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Mar 24, 2016 12:15 AM

Feb 2016
Dominant said:
SaturdayKrush said:

Is Leona your favorite champion?

Shaco is who I usually jungle with. He's so incredibly fun early on. Aatrox too.

Udyr makes me cry. Where you around in the trick2g Godyr days? That was hell.

Nah, Shyvana is my favorite. Leona is second though. Really close <3

LOL yeah, that was funny. I liked when people tried to do it and couldn't. But it was always the person on our team that couldn't..

Ewww! A Shyvana player! </3 She used to give me tons of problems. Always abusing my precious Mundo. And then I found Vladimir.

Is Quinn still popular atm? I haven't played in a while but her ulti roam was an absolute nightmare to play against.
Mar 24, 2016 1:40 AM

Oct 2015
Yes I do ^ ^ on Ph server (Will update EUW soon)

Nope ahhaha I'm really bad at it

I feel so sexist since I've only been playing girl champs (sorry boys hahaha)
Hai~ :3
Mar 26, 2016 10:11 AM

Feb 2016
LabbyChan said:
Yes I do ^ ^ on Ph server (Will update EUW soon)

Nope ahhaha I'm really bad at it

I feel so sexist since I've only been playing girl champs (sorry boys hahaha)

You're not alone there. I only play as the guys =/

Sounds like you're a ranked addict. So what rank are you?

SaturdayKrushMar 26, 2016 10:23 AM
Mar 26, 2016 12:09 PM

Feb 2016
Dominant said:
SaturdayKrush said:

You're not alone there. I only play as the guys =/

Sounds like you're a ranked addict. So what rank are you?

I'm not a ranked addict, it's just that me and my friends only played norms last season so we've been trying to climb this season and don't play as much norms ;; I'm in elo trash you don't need to know LOL

Bronze 5 ftw?
I started off in Silver when I first started. Climbed to Gold 1 then never played ranked again. Normals is where the fun is. Ranked is just stressful. =/

I am trash by my buddies in Diamond standards. =p
Mar 26, 2016 2:20 PM

Feb 2016
Dominant said:
SaturdayKrush said:

Bronze 5 ftw?
I started off in Silver when I first started. Climbed to Gold 1 then never played ranked again. Normals is where the fun is. Ranked is just stressful. =/

I am trash by my buddies in Diamond standards. =p

Silver 3 ;p

I'm trasher, so dw honestly-- I always get fucks in ranked.

Super toxic people in ranked. Everyone plays the blame game there.
I climbed out of that Silver Elo hell by pretty much carrying every game. Silver is not much different than gold.

Just gotta dominate your lane and hope the enemy Vayne isn't 13-0 @ 15 minutes. XD

Map awareness and decision making is what matters most imo.
Mar 26, 2016 2:59 PM

Feb 2016
I buy wards everytime I go back to base. For such a small investment it saves your life, lets you push without fear and you know where the enemy jungler is. I even ward people's lanes when I jungle.

Even with the wards and pings people ignore them. It's so frustrating. Eventually I learned to not make an effort aiding people who don't listen. I just focus on the people that are paying attention and doing well.

Toplane + teleport bot = easy kills
Mar 27, 2016 10:16 PM

Nov 2012
Man this game has changed so much after I stopped playing League for half a year. MFW jungle Graves is a thing and Poppy knocks me across the map on my first game.
Mar 28, 2016 12:40 AM

Feb 2016
Shigure said:
Man this game has changed so much after I stopped playing League for half a year. MFW jungle Graves is a thing and Poppy knocks me across the map on my first game.

I hated most of the changes. What they did with Sion makes me sad. He's totally useless now.
Mar 28, 2016 6:31 AM

Feb 2016
Whoops! I blame the phone for the lack of a tag.

I'm terrible with Rengar and so are a lot of people. But when you see those good Rengars it's an absolute nightmare. Pretty much feels like an instant death. He's so scary when fed.

The jungler that has me on edge the most is Leesin. Gotta watch out for the ones that can actually land a Q and ward hop.

I usually just camp mid or bot when I jungle. Whatever lane has the most CC.
Or I lock in Nunu and proceed to be the biggest asshole ever to the enemy jungler. All the camp's belong to me.
Mar 28, 2016 8:00 AM

Feb 2016
Dominant said:
I can handle Lee Sin, I'm not worried about him unless he just gets fed out of no where. If someone dares to pick Lee I'll pick Trundle.

I want to play Kindred, and I want to learn her, but ugh.
Have you played Jhin or Sol yet?

Nunu? I need to try that. I've never jungled with him.

