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Sep 23, 2018 3:04 AM

Aug 2018
Most of the times being ourselves helps us expressing ourselves more. Unfortunately it does not always work so sometimes people prefer to change or become someone else even.
Sep 23, 2018 7:50 AM
May 2016
justcaolan said:
Am I the only one who thought dirty things after reading that title

Nope. I clicked on the thread just to be sure. I guess I got clickbaited
Sep 23, 2018 8:22 AM

Jan 2009
_Nemrod_ said:
Normally, an adequate personal hygiene and a good diet are usually enough to please the sense of smell.
If that were true, then why do perfumes exist? And why would after shave be perfumed?
Also, the smell is the oldest sense in the development. Smell is very highly interlinked with emotion

_Nemrod_ said:
I did not say anything about flirt with salsa teacher.
I simply say that the female contact of that teacher would benefit OP because it would help her overcome hisr fear for attractive women.
Oh really? #89:
It would be great for OP to enter a Salsa School, because surely his tutor would be a young woman with whom he would maintain a deal - verbal and physical - frequent. With a bit of luck, he will be able to build another kind of friendships in that school and thereby immerse himself in "new adventures"
The innuendo is quite strong here. If I misunderstood, then please explain how "physical", "friendship in that school" and "new adventures" are meant.

_Nemrod_ said:
For example, I have never been intimidated by mere feminine beauty, because my mother and older sister are charismatic and physically beautiful women.
I have had many beautiful girls in my school, so I've got used to it as well.

_Nemrod_ said:
It could be different if we talk about an attractive woman endowed with special and scarce attributes -which I prefer not to mention- because she could awaken strong secret desires derived from my unmet shortages.
So your femme fatale would need to have certain treats to be able drive you crazy.

_Nemrod_ said:
OP needs to frequent attractive, extroverted and friendly women so that he can become familiar with what intimidates him. A salsa school can solve that.
If he is intimidated, then I agree that your approach of getting into the cold water and getting used to being physically close to woman could help him. Even aside from it, I agree with you that dancing in general can help him.

_Nemrod_ said:
Observation in my trips, comments of forums and studies of the history. That is all.
I see, thanks

_Nemrod_ said:
Look that the number of Germans living in Spain is huge, so it is easy to verify-again-these relationships in certain Spanish regions, especially when it is increasingly common to see people product of this mixture.
Spain is more like the sunshine state for the elder German people or for the Germans to make vacations there.
I think I've read about that person's ethnic background.

Even the French King Louis XIV was attached to his Spanish-Austrian heritage.
Which makes me wonder why he then went so much against the Holy Roman Empire and the German states within it. Also, mixing between Germanics and Spanish people indeed happened in the past and you can see the results with names like Alfredo or with blond hair and/or blue eyes, etc.

_Nemrod_ said:
German poetry does not seem to aspire to conquer the universe in a practical sense, consequently, it does not attract my attention.
Can you give an example of a poem that aspires to "conquer the universe in a practical sense" and in the first place: what do you even mean by that?

I don't get the connection between the last few paragraphs. First of all: how can you bring back the desire and motivation to go against your nature if it lacks force?

Secondly: why do you think that apologizing for running away is important? And wouldn't it be better to not run away and not apologize than to apologize and run away?

Thirdly, so that means you think that opposites (introverts + extroverts) make for the best couples or do you mean to say that introverts should get characteristics of extroverts and vice verse to make for good partners/lovers?

Finally, isn't co-dependence pretty much the reason why many people even form a relationship and/or want to be one in the first place, just so that they wouldn't be on their own/alone?
NoboruSep 23, 2018 8:25 AM
Sep 23, 2018 8:51 AM

Aug 2016
First, just be good looking... wait... Just look good, like, take a shower, brus your teeth etc, if you do that jump to the next advice.

Second, find your "prey" (jk jk xD). I mean by that that you can determined by first glance if the girl you're looking at has a good vibe to her, if you feel that she is opened to a discussion. Don't talk to a girl if she looks upset or anything.

Third, when talking, you'll quickly notice if she's interested, if she responds etc. That's the most important tbh, if you think she doesn't want you to talk to her, just let her go don't be annoying.

