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If you were a player in Btooom!, which BIM would you like to choose as a weapon?

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May 1, 2013 8:48 AM

Apr 2013
Timer Bim just because it's so versatile. I'd set some to 1 sec left to act as Crackers, use some for traps, can drop as you run to slow down or kill pursuers, etc. It's the most formidable Bim as a standalone.
I'll make a fancy one later... I'm lazy today.
May 4, 2013 7:00 AM
Apr 2013
For me it would be the blazing gass one or the mine one. Also the tracker one is very interesting aswell as it doenst take skill to use it and is very stealthy.
May 5, 2013 10:16 PM

Apr 2013
I'd prob go for remote control BIM u can do so much with that stuff
Jun 9, 2013 3:53 PM

May 2013
Cracker, sometimes simplest is the best. All the others can be used in creative ways but also have vulnerabilities.

I'm extremely suprised impolision is ranked highest because it's by far the worst (at least from what was shown in the anime). It takes too long to detonate, and it's time cannot be controlled like the time bomb. The effective radius is small, making it even worse. The only good thing is that it will absolutely destroy anything in the blast radius, but since your going after meatbags don't see the point.
Jun 20, 2013 8:46 PM

Jan 2008
Gas BIM hands down. Large area of effectiveness, can be used defensively. Someone coming towards you plant on between you and them and you have a smoke shield. If you are lucky throw it in the middle of a group of people.

It could also be used to get supplies. throw one in a general landing area or in the path to one. Will scare off most people from pursuing.

I kept imagining in the show when they had their little hide out where the three of them slept. Throw a gas BIM in there at night. Easy chips. Homing or remote would probably be my next pick.
Jul 9, 2013 1:39 AM

Dec 2012
Implosion BIM would be my choice, stick it down someone throat and they'll devour themselves.
Jul 27, 2013 1:57 AM
Jan 2012
Blazing Gas would be my first pick. Coat as much of the island in the fumes as you can then go collect your winnings.

Remote is a close second. Set traps where you're making camp, drop them while being chased, or throw them and detonate them midair... Versatile.
Mar 19, 2014 7:40 AM

Nov 2013
If all the people who voted take part in the game it would be pretty interesting and diverse :) I see the crowd leaning towards mass killing and destruction though ;)

Mar 19, 2014 7:41 AM

Nov 2013
You could always "cook" a timer BIM :)

Mar 25, 2014 3:07 AM

Oct 2013
I would go with Implosion BIM

Mar 31, 2014 8:35 AM
Mar 2014
timer bim pretty big explosion and alot of uses like setting up traps etc.
I love Survival game anime the most if you know any pm or leave a message pelase,
note i know mirai nikki , btooom , deadman wonderland and some more famous ones
Jun 7, 2014 10:37 PM

Sep 2013
I picked the Implosion BIM

This is an guaranteed kill if it hits skin plus it can double as a homing device as shown in the series. It also is great for early game when people don't know what it is but that isn't a really big factor.
Jun 8, 2014 5:46 PM

Feb 2013
homing bims :D
My favorite quotes from animes:

Those who seek miracles will never experience one. The hand of salvation only extends to people
who try to make miracles happen. - Ef a tale of melodies.
I destroy worlds. I create worlds. - Code geass
We are humans. - Shinsekai yori
100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10km run EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! - One punch man
Jun 16, 2014 9:20 PM

Feb 2011
Cracker - I don't really have a good aim.
Timer - Lack of precision.
Implosion - Fuck that!
Blazing Gas - Too dangerous, you're fuck is the wind change.
Huming - Can be stopped.
Flammable Oil - Lack of precision.

Remote Control - Precise, won't backfire & you don't have to be close.
Forever Berserk
Jun 16, 2014 9:32 PM

Jan 2014
Nice poll, first truly awesome thread in a long time... :P

I'd go for the Implosion BIM, primarily because my fighting style would be a stealth/melee style.

