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May 17, 2020 1:22 PM

Aug 2017
Ryuseishun said:

The only good thing I can take away from this episode is the ED visuals, cause it does perfectly sum up visually what the actual shit happened during the entirety of the ep.

While at least we don't have another episode of a random-ass character popping out of nowhere going in-and-out the story, most of the stuff during this episode doesn't sit well with me at all, especially the parts regarding Rou's "I Can't Believe It's Not Incest" thing as well as Shinako's lingering attachment to a late person she loves as a romantic interest instead of like a family.

Yes, there is development with Shinako, but I just personally don't like how it was kickstarted. Progression in this anime has ran chiefly off romance, whether directly or indirectly involved. Makes me perplexed by the whole "realistic" claim that I heard others mentioning. Progression has to be solely a "you" thing....yes, influence from family and friends does matter, but when you're making decisions due to incidents involving the subject of romance (especially love triangles), I can't see it in a positive light unless if they're all in a middle or high school setup (Rou is one year away from graduation, but that doesn't change much, tbh).

I know I seem to be in the minority here with this show, but the directing choices here are so lukewarm and convenient, and I don't feel anything in terms of genuine chemistry or dynamics between the characters (unless you consider Pixie Girl's teasing of Rikuo more deep-seated than it looks). If they focused less on the romance and more on each of their sole personal issues that don't require the former, I would have liked this much better. Alternatively I would be ok with the silly romance stuff if the characters weren't so collectively deadpan and actually clicked with one another whether in terms of comedy cues or heartfelt lines.
It also bothers me that there doesn't seem to be much added depth to the cast at all.

At least the animation is still hella good-looking, but it's like gloating over a glass flower.

100% agree. And yes, the 'realistic' claim people throw at this show doesn't have any basis. The characters, yes, by themselves have very realistic aspects to them (doesn't make Rou any less annoying though) but their dynamics... are astoundingly and childishly clichéd.
May 17, 2020 1:32 PM

Mar 2010
theyre having sex
May 17, 2020 3:12 PM

Nov 2013
Looks like Haru’s conflict is on the backburner and the focus shifts to Shinako(which is fine imo, I’d like for Haru stuff to be near the end).

One thing I didn’t like about Shinako was that she declared her and Rikuo shouldn’t be friends, but then she always asked for him when it’s convenient. It happened last episode when Rikuo came to fix her machine because he knew how to, and it happened twice this episode - once at the convenience store, and again at his place. It’s no wonder Rikuo is also stuck from moving on, since he’s also getting mixed signals from her.
Although Shinako is definitely still not my favourite(Haru is), I liked how she was very upfront to Rikuo at the end of the episode. She was very open about herself and her flaws - saying that she was using Yuu-kun as an excuse to run away, how she wasn’t thinking about Rikuo’s and Rou’s feelings properly, and how her attempt at moving on was only half-assed. One of the issues I had with her character was we never knew how she felt because she would always stop short of what her true feelings were to distance herself, so I’m glad she addressed her feelings to Rikuo.
Next episode, there’s probably going to be some ShinakoxRikuo development, but I’m still rooting for Haru in the end.

They had a little time skip from last episode to this one, hoping the Extra can fill in the dots on what happened leading up to Haru and Rikuo’s dinner together! (ie. how they patched things up)
May 17, 2020 5:14 PM
Sep 2017
I just can’t like Shinako. Her back & forth indecisiveness drives me crazy. She pushes Rikuo away, claims no romantic interest, and agrees it’s probably better that they don’t remain friends, but then shows up at his work & apartment constantly, not letting him move on. Now that she’s gotten herself in a jam by also not being straight-up with Rou, she runs to Rikuo yet again. Most people here are upset about her telling Rikuo she wishes he could act more like Rou (aka pushy & persistant). I’m more aggravated about the “I’m afraid I’ll end up alone” comment, because she’s basically saying to Rikuo “I guess you’re better than Rou or being alone, so come on let’s go.” What a crappy reason to choose someone to be with. I think she does need to be alone for several more years at least, and find a good grief counselor to get her head on straight.
May 17, 2020 5:36 PM

Dec 2019
I can't put it in words how annoying and stupid Rou is, the fact that Shinako already rejected him and he keeps being intrusive makes him extremely unlikeable. And he made me believe that he had some kind of depth because it seemed like he didn't just want to be his brother's shadow and was willing to move on, but now he says that he wants to replace his brother... And it seems like all the characters suffer from this inconsistent and convenient writing.

