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Sep 4, 2011 12:15 PM

Oct 2010
this is 1 of the worst animes ive seen, why the hell does it have 8.44 score?

animes like this are just another proof of how common sense is not so common anymore.

First - the story:

the story is so cliched and retarded, why do people fall for the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

Put some tragedy in a love story and you'll "win" many people.

There was a parody somewhere over the internet in which it says "how to make a successful drama movie?"
1: have 2 beautiful people
2: make their love impossible
3: put a deadly disease
4: ask the same company to create the posters

you can google it if you want i think ive posted it somewhere around in funny pictures but cba to find it ,and they posted 3 huge hit movies and block busters and what not, it was funny because all 3 of them had 2 young people, some hate between their families and a lethal disease, and all 3 of them had almost the same poster in which they hug each other

so its the same here, this anime is cliched as cliche goes, the fact that it has such a high score tells me that the people here are completely inexperienced in movies/media to get touched by a retarded story such as this one. It was painful to watch how overcliched it was , people are so easy to win over its just stupid

2nd thing that annoyed me was their voices, utterly unfitting and bad voices .. 1 of the worst voicing ive ever heard in my entire life, Chihiro and Renji = SOO ANNOYING I COULD DIE!!!

3rd, characters were cliched as absolutely everything in the story

well enough here anyway, i have some more on my self-notes in my profile but i know that arguing with people who score trash like this high is pointless because you're as thick as a brick and stubborn to infinity and you'll never admit you're wrong and inexperienced and that you rated a trash anime highly

lots of music -
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Sep 8, 2011 3:45 PM

Oct 2009
Just because you didnt like it doesnt mean it sucks or it is overrated.

Its just needed 2 people having different opinions to make this anime questionable.

I loved this anime, you didnt, for you is overrated, for me might be underrated.

And you speak of this as being trash but have you already though that something that you love might be trash for somebody else??

So this topic is useless cause it wont change other people mind.
Sep 9, 2011 4:45 PM

Oct 2010
Im not sure whos trolling, im not thats for sure.

Just like i wrote it on my profile, kids abusing words nowadays..

@AnnoKano, how the hell am i trolling ? You have no clue what that word means stop using it, im pointing the obvious.

@trustt- i don't care what you say tbh.

Heres an example, you and me walkin down the street and chatting like we best pals, then you suddenly step on a dog shit and im like "EW , gross"
you crouch , pick up the dog shit and eat it and you're like "delicious"

since we both have different *opinions* does that mean that the dog shit is actually good? No it doesn't , its called COMMON SENSE but i guess thats something kids don't learn until they grow up and get atleast , atleast a bit philosophical. I can judge whats bad just like i can judge that the dog shit on the ground is bad

this anime is bad, it is a pathetic ripoff of hollywood dramas, the voicing is trash the realization is trash , the art is nothing special, everything is cliched and copied/stolen from other places < ALL THOSE ARE FACTS

its FACT that the characters are cliched because you can find them in every 2nd anime, the kuudere and tsundere and the good guy and the somewhat careless guy whos useless but always gets the hot chick for no apparent reason

its a fact that their voices are not fitting, its like having a baby being voiced by arnold.. ÏLL BE BACK

its fact that the story is stolen/retarded/cliched < GO WATCH A HOLLYWOOD DRAMA

you can't tell me its opinion based because facts are not opinions, they can be proved
lots of music -
Sep 9, 2011 4:53 PM

Apr 2008
Can we cut down on the insults?

Anyway, if you take a look at say, the top 30 anime on MAL, do you really think ef is the worst offender?

Gintama is apparently the best anime ever made, followed by Fullmetal Alchemist. We also have Code Geass and Clannad AS in the top 10.

I'm not going to debate what is better, or what is good and what isn't, as that boils down to personal taste (to a certain degree. Most would have to admit that Mushishi is a better anime than Mars of Destruction though), but I will say that ef has some merits. The art is quite good and the romance side of things is better than most. Sure, it has it's clichés, but what romance anime doesn't?

