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How do you analyze an anime?(please read the first post before proceeding to type)

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Feb 5, 2015 5:41 AM

Jul 2014
Let me get this out of the way first.

WAD1992 said:
immature immature immature immature immature immature ....etc

Ok, now that were done with that:

WAD1992 said:
a)generic un-original stories with no actual depth or moral msgs. ..[subjective standards]
Lets take this season for example: about 9/28 shows kinda fits your criteria. that's about 30%...

WAD1992 said:
b) excessive use of fan-service (sexual or otherwise) to appeal to the viewer's shallow needs or/and out-bloated animation to compensate for the lack of originality in the story ....
despite the fact that this statement is idiotic because of of the last sentence i'll do the math for you again:
from this season 6/28 are. again, that's not even 30%
OkashiFeb 5, 2015 6:07 AM
Feb 5, 2015 5:49 AM

Jul 2014
WAD1992 said:

Imo using depth or moral messages as a criteria for the quality of an anime is really reductive.
Now I understand why you hate Kill la Kill so much.
Feb 5, 2015 5:50 AM

Feb 2010
Well, let's see, I'm not sure if I know how to answer as I can't really say I go through a fixed process, but let's think about it for a moment...

First and foremost, I never expect myself to be completely objective, but I always try to see the positives and the negatives that I feel are really objective without much question for subjectivity (ex: clear failures in animation, art or very big plotholes).

Then I suppose I go through the things that may interest or bore me, but can be vice-versa for other people (ex: being a heavy dialogue anime is something that, if done right, I appreciate. For some people, understandably so, even if well done, can get bored when dialogues is really heavy). I'm mainly talking about thinking about to whom an anime is directed. What kind of people, what group of age, whatever.

This is now completely subjective, but, what about my enjoyment? I may think something is really good, but don't enjoy it as much, as I might think is not that good, but enjoy it. That's something that happens, and while I can easy admit that X anime is better than Y, even if I enjoyed Y more, I can't just forget about the fact that I had a better time while watching Y.

Very connected with the last point, and this is something I do some time (usually a month, more or much more), how did the anime stayed in me? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only here that has some anime that just stay better in my memory. I'm not talking just about remember the events, but how the anime marked you. As a personal example, sure, I enjoyed Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex the first time I watched it many years ago, but since then, the anime has actually grown in me quite a lot, and that's without even watching it (ok, I am rewatching it now, but it grew before that). It's an anime that did things good, and just stayed in me, grew inside me upon further analyzing it in my head, thinking about it. Usually those anime that I know are no good, but I actually enjoy have a contrary process (without me forgetting I enjoyed them, nor even neccesary getting to the point of "how did I enjoy this").

What I've said doesn't only apply to the anime as a whole, but also to the different aspects of one. Was the music good? Was it so good that I keep frequently listening long after the anime was finished? Is the animation good? So good that is still one of the first that come to mind when thinking about well animated stuff?

I try as hard as I can to forget about the hate/hype the anime has received from other people. I don't care if it's overrated or underrated, I want to decide how I rate it myself. This is a strong point, and sometimes easier said than done, because even if many won't admit it, our own opinion is usually influenced by the general opinion. I'm not innocent about this myself, though I think the years have made me better at ignoring the general opinion when forming my own opinion.

I do care though about what the anime might have innovated in the industry. I won't ignore if I feel the anime brought something new to the table... but I won't think it's the best at it just because it was the first one. Let's just say there are times where the sons or grandchilren do better than their predecessors.

Finally, for technical stuff, I do have in consideration the time where the anime was released. I can't just go and say something like, let's say, "Gundam 00 is much better than the orignal Gundam because it has much better animation." This is specially important because, you know, there will also probably be a big animation difference between the anime now and the anime in 30 years (I can consider animation in relation to the time of their release though).

TL;DR version: No, there's no such version.
Akai_ShuichiFeb 5, 2015 6:04 AM

People need societies, but they don't necessarily need nations. - Yang Wen-li
Feb 5, 2015 6:01 AM

May 2014
Okashi_sama said:

Yea after seeing your animlist, i see how you might get offended by my second sentence :")
But you are SEEMINGLY more knowledgeable then me about current anime that are airing, however i am talking about the MAJORITY of anime that targets children/man-children ... which are BLATANTLY flooding the industry ....
i don't need hard core subjective statistics to tell me otherwise, meaning i am not willing to make the effort of calling you out on these statistics and advancing this discussion because:
CLEARLY we have entirely different understanding of what is and isn't "mature" (yes i said it again :P)
AND for the sake of conciliation, your right i'm wrong ... good day.
FYI: that video is overused as hell also.
ZA_WAYDFeb 5, 2015 6:18 AM
Feb 5, 2015 6:11 AM

