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Dec 20, 2009 12:56 AM
Oct 2009
"Avatar" is not only the best movie I've seen in years, but it combines an original and compelling story with revolutionary visuals, a surprisingly good romance, and great action.

"Avatar" may give you your fill of an unoriginal colonialism plot-line, but understand that this is completely irrelevant to the enjoyment of the film. It may strike a chord as being "done before," but due to the fact that Cameron has created a world completely devoid of any third-party input, nullifies that gripe.

Something I wasn't expecting myself to find when I stepped into the theater this Friday night, was a love story that's been done better than some (hell, most) romantic comedies this year, if not for many years' previous. It's hard to explain exactly "Why" it had such a great effect on me, but it probably boils down to the fact that this story might have been a love story in disguise. It might sound ludicrous, but each time our hero "plugs in" (especially during the latter portions of the film) he remembers what a life he has within his synthetic body; he's reminded of thoughts of the main heroine (I can not, for the life of me, remember her name). It may be the overly-simplistic or matter-of-fact way that the natives treat the ordeal, but it almost becomes like that of a forbidden love. And unrequited love is the most engrossing and interesting love to watch as a movie-goer; love that has a change of failing.

The visuals were nothing short of:________
Unbelievable. You can really tell that five years went into making this film, and it has now become a measuring stick that other sci-fi or other visually-oriented films will have to compare themselves to. Too bad for them. I heard myself, as well as the friends and patrons around me inexplicably mutter "Wow" at certain parts within the film.

People may argue that this is just another pretty face compared to all the other films that are so rich and deep, but I say that Cameron has found the ideal combination of both; a feat rarely seen in film: something gorgeous to look at, but not something you're gonna regret waking up with the next day.

My review that I submitted to Rotten Tomatoes.
Dec 20, 2009 3:23 AM

Dec 2009
got a little bit last samurai style. but i have to say it has been a long time since i watched a movie with such an potential.
Dec 20, 2009 7:33 AM

Jan 2008
mezec said:

That's not a plot hole, that's a sequel waiting to happen, lol.

As for your second question:
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Dec 20, 2009 7:39 AM

Dec 2009
Neodym said:
got a little bit last samurai style. but i have to say it has been a long time since i watched a movie with such an potential.

Well the whole "foreign soldier sent to destroy a culture but instead becomes engrossed in the culture" plot is pretty dated and nothing new. Dances with Wolves, Ferngully, and Pocahontas, The Last Samurai, and Avatar are all movies with that cookie cutter plot.

But that's not why you're watching Avatar, thats not what Cameron intended back in 1994 when the screenplay was first drafted. His goal is the same as always, stunning visuals and incredible characterization. And in those aspects he delivered, again. But this time around he managed to help the film industry reach new heights in terms of CG Imagery. What with him funding CGI technology for years with his Titanic funds and all just for this movie.
Dec 20, 2009 8:12 AM

Dec 2009
DoctorForHire said:
Neodym said:
got a little bit last samurai style. but i have to say it has been a long time since i watched a movie with such an potential.

Well the whole "foreign soldier sent to destroy a culture but instead becomes engrossed in the culture" plot is pretty dated and nothing new. Dances with Wolves, Ferngully, and Pocahontas, The Last Samurai, and Avatar are all movies with that cookie cutter plot.

But that's not why you're watching Avatar, thats not what Cameron intended back in 1994 when the screenplay was first drafted. His goal is the same as always, stunning visuals and incredible characterization. And in those aspects he delivered, again. But this time around he managed to help the film industry reach new heights in terms of CG Imagery. What with him funding CGI technology for years with his Titanic funds and all just for this movie.

well spoken :) that last samurai stuff was just a annotation. as i said a movie with great potential. but i really have watched the movie cause of the story and not cause of the CGI effects :) i haven't seen any trailer and didn't read any critics.
Dec 20, 2009 9:28 AM

Jun 2009
Beatnik said:

As for your second question:

Yeah but...
Dec 20, 2009 9:32 AM

Jan 2008
mezec said:

"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Dec 20, 2009 10:02 AM

Jun 2008
OH I FORGOT to express my opinions on Avatar. HNGGGGGGGG!!