Might I also suggest that if you think someone is trolling or posting a thread when there shouldn't be one because of a related thread, that you report it instead of repeating the same over in a thread? That way at least a moderator will be able to judge the matter.
SoheiSep 9, 2011 4:57 PM
Sep 9, 2011 5:23 PM
Aug 2009
incisorr said:
lol logic

dog shit IS good. Its for certain species of dung beetles. They are the ones who eat it.

Sounds like you watched an anime you didn't like.

Are you an idiot? Noone would actually eat dog shit but by your analogy you did. Why are you eating dog shit??? Because it was rated 1000/10 on a website? The hell is your problem. Stop eating dog shit and your problems will be solved.
Sep 10, 2011 4:45 AM

Oct 2010

there are many romance animes that are far less cliched with better art, and because ive seen them before ef-a tale of stupid i guess when i watched ef-a tale of stupid i realized how stupid it actually is


how does that even make sense? dog shit is good for beetles ok, by your stupid logic im assuming you want me to look down on people who vote for trash animes and treat them as beatles instead as equals , thats it?
Because my example was obviously from a human point of view, if dog shit is good then lets meet irl i want you to eat some in front of me, and then i want you to convince someone else to eat it and say its good - so your statement(more like trolling/bitching) can be proved.

and as for "u ate dog shit cuz ur raging cuz anime rated 1001/10 on website"
> understanding how people think is good for me, i want to know how people think + i already operate as a shrink to some of the ppl i know so its even better

if i dont get something as dumb as that its natural to ask, and what i dont get is why anime is overhyped when it doesnt deserve, so i go ahead and ask

altho i can reach some conclusions by myself
> people who rate it high don't have enough anime experience
> people who rate it high dont have enough romance experience
> people who rate it high dont have enough movie experience
> people who rate it high dont have common sense
> people who rate it high are idiots because they prefer tragedy stories over "joy" stories, actually such people have always been beyond me.. why would anyone prefer a tragedy story instead a joy story ? im pretty negative myself in real life, i probably dont know any1 else whos more negative than me yet i usually prefer happy stories
(IN b4 someone commenting on welcome to the nhk, clannad, evangelion being in my top 5 animes < well you can see the good in them, in NHK
, in clannad well..
, in evangelion

in ef-atale of shit after the entire anime maybe it does have

> people who rate this anime high are biased, theyve seen this anime when they were feeling emotional or something like that and alone (because when person is alone he tends to be more sensitive to tragedy media), but if they were watching it with someone else or when they werent in mood for such thing they wouldn't like it
(in b4 someone saying that applies to me, the fact that ive reached this point means that ive already thought bout it myself and it does not apply to me)

> someone they know likes it
> someone they like likes it
> more bias stuff, etc etc
incisorrSep 10, 2011 4:48 AM
lots of music -
Nov 5, 2011 8:48 AM

Sep 2011
man op seems like one of those 12 year olds on youtube that think's oppinion = fact and that their response to any criticism is to curse and insult them,

great job there dude,

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Nov 6, 2011 3:27 AM

Sep 2011
ef is masterpiece. I don't see where you got the idea that it's clichéd, I found it pretty unique. If you wish to voice your opinion, that's fine but please refrain from insulting and using such trashy arguments as you have. Forums are for discussing things, you can do just that you know? If you only wish to offend/annoy/troll, then expect to be seen as a stupid brat. Actually, I see you as a stupid brat so good job.
"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts."

Dec 23, 2011 9:44 AM
Dec 2011
Erje said:
incisorr said:
lol logic

dog shit IS good. Its for certain species of dung beetles. They are the ones who eat it.

Sounds like you watched an anime you didn't like.

Are you an idiot? Noone would actually eat dog shit but by your analogy you did. Why are you eating dog shit??? Because it was rated 1000/10 on a website? The hell is your problem. Stop eating dog shit and your problems will be solved.

^^^ Brilliant analogy!

