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Is rewrite AOTY ALREADY??
Hell yes
43 votes
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Jan 16, 2017 12:17 PM
Jul 2018
SenpieX said:
Symphyon said:

Dunno? xD I would want the person to add not yet too. :T But I say not yet.
Oh, my bad I meant to write never*
Dunno If OP is serious or he's only watching rewrite from this season. So far imo youjo senki takes the place for #1 (excluding sequels like ao no exorcist or kono suba)

I think he was actually serious, but I'm not too sure.

For me so far my AOTS (for the shows I'm actually watching excluding sequels like Gintama or KonoSuba too) would be Demi-chan. I dunno, I just love that show so much with the characters and I really like that.

I have to yet see Youjo Senki though (I haven't picked it up yet since I'm either considering watching it if I drop Fuuka or I will leave it for a later point)
Jan 16, 2017 12:21 PM

Jun 2015
Symphyon said:
SenpieX said:
Oh, my bad I meant to write never*
Dunno If OP is serious or he's only watching rewrite from this season. So far imo youjo senki takes the place for #1 (excluding sequels like ao no exorcist or kono suba)

I think he was actually serious, but I'm not too sure.

For me so far my AOTS (for the shows I'm actually watching excluding sequels like Gintama or KonoSuba too) would be Demi-chan. I dunno, I just love that show so much with the characters and I really like that.

I have to yet see Youjo Senki though (I haven't picked it up yet since I'm either considering watching it if I drop Fuuka or I will leave it for a later point)

I am half serious, this could very well be in the league of Clannad AS + DN for me. But this episode alone was very good 9/10. Missed some important inner dialogue such as (This voice isn't human, far more superior. Kagari? is what she said to me. Those eyes don't bare any life in them. They're empty.) I am a massive Rewrite fan, With massive I mean that it's my favorite VN.
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. | You know what I hate the most? People who aren't free. They're no more than cattle.
Jan 16, 2017 1:24 PM

Aug 2014
lLEON said:
Snappynator said:
1 episode and you are already calling it the you remember Erased from last year? You know the show that started out strong but became a hilarious trainwreck halfway in? The one that people called AOTY after 1 ep? Yeah.

Also so long Gintama is airing, Rewrite will at best be 2nd

I Agree, judging on Episode 1? too early or maybe it's just your opinion.

Look at the Poll choices tho.
Talk about biased poll choices lmao.
Jan 16, 2017 1:35 PM
Jul 2018
Takamura-sama said:
Symphyon said:

I think he was actually serious, but I'm not too sure.

For me so far my AOTS (for the shows I'm actually watching excluding sequels like Gintama or KonoSuba too) would be Demi-chan. I dunno, I just love that show so much with the characters and I really like that.

I have to yet see Youjo Senki though (I haven't picked it up yet since I'm either considering watching it if I drop Fuuka or I will leave it for a later point)

I am half serious, this could very well be in the league of Clannad AS + DN for me. But this episode alone was very good 9/10. Missed some important inner dialogue such as (This voice isn't human, far more superior. Kagari? is what she said to me. Those eyes don't bare any life in them. They're empty.) I am a massive Rewrite fan, With massive I mean that it's my favorite VN.

I can understand, of course for me I can't base it off of one episode yet, I will have to see how it goes from there honestly, we'll see.

Snappynator said:
lLEON said:

I Agree, judging on Episode 1? too early or maybe it's just your opinion.

Look at the Poll choices tho.
Talk about biased poll choices lmao.

Well, there's a lot of bias into the options so I honestly didn't voted in the end, I will only say this:

Considering it's only Episode 1, I say it's better that I have initially thought, but I want to see how it goes entirely from start to finish, how it is played out. Then I will determine from there it can go either AOTS or AOTY contender... highly doubt that, but I would want to see.

