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Which theories will most likely become true? (poll will start once theories are introduced)
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Mar 29, 2016 11:21 AM
Feb 2016
Doesn't matter how far-fetched the theory is, just post it here. And please feel free to explain the theory with evidence to back it up, especially if it's a less popular one since a lot of people most probably haven't heard of it yet. Also don't forget to name your theory. When more clues are revealed in recent manga chapters that can support your theory, make sure you modify your post rather than creating a new one. If discussion ensues, only then answer them by creating another post.

Update: So due to the lack of theories posted here, I'll just post some interesting ones I found around the web and give them credit.
StarsOfRustJun 27, 2016 9:39 PM
'I feel about as warm and happy as a potato in a hotpot'
Kaneki Ken
Mar 29, 2016 11:25 AM
Jul 2015
Im sure the Two Ciel theory is canon
This scene in the werewolf arc confirmed it to me:

and i think Undertaker is trying to bring the dead twin back

Mar 29, 2016 1:55 PM

May 2014
Sometimes I think that something is a little too fishy about the too Ciels it would be really plausible, but at the same time I feel like Yana is trying to throw us off somehow. Maybe I'm over thinking things though.

My own little (mostly baseless) head canon is that perhaps current Ciel is actually Vincent- that is, Vincent's soul partially inhabiting Ciel's body. I know it sounds crazy and ridiculous, but I think it'd be a pretty cool plot twist if it did actually become present, Ciel is just way to similar to his father, and I know they say like father like son, but it seems like they are literally the same person at times and it's pretty eerie. Either way, I think Vincent has gotta be relevant to the wider plot somehow (aside from being Ciel's parent), since Toboso pays great attention to detail and I don't think we'd have so many flashbacks involving Vincent and almost nothing of Rachel, his mother, if it didn't mean something.

I dunno, it all seems a little weird...hmm, like perhaps the original (gentle and caring) Ciel did die during the demon summoning ceremony, and the current "Ciel" we've had as a main character is just Ciel in name only. Could the possible twin of Ciel actually have been some sort of artificial or soulless copy of the original? Or maybe Vincent had Undertaker animate a body copy somehow, to plan for future events.

If Undertaker was still an "official" Shinigami when he was working for Vincent, he surely could've known if Vincent's death was looming in the horizon. Perhaps Undertaker informed him, and they both used this knowledge as a ploy to learn of the people or organisation who were after the Phantomhives. That was probably something someone as prideful as Vincent was willing to give his life for, and maybe he left Undertaker with that's wholly possible that after death, the Soul is wiped clean of its memories through the playing (and collecting) of the cinematic record.

Heck, maybe the two of them plotted even further and had Undertaker take Vincent's soul before he was fated to die, which could be why Undertaker is a total rogue now XD
Perhaps after all the Shennanigans, Undertaker placed Vincent's soul in the remaining Ciel's (the copy's) body to create a plausible situation by which there was a Phantomhive survivor. Or maybe the copy/twin was the one that got sacrificed and both the original Ciel and his father inhabit the same body? Didn't Undertaker say one time something along the lines of "the Earl is still with us"?? I dunno if to take that literally, or not.

That could explain the inner light/darkness which conflict within Ciel's character.

Tbh this idea is full of so many holes, but it's fun to think about the possibilities!!!
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Mar 29, 2016 2:31 PM
Jun 27, 2016 9:53 PM
Feb 2016
So here's one theory of Sebastian's true form by cielphantomhiveco:

Ok so I’m pretty sure Sebastian is the demon Raum. Here is some info that leaves me to believe so if the picture didn’t already.

“ Raum, Reym (Rey) or Raim is a great earle, he is seene as a crowe, but when he putteth on humane shape, at the commandement of the exorcist, he stealeth woonderfullie out of the kings house, and carrieth it whether he is assigned, he destroieth cities, and hath great despite unto dignities, he knoweth things present, past, and to come, and reconcileth freends and foes, he was of the order of thrones, and governeth thirtie legions. He loves children and will target their souls.” - Johann Weyer, from the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum.

“Raum can also tell things past, present and future, reconcile friends and foes, and invoke love.”

So this guy values friendship, generosity, and love too. Here’s another passage that I think fits for the Raum Sebastian theory.

“ Though, Raum is extraordinarily tricky. While he doesn’t like to watch others struggle, he’ll often let it happen so they may overcome their situation on their own - even if he announces that he can clearly snap his fingers and fix everything that’s wrong with their world. He plays around with his words to keep others guessing and, if anything, Raum promotes thinking for yourself.”

Sebastian often does this with Ciel in every season and almost every mission Ciel receives as the queens watchdog.

But yea.