May 2014
Aria-da-Capo said:
WAD1992 said:

Imo using depth or moral messages as a criteria for the quality of an anime is really reductive.
Now I understand why you hate Kill la Kill so much.

i dont hate KLK :|
i watched it
and i think it's pure SHIT that i would NOT even rate (it is an anime parody after all, the creator said so himself)
I also have no problem with not being introduced to it in the first place.
i seriously DON'T have the effort to say why anymore :(
all in all i did enjoy KLK , i am enjoying cross ange and post ALLOT about it in the sub-forms for gags,i find the silly shipping in every episode hilarious :")
But this is NOT what i look for in every anime i watch, i DO also enjoy fun original deep stories that has meaning every once in a while and i APPRECIATE THE EFFORT put in them more then anything, i appreciate them even more when they manage to convey what the anime is ACTUALLY about .... so obviously i would rate them higher then the other "mediocre" anime THAT I ALSO MIGHT ENJOY.
Feb 5, 2015 6:23 AM

Jul 2014
I think there's a difference between a peculiar and enjoyable anime like klk and an enjoyable average anime. What I meant is klk have some redeeming qualities even though it don't convey a "deep" message.
It would be easier to understand your point of view if you had a list anyway.
Feb 5, 2015 6:26 AM

Oct 2010
WAD1992 said:
jal90 said:

They are overused because they are cheap ways to express liking/disdain for something, and quite often don't have a solid ground to be used. Stating that something is shallow and generic, or deep and original, is useless to discussion if there is not anything beyond this, as to why show A is shallow, why being shallow ruins it, why show B is deep, and why being deep makes it better than A. And etc.

That is one of THE MOST REASONABLE arguments i have heard so far here on MAL !!!!
i like you ... :3
Okay here is my take on this:
First case:
1) Lets say show A is trying to deliver a certain msg. X and it fails (for some obvious and OVERALL accepted reason).
2) Lets say show B is trying to deliver the same msg. as A but succeeds.
would that make B better then A ??

Second case:
In a show that MOSTLY revolves around ONE MC and support characters are used as plot-devices to develop said character.
Lets say after a "significant and critical" number of character development points, the MC still manages to come off as one dimensional without showing any singes of growth.
Wouldn't this be considered a MAJOR flaw in this anime??
And wouldn't using certain generic "distractions" from this FLAW reduces the quality of the anime in question ??

Your first case is grounded on a failure, if A tries to be B and doesn't succeed, then B is better by comparison. The example I brought works under the assumption that A or B can apply for different standards.

Your second case is a huge "depends". Not only on the genre and type of story (e.g. there are many comedies that are grounded on familiarity (quirks), and this point of view is as valid as focusing on shock value/originality), but also on the way it decides to explore the matter. For instance, there is a Polish movie about an obsessive-compulsive man who observes reality and objectifies it, people are enemies, or stupid, or just don't understand him. The film tells a day in the life of the character, he is not supposed to change or grow, but you are supposed to understand his issue at the end. There is not development, there are not true side characters, but there is a sense of emotional attachment.

I don't know what to do with the word "distractions" there... How do you judge them? How do you know that this isn't the primary purpose or point of interest? Again, you are setting one side as bad before you compare it.
Feb 5, 2015 6:51 AM

May 2014
Aria-da-Capo said:
I think there's a difference between a peculiar and enjoyable anime like klk and an enjoyable average anime. What I meant is klk have some redeeming qualities even though it don't convey a "deep" message.
It would be easier to understand your point of view if you had a list anyway.

1) about the list, i was gonna fill it during my free time, that was back when i was a SERIOUS NOOB USER, but after seeing all the shipping and waifu threads getting all the attention, i thought :" if this is MAL then why even bother to make the effort ... " easier to go with the flow and "contribute" to the waifu threads, thats more productive as it seams :P
in summation, i have no intention of filling my list, there are ALLOT of anime/manga to put, and tbh, it would be a wasted effort, i would have filled it for the sake of the rating/recommendation system, but that is also flawed beyond repair and quiet frankly, just plain useless , since .... well ..... lets just say sasuga MAL :p
My opinion, klk is an anime that has certain goals to convey, and it managed to do that, as a result it is enjoyable .... i have no PROBLEM in admitting that.
But my point of view is the following:
Lets assume that anime A is considerably sheep to make, because , it doesn't take mush effort to make since it used ALL the generically sheep props of a battle shounen and B is an anime that "I PERCEIVE TO BE BETTER THEN A".