Loved it to bits. It had everything I could ever want in a movie! The graphics were outstanding, that whole world was breathtaking and I loooove the character's<3 Anyway I cried, laughed, pretty much felt almost every emotion and I want to see it again! It really impressed me, and the length didn't even bother me because I pretty much enjoyed every scene. The only thing I could say bad, would be the story was predictable and such but I mean everything else made up for it and made the movie fantastic anyway. I liked that everything happened the way it did. I really can't get over how PRETTY AND GORGEOUS IT WAS. GOODNESS! BUT CHYEA, LOVED IT 10/10.

Oh, and I watched it in 3D and loved the effect too. I really like that style, gave it a lot more depth and it wasn't the 'IN YOUR FACE' type so I hope that's used more, it was just beautiful!
Dec 20, 2009 11:44 AM

Jun 2009
Beatnik said:

I see. I forgot about him deciding to be human Rambo then. Now I want to watch it again.
Dec 20, 2009 12:01 PM

Jan 2008
mezec said:
I see. I forgot about him deciding to be human Rambo then. Now I want to watch it again.

His avatar had such a dopey face, lol.

Kittenia said:
OH I FORGOT to express my opinions on Avatar. HNGGGGGGGG!

Glad you liked the movie kittenperson. It's pretty hard to cry with 3D glasses on though, huh?
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Dec 20, 2009 2:00 PM

May 2009
I saw this movie today and it was oustanding! The movie I've seen in a very long while. Sure it don't have the most original story, but the movie made me care more about the characters, environment and action rather than a story.
I hope there will be a sequel, perhaps which will include some blue baby aliens.
Dec 20, 2009 4:25 PM
Oct 2009
Sasu-neko said:
I saw this movie today and it was oustanding! The movie I've seen in a very long while. Sure it don't have the most original story, but the movie made me care more about the characters, environment and action rather than a story.
I hope there will be a sequel, perhaps which will include some blue baby aliens.

I don't think there's gonna be a sequel. This was more of a one-hit-wonder. But, hell, a sequel wouldn't be so bad to one of the best sci-fi flicks made, right? Lol.
Dec 20, 2009 4:29 PM

Jan 2008
It's well on it's way to making a profit, so therefore profit = sequel. Cameron said so himself in interviews. The only question is when will it be released, but seeing as no script has been written, I'd say in three years time minimum.

This is going to be Cameron's Star Wars basically, he's going to do the whole 'expanded universe' thing and everything.

Expect lots of blue girls next Halloween.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Dec 20, 2009 4:43 PM
Oct 2009
Beatnik said:
It's well on it's way to making a profit, so therefore profit = sequel. Cameron said so himself in interviews. The only question is when will it be released, but seeing as no script has been written, I'd say in three years time minimum.

This is going to be Cameron's Star Wars basically, he's going to do the whole 'expanded universe' thing and everything.

Expect lots of blue girls next Halloween.

Cool! I gotta find that interview!
Dec 20, 2009 5:14 PM

Jun 2008
HALLOWEEN! I jokingly said I wanted to paint myself blue and etc, rofl & actually it wasn't that hard to cry under the glasses except the occasional wipe away moved the screen. I hope that in the future glasses won't be needed for 3D movies, and it can be a pill we take or already some kind of aroma in the room that will affect our eyes! :D
Dec 20, 2009 6:14 PM

Dec 2009
Jigero said:
Looks like another multi million dollar flop to me, I think the blue people look comical at best and there is suppose to be some kinda love story going on, With these characters trying to be serious it's probably gonna look stupid. And when ever Cameron talks about it, I really just go, yea I could care fucking less.

But the mechs are sweet how can you hate on them.

And really I thought it was a bad ass movie? Why are there so many people ripping on it.
My Nuts Jumble.
Dec 20, 2009 6:19 PM

Jan 2008
Jigero said:
Looks like another multi million dollar flop to me

Yeaaah, that kinda didn't happen. $232,180,000 after four days, and it hasn't even opened in countries like Japan, Germany, etc. You just cant doubt Cameron man, he always rakes the money in his whole career.

Kittenia said:
I hope that in the future glasses won't be needed for 3D movies, and it can be a pill we take or already some kind of aroma in the room that will affect our eyes! :D

Ok, that sounds like a drug den Kitten, you're worrying me.

