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What did you intially think of the first couple of episodes of Steins;Gate?

May 29, 2022 5:27 PM

Dec 2019
I find it weird when people say that Steins;Gate takes a while to get good because I liked it immediately. I guess it's more about me liking slice of life stuff and the characters.
However, I'm curious. How many of you guys disliked the first couple of episodes? If the first couple of episodes were disliked that much, I doubt it would've gotten a score this high.
May 29, 2022 5:43 PM

Oct 2020
That this show is a Slice Of Life Comedy.....Never expected any turn of events which we got after ep 18.

Okabe is the reason the first 'couple of episodes ' are fun, and many people loved his character. Moreover who would hate a character who have guts to touch balls to know their gender ๐Ÿ˜. (I remember kid Goku was loved by everyone XD)

But in SG0 Okabe is totally different, and fans didn't like it,, also Kurisu is absent, that's why it got a low score compared to the original.
Anayan_KashyapMay 29, 2022 5:48 PM
Please watch Sword Art Online Progressive, it's the peak of SAO.
May 29, 2022 5:49 PM
Apr 2021
Confused af, but the mystery pulls me in for more
May 29, 2022 5:54 PM

Dec 2020
I liked them and going back to them after finishing the show, I liked them even more than the "good" half
May 29, 2022 6:10 PM
Apr 2016
The first time I‘ve watched Steins Gate I dropped it at episode 11 or so, right before the good part started. I mainly began watching it because of the very good rating but couldn‘t agree with it so far. So after a few months after I’ve dropped it, I decided to continue watching because of the ratings and never regreted my decision ever.
Today I can say that I‘ve watched it like 5 times in total and it‘s my second favourite anime series of all time. Just started reading the visual novel.
If you watch it for the first time and you absolutely don‘t know what is to come, the first episodes really are a bit boring, but that‘s what makes it a masterpiece in my opinion. They‘re just having you watching 10,11 episodes of a slice of life science anime with nothing special and boring theoratical science stuff, but then BAMM! plottwist! All the characters you‘ve just watched day on and on hanging in the lab are just being attacked or murdered by some bad guys from Sern or the organization… all the happy and easy moments just puffed away in despair.
May 29, 2022 6:26 PM
Mar 2021
I really enjoyed the part where it was like 5 episodes of the cast microwaving bananas
May 29, 2022 6:39 PM
Jan 2021
Was confused and wasnt expecting much after that. Boy was i wrong
May 29, 2022 6:41 PM
Jun 2021
unpopular opinion i liked the first half more than the second
May 29, 2022 7:21 PM
Nov 2016
As a hardcore Steins;Gate fan like I am I must say, the 1st half is slow, it's important... but slow, I considered the 1st half a 7/10 at best when I was watching Steins;Gate for the first time.

Yeah, I'm simply not much into Slice of Life animes and the 1st half is mostly Slice of Life with some Mystery and Comedy sprinkled on top of it, the 1st half is important to the story and to bond with the characters, I agree, but it was slow.

The 2nd half is the part that made me go crazy over Steins;Gate and now I'm a hardcore Steins;Gate fan thanks to it, definitely a 10/10. The 2nd half simply has everything I love about animes.
May 29, 2022 7:39 PM

Feb 2021
I loved the show throughout. The first 12 episodes which many people seem to unanimously conclude to being 'boring' just didn't watch the same show imo. The ending of 12th episode makes everyone go bonkers. Sure, it comes out of the blue and is in fact, a really shocking event, but that's not the only event up until that point which comes out as 'totally unexpected'. There are many surprising events throughout the show and yet almost everyone seems to get excited only over a

The biggest problem is what one expects out of the show before watching it. If I were to guess, some people either don't care for the characters or they don't care what the characters are talking about. In my case, I fell in love with almost every character and Okabe's interactions with them were really interesting due to his intriguing persona.
But if you go in seeking a sci-fi time travel story, filled with action and adventures, I reckon many will be disappointed. In fact, Steins;Gate is not even about time travel. It's more of a character study of Okabe. It's a story centered around it's characters, with little bits of time travel in it.
May 29, 2022 7:47 PM
Feb 2019
I liked it. I enjoyed the mundane hijinks of the future gadget lab. Okabe was an entertaining protagonist, and learning about what makes him tick only made him even better.