1) for A: guaranteed success in achieving it's goals ==> hence guaranteed enjoyment on a certain level (for the people who likes violence/gore/vagina shots etc... )

2) So why is anime B better then A :
a) It's no MYSTERY that making anime with actual depth and realistic characters is EXCEEDINGLY more difficult then making anime such as A. (hence the need for effort)
b) Even success at conveying what the anime is ACTUALLY about is NOT easy to achieve. (hence the need for even more effort)

if an anime manages to pull off a and b then how could i possibly consider A a better anime then B.

Take this example:
1)Someone offers you a bowl of French-fries and a bowl of salad.
2)You ate both and enjoyed both.
3)you enjoyed the bowl of fries but in the back of your mind you KNOW the salad has more vitamins and OVERALL better for your body.
so what dish do you consider better ??

This is highly dependent on if the anime both succeeds at achieving their goals, but it's the only analogy i found :P
ZA_WAYDFeb 5, 2015 6:56 AM
Feb 5, 2015 6:54 AM

May 2014
Zergneedsfood said:
I'm pretty objective when I analyze things.

Also most things that jal90 said. Anybody who disagrees with him is 100% wrong.

i don't disagree with him, but i will get as mush as i can out of him :3
because i found his arguments interesting and THE closest thing i found on MAL to a logical reasoning.
Feb 5, 2015 7:10 AM

May 2014
jal90 said:
WAD1992 said:

That is one of THE MOST REASONABLE arguments i have heard so far here on MAL !!!!
i like you ... :3
Okay here is my take on this:
First case:
1) Lets say show A is trying to deliver a certain msg. X and it fails (for some obvious and OVERALL accepted reason).
2) Lets say show B is trying to deliver the same msg. as A but succeeds.
would that make B better then A ??

Second case:
In a show that MOSTLY revolves around ONE MC and support characters are used as plot-devices to develop said character.
Lets say after a "significant and critical" number of character development points, the MC still manages to come off as one dimensional without showing any singes of growth.
Wouldn't this be considered a MAJOR flaw in this anime??
And wouldn't using certain generic "distractions" from this FLAW reduces the quality of the anime in question ??

Your first case is grounded on a failure, if A tries to be B and doesn't succeed, then B is better by comparison. The example I brought works under the assumption that A or B can apply for different standards.

Your second case is a huge "depends". Not only on the genre and type of story (e.g. there are many comedies that are grounded on familiarity (quirks), and this point of view is as valid as focusing on shock value/originality), but also on the way it decides to explore the matter. For instance, there is a Polish movie about an obsessive-compulsive man who observes reality and objectifies it, people are enemies, or stupid, or just don't understand him. The film tells a day in the life of the character, he is not supposed to change or grow, but you are supposed to understand his issue at the end. There is not development, there are not true side characters, but there is a sense of emotional attachment.

I don't know what to do with the word "distractions" there... How do you judge them? How do you know that this isn't the primary purpose or point of interest? Again, you are setting one side as bad before you compare it.

This is also reasonable and true.
case one:well yes that is an accurate description of MY example and a specific case of YOURS.
case two: yes, but i am designating "certain anime" that has the goals i suggested.
the distractions part is a valid point on your side however, it my be the actual purpose of the anime, and in most cases it's hard to tell if that is the MAIN goal of the series.
I'd like to pick your brain more about this issue, just not on this thread and maybe later.
But thanks for the shat!!!
This is was surprisingly enlightening for me!!
Feb 5, 2015 7:14 AM

Jan 2015
PoeticJustice said:
I am a passive watcher so I watch the show and then absorb everything in. Sometimes the show has glaring flaws I can point out on the first watch, but sometimes that isn't the case.

I begin to deconstruct the anime in my head after a day or two. I break it down into several categories.

Characters: What is their role in relation to the narrative Did they change? What is their backstory? How did they advance the plot? How were their dynamics with other characters? Where these interactions interesting?

Story: What is the overarching goal of the show? Was it paced adequately so that it did not dampen the potential affect of the narrative? Did it entertain me? Was there any symbolism? What are the major themes? Were there any themes that I missed? Was their glaring plotholes? Were certain scenes poorly written? Was the world believable? Was their symbolism?

Sound: Did the voice actors capture the emotion of certain scenes? Did the soundtrack serve to enhance the experience?

Art: I don't give a shit unless it is super bad.

And after think about those things comes the "digestion," process. After deconstructing the major components of the anime and story, I decide whether first and foremost, did the anime succeed at what it wanted to do? And after that, I don't really give a shit.
That's detailed.More than I normally care to analyze.That's for the insight!
ninjastarforcex said:
i dont.
because anime is entertainment, not homework, no need to analyze things, just have fun .
lehur said:

How do I tell
Well, for all the anime I already watched, This is my opinion itself.