The biggest shortcoming of using BIMs in combat is that you really cannot use them on someone when they are close to you. The Implosion BIM, however, has a pretty small kill radius. I'm pretty fast IRL, faster, I bet, than 90% of the other players. Run/sneak up, slap my Implosion BIM on someone in the small of their back, and run away or keep out of that kill radius until my opponent is down.

The Implosion BIM is also useful for other things, for example about three of them could be used on pylons/supports to take out the entire raised concrete structure in the BTOOOM!! anime. Or for door/wall breaching.

But I'd use my BIMs sparingly, probably a light spear/garrotte would be my primary means of eliminating other players, provided I did not have a knife on me (which, since BTOOOM!! players all were put on the island with the stuff they were carrying, I probably would have).

Also, in the anime a lot of players wore their BIM cases bandolier style or on the waist with the BIM container behind them or at their sides. Bad, bad, bad. Bandolier style is too slow to ditch the BIM satchel if something goes wrong, and having the container to the back or sides means someone can get at them more easily or you cannot get at them quickly enough. I'd wear mine at the waist, container in front of me. It's the little things that make a difference.
Jackrabb1tJun 16, 2014 9:37 PM
Jun 17, 2014 2:31 PM

Nov 2013
Jackrabb1t said:
Nice poll, first truly awesome thread in a long time... :P

I'd go for the Implosion BIM, primarily because my fighting style would be a stealth/melee style.

The biggest shortcoming of using BIMs in combat is that you really cannot use them on someone when they are close to you. The Implosion BIM, however, has a pretty small kill radius. I'm pretty fast IRL, faster, I bet, than 90% of the other players. Run/sneak up, slap my Implosion BIM on someone in the small of their back, and run away or keep out of that kill radius until my opponent is down.

The Implosion BIM is also useful for other things, for example about three of them could be used on pylons/supports to take out the entire raised concrete structure in the BTOOOM!! anime. Or for door/wall breaching.

But I'd use my BIMs sparingly, probably a light spear/garrotte would be my primary means of eliminating other players, provided I did not have a knife on me (which, since BTOOOM!! players all were put on the island with the stuff they were carrying, I probably would have).

Also, in the anime a lot of players wore their BIM cases bandolier style or on the waist with the BIM container behind them or at their sides. Bad, bad, bad. Bandolier style is too slow to ditch the BIM satchel if something goes wrong, and having the container to the back or sides means someone can get at them more easily or you cannot get at them quickly enough. I'd wear mine at the waist, container in front of me. It's the little things that make a difference.

If the match was televised I think we all would vote for you to become a contestant, not many of the other players really thought about strategy in depth :P

Jun 20, 2014 12:37 PM

Sep 2013
MrSideliner said:
Jackrabb1t said:
Nice poll, first truly awesome thread in a long time... :P

I'd go for the Implosion BIM, primarily because my fighting style would be a stealth/melee style.

The biggest shortcoming of using BIMs in combat is that you really cannot use them on someone when they are close to you. The Implosion BIM, however, has a pretty small kill radius. I'm pretty fast IRL, faster, I bet, than 90% of the other players. Run/sneak up, slap my Implosion BIM on someone in the small of their back, and run away or keep out of that kill radius until my opponent is down.

The Implosion BIM is also useful for other things, for example about three of them could be used on pylons/supports to take out the entire raised concrete structure in the BTOOOM!! anime. Or for door/wall breaching.

But I'd use my BIMs sparingly, probably a light spear/garrotte would be my primary means of eliminating other players, provided I did not have a knife on me (which, since BTOOOM!! players all were put on the island with the stuff they were carrying, I probably would have).

Also, in the anime a lot of players wore their BIM cases bandolier style or on the waist with the BIM container behind them or at their sides. Bad, bad, bad. Bandolier style is too slow to ditch the BIM satchel if something goes wrong, and having the container to the back or sides means someone can get at them more easily or you cannot get at them quickly enough. I'd wear mine at the waist, container in front of me. It's the little things that make a difference.