StarsOfRustJun 27, 2016 10:07 PM
'I feel about as warm and happy as a potato in a hotpot'
Kaneki Ken
Jun 27, 2016 10:23 PM
Feb 2016
And here's another one regarding Sebastian's true form and it also heavily relies on the two ciel theory by SilentSerenata:

After much research, I’ve managed to condense and mingle a few ideas of my own relating to the Sebastian-Mephistopheles and Two Ciels theories. Though extremely questionable – as they are after all, only theories – there have been some notable moments throughout Kuroshitsuji which show the plausible nature of these theories. Though I’m too convinced with the Sebastian-Mephistopheles theory, the possibility of twin Ciels existing in the story is intriguing. It might just be true; you’d be surprised by how the proof almost makes sense! But who knows in all actuality, save for Yana-sensei herself. Like I said before, she’s a mastermind. This is all a conjunction of pure fanaticism, a side effect of her favourite move (mindfuck).

The Sebastian-Mephistopheles theory: Goethe in Kuroshitsuji.

Many fans speculate that Sebastian may in fact be Mephistopheles due to the similarity in the insignia of their Faustian contracts.

Mephistopheles’ contract (left) and Sebastian’s contract (right).

In the above link, StarrGirl proclaims:

“First off, Mephisto came to Faust(the man)as a devilish-looking and talking poodle. This has lead me to think that Sebby was Sebastian the dog, and was Vincent’s demon.”

Another key concept mentioned in the above link is that were Sebastian contracted to Vincent and had taken on the form of Sebastian the dog (the one which Ciel happened to name the black butler after):

“it would probably explain why he resembles Vincent so much– if he was formerly contracted to him, it would make sense to take on the form of the human you knew best.” – myfish32

Vincent, Ciel's otou-san, and Sebastian the dog.

While it sounds almost convincing, I find this unlikely. Why? Why would Sebastian dislike dogs then? Why would there be a need for the cult to sacrifice Ciel and the other children in order to summon the demon if he was already roaming Earth?

I don’t suppose demons go “poof” so quickly once they’ve finished their meal. Though it’s possible that the Phantomhive household may have been contracted with demons over many generations, particularly in order to aid them in their dirty work, it would seem rather cliché on Yana’s behalf was Sebastian the same demon that Vincent once contracted to, moreover in the form of a dog…

Disregarding such an idea, the likelihood of Sebastian’s ambiguous true form being Mephistopheles remains. Wikipedia also describes:

“Although Mephistopheles appears to Faustus as a devil — a worker for Satan — critics claim that he does not search for men to corrupt but comes to serve and ultimately collect the souls of those who are already damned. Farnham explains, ‘Nor does Mephistophiles first appear to Faustus as a devil who walks up and down in earth to tempt and corrupt any man encountered. He appears because he senses in Faustus’ magical summons that Faustus is already corrupt, that indeed he is already ‘in danger to be damned’.’

Mephistopheles is already trapped in his own hell by serving the Devil. He warns Faustus of the choice he is making by ‘selling his soul’ to the Devil: ‘Mephistophilis, an agent of Lucifer, appears and at first advises Faust not to forgo the promise of heaven to pursue his goals’.”

And indeed, Sebastian did warn Ciel. The thing that interests me is that Mephistopheles is trapped “in his own hell by serving the Devil”; it goes quite well with Chapter 62, where flashbacks explore Sebastian’s perspective of Ciel and finds the child disagreeable. This is all in the metaphorical sense however. What if we were to perceive this literally? Though this plays on another theory and intertwines with the anime, suppose Ciel was a demon – the eternity of serving the brat would be no doubt a hell. Just what if? (I’ll have to elaborate on this another day)

Know more about this theory on:[/
StarsOfRustJun 27, 2016 10:41 PM
'I feel about as warm and happy as a potato in a hotpot'
Kaneki Ken
Jun 27, 2016 10:56 PM
Feb 2016
This theory here connects Undertaker to the Blue Sect by thedarkestcrow:

A Metric Revolution?

I know this might be a bit too far-fetched but I noticed this and at least wanted to address it.

In the latest chapter we see the bottles in which the blood that is drawn in the meetings of the sect is being stored:

On closer inspection, one can see that there are measurements on these bottles.

cc stands for cubic centimeters which is the same as millimeters. So there’s an amount of 200 ml blood in each of these bottles.

The thing is, however, that in the Victorian era, Great Britain still used the imperial units instead of the metric system. So instead of millimeters they would have used fluid ounces, pints or gills.

Now, I’m aware that this could be a mistake or that the timeline in the Kuro-verse is different. However, Yana usually does a lot of research and the fact that she included even the measurement unit could mean that there’s more to it.

Maybe that means that the origin of this sect and therefore the experiments with the blood are from another country which already uses the metric system.

One possible candidate for this could be France. The metric system was first introduced there after the French Revolution so at the time that the manga takes place (1889) they already used millimeters for volume units. We know that Undertaker visited France before the Blue Sect arc began and there’s a possibility that he’s also involved in this sect. So maybe he met someone from the sect (Bravat?) on his journey and brought him to England.