1. Good anime usually very usually have an interesting or sometime original/unique Opening, good SFX play a part too.
2. Original story, cause I watched Anime after I watch its manga or LN, so the story tend to less attractive for me. [like Code Geass or Glasslip or even alternative story like Tokyo Ghoul Root A]
3.I prefer the story that make me Brainstorming NOT boring fanservice (e.g Hyouka, Psycho Pass)
4.I prefer watch adaptation Anime from LN, if I want to watch Anime that have a less episode and Unique Plot/Story (cause Manga is tend to be too long). Having less episode is much more compelling cause the Ending is near and I can watch other anime as I already finish it.

E.g for Original Opening Kamisama Hajimemashita or TWGOK
E.g for Good Opening Barakamon
E.g for Good SFX No Game no Life
Interesting.But I think you should be more open minded while choosing animes to watch.You might miss a gem if this goes on.
Feb 5, 2015 7:15 AM

Jul 2014
WAD1992 said:

Actually I partially share your point of view, in fact I divide lesser anime from more ambitious anime, rating the latter 8+ and the former 7-.
But I don't share your discriminating factor. That's because I think message and depth are overrated. For example imo the Monogatari series are marvellously crafted, but I wonder what you think about it.
Feb 5, 2015 7:16 AM

May 2014
Zergneedsfood said:
WAD1992 said:
This is highly dependent on if the anime both succeeds at achieving their goals, but it's the only analogy i found :P
Not all art needs to have a goal. Expressionist painters and artists based their art on the idea of having no meaning whatsoever.

okayyy. so what am i supposed to "take out" from the anime/art in that case :|
allow me to be EXTREMELY prejudice here, i find such art/anime a total waste of time, and yes that is a highly subjective opinion, in any case i wouldn't argue about anime/art quality with people that have such tastes, simply because we have a "fundamental" disagreement on what qualifies as GOOD and BAD (no common grounds, hence no productive discussion) and thus i WILL never be able to share or even understand his point of view or his take on anime/art.
Feb 5, 2015 7:24 AM

May 2014
Aria-da-Capo said:
WAD1992 said:

Actually I partially share your point of view, in fact I divide lesser anime from more ambitious anime, rating the latter 8+ and the former 7-.
But I don't share your discriminating factor. That's because I think message and depth are overrated. For example imo the Monogatari series are marvellously crafted, but I wonder what you think about it.

I haven't watched it yet, planing to, but like i said execution and success ALSO counts.
Regarding my discrimination, it is a personal issue that i project on anime, i find it very hard to give more or less credit to something then it actually deserves.
AND in case i find myself doing so (since i am humane and i do have a biased opinion on certain anime/studios) i would at least admit that i am without changing my "irrational to a certain extent" opinion on said anime/studio.
Feb 5, 2015 7:30 AM

Jan 2015
RayAdha said:
Copyright_Sucks said:
As the title said,How do you analyze an anime?

I read the anime's synopsis first. If i like it, then i will proceed to watch it. But that doesn't guarantee i won't drop it halfway. Simple as that
But what about the analysis....
TripleSRank said:

Woah.This is the most detailed writing on 'how to analyse anime' that I've ever read.I can't thank you enough!Forget about analysis.With this I can write my own story!

Also thanks.I just wanted to make a tread where people discuss about their critical thoughts and how they apply it to writing reviews.
Feb 5, 2015 7:39 AM

Jan 2015
Gator said:
I compare the show with others I've watched before and rate it that way. How much had I wanted to see the next episode? Did I like the characters? Did I enjoy it overall? Music plays some part too, but not that much. Good characters are probably most important.
Hm...I never gave music much importance too.Will try to focus on the music impacts on scenes from now on.You should too.
Alpha101 said:
I really believe anime shouldn't be rated objectively. Anime is meant to entertain and appeal to the audience on an emotional level. And I think it should be rated on how well it actually does that. Now, if an anime is rated on how well it develops its characters, its plot, etc..... Objectively it doesn't really make any sense. People should rate anime on how well they liked it. One's analysis could be comepletely different from someone else's. I put this to an extreme when I rate. I basically rate an anime on how much emotion it can evoke out of me.
Hey,to each of his own.That said I respect your perspective about anime reviews.But I fail to understand why reviewing an anime objectively doesn't makes sense.Some reviews are biased and some unbiased.You are saying judging anime subjectively is ok but not objectively?It won't makes sense to me until you explain further.
Feb 5, 2015 7:39 AM

May 2014
Zergneedsfood said:
WAD1992 said:
okayyy. so what am i supposed to "take out" from the anime/art in that case :|
allow me to be EXTREMELY prejudice here, i found such art/anime a total waste of time, and yes that is a highly subjective opinion, in any case i wouldn't argue about anime/art quality with people that have such tastes, simply because we have a "fundamental" disagreement on what qualifies as GOOD and BAD (no common grounds, hence no productive discussion).