Of course, Gintama will always stay as first for me for AOTS and AOTY because it's airing right now, at least for me no series can compete for my #1 position (also it's my favorite anime of all time so why not?)
Jan 16, 2017 2:06 PM

Aug 2010
It will probably be in the top 10 but we'll have to see how they adapt it. I'll admit, the first episode was definitely different from what I thought it would be :)

Jan 17, 2017 7:56 PM

Mar 2016
This is NO WAY the best anime this season or 2017 you put it, we already saw what big of a mess first season was. I agree that Rewrite by itself is godlike, one of the best for sure but the anime? Not even close, 8bit has done a terrible job adapting this. By no means can this be EVEN CLOSE to how good konosuba or kuzu no honkai is (so far at least, doubt it will get any better cause it's 8bit) In fact it is still the WORST Key anime adaptation yet, quite sad honestly...
spiritualfox2016Jan 17, 2017 7:59 PM
Jan 17, 2017 8:17 PM

Jun 2013
It's not gonna be AOTY or AOTS, it'll probably be better than the first season, but that's not hard.
AOTS for me will probably be KonoSuba, Kuzu no Honkai, or Demi Chan.
Jan 17, 2017 8:20 PM

Mar 2016
Takamura-sama said:
Symphyon said:

I think he was actually serious, but I'm not too sure.

For me so far my AOTS (for the shows I'm actually watching excluding sequels like Gintama or KonoSuba too) would be Demi-chan. I dunno, I just love that show so much with the characters and I really like that.

I have to yet see Youjo Senki though (I haven't picked it up yet since I'm either considering watching it if I drop Fuuka or I will leave it for a later point)

I am half serious, this could very well be in the league of Clannad AS + DN for me. But this episode alone was very good 9/10. Missed some important inner dialogue such as (This voice isn't human, far more superior. Kagari? is what she said to me. Those eyes don't bare any life in them. They're empty.) I am a massive Rewrite fan, With massive I mean that it's my favorite VN.

There is NO WAY that this is even close to Clannad AS material, the first season was already shit, the second season won't be much better seeing how rewrite s2 is not a standalone. Also, how is this even comparable to Angel Beats even? Rewrite a 10? Charlotte a 5 and Little Busters a 6? I'm so done...
When someone gives Rewrite a 10 and stuff that's exponentially better than this garbage a lower score, I have nothing more to say...
spiritualfox2016Jan 17, 2017 8:40 PM
Jan 17, 2017 9:32 PM

Jun 2013
Rin_Kitsune said:
Takamura-sama said:

I am half serious, this could very well be in the league of Clannad AS + DN for me. But this episode alone was very good 9/10. Missed some important inner dialogue such as (This voice isn't human, far more superior. Kagari? is what she said to me. Those eyes don't bare any life in them. They're empty.) I am a massive Rewrite fan, With massive I mean that it's my favorite VN.

There is NO WAY that this is even close to Clannad AS material, the first season was already shit, the second season won't be much better seeing how rewrite s2 is not a standalone. Also, how is this even comparable to Angel Beats even? Rewrite a 10? Charlotte a 5 and Little Busters a 6? I'm so done...
When someone gives Rewrite a 10 and stuff that's exponentially better than this garbage a lower score, I have nothing more to say...
Rin_Kitsune said:
Takamura-sama said:

I am half serious, this could very well be in the league of Clannad AS + DN for me. But this episode alone was very good 9/10. Missed some important inner dialogue such as (This voice isn't human, far more superior. Kagari? is what she said to me. Those eyes don't bare any life in them. They're empty.) I am a massive Rewrite fan, With massive I mean that it's my favorite VN.

There is NO WAY that this is even close to Clannad AS material, the first season was already shit, the second season won't be much better seeing how rewrite s2 is not a standalone. Also, how is this even comparable to Angel Beats even? Rewrite a 10? Charlotte a 5 and Little Busters a 6? I'm so done...
When someone gives Rewrite a 10 and stuff that's exponentially better than this garbage a lower score, I have nothing more to say...

