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Feb 13, 2014 7:15 PM

Jul 2013
Namine's Cafe IRC Channel

> To connect simply type in your MAL nickname and click start.
> Please skim through this info to get a brief understanding of how it works.
Note: Do not use excessively long and/or descriptive nicknames just for the kicks. The best is to stick to your mal nickname really.

You will proceed to the KiwiIRC web client, which is a limited web-hosted chat program.
We highly recommend getting a proper client for your computer/device, but it is NOT necessary.

Information below

Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a system that facilitates transfer of messages in the form of text. The chat process works on a client/server model of networking. IRC clients are computer programs that a user can install on their system. These clients are able to communicate with chat servers to transfer messages to other clients. It is mainly designed for group communication in discussion forums, called channels, but also allows one-to-one communication via private message as well as chat and data transfer, including file sharing. - wikipedia
More help available at

We have set up a channel on the Rizon network, which is the same that MAL use for their channel.
The server is:
The channels are:
  • #naminescafe
  • #naminescafe18+
  • #naminesstaff

Obviously the 18+ and staff channels require special access.
To get access to the 18+ channel simply message Lommelun, NoZephy or ask in the 18+ thread and the password will be sent to you.
You will also need to have a registered nickname to enter the 18+ chat. (not at the moment)

All club staff will be given half operator status at the very minimum.

Why you should, and how to register your nickname

Why would you need to register your nick?
To put it simply - you lock your nickname with a password so only you can use it. It's main use is to prevent nickname theft or impersonation.
Registering a nick also gives you some more access, and you will need it to join the 18+ channel.

To register a nick you need to interact with NickServ.
NickServ is a server service that acts like the keeper of nicknames.
/msg NickServ HELP

Note: Some users have reported that /msg does not work. Please try /q or /query instead
Will give you some more information about NickServ and nickname registration.

To register you need to private message NickServ. The command to register is

It should look like this /msg NickServ register passw0rd2014

When you have done so, you will recieve an email from the Rizon services stating that you will need to confirm with NickServ to complete the registration.
Simply copy and paste the confirmation code command and press enter. Should look something like this: /msg NickServ confirm 3AE2eGRvp

Club Rules

  1. Be nice to one another.
  2. Greet everyone! Nobody should be ignored :)
  3. Don't pick fights!
  4. Don't post inappropriate comments or links.
    Note: If you are going to link to an NSFW* site please do so in a PM.
    If the topic is nsfw please use the appointed 18+ thread
  5. Respect others, please debate in a civil manner.

Chat Rules
[*]Never spoil anything. Use spoiler coloring if you post spoilers, and tag these with the show it is for.
[*]Do not flood the chat - applies to repeatedly spamming messages, emoticons or similar.
[*]Do not attempt to impersonate staff, or any other member.
[*]No malicious links. For example screamers.
[*]Do not harass other members of the group, you will be warned. Repeated harassment will get you banned instantly.
[*]Do not repeatedly CTCP ping/version/time to other members without their consent.

> Breaking the aforementioned rules may result in a ban from the chat, and in worst case the club.
*NSFW = Not Safe For Work - Sexual, violent or other content not appropriate in the workplace or for children.

Clients are the software you use to chat. There are many variants, and many of you are probably most familiar with the web-clients such as Kiwi IRC or the one MAL use on their IRC page.
Below you will find information about different clients on different systems. We have tried outlining some of the differences, but it's mostly about what you feel is best for you.



  • HexChat - Recommended
    Clean interface, first setup can be slightly confusing, has limited options but is very easy to configure highlighting etc.
  • AdiIRC -
    Complex interface, more options, harder to setup with more rewards, comes with useful themes to get you started, can stack windows inside the main client window (extremely useful for multi channel chatting)
  • mIRC (Only free for 30 days) -
  • Quassel IRC -

(Can be installed from your Software repo)

  • XChat
  • Irssi
  • Konversation

Browser Plugins:

Google Chrome:
[*]Kiwi IRC

Common/Useful Commands.

Commands should be entered EXACTLY as you see them, not doing so will result in syntax errors.
Obviously you should replace the example text with your own.

/join <#channel> <keyword|password>

Example: /join #naminescafe18+ fak3passw0rd
This command will simply join the channel which you typed in.
If channel mode is set to +k then you need a password.