You'd have to be committed to become full Avatard on Halloween or conventions, all that blue paint...tails...
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Dec 20, 2009 9:10 PM

Jul 2008
I saw Avatar today and loved it. I also saw it for free since the theater ran out of 3D glasses... Meaning that they got me first in line for the next showing with a full refund of my ticket. :D

The 3D was great, though a little awkward because I had to wear 3D glasses over my prescription glasses, but that didn't detour much from my overall enjoyment of the film. 10/10
Dec 20, 2009 9:15 PM

Jun 2009
Gin-iro said:
I saw Avatar today and loved it. I also saw it for free since the theater ran out of 3D glasses... Meaning that they got me first in line for the next showing with a full refund of my ticket. :D

The 3D was great, though a little awkward because I had to wear 3D glasses over my prescription glasses, but that didn't detour much from my overall enjoyment of the film. 10/10

ahaha. I had to wear glasses on glasses too, pretty weird man. It's a glorious movie though, even if my nose did get kinda itchy on both occasions.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the General Forum Guidelines!
Dec 20, 2009 10:09 PM

Apr 2009
I just saw it today, and loved it ... although, I have to say, James Cameron was a bit heavy handed on the tree hugging message. But other then that ... I loved it.

also did anyone noticed that the Na'vi had african accents?
The universe seems neither benign nor hostile, merely indifferent.

--- Carl Sagan
Dec 21, 2009 1:06 AM

Nov 2009
i just saw it........and it was awesome

way to go james.. i salute you XD

this movie is in a different "league"
Dec 21, 2009 6:35 AM

Jan 2008
JH said:
also did anyone noticed that the Na'vi had african accents?

The Na'vi were just a mishmash of every culture that's been colonised I guess. You had Africa, native American, Aussie Aboriginal, etc. The actors playing the roles were African Americans and also awesome actors like: Wes Studi. So yeah, very clichéd and meant for us to relate to.

District 9 proves you don't have to physically relate to aliens for the movie to be compelling. Shit, E.T. proved it years ago and he's the ugliest alien of them all.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Dec 21, 2009 9:36 AM

Apr 2009
Beatnik said:

District 9 proves you don't have to physically relate to aliens for the movie to be compelling. Shit, E.T. proved it years ago and he's the ugliest alien of them all.

Hell! you can say that again!

As for the Na'vi being a mishmash ... I didn't get that .... oh well. I had my christmas treat for the year. I'll just have to wait until it comes back at the dollar theater or on DVD because seriously at $15.00 a pop, and then theaters fucking you with outrageous prices at the popcorn stands ... I don't think I will be back at that price!

It's not you, Mr. Cameron. You were wonderful ... it's the recession! v.v
The universe seems neither benign nor hostile, merely indifferent.

--- Carl Sagan
Dec 21, 2009 5:19 PM

Oct 2008
I actually know a few people on a friend level who helped animate the movie. I intend to see it asap. Few of my bros from Full Sail Universtiy swear by it, obviously as they worked on it.
Dec 21, 2009 7:10 PM
Nov 2009
I really loved this movie! I will definitely try and see it in 3D.
Dec 21, 2009 9:54 PM

Apr 2009
Meh, it was a good watch but a long one. The cinema's airconditioning almost put me to sleep if not for the loud sounds of "BAM!-ng" from the movie. Although, to be honest, I expected more.
Dec 23, 2009 1:08 PM

Sep 2009
Just saw it. Not impressed, the plot was meh, the CGI was good, sure, but after the fifty millionth "running though undergrowth" I got a bit over it. And I'm a mech fan, so I normally have a very long willing suspension of disbelief, but I just didn't buy this movie. Unobtainium? Seriously? (that's not the big thing that broke disbelief, rather it was a lot of little things, but I can't be bothered writing them all)
Dec 23, 2009 2:09 PM

Aug 2009
saw this movie last friday. It was a beautiful sight to behold. I didn't care so much for the story since it was predictable...
[insert lulz signature here]
Dec 23, 2009 2:26 PM

Dec 2008
I love Final Fantasy.
Dec 23, 2009 10:17 PM

Jun 2009
It was pretty but i set my expectations too high to fully enjoy it.
Dec 23, 2009 10:19 PM

Mar 2009
Haven't watched it.
Dec 24, 2009 1:55 AM

Mar 2008
I saw Avatar yesterday morning (10:30 A.M.) with my friend and his little brother.

We all enjoyed the movie very much, and thought it was kick ass awesome :).