Someone's salty lol

He said for him, not for you. And Charlotte is something i would call garbage, not Rewrite.
Jan 17, 2017 9:37 PM

Mar 2016
Charlotte is much better than rewrite, just check ratings
Jan 17, 2017 9:37 PM

Mar 2016
Are we really going thru this again? Like last season, have you not had enough?
Jan 17, 2017 9:38 PM

Jun 2013
Rin_Kitsune said:
Charlotte is much better than rewrite, just check ratings

Very nice argument i would say, you got me on this one.

Jan 17, 2017 9:40 PM

Mar 2016
You have poor taste, i can already see that, when you say rewrite anime is good, i have nothing else to say
Jan 17, 2017 9:42 PM

Jun 2013
Rin_Kitsune said:
You have poor taste, i can already see that, when you say rewrite anime is good, i have nothing else to say

So we both have poor taste, cause everyone knows that Charlotte is pure shit
Jan 17, 2017 9:43 PM

Mar 2016
Yes you can say something rated 7.91 is bad, makes sense...
Jan 17, 2017 9:45 PM

Mar 2016
You are just making yourself look even more retarded by trying to argue with me on this cause you have no valid argument
Jan 17, 2017 9:46 PM

Mar 2016
Just do us all a favor and stop trying lol, cause it obviously isn't helping your situation
Jan 17, 2017 9:50 PM

Jun 2013
Are you serious using the MAL's broken rating system as an argument?

And I don't think you should be spamming like that, try to get some sleep or something. Just calm down.
Jan 17, 2017 9:54 PM
Jul 2018
Rin_Kitsune said:
Just do us all a favor and stop trying lol, cause it obviously isn't helping your situation

Well I do agree with you that Murasa has to stop defending the anime like it is the biggest god send show to ever exist (because that's how it looks, and also, yeah I defend the anime too... but I do it with my own reasons and not even bringing the VN argument, nor rating argument either), I think that by going through his lists and saying his lists or ratings are garbage is a bit too much...

Then again people criticize me for giving show as One Punch Man a 2/10 as well as others and yet nobody hears reasons, maybe there's the fact that Murasa doesn't give arguments to back up himself up or any solid opinion around to make it seem justified.

Btw ratings at least for me do not really determine as a show is shit or not, but that all goes for me in the end. (Murasa already stated that the system is broken as fuck so it also depends on the reception on the series itself and how it reflects on it, but again, depends on the reception, and how that is reflected with the audience, reviews, etc.
Then again pointing it out here.)

Just trying to put my two cents here, and maybe I am messing up too.
Jan 17, 2017 9:59 PM

Mar 2016
At least you aren't randomly bitching like this kid when talking about rewrite, btw im happy to hear out your reasons as to why you think this anime is good, cause honestly it's the most disapponting anime I have ever seen
Jan 17, 2017 10:04 PM

Jun 2013
Symphyon said:
Well I do agree with you that Murasa has to stop defending the anime like it is the biggest god send show to ever exist

I don't think this is the rating someone would give to a "biggest god send show to ever exist" btw.

I'm just saying its not something to call garbage. thats it. And i don't really mind if people call it garbage, but if you do atleast have a good and respectable taste for doing it...and Charlotte isn't good. Thats a fact. Its rushed, bad directed and has a terrible ending with no source material to back it up. But anyway..

I don't even know why im saying should be obvious..
Jan 17, 2017 10:09 PM
Jul 2018
Rin_Kitsune said:
At least you aren't randomly bitching like this kid when talking about rewrite, btw im happy to hear out your reasons as to why you think this anime is good, cause honestly it's the most disapponting anime I have ever seen

I think I have worded it a lot as to why I think it is at least good (I did made a review on it but it has some biases, but I did explained my thoughts here, despite the issues the anime did had, it had some things that were more... how to say? apparent compared to the source material. Of course I take the source more than the anime adaptation and I will not actually deny this. I personally think the anime did somethings good while somethings not being that good).

