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Can you really learn enough Japanese from Anime?

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Dec 19, 2015 9:55 PM
Jan 2014
What helps me is to sometimes use 'Google Translate' to check on words I hear and read in the anime.

But actually learning a working knowledge of Japanese? Uh, ... no.
Dec 20, 2015 12:22 AM

Aug 2015
Yes and No
Enough to understand when subs are wrong. But not enough to watch them raw.
Dec 20, 2015 1:07 AM

Apr 2012
After watching over 1,000 animes in subs I can understand the phrases for the most part but there is still quite a bit I don't know and need subtitles for. That being said understanding is one thing speaking is another. The sentence structure of Japanese is entirely different from English and I feel that's something you need to be properly taught. The best way to learn a language is to try to speak it with natives though. I would say you can learn words but not the language.
Dec 20, 2015 1:08 AM
Dec 2015
You would only learn a few words here and there. Getting Japanese lessons is much more effective. Although weeaboos think its possible and end up the way they are
Dec 20, 2015 1:12 AM

Mar 2015

* It's just you.
Dec 20, 2015 1:12 AM

Nov 2014
Psychedelic said:

Dec 20, 2015 1:15 AM

Mar 2015
No,Take some damn classes.

Dec 20, 2015 1:28 AM

Dec 2009
There's a lot of babbling...
It depends on the person. You will need to do at least a tiny bit of looking up to get the precedent for grammar structure... You can learn a language just through hearing it constantly, but it won't be enough to maintain a conversation with anyone, just enough to understand the flow of things.

Someone who's very observant, listens, and studies by ear what is being said, will learn a lot more than just reading and seeing subs. You also have to pick up on things like subtitle inconsistencies. By this point, without doing any classes or self studies, i can tell when subs are wrong, but i'm still missing the complex vocabulary for context. You'd need to witness a staggering amount of speech and have many years to learn it semi-fluently. Possible but inefficient.

After 6 years and paying close attention, with a couple hours practising on friends, i could probably get around japan without being totally helpless. That's about it.
GenesisAriaDec 20, 2015 1:47 AM
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“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Dec 20, 2015 1:32 AM

May 2015
Yes, you can learn the vocabulary.
Dec 20, 2015 1:32 AM

Jan 2015
19990930 said:
Yes, it's true. I learned Japanese through hentai.
Dec 20, 2015 2:06 AM

Aug 2014
No no no... You just learn some simple Japanese words.
Dec 20, 2015 2:12 AM

Jun 2015
nope. ive also been watching anime for 2 years but i haven't gone that far. you can just learn a few common words.

set by secret santa ; thank you! ily ♥️
Dec 20, 2015 2:30 AM

Oct 2013
Ofc you can learn a few phrases from your hentai anime collection, but there's no way you'll learn anything of importance. I've been watching anime since as long as I can remember and only caught a few odd words. Now that I'm actually learning japanese I can say for sure that you will never learn anything from watching subbed anime and anyone who even tries to disagree with me is delusional.
Dec 20, 2015 2:52 AM

Oct 2014
I barely know any Japanese (about 200 vocabulary and about 0.5 grammar) and I am able to watch anime without subtitles. Typically this just means that if I'm adjusting my laptop and my good eye doesn't have a proper view of the subtitles that I don't have to rewind it but I have watched some shorts that are only available raw and have understood at least a few of the words. Using context clues you can usually figure it out.
Dec 20, 2015 3:00 AM
Apr 2015
You can learn a little but it still won't be enough because japanese is really hard for english or other language soeaking people.
Dec 20, 2015 3:01 AM

Oct 2012
If you really want to get good, you need to take lessons and really dedicate yourself to learning it. Watching anime isn't going to do you any good if you put in zero effort into learning Japanese yourself, because you aren't absorbing in any information.
Dec 20, 2015 4:14 AM

Dec 2015
Yes, if you go about it the right way. Especially, if you've learnt another language purely through self study, then it's really not that hard.

The problem is that your brain treats words it doesn't recognize as noise, if you can get yourself to register every syllable as you hear it, even if it means nothing, you'll eventually gather phrase long strings of syllables and things will start falling into place.

Although a better way to do this would be to learn kana and basic grammar like particles and conjunctions once you've picked up the little phrases like baka (that's probably everyone's first word), yoroshiku, honorifics and the like. This shouldn't take you more than three weeks. It helps to be able to recognize sentence structure when you're trying to pick up new words, especially because English and Japanese sentence structure have pretty much no similarities whatsoever. (This part was pretty easy for me because Japanese and my mother tongue share near identical sentence structures.)

