others to enjoy the ending either. the threads on here are full of these people and it is both sad and funny. they hate it but take out time to come shit on it. haha.

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Nov 5, 2023 7:48 AM
Sep 2020
Yea I think they did a way better job with the anime. Even the manga ending has grown on me over the past few years.
Nov 5, 2023 7:49 AM
Dec 2020
Reply to Theo1899
I wouldn't bring up the 8th season of GoT as an example considering that even the "good" episodes are crap.
@Theo1899 I wouldn't say that. The first 2 episodes are decent.

It's episode 3 where shit hits the fan and then it spreads everywhere, the walls, the roof, the floor in the last 3 epsisodes.
Nov 5, 2023 7:55 AM

Dec 2021
Just wait until the score starts dropping
If you want to reply to my posts, come up with valid arguments instead of ad hominem HIGHER LEVEL THINKERS ONLY
Nov 5, 2023 7:56 AM

Mar 2022
Reply to alpassione
the episode was downvoted even before it aired by ond piece fans so you shouldn’t take it as an “objective” measurement
@alpassione wait, how did one piece even come into this? I see barely any similarities in the ratings/story of the show so what does one piece have to do with it? Did people just assume so and everyone believed again? Meh
Nov 5, 2023 8:00 AM

Sep 2020
So, I wasn't a huge fan of the manga ending when it happened. I didn't hate it, but I was somewhere in the middle. A while back, I kinda accepted that I'd probably enjoy whatever form it took when animated a little more, so I'd at least give it a chance.
Meanwhile, watching the anime finale had 3 grown men crying like babies.

The score, acting, and animation overall made what was a bitter pill to swallow on paper much more emotionally fulfilling on screen. At least for me. The two anime onlys I watched it with didn't have a complaint in the world. I personally had a great time stumbling into the depression that was this ending.

This was never going to have a perfect ending with all the hype stacked onto it, but I can't think of the last time I was left actually satisfied when the credits rolled and not empty, but this was one of those times.
Nov 5, 2023 8:00 AM

Feb 2022
The hate for it was always exaggerated with claims of it being one of the worst endings in fiction, which is just a display of media illiteracy. But at the same time, the series and its characters like Eren, Zeke and Historia deserved a way better conclusion than what they got. It's fine; the anime definitely polished it and it tracked better in this format with the solid production values.
Nov 5, 2023 8:09 AM
Jun 2023
Blueberry173 said:
@alpassione wait, how did one piece even come into this? I see barely any similarities in the ratings/story of the show so what does one piece have to do with it? Did people just assume so and everyone believed again? Meh

well the one piece fans on twitter are kinda crazy bcuz they have the need to compare everything op does to other anime like when gear 5 came out they needed to boast how superior it was to other iconic transformations like super saiyan , baryon mode naruto, UI Goku etc. they even compared eren’s freedom scene to a shot of luffy holding his hands like eren and said “this was the superior freedom scene”
so they gathered like a hivemind and started downvoting every new AoT episode starting from premiere of s4 pt.2. obviously aot fans retaliated and it’s been this ongoing cycle of downvoting episodes from each series, though op fans basically keep doing it like it’s they dayjob lol
Nov 5, 2023 8:12 AM

Nov 2023
Reply to alpassione
Blueberry173 said:
@alpassione wait, how did one piece even come into this? I see barely any similarities in the ratings/story of the show so what does one piece have to do with it? Did people just assume so and everyone believed again? Meh

well the one piece fans on twitter are kinda crazy bcuz they have the need to compare everything op does to other anime like when gear 5 came out they needed to boast how superior it was to other iconic transformations like super saiyan , baryon mode naruto, UI Goku etc. they even compared eren’s freedom scene to a shot of luffy holding his hands like eren and said “this was the superior freedom scene”
so they gathered like a hivemind and started downvoting every new AoT episode starting from premiere of s4 pt.2. obviously aot fans retaliated and it’s been this ongoing cycle of downvoting episodes from each series, though op fans basically keep doing it like it’s they dayjob lol
@alpassione What the hell, these arabian guys need to leave their goats and touch some grass. I suppose they do that with every popular show
Nov 5, 2023 8:15 AM

