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No. 6
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Which pairing do you prefer?
Sep 9, 2011 10:50 PM

May 2010
I know she stands no chance whatsoever...but I actually like her over Nezumi. Why? Because Nezumi's character is just as cliche.

Even when I was in crowd, I was always alone
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Sep 9, 2011 10:54 PM

Dec 2010
Sep 9, 2011 11:26 PM

Aug 2011
Sep 10, 2011 4:01 AM
Jul 2011
58 and the trees? xDDD

i really, really, really like safu, but i don't think she stands a chance. :/ shion loves her, yes, loves her a lot, but it's not the romantic kind of love, and apparently he's never even entertained the notion of sex with her.

nezumi, on the other hand, has has already scored one on the kisser, and if we go by the novel shion just CAN'T SHUT UP about how gorgeous he is, how beautiful his eyes are, and if nezumi kisses him again--*blushing profusely* etc etc and all that jazz.

but this is shipping, where canon isn't even an issue -- and, well. nezushi still wins.

safu's forwardness is refreshing (WHY CAN'T WE HAVE MORE ANIME GIRLS LIKE THIS?!) i am fondly amused by her bluntness and sciencespeak, and her honesty, too. i don't think she meant harm by the 'it don't matta what he wants!!1!one' speech, she was simply hinging her life decisions on her own feelings instead of others'. selfish, yes, but normal and human. i don't think she intends to force herself on him, she just wants to see him. (tho all bets are off now that she's in Elyurias' clutches. I DON'T CARE IF NEZUMI'S ELF TRIBE WORSHIPPED ELY-BEE SHE IS CLEARLY EVIL. SAFUUUU ;________;)

besides, safu had NO ONE LEFT. the city is a lie, her grandma is dead, shion's the only one that matters to her now. her need to be with someone important to her is totally understandable, even if she didn't love him romantically.

BUT i am a sucker for life-shaping ~pairings of destiny~ like nezushi. just---ahhhh LOVE THIS PAIRING SO MUUUUCH. they're tender and sweet and hilarious (mostly in the novels) and fierce and intense and messed up and beautiful together. i agree with nezumi--their meeting really was a miracle, for both boys.

how horrible would it be if they had never met?

nezumi--dead for sure.

shion, in his own words--"an apathetic, clueless, obedient adult" and worse, i think. a miserable one, who might have stopped screaming his frustration into storms because no one had been there to sneak into his window and change his life.

...'scuse me while i get off my soapbox and b'awwww into a corner
jjoymSep 10, 2011 4:11 AM
Sep 10, 2011 7:05 AM

Apr 2011
I am so with you on all counts, jjoym. And you've finally convinced me Safu probably didn't mean any real harm with her comment about what Sion wants not mattering to her. She IS all alone and she doesn't deserve to have to go back to No. 6. Until she kept asking "Who's Nezumi, who's Nezumi" I did like her a lot actually. We DEFINITELY need more girls like her in anime.

On top of what you said, if Nez and Sion hadn't met, I think Sion's destructive urge might even have taken over at some point in the future. Remember, before he left No. 6, he kept hearing that voice saying "Break it, Destroy, it" etc.? Safu is a great friend (probably a better friend to him than he was to her, actually), but Nezumi and Sion were made for each other.

And yeah, I love how totally they are enthralled with everything about each other. Sion melts for Nezumi's eyes but also admires his strength. Nezumi thinks Sion's glimmering white hair is beautiful, and paradoxically admires Sion's openness even as he criticises him for it (children at the door scene). Nez says all this harsh stuff yet he tenderly caresses Sion's face and hair from time to time.

I love situations like the one when they first met Inukashi in the book, and...

They are so awesomely funny together in the books (the entire meeting with Rikiga had me laughing out loud, until Sion loses his s***). I've come to understand why Bones left out most of the humour though. To get the tone right for all the terrible tragic things to come, they needed to have far more time to balance humour with serious parts, otherwise all the terrible stuff that happens wouldn't have the same emotional impact because the show would seem too silly and frivolous. I think they could have done it all in 24 eps with no (unnecessary) filler and included all the humour though.
whitetearSep 10, 2011 8:26 AM
Sep 10, 2011 8:19 AM