But "good" art is not constrained by whether or not it has a "goal" and you're construction of a "good" anime as one that has and succeeds in a certain "goal" is just provincial and, perhaps even worse, is an opinion bereft of any intellectual merit.

Cat Soup is good because it's a surreal experience, yet the director has cited that he really didn't know what he was doing with the anime. I don't think there are overarching umbrella "goals" of slice of life or iyashikei anime even if in something like Aria one of the main "goals" is to see Aria become a Prima Undine. But the lack of definitive "goals" or "messages" or anything else do not constrain the anime from being a good anime.

And a goal in itself is a relative experience because not every anime is going to have a singular definitive goal. For instance, what can you say the goal of Texhnolyze is? There are multiple answers to that question, and there continue to be many answers to various other different anime that attempt to be sophisticated.

I think shounen/shoujo shows, which are targeted at a younger audience, are different because since they're catering to a younger audience, they probably try to streamline the stories that they tell into a singular coherent point, but that doesn't explain the vast quantities of anime that don't exist in these categories that have more than one thing to say (and even shows targeted a younger demographic must certainly have certain shows that have more than one central goal).

That is an interesting take on this topic, but wouldn't the creator of the anime/art be conveying "a certain something" to the viewer if he succeeds at appealing to their taste??
Either if he is consciously or unconsciously doing this, he did manage to appeal to a certain crowd(s) (depending on what each crowd enjoyed in this anime).
Any art/anime MUST have a source, if the creator does this unintentionally, then, i dunno, he has natural talent, i guess??
And in this specific case, i think the creator that is conscious to his actions should be credited more (because, well more effort obviously).
Needless to say i am a guy that appreciates hard work :P
But this was also an eye-opener!!!
Are you two in hiding on MAL or something, because i rarely ever see you??!!
Feb 5, 2015 7:49 AM

Jan 2015
AzureDaora said:
Interesting.Some of the steps are missing in my procedure of anime reviewing so I'm thankful for the awareness.
Aria-da-Capo said:
I don't really analyze anime. I think of ratings as categories. Lower ratings for enjoyable anime and higher ratings for memorable anime.
Actually I think analysis often leads to overinterpretation. I enjoyed series like NGE, Lain and Utena because I had considered just their emotional impact and style.
This too is an interesting way to look at things.Philosophical.I love it.And yes,over interpretation often occurs with the analyzers :(
And before long most of the reviewers turn into Sturgeon's disciple knowingly or unknowingly.
Feb 5, 2015 7:56 AM

Jan 2015
HazukashiiDesu said:


Copyright_Sucks said:
Then I watch and re-watch the anime in both sub and dub versions.
Most times,I watch the anime more 4-5 times for better analysis.

][_, ([]) ][_,

Don't ask people how to write a review, find your own reviewing style.

But to answet the question in the topic: I tried to create a rating system like 15% story, 20% music, 25% characters etc but I couldn't find a suitable one so I just rate the way I like. Mostly enjoyment but other parts also play a role.
But sharing information makes you communicate better right?Also making you aware of yourself and others for better understanding of things.
Feb 5, 2015 8:06 AM

Jan 2015
Zapredon said:
By how much it interested me.

Anyway,I always LOL at some people who like to overanalyze anime as if anime is some kind of Shakspeare work or some deep literature work when the truth is,anime is mostly for teenagers.

Another similar thread.
Got it.
badwolf45f said:
I analyze it very subjectively, the most important part is the entertaining, some animes maight be bad but if I enjoyed it that's an approved to me.
That's your opinion and I respect it.Nobody said being biased is a bad thing(unless someone did).
Feb 5, 2015 8:18 AM

Jan 2015
jal90 said:
WAD1992 said:

Please don't tell me that these words are considered baiting/flaming also??!!

Not baiting or flaming. They are overused because they are cheap ways to express liking/disdain for something, and quite often don't have a solid ground to be used. Stating that something is shallow and generic, or deep and original, is useless to discussion if there is not anything beyond this, as to why show A is shallow, why being shallow ruins it, why show B is deep, and why being deep makes it better than A. And etc.
I can't argue with that with our average day mindset.To better understand it we need to be in very deep philosophical thoughts.
Like why being evil makes a person bad?Or why being a human makes that person a human and not an animal or considered to be on the same level of an animal?Just because we have self awareness makes us superior than animals?
And why animals are considered low level and not higher than humans when we compare someone to them?
Why less popular opinions seems to be more critical(and legit) in these types of media?
Why are we afraid to make mistakes if we learn from it?
With this we can question everything we humans have came to know about.This seems interesting.I want to try talking with you all like that sometimes.
Copyright_SucksFeb 5, 2015 8:40 AM
Feb 5, 2015 8:31 AM