I understand people's opinions that its slow, but I will never understand the point that Nothing is happening for the first 12 episodes. Its not like the plot just started moving at episode 12. Everything was building to that point. There always was something going on each episode.
From the search for the IBN, discovering the horrors of SERN's secrets, the d-mail experiments shifting worldlines, the suspicious behavior of lab mem 005, the very scary danger of the threatening text messages, ultimately leading to SERN bursting in after they completed the time leap machine. Even if it was mostly slice of life in between, the plot was always moving.
May 29, 2022 7:58 PM
Feb 2019
PikaboyTK said:
I loved the show throughout. The first 12 episodes which many people seem to unanimously conclude to being 'boring' just didn't watch the same show imo. The ending of 12th episode makes everyone go bonkers. Sure, it comes out of the blue and is in fact, a really shocking event, but that's not the only event up until that point which comes out as 'totally unexpected'. There are many surprising events throughout the show and yet almost everyone seems to get excited only over a

The biggest problem is what one expects out of the show before watching it. If I were to guess, some people either don't care for the characters or they don't care what the characters are talking about. In my case, I fell in love with almost every character and Okabe's interactions with them were really interesting due to his intriguing persona.
But if you go in seeking a sci-fi time travel story, filled with action and adventures, I reckon many will be disappointed. In fact, Steins;Gate is not even about time travel. It's more of a character study of Okabe. It's a story centered around it's characters, with little bits of time travel in it.

Agreed with almost everything you just said! However I disagree that it isn't centred around time travel. It most definitely is about time travel.

Why else would they spend 12 episodes experimenting, theorizing and discovering how the time travel mechanics works. The second half wouldn't have been effective without the audience being in the know on how the time machine works and the limits we're working within. Although the narrative is mainly on the characters' lives, the plot is really about the power of time travel and the very real dangerous consequences that come with abusing that power.
May 29, 2022 8:12 PM

May 2021
i loved them, for me first few episodes were extremely important
May 29, 2022 8:14 PM

May 2021
i REALLY loved them,they emitted mysterious vibes,although the show got slower as they progressed,but the mystery still lurked,and finally,the 2nd half paid off everything.
May 29, 2022 8:26 PM
Jul 2021
I liked them a lot, but I definitely can see why a lot of people might not
May 29, 2022 8:57 PM
( ยฐโ—กยฐ)/
Oct 2021
I loved them; partly because I like slow-moving SoL and partly because those episodes help build up a sense of mystery and anticipation :)
May 29, 2022 8:58 PM
Jun 2021
At first, I liked them. Never thought dropping it but I didn't understand that much so I watched like 4 episodes a day. After I reached "that" point I binge watched it. A few days after I finished all the animated content available I decided to re-watch it and oh God, it was amazing I loved watching Okabe going full Chuunibyou, his interactions with Kurisu, their jokes, all the foreshadowing, I questioned myself how didn't I noticed all before. Then Steam notified me there was a bundle for the 4 novels so I bought them and played the OG twice. At that point I already loved the franchise.

I want to say that I didn't have any expectations before watching, I just had heard the name a few times but didn't even know what is was about. I just happened to find a 3 seconds clip of Mayuri saying Tutturu~โ™ช, so I didn't have the pressure of watching the (at the moment I watched Steins;Gate) Top 3 anime of all time (on MyAnimeList).

Now it is my fav franchise, I've watched the sub 3 times, 1 time Dub, 2 times the OG VN, I'm playing S;G 0, still have to play Elite and Darling Embrace, I'm rewatching 0 with my sister, and I have listened to some CD Dramas.

First episodes can be found "boring" because of the confusion but if you like slice of life, and don't have problems with moe and Otaku culture you would get pass through first episodes, and eventually when you rewatch the series you will love them.
May 29, 2022 9:08 PM

Feb 2021
filimaua13 said:
PikaboyTK said:
I loved the show throughout. The first 12 episodes which many people seem to unanimously conclude to being 'boring' just didn't watch the same show imo. The ending of 12th episode makes everyone go bonkers. Sure, it comes out of the blue and is in fact, a really shocking event, but that's not the only event up until that point which comes out as 'totally unexpected'. There are many surprising events throughout the show and yet almost everyone seems to get excited only over a

The biggest problem is what one expects out of the show before watching it. If I were to guess, some people either don't care for the characters or they don't care what the characters are talking about. In my case, I fell in love with almost every character and Okabe's interactions with them were really interesting due to his intriguing persona.
But if you go in seeking a sci-fi time travel story, filled with action and adventures, I reckon many will be disappointed. In fact, Steins;Gate is not even about time travel. It's more of a character study of Okabe. It's a story centered around it's characters, with little bits of time travel in it.