If I could learn rengay I would be happy af. That's so free. Rengay and Darius top. My phone is autocorrecting Rengars name. Help

I heard all the girls liked lumbersexuals so I never played any new champion past Braum, the manliest of men.. There's some sorta sick pleasure for me in beating on people learning new champions.

Love Trundle but I rarely see him played. Nunu dominates top lane vs people with no sustain. Build him AP early on and it's not even fair. They literally can't do anything.

Have you tried AP spirit fire Nasus? The damage is hilarious. I mean.. he totally sucks late game compared to this tanky version but it's still fun early game.

I almost forgot.. Nautilus is a huge jerk. Them ganks make me cry.
Mar 28, 2016 10:26 AM

Feb 2016
Dominant said:

are you kidding me???
girls don't like that

girls like guys in challenger lololol

I always play Trundle! I only jungled with him, then I started with Shyv, now I play Vi. I used to play Voli but I usually can't anymore with the other teams comp.

LOL I played AP Susan in aram and (i didn't know you build him ap in aram) so i got my ad runes and masteries, and reccommended was all ap and i said what the fuck
his ap E is ridiculous

Naut top <3 I love it. But if I'm against Teemo, I'd rather lose 3 lp

Alistar is fun everywhere. He's a little hard to jungle with but his ganks are god tier. As an AP mid he makes those pesky Katrina's and Yasuo's cry. That burst is op
Mar 28, 2016 11:10 AM

Feb 2016
Dominant said:

ay that sounds like a norms experiment to me

Oh, I used AP Alistar a lot in ranked. He can instant nuke the carry, pop ulti and laugh as nobody can stop him. He's better as a support though.

I gotta get used to the game again. New PC and these high settings are getting to me. 25fps compared to 200fps on ultra is a big leap. XD

Try it sometime though. Slap on a ton of AP and just Q and E someones face. Preferably vayne. I hate that bitch.
Mar 28, 2016 12:20 PM

Jul 2014
ap rengo :^)

Mar 28, 2016 12:32 PM

Feb 2016
CookieGawd said:
ap rengo :^)


You're so evil. So abusive!
Mar 30, 2016 6:22 PM

Mar 2013
I just got out of silver, and I found it pretty easy to get from bronze to gold, but I cant get out of gold 5 :( help, any advice? I main adc, and I just seem to get the shorter straws in games unlike silver I was able to get games that were closer and I the adc would make the bigger difference and win it for team, feels like in gold I cant do that as much
Mar 30, 2016 6:38 PM

Jul 2013
Cloude said:
I just got out of silver, and I found it pretty easy to get from bronze to gold, but I cant get out of gold 5 :( help, any advice? I main adc, and I just seem to get the shorter straws in games unlike silver I was able to get games that were closer and I the adc would make the bigger difference and win it for team, feels like in gold I cant do that as much

As with all games, when leveling people hit walls the best way to progress is purely practice.

╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭

Mar 30, 2016 10:10 PM

Feb 2016
Cloude said:
I just got out of silver, and I found it pretty easy to get from bronze to gold, but I cant get out of gold 5 :( help, any advice? I main adc, and I just seem to get the shorter straws in games unlike silver I was able to get games that were closer and I the adc would make the bigger difference and win it for team, feels like in gold I cant do that as much

ADC is the hardest role to carry with because you have to rely on your teammates.

Play a solo lane imho. A good jungler or roaming mid dominates that bracket.
Mar 31, 2016 10:06 AM

Jun 2014
Yeah, adc is a bit hard to climb just because of how dominant jungle and mid are right now. There're always jokes about initiating a fight down in botlane...

"Let's fight, oh there's the jungler. Mid is also rotating down. Oh, there's a TP down in the brush as well."

But in all honesty, if you find yourself having a hard time climbing, then it might be where you belong. I've been telling this to all my friends who got stuck in silver, gold, or plat. Upon hitting the next tier, they'll find that the skill level difference is negligible. Hell, I've played with some silver players who've performed better than a lot of the diamond players I play with.

Climbing out of divisions is heavily dependent on how well you're able to rotate to objectives and take control of the game before you lose your lead. A lot of people may not know this, but second tier towers don't gain armor/magic resist until 15 minutes, and even then they gain about 3 per minute. Inhibitor towers don't gain anything until 30 minutes.

If you find yourself having a hard time, despite being fed, then it's most likely your objective rotations. You can have a fantastic KDA, but if you can't rotate to the correct objective in time, or set up the lanes in your favor before pushing, then you'll find your advantage squandered and the enemy team catching up.