Jan 2015
Akai_Shuichi said:
More interesting read.I agree with most of your points.Judging and anime based on animation quality is stuff that I rarely do because as you said the years difference in the industry makes it unfair.But if it's due to production problems then it's a different case altogether.
Feb 5, 2015 8:38 AM

Aug 2008
Copyright_Sucks said:
I can't argue with that.But to better understand it we need to be in very deep philosophical thoughts.
Like why being evil makes a person bad?Or why being a human makes that person a human and not an animal or considered to be on the same level of an animal?Just because we have self awareness makes us superior than animals?Why?
And why animals are considered low level and not higher than humans?
With this we can question everything we humans have came to know about.This seems interesting.I want to try talking with you all like that sometimes.

But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Feb 5, 2015 8:41 AM

Feb 2014
I prefer to not analyze, because the more I do, the more I find flaws, and my enjoyment is reduced.
I prefer to enjoy things to the max, so I shut my brain when watching anime.
Feb 5, 2015 8:48 AM

Feb 2010
Copyright_Sucks said:
Akai_Shuichi said:
More interesting read.I agree with most of your points.Judging and anime based on animation quality is stuff that I rarely do because as you said the years difference in the industry makes it unfair.But if it's due to production problems then it's a different case altogether.

And I agree, I will call out animation when it's just being lazy. But reviewing animation becomes much more difficult when it's old shows. At least I don't have enough knowledge to really know where are the limits really. It is a little bit easier if you're reviewing the season's anime, obviously because you're talking about the present, and you have other animes from the exact same time to make comparisons (and here being careful not to confuse animation with art).

hentai_eucli said:
I prefer to not analyze, because the more I do, the more I find flaws, and my enjoyment is reduced.
I prefer to enjoy things to the max, so I shut my brain when watching anime.

While that might work for some shows (a lot, actually), for me there's nothing more enjoyable than actually thinking along an anime. Sure, I'll find flaws, but if the anime is good, I'll most likely find strengths also, and there'll be a lot of things, sometimes big, sometimes small details, that I'll get to value so much more.

People need societies, but they don't necessarily need nations. - Yang Wen-li
Feb 5, 2015 8:49 AM

Jan 2015
Zergneedsfood said:
I'm pretty objective when I analyze things.

Also most things that jal90 said. Anybody who disagrees with him is 100% wrong.
That's some deep determination right there.I agree but only like 90% because you know,'Individuals'.
We always need to doubt something for fulling our delusions of being less hypocritical than the general mass.
hentai_eucli said:
I prefer to not analyze, because the more I do, the more I find flaws, and my enjoyment is reduced.
I prefer to enjoy things to the max, so I shut my brain when watching anime.
Aww...just come to our side of looking things critically.
It's fun and games.I swear.And if you have enough resistance in you,then you can enjoy most anime without trying to turn off your brain.Resist Sturgeon's law.
Zapredon said:
What?You mean the anime?How is that related to this?(sorry but I haven't completed the anime yet)

Also,WAD.Surprised to see you have deep logical conversations with the others considering your post mostly contains jokes and immature responses.Also trolling(no sarcasm intended).Keep it up.

Mod edit:
Qoud post merged.
AversaFeb 5, 2015 11:57 AM
Feb 5, 2015 9:13 AM

Feb 2014
Copyright_Sucks said:
hentai_eucli said:
I prefer to not analyze, because the more I do, the more I find flaws, and my enjoyment is reduced.
I prefer to enjoy things to the max, so I shut my brain when watching anime.
Aww...just come to our side of looking things critically.
It's fun and games.I swear.And if you have enough resistance in you,then you can enjoy most anime without trying to turn off your brain.Resist Sturgeon's law.

Enjoy your 10% while I enjoy my 100%

Also there is a thing called post edit, created so that you don't post 5 times in a row.
Feb 5, 2015 9:16 AM

Jan 2015
hentai_eucli said:
Copyright_Sucks said:
Aww...just come to our side of looking things critically.
It's fun and games.I swear.And if you have enough resistance in you,then you can enjoy most anime without trying to turn off your brain.Resist Sturgeon's law.