I still do think this show's writing is quite solid and the dialog is very well done, but I can't understand why they are going with this love triangle jealously instead of properly developing Rikuo and Shinako's relationship, because it's obvious that there's no chemistry between them, it's completely one-sided. The only interactions we get from them is when Shinako needs some kind of help, she doesn't hesitate to use him at her will and just ignores his feelings, which was later adressed in the episode. And then Shinako says that Rikuo should've been more "proactive" yet she was also uncomfortable because Rou was being too pushy and she wants things to stay how they are. Let's not forget that when she turned Rikuo down she said she wanted them to stay as just friends but now she wanted him to make a move ??????. Her logic makes 0 sense.

I hope they start properly developing the relationships, because at this point it just seems like a cliché/superficial look on romance because all the characters act incredibly childish, making this show unbearable, pointless and dull because I have yet to find a likeable character.

Despite the little rant, I still like the atmosphere it gives, and the animation looks really good and has its own unique value. And the fact that the title has "yesterday" on it is probably related to how the characters are somehow still attached and stuck in their past relationship, which is what doesn't let them move on. I'm looking forward on how the anime will hand their development.
CrossBlackMay 18, 2020 11:08 AM
May 17, 2020 5:40 PM

Mar 2019
That fookin' Rou puts me on my nerves. Tho I loved the interactions between Rikou X Haru and with Shinako. The episode was totally good tbh, much better than the previous 2 episodes lol. That cliffhanger tho aaaaaa-..
May 17, 2020 6:15 PM
Nov 2019
Marinate1016 said:

Going to have to start reading the manga since I need more than one dose of this a week.

I definitely recommend the manga! I absolutely loved it.
The big difference that you will notice is the passage of time. In the manga about 4 years go by in total. Where they are at in the anime about a year and a half or 2 years should have gone by. It only seems to be a handful of months in the anime.
May 17, 2020 6:28 PM
Nov 2019
yellowheartren said:
ToraiS said:
I know he's a kid but his naivety when he's 18, same age as Haru mind you, is outstanding.

He's 16.

The funny thing is that he is "supposed" to be 18ish at this point(at least he is in the manga). The anime mushed together Rou scenes that happen in the manga months and months apart. The Anime seems to be condensing the manga's timeline.
May 17, 2020 6:36 PM

Oct 2008
oh nice Shinako! i give you +0.5 this time...lolz

now that i've noticed! the ED visuals are putting too much foreshadowing!
matias067May 17, 2020 6:41 PM

May 17, 2020 6:45 PM
Nov 2019
ToraiS said:

I really hate Rou for being too pushy and impatient for Shinako to move on. It would be such BS for Shinako to somehow end with Rou when the kid claims he can fill in his deceased brother's shoes for Shinako when it's emotionally and physically impossible. God, I viewed him as a decent character in episode 4 bit this episode made me grind my teeth because everything he did felt so wrong. But when Shinako confides with Rikuo, she talks as if what Rou did was a good thing. Shinako's has something wrong in her head.

I definitely feel what you mean. Its weird that the anime still has him framed as a high school student when all of this goes down. In the manga, he has already graduated from high school when the hug from behind scene happens. The manga makes it feel like he is just trying to grow up too quick, or at least sees himself as more of an adult than he should. The anime weirdly seems to be condensing the story time wise. A year or 2 should have already passed instead of only a handful of months.
May 17, 2020 7:40 PM
Apr 2020
gaussian_ said:
Tamago_Onigiri said:
The only love that has a little inkling of depth in here is Rou's for Shinako. Haru's for Rik is vague. Rik's for Shinako's is also vague and Shinako's obsession for the guy who passed is puzzling.

I think that Shinako's prior relationship with Yuu makes a lot of sense. She grew up admiring him and then had the opportunity to take care of him for a significant period of time. Nothing will make your feelings for someone grow like actually getting to do something that helps them (part of why good parents end up having such strong bonds with their children.) Love is both a feeling and and action, and they mutually reinforce each other.