/leave or /part

Typing this command will leave the current channel.
e.g: I'm connected to both #namineschat and #namineschat18+. I only want to leave #namineschat18+ so I type /leave in the corresponding chat, the other chat will remain open.

/away <none|away message>

Example(s): /away I am currently away, please try again later sets your status to away with the specified message.
Conversely; /away removes any current set message and sets your status as 'back'.


/whois NoZephy gives the following results: LINK
This command will give you a quick run down on a client, including their real name (if they entered one), the channels they are connected too,
if they are away and what their message is, if they have been identified by NickServ and their flags (privileges) for the current channel. Example below.


Example: /nick NoZephy|AFK
Using this command will change your nickname. It's a common and simple mistake to change your nickname to NoZephy|AFK while you are away. You shouldn't really do this as people can steal your actual nickname.
I want to re-iterate at this point that people who are trying to steal/impersonate ANY nickname on the chat will be dealt with. Within the #naminescafe and #naminescafe18+, changing nicknames to represent you being AFK
is ALLOWED, however just be weary if you plan to chat on other IRC channels as many will kick and actually ban people for doing this.[/i]

/msg <nickname|#channel>

Example: /msg Lommelun Hi there, how is it going?
This command is used to message other users or channels. Depending on your client these will be shown differently.
elkensteyinFeb 28, 2018 9:12 AM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Feb 13, 2014 7:21 PM

Jul 2013
Original post by [url=]Kingorgg[/url]
Bot Commands

Namine's cafe has several bots that operate inside the IRC channel, below are a few commands that you may find useful to use.

Nee-chan was made by [url=]Kingorgg[/url] - for fun. However he is trying to make her useful for users in the chat. So far her commands are limited, but if users would like to submit suggestions then he can look at implementing them.

Voice commands (user prefixes: ~, &, @, % and +)

.profile user

Example: .profile Lommelun
Creates a link to a MAL profile page.

.compare user1 user2

Example: .compare Lommelun Kingorgg
Creates a link to compare two MAL anime lists.

.alist user

Example: .alist Lommelun
Creates a link to a user's anime list.

.mlist user

Example: .mlist Lommelun
Creates a link to a user's manga list.

.asearch anime name

Example: .asearch Naruto
Searches for an anime on MAL.

.msearch manga name

Example: .msearch Naruto
Searches for a manga on MAL.

Admin / Op commands (user prefixes: ~, & and @)

Half Op commands (user prefix: %)

Onee-chan is the ChanServ representative bot. Short description is; it gives users voice, moderator and admin privileges based off an xOP chart registered in ChanServ.
She does have some minor commands, but they are substituted with Nee-chan. However I will list them here in case of her absence.

Quotes keeps a record of quotes added by users.
Note: Do not abuse this function! Adding your own quotes is frowned upon.

.quote add
.quote add quote

Example: .quote add Roses are red, but that doesn't mean they don't sting.
Adds provided text to the quotes roster.

.quote search
.quote search string

Example: .quote search Lommelun
Searches quotes for the input text. For example searching a username will list the quotes that were created from and by the user.

.quote read
.quote read number

Example: .quote read 1
Pastes the quote contents of selected quote in the channel. Do not abuse this!

Does a various amount of fun commands. Everything from maths to google searches.

.cc OR .calc
.calc expression

Example: .calc 1+1

.d OR .dice
.dice number of sides

Example: .dice 5

.dict OR .dictionary
.dictionary search

Example: .dictionary hypothermia

.f OR .forecast
.f location

Example: .f Las Vegas, US

.g OR .google
.g search

Example: .g namine's cafe mal

.imdb movie

Example: .imdb howl's moving castle

.lastfm user

Example: .lastfm Lodottis

.w OR .weather
.w location

Example: .w Oslo, Norway

.yt OR .youtube
.yt search

Example: .yt piece of toast amv
SubbedJul 7, 2014 4:11 AM
Feb 13, 2014 7:27 PM
Jun 2012
List of Rizon Servers (Optional)

Why would I want to connect via a different server?
Better ping, connection issues to the main server(?), DNS cannot be resolved(?), support for IPv6 etc.