Enjoy your 10% while I enjoy my 100%

Also there is a thing called post edit, created so that you don't post 5 times in a row.
I didn't knew about the functions of the post edit fully cause I joined recently.Thanks captain obvious!You saved this fool.
Feb 5, 2015 9:18 AM

May 2014
when a good interesting SERIOUS topic comes up and there are multiple MVPs on the thread, i become serious.
I'm not one dimensional as naruto and shirou :P
i have layers man!!! XD
Mostly i found jal has an interesting point of view on anime (as you can see in the AD)
Zerg is the same, but Zerg has always been an "outside the box idea" guy which makes him a bit harder to understand, but Zerg=jal+ EXTREME TROLLING in some cases so i tend to avoid discussion with him -_-
But they are rarely active :|
Which leaves us with SSW quality threads :")
Feb 5, 2015 9:23 AM

Feb 2014
WAD1992 said:
when a good interesting SERIOUS topic comes up and there are multiple MVPs on the thread, i become serious.
I'm not one dimensional as naruto and shirou :P
i have layers man!!! XD
Mostly i found jal has an interesting point of view on anime (as you can see in the AD)
Zerg is the same, but Zerg has always been an "outside the box idea" guy which makes him a bit harder to understand, but Zerg=jal+ EXTREME TROLLING in some cases so i tend to avoid discussion with him -_-
But they are rarely active :|
Which leaves us with SSW quality threads :")

Dude your typing is like a teenage japanese cat exploded on a keyboard.
Feb 5, 2015 9:25 AM

May 2014
hentai_eucli said:
WAD1992 said:
when a good interesting SERIOUS topic comes up and there are multiple MVPs on the thread, i become serious.
I'm not one dimensional as naruto and shirou :P
i have layers man!!! XD
Mostly i found jal has an interesting point of view on anime (as you can see in the AD)
Zerg is the same, but Zerg has always been an "outside the box idea" guy which makes him a bit harder to understand, but Zerg=jal+ EXTREME TROLLING in some cases so i tend to avoid discussion with him -_-
But they are rarely active :|
Which leaves us with SSW quality threads :")

Dude your typing is like a teenage japanese cat exploded on a keyboard.

kayy :)
Feb 5, 2015 9:27 AM

Jan 2015
WAD1992 said:
Lol they are rare.And SSW threads are destined to get locked so we post memes and all.

hentai_eucli said:

Dude your typing is like a teenage japanese cat exploded on a keyboard.[/quote] What?I don't even-
Copyright_SucksFeb 5, 2015 9:34 AM
Feb 5, 2015 9:33 AM

Feb 2010
I kinda do both, though more focused on my side of the story. Why did I like this so much? Is usually the first question I ask myself (or the negative form of it) and then it comes down to breaking it up into subjective biases one the one side and how well it is executed overall on the 'critical' side. Though of cause the critical analysis is optional and for some shows I have no interest in it since the enjoyment is just so high that I don't even care about analysing it, I just enjoy the ride. And while critical analysis is somewhat objective in nature, it still doesn't exist without context and I won't put the same standards on a long-running battle shounen that I have for Serial Experiments Lain.

Those are the two things that should be part of a critical analysis if you ask me, otherwise I'll always be suspicious. 1. Awareness of your own biases and how they influence your viewing experience and 2. taking into account the context of what the anime actually is trying to do. Too many reviewers have their set of expectations which barely changes even when two series are obviously going for completely opposite things. Or they make their bias part of their analysis without pointing it out. Or worse, they pretend to not have any bias even when it's almost always still easy to identify through their 'objective' reviews.
I probably regret this post by now.
Feb 5, 2015 9:35 AM

Jan 2015
Hmm, how the story flows, the pacing of events, the art the anime, how the characters performed their roles, the kind of twists that happened in the show and also how much I enjoy the series
Feb 5, 2015 9:36 AM
Sep 2014
Copyright_Sucks said:
Varus said:
I try to go mostly Objective but I'm pretty sure subjective plays a part
Ok.But I would like more elaboration on that.Like what steps you follow for reviewing animes and all.

What reviewers in AniDB have is very clear to follow:
Average -/10
Animation -/10
Sound -/10
Story -/10
Character -/10
Value -/10
Enjoyment -/10

Most of them speak for themselves, well value, evangelion gets a better score than naruto because it was the baseline for a lot of other anime, and has an important historical value for the medium.

You can even go more hardcore:
General Artwork 2/2 (well-done)
Character Figures 1/2 (generic)
Backgrounds 2/2 (basic but fitting with the feeling of the series)
Animation 1/2 (basic)
Visual Effects 1/2 (basic)

Voice Acting 3/3 (rather mature and fitting with the feeling of the series)
Music Themes 3/4 (not great but fitting with the feeling of the series)
Sound Effects 2/3 (ok I guess)

Premise 2/2 (interesting)
Pacing 1/2 (slow)
Complexity 2/2 (rich context)
Plausibility 2/2 (vague and confusing but it’s there)
Conclusion 2/2 (solid)

Presence 2/2 (strong)
Personality 2/2 (rather basic but well founded)
Backdrop 1/2 (simplistic but it’s there)
Development 2/2 (strong)
Catharsis 2/2 (definite)

Historical Value 2/3 (quite famous)
Rewatchability 2/3 (high if you don’t mind the slow pacing)
Memorability 4/4 (extremely well-thought off to the point of forever remembering it)

The slow pacing may be a bother at times but overall it is great.