Feb 2022
Reply to Blueberry173
@alpassione wait, how did one piece even come into this? I see barely any similarities in the ratings/story of the show so what does one piece have to do with it? Did people just assume so and everyone believed again? Meh
@Blueberry173 This ain't news. Any shounen that overshadows One Piece in ratings (which happens on the regular) gets vote-brigaded by the insecure fanboys because it's now perceived as a threat to their show. Scroll through Twitter long enough and you'll realize even Boruto lives rent-free in their heads lmfao.
Nov 5, 2023 8:16 AM
Jun 2023
dzudoKing said:
@alpassione What the hell, these arabian guys need to leave their goats and touch some grass. I suppose they do that with every popular show

yh they’re pretty much exposing their insecurities about their show LMAO
Nov 5, 2023 8:24 AM

Mar 2022
Reply to TsutanaiFuun
only brain dead manga readers hated the ending. i am yet to meet an anime-only (who wasn't spoiled beforehand) that hated the ending. something has to be wrong with these manga readers as i've been reading comments like "now it only goes downhill from here" since season 4 part 1 started airing. it didn't go downhill it only went uphill as a matter of fact. feel sad for the manga readers who because of their own foolishness are depriving themselves from properly able to say good bye to this absolute gem of a series. instead they choose to believe the ending was bad and don't want others to enjoy the ending either. the threads on here are full of these people and it is both sad and funny. they hate it but take out time to come shit on it. haha.
@TsutanaiFuun not trying to ruin anything for others but i disagree on several things:
1. Manga readers probably hated it because they literally just didn't like something about it, doesnt mean they will suddenly like the anime too, and i don't think people who hated the manga ending like this ending aside from a minority - i am already aware the haters are already just a vocal minority which shouts too hard.
2. Just because someone doesnt like something means they want to ruin the fun of others who are liking it, isn't that a terrible generalization?
3. There were several problems which are pretty much just there which can't sit right with people so you can't blame them for hating on something they don't like, for example, would you be scolding some old person if you show them battle shounen and they don't like it? I don't think so

Problem i had:
The story in the end basically meant nothing in the end, if it all didn't happen, eldia would have just been wiped out sooner or later, what happens in the end? Well eldia ended anyway in a near future, what changed? Well 80% of the world dying for the same result which was going to happen, a lot of innocents died for something which would have happened whether they died or not, so yeah, it leaves a bad taste in the mouth when the entire journey resulted into something which the story once used to criticize at first- pretty sure all the conflict about the characters was about how innocents dying for such a hopeless cause is not right, yet in the end innocents died for the same result.
You can say that's the theme but then the theme of the story took a complete 180 turn which ain't anything better, these conflicts now were NOT there in the 1st 3 seasons and was introduced in season 4 only- if anything, iyasama mid way changed his mind on what he wants AOT to be.
All in all, i thought season 4 had an extremely forced and bland progression overall so i wasn't even hoping for the ending to be mind changing and it wasn't.

Its still a 7/10 show for me, with the 3rd season being pretty much a masterpiece, but it just went downhill with the ending because i cannot accept such a baseless ending.
Blueberry173Nov 5, 2023 8:35 AM
Nov 5, 2023 8:28 AM

Aug 2009
Didn't understand all the hate it was a great logical ending. I loved the whole episode.
Nov 5, 2023 8:31 AM

Mar 2022
Reply to alpassione
Blueberry173 said:
@alpassione wait, how did one piece even come into this? I see barely any similarities in the ratings/story of the show so what does one piece have to do with it? Did people just assume so and everyone believed again? Meh