Last, talk about first: your major your in and all that bs, then try to talk about hobbies, what they want to do later on, if they do sport and so on. And if she likes something, just try to talk about that thing, make her feel that you are interested in her.

That's all I could say... I mostly do that without thinking, like everyone else I guess, but some knows what they should do but I know that sometims we don't know what to talk about. Just get accosmed to talk to girls I guess...
we do a little bit of headbanging here
Sep 23, 2018 6:44 PM

Apr 2014
Noboru said:
If that were true, then why do perfumes exist? And why would after shave be perfumed?
Also, the smell is the oldest sense in the development. Smell is very highly interlinked with emotion speak about things that are too basic (obligation) for us.
Who does not use perfume to gratify a woman?
Women are not victims of Cupid for such ordinary and common things.
The perfume is a important accessory but no more.

On the other hand, not infrequently natural body odor can be more effective than perfumes during intimacy. Naturally it is necessary to have a good cleanliness and a good diet.

When we speak about eroticism, all the senses are important, but the masculine vision and the feminine ear are the entrance doors of Venus and Cupid.
If you want to see better the apower of stimulating the female ear, maybe you should think about the great advantages that have a singer male.

However remember that I expressed doubts about the women of the Germanic nations that were not romanized in the sexual aspect, because they seem to be less vulnerable to auditory stimulation. A Spanish man can seduce women from France, Austria, Poland, Israel and Lebanon by stimulating their ear but would that work with a Sweden or Japanese woman? I have my doubts.

In any case, it is necessary to know how to combine creativity with the context in which events take place.

[quote=Noboru message=55793425]
_Nemrod_ said:
I did not say anything about flirt with salsa teacher.
I simply say that the female contact of that teacher would benefit OP because it would help her overcome hisr fear for attractive women.
Oh really? #89:
It would be great for OP to enter a Salsa School, because surely his tutor would be a young woman with whom he would maintain a deal - verbal and physical - frequent. With a bit of luck, he will be able to build another kind of friendships in that school and thereby immerse himself in "new adventures"
The innuendo is quite strong here. If I misunderstood, then please explain how "physical", "friendship in that school" and "new adventures" are meant.[/ quote]
What insinuation? A dance school does not survive with only one student and It is normal to have physical contact when dancing salsa with the teacher and other students of the opposite sex. Look that "new adventures" is related with "other types of friendships" I think the word "deal" was inadequate.

[quote=Noboru message=55793425]Which makes me wonder why he then went so much against the Holy Roman Empire and the German states within it [/ quote]
Because the Hapsburgs and Capetians were historical enemies.
None was going to easily renounce European leadership due to descent.

[quote=Noboru message=55793425]Can you give an example of a poem that aspires to "conquer the universe in a practical sense" and in the first place: what do you even mean by that?[/ quote]
I will highlight important points:

1.-In the German culture, the erotic hunter is not the man but the woman. Such a passive attitude does not harmonize with male seduction and for that reason does not inspire desire for emulation.

2.-Germans have no reputation for seduce in abundance women of all ethnicities and races. You lack universality.

3.-The German romantic style is not intended to inspire other peoples, let alone build bridges between them and theirs. It is a cocentric style, that is, it is limited to its own world.

4.-The German poetry is influenced by the behavior exposed in the previous points.

None of these points is fulfilled in the Latin nations.

To practice a poetry means to transform poetry into action.

For example, an erotic poetry that describes the way in which the sky makes moan of pleasure to the earth through continuous movement, it is something that benefits to a couple formed by a men with fair skin and a woman with a light brown skin, as long as they know how to move their bodies to the rhythm in which both narrate poetry. This means making love poetically.

[quote=Noboru message=55793425] how can you bring back the desire and motivation to go against your nature if it lacks force?[/ quote]
Negative habits (weakness) are fought through the positive habits (strength) that are opposite. For example, laziness is fought with diligence.

Fighting the habits that we detest requires motivation strong enough to self-impose punishments that hurt us --like give money- if we do not comply with the daily commitment. That is not possible when the desire for the dreamed good is very weak.

[quote=Noboru message=55793425]Secondly: why do you think that apologizing for running away is important? And wouldn't it be better to not run away and not apologize than to apologize and run away?[/ quote]
haha this is embarrassing.
I did not mean self-apologizing but self-forgiving.
I had forgotten to correct that error before leaving. It is fixed.