JohnnyBmeFeb 5, 2015 9:42 AM
Feb 5, 2015 9:41 AM

Jan 2015
Higashi_no_Kaze said:
I agree.Many reviews on animes on MAL are mostly biased so I can't trust them much.And some try to pretend that they don't have subjectivity in their report(or review) which seems ridiculous when they rank these animes as 10/10.This just defeats the point of being unbiased.
Feb 5, 2015 9:43 AM
Sep 2014
Copyright_Sucks said:
Higashi_no_Kaze said:
I agree.Many reviews on animes on MAL are mostly biased so I can't trust them much.And some try to pretend that they don't have subjectivity in their report(or review) which seems ridiculous when they rank these animes as 10/10.This just defeats the point of being unbiased.

Check out this guy
Feb 5, 2015 9:45 AM

Feb 2014
JohnnyBme said:
Copyright_Sucks said:
Ok.But I would like more elaboration on that.Like what steps you follow for reviewing animes and all.

What reviewers in AniDB have is very clear to follow:
Average -/10
Animation -/10
Sound -/10
Story -/10
Character -/10
Value -/10
Enjoyment -/10

Judging every anime with the same coefficients in every category seems unfair to me.
Some just don't need to be good in some categories, others excel in other categories. Judging every anime with a conrete rating system is just silly imo.
Feb 5, 2015 9:49 AM

Jan 2015
hentai_eucli said:

Judging every anime with the same coefficients in every category seems unfair to me.
Some just don't need to be good in some categories, others excel in other categories. Judging every anime with a conrete rating system is just silly imo.
Fair point.That's way I don't go for ratings(including the other reason as well)

JohnnyBme said:
Copyright_Sucks said:
I agree.Many reviews on animes on MAL are mostly biased so I can't trust them much.And some try to pretend that they don't have subjectivity in their report(or review) which seems ridiculous when they rank these animes as 10/10.This just defeats the point of being unbiased.

Check out this guy

Feb 5, 2015 10:08 AM

May 2013
It happens by accident mostly, not on purpose. I go into an Anime to enjoy it so I often won't notice the pacing, the art, clichés, etc, but if I do notice those small things, I will talk about them when I get the chance. It's not like I can get anything objective out of it anyway, so I hardly see the point myself.
Feb 5, 2015 10:30 AM

Oct 2014
JohnnyBme said:
Copyright_Sucks said:
I agree.Many reviews on animes on MAL are mostly biased so I can't trust them much.And some try to pretend that they don't have subjectivity in their report(or review) which seems ridiculous when they rank these animes as 10/10.This just defeats the point of being unbiased.

Check out this guy
Your opinion was invalidated the moment you gave that user any iota of credibility.
Feb 5, 2015 10:43 AM

Apr 2014
RedRoseFring said:
By how much it entertains me.
Feb 5, 2015 11:06 AM

Apr 2014
Feb 5, 2015 12:07 PM

Jan 2015
Milk_is_Special said:
um....about reviews....No?....ok......
Feb 5, 2015 4:22 PM

Aug 2008
Zapredon said:
What?You mean the anime?How is that related to this?(sorry but I haven't completed the anime yet)
Because the anime/manga with the closest theme you mention is Parasyte. Parasyte objectively one of the best anime?

ZapredonFeb 5, 2015 4:38 PM
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Feb 5, 2015 5:00 PM

Apr 2014
Copyright_Sucks said:
Milk_is_Special said:
um....about reviews....No?....ok......
Nope, and if I did it would be based purely on enjoyment.
Feb 5, 2015 6:32 PM

Jan 2015
Zapredon said:
Zapredon said:
What?You mean the anime?How is that related to this?(sorry but I haven't completed the anime yet)
Because the anime/manga with the closest theme you mention is Parasyte. Parasyte objectively one of the best anime?

[/quote]Will definitely complete the anime after it finishes airing.

Milk_is_Special said:
Copyright_Sucks said:
um....about reviews....No?....ok......
Nope, and if I did it would be based purely on enjoyment.
I think that's also good.
People like us make things less appealing by criticizing for some deluded morals.I don't think we can escape our mind unless we become a higher being,say a 4th dimensional creature(if that's possible).Or just simply live without having a care in the world.
Feb 5, 2015 8:17 PM

Jun 2014
Enjoyment and my shame levels after watching it.
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