well the one piece fans on twitter are kinda crazy bcuz they have the need to compare everything op does to other anime like when gear 5 came out they needed to boast how superior it was to other iconic transformations like super saiyan , baryon mode naruto, UI Goku etc. they even compared eren’s freedom scene to a shot of luffy holding his hands like eren and said “this was the superior freedom scene”
so they gathered like a hivemind and started downvoting every new AoT episode starting from premiere of s4 pt.2. obviously aot fans retaliated and it’s been this ongoing cycle of downvoting episodes from each series, though op fans basically keep doing it like it’s they dayjob lol
@alpassione ah well twitter ofc, thank god I don't interact on Twitter, not surprised, battle shounen anf Twitter is a rotten combination lol
Nov 5, 2023 8:42 AM
Feb 2021
Reply to Blueberry173
@alpassione wait, how did one piece even come into this? I see barely any similarities in the ratings/story of the show so what does one piece have to do with it? Did people just assume so and everyone believed again? Meh
@Blueberry173 One Piece fans hate AoT with all their lives (well most of them anyway), mostly because of the new gen "Big 3" debate
Nov 5, 2023 8:45 AM
Feb 2021
Reply to alpassione
Blueberry173 said:
@alpassione wait, how did one piece even come into this? I see barely any similarities in the ratings/story of the show so what does one piece have to do with it? Did people just assume so and everyone believed again? Meh

well the one piece fans on twitter are kinda crazy bcuz they have the need to compare everything op does to other anime like when gear 5 came out they needed to boast how superior it was to other iconic transformations like super saiyan , baryon mode naruto, UI Goku etc. they even compared eren’s freedom scene to a shot of luffy holding his hands like eren and said “this was the superior freedom scene”
so they gathered like a hivemind and started downvoting every new AoT episode starting from premiere of s4 pt.2. obviously aot fans retaliated and it’s been this ongoing cycle of downvoting episodes from each series, though op fans basically keep doing it like it’s they dayjob lol
@alpassione This is why I rarely respect both AoT and OP fandoms
Nov 5, 2023 10:22 AM
Dec 2020
Reply to HigherLvLThinker
Just wait until the score starts dropping
@HigherLvLThinker It's MAL score will probably see a drop.

But considering it didn't see a major drop immediately I doubt it would go below the Top 50. Which is a great place to be for a finale that was supposedly divisive or hated.

As for Imdb rating. It went from 6.3 to 7.8. It's not going to drop. If anything it will probably continue to rise.
Nov 5, 2023 10:29 AM
Dec 2020
Reply to Acausal
The hate for it was always exaggerated with claims of it being one of the worst endings in fiction, which is just a display of media illiteracy. But at the same time, the series and its characters like Eren, Zeke and Historia deserved a way better conclusion than what they got. It's fine; the anime definitely polished it and it tracked better in this format with the solid production values.
@Acausal I think Eren got a damn near perfect treatment. So did Zeke.
I never really considered Historia important.

Mikasa in my opinion good have a bit more expansion to her motives or character.

The one character I agree was royally shafted was Ymir(The Founder).
I would have preferred if got a whole chapter just on her explaining how lonely she was and how that lead her to confusing King Fritz using her with love.
And how she was basically a slave to her love and was suffering and just wanted freedom.
And juxtaposed it with how she saw Mikasa's slavish love for Eren and wanted to be shown that it's possible to break out of it.

That was probably my biggest complaint with the Final chapter and it still remains with the Final Part 4.

But my main point was that as you said. As the ending existed it wasn't as hated as some people made it out to be.

And these same people kept saying that Anime Onlies will hate it too and AoT's legacy will be ruined just like GoT.

But finally these guys have been proven wrong. Because the majority of the people liked it.
Nov 5, 2023 11:05 AM

Aug 2014
Reply to dzudoKing
@alpassione What the hell, these arabian guys need to leave their goats and touch some grass. I suppose they do that with every popular show
@dzudoKing Please do not generalize about all Arabs. These are some Saudi teenagers who are overly enthusiastic about One Piece and Oda, and they are not alone. There is also a group of Attack on Titan fans who criticize One Piece. We see these clashes between them on Twitter every time. It's embarrassing.
Nov 5, 2023 11:40 AM

Aug 2019
Reply to THE_SAMO
@dzudoKing Please do not generalize about all Arabs. These are some Saudi teenagers who are overly enthusiastic about One Piece and Oda, and they are not alone. There is also a group of Attack on Titan fans who criticize One Piece. We see these clashes between them on Twitter every time. It's embarrassing.