Mar 31, 2016 10:11 AM

Feb 2016
Xari said:
Yeah, adc is a bit hard to climb just because of how dominant jungle and mid are right now. There're always jokes about initiating a fight down in botlane...

"Let's fight, oh there's the jungler. Mid is also rotating down. Oh, there's a TP down in the brush as well."

But in all honesty, if you find yourself having a hard time climbing, then it might be where you belong. I've been telling this to all my friends who got stuck in silver, gold, or plat. Upon hitting the next tier, they'll find that the skill level difference is negligible. Hell, I've played with some silver players who've performed better than a lot of the diamond players I play with.

Climbing out of divisions is heavily dependent on how well you're able to rotate to objectives and take control of the game before you lose your lead. A lot of people may not know this, but second tier towers don't gain armor/magic resist until 15 minutes, and even then they gain about 3 per minute. Inhibitor towers don't gain anything until 30 minutes.

If you find yourself having a hard time, despite being fed, then it's most likely your objective rotations. You can have a fantastic KDA, but if you can't rotate to the correct objective in time, or set up the lanes in your favor before pushing, then you'll find your advantage squandered and the enemy team catching up.

That's sorta like the advice a D3 buddy gave to me. Decision making is what sets people apart.
Mar 31, 2016 10:16 AM

Jun 2014
SaturdayKrush said:

That's sorta like the advice a D3 buddy gave to me. Decision making is what sets people apart.

Put simply, yes; people need to stop thinking the divide between challenger/master/diamond/plat/etc is based on mechanics. There is only so much a person can do realistically that improves their gameplay. What do pros do differently than the regular player? Not much in reality--it's just that their decisions are better and more well-informed.

Rotating 3 seconds late to baron has the potential difference from being aced to being able to shove down a lane and take control of the game. Understanding what to do with your advantage after winning your lane (such as either rotating to mid-lane to take the tower and then other objectives, or choosing to push your lane down to 2nd tier to buy pressure) can mean the difference between a easily won game or a difficult game. Understanding when you can all-in can catch people off guard, especially when someone flash ultis to engage. Recognizing opportunity is much more important than outplaying.

In retrospect, what you do with your lead 15 minutes in the game can dictate how the entire game plays out for the next 45 minutes. You have the ability to either end the game within the next 15 minutes if played right, or to prolong it and potentially allow the enemy team to come back and win.

Apr 10, 2016 1:21 PM

Oct 2011
League of tanks

although to be honest, Huni should just not play an adc top and I'm quite sure Immortals can easily knock TSM out.
Apr 10, 2016 2:23 PM

Jun 2015
Apr 10, 2016 2:30 PM

Oct 2011
Boooo, Immortals can win 3 in a row, I believe!
Apr 10, 2016 3:37 PM

Jun 2015
TSM: LEGENDS - Season 2 Episode 12 - Mortals
Apr 10, 2016 3:59 PM

Oct 2011
I wonder if Immortals was paid to lose....

Like yeah some very unconventional picks but cmon.... they have only lost 1 game so far this season :/
Apr 13, 2016 12:35 PM

May 2013
Jannabella said:
I wonder if Immortals was paid to lose....

Like yeah some very unconventional picks but cmon.... they have only lost 1 game so far this season :/

TSM just has that sweet anime protagonist plot armor.
Apr 13, 2016 12:42 PM

Oct 2011
lol I don't like them, although there current rosters seems to be working for them, they still shouldn't be beating teams like immortals.
Apr 13, 2016 12:47 PM

Jan 2013
Yo is URF back now? I'd like to play some until it goes down again and then repeat the same thing next year.
Apr 13, 2016 8:47 PM

Mar 2012
Anyone here play on JP server? :}
Apr 16, 2016 12:28 AM

Aug 2015
OG vs G2 in Finals on EU LCS.
CLG vs TSM in Finals on NA LCS.

How exciting... *bored expression here*

To be frank, I like the fact that Fnatic was taken down by G2 in the semifinals last week. Otherwise, it would be some blatant plot twists on the LCS history that I thought it was more of an attempt to return the viewership to the likes of the previous seasons in LCS (LCK and LPL are doing fine though), specifically this is an attempt of "history repeats itself" similar to their respective Summer Split 2015 Finals (OG vs FNC and CLG vs TSM). Although I am worried that when OG and TSM wins here, it is like "we are able to beat Korean teams through better communication (a running theme for TSM back when the current roster was about to form)", since G2 and CLG have Korean players in their line-ups. I personally do not like this kind of storyline LCS was trying to work right now (I honestly prefer TL vs IMT and G2 vs H2k in their respective Finals IMO).