Not self-forgiving for small but constant falls (to flee) implies not having the opportunity to get up (keep fighting), consequently, persists on the ground (persistent flee).
I guess that the idea is clear for you now.

[quote=Noboru message=55793425]Thirdly, so that means you think that opposites (introverts + extroverts) make for the best couples or do you mean to say that introverts should get characteristics of extroverts and vice verse to make for good partners/lovers?[/ quote]

The nature of the "opposition" is to go against something or someone.
introverted and extroverted people are not opposed to each other, but complementary.

I said that introverted people who have acquired the skills of extroverts tend to make excellent partners with extroverted people who have acquired the skills of introverts. They have less tendency to fall into boredom (freezing of emotions) or exhaustion (excess of emotions)

[quote=Noboru message=55793425]Finally, isn't co-dependence pretty much the reason why many people even form a relationship and/or want to be one in the first place, just so that they wouldn't be on their own/alone?[/ quote]
Codependency is a psychological condition in which someone expresses an excessive, and often inappropriate, concern for someone else's difficulties or for a group of people. It is not a good thing.

Equally or more problematic is emotional dependency.
_Nemrod_Sep 24, 2018 11:08 AM

Sep 24, 2018 12:44 PM

Jan 2009
_Nemrod_ said:
When we speak about eroticism, all the senses are important, but the masculine vision and the feminine ear are the entrance doors of Venus and Cupid.
I'd wager, that at least for guys, touch and smell can be more erotic than visual stimulation alone. The last one gets quite boring because of the abundance of beauty. In the same manner, there is an abundance of sweet voices. What gets woman hot are not necessarily the spoken words, but rather where and how exactly those were spoken. A whisper from a loved one near the erogenous zones around the ears with a physically close person will have a much higher effect than just a random voice from a complete stranger over the phone. In both cases, you're vastly underestimating the part that physical and mental closeness, aka touch and smell from a loved one can cause.

To quote the most famous medival German poet, Walther von der Vogelweide:

"Liebe machet schoene wîp:
desn mac diu schoene niht getuon, sin machet niemer lieben lîp."

Translation: "Love makes a woman beautiful –
but beauty does not have such power, beauty cannot make a woman worthy of love."

_Nemrod_ said:
However remember that I expressed doubts about the women of the Germanic nations that were not romanized in the sexual aspect, because they seem to be less vulnerable to auditory stimulation. A Spanish man can seduce women from France, Austria, Poland, Israel and Lebanon by stimulating their ear but would that work with a Sweden or Japanese woman? I have my doubts.
Uhh, in the case of Japan, maybe it's because they prefer to be amongst themselves. Speak no baka gaijin. And as for Sweden, the climate is quite different than from what Spanish and Hispanic people are used to, so it's rather odd that Spanish speaker would end up that far north.

_Nemrod_ said:
In any case, it is necessary to know how to combine creativity with the context in which events take place.
Still a better love story than Twilight

_Nemrod_ said:
What insinuation? A dance school does not survive with only one student and It is normal to have physical contact when dancing salsa with the teacher and other students of the opposite sex. Look that "new adventures" is related with "other types of friendships" I think the word "deal" was inadequate.
Hmm, maybe "other types of friendship" sounds quite like "friends with benefits".

_Nemrod_ said:
Because the Hapsburgs and Capetians were historical enemies.
None was going to easily renounce European leadership due to descent.
The irony, when so many European royal houses have blood from German-speaking regions, yet still ended up fighting against themselves.

_Nemrod_ said:
I will highlight important points:

1.-In the German culture, the erotic hunter is not the man but the woman. Such a passive attitude does not harmonize with male seduction and for that reason does not inspire desire for emulation.

2.-Germans have no reputation for seduce in abundance women of all ethnicities and races. You lack universality.

3.-The German romantic style is not intended to inspire other peoples, let alone build bridges between them and theirs. It is a cocentric style, that is, it is limited to its own world.

4.-The German poetry is influenced by the behavior exposed in the previous points.
1. I didn't know that women/girls do all the hunt over here. Do you have stats or just hearsay again?