Another possibility is Germany. The metric system was adopted in Germany in 1872. We’ve already seen a German military organization trying to develop new technology under the cover of a supernatural setting in the Green Witch arc. Maybe it’s the same this time with the Blue Sect that is trying to improve blood transfusions. Wolfram already said that that the military is still looking into this:

After Ciel destroyed the German military’s experiments under the Queen’s orders the German government might have decided to strike back by using the British citizens for their experiments while developing new methods for blood transfusion.

Of course, these are just some ideas and markings on some bottles are hardly proof to jump to any conclusions. There’s also the possibility that the cult is some sort of revolutionary group that, as the Queen feared, is trying to rebel against the government and implementing the metric system is just one of their goals. The bottles might just be imported or it’s just a mistake and doesn’t mean anything. However, maybe this little detail is a hint for some greater things going on here…

'I feel about as warm and happy as a potato in a hotpot'
Kaneki Ken
Jun 27, 2016 11:02 PM
Feb 2016
This is a 2 AM crack theory about the grim reapers, by asktheredreaper:

Guys what if the reason that the grim reapers in kuroshitsuji have such anachronistic items in their position is because they live in the 4th dimension, a plane where time is as easily traversable as height, width, and depth? Perhaps they are assigned to the Victorian Age, or simply wish to be chronologically from the times of their deaths, I don’t know, but have access to the past and future as easily as I have access to walking out of my bedroom, and do to get items such as Ronald’s watch or Rudgar’s sneakers.

I know there are tons of working problems with this theory, and that even Yana Toboso herself has admitted to her manga taking place in an alternate reality, but it is a thought and I REALLY FUCKING LIKE PHYSICS.

'I feel about as warm and happy as a potato in a hotpot'
Kaneki Ken
Jun 27, 2016 11:33 PM
Feb 2016
This theory, regarding the Phantomhive lineage being passed onto Lizzie also, is most likely canon already but here it goes, by midnight-in-town:

Elizabeth Midford: sharing Ciel's lineage or not?

I hope you’re not bored of me yet with these analyses about chapter 103 (here
and here) and the new information about the Phantomhives that I’m trying to connect to old ones. This time it’s about our Lizzie, Ciel’s cousin and fiancée.

As you all know, the German Shinigamis have said that Ciel noticing them might be because of “his lineage” and Lizzie and him are connected through their respective parents, so I tried to reflect on that.

Warning: spoilers everywhere and lengthy post.

First of all, I don’t think I have to remind you that, unlike Vincent that we’ve only seen in flashbacks, Frances, Ciel’s aunt, has shown to be rather eccentric several times: Presented as very strong, finding Sebastian disgusting when most women (and men, with Arthur Conan Doyle) think he’s attractive/handsome, catching him through the crowd when he decided to just leave, so he wouldn’t be noticed by ‘troublesome people’…


She hasn’t appeared much in the story yet but I’m sure you could all notice that she wasn’t just your average noble lady (badass is the best describing word) and maybe she’ll have a bigger importance to the plot later, since I think she’s resolved to avenge her brother (after all, she’s the one who told Ciel that “the best chance to counter your opponents is when they’re attacking you”).


It’s hard to judge neutrally, but since Ciel’s “lineage” definitely comes from the Phantomhive blood, there is a high chance that all of Frances’ traits that Yana uses “comically” are more than just there for fun (chapter 14 aside since it was her introduction and so early in the plot, the fact Yana used them again in the Campania arc and at Weston college might be our clue).

So back to Elizabeth, I reread some of the manga chapters after chapter 103 was released, and I could notice several things that now can have a different sense thanks to it.

The first point is that Elizabeth is physically strong: strangling Ciel aside, a gesture we all thought was just comical (who knows), there are other times when she’s shown to be stronger and it’s not always funny. For instance:


Oh yeah I know, it might just be the fact she’s a genius at fencing. I thought so too, but then in chapter 75…


Ahahah, we all laughed at that moment I’m sure…


I don’t know, that last panel didn’t seem that necessary to me. Sure it was funny, but Edward is older, almost a man, and yet he collapsed after one punch from his little sister, and there is one important point to remember: being fantastic at fencing doesn’t mean having such raw strength and that a punch from her is enough to literally knock someone out.
Still, as I said above it’s hard to judge when Yana uses those moments as comic relief, so I’d understand many people not taking that as granted. It might or not mean something, I just advise to keep them in mind.

The second point is about her fight on the Campania. I assume it was her first real fight, with her life truly endangered by the bizarre dolls even if it was never said and despite the fact she had participated in several fencing tournament before it, but it doesn’t really matter at this point.
Finding swords so not cute and hoping for Ciel never to find out about her capacities, it’s obvious she probably always fought the least possible, only when she had to, in those tournaments or in the rare moments her life was in danger (since the Midford family isn’t exactly from the Underworld) which is why her fighting on the Campania is a rare event, even for her (because she probably never cut her opponents’ heads in the tournaments or when she was training).