When you've done a little bit of homework in the beginning, the familiarity will you pick up a lot more words as you hear them

Don't stress out over Kanji if you're only going to use Japanese for anime.

I wouldn't say my Japanese is fabulous- and I haven't been watching anime for a particularly long time any way, but I'm pretty pleased with my learning curve. I feel like I can think in Japanese now with maybe a couple of blank spaces here and there, which is the coolest thing ever because that feels the least natural when you take a formal course.

If you watch anime, and think it would be fun to pick up the language along the way, I'd say that's far from impossible, you should go for it. But if you're actually trying to learn Japanese, there are faster ways to do that than anime subs.
Dec 20, 2015 4:29 AM

Apr 2015
You definitely cannot read their writing though, so it's pretty much still useless if you plan to go to japan if you cannot read jackshit.
Dec 20, 2015 5:40 PM

Jun 2015
ObliviousOkapi said:
Yes, if you go about it the right way. Especially, if you've learnt another language purely through self study, then it's really not that hard.

The problem is that your brain treats words it doesn't recognize as noise, if you can get yourself to register every syllable as you hear it, even if it means nothing, you'll eventually gather phrase long strings of syllables and things will start falling into place.

Although a better way to do this would be to learn kana and basic grammar like particles and conjunctions once you've picked up the little phrases like baka (that's probably everyone's first word), yoroshiku, honorifics and the like. This shouldn't take you more than three weeks. It helps to be able to recognize sentence structure when you're trying to pick up new words, especially because English and Japanese sentence structure have pretty much no similarities whatsoever. (This part was pretty easy for me because Japanese and my mother tongue share near identical sentence structures.)

When you've done a little bit of homework in the beginning, the familiarity will you pick up a lot more words as you hear them

Don't stress out over Kanji if you're only going to use Japanese for anime.

I wouldn't say my Japanese is fabulous- and I haven't been watching anime for a particularly long time any way, but I'm pretty pleased with my learning curve. I feel like I can think in Japanese now with maybe a couple of blank spaces here and there, which is the coolest thing ever because that feels the least natural when you take a formal course.

If you watch anime, and think it would be fun to pick up the language along the way, I'd say that's far from impossible, you should go for it. But if you're actually trying to learn Japanese, there are faster ways to do that than anime subs.

+1 for the intellectual response.

Personally, I'm in the "think it would be fun to pick up the language along the way" group. The language is pretty interesting, and it would be cool understanding it to some degree. It's funny how "normal" Japanese sounds after watching anime for awhile. I hear some other language and it just sounds like noise to me. But when I hear Japanese out of anime, I recognize it fairly quickly.

I will probably never bother with Kanji, but I definitely want to learn Hiragana and Katakana. Too bad my college doesn't have Japanese classes :c
Dec 20, 2015 7:34 PM

Nov 2011
"the more you know, the more you know you don't know" - Aristotle
beginner learners and those who watched anime for a bit tend to overestimate their skills in the language. anyone who actually wants to learn the language should either take a course (ideally if you're starting out) or at least get a good grammar book (as well as someone far more advanced in the language - ideally a native speaker - to help)
also, read my sig.
You can buy lossless digital music from your favorite Japanese artists on
The songs are all DRM-free and you can re-download your purchased albums as you wish.
Show your support to your favorite artist if you can!
ps. if you are looking for Japanese albums, you have to search it in Japanese (not romaji). Just copy and paste the name.

For those who want to learn Japanese through anime
Resources for learning the language
Dec 20, 2015 7:40 PM

Oct 2015
I managed to learned several Japanese words just by watching anime subs, but I know that wasn't enough just yet. It also requires some good study of the language knowhow (like learning how to speak one, writing kana and kanji and others) and all if you wanted to learn the language seriously, for sure.
Dec 23, 2015 10:33 PM

Oct 2008
Dakrith said:
It'll help practice and reinforce listening/comprehension if you're actively studying it via other means.

Watching it will definitely help you get used to listening to Japanese and you'll have an easier time pronouncing Japanese words.

This is all though, no one can absorb a language through passive means alone.

Definitely this. Anime has helped me achieve listening skills that were better than my classmates, and helped me understand Japanese people when I went to study abroad. However, my speaking was not able to keep up with the listening.

Only way to achieve some kind of fluency, or at least at a conversation level, you would need to be exposing yourself to a Japanese environment every single day (living in Japan, or working with Japanese or speaking to Japanese friends etc).