North America | Montreal, Canada | Philly, PA | Denvor, CO | Phoenix, AZ | Dallas, TX | San Jose, CA | Chicago, IL | Buffalo, NY

Europe | Dublin, Ireland | London, United Kingdom | Oslo, Norway | Paris, France | Rotterdam, NL | Stockholm, Sweden

Asia | Tokyo, Japan

SubbedJul 7, 2014 4:12 AM
Feb 14, 2014 1:00 AM

Mar 2013
Alright, so we have set up our own channel. Skype, IRC, and more. There's never too many.

Would you two mind sharing the password to access the #naminesstaff to all Staff members already? After all, unlike all the 18+ members in the club, we are limited, and all the members with the Admin club access are already listed on the club's index page, so I don't see an issue in letting them all know the password right away, w/o the necessity of an extra request.

Regardless, it's really nice to have the channel set up. Good work over there. :)
Feb 14, 2014 1:03 AM

Nov 2012
Yeah lom don't make me jump through hoops for that password, what would Roka do?
Feb 14, 2014 11:44 AM
elk sensei

Oct 2013
Subpyro said:
Alright, so we have set up our own channel. Skype, IRC, and more. There's never too many.

Would you two mind sharing the password to access the #naminesstaff to all Staff members already? After all, unlike all the 18+ members in the club, we are limited, and all the members with the Admin club access are already listed on the club's index page, so I don't see an issue in letting them all know the password right away, w/o the necessity of an extra request.

Regardless, it's really nice to have the channel set up. Good work over there. :)

If you're going to share the password to the staff members, please do so via PM only
Feb 14, 2014 1:52 PM

Mar 2013
elkensteyin said:
Subpyro said:
Alright, so we have set up our own channel. Skype, IRC, and more. There's never too many.

Would you two mind sharing the password to access the #naminesstaff to all Staff members already? After all, unlike all the 18+ members in the club, we are limited, and all the members with the Admin club access are already listed on the club's index page, so I don't see an issue in letting them all know the password right away, w/o the necessity of an extra request.

Regardless, it's really nice to have the channel set up. Good work over there. :)

If you're going to share the password to the staff members, please do so via PM only

I don't see any other way of sending it to the Staff only. I thought that sending it via the PM system went without saying. Regardless, to keep it 100% assured, do keep to the note - sending the password to the Staff members via the PM system, and that system only.
SubbedJul 7, 2014 4:12 AM
Feb 14, 2014 1:53 PM

Jul 2013
Sub, I am currently sending passwords out. Almost done in fact.
Takes a while as there's a 30s cooldown between messages.
Feb 17, 2014 9:17 AM

Jun 2013
sorry for being trouble but i can't register a nickname...
everytime i enter : /msg NickServ REGISTER PASSWORD EMAIL ( with my own password and email obviously ^^ )
or /msg NickServ HELP

it either says "register first"
or says "Disconnected from server"

i don't really know what to do anymore ^^
Feb 17, 2014 9:22 AM

Jul 2013
Hi 2Mfan,
Double check that you are connected to the rizon network ( (if you clicked the link to the web IRC you are, don't worry)

Some clients use /query instead of /msg. Try this :)
Either way; PM me there if it doesn't work.
/msg OR /query Lommelun message to contact me there.
Feb 17, 2014 9:50 AM

Jun 2013
I think it might be something to do with me :/
it keeps on showing "registration timed out", then "Disconnected from server" and at that point i can't send messages anymore and have to reload the page...
Feb 17, 2014 10:40 AM

Jul 2013
Might be your internet connection then, but seeing as you can post here it should be fine..
Try these pages and
May also be better to try a software client, we listed some in the original post.
Feb 17, 2014 1:03 PM

Jun 2013
I haven't managed to make it work on my computer but i think i can do it on another device.
thank you for helping me, i'm grateful, eventhough i didn't manage in the end ^^
Feb 17, 2014 1:58 PM

Jul 2013
Though just mentioning you don't have to register. It is preferred however, but seeing as you might just have connection issues it won't help that either I suppose..
Feb 17, 2014 9:55 PM

Mar 2013
Being perfectly honest, you only have to register if you would one day want to hold a higher access/power rank than you do now. ;)

That includes half-cop and op, as well as admin. To be a creator/owner, you would long have to register and learn the drill before setting up something yourself. I'm speaking about various channels in general as I say that, not being specific about Namine's and its ranking system, since it's not directly under my wing. But these peeps are very nice, so yeah, registering in any case whatsoever (if possible) is always a plus.
Feb 17, 2014 11:56 PM
Jun 2012
2Mfan said:
I haven't managed to make it work on my computer but i think i can do it on another device.
thank you for helping me, i'm grateful, eventhough i didn't manage in the end ^^

I recently updated my post which may help you. Pick a server that is close to you and see if the problem still persists.