Personally I enjoyed this anime too!
Dec 24, 2011 10:12 PM

May 2011
And what are you trying to accomplish by posting this here? I mean really you are basing your opinion on a web site that is based on everyone scoring based on their opinions and own scoring scale. This is what it is. People have their own opinions and reactions to anime. Are you really going to trust MAL scores like really? Gintama for Best anime ever WOOP WOOP! Yes, i've not watched a single episode of Gintama and I think so too. =]

IF you want why NOT write a MOST HORRIBLE REVIEW for this show to steer people away. (not like it helps lol)

Anyways I personally enjoyed this anime. It was UNIQUE to me as it was something I've not seen for a while. I was surprised they didn't follow the CHILDHOOD FRIEND ROUTE LIKE 9028304830284013908431 anime out there.
Jan 6, 2012 2:24 PM

Oct 2007
Arguing in ef thread... seriously, you should stop. This anime is too beautiful to spout insults when talking about it. People, peace. Ignore screamers and relax yourself while listening to ef's OST.
Jan 11, 2012 1:44 PM

Oct 2010
so many idiots with lack of common sense in here its making my eyes bleed, no wonder i gave up on reading MAL forums, i just remembered to check my thread here cause someone recently mentioned ef on my profile.

so yes, you kids are the reason this world is trash, you can read further about abusing the word opinion on my profile maybe, just maybe youll swallow your fking pride and for once admit you're wrong and that you have no clue whats going on

@Rayy, you should watch gintama and you'll see why it has such a high score, ive flamed gintama many times and i said im sure it doesnt deserve to be #1, after watching it i changed my mind
and im not 'trusting' the score im commenting on it

regardless , i probably wont read this thread for few months so if you want to say something stupid im sure , you can do it on my profile so i can get some laughs on how bad you are people
lots of music -
Jan 11, 2012 1:48 PM

Sep 2011
incisorr said:
so many idiots with lack of common sense in here its making my eyes bleed, no wonder i gave up on reading MAL forums, i just remembered to check my thread here cause someone recently mentioned ef on my profile.

so yes, you kids are the reason this world is trash, you can read further about abusing the word opinion on my profile maybe, just maybe youll swallow your fking pride and for once admit you're wrong and that you have no clue whats going on

@Rayy, you should watch gintama and you'll see why it has such a high score, ive flamed gintama many times and i said im sure it doesnt deserve to be #1, after watching it i changed my mind
and im not 'trusting' the score im commenting on it

regardless , i probably wont read this thread for few months so if you want to say something stupid im sure , you can do it on my profile so i can get some laughs on how bad you are people
anyone else love the fact that he keeps sayign everyones lacking common sense yet the only one here lacking that is incisorr

also stop insulting people because they have diverging opinions, seriously dude, its a fact of life, everyone has different likes, if that means some show or music or movie or whatever is overrated in your eyes then thats a problem you should deal with maturely, aka do the exact opposite of what you did in this thread

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jan 19, 2012 12:32 AM

Apr 2011
OMG! incisorr strikes again! Seriously, this guy never fails to amuse me. But hey let's all calm down. Arguing with an idiot such as incisorr would lead to nothing but naught. I mean seriously, why would you argue with someone who was only conceived because of failure of abortion? Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to enjoy re-watching ef again and again because of how a masterpiece it is.

P.S. Good luck with your life incisorr, I'm pretty sure that you'd get far! Heck I could picture you being the next president of the "Movement for Abortion Survivors Organization" or better yet, with your trolling abilities, you might even be promoted as a "Troll Warlord". :D
Silent_ScreamJan 19, 2012 7:04 AM
Feb 9, 2012 3:12 AM

Sep 2011
Well, at least we can all laugh at incisorr and his pathetic existence. While we're at it, we can also enjoy the masterpiece that is ef - a tale of memories.
"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts."

Feb 9, 2012 9:38 AM

Nov 2009
incisorr said:
this is 1 of the worst animes ive seen, why the hell does it have 8.44 score?

animes like this are just another proof of how common sense is not so common anymore.