2. Why would we need to look for other girls when we already have beautiful German girls? ;p

3. And what's wrong about living in one's own world?

4. Then that must mean that we would have lots of famous female poets making poems about their gallant knights. Also, once again, but why

_Nemrod_ said:
To practice a poetry means to transform poetry into action.
I would like to see a concrete Spanish example of a poem, not a poetic description of sugary words.

_Nemrod_ said:
Fighting the habits that we detest requires motivation strong enough to self-impose punishments that hurt us --like give money- if we do not comply with the daily commitment. That is not possible when the desire for the dreamed good is very weak.
I'm not sure about inflicting punishments on ourselves, but other than that, you're right that there needs to be a basic level of desire for change.

_Nemrod_ said:
Not self-forgiving for small but constant falls (to flee) implies not having the opportunity to get up (keep fighting), consequently, persists on the ground (persistent flee).
Oh, then it makes much more sense and I can fully agree with it. You have to be good to yourself, after all. It's like: learn to like yourself, first and foremost.

_Nemrod_ said:
The nature of the "opposition" is to go against something or someone.
introverted and extroverted people are not opposed to each other, but complementary.
I see, so it's like Yin and Yang.

_Nemrod_ said:
Codependency is a psychological condition in which someone expresses an excessive, and often inappropriate, concern for someone else's difficulties or for a group of people. It is not a good thing.
So you shouldn't feel too much for someone and rather think/care more about you yourself?
NoboruSep 24, 2018 1:04 PM
Sep 24, 2018 3:02 PM

Dec 2015
I don't bother changing my resting bitch face if I don't want to talk to someone. Or if I can tell his/her intentions are something I don't care for.

xx0:44 ─🔘────────────── 04:44x
xxxxxxxxx ❚❚ xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sep 24, 2018 10:35 PM

May 2015
Got the same problem, I can talk to girls perfectly fine if I know them.

However I cannot cold approach random cute girls at all, I always fucking want to but always pussy out. Even sometimes if they are smiling at me and staring I still cannot. I guess I'm too scared of rejection.
Sep 25, 2018 8:28 AM

Apr 2014
Noboru said:
I'd wager, that at least for guys, touch and smell can be more erotic than visual stimulation alone. The last one gets quite boring because of the abundance of beauty.

I agree that physical beauty alone can boring, but do not self-deceive, most of us feel more sexual attraction for a beautiful woman complemented with a moderately pleasant smell than for an average woman complemented with a relatively pleasant smell, especially if that smell is perfume
What femenine woman does not wear perfume?

Touch? How many men prefer to an average woman that caresses our hands in sublimely form that a beautiful woman who caresses our hands in moderately nice form?

It would be different if we talk about a man who rejects women much more attractive than his wife because of his sense of commitment, but obviously that is another issue.

Noboru said:
. there is an abundance of sweet voices. What gets woman hot are not necessarily the spoken words, but rather where and how exactly those were spoken

The gift of the word includes knowing how to say them and in what circumstances. I should not say it because it is obvious.

Sweet voices? That sounds like corny!

The voices that stimulate the female ear are not sweet but seductive:

Noboru said:
. A whisper from a loved one near the erogenous zones around the ears with a physically close person will have a much higher effect than just a random voice from a complete stranger over the phone. In both cases, you're vastly underestimating the part that physical and mental closeness, aka touch and smell from a loved one can cause.

You say that because you do not know how to seduce with words :v
On the other hand It is unintelligent to compare a stranger who has few routes to approach a woman with a man who shares emotional and sexual ties with her.

Much more appropriate would be to compare a man who bristles the skin of his girlfriend and accelerates the beating of her heart by the gift of word, with the same man -3 years ago- lacking this ability.

Words have a nature that connects them with eternity and the infinite. Who has the gift of the word has the ability to communicate the heart of a woman with many things, including those things that surpass the human.

Words have the power to edify and elevate entire individuals, cities, nations and civilizations. It also has the power to corrupt and destroy them.

Eve was not seduced by the beauty, touch and smell of the ancient snake -my teacher- but by his words.

Nice caresses and smells are easy to offer. They are pretty basic and ordinary activities and for that reason they are the most vulnerable to fall into the hands of the great executioners of erotic relationships: Monotony and Rutine.

The only thing that could overcome the effectiveness of the words, are the acts, however these have as a gateway to the 5 senses and that is why I do not mention them. That said, we can see that words also have to the sense of sight and touch as doors of entry.