Taking some kind of classes along with textbooks and other resources, will definitely help with the reading and writing bit, and anime can help you recognize those words you learned (e.g. "Oh she said 'toshokan ni iku', I know that means going to the library") and you start being able to break those sentences down to recognize what is a verb/adjective/noun etc.

Anime alone won't help with Japanese learning, but when supplemented with classes, self-study, textbooks, etc., it will definitely help out.
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Dec 23, 2015 10:45 PM

Mar 2012
A few words? yes
Going to Japan and talking like a boss? no

Simple as that...
Dec 23, 2015 10:52 PM

Jun 2009
Heck, why not. I'm quite good with languages and somewhere around 700-800 titles I started noticing mistakes in subtitles (I mean translation and not typos) and watch RAW, now I can watch RAW quite freely. Or listen to Drama CD. Or whatever it is if it's not written text in Japanese. But I'm fully aware that I can't speak proper Japanese without actually putting some effort into learning it. Not to mention reading or writing.
And sure I won't be able to understand half of what a random Japanese person IRL can say. I tried, actually, but he was so damn fast I couldn't follow his speech. Didn't have enough time listening to get used to it tho.

So if you need to understand language for the sole purpose of watching even more anime it could work out if you'll try hard enough. Otherwise any language needs actual learning.
Dec 23, 2015 10:56 PM
Jan 2013
I've seen my fair share of anime currently at 520 watched and I can honestly say that having watched this many I wouldn't be able to watch anime un-subbed. As mentioned before the way anime is scripted generally allows me to have somewhat of an understanding of what their dialog is, because I've memorized a lot of the phrases. But to the extent where I could watch the whole thing un-subbed and fully grasp what they're saying is something I'm not quite too ready for. Give me another 500 anime's watched then perhaps.
Dec 23, 2015 11:01 PM

Oct 2014
Dec 23, 2015 11:08 PM
Mar 2015
It's entirely possible. But never I have ever seen it happen once in my life.
Dec 23, 2015 11:19 PM

Apr 2012
I've been watching anime ever since I was able to walk on my two legs. Basically all through childhood until now. Watching anime is my main hobby, and I've probably been watching it a bit more than necessary.
But I've got to say, yes, I have learnt so much Japanese from watching anime. I can now watch episodes without subs and understand daily conversation. I first started off by familiarising myself with a few phrases, then I became familiar with the other details. I've never learnt Japanese until year 9, but when I went into class for that first year, everything was a breeze because I already understood it all.
All in all, if you put dedication and a LOT of time into watching anime (which I'm sure you guys already do), it IS POSSIBLE to learn Japanese from anime. Although your reading and writing won't be the best, your listening/understanding skills will definitely improve.
Dec 24, 2015 1:00 AM

Jan 2008
Like everyone else is saying, nope.

But if you are studying Japanese to a serious extent, watching anime will probably help. Especially when it comes to the pronunciation of words.
Dec 24, 2015 1:18 AM

Sep 2015
You can learn some pretty basic shit like 'sekai', 'sumimasen', 'baka', 'neko' and stuff if you pay enough attention. Maybe even whole sentences like 'Anta wa urusai' or 'Ore no namae wa -;insert name;-'.
Sure you can learn Japanese by watching subbed anime. If you're a delusional weaboo wannabe, that is.
I think scanlated manga with a shit-ton of translator's notes helps more, though.

So~ short answer? No.

It probably helps with pronunciation and sentence structure, though. Also maybe if you're so pretentious you call your friends '-san' and '-chan' and '-kun'. I know I do.
Nothing is here desu~
Dec 24, 2015 1:55 AM
Feb 2012
Learn solely from anime, no? That's not possible.

Learn reading or writing? I don't even have to answer that one.

However, if you go through the basics of grammar once, it's possible to enrich your vocabulary quite a bit through it.
Dec 24, 2015 2:54 AM

Aug 2013
I watch raw episodes if I get tired of waiting for the subs and I understand most of it from context. I dont think you can master the japanese language from watching anime, but you can learn the basics from it

Dec 24, 2015 2:57 AM
Jul 2018
you can't really learn decent japanese from anime.Maybe just a few words and phrases but that's it
Dec 24, 2015 3:24 AM

Nov 2012
Nope it's not possible but would be nice if it was easy as that
Dec 24, 2015 3:34 AM

Jul 2009
Cosmetify said:
I will probably never bother with Kanji, but I definitely want to learn Hiragana and Katakana. Too bad my college doesn't have Japanese classes :c
A great way to learn it is by downloading some language learning apps. I was able to learn Hiragana and Katakana fairly quickly with some free apps. Katakana I still have trouble with but Hiragana I have down pretty much perfectly. Just takes repetition and practice (the apps quiz you using flash cards).