But she should let go considering they never dated. Shinako is using Yuu as an excuse not to move on, not to get into relationship.
May 17, 2020 7:51 PM

Apr 2020
JMAC7744 said:

I definitely feel what you mean. Its weird that the anime still has him framed as a high school student when all of this goes down. In the manga, he has already graduated from high school when the hug from behind scene happens. The manga makes it feel like he is just trying to grow up too quick, or at least sees himself as more of an adult than he should. The anime weirdly seems to be condensing the story time wise. A year or 2 should have already passed instead of only a handful of months.

Him being in high school still makes it weirder lol. Though I'd like to think that a year has passed since the show has started. Because in episode 1, we see Rikuo waking up in the winter and complaining it's cold, in episode 2 and 3, the prevalence of cherry blossoms and rain that signifies spring, episode 4 rou goes to cram school in the summer. In episode 5, trees are becoming yellow or barren signifying autumn and in 6, Rikuo is seen mostly in a kotatsu when indoors and wearing really heavy clothes in outdoors seems like its winter. The palette in in ep 7 seems wack, there's a lot of green, people are wearing lighter clothes but the palette is cooler maybe because the scenes are mostly night though Rikuo and Shinako order iced drinks in the family restaurant which is really weird if we consider it somewhere in early spring or late winter. It's probably summer now in the anime so approximately more than a year and a half has passed.

I don't know how it is in the manga, but yeah the show gives a lot of information as to time passing which doesn't excuse Rou for being a baby that think he's an adult.
May 17, 2020 9:03 PM

Jul 2012
justlynn6785 said:
I just can’t like Shinako. Her back & forth indecisiveness drives me crazy. She pushes Rikuo away, claims no romantic interest, and agrees it’s probably better that they don’t remain friends, but then shows up at his work & apartment constantly, not letting him move on. Now that she’s gotten herself in a jam by also not being straight-up with Rou, she runs to Rikuo yet again. Most people here are upset about her telling Rikuo she wishes he could act more like Rou (aka pushy & persistant). I’m more aggravated about the “I’m afraid I’ll end up alone” comment, because she’s basically saying to Rikuo “I guess you’re better than Rou or being alone, so come on let’s go.” What a crappy reason to choose someone to be with. I think she does need to be alone for several more years at least, and find a good grief counselor to get her head on straight.

Exactly! The amount of red flags she's waving should alarm Rikuo. She is, as we say in Argentina, "una histérica".
May 17, 2020 9:51 PM
Nov 2016
This would be so much better without Rou-kun and Shinako. They're annoying as hell.
And tbh, Rikou should've stopped giving a crap about Shinako after he got rejected and i seriously couldn't care less about Rou-kuns and Shinakos pseudo tearjerker drama.
I was about to skip forward their scenes a couple times this episode.

I don't even care that Shinako invited him in at the end there. I hope he just bounces.

Anyway, less Rou-kun and Shinako and more Rikou and Haru please ?!
May 17, 2020 10:29 PM
May 2018
dc22 said:
Still don't understand the hate for Shinako-sensei. Easily the most developed character.

People are just too attached to the "manic pixie dream girl" concept of Haru. You know you can like both right?

200% agree about both understanding the Shinako hate. Haru doesn’t really bring anything more to the table than Rou does when it comes to Shinako. Both are forceful, immature and selfish (yet everybody seems to hate Rou a lot more lol). Shinako is dealing with trauma and everyone seems to really hate her because of it? I like Haru as a character but I don’t think she should be with Rikuo at all until she can grow up and maybe stops the soft stalking lol
May 17, 2020 10:43 PM
Review Moderator
Book Princess

Nov 2018
Tamago_Onigiri said:
But she should let go considering they never dated. Shinako is using Yuu as an excuse not to move on, not to get into relationship.