Also, that's completely fine, also you have the right to be mad as well at the very least with this, of course at least for me you are giving arguments, while not being great, they're enough to be justified in a sense (I do agree that its by far the weakest adaptation from Key when it comes to "adaptation" imo, that's saying something from someone that defends the show)
Jan 17, 2017 10:12 PM

Jun 2015
Rin_Kitsune said:
Takamura-sama said:

I am half serious, this could very well be in the league of Clannad AS + DN for me. But this episode alone was very good 9/10. Missed some important inner dialogue such as (This voice isn't human, far more superior. Kagari? is what she said to me. Those eyes don't bare any life in them. They're empty.) I am a massive Rewrite fan, With massive I mean that it's my favorite VN.

There is NO WAY that this is even close to Clannad AS material, the first season was already shit, the second season won't be much better seeing how rewrite s2 is not a standalone. Also, how is this even comparable to Angel Beats even? Rewrite a 10? Charlotte a 5 and Little Busters a 6? I'm so done...
When someone gives Rewrite a 10 and stuff that's exponentially better than this garbage a lower score, I have nothing more to say...

I'm that rewrite fanboy that doesn't care about S1 and just gives it a 10 because seeing kotori animated is already a 10 for me. That's how easy it is, and charlotte wasn't that good and the same with LB. Probably bc I saw LB (1season) first and then read the VN.
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. | You know what I hate the most? People who aren't free. They're no more than cattle.
Jan 17, 2017 10:14 PM

Jun 2015
Murasa22 said:
Symphyon said:
Well I do agree with you that Murasa has to stop defending the anime like it is the biggest god send show to ever exist

I don't think this is the rating someone would give to a "biggest god send show to ever exist" btw.

I'm just saying its not something to call garbage. thats it. And i don't really mind if people call it garbage, but if you do atleast have a good and respectable taste for doing it...and Charlotte isn't good. Thats a fact. Its rushed, bad directed and has a terrible ending with no source material to back it up. But anyway..

I don't even know why im saying should be obvious..

+1 to this. I wanted to write the exact same what you replied to him. but you already did it so ;)
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. | You know what I hate the most? People who aren't free. They're no more than cattle.
Jan 17, 2017 10:18 PM
Jul 2018
Murasa22 said:
Symphyon said:
Well I do agree with you that Murasa has to stop defending the anime like it is the biggest god send show to ever exist

I don't think this is the rating someone would give to a "biggest god send show to ever exist" btw.

I'm just saying its not something to call garbage. thats it. And i don't really mind if people call it garbage, but if you do atleast have a good and respectable taste for doing it...and Charlotte isn't good. Thats a fact. Its rushed, bad directed and has a terrible ending with no source material to back it up. But anyway..

I don't even know why im saying should be obvious..

The score isn't the actual problem though, it's the way you word things out when you are discussing over here in the forum. The way you word things seems like you are defending the show as if its something great or appreciated, that's why people are getting the bad impression of you. It's not about you scoring a show, its the way your sentences are being worded, which people will take the impression of an "Rewrite Anime Fanboy" if that makes sense.

Second, you do kinda contradicted yourself because while you say you don't mind people hating the show as long as giving good reasons... there were some people that gave good reasons, but you still gave shit about what they said despite being an actual and valid argument. It's a bit fishy but that's how I noticed.

Third, I can't say much for Charlotte because that show has a bias for me as I actually liked it. I don't think it's good, but it's far from garbage (I think it is actually pretty average, the finale for me at least ruined the potential of the show because the finale felt like another season, but nah). But you posting it as a factual statement is also a bit of a fishy thing here... that's kind of a generalizing statement I suppose. (Unless you are counting the people that hated the show which were a lot, then alright nah).