Aside from the fact that she’s a genius with swords and that it took her less time to get one on a wall above her head than it took Sebastian to reach her when he was running (Irony. That part surprised me a lot actually), she’s got amazing moves…


And not only when fighting. I’m digressing a bit but…


I’ll add that she’s wearing a corset in both cases, and a heavy dress in that second panel (she inherited Mama’s badassery for sure). I know, I know, it’s comic relief again, but doesn’t that remind you of…


…Sebastian going at full power to catch the Undertaker?
Just saying…

No but seriously, back to the Campania arc, I also noticed something very interesting, namely that she probably has a sixth sense (a bit similar to Ciel in chapter 103 isn’t it?). And it’s shown twice.


Notice the panel with her eye as two bizarre dolls attack her from behind? Well doesn’t it look like she felt them behind her back before turning around to skewer them at the same time?

Also, right after that moment…


Ciel is clearly the one she has her back to in that scene, and he’s busy witnessing her awesomness which is why he doesn’t notice at first that there are two corpses ready to attack him. However…


…She notices, probably because she “felt it” like the first example above, while having her back turned to him. If that’s not a sixth sense I don’t know what is, and you have to respect Yana’s sense of complexity who managed to hide such an important detail amongst a fighting scene that no one was expecting. This two scenes are already proof that she and Ciel definitely share something coming from that lineage Sascha and Rudgar mentioned in chapter 103.

Also remember that part?


In my opinion, Grell had already revealed themselves when they had started to fight Sebastian a few chapters before, which is why Ciel and Elizabeth can also see them and Ronald (otherwise why weren’t they surprised when Elizabeth asked who they were, two chapters before, to which Sebastian called them a contagious pervert?), but they definitely look like there is something bothering them about Elizabeth, and either it’s her good fighting capacities or it’s the fact she was shown having a really high intuition in an intense battle.
I mean, they don’t even look like they’re ready to counter her quick attack and she’s supposed to be human.

Opinions will probably diverse from mine but that’s how I understood this whole fight.

One last thing that I wondered about and that might be linked to the lineage part.

Just why were Ciel and Elizabeth engaged to each other? And why did it happen so soon?

We don’t know exactly how old they were when they betrothed to each other, but flashbacks and side stories seem to suggest that it happened when they were quite young, and it doesn’t really make sense when we know that neither Vincent and Frances were betrothed to anybody before their weddings to their spouses, and when Edward isn’t engaged either (and he’s older than both of them and a future marquis).

Also, Frances was born and raised as a Phantomhive, she lost her brother, and probably her mother as well, to the Watchdog duty, so why accepting to marry her daughter into that cursed family when she knows there is a high chance that she will die because of Ciel’s work?


(Look at the panel above, she doesn’t seem that happy at the prospect of Elizabeth becoming a Phantomhive, probably because it brings bad memories like Claudia’s death…)

Since they were probably betrothed as young children, Frances had no way to know Elizabeth would be such a genius at fencing, aside from guessing/hoping her daughter would be like her.
Of course Vincent could have forced the engagement, but he didn’t seem to be like that and I honestly can’t see Frances being forced to do anything by her own brother (and Alexis wouldn’t have agreed if his wife had been against it).

So why?

Well, if we take in consideration the Phantomhive “lineage” that both Lizzie and Ciel seem to possess (Lizzie to a higher degree apparently with the physical strength and sixth sense revealed earlier than Ciel’s), it makes sense. They were engaged to each other in hope that the Phantomhive lineage they were both supposed to have would offer a greater protection to the dangers brought by the Watchdog job (the fact Lizzie is so strong was discovered after and became another reason to keep her engaged to Ciel, especially since young!Ciel appeared so weak, like his mother).

However, that means that somehow Vincent and Frances were aware that they had quite the particular lineage and that’s enhancing even more Vincent’s link to the Undertaker and the Undertaker’s link to Claudia, as well as Frances’ annoyed/disgusted behavior towards Sebastian.

Those are the points to think about, while we wait for Yana’s answers.

Thanks for reading, and just keep in mind that since Frances and Elizabeth seem so similar in terms of strength and many other things, if one is more than human, then the other definitely is as well!


(Lmao just kidding with that last picture! ^^):;

This link will redirect you to the theory with complete images:
StarsOfRustJun 27, 2016 11:47 PM
'I feel about as warm and happy as a potato in a hotpot'
Kaneki Ken
Jun 29, 2016 12:27 AM
Feb 2016
This is a speculation I read about the blood types and their identification:

Visitor #1146288:

Clearly Sirius = blood-type O.

Visitor #1159186:

Actually, despite being the recessive blood type, type O blood is the most prevalent type of blood in white people (which since the setting is England, would be the majority if not the entireity of their sample group). If memory serves me correctly, AB is actually the rarest blood type. (And we're not even considering positive and negative blood types which indicate the presence or absence of certain types of proteins. )

Visitor #1174815:

From what I've seen, I guess it's like this:
Polaris (O), the most common one;
Vega (A);
Canopus (B), judging by how Bravat described Lizzy's characteristics;
Sirius (AB), rarest.