There's apps for Kanji too but gosh it's ridiculously hard. I don't even understand how it works. That's a whole other level. But yeah Hiragana and Katakana are quick and easy to learn. Good luck. :3
Dec 24, 2015 3:38 AM
♡( •ॢ◡-ॢ)✧˖° ♡

Dec 2014
Nope, I've watched anime for more than 10 years and I still can't read any Japanese Writings or understand what Japanese-speakers say.

(っ◔◡◔)っ 𝓘 𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝔀𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓭𝓪𝔂 ♥
Dec 24, 2015 3:46 AM
May 2009
You can. Only reason why you can is cause you are picking up the words with Fansub context. You can't learn a language unless you have context.

Been exposed to Hebrew and arabic for 6 years and only picked up a few words from Context, but majority is jibberish cause I don't have subtitles to read.

When people say 2 years, I would say it depends on the volume they have watched in the two years. I mean if you watched 1 episode of anime in 2 years I doubt you would have picked up anything.

But if you watched daily for good 3-4 hours, than you would start to recognise words and sentences, due to repetition.
Dec 24, 2015 4:57 AM
Jun 2014
Well you can learn some phrases like "iyaaa yamete" , '"Iku Iku" but learning what is the meaning of whole sentence hmmmm to hard you need to start from scratch. ^_^
Dec 24, 2015 5:51 AM

Oct 2012
Not nearly enough, especially if you want to be a fluent speaker.
Dec 24, 2015 5:59 AM
Aug 2014
If you watched it without subs over and over again. I have a spanish teacher who learned english purely from watching english movies.
Dec 24, 2015 6:02 AM

Apr 2013
Not 100%, you can learn a lil but not enough to watch without subs
Bigger isn't always better.........
Dec 24, 2015 6:08 AM

Jul 2014
You'll speak broken Weeaboo japanese
Dec 24, 2015 6:13 AM

May 2013
I tried learning Hiragana and Kitakana after 2 years of watching anime, and that was already hard as hell , and I am not even talking about Kanji, that is insane, not to mention I am very weak with languages. Now after 5 years of watching, I can do background stuff and understand ~50 % what is said, but I still got check casualy tp undrstand better.

Conclusion: No, After 5-6 years of anime watching I would still have to take dictionary just to say most common things in japan
Dec 24, 2015 6:20 AM
May 2009
Sleepy-lt said:
I tried learning Hiragana and Kitakana after 2 years of watching anime, and that was already hard as hell , and I am not even talking about Kanji, that is insane, not to mention I am very weak with languages. Now after 5 years of watching, I can do background stuff and understand ~50 % what is said, but I still got check casualy tp undrstand better.

Conclusion: No, After 5-6 years of anime watching I would still have to take dictionary just to say most common things in japan

Sounds about right. Though for travel Japan has enough english signs so wasn't a problem. Only problem I really had was reading the food signs in more traditional eateries, where you'd have no idea what the hell they were selling, since the words didn't paint a picture of the dish.
Dec 24, 2015 6:22 AM

May 2013
You can't, maybe you'll understand few words/sentences but never speak fluency
Dec 24, 2015 6:57 AM

Apr 2010
Not possible unless your brain is extremely gifted.The only guy I've heard about who can do that is referred to as "The Human Google". Guy can remember everything after seeing/reading it once.
Dec 24, 2015 7:06 AM
Aug 2015
I watch a lot subbed anime and it is a bit little more then two years and I can understand anime without subtitles its cool to see you say that, but I don't know to read Japanese I can understand it when hearing it
Daniel_ChDec 24, 2015 7:08 AM
Dec 24, 2015 7:46 AM

Jun 2009
Really and enough? No.
To some extent? Yes.
For many people watching anime started their interest in learning Japanese, not only in the hearing/speaking part, but also in reading/writing.

I don't know how to write or read Japanese. I can speak and understand it, though. Not everything, but the daily, everyday conversation are understandable for me.
I can say that I know Japanese more than people who don't watch anime at all. However, people who actually learn it are on totally different level.
I like pancakes.
Dec 24, 2015 10:58 AM
Dec 2015
Anime uses broken Japanese for the most part. I've been able to to learn words and small phrases from anime. but that still leaves me at about baby lvl. But you can learn a lot more from youtube
Dec 24, 2015 12:48 PM

Aug 2015
That definitely isn't true. There are things you can't know just by watching anime (the functions of particles etc.). You can learn some words they wouldn't teach you in books, but that's about it.
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