Also to point out about Charlotte, people would have their different thoughts and how they see the show so I won't hold it against them (at least for most shows as well, as long as a person actually enjoyed it for their own reasons, or can argue as to why it's good with points).
removed-userJan 17, 2017 11:14 PM
Jan 18, 2017 1:51 AM

Sep 2008
So the first season made by the same studio was a huge flop and somehow people are expecting this to be the best anime of 2017? The same studio that flopped all seasons of Grisaia? Yeah, not a chance.
Jan 18, 2017 2:17 AM

Aug 2014
5layer said:
So the first season made by the same studio was a huge flop and somehow people are expecting this to be the best anime of 2017? The same studio that flopped all seasons of Grisaia? Yeah, not a chance.
Too be fair though, the 3rd Grisaia adaptation supposedly surpass even the original source, which is what I believe most people here hope will happen for Rewrite aswell.
Jan 18, 2017 2:48 AM
Mar 2016
Best Anime 2017 ? Well said dude, well said
Jan 18, 2017 2:51 AM

Nov 2013
In the alternate universe. Yes
I'm too weird to live but much too rare to die.

Jan 18, 2017 4:17 AM

Mar 2016
Symphyon said:
Murasa22 said:

I don't think this is the rating someone would give to a "biggest god send show to ever exist" btw.

I'm just saying its not something to call garbage. thats it. And i don't really mind if people call it garbage, but if you do atleast have a good and respectable taste for doing it...and Charlotte isn't good. Thats a fact. Its rushed, bad directed and has a terrible ending with no source material to back it up. But anyway..

I don't even know why im saying should be obvious..

The score isn't the actual problem though, it's the way you word things out when you are discussing over here in the forum. The way you word things seems like you are defending the show as if its something great or appreciated, that's why people are getting the bad impression of you. It's not about you scoring a show, its the way your sentences are being worded, which people will take the impression of an "Rewrite Anime Fanboy" if that makes sense.

Second, you do kinda contradicted yourself because while you say you don't mind people hating the show as long as giving good reasons... there were some people that gave good reasons, but you still gave shit about what they said despite being an actual and valid argument. It's a bit fishy but that's how I noticed.

Third, I can't say much for Charlotte because that show has a bias for me as I actually liked it. I don't think it's good, but it's far from garbage (I think it is actually pretty average, the finale for me at least ruined the potential of the show because the finale felt like another season, but nah). But you posting it as a factual statement is also a bit of a fishy thing here... that's kind of a generalizing statement I suppose. (Unless you are counting the people that hated the show which were a lot, then alright nah).

Also to point out about Charlotte, people would have their different thoughts and how they see the show so I won't hold it against them (at least for most shows as well, as long as a person actually enjoyed it for their own reasons, or can argue as to why it's good with points).

+1, this is exactly why i cant stand people who act like this, not only is it arrogant bur also just plain stupid. In other words the vibe that we get is: rewrite is fucking godlike anime and people who try to oppose it are retarded... which he implies the majority is retarded lol
Jan 18, 2017 4:20 AM

Mar 2016
Also it really can be called garbage especially since these arguments actually make sense, stop trying to contradict yourself. If you think i hate rewrite as a whole you are wrong, its one of the best VNs but the anime is shit
Jan 18, 2017 4:25 AM

Aug 2015
I haven't read Rewrite VN so it's a no to me but subjectively yes, It might be AOTY. We're not even get to the mid part of the first season of the year so it's still really hard to tell.
Jan 18, 2017 5:07 AM

Apr 2015
What in the fuckin' shit is going on here?

*reads through the wall of text*

Oh, this again. Well, for me 2nd season of Rewrite is (for now at least) a pleasant surprise. Like I said million times already - the art is filth (they're not even trying there!), but the rest of this episode was pretty well done. Of course anime onlies are probably in cat's ass, but the hell with them! (Read something in your life guys! It really doesn't hurt.) Anyway, calling Rewrite S2 anime of the year still makes me want to do this:

but (for now) it's the only anime in 2017 I wanna see. Why? Because the rest is just... a waste of my time. Some moe crap (Urara Meirochou), sequels of sequels (another fucking Gintama!), garbage comedies from the 9th circle of hell (Gabriel DropOut), plain school junk with Yuji Everylead the Black Hair McWhite Shirt as the protagonist (Seiren) or some things from "I don't know yet" category (Chaos;Child).
N7n4shiJan 18, 2017 7:08 AM
Jan 18, 2017 5:40 AM

Dec 2015
Man this forums is some hilarious fucking shit, i love it
Jan 18, 2017 5:46 AM

May 2012
The 1st episode of 2nd season wasn't good. Noting interesting happened

The last few episodes of 1st season were better

5layer said:
So the first season made by the same studio was a huge flop and somehow people are expecting this to be the best anime of 2017? The same studio that flopped all seasons of Grisaia? Yeah, not a chance.