'I feel about as warm and happy as a potato in a hotpot'
Kaneki Ken
Jun 29, 2016 6:36 AM
Feb 2016
Here's a scenario about Edward secretly working for Bravat, by Anon & dorkshadows:


Why many people trust Edward? His suspicious reaction from CH.109-110 not makes sense to me. He's know Lizzie has stopped coming home back a while (6 days) but the shock from last page of CH.109 is? His reaction likes it just happened.


Interesting question, anon!

Assuming Edward is honest, maybe he looks so shocked because 6 days has been long for him and he really doesn’t know what to do so he came to Ciel. Maybe he was hoping to solve it himself, but the more distant Lizzie got and the less his own parents helped, he realized he needed more help. That and it looked like he ran to Ciel’s place by foot lol. He’s just 16-17 after all.

Now onto your point, it complicates things (in a good way). The truth is we all just assume Edward is a good guy. Ciel knows Ed loves Lizzie. Sebastian knows this too. Edward helped them a lot during Weston and is praised by Greenhill for being a practical, decent person. Ciel probably picks up on this too. So it’d explain why Ciel and Sebastian trust him.

Also, Ciel was probably too worried about Lizzie and the Blue sect to really doubt Edward… and maybe Edward knows this too. The truth is Edward would do anything for Lizzie, even if it means selling out Ciel. So if your observations have more meaning to them, it’s possible that Edward pretended to be worried to lure Ciel. Or maybe he’s already been brainwashed like Lizzie.

Maybe Frances and Alexis really don’t know what’s happening because Edward hasn’t told them anything. Come to think of it, it’s suspicious that Edward was so impressed by the P4 singing on stage; at first, I thought he was in awe but it’s possible he’s seen it before and is the same as the rest of the “radiant” people.

'I feel about as warm and happy as a potato in a hotpot'
Kaneki Ken
Jun 30, 2016 7:28 AM
Feb 2016
Here's an interesting theory. I always found quite some of those things odd about about the Viscount. After reading this I was glad someone voiced those oddities. Theory by dorkshadows:

Shinigami Druitt

Crack theory of the day (or not so cracky…). Perhaps the real character with shinigami blood is Aleister Chamber, the Viscount Druitt.

Firstly, he’s in the same age group as Vincent and Diederich. He is also older than Frances and Alexis. Then why is it that Druitt looks like this:


While Diederich looks like this:


And the Midford couple looks like this (wrinkles and all):


Since most of the fandom thinks shinigami can conceal themselves at will and that Lizzie and Ciel are “special” for being able to see them, think about another character who could see Ronald and Grell. That’s right: Druitt.


They even did the Phoenix for him. They clearly didn’t want to. So why not just make themselves invisible and(image) let everyone else be embarrassed, eh eh?

We also know shinigami can teleport. Who else seems to miraculously show up everywhere? That’s right: Druitt:


And notice how Druitt has a god complex. Maybe it’s not just because he’s narcissistic- maybe it’s because he really has godly genes.


Also, one of Undertaker’s lockets has the name Emile C. (died June 18, 1848) Source C for Chamber perhaps? Died 1848, hmm, that’s awfully close to the early 50s AKA when Dee and Vincent were born. Who else is in their age range? That’s right: Druitt!


Remember in the making of Kuro ii OVA? The fake trailer had UT dangling the locket of Druitt’s mother in front of him. Emile sounds like a man’s name though, so it might be the father in the manga.

And let’s not forget how fond Undertaker is of Druitt’s hilarious personality.


Disclaimer: Oops! I was wrong about Druitt’s age. I had him confused with the Scarlet Fox blond prefect from Vincent’s P4 era. So he might not be as old as Vincent and Dee. However, he did graduate from Weston, go to university, train as a doctor, and manage to become an important societal figure so Druitt probably isn’t as young as he looks anyway.

'I feel about as warm and happy as a potato in a hotpot'
Kaneki Ken
Jun 30, 2016 7:39 AM
Feb 2016
After the previous theory is another theory about Viscount being a benefactor for the Blue Sect, by shinigami-mistress:

Follow the Money Trail

One of the big questions of the current arc is where the money is coming from. You have food that’s not only but of high quality.


There’s also the pure silver bracelets, which are given out rather freely by Bravat.


When looking for a mysterious benafactor, my money’s on Druitt.


He’s been known to associate with cults in the past, and he certainly has the funding to prove the food, bracelets, and all of the P4’s ‘fashionable’ outfits. Even if he is in Paris, he has someone who could oversee the group’s activity.


His nephew is right there in the cult. Of all the P4, he’s the only one that probably never would have a problem singing and dancing in front of everyone. While Violet has shown signs of not being under Bravat’s control, it’s possible that Redmond is perfectly aware of what he’s doing.