I do agree that Shinako definitely needs to let go. Using the past as an excuse to ignore your present feelings, whatever they may be, isn't healthy behavior. I'm not personally convinced that whether Yuu and Shinako dated or not in the past really matters, since love is always hard to get over even if it never went anywhere (I can attest to that personally.)
Every day you can read a book or watch some anime is a good day!
May 17, 2020 10:53 PM
Aug 2018
Interesting development with Rikuo and Shinako but this seems pretty unhealthy from Shinako's side, it looks like she is primarily considering Rikuo as an escape from her past, not as a romantic partner. She needs to work out her issues first, not rope him in as potential collateral.

> #106

ptrharmonicMay 17, 2020 10:57 PM
May 18, 2020 12:36 AM
May 2018
I just wanna say this.
I see a lot of people liking Rou because of him being "determined". He wants Shinako and is ready to fight for her if necesary. On the other hand, some/same people say Rikuo is "dense" for waiting for Shinako and not accepting Haru.
Imo, the lecture we should make is quite the opposite. Rou is childish. He was jealous of his brother and somehow believes he is in love with Shinako, but he just want to "surpass" his brother, and "obtaining" Shinako is the way to do that. Even if he is genuinily in love with her, she already told him that she is not interested, but he became obsessed and just give a fuck about her feelings. That, my friends, is not a sane foundation for a relationship.
What about Rikuo? That's simplier. He doesn't love Haru. Why should he be with her just because she is cute or because she loves him? He loves (or loved?) Shinako but accepts that she has a lot in her head, and has a tragic pass to overcome, so he is kindly waiting for her to be ready to give him a true answer about her feelings. He is not pushing, just waiting. That's much more mature than Rou.

So, the problem in here is: Will any of our 4 characters overcome its past someday? Rikuo seems to do so, and Shinako is finally starting to move on... may be.

Anyway.. did that ending hint that Haru was watching that final scene?
May 18, 2020 12:49 AM
Nov 2018
Certainly not my favorite episode out of the series thus far but this episode had a lot to give us. This episode breaks away from the style of meeting a sort of guidance character who disappears by the end of the episode and feels more like a "hashing out life" episode. We're building up the development of Shinako and Uozumi which I enjoyed, we got some cool character development stuff, we got some drama; typical seinen stuff. Overall, this episode was enjoyable in it's style, the ED was great, the drama was interesting (something I'm personally excited to see progress throughout future episodes), and the character development was also something I enjoyed.
May 18, 2020 1:08 AM
Mar 2017
Crazy ending! I can't really see what they are going to end up doing with Rou-kun. The stuff between him and Shinako is great for her character but I feel less interested on how rejecting him and seeing him as a childhood friend could lead to a happy ending for Rou. Certainly going to be tough to wait 10 weeks to see the end.
May 18, 2020 2:37 AM
Nov 2019
BlueSnow93 said:
This would be so much better without Rou-kun and Shinako. They're annoying as hell.
And tbh, Rikou should've stopped giving a crap about Shinako after he got rejected and i seriously couldn't care less about Rou-kuns and Shinakos pseudo tearjerker drama.
I was about to skip forward their scenes a couple times this episode.

I don't even care that Shinako invited him in at the end there. I hope he just bounces.

Anyway, less Rou-kun and Shinako and more Rikou and Haru please ?!

And I thought I was the only one. this episode wasn't that bad, because nothing will be bad as episode 4. A whole episode just about Rou-kun and shinako. I wanted to skip it, but Ididn't.
May 18, 2020 6:14 AM

Apr 2011
I find it quite funny that in every single episode there is a new person to play the love rival. Ritsuo is the most despicable man child I ever encontered in a serious slice of life. He always needs someone to push him up, to push him towards romance, career or life itself.
May 18, 2020 6:16 AM

Feb 2014
PaninaManina said:
It's clear which character is NOT the production favorite.

Thats heartbreaking.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

May 18, 2020 7:34 AM

Feb 2020
Another week and it means ... another dose of my favorite of the season Yesterday wo Utatte !!!

Lots of drama this week, with Shinako and Rou having a bitter but also sweet moment (how she realizes she's not a kid anymore).

And on the other hand our favorite ship: Uozumi and Haru (my love) having dinner together (it is a date in my heart) and starting to share more moments as a couple (although they don't even know it).

Great episode like the whole series.
Waiting for the next one !!!