If the match was televised I think we all would vote for you to become a contestant, not many of the other players really thought about strategy in depth :P

You would also have to keep in mind that this would have to happen after you accept the fact that all of this is happening which in most cases people don't have it in them to kill another person. Only after training or having a kill instinct does some have the the guts to put the trigger.
Jun 20, 2014 6:30 PM

Feb 2013
Cracker BIM for me, I believe you don't really need a great aim to use, it's a short/medium range bomb because it depends on your strength, and it's the best way to get on top in a 1 on 1 situation, which are the most frequent I see myself getting into.
Jul 8, 2014 1:49 PM

Jun 2012
Cracker BIM - Simple, easy to understand, easy to operate, and decently powerful. Activate it, throw it at the target, problem solved. However, the effectiveness of the Cracker BIM is completely dependent on your skill at aiming with thrown objects, and the range is dependent on your strength. For someone like a baseball player (especially a pitcher), this would be by far the most ideal and powerful choice, but people who aren't too good at throwing things will probably find themselves at a disadvantage in most situations when up against the more advanced types of BIMs. Still, I would consider it a great BIM to start the game with, being dependable enough to handle most situations until you get your hands on more advanced BIMs. This would be my third BIM of choice to start the game with.

Timer BIM - It's basically a frag grenade with a programmable fuse timer. For the most part it would work similarly to Crackers, however it has a few more tricks up its sleeve with the ability to be used as a trap. I don't really think this would be that great of a choice, it looks fantastic on paper but in practice you would have to put too much attention into managing the timers making sure they don't blow up in your hands or go off too late (attention that should be spent focusing on your survival and not micromanaging timers), one mistake could easily cost you your life and with only 8 BIMs you don't have much room for error and you can't easily afford to waste some for practice. I suppose if you were - for whatever reason - already well accustomed to using a device such as this, it would probably be better than a Cracker BIM, however for most people a Cracker would probably be more practical overall, even if it means losing out on a little bit of versatility. This would be my fifth BIM of choice to start the game with.

Implosion BIM - It's like a mix between a Timer BIM and a Homing BIM. Overall I would have to say this is probably the most effective choice of BIM as far as killing goes, the suction-homing ability gives you plenty of room for error to make a bad throw, and you're guaranteed to completely obliterate whatever it sticks too. If it sticks to something that isn't skin, they will be forced to discard the item and it will become permanently lost, as seen in the anime if it sticks to a BIM pouch they will be forced to discard the pouch rendering them completely unarmed. However, there are two big problems I can see with this BIM that makes it considerably dangerous to use. The first problem is that everything - literally EVERYTHING in the blast radius gets completely disintegrated, not a single thing is left behind. Obviously this includes their BIMs and I would assume this also includes the chip as well, so even if you do kill them there's a fair chance that there will be nothing to loot. The second problem is that it cannot be manually detonated and the timer is not programmable, so even if it does stick you run the risk of your victim closing the distance between you and getting caught in the blast radius before it explodes. Overall I would consider this a situational BIM to be used in dire situations where you need to be absolutely sure something dies even if you don't get anything out of it other than your continued survival, and isn't something I would use as my main weaponry. While effective at killing, it's not something I would want to start the game with, being my sixth choice of BIM.

Blazing Gas BIM - Extremely deadly with a huge kill radius, but terribly slow. I would consider this mostly a defensive BIM, something you can use to lock down an area allowing you to secure a retreat or buy yourself time. While it might be great for defense, it's pretty bad when used offensively. As shown in the anime, it is usually trivial to escape the gas by simply running away from it while it spreads, and the direction the gas spreads is largely dependent on which way the wind is blowing. Not only this, but it takes a long time to actually kill something, and your target has to stay in the gas for a prolonged period of time to be effective, so even if you catch them in the gas they still have a fair chance of surviving if they run away, possibly only sustaining minor injuries. The only time this BIM is shown to actually kill someone is when the BIM was literally attached to the chest of the victim, everyone else made it out alive and according to Sakomoto even some of the komodo dragons managed to escape. This is probably the BIM I would least want to start the game with, and if I was given a pack of these at the start it would crush my confidence and wash away my hopes for making it out alive. Literally every single other type of BIM is more effective in an offensive role, I think it would be more effective to make a spear or something out of a stick and try to get your first kill with that then it would be to depend on the corrosive gas to kill someone.