StarsOfRustJun 30, 2016 7:47 AM
'I feel about as warm and happy as a potato in a hotpot'
Kaneki Ken
Jul 17, 2016 10:38 AM
Feb 2016
This theory and the following theory, by midnight-in-town,are indeed intriguing and I'm halfway sold on it because of Ranmao's eccentrities & Lau's foreshadowing:

Thoughts about Ran Mao (or literally « Blue Cat »)

I finally got some time to watch entirely Book of Murder part 1 animated (thanks Jane Doe Subs) and even if I knew that arc almost by heart, the animation made me awareof things I hadn’t noticed in the manga arc.
Especially concerning our little Ran Mao. It’s been a long while since I’vestarted thinking Ran Mao was not a human but a supernatural being, different from Aghni, Shinigamis or Sebastian and even if I had noticed several things in the manga, Book of murder made them even more blatant.

Let’s make it direct, I believe Ran Mao is a cat in a human body, probably something akin to a bakeneko (thanks wondrouswatchdog for finding info about it).

(I’ll be using the manga only to prove my theory, so no counter-attack with s1 and s2 please, I don’t consider that to be canon.)

Now, unto proving that:

*Facts we know about Ran Mao so far thanks to the manga in general*:

- She’s very strong (she can hold chui weapons easily), and capable at fighting and killing. (Curry Arc when she kills Mina and Harold West)
- She seems to harbor an undying loyalty for Lau, and is rarely seen away from him
- She almost never speaks but when she does, she uses very few words and never speaks a complete sentence. She also often seems aloof.
- She lacks common sense (remember the panties on the head?) and dresses outrageously, which goes against England’s customs for the Victorian era but also even against China’s. One other thing is that sometimes she doesn’t seem to realize that her outrageous clothing fluster people (Book of murder the, when she bumps into Arthur C.D.)
- She has bells always hanging around her ankles and her hair is always up in long braids circling cat ears.
- Lau always pets her like one would an animal (stroking the top of her head) and calls her a “cat” (Curry Arc) and her name means “Blue Cat” in Chinese.

That’s mostly what one can gather from her different apparition in the manga.
Now thanks to Book of murder being animated I managed to gain some more info. (Just as a reminded: BoM is the arc in which Ran Mao appears the most and Yana indeed left small details hanging around throughout it.)

There is:

- the peculiar color of her eyes.


I’m pretty sure many won’t agree on that point but compare it with Mey Rin’s from Book of Circus, Wendy’s, anyone who have brown eyes in Kuroshitsuji and you’ll see the shade of Ran Mao’s eyes is clearly different to any shade of brown or hazel that there is. Personally I call that color amber and after some research on the Internet, I’ve found out that while many animals have that eye color(dogs, cats, owls, eagles…), it’s way less frequent for humans (but not non-existing , which is I agree that point isn’t a proof in itself) .

- A strange habit that she has is also to sniff food in front of her. There is that scene in the manga


and it was also animated (check it at around 38:00). And I don’t know for you, but for me that’s not something a human would do, however that’s something cats do.

- Also after discovering Phelps’ murder, she’s seen sniffing the dress Lau offered Ciel. Check it at around 39:55, you can even see her nose moving (that’s so cute).


So, adding the sniffing habit to the other facts + that small scene in the first episode of Book of Circus when Lau gives her food to eat, for me it’s quite obvious that Ran Mao is more cat-like than human-like except for the physical appearance.

About that, I was speaking earlier of the possibility for Yana to be inspired for Ran Mao by the Japanese legends of Bakeneko (yōkai cat, literally “monster cat”) especially since their abilities includes shape shifting into humans and they can also speak human words.

More generally, I think if not a bakeneko, Ran Mao could simply be a Chinese girl possessed by the spirit of a cat, since there are a lot of legends about Chinese spirit possession and we all know how Yana researches a lot before introducing a concept in Kuroshitsuji. In any case, for me it’s obvious that Ran Mao isn’t a human.

But what does that bring to the plot?

Well, except for demons and Shinigamis, we’ve had proof of other kinds of supernatural beings existing in Kuroshitsuji. Aghni is an example of that with his godly hand, even if he is a human outside of this gift, but there are others that we can suspect of being supernatural (like John Brown after his moment in the current Werewolf/Greenwitch arc and maybe even Frances Midford).

Having Ran Mao turning out to be supernatural gives Lau a sudden power-up for things to come, because in the Underworld, Lau is a very important ally of Ciel’s, and even if they’re not enemies yet, Lau’s got his own agenda and his own goal, and he might not stay Ciel’s ally until the end. Furthermore, he’s a complete mystery and the fact he appears to be an airheaded idiot is something not to be taken lightly, so if a conflict between Ciel and Lau arises, you can be sure there will be a Ran Mao vs Sebastian show down (and just like how Undertaker showed to be different from his anime version, maybe Lau will have a way to beat Sebastian with Ran Mao this time).