Okay, for the more serious part...

I personally prefer to see new teams like either Team Immortals, Team Liquid or NRG E-Sports as NA LCS representative for MSI 2016 or G2 E-Sports for EU LCS rather than C9, CLG, TSM, OG or FNC here. This is really getting old especially Team SoloMid who had been in a lot of competitive scene outside LCS compared to any other teams really... After all, teams who will join the MSI are definitely targeting for the actual victory especially a certain LCK team (ROX, KT or SKT), EDG, a certain LMS team (Machi, Flash Wolves or ahq), and a certain IWC team (there are eight of them right now), not just for appearances only here and there just because they compete against other teams from the eastern parts of the world. *sigh* I belonged in that part anyway so I am more of LCK, LPL and LMS though.

Still wondering whether SKT could be able to win against KT and especially ROX (favorite LCK team this season) in order to be in MSI once again. At least, compared to either any of the LCS teams participating in the previous MSI/All-Stars, SKT T1 actually win games on those events. Even then, I don't mind seeing Faker and Bengi once again on MSI right now.
Frankies_MonsterApr 16, 2016 12:43 AM

Apr 16, 2016 12:29 AM
Dec 2011
Is this game fixed yet, or still infested with FOTM Plague?
Apr 17, 2016 1:41 PM

Jun 2015
Apr 19, 2016 11:50 PM

Jul 2014
Tank meta is retarded. Build Ice Gauntlet, Sunfire Cape, and Visage and it's gg. Ultimate meme build.

Apr 19, 2016 11:55 PM

Sep 2009
Tank meta is retarded. Build Ice Gauntlet, Sunfire Cape, and Visage and it's gg. Ultimate meme build.


But not all tanks were created equal :3
Be thankful for the wisdom granted to you.
Apr 19, 2016 11:59 PM

Jul 2014
MortalMelancholy said:
Tank meta is retarded. Build Ice Gauntlet, Sunfire Cape, and Visage and it's gg. Ultimate meme build.


But not all tanks were created equal :3

Apr 20, 2016 12:06 AM

Jul 2014

mfw ...................................................
Apr 23, 2016 6:12 AM

Oct 2015
I'm sad, I wanted to start playing Ekko right before he started getting constantly banned.
Apr 23, 2016 6:30 AM
Apr 2016
In asia, defense system for tanks is retarded.

You're an alistar sitting at 350+ armour and you have a katarina with 300 AD no armour pen, and she can kill you within 20 seconds. With basic auto fucking attacks. What the fuck.
May 6, 2016 3:35 PM

Jul 2014
RIP another legend

mfw 17 accounts

May 6, 2016 3:59 PM

Oct 2012
RIP another legend

mfw 17 accounts
Deserved it.

Riot needs to start handing out permabans more tbh.
May 7, 2016 1:12 PM

May 2013
tbh tyler1 was / is fucking hillarious :D
May 7, 2016 1:13 PM

May 2013
like that pan flute of titanic in the background gets me every time.
May 7, 2016 1:23 PM

Aug 2014
kornay said:
tbh tyler1 was / is fucking hillarious :D


I can't not laugh every time I read his int list.
May 7, 2016 10:26 PM

May 2013
Voidling said:
kornay said:
tbh tyler1 was / is fucking hillarious :D


I can't not laugh every time I read his int list.

a helpful guide to dodge games :^) heh
May 7, 2016 10:29 PM

Jul 2013
that moment when it starts off like a normal game for once then 2 ppl dc

<----- my reaction

╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭

May 8, 2016 8:30 AM

Jun 2015
anyone watching MSI? fuck, best tournament ever

I fuckin love CLG lmao

May 8, 2016 8:46 AM

Jan 2011
When you realize if CLG didn't lose to supermassive, they'd be screwed right now.
May 8, 2016 10:00 AM

Aug 2014
lol, gross gore started streaming again.

May 8, 2016 12:49 PM

May 2013
Voidling said:
lol, gross gore started streaming again.

yup that got me so mad .. like he made that "sorry" video where he did not even apologise seriously, rather he tried to gain some pity and just ranted instead of actually apologizing

tho i expected him to atleast keep his word to stop doing that crap and now he starts again -w-
May 8, 2016 2:43 PM

Apr 2013
kornay said:
Voidling said:
lol, gross gore started streaming again.

yup that got me so mad .. like he made that "sorry" video where he did not even apologise seriously, rather he tried to gain some pity and just ranted instead of actually apologizing

tho i expected him to atleast keep his word to stop doing that crap and now he starts again -w-

Are you talking about apologizing for the Krepedo incident?
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