Why it is flop ?!

Grisaia was very good as anime only watcher. Did not like 1st season (except for the last 4 episodes). However, the special/ova episode and 2nd season were so good
thepathJan 18, 2017 5:50 AM
Jan 18, 2017 7:05 AM

Apr 2015
thepath said:
The 1st episode of 2nd season wasn't good. Noting interesting happened

The last few episodes of 1st season were better

5layer said:
So the first season made by the same studio was a huge flop and somehow people are expecting this to be the best anime of 2017? The same studio that flopped all seasons of Grisaia? Yeah, not a chance.

Why it is flop ?!

Grisaia was very good as anime only watcher. Did not like 1st season (except for the last 4 episodes). However, the special/ova episode and 2nd season were so good

It's not. Meikyuu was good, Rakuen was great. Only Kajitsu was (mostly) bleh.
Jan 18, 2017 7:34 AM

Mar 2016
There's always going to be stupid shit cause it's just hard to imagine when people post shit like this, especially when they can't back up their argument
Jan 18, 2017 8:40 AM

Apr 2016
Nope. It's already 2017, yes but keep calm with best anime series 2017. A New year has just begun. Hello. :v
Anime List「Anime stats → Completed 1 Thousand」
Jan 18, 2017 8:56 AM

Nov 2015
Hahahahaahahahahahaa no

Jan 18, 2017 10:55 AM

Mar 2016
Takamura-sama said:
Murasa22 said:

I don't think this is the rating someone would give to a "biggest god send show to ever exist" btw.

I'm just saying its not something to call garbage. thats it. And i don't really mind if people call it garbage, but if you do atleast have a good and respectable taste for doing it...and Charlotte isn't good. Thats a fact. Its rushed, bad directed and has a terrible ending with no source material to back it up. But anyway..

I don't even know why im saying should be obvious..

+1 to this. I wanted to write the exact same what you replied to him. but you already did it so ;)

You really aren't helping your situation... if you like rewrite, fine. Just stop trying to make it seem like the next Clannad AS which it isn't; the way you are doing this is just pissing people off which makes it so that they will start talking shit cause you force them into doing so.

Also I want to point out how retarded this poll is...
spiritualfox2016Jan 18, 2017 11:01 AM
Jan 18, 2017 11:03 AM

Jun 2015
Rin_Kitsune said:
Takamura-sama said:

+1 to this. I wanted to write the exact same what you replied to him. but you already did it so ;)

You really aren't helping your situation... if you like rewrite, fine. Just stop trying to make it seem like the next Clannad AS which it isn't; the way you are doing this is just pissing people off which makes it so that they will start talking shit cause you force them into doing so.

Also I want to point out how retarded this poll is...

Until this point I have seen episode 1 over 10 times. I truly think that this COULD become the next Clannad AS. I am a massive Rewrite fan so I might be biased.
As you can see from my favorite character list 3/10 are from rewrite that's around 36% and that's a lot considering I have seen around 200 original shows/Vn's/manga's/LN's combined.
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. | You know what I hate the most? People who aren't free. They're no more than cattle.
Jan 18, 2017 11:07 AM

Mar 2016
Takamura-sama said:
Rin_Kitsune said:

You really aren't helping your situation... if you like rewrite, fine. Just stop trying to make it seem like the next Clannad AS which it isn't; the way you are doing this is just pissing people off which makes it so that they will start talking shit cause you force them into doing so.

Also I want to point out how retarded this poll is...

Until this point I have seen episode 1 over 10 times. I truly think that this COULD become the next Clannad AS. I am a massive Rewrite fan so I might be biased.
As you can see from my favorite character list 3/10 are from rewrite that's around 36% and that's a lot considering I have seen around 200 original shows/Vn's/manga's/LN's combined.