One last thing, I don’t think I have to point out that Lau is probably aware that Sebastian is a demon (which means that if he believes in demons and supernatural that’s because he knows they exist, and that means more evidence to the ‘Ran Mao not being human’ theory) since he doesn’t seem unfazed by Seb’s “resurrection” after Book of murder while he showed signs of surprise to see him “dead” (his actual words being: “to be able to kill that butler, the culprit must be…”).
That’s yet one more proof to take Lau very seriously, especially when he was the only one who managed to guess Ciel and Sebastian’s plan of introducing a 13th character in Book of Murder, right before Jeremy’s arrival (and you can be pretty sure that Ciel didn’t tell him beforehand, otherwise he wouldn’t have been surprised by Sebastian and Siemens’ murders).


On that, I’m out. ~


Ciel & Seb vs Lau & Ran-Mao

Reading this, I just realized I had forgotten Lau was physically quite strong as well because he always takes Ran-Mao everywhere with him and she’s the one we saw murdering two people.


But yeah Lau is fast, precise and deadly as well and he can certainly take care of himself.


So the question is: what’s the point of Ran Mao? He doesn’t look like he really needs a bodyguard after all, even though it might still be one of her roles.
I don’t deny that Lau very probably has a strong and affectionate bond with her, so she might just be around because they’re close. Or that’s not just it.

I once wrote my thoughts about Ran-Mao and I still feel the same about her, but right now, after reading rationalkuroshitsuji’s posts about Lau, I’m wondering if Ran-Mao’s continuous presence isn’t a hint from Yana to tell us not to trust Lau too much because he’ll end up acting against Ciel.

I fully believe in that in the first place (maybe I’m influenced by s1 here, I can’t say) because Lau is a Mafia leader and he likes the control, so him accepting to be a step below Ciel forever doesn’t seem so logical.

And who can Ciel count on if that happens, who is his greatest ally? Sebastian obviously, and according to Ciel’s own words…


… Sebastian is definitely his dog.

As for Lau, stronger than Ciel obviously but still a mere human very probably, he has Ran-Mao who’s even more mysterious than he is…


… And who he calls his cat.

Also, “Sebastian” was the name of a real dog in the first place and Ran-Mao’s literally means “Blue Cat”.

So if you’re one for symbolism and foreshadowing, it might be a hint to a future conflict between Lau and Ran-Mao vs Ciel and Seb, or in other words the usual and famous dog vs cat conflict.

Because everybody is busy wondering about the Undertaker and Ciel’s past (the surnatural and creepy side of the plot), so we are all kind of pushing off musing about Lau to another day, because he stays one of the major comic factor of the story so far and doesn’t seem so threatening, and this might be a big mistake.

Just something to ponder on. :)

(lol and when you consider Seb’s only weakness is everything cat-related, we might not get the same ending for Lau as in s1, if Ciel and him end up enemies)

'I feel about as warm and happy as a potato in a hotpot'
Kaneki Ken
Nov 6, 2016 2:49 AM
Nov 2016
Hi; I'm new here and my English is far from perfect, so I hope that you will understand me (and that's the reason why I can't explain well my theories ....).
I don't support the Twin theory, despite it's popularity.
I'm not sure how popular is this one - I've read it somewhere and it loooks really plausible:
The Undertaker is Ciel's grandfather and he wants to revive Vincent (his son). There are many clues - one of the most important is that we never knew the name of the Undertaker, but we know the names of the other shinigami - even the names of the insignificant ones.
Jun 24, 2017 1:44 AM

Apr 2011
TBH I'm still quite unsure about theory Undertaker is Vincent's dad despite how his fond towards phantomhive family (especially since he had claudia locket and I just realized he had it already even since chapter 13). But if the theory proven to be true later on I'm still going to be ok with it (since sascha statement about how Ciel had interesting lineage for being able to recognize shinigami). Or much worst he probably claudia's dad lol but who knows?

I'm not sure but my theory is Undertaker probably is not the one who revive real!ciel back. so let's start from here:

The way he stated Undertaker basically believes that thing can't be undo. He may appear careless and crazy most of the time, but he is most likely very much aware of limits and has a firm grasp on the harshness of reality. So I don’t believe this has suddenly changed no matter how emotional he might get over a few individual deaths, he’d ever completely alter this core outlook. Apparently everyone has limits, even the Shinigami. Otherwise he wouldn’t have adopted the approach in the first place.

He also found it's naive to revive someone's dead:

his statement towards Ryan in campania arc was sounds like he find it how naive with the thought of reviving someone who has already dead. So as much as Undertaker was fond of Phantomhive family (crying over how Vincent died horribly and having Claudia mourning locket), I don’t even think he really went that far to reviving someone dead because again he always answering the other motives when he kept being questioned of making all of these bizarre doll such as “I just curious about the continuation” as if he doesn’t care or feel responsible for reviving human that he had done. So wouldn’t it flawed if he did that toward the Phantomhive family that he fond of the most??