NOTE: We saw the normal 2-D w/e version, not the Real 3-D or Imax 3-D version.
KidRyanDec 24, 2009 2:10 AM

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Dec 24, 2009 8:48 AM

Jan 2009
I saw the Real 3-D movie the other day and i was very impressed with it. Thought this movie was amazing. I went to see the movie just for the visuals and action and got blown away with a compelling story and some very good characters. The plot may have had it's own cliche's in it and may have been predictable but it was overall a really good and engaging one at that. The thing that impressed me most about this film(Outside it's amazing visuals) was the fact that it kept me into the entire movie despite being three hours long.
Dec 24, 2009 11:34 AM

Nov 2007
Awesome movie but I haven't watched it in 3D yet tough.
Tsukasa-sanDec 27, 2009 2:54 PM
Dec 24, 2009 11:40 AM

Jan 2008

What were your favourite moments?

"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Dec 27, 2009 2:22 PM

Sep 2009
I really liked it.
Pandora is awesome!
Dec 27, 2009 2:31 PM

Sep 2007
Saw the movie last night in regular 3D. The plot was pretty lolzcopter, but there were some pretty badass moments.
Dec 27, 2009 2:46 PM

Jul 2008
Vagabond said:
Not that I'd go watch it in theaters or anything.
I take back what I said. I'm about to go see it for the second time.
Dec 27, 2009 3:06 PM

Jun 2007
ukonkivi said:
I can't take the blue people seriously~.

Actually, everything that can be imagined already exists.. even if this is just a parallel reality, or bunch of them. :)

And, wans one of the best ones from the many movies that I have seen. (as a consciousness changing stuff category). But even more lucky are those that can see it on IMAX 3D screens :D
Dec 27, 2009 3:10 PM

Oct 2009
I'm going to see it this week. Seems nice ;d
I saw trailer and I already like it ! <3
Dec 27, 2009 3:11 PM
Dec 2009
hope I will see it this week
Dec 27, 2009 3:13 PM

Jun 2007
Well actually I waited for this movie.. and the first day it came of.. I was planing on watching it at the very evening... and even at such time that as it is length of three hours, it would be ending a half an hour after the midnight... and the other day were my exam... and I was thinking what to do.. anyways I gave my ticket to father so he would watch it, and felt not myself.. that I weren't there to watch it. And anyway, the very next day - I saw it after the exam :D hehe

So by that I mean - I can't much understand ppl who are saying like "oh I will watch it this week".. come on... I would go there watch it as soon as I can :DDD
Dec 27, 2009 3:15 PM

Jan 2008
This might actually end up as the most useless thread in the whole site.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Dec 27, 2009 5:48 PM

Oct 2009
Beatnik said:
This might actually end up as the most useless thread in the whole site.

Yup, most likely.. To be honest, Avatar can only be enjoyed to the maximum if you watch it in 3D at IMAX...

" ... carpenters fashion wood; wise people fashion themselves" - Buddhism
Dec 27, 2009 5:53 PM

Jan 2008
JessIsEpic said:
Beatnik said:
This might actually end up as the most useless thread in the whole site.

Yup, most likely.. To be honest, Avatar can only be enjoyed to the maximum if you watch it in 3D at IMAX...


I tried starting a discussion on the previous page but people are just going "yeah, I saw it here" or "no, I'm not gonna see it" or "i'm gonna see it next week!"

"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Dec 27, 2009 6:09 PM

Jun 2008
Yeah! Talk about how amazing it was! And how much you ADORED IT KSFG';LLKD!!

Oh, and rumor or so has it that there is a plan on sequels? I think if the same quality and attention that Avatar got is also put into any kind of sequel, it would be equally as amazing! I wouldn't mind at all, because I miss Pandora already.
Dec 27, 2009 6:16 PM

Jan 2008
Kitten to the rescue.

Cameron said he's got ideas for a trilogy, and considering they've already animated so much, they'll have less work to do for sequels. I reealllly hope we get some. He also said we might explore other moons in that system, so that would be really cool too. Maybe the two moons can battle each other and we can get some space battles.

What was your favourite moment of the film, Kitten?
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Dec 27, 2009 6:28 PM

Jun 2008
OHH! So that's how it works, I thought maybe we would have to wait a few more years for a sequel since this one took so long! That makes a lot of sense, but that's really good news! I hope they do make a lot of money, and so far reviews seem just about right!

My favorite, I think was definitely any part in Pandora. Like :

What was yours beat of Nick!?
Dec 27, 2009 6:33 PM

Jan 2008
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Dec 27, 2009 6:48 PM

Jun 2008
You know what,

And the CGI was outstanding of course! I really want to re-watch it soon!
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