First - the story:

the story is so cliched and retarded, why do people fall for the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

Put some tragedy in a love story and you'll "win" many people.

There was a parody somewhere over the internet in which it says "how to make a successful drama movie?"
1: have 2 beautiful people
2: make their love impossible
3: put a deadly disease
4: ask the same company to create the posters

you can google it if you want i think ive posted it somewhere around in funny pictures but cba to find it ,and they posted 3 huge hit movies and block busters and what not, it was funny because all 3 of them had 2 young people, some hate between their families and a lethal disease, and all 3 of them had almost the same poster in which they hug each other

so its the same here, this anime is cliched as cliche goes, the fact that it has such a high score tells me that the people here are completely inexperienced in movies/media to get touched by a retarded story such as this one. It was painful to watch how overcliched it was , people are so easy to win over its just stupid

2nd thing that annoyed me was their voices, utterly unfitting and bad voices .. 1 of the worst voicing ive ever heard in my entire life, Chihiro and Renji = SOO ANNOYING I COULD DIE!!!

3rd, characters were cliched as absolutely everything in the story

well enough here anyway, i have some more on my self-notes in my profile but i know that arguing with people who score trash like this high is pointless because you're as thick as a brick and stubborn to infinity and you'll never admit you're wrong and inexperienced and that you rated a trash anime highly

lol this makes me laugh. If this isnt trolling I dont know what is.

You say that this is overrated and we are all dumb for rating it 10 or 9 or whatver and you have K-ON in your favourites and have it rated as a 10 when in fact it's so pathetically stupid and devoid of plot that it's just not funny.

You also have Clannad on your favourites which is a better example to use as you say the characters in ef are cliche...HELLO, Clannad's characters are generally all cliche to pander to particular audiences. Both anime came from visual novels so they have the same type of character base. Yet you rate it so highly but this so poorly. If anything "ef" has a better story than Clannad as it actually concludes it's relationships with everyone whereas Clannad had just the one which was (in my opinion) poorly done.

Ef thankfully got it's score from people who actually appreciate a good story with an actual emotional conclusion with actual drama. Not Idiots like you who just flame it for the sake of flaming it.

But anyway, I'm done arguing as there is no real argument here, you just be trollin!!
Feb 9, 2012 10:47 AM

Oct 2010
youre right theres no real argument

everything i said is a fact , a fact cannot be disproved by someones different view of the world, if you say the sun is cold and u can sit on it and eat ur veggies then it doesn't mean the sun is actually cold but ur welcome to go ahead and try to eat ur veggies on the sun's surface

ef's "plot" is ridiculously cliched, poorly made, retarded story, bad voicing

moan all you want and whine all you want, it doesn't change a thing
lots of music -
Feb 9, 2012 10:59 AM
Jan 2012
incisorr said:
youre right theres no real argument

everything i said is a fact , a fact cannot be disproved by someones different view of the world, if you say the sun is cold and u can sit on it and eat ur veggies then it doesn't mean the sun is actually cold but ur welcome to go ahead and try to eat ur veggies on the sun's surface

ef's "plot" is ridiculously cliched, poorly made, retarded story, bad voicing

moan all you want and whine all you want, it doesn't change a thing

Sure sounds like trolling to me. Your op describes like half of anime. Theres a certain level of cliche to everything these days.
Feb 9, 2012 11:08 AM

Mar 2010
It doesn't matter what others rate. It's merely Statistics.

Find what you like and stay content.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Feb 9, 2012 12:44 PM

Sep 2011
not sure why you guys are keeping this thread active when all incisor is doing is complacently going on about bad metaphors relating to dog shit, Sun temperatures, and claiming such relative qualities to be fact.

no more troll feeding plz?