And yes undertaker is really care toward Ciel, he basically tried to save him from sebastian because he basically tied the contract with him for the sake of revenge. (In anime s1 he's sadly barely made appearance since probably his character role really spoiler too much for the manga??)

That in this chapter basically Undertaker stated how he dislikes Queen Victoria so much because he made our!ciel do the dirty works toward her, and then he warned ciel as if he didn't was Our!ciel ended up in the same fate at his father and claudia (aka. dying as queen watchdog) kinda proof where claudia as the only woman who works as queen's watchdog.

and also Claudia's tragical death maybe already foreshadowed in Frances sadness that she's know her harshness pressuring her daughter for being good in swords. So that Ciel won't ended up in the same way as her grandmother.

Moreover I didn't support Undertaker reviving vincent's by putting his soul into real!ciel dead body (more like I really against that idea than Undertaker reviving real!ciel) because same as the reason above. But more likely it doesn't fit with Undertaker's motives at all and it was supported by this in campania arc:

it pretty flawed if we recall how Undertaker cried over Vincent's death along with his line:

I think I may understand if this pic just suggest how undertaker may probably desperate with vincent's death, but again if he really want to revived him there's no way he could do because his bones has been burned into ashes as he stated and considering twin theory much valid proof of that. And more so, Undertaker already aware he had a limit to do with his bizarre doll.

however of course I'm not denied the development of bizarre doll that he did, but as I mentioned before he never mentioned his own motive and always goes to other topic.

Undertaker is obviously has an experimental nature and wishes to test the limits of the living. We see how he shows no regard for his test subjects. He admires their beauty and finds these modified corpses a more ideal version of their former selves...but he treats them with no dignity. He deliberately created a massacre, possibly to test the resilience of his dolls against humans and vice versa (referring to the theory that he plans to somehow involve himself in the upcoming war). And again this is going to be flawed if he did that again to either Vincent and Real!Ciel (considering his motives toward saving Our!Ciel)

and did I just said he involved himself in upcoming of war?

Wasn't that sounds fishy already, I don't think yana just drop this without the foreshadowing (again I'm pretty much aware she's quite rather detailed about it). And just by the beginning of chapter 105 sascha seems excited because the war scheme is going to be out soon considering the Queen finally be able to get in touch with sullivan who be able to create poison gas.

so what is this picture explain about then?

and then this, which seriously portray how he is indeed involved with blue cult arc somehow

So I'll explain the first picture first, the actual translations was basically like this.
「ああ でも "ファントムハイヴ伯爵"はまだいるからね…」
“Ah, but… there still is an “Earl Phantomhive”[*singular/plural/female/male not specified], isn’t there…“

I always interpreted that line in particular as UT basically saying “it’s too bad that I can’t bring Vincent back since I really miss him because his body burnt, but at the same time there is still someone of Claudia’s family who has to put up with being the Queen’s Watchdog, so I still need to be around and watch over him”. So I think he is basically fond of Phantomhive in general, but then maybe that's why I think Ciel himself was confused in ch105/106. Ciel can’t have been thinking about this twin as the other possibility besides him in ch105, because apparently until ch128 he thought that his twin had died 4 years ago. So I didn't see any reason if Undertaker sided with any twins.

And second panel explained if we go into back on how Undertaker stated that he dislikes toward Queen Victoria, the potential war/ pre-scheme World War I, and potential her become the actual culprit of phantomhive family murder:

And if the queen/john brown is the mastermind behind the blue sect arc why he asked ciel to investigate it? My take on this was:

  • as an act in order to cover her political scheme. After all she doesn't want her name be tainted considered house of lords, scotland yard and military join the cult.
  • blue sect's goal was about politic as clear as I stated before with the people who got involved.
  • blue sect had been running quite a long ago after othello stated that the house of lord live much longer than expected considering their blood had been replaced by the new one.
  • queen high interest towards bizarre doll and still Sulin (which is why she even came to sullivan's house because she still not giving up about the poison gas)

You know that I've been stated on how Undertaker dislike queen so this may sounds far-fetched but what if he's trying to tamper queen's plan:

Regarding in blue sect arc, lord sirius still need so much blood. I mean for what? Undertaker stated he only just modified cinematic records so changing method by using blood is basically unlike him and makes no sense at all. And therefore, if we put the order that he is tampering queen's plan:

And bear in mind, it's probably the queen is the main opponent for Undertaker, not sebastian. Because he may know she's the one who probably behind phantomhive murder. However if Undertaker is slipped his mouth saying it to Ciel, it most likely will just trigger him to focus on his revenge and thus after it ended sebastian will likely to get his soul. Meanwhile if Undertaker focused too much on Sebastian by saving our!ciel, would still be in danger as the Watchdog (because himself already failed to save Vincent)

So yeah this panel explain everything:

funny that sebastian looking at him with disdain while undertaker just found it amusing. Anyway I might add another evidence since it might be still flawed. But then this is probably had went too long.
ChiYamaJun 24, 2017 1:48 AM

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