Agreed with almost everything you just said! However I disagree that it isn't centred around time travel. It most definitely is about time travel.

Why else would they spend 12 episodes experimenting, theorizing and discovering how the time travel mechanics works. The second half wouldn't have been effective without the audience being in the know on how the time machine works and the limits we're working within. Although the narrative is mainly on the characters' lives, the plot is really about the power of time travel and the very real dangerous consequences that come with abusing that power.

I see your point and I mostly agree. The narrative is indeed mainly about the characters, especially Okabe. Again, there are many experiments in the show, lots of time travel related shenanigans but I will still stand firm on my words. Steins;Gate, when looked deeper into, is mostly about Okabe and his internal conflicts. It's a character-driven narrative with time travel as a plot device. The show uses the "power of time travel and the consequences of abusing that power" to challenge Okabe's morality. It's about what he's willing to do for the ones he loves and how far he will go to make things right. Time travel and the dangers surrounding it, in that sense, are just a means to bring about that conflict within him and stir his conscience to make a decision.

I agree that looking at it simply, it indeed is a time travel show. But in that case,so is Erased, except it isn't. It has time travel, true. But it is not the main theme of the show, it's just a means to dive deeper into the characters.
May 29, 2022 9:20 PM
Sep 2021
I had dropped the show after the 6th episode – right on the edge of it becoming awesome. But then a few months later MAL sent a notification that "you know what? Steins;Gate is number 3 anime on our entire f*cking platform, so go finish it. NOW".
May 29, 2022 10:15 PM
Jul 2021
Honestly the first few episodes are good, they're slow paced af, but they build up the story really damn well.
May 29, 2022 10:15 PM
Aug 2021
I dropped this series after watching few episodes, it was so fucking boring i couldn't understand the hype. I thought it was overrated asf, but somehow some shit happened and i decided to give it another try. after the banana turned into green looking lubricated dildo it got a little decent, i watched few episodes more and the part where Mayuri's watch stopped working hooked me on
May 29, 2022 10:46 PM
Jul 2021
I really liked it because I found the comedy and the characters funny but I get that if you don't like the humour of the series the first hslf can be tough.
May 29, 2022 10:55 PM
Feb 2022
steins gate fan forever
May 29, 2022 11:21 PM

Jan 2021
Very chilling and mystifying. It's that feeling you get when things appear to be great, but you know something is very very wrong.
May 29, 2022 11:23 PM
Nov 2021
I actually like it. trying to guess what's going on.
May 30, 2022 5:45 AM

Mar 2020
it's gonna be a hot take,bt for me,the frst few eps were my favorite part of the show only second to the last 3-4 eps of the show

maybe it's because I watched rezero before watching tis,bt the whole mid section wasnt "the best" part for me cuz it's pretty much the same,imo rezero even did it better in terms of like pain and suffering
I liked how the frst few eps laid the foundation of the future eps and make u care Abt all the characters before the main stuff,the dialogue were I think one of my favorite part frm it
May 30, 2022 6:29 AM
Dec 2020
fluffycow17 said:
I find it weird when people say that Steins;Gate takes a while to get good because I liked it immediately. I guess it's more about me liking slice of life stuff and the characters.
However, I'm curious. How many of you guys disliked the first couple of episodes? If the first couple of episodes were disliked that much, I doubt it would've gotten a score this high.

The first half was absolutely terrible
May 30, 2022 8:49 AM
Jan 2021
I’m an intense Steins Gate fan. But the first couple of episodes were prob inferior compared to the remaining of the show. I still liked the first few but couldn’t have expected it to become gr8. And in the end it was GREATTT!!!!
May 30, 2022 8:51 AM