Noboru said:
To quote the most famous medival German poet, Walther von der Vogelweide:

"Liebe machet schoene wîp:
desn mac diu schoene niht getuon, sin machet niemer lieben lîp."

Translation: "Love makes a woman beautiful –
but beauty does not have such power, beauty cannot make a woman worthy of love."

I agree with that, however that does not change the fact that Cupid and Venus use male eyes and female ears as main entrance doors.

Noboru said:
Hmm, maybe "other types of friendship" sounds quite like "friends with benefits".

When I said "other types of friendship" I meant "friendships from other cultures and tastes"

Noboru said:
I didn't know that women/girls do all the hunt over here. Do you have stats or just hearsay again?

1.- I have not said that there have not been German men who are not hunters, but that it is not a secret that German women are the hunters par excellence in their land. In Italy, the reverse occurs.

When there are no statistical data, it is licit lean over the most likely options (probabilism) that observation and experience give us.

The trips and experiences that we Spanish speakers have shared in meetings or forums makes us conclude that the following song reflects the average German man very well.

Noboru said:
2. Why would we need to look for other girls when we already have beautiful German girls? ;p

3. And what's wrong about living in one's own world?

You asked me about my lack of interest in German poetry and I answered you.

There is nothing wrong with just wanting to connect with girls of the same ethnic group or live watching your own belly button. However, you can not expect something so local awaken desire for emulation.

Noboru said:
I would like to see a concrete Spanish example of a poem, not a poetic description of sugary words.

why? for what? What do you know about poetry?
is it not clear that I just want poetry for erotic practices?

As I said before, the only interests that romantic literature and poetry offer me is the emulation of the expression style of certain authors for the benefit of my erotic life.

I offered you a brief description of an erotic poem so you can have an idea of ​​the practical benefits that certain poems can offer me.

hmmm .... Look, for this time I will share a fragment of an erotic poetry written by Pablo Neruda. You will need a translator.

So, close your eyes, imagine an attractive girl and then read the translation of the following fragment directed to that girl.

Naturally there must be rhythm between the actions, reactions and words spoken. It is also favorable to practice a little acting and know how to improvise.

sugary words? Our specialty is the passion, although I have no problem combining sugar with pain : v

Noboru said:
I'm not sure about inflicting punishments on ourselves

That is something that depends on each person.

In my opinion, self-punishment helps a lot when we want to fight against a negative habit that prevents us from enjoying the goods that we really want, because many times we lose sight of our goals and the fear of suffering the discomforts that self-punishment causes to help discipline us.

A gamer who wants to learn to salsa dance - with a frequency of twice a week - can get carried away by shyness or laziness and not attend classes.
However would do the same if for each lost class is self-obligated to give away the weekly money intended for video games?

Noboru said:
So you shouldn't feel too much for someone and rather think/care more about you yourself?

Balance is the key.
_Nemrod_Sep 25, 2018 11:29 AM

Sep 25, 2018 11:00 AM

Oct 2014
Same way you'd open up anybody...
Though that's illegal.
Sep 25, 2018 12:06 PM

Jan 2017
p0ckyy said:
how to get females to open up
lay female on her back
using one of your own hands , move one of her legs aside
repeat for the other leg
u have now opened up a female

I knew someone was going to say that as soon as I read the title.

Sep 25, 2018 12:23 PM
Sep 2018
I suggest you ask them directly instead of why they ignore you. Getting mad over what they say if it's negative, too plain, or whatever would give them more of a reason to avoid you however.

You have to seem attractive and sometimes, directness is attractive, UNLESS you start saying shit like "your boobs are big" "your body is nice" "If you were a door, I'd bang you" etc.

Just be down to earth and don't expect them to feel obligated to talk to a some guy who they have no interest in.

Basically. Don't be like an incel.
Sep 25, 2018 1:09 PM

Jan 2009

What can get a guy hot faster? A hot woman he can only see or an average woman he can feel and smell?

Also, there are other reasons for guys to avoid the advances of other females, even without being committed to a girl. For example, when they get more pleasure out of something else than just with primitive lust.

The difference between "sweet" and "seductive" is in this context rather a game of semantics. Both words are used for pretty much the same thing: words that aim to convince the other person to do what you want to do.