Jul 18, 2012 7:20 PM

Mar 2012
There's shows tons worse than this. Well it really depends on your opinion. I mean it has a good and ligitimate plot, great characters and nothing messed up.
Jul 20, 2012 9:45 AM

Oct 2010
I actually posted facts while you post bullshit which contains the poison word "opinion".
lots of music -
Jul 20, 2012 9:49 AM
Mar 2011
o think People who Post here who like realy OVERRATED STUFF Should Hol there Toungs
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Jul 21, 2012 9:13 PM
Jul 2010
I agree it's over rated , and watching the whole thing was painful , i don't mind cliche stories, but i found everything about this anime bad ,and that's why i rated it bad(4), no need to start a thread about why you hated it.

If other people liked it then the anime served it's purpose as entertainment, it doesn't matter if it was the worse thing ever made in the history of anime or the best one ever made.
Oct 2, 2012 10:46 AM

Nov 2008
Wow, OP comes across as a huge faggot....

OP's Version of events:
*Watches -Ef-*
*Bleeds profusely from the anus caused by massive amounts of butthurt*
*Thinks posting a rant on the internet and getting people to agree with his opinion will validate his opinion and increase his penis size*

Actual Events:
*Watches -Ef-*
*Bleeds profusely from the anus*
*States as fact the world is flat, Scientology is a sane religion and uses the word "cliched" more times than some kind of super hipster faggot*
Oct 2, 2012 11:25 AM

Mar 2012
incisorr would have a valid argument...if he didn't talk down to his opposition and draw comparisons to "Hollywood drama."

Do they change the subtitles to our American dramas over there in Bulgaria? American dramas are some of the most cliche pieces of work out there. Of course, you do have your dramas that are great like Dexter or The Walking Dead. However, for every one of those, you have 10 CSI's or 20 Law and Order's...which are some of the most cliche and unrealistic shows you will EVER find. Really, the way ef is setup, you're better off comparing it to a soap opera and TRUST me, ef is 1,000,000x better than ANY soap opera I've EVER seen.

Sad part about this is I don't think incisor is trolling. He gave Angel Beats a 10 and ef a 2. REALLY? While I gave both animes a 10, I admitted in a review that Angel Beats was probably the most flawed anime I've ever seen that I'd give a 10. On top of that, it had a lot of the same "cliches" that he is referring to in ef, if not more.

Hypocrisy much? You state facts but all I hear is complete garbage out of you, incisor.
Feb 20, 2013 10:23 AM

Apr 2012
The story is decent, but unspectacular. The presentation is spectacular, but that's still not enough for true greatness on its own. It's the innovative techniques used to convey strong emotion which make ef into a masterpiece, and one of the most important works of art in the last decade.
May 3, 2013 8:31 AM

Aug 2012
Overrated my ass, its just you.
Nov 16, 2013 4:59 AM
Jan 2013
I AM GLAD someone shares similar opinions as mine, This anime is really boring because of Shindou, Kei + Asou, Renji side of story. I really did like the other story because the characters were more interesting and I could easily watch that alone

ef: A tales of memories is overrated and I don't think the sequel will suit me. This anime should score about 7.10 not an 8 or higher
Nov 17, 2013 3:14 AM
Jan 2013
I am quite surprised to get this anime finished and I don't like clannad either both are rather boring
Nov 17, 2013 3:52 AM

Sep 2009

Dis fool just went full retard.

As if you had any credibility to speak on plot, characters, or story devices when you give something like K-on and Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai perfect scores.

Ef could shit on top of your head and it would be the most magnificent thing you'd be associated to. That's how impressive Ef was to the industry and SHAFT is still doing more for Anime then any other company has done in years.
Nov 18, 2013 3:42 PM
Sep 2012
its underrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is one of the anime that with a beautiful and sad story.....

one of my favorites.....
13 hours memory...
Dec 21, 2013 6:32 AM

Feb 2013
srsly this is soo stupid here everyone has animes who he hates, me for example hate deathnote and its in the top 100 i cant understand it but i wont troll around and call people who rate this anime high idiots, you are just a retard sir
My favorite quotes from animes:

Those who seek miracles will never experience one. The hand of salvation only extends to people
who try to make miracles happen. - Ef a tale of melodies.
I destroy worlds. I create worlds. - Code geass
We are humans. - Shinsekai yori
100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10km run EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! - One punch man
Dec 30, 2013 5:48 PM

Jul 2013
incisorr said:

@trustt- i don't care what you say tbh.