If you're struggling for whatever reason, look at this image for help. :)
SirZephyFeb 18, 2014 12:01 AM
Apr 24, 2014 3:19 PM
Jul 2018
Edited. Added this to the second post. Original post follows
Bot Commands

Namine's cafe has several bots that operate inside the IRC channel, below are a few commands that you may find useful to use.

Nee-chan was made by myself - for fun. However I am trying to make her useful for users in the chat. So far her commands are limited, but if users would like to submit suggestions then I can look at implementing them.

Voice commands (user prefixes: ~, &, @, % and +)


Example: .profile Lommelun
Creates a link to a MAL profile page.

.compare <user1> <user2>

Example: .compare Lommelun Kingorgg
Creates a link to compare two MAL anime lists.


Example: .alist Lommelun
Creates a link to a user's anime list.


Example: .mlist Lommelun
Creates a link to a user's manga list.

.asearch <anime name>

Example: .asearch Naruto
Searches for an anime on MAL.

.msearch <manga name>

Example: .msearch Naruto
Searches for a manga on MAL.

Admin / Op commands (user prefixes: ~, & and @)


Example: !vop Lommelun
Adds a user to a list, so they get automatically voiced(+) when they join the IRC group. This will allow them to use commands.


Example: !devop Lommelun
Removes a user from the voice(+) list.


Example: !aop Lommelun
Adds a user to the Operator(@) list.


Example: !deaop Lommelun
Removes a user from Operator(@) list.


Example: !ahop Lommelun
Adds a user to Half Op(%) list.


Example: !deahop Lommelun
Removes user from Half Op(%) list.

!topic <new topic>

Example: !topic Hello World! This is a new Topic.
Changes the topic, seen at the top of the IRC client / page.


Example: !ban Lommelun
Bans a user.


Example: !unban Lommelun
Unbans a user.


Example: !kick Lommelun
Kicks a user from chat, however they can return.


Example: !kickban Lommelun
Kicks a user from chat and also bans them, so they can't return.

Half Op commands (user prefix: %)


Example: !kick Lommelun
Kicks a user from chat, however they can return.
LommelunJun 26, 2014 11:02 AM
May 19, 2014 2:14 PM

Apr 2014
Ah, sorry but I put in the wrong email while registering. Should I use a different nickname and register again or is there a way to get this one?
May 19, 2014 3:14 PM
Jul 2018

/msg nickserv cancel <password>

to cancel the nickname registration and then start again.
Aug 17, 2014 2:38 PM

Mar 2014
Umm, i have trouble connecting to the server anyone help me please?

It always shows 'Connection failed(an attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by it's access permissions)' after some time.I had already successfully chatted a while back(2 months back, i guess).So i don't why this is happening now.

I will be grateful if anyone can point out the reason why this is happening.
Aug 20, 2014 9:31 AM
Jul 2018
SpikeCB said:
Umm, i have trouble connecting to the server anyone help me please?

It always shows 'Connection failed(an attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by it's access permissions)' after some time.I had already successfully chatted a while back(2 months back, i guess).So i don't why this is happening now.

I will be grateful if anyone can point out the reason why this is happening.

What client are you using? and can you take a screenshot?
Dec 16, 2015 11:15 AM
Dec 2015
Why doesn't anyone reply to the chat?

pls help this :D


Dec 16, 2015 11:39 AM
Jun 2012
Most of us are using Discord now. Well, the few of us that give a shit anyways. Most of the group is obsessed with using Skype's terrible group chat.
Feb 6, 2016 7:55 AM
Oct 2014
hey why can't i enter irc anymore?
Sep 9, 2017 8:48 PM
elk sensei

Oct 2013
wow, it still works - how about that
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members

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