Jan 2021
I had no problem with the beginning of the show. I enjoyed every episode.
Probably because I wasn't that big of a critic back then but atleast I wasn't bored.
May 30, 2022 9:55 AM
May 2022
I enjoyed every ep of steins;gate and started liking it immediately. Not gonna lie, the 1st half is very nice but when it enters its 2nd half, it becomes fuckin incredible.
BlazicMay 30, 2022 9:58 AM
May 30, 2022 12:22 PM
Aug 2021
i went in blind and it was my 4th anime , from the first ep i knew smthn was off with okabe and his headaches and so... the show hooked me in instantly and i loved how they took their time to lay out how the "microwave magic" works it's like you are understanding things at the same pace as the characters and then boom the first "plot twist" hits and it really fucks you up imo
so i liked them because without the first episodes the rest won't be as had-hitting
May 30, 2022 1:34 PM

Aug 2021
It was like a (mostly) slice of life comedy where you grow to like the characters with some amount of mystery. I still really liked it.
May 30, 2022 1:37 PM

Sep 2020
I actually find the first half quite interesting, but I didn't enjoy the second half as much as I expected.
May 30, 2022 6:03 PM
Sep 2015
The first episode is one of the best in the series, it perfectly captures the mysterious mood of episodes that will come. The next few are a bit slower but they serve as some sort of "meet the characters" episodes. I don't mind the slow start as every episode (bar the OVAs) is amazing.
May 30, 2022 6:23 PM
May 2022
It had a bit of a slow begining, though the endings got always a cliffhanger that kept the pacing going later.
Of course later the show became reaally engaiging.
May 30, 2022 8:55 PM
Sep 2021
I thought "Wow, this is going to be something truly remarkable, I better enjoy this as much as I can, since I only get one first time watching this." Maybe since I come from an astrophysics background, it was already clear to me just how crazy the time travel stuff was likely to get even from just the first episode.

Whatever the reason, I could tell from the beginning this was going to be great, so there was never a dull moment for me in the show.

From the opening song in the first episode I could see that this was going to be an amazing show with a deep plot and profound happenings. The lyrics alone of that song strongly indicated that, and the show definitely delivered.
May 31, 2022 1:33 AM

Feb 2019
I remember watching it for the fist time I found the first couple episodes boring. *Notice that was my Shounen phase of anime* I wanted to quit, but my brother kept telling me it will get good at around episode 12 or so, and I loved it ever since. A couple years later I rewatched Stiens;Gate again because I remember nothing about the anime other than some scenes here and there. And on my rewatch, I have to say, I really enjoyed the first half of series just as much as the second half. I guess it’s because of the minor/hidden foreshadowing and buildup, not mention the first episode making sense after watching the last episode.
May 31, 2022 7:52 PM

Nov 2013
Yes I loved them. I was under the influence for watching the whole series so I forgot a lot of what happened but I remember thinking they were funny and interesting
May 31, 2022 10:41 PM
Apr 2021
I was so cringed out by the chuunibyou element of it but actually ended up loving his chunnibyo side.
Jun 1, 2022 1:10 AM
Jan 2021
I wouldn't say I hated the first couple episodes, but I definitely didn't understand the hype around it. Okabe was unbearable the way he treated his friends, and a lot of the plot twist seemed really obvious like
Honestly, the best part of the show is watching okabe's character development as he learns how important it is to value the time you have with the people around you. That's what made the show so rewatchable for me, but I still wouldn't say the first half is good, so much as a necessary evil.
Jun 5, 2022 6:23 AM
Oct 2020
I went in without no knowledge about it being considered one of the best anime and liked the first couple episodes.

I guess people who find it slow are people with expectation. They expected steins;gate to start immediately with banger while it needs time to built up
Jun 5, 2022 9:20 PM

Oct 2013
Most of episodes from the first half felt dull, as if they were slice of life fillers. They were nothing close to things often mentioned while praising Steins;Gate. So yeah, I disliked them at first.

I can fully understand people who dropped the show after a couple of quite boring episodes, however each time I see somebody about to drop this anime or who has already dropped it, I tell that person: "please, give it a second chance, because it is worth it".

Indeed, going through the first half of the show not only opens the gate to the second half, which was fantastic, but also makes that second half better, since all of those minor "slice of life filler-like scenes" start to have deeper meaning.
AdnashJun 5, 2022 9:24 PM
โœจSaint Seiya Club๐ŸŒ 
Jun 8, 2022 4:05 AM

Sep 2020
fluffycow17 said:
I find it weird when people say that Steins;Gate takes a while to get good because I liked it immediately. I guess it's more about me liking slice of life stuff and the characters.

I definitely feel the same way. The first episode was enough to drag me in and it was packed with a lot of mystery and suspense.

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