>Makes a thread so people can express their opinion
>Refuses to acknowledge other people's opinions
Yep, sounds about right MAL.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 31, 2013 1:17 AM

Dec 2013
Thanks for the lulz insicorr!

The MVP for trollee goes to Borjoyzee, that response killed me;

Borjoyzee said:
Wow, OP comes across as a huge faggot....

OP's Version of events:
*Watches -Ef-*
*Bleeds profusely from the anus caused by massive amounts of butthurt*
*Thinks posting a rant on the internet and getting people to agree with his opinion will validate his opinion and increase his penis size*

Actual Events:
*Watches -Ef-*
*Bleeds profusely from the anus*
*States as fact the world is flat, Scientology is a sane religion and uses the word "cliched" more times than some kind of super hipster faggot*

I am on the edge ! The edge of the edgiest edge ever edged by edgekind !
я умерте ужасну депрессии...

Feb 4, 2014 9:12 PM
Dec 2013
incisorr said:
this is 1 of the worst animes ive seen, why the hell does it have 8.44 score?

animes like this are just another proof of how common sense is not so common anymore.

First - the story:

the story is so cliched and retarded, why do people fall for the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

Put some tragedy in a love story and you'll "win" many people.

There was a parody somewhere over the internet in which it says "how to make a successful drama movie?"
1: have 2 beautiful people
2: make their love impossible
3: put a deadly disease
4: ask the same company to create the posters

you can google it if you want i think ive posted it somewhere around in funny pictures but cba to find it ,and they posted 3 huge hit movies and block busters and what not, it was funny because all 3 of them had 2 young people, some hate between their families and a lethal disease, and all 3 of them had almost the same poster in which they hug each other

so its the same here, this anime is cliched as cliche goes, the fact that it has such a high score tells me that the people here are completely inexperienced in movies/media to get touched by a retarded story such as this one. It was painful to watch how overcliched it was , people are so easy to win over its just stupid

2nd thing that annoyed me was their voices, utterly unfitting and bad voices .. 1 of the worst voicing ive ever heard in my entire life, Chihiro and Renji = SOO ANNOYING I COULD DIE!!!

3rd, characters were cliched as absolutely everything in the story

well enough here anyway, i have some more on my self-notes in my profile but i know that arguing with people who score trash like this high is pointless because you're as thick as a brick and stubborn to infinity and you'll never admit you're wrong and inexperienced and that you rated a trash anime highly

Wow you have really high standards for this genre of anime don't you.
Feb 4, 2014 9:53 PM

Jun 2009
Can't speak about the anime, as it has been a loong time since I saw it. But the visual novel is astounding, definitely something I recommend to read.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
May 7, 2014 6:27 AM
Apr 2014
I personally loved this horrible anime. I know this is an old thread, but man it's funny when someone is mad that people like something. There's got to be a fight more worthy of picking, right?
May 7, 2014 6:29 AM

Jul 2008
Does it matter? everyone has their own opinions, some awesome series are considered bad by others. In this case, I actually loved this anime :)
May 7, 2014 9:36 AM

Mar 2013
this show is not actually that popular so how can it be overacted? i mean most people have never even heard of this show. it is not like clannad where every one and their dog has at least heard about it. this is actually a lot more of a lesser known anime.
Just because you know how to use a torrent does not give you the god given right to pirate.

My actual list:

check out my youtube channel for my review:

Jan 4, 2015 1:07 AM

Oct 2013
mattbenz99 said:
this show is not actually that popular so how can it be overacted? i mean most people have never even heard of this show. it is not like clannad where every one and their dog has at least heard about it. this is actually a lot more of a lesser known anime.