May 18, 2020 8:13 AM

Apr 2015
Shinako and Rou are so annoying I don't even have enough words to express it. I tried to give a chance to Shinako when we found out she loved someone who died, but I just can't handle it anymore. Shinako is so selfish, but at the same time, she acts like a role model. She is a teacher, apparently good looking, knows how to cook, etc. The "whole package".
But, at the same time, she rejects the guy who is in love for her since I don't know when and then when she fights with Rou, she goes back to Rikuo because she is afraid to end up alone.

And, on the other side, we have Rou, who wants to be treated as a man, but it's still a teenager. I hated when he went to the convenience store to have it out with Rikuo asking him about his feelings towards Shinako in the previous episodes.
In the end, both Rou and Rikuo are Shinako's puppets. They'll do whatever she wants, even if she treats them badly.
sun123May 18, 2020 9:03 AM
May 18, 2020 9:03 AM
May 2017
dasprn said:
PaninaManina said:
It's clear which character is NOT the production favorite.

Thats heartbreaking.

Yes, it's Rou, he doesn't even appear in the ED. He fkn deserves it tho, I hate him :D

May 18, 2020 9:40 AM
Apr 2020
gaussian_ said:
Tamago_Onigiri said:
But she should let go considering they never dated. Shinako is using Yuu as an excuse not to move on, not to get into relationship.

I do agree that Shinako definitely needs to let go. Using the past as an excuse to ignore your present feelings, whatever they may be, isn't healthy behavior. I'm not personally convinced that whether Yuu and Shinako dated or not in the past really matters, since love is always hard to get over even if it never went anywhere (I can attest to that personally.)

From my POV, Shinako is afraid of getting into relationship more so than not getting over a certain love. She went on undeclared, uncommitted with her former so-called love (as they weren't officially an item) until the last minute and still continues to hold onto that factor for whatever reason so she doesn't have to get on with anyone. Her story isn't about some deep love she can't let go. She lacks confidence to get into relationship.
May 18, 2020 9:42 AM
May 2017
hah some more bashing:
May 18, 2020 9:42 AM

Jun 2013
Fuck Shinako,poor Haru,i might drop this anime at this rate,things are looking grim for haru,the heart of this anime,lets get real shinako shouldnt be the main heroine of this anime
May 18, 2020 9:47 AM

Jun 2013
BlueSnow93 said:
This would be so much better without Rou-kun and Shinako. They're annoying as hell.
And tbh, Rikou should've stopped giving a crap about Shinako after he got rejected and i seriously couldn't care less about Rou-kuns and Shinakos pseudo tearjerker drama.
I was about to skip forward their scenes a couple times this episode.

I don't even care that Shinako invited him in at the end there. I hope he just bounces.

Anyway, less Rou-kun and Shinako and more Rikou and Haru please ?!
Exactly what i was thinking,but shits going downhill anyway,fk this
May 18, 2020 10:08 AM

Jun 2013
SilverFever said:
For those who hate Shinako, FUCK YOUUU
...............fuck you too
May 18, 2020 10:13 AM

Jun 2013
Levais said:
For those who hadn't noticed the title of the episode, this is "Premonition of a couple". I think it's clear where we're going to end up.
Too bad .annoying female lead to ruin this beautiful anime,RIP Haru
May 18, 2020 11:16 AM
Review Moderator
Book Princess

Nov 2018
Tamago_Onigiri said:
From my POV, Shinako is afraid of getting into relationship more so than not getting over a certain love. She went on undeclared, uncommitted with her former so-called love (as they weren't officially an item) until the last minute and still continues to hold onto that factor for whatever reason so she doesn't have to get on with anyone. Her story isn't about some deep love she can't let go. She lacks confidence to get into relationship.

I finally get your point; that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for your patience with me.
Every day you can read a book or watch some anime is a good day!
May 18, 2020 2:42 PM
Apr 2020
Hope he will realise how awsome Haru actually is and leave shinako with her lovely brother
May 18, 2020 2:56 PM
Dec 2010
Rou asking Shinako to love him
Rou: ?
Rou: ?
Rou: Yes (force hug)
May 18, 2020 3:36 PM

Jan 2016
Rou was childish when he got angry at Shinako but then he redeemed himself when he said sorry the next day, then he goes and throws himself back into the trashcan by hugging Shinako when she's mentally unstable. WTF!