You would have to provide very convincing arguments for me to believe that...
Jan 18, 2017 11:12 AM

Jun 2015
Rin_Kitsune said:
Takamura-sama said:

Until this point I have seen episode 1 over 10 times. I truly think that this COULD become the next Clannad AS. I am a massive Rewrite fan so I might be biased.
As you can see from my favorite character list 3/10 are from rewrite that's around 36% and that's a lot considering I have seen around 200 original shows/Vn's/manga's/LN's combined.

You would have to provide very convincing arguments for me to believe that...

This is my opinion, If I feel like it could become the next AS FOR ME. Then it has the chance of becoming the next AS for me. And for the matter of fact I found the Rewrite VN better than the clannad VN
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. | You know what I hate the most? People who aren't free. They're no more than cattle.
Jan 18, 2017 11:23 AM

Mar 2016
Yes for YOU, not the rest of us... I still don't get the point of this poll, it makes no sense
Jan 18, 2017 1:29 PM

Jun 2015
Rin_Kitsune said:
Yes for YOU, not the rest of us... I still don't get the point of this poll, it makes no sense

So did everyone like Death note? No. Did everyone like Clannad no.

I didn't like Re:zero,I hate it but hey if people think it's good who am I to say that they can't make polls like that. I don't really like fmab too. And who's the rest of us?

There are people who support me in this ;) The true Rewrite fans and the fans on is the place where the rewriters are ;)
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. | You know what I hate the most? People who aren't free. They're no more than cattle.
Jan 18, 2017 1:31 PM

Mar 2016
Thanks for advertising a site that i already know about... also the poll is stupid bc theres only one answer choice...
Jan 18, 2017 1:34 PM

Apr 2015
Takamura-sama said:
Rin_Kitsune said:
Yes for YOU, not the rest of us... I still don't get the point of this poll, it makes no sense

So did everyone like Death note? No. Did everyone like Clannad no.

I didn't like Re:zero,I hate it but hey if people think it's good who am I to say that they can't make polls like that. I don't really like fmab too. And who's the rest of us?

There are people who support me in this ;) The true Rewrite fans and the fans on is the place where the rewriters are ;)

Really...? Who is this guy? He's like a joke version of Murasa.
No, scratch that. That would be an insult to Murasa.
Jan 18, 2017 1:46 PM

Jun 2015
Rin_Kitsune said:
Thanks for advertising a site that i already know about... also the poll is stupid bc theres only one answer choice...

There's 3... Open your eyes. ;)

They are the very same yet so different...
Only the problem lies that the writing is a tad different and not that there's only one answer choice
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. | You know what I hate the most? People who aren't free. They're no more than cattle.
Jan 18, 2017 1:48 PM

Mar 2016
The next murasa confirmed
Jan 18, 2017 1:51 PM

Jun 2013
Takamura-sama said:
They are the very same yet so different...
Only the problem lies that the writing is a tad different and not that there's only one answer choice

oh god i died at this xD

and you guys really wanna go to bed with me huh
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Poll: » Rewrite 2nd Season Episode 1 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 )

Stark700 - Jan 14, 2017

181 by Tsukasa_Rio »»
Dec 16, 2023 2:13 PM

Poll: » Rewrite 2nd Season Episode 2 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

Stark700 - Jan 21, 2017

114 by phantomic109 »»
Jun 19, 2023 12:51 PM

Poll: » Rewrite 2nd Season Episode 11 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 )

Stark700 - Mar 25, 2017

201 by yveltalkyogre »»
Dec 30, 2022 2:35 PM

Poll: » Rewrite 2nd Season Episode 4 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

Stark700 - Feb 4, 2017

110 by ka7eMARU »»
Nov 5, 2022 6:10 PM

Poll: » Rewrite 2nd Season Episode 3 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 )

Stark700 - Jan 28, 2017

153 by ka7eMARU »»
Nov 5, 2022 5:45 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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