I agree I never even heard of this show so I don't know how it could be overrated besides the fact that it has a 8 on MAL. At the end of the day who really uses MAL rating as the final verdict.
Jun 30, 2015 2:26 PM
Sep 2009
Oni_Link said:
mattbenz99 said:
this show is not actually that popular so how can it be overacted? i mean most people have never even heard of this show. it is not like clannad where every one and their dog has at least heard about it. this is actually a lot more of a lesser known anime.

I agree I never even heard of this show so I don't know how it could be overrated besides the fact that it has a 8 on MAL. At the end of the day who really uses MAL rating as the final verdict.

That's cause you are late to the party. About 5 or so years ago it was on every corner, I saw it everywhere and only now started to watch it. Am on episode 4 and can't say I'm impressed story wise or character wise.

Besides if you look at the score OP mentioned, it used to be 8.44 what is a lot. So no, him saying it is over rated was very accurate.
Aug 22, 2015 10:55 AM

Sep 2011
Just recently watched Ef: and noticed this topic.
I'm curious, Incisorr. 4 years have passed since you created this topic. Looking back don't you feel at least a bit ashamed with the stuff you wrote here? xD
Of course I have no ill intentions, it was a long time ago

You probably will not read this comment, but I felt like asking anyway
Jul 1, 2016 6:44 AM

Apr 2009
gino_san said:
Overrated my ass, its just you.

hahahaha! LOL much. XD
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 4, 2017 11:54 PM
Mar 2016
incisorr said:
this is 1 of the worst animes ive seen, why the hell does it have 8.44 score?

animes like this are just another proof of how common sense is not so common anymore.

First - the story:

the story is so cliched and retarded, why do people fall for the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

Put some tragedy in a love story and you'll "win" many people.

There was a parody somewhere over the internet in which it says "how to make a successful drama movie?"
1: have 2 beautiful people
2: make their love impossible
3: put a deadly disease
4: ask the same company to create the posters

you can google it if you want i think ive posted it somewhere around in funny pictures but cba to find it ,and they posted 3 huge hit movies and block busters and what not, it was funny because all 3 of them had 2 young people, some hate between their families and a lethal disease, and all 3 of them had almost the same poster in which they hug each other

so its the same here, this anime is cliched as cliche goes, the fact that it has such a high score tells me that the people here are completely inexperienced in movies/media to get touched by a retarded story such as this one. It was painful to watch how overcliched it was , people are so easy to win over its just stupid

2nd thing that annoyed me was their voices, utterly unfitting and bad voices .. 1 of the worst voicing ive ever heard in my entire life, Chihiro and Renji = SOO ANNOYING I COULD DIE!!!

3rd, characters were cliched as absolutely everything in the story

well enough here anyway, i have some more on my self-notes in my profile but i know that arguing with people who score trash like this high is pointless because you're as thick as a brick and stubborn to infinity and you'll never admit you're wrong and inexperienced and that you rated a trash anime highly

Oh, c'mon. You rated Clannad~After Story~ a 10/10 and Elfen Lied an 8/10. You're no better than me, or anyone else.
Jan 6, 2017 8:21 PM
Jan 2017
The story is cliche, the delivery is absolutly fantastic. The visuals are insanely good and creative for a 2007 anime, and the writing is very very good.
Mar 16, 2021 5:21 PM
Dec 2019
OP has a shitty anime called Yosuga no Sora with 8.
Dec 17, 2021 1:42 AM
Jul 2018
said by the person who give yosuga no sora a 8 and clannad a 10
Dec 24, 2021 2:06 AM
Jan 2021
Pretextor said:
said by the person who give yosuga no sora a 8 and clannad a 10

I mean clannad (after story) is in its own league… idk bout yosuga no sora tho
Dec 24, 2021 2:21 AM
Jul 2018
You're one of those maltards who thinks opinion=fact.
removed-userDec 24, 2021 2:24 AM
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