I just don't know who I want Uozomi to end up with at this point. Shinako needs him and so does Haru. Haru is a lot more lovable but I find Shinakos problems to be more severe, the scene where she started crying just because she saw Yuu-kuns arm in Rou was heartbreaking

But a fantastic episode as usual
May 18, 2020 9:47 PM
Feb 2018
Marinate1016 said:
Time for more of my fave show of the year :)

Haru gets me through the week

I ship it

10/10 episode, so much drama today. We got the hint last week that Shinako had at least started reconsidering how she felt about Uozumi when his ex came back into the picture. Wasn’t quite expecting it to lead to “wanna come in?” so soon tho.

Kinda annoyed how he’s playing both sides with both Shinako and Haru, tho.

I really liked the scene where Shinako notices how Rou’s got taller. Good symbolism for how she recognised him as more than just a “little” brother for the first time. Reminded me of the scene with Simon/Kamina in TTGL.

Going to have to start reading the manga since I need more than one dose of this a week.
Marinate1016 said:
Time for more of my fave show of the year :)

Haru gets me through the week

I ship it

10/10 episode, so much drama today. We got the hint last week that Shinako had at least started reconsidering how she felt about Uozumi when his ex came back into the picture. Wasn’t quite expecting it to lead to “wanna come in?” so soon tho.

Kinda annoyed how he’s playing both sides with both Shinako and Haru, tho.

I really liked the scene where Shinako notices how Rou’s got taller. Good symbolism for how she recognised him as more than just a “little” brother for the first time. Reminded me of the scene with Simon/Kamina in TTGL.

Going to have to start reading the manga since I need more than one dose of this a week.

Bruh don't get me wrong she said how his hand looked like his late brother and she remembered about him and so she got sad...didn't want to show those emotions as the younger brother gets upset and annoyed every time so she ran away that's what it actually is...doesn't mean what you are trying to convey try to read the situation better I am not a fan of drama or love triangle but I can see that...the younger brother is in his youthful days don't know what life is all about...when you gonna get 21+ you'll understand what I just not the way it is...and shinako isis a little lost lamb...from the looks of my perspective they made her the way that she is never going to get married even if so her marriage life will never be a blissful one at one point the couple will start to get on to each others nerve mostly the male partner and they will move on I think if they will have kids let's say two kids then they will take one each...that's how it.
May 18, 2020 10:08 PM
Feb 2018
ToraiS said:
Levais said:
Another fantastic episode. I really liked Rou in this episode. Honestly I prefer him to the protagonist, he is much more awake and determined, he wants Shinako with all of himself from early age. The hug scene was exciting, he proves that he wants to protect her, he proves all his love, his determination, his wanting to stay with her forever. Rikuo despite being the protagonist is too passive, he begins to tire, Shinako herself warns him for his passivity.

In the end the situation between Shinako and Rikuo seems to be unblocked, we will see what will happen in the next episode.

Even though Rou "loves" Shinako more, there are some things in life that you cannot change through sheer love and passion; things that are out of your control. It's entirely Shinako's decision, and he shouldn't guilt-trip or force her if she's looking in the past.

His actions reeks of childishness and naivety; Shinako was clearly working, he asks for a date and gets rejected. Then he throws a fit like some sort of child then guilt-trips her. Shinako, through Rikuo's advice, is also the one to reconcile with him. But now this time, she says to Rou's face that their relationship should be strictly platonic.

He also boldly claims to fill in his late brother's place which is such a naive thing to say and it's so wrong in a moral standpoint. I hope he never gets the romantic relationship with Shinako that he wants because he would never learn anything.