Homing BIM - Weak, slow, and able to be intercepted, but stealthy, accurate, and reliable. While Sakomoto somehow had the magical ability to sense them while they silently flew through the forest behind him, realistically nobody would ever be able to sense these coming. No skill is required to use this type of BIM other than the ability to press buttons and look at a screen, so it's just as effective in the hands of an ordinary person as it would be in the hands of a paraplegic who's blind in one eye with terrible coordination and weak arm strength. They are guaranteed to hit their target if no intervention is made, and even if they don't kill they will maim your victim and possibly incapacitate them, making a follow-up attack sure to finish them off. If your victim is by themselves they will be forced to intercept the BIM by using an object to smack them out of the air, however considering their small size it would be easy for them to miss their swing and they would also have to be fully aware of the attack beforehand, so you still have a very good chance of taking them out. If they have friends you are at a disadvantage because then they could simply grab it out of the air and deactivate it, but even if they deactivate one you still have a chance to eliminate them by switching targets periodically to keep them guessing. You shouldn't be picking fights if you're outnumbered in the first place, so this shouldn't be an issue. I could see this type of BIM being somewhat ineffective against a baseball player, as they should have little trouble smacking the BIM with a makeshift bat, but once again this would require them to be fully aware of the BIM and have something prepared to hit it with. Overall I would consider the advantages of this BIM to far outweigh the disadvantages, and this would be my main offensive BIM choice in most situations. Even if they already know you are there and the element of surprise has been lost, you still have a decent chance of landing a hit with it. This would be my BIM of choice to start out with. Starting the game with this BIM type would make me feel confident, and give me hope to make it out of the island alive.

Remote Control BIM - Powerful, versatile, precise. This BIM takes all the advantages of the Cracker BIM and the Timer BIM, and eliminates most of their disadvantages. You can use it as a trap and for making delayed explosions, but you don't have to fuss with any timers allowing you to focus all of your attention to the matters at hand. You can use it in a directly offensive situation as well, all you have to do is throw it like a Cracker and then detonate it manually when it reaches its target. The only real disadvantage is that you must have direct line of sight with your target to know when to detonate the BIM, and if you have many of them placed at once you must remember which number each one is so you don't detonate the wrong one. This would be my second BIM of choice to start the game with.

1300°C Flammable Oil Splashing Flame BIM - It's like smaller-scale but more reliable and offensive version of the Blazing Gas BIM. Upon detonation, it releases streams of extremely hot liquid flames, hot enough to incinerate anything it splashes onto allowing it to be used offensively, and also locks down an area with blazing hot flames allowing it to be used defensively as well. It's biggest and most obvious weakness is that it would be extremely dangerous to use at short range, since the chances of you burning yourself to a crisp would be high. Also, don't try to use this on or near a beach where your target has easy access to an ocean of water like the idiot in the anime did. This would be my fourth BIM of choice to start the game with.

LarasoJul 8, 2014 1:57 PM
Some parts of this post may be exaggerated.
Jul 8, 2014 1:50 PM

Jun 2013
Crackers sound like fun.

By the way, I have a friend with the name Bim. Bad luck.
Dec 5, 2015 6:41 AM
Dec 2015
It depends on the person who's using. Stark700 the real btooom! Can actually let 4 persons to pass.
Why & how: there is a sufficient amount of chips for the player who are about to win.I mean the amount of players are counted. If you disagree then pls read Btoom!Manga and watch the series again. It's better to team up and also check your teammates from time to time or else the same matter like the old man whp killed himself would happen. Just saying no hard feelings.
Dec 5, 2015 6:50 AM

Apr 2015
probably implosion bim, but not couse of cool look, but total destruction
Is it GreanPeace? I don't think so - whine to your parents or tell'em to buy sth for ur buttpain. Those ppl won't help you.
.. ..

Jun 16, 2017 12:38 PM
Mar 2016
Implosion Bim EZ kill
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