I haven't heard a single Attack on Titan fan compare the finale of their show to Gear 5. Attack on Titan lives in their heads rent-free because it's all they ever compare their show to.
Nov 5, 2023 12:06 PM
Feb 2022
I remember reading the manga ending because of all the backlash and asking myself why some people thought the ending was bad.
Aside from very few lines and maybe slightly rushed pacing, it was a very good ending, fitting for the story.
The anime took an already great ending and made it even better, not surprised with how things turned out by the end because I already knew the ending is objectively not nearly as bad as some people claimed it to be.
It's totally fine if you find it k be somewhat underwhelming, but "worst ending in fiction", "disgraceful", or just simply "bad" is a big L take.
Nov 5, 2023 4:39 PM
Nov 2015
Reply to YannisSp101
I remember reading the manga ending because of all the backlash and asking myself why some people thought the ending was bad.
Aside from very few lines and maybe slightly rushed pacing, it was a very good ending, fitting for the story.
The anime took an already great ending and made it even better, not surprised with how things turned out by the end because I already knew the ending is objectively not nearly as bad as some people claimed it to be.
It's totally fine if you find it k be somewhat underwhelming, but "worst ending in fiction", "disgraceful", or just simply "bad" is a big L take.
@YannisSp101 How about Armin thanking Eren for the genocide? How is that not jarring (it was rightfully removed from the anime because it is so bullshit, Isayamq really is a Japanese Imperialism Symphatizer). There are valid reasons why people hate it but people either pretend they don't exist or just ignore jt to keep their "masterpiece" narrative alive.
Nov 5, 2023 5:17 PM
Feb 2022
Reply to raffyzita
@YannisSp101 How about Armin thanking Eren for the genocide? How is that not jarring (it was rightfully removed from the anime because it is so bullshit, Isayamq really is a Japanese Imperialism Symphatizer). There are valid reasons why people hate it but people either pretend they don't exist or just ignore jt to keep their "masterpiece" narrative alive.
@raffyzita I didn't like that line either, but to act as if the ending is bad cuz of that one line, it's an overreaction for sure.
Nov 5, 2023 10:03 PM
Dec 2020
Reply to raffyzita
@YannisSp101 How about Armin thanking Eren for the genocide? How is that not jarring (it was rightfully removed from the anime because it is so bullshit, Isayamq really is a Japanese Imperialism Symphatizer). There are valid reasons why people hate it but people either pretend they don't exist or just ignore jt to keep their "masterpiece" narrative alive.
@raffyzita Calling Hajime Isayama a Japanese Imperialism Sympathizer is the most ignorant thing I've ever seen.

Especially when you consider that the extended Eren and Armin conversation in the Anime where they both concede that they go to hell for what Eren did is also from Hajime Isayama.
Nov 5, 2023 10:28 PM
Nov 2015
Reply to Fuhrer_Wrath
@raffyzita Calling Hajime Isayama a Japanese Imperialism Sympathizer is the most ignorant thing I've ever seen.

Especially when you consider that the extended Eren and Armin conversation in the Anime where they both concede that they go to hell for what Eren did is also from Hajime Isayama.
@Fuhrer_Wrath Only after he got burned for writing that stupid line in tha manga. AoT subtext is really problematic (if you are open minded read this critique:
Nov 5, 2023 11:16 PM

Nov 2022
Reply to raffyzita
@Fuhrer_Wrath Only after he got burned for writing that stupid line in tha manga. AoT subtext is really problematic (if you are open minded read this critique:
@raffyzita The last thing I want to read is anime journalism, and especially the can of worms called Polygon. AoT had some parallels with WW2 political gradient, but it ends with the premise. The events thereafter doesn't really reflect the actual events unless you are some /pol/ conspiracy theorist. And the ending is a note of hope for mutuality and peace, despite however events roll on centuries later in Wolfenstein Zhiganzhina. People should stop reading into some parallels too much and just understand that its a bit of bad writing and move on.
Nov 6, 2023 2:10 AM
Dec 2020
Reply to raffyzita
@Fuhrer_Wrath Only after he got burned for writing that stupid line in tha manga. AoT subtext is really problematic (if you are open minded read this critique:
@raffyzita AoT subtext is literally whatever you want it to be.

The guy himself said he couldn't properly convey his message in the Manga. That doesn't make him a Japanese Imperialism Sympathizer.

He literally condemns Nationalism in the manga and Potrays Eren's genocide as this horrible thing.

But people like you would take literally one poorly written line ignore everything around it and make disgusting assumptions about people.

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