Remember he doesn't go to her...she always come to him...both the female characters...hell I would say Rikuo should move on with his life only focussing on his career he will meet dozens of butterflies heck he is 21+ and I know what 21+ mindset is like this arrangement is so pretty fake a 21+ man doesn't behave like that it's fake the way they made him it's looks like someone who who would be around in his 18 this is not right...and that shinako really looks like widow cπ&t...I would want to say it out loud but I will restrain with the little of truthful overhead and small say in...well yeah I am talking about facts here...shinako really needs to get f@€#£∆ so that she can open the close door which is a part of being woman...the only door right now which is open in her existence is the past door and that's it everything else is pretending play...she is a little lost sheep...and the younger brother is way far from the truth and reality...this is nuisance...I hate drama.
May 18, 2020 11:05 PM
Dec 2012
Can someone please think in Haru!?
All we want is Haru to be happy. She is the best damn character on the serie.
May 19, 2020 1:04 AM

Jul 2016
Oh? What's this? Finally an episode I genuinely liked? It looks like it indeed was, nice.

The plot finally started moving forward featuring some good and interesting character development for Rikuo, Shinako (kinda) and Rou. Haru, on the other hand, remains in the background as in the previous episode.

Regarding Shinako... damn, she's such an emotional mess right now. Getting afflicted because Rou's arm reminds her of Yuu's? I mean, that's some serious shit. She really should be visiting some good psychologist because seeing her trying to force herself to move on by using MC as an escape will only bring more grief for both her and Rikuo. This said, she invited MC to her place and considering the context the dialogues tried to convey, it seems she pretends to forcibly let it go by offering herself to Rikuo and though that outcome would spice the story up by a lot, I think it's just bait. I doubt he takes that offer considering how passive and how much of a reserved guy he is.

Continuing with Rikuo, I'm glad to see him acting like a proper adult for once. He's starting to act more confidently in his professional life and I can't help but like this new found determination of his. In general, him finally receiving some development was quite welcome so I hope this means I will stop finding him so boring from now on.

And as for Rou, I actually didn't find him as annoying as other people here. Yes, he's being needlessly invasive with Shinako but I think some part of him really wants to help her to move on. It's been more than 5 years and she still remains in the same spot, emotionally speaking. Besides and as we have seen in previous episodes, the kid is obviously impulsive and kinda hormonal so I can't really blame him for trying to find an answer from his elusive childhood friend. Though to be fair, he should really focus first on solving his inferiority complex towards his dead brother.
By the way and on a side note: "I've been watching you in the kitchen ever since I was a kid. I want to be able to see this forever". Leaving posible sexism stereotypes aside, I liked how smooth he was here. Basically wanting to see Shinako as his wife in the long term. Delusional? A lot but hey, it's nice to have another straight forward character besides Haru.

Finally, the new/special ED was nice visually speaking but I personally liked the song of the previous one way more. Poor Haru tho... based on it, things don't look so favorable for her in the short term.
SouthRzVaMay 19, 2020 1:21 AM
May 19, 2020 2:23 AM

Apr 2020
Neaow said:
ToraiS said:

Even though Rou "loves" Shinako more, there are some things in life that you cannot change through sheer love and passion; things that are out of your control. It's entirely Shinako's decision, and he shouldn't guilt-trip or force her if she's looking in the past.

His actions reeks of childishness and naivety; Shinako was clearly working, he asks for a date and gets rejected. Then he throws a fit like some sort of child then guilt-trips her. Shinako, through Rikuo's advice, is also the one to reconcile with him. But now this time, she says to Rou's face that their relationship should be strictly platonic.

He also boldly claims to fill in his late brother's place which is such a naive thing to say and it's so wrong in a moral standpoint. I hope he never gets the romantic relationship with Shinako that he wants because he would never learn anything.

Remember he doesn't go to her...she always come to him...both the female characters...hell I would say Rikuo should move on with his life only focussing on his career he will meet dozens of butterflies heck he is 21+ and I know what 21+ mindset is like this arrangement is so pretty fake a 21+ man doesn't behave like that it's fake the way they made him it's looks like someone who who would be around in his 18 this is not right...and that shinako really looks like widow cπ&t...I would want to say it out loud but I will restrain with the little of truthful overhead and small say in...well yeah I am talking about facts here...shinako really needs to get f@€#£∆ so that she can open the close door which is a part of being woman...the only door right now which is open in her existence is the past door and that's it everything else is pretending play...she is a little lost sheep...and the younger brother is way far from the truth and reality...this is nuisance...I hate drama.