The German song talks about "subtle" flirts and that can be also confirmed with this poem (you can use DeepL). In German poetry, it's not important how exactly the lyrical I managed to get his lover, it's more important how he experiences the world before and after meeting his love.

Maybe this song (Freddy Quinn - "So ist nun einmal das Leben"; German lyrics in description, but you can use the translator above) can also confirm to you that women can play a more active role in German-speaking countries.

Words can carry emotion with them and/or ideas. Which is what makes them powerful, but not all powerful. It's very easy to defend against them when you hold an idea much dearer than the promised words.

The comparison with the women who get seduced isn't fair, either. If you want a good comparison, then compare two women each having a beloved guy and each of them feeling equally strong about their lover. One of them is dumb, but can touch her. The other one can speak, but is far away. I wonder which of the guys can give greater erotic pleasure to their woman. If words alone are enough, then they must be stimulated enough just over the phone.

The Bible story with Eve and the snake is a bit too much mystique and symbolic. It's not applicable to the actual world. Still, great art, though.

The poetry just confirmed to me that the Spanish soul is quite simple-minded. There is strong focus on the actual love-making and seduction, but not on the analysis of their own feelings.

Rather than punishment, I would say that having a good enough incentive is the key to motivate oneself. If the gamer finds out that it's more pleasant to dance with girls, he will more likely eventually start to learn to dance than just because of the fear of staying alone for the rest of his life.

Also, it seems like you didn't quite understand the quote you agreed with, because otherwise, you wouldn't have said something as contradicting as that. Beauty alone cannot bring forth feelings. But feelings can make someone be more beautiful. Therefore, it disqualifies your statement of the eyes being a main entrance point of cupid.
NoboruSep 25, 2018 1:15 PM
Sep 25, 2018 4:41 PM
Jul 2018

"you can determined by first glance if the girl you're looking at has a good vibe to her, if you feel that she is opened to a discussion."

That's my problem: I can't read social cues. Like, at all. I'm almost never able to read other peoples' moods. So every time I approach a girl, from MY perspective, she looks like her puppy died or something.

Actually, the most difficult part is finding TIME to talk to girls. I go to college, so in class, we barely have a minute (usually) to talk to people. It's challenging within that timespan to go from, "How are you?" to, "What are your hobbies?"
Sep 25, 2018 6:01 PM

Jan 2017
Well for me personally, if I know the person can lead the conversation easily no matter where the direction is going, I open up. Considering YOU'RE the one who started the conversation it should've been a breeze for that girl to say her major and maybe talk about it for a bit.

If the person is making me talk first, i'm extremely not interested due to my lack of talking skills.
Hopefully not all the girls you try to talk to are rude like that.
This is also a bit far fetched but maybe someone spread a rumor about you that got to her and she's been told not to talk to you?? Honestly i'm not sure.
Sep 25, 2018 6:06 PM

Aug 2009
Speaking from experience: By moving on until you find someone that will open up. It might take a while and more attempts that you're comfortable with, but when you eventually find that person (or group of people), it'll be worth it.

Sep 26, 2018 10:06 AM

Oct 2014
(Serious answer)

Pretty sure I posted this in the other thread too:

It's just talking to another person, you initiate the conversation the same way.
And just like making friends, you click who you click with. You don't set your eyes on a dude and say "HE will be my friend!". Likewise you don't set your eyes on a a woman and go "SHE will be my girlfriend!".

Let it happen.
Sep 26, 2018 10:11 AM

Feb 2016
Well you said it yourself... be a confident man, thats how
Sep 26, 2018 11:59 PM

Apr 2014
Noboru said:
What can get a guy hot faster? A hot woman he can only see or an average woman he can feel and smell?
Noboru said:
The comparison with the women who get seduced isn't fair, either. If you want a good comparison, then compare two women each having a beloved guy and each of them feeling equally strong about their lover. One of them is dumb, but can touch her. The other one can speak, but is far away. I wonder which of the guys can give greater erotic pleasure to their woman. If words alone are enough, then they must be stimulated enough just over the phone.

How difficult is it to correctly compare the level of effectiveness of two erotic attributes? hmmm....

Both examples are incorrect. You keep on making the same mistake.