Well... in a perfect world where Rikuo is decisive and doesn't have commitment issues and Shinako isn't mentally ill, then maybe. Those are very ideal and valid concerns but the world is far from perfect.
May 19, 2020 3:49 AM

Nov 2018

as for episode, I definitely hate Rou-kun and even though I can respect his attitude he has no chance because he will ALWAYS remind Shinako of his brother :S

I kinda wanted Rikuo to notice Haru-chan, but he doesn't treat her as a girl at all so maybe it's better for him to actually get more chances with Shinako (whom I can't hate because KanaHana is behind this)
May 19, 2020 6:31 AM

Oct 2016
Man, that ed was great and at the same time it's sad because of our poor girl Haru.
May 19, 2020 6:44 AM
Jun 2019
The situation after episode 7 is like we want haru and rikuo to be together and also don't want shinako to end up with rou
May 19, 2020 8:09 AM

Nov 2019
sagehada said:
minho9 said:
haha team haru here

I can't understand how Shinako has more favorites than Haru.
Shinako is so fricking annoying
May 19, 2020 9:51 AM

Feb 2019
Flawed People

So many arguing about who is the worst/best, and while valid, it really isn't the most ideal way of talking about the characters of this show. At least that's my take on the matter.

Now on to the discussion, starting with Haru. She got the least amount of screen time this episode but was still the ray of sunshine she. She truly is mature for her age and that's what makes her immature outbursts all the more glaring when they happen. Her "Keep stressing out. That's how everyone gets to be who they are" line was beautiful to say the least.

From one of the most mature to probably the most immature of the square we have Rou. The fact that he hasn't had much real world experience is clear to see from his impulsive behaviour and stubbornness. Many may find that endearing but I find it to be kind of annoying as he should've been one of the most level headed, given his backstory. However, everyone adapts differently and he just couldn't escape his own perception of being in his brother's shadow. Him always guilt-tripping Shinako doesn't help with this impression either. It almost feels like he is nagging to his elder sibling for not doing something, even though Shinako is supposed to be his love interest. That hug at the end and the way he executed it was mature of him but what he said was stupidly inappropriate. He could have said anything other than bringing up his late brother but he did. I still hope he gets positive development cause he does deserve it, heck everyone in this show deserves it!

Shinako getting a lot of hate in this episode's discussion but doesn't really deserve it. All these characters are portrayed as genuine humans and as such have flaws. Getting over an attachment you felt with someone without any closure is one of the toughest things. Maybe for some it is a piece of cake and that's why they keep calling her out but it isn't easy for a large chunk of people. Also, she does acknowledge the fact that she is sort of using Yuu's death to justify not getting into a relationship. Maybe she's afraid of things changing or being hurt the same way again. She needs help just like Rou does.

We get to see Rikuo slowly evoking as a person and it's a treat to watch. He's enjoying what he is learning and will continue to do his best even though his doubts haven't left him. The dialogue between him and his acquaintance in the Ramen shop was beautiful like Haru's previously, and I hope these positive pushes help him clear his doubts.
As for the shipping war going on, in all honestly I feel like neither Haru or Shinako is right for Rikuo as the moment. He needs to find himself before committing to either one of them.

Finally, that ending was gorgeous. Loved the arcade aesthetic and the song paired with the visual storytelling. The "GAME OVER" would've been unnerving if it didn't end with Haru picking "Yes" to continue.
May 19, 2020 10:32 AM

Sep 2015
Not feeling this episode at all.

Please return back to per episode basis with awesome side characters and not with these awful main characters.
Truth is absolute but human perception of truth is always relative.
May 19, 2020 11:01 AM
May 2017
bucks029 said:
The situation after episode 7 is like we want haru and rikuo to be together and also don't want shinako to end up with rou

lol exactly. I am dealing with the same oxymoron myself
May 19, 2020 11:42 AM

Jun 2013
eveevans said:
Can someone please think in Haru!?
All we want is Haru to be happy. She is the best damn character on the serie.
RIP Haru.........................................
May 19, 2020 12:09 PM
Dec 2012
Did someone thinks if the title could refers to Haru, cause she dinner 2 times in a row with Rikuo ...
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