How is erotic love consumed between man and woman?
It is consumed through a sexual relationship that communicates their bodies and souls with the help of the 5 senses so that physical pleasure, emotional joy and affective delight are experienced. This is the maximum forms of expression of Venus and Cupid.

How is the effectiveness of the compared erotic attributes evaluated?
Simple, making the compared attributes participate in similar conditions, so that the attributes have not impediments that prevent them from reaching the goal (sexual act).

So the attributes of the two women quoted in your first comparison do not compete on similar conditions and for that reason the effectiveness of the physical beauty of the first woman cannot be evaluated.

If this beautiful woman does not have the opportunity to do such basic things like delight with her smell or caress subtly with her hand, it means that she too will not be able to maximize the power of her beauty because she has no room for action. It is evident she has no opportunity to show the effectiveness of her beauty because from the beginning she never has the opportunity to go the way that drive to the sexual act.

That does not happen with the average woman in this same example, because she has occasions to practice such basic things as seducing with the help of her smell and caresses because she has a wide range of action that also allows her delight the sight, hearing and taste sense of man. The chances of having sex are high.

It is even less intelligent the comparison between silly guy who can caress his girl and the man endowed with expressive charm that that has no way of making physical contact with her girlfriend, because it is impossible that the second one consume the sexual act.

Your comparisons are so absurd that they are substantially similar to those of a person who wants to compare the speed of two cars, preventing one of them from being able to reach the established goal.

The examples that I shared with you are correct, because in them each evaluated attribute has the opportunity to participate in favor of the triumph of Venus or Cupid. It is evident that in these examples that beautiful woman and charismatic man with gift of word are much more likely to succeed.

I would say unequal because there is no equality in nature.
There are people sexually more attractive than others in one or several aspects.

Noboru said:
Also, there are other reasons for guys to avoid the advances of other females, even without being committed to a girl. For example, when they get more pleasure out of something else than just with primitive lust.

Sure but that is not usually the norm in young people who do not want - temporarily - long-term commitments.
The idea you pose only has real meaning in a man committed to his religion or spiritual things.

Noboru said:
Words can carry emotion with them and/or ideas. Which is what makes them powerful, but not all powerful. It's very easy to defend against them when you hold an idea much dearer than the promised words.
It is not always easy otherwise the temptations would not be called temptations.
it's much harder to defend against words than caresses and aromas.
On the other hand, promises are far from being the main feature of the seductive power of the gift of words.

Noboru said:
The difference between "sweet" and "seductive" is in this context rather a game of semantics. Both words are used for pretty much the same thing: words that aim to convince the other person to do what you want to do.

I do not know in Germany, but in the Hispanic World, sweet and seduction are not usually associated, because it is perfectly possible to be sweet without to be seductive and vice versa.

Sweet is one of the most common features of Hispanic-American girls; however, in us men it is seen as a cheesy trait when the "sweet" is not strongly subordinated to the "hard" traits.

Noboru said:
Also, it seems like you didn't quite understand the quote you agreed with, because otherwise, you wouldn't have said something as contradicting as that. Beauty alone cannot bring forth feelings. But feelings can make someone be more beautiful. Therefore, it disqualifies your statement of the eyes being a main entrance point of cupid.

There is no contradiction. You simply do not understand.

Let's not confuse things. One thing is the entrance door of the soul and another is the intimacy of the soul. Venus enters through the eyes of men not only for her physical beauty but also and above all for the way in which beauty harmonizes with her visible actions and the desires of man.

Thoughts, words and actions are the 3 elements that most define people. They have such a superior nature, that several historical religions usually associate it with the divine. For example, Catholics call "God's Mind" to "God the Father." From this one comes "The Eternal Word" or "God the Son." From both comes “God Spirit" or "The Eternal Action of God."

If we look inside us, we can see that thoughts are shown with images and / or words whose movement (internal action) can be controlled by our will. When words are not manifested with internal voices, it does so with images.

In men, Venus accesses the eyes mainly because we tend to translate the abstract beauty - like delicacy - with visible beauty. The words and actions of the woman imagined by man are intimately related to the visible beauty that she has received from our imagination.

In women, Cupid gains access mainly to the ear because women tend to translate abstract beauty -like force- with beautiful words.
The face and actions of man imagined by the woman are intimately related the words.
He is a man who kindles fire inside of her with the gift of word and opens the door of his ears to receive her word.

The smells, tastes and touch are usually secondary doors for Venus and Cupid; because unlike the male eyes and female ears, these 3 elements are not intimately connected with the thoughts.

The Mediterranean nations have historically been the nations most connected to the spiritual and metaphysical world, that is, to the world that has the greatest intimacy with thought, words and actions. For that reason their women have a greater tendency to worry about looking beautiful and feminine while their men are more inclined to listen to them and heat them with words (speak or written).

The same can be said of Iberoamerica who has the same cultural substrate of Spain and Portugal.
To a lesser degree the same happens with nations whose sexuality was strongly influenced by the mentality of Rome, being that the case of Austria, South of Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Ireland, Britain, etc ...

Noboru said:
The Bible story with Eve and the snake is a bit too much mystique and symbolic. It's not applicable to the actual world
You say that because you do not know him

I shared that example because you are Lutheran..
I must assume then that you are not convinced of your own "beliefs".

Symbolism or not, ancient snake temptation adapts perfectly to the feminine nature because the woman think with mainly with words.

Noboru said:
The poetry just confirmed to me that the Spanish soul is quite simple-minded. There is strong focus on the actual love-making and seduction, but not on the analysis of their own feelings.

Assessing nation soul requires detailed observation, deep mind and maturity. You not only lack these 3, but often you cannot perform tasks that can be solved with basic logic and common sense.

First error:

You mention "sentiment analysis" as main criterion to evaluate the soul of a people. However, Can you justify this criterion through an objective philosophy. Certainly you could not.

Feelings are inferior to reason and to our spiritual nature and it is for that reason that nineteenth-century romanticism offers much less depth and complexity than Classicism and Medievalism.

Second error

You expect a poet who narrates strong erotic actions in the first person to analyze feelings and emotions, however, what kind of man analyzes his feelings and emotions while practicing erotic intimacy? damn, there are things that can be understood using common sense!

However, even if I had shared a poem in which there is room for the analysis of feelings, there would have to be a reason that justifies it, opposite case the poem would fall on the cheesy exaggeration.

Third Error

You conclude that the Spanish soul is is quite simple-minded, but based on what? Is that conclusion based on the detailed and profound study of Hispanic literature and poetry or based on fragments of an erotic poem that adapts to my interactions with women?

You chose one of the least rational options you could have chosen, that is, the second option.

However, suppose you would not have wanted to see -for study- a poem that serves to practice of pure eroticism (Venus y Cupid), but one that serves to practice a deep spirituality. Well you could not receive it from me because I reject the anti-superbia spirit of the eternal and infinite absence of the ego (God) and the idea of truly loving (unconditional love). I also avoid -temporarily - relationships that imply commitment.
As a consequence of this reality, I can not use fragments of poems that communicate higher elements -like spiritual love- because that is contrary to my practical interests. Not in vain I chose the fragments of an erotic poetry written by an atheist poet like Neruda.
However, it is this type of erotic poems that are linked to the seduction of Venus and Cupid, therefore, to the debated elements of this thread, consequently the poem that I shared is more than adequate.

It is understandable that you cannot glimpse these realities because you have no ability to do so, but how is possible judge the soul of a culture based on fragments of an erotic poetry that suits my personal interests? Just absurd.

A error would have been enough to discredit your conclusion, but you have 3 important errors that could have been avoided with basic logic and elementary basic observation.

Then it is curious that many great minds of the Germanias -like Johann Andreas Dieze, August Wilhelm von Schlegel, Hans Juretschke Meyer, Friedrich Ludewig Bouterwek, etc...- have historically praised and promoted the Spanish culture while an average German like you reaches conclusions that challenge the reason.

Well this post should clarify your mind. It would be foolish to persist with the ideas that you have exposed, not just because they have been swept up in this debate, but because they contradict the reality.
_Nemrod_Sep 27, 2018 7:15 PM

Sep 27, 2018 12:24 AM
Jul 2018
I don’t know op, girls don’t even exist to me.
Sep 27, 2018 4:37 AM

Sep 2018
Just leave her alone. I'm this way as well, and it's my body language saying, 'don't talk to me. I don't want social interaction'.

FruitPunchChinpo said:
Forgive me Father, for I have sinned repeatedly.
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