Oct 2009
I haven't been interested in a couple pairing between two males for a long time (I'm not a fangirl of yaoi anymore, and I don't create up desired pairings between two males like I used to back when I liked yaoi) but Shion and Nezumi are frickin' adorable. I thought so ever since that kiss. So I prefer the idea of Nezumi getting Shion, over Safu.

jjoym said:
nezumi, on the other hand, has has already scored one on the kisser

Sep 10, 2011 8:43 AM
Jul 2011
@whitetear: right?!?! <333 they have such an amazing effect on each otherrr~

i also love that it's not ALL nice and fluffy, like you said shion's destructive urges might have boiled over after not having an outlet, but it DEFINITELY has an outlet now, LOL. woe unto those who hurt nezumi...but woe unto nezumi most of all. ugh ep 10 wat u do to mai HAAARRRTTT. there are those yelling OOC!!!1! over nezumi falling apart, but it fits perfectly imo. here is shion--good, kind, gentle shion, who tries so hard to find that third option, the only person to have shown him human kindness and affection--EXECUTING a man in cold blood. because of him*. and after nezumi's lost all control of the situation and acknowledged his weaknesses, too.

*i don't really think it's his fault tho, shion has always been... unstable that way.

so much hurt/comfort in this pairing!

nezumi is so elegant because he is an ~elven princess~ fr srs. xDDD lol i am never getting over episode 8. it's actually much worse/better in the novels, which includes the phrase 'lived in harmony with nature' and lololololol roflmao ANYWAY i don't think it was on purpose, or anyway not designed to make shion do that. nezumi was just just being a bit of a showoff/pretentious git as usual, and shion was being a lolderp teenager in love. as usual.


GOD THEY ARE SO DORKY. it's amazing. uuughhhh noitaminaaaaa you and your 11-ep slots! why couldn't you have done two seasons?? 22 eps would be slower-paced, yes, but the draw of no. 6 isn't its PLOT, it's the relationship between nezumi and shion! (and the awesomeness of dogkeeper. and anime safu. if there's one thing i like more about the anime, it's the increased focus on the other characters.)
jjoymSep 10, 2011 8:55 AM
Sep 10, 2011 8:47 AM

Apr 2011
This is the first BL I've ever watched/read (and I've been watching anime for a long time). I've never been big on romance in general but because of this series I now know the reason why. It isn't because I don't like romance like I used to think; it's because I've rarely seen such a great connection between two people. To me, most romance tales are like random gossip that I don't care to hear about. But although they still fit some stereotypes (seme, uke, tsundere, etc.), that doesn't define who they are. There's so much depth to who they are and meaning to their complex relationship. Like someone else mentioned, they are literally each other's miracle.

One more thing I should say to be fair to Safu: I mentioned above that I didn't like how she asked "Who's Nezumi?" all the time. I think what really bothers me is that Sion could never tell her. He couldn't even tell her why he got kicked out Chronos and lost all his privileges. His only real friend! He was always telling her and Karan "It's not like that," though it most certainly WAS like "that." lol...

Even after he confessed his love to Nezumi (!), he told a hooker "It's not like that" when she starts to realise he must be gay. So awesome how Nezumi played that up in the book. I wish they'd kept that in the anime instead of him just doing that kiss out of nowhere.
Sep 10, 2011 3:10 PM

Jul 2009
I think that Safu as a character is in no.6 just to emphasize the deep bond between Sion and Nezumi.

For example, the sweater story.It didn't even exist in the novel at the first place... And in anime it just showed blurry Sions feelings to Safu and how much he wanted to help to a boy that he didn't even knew.

Sion and Nezumi feelings (it's not love, it's way much more.) grew even in those 4 years when they haven't seen each other and when they finally met, their friendship, that bond between them started growing even faster.
Contrary, Safu could be with Sion everyday but their friendship stayed at the same level. It sometimes feels that the only thing that keeps Safu and Sion together is affection and Sions character "to protect my friends". I guess if Shion had 40 Safus he'd like to save them all too.
Sep 10, 2011 4:50 PM

May 2010
notsureifsrs said:
FlynnxGuy said:

What are you guys talking about?
Even when I was in crowd, I was always alone
Sep 10, 2011 4:54 PM

Dec 2010
Confucius said:
notsureifsrs said:
FlynnxGuy said:

What are you guys talking about?
...Depends on what they show in the ending but you'll see
Sep 10, 2011 8:27 PM

Aug 2011
I think the only reason Sion remained friends with Safu despite the fact that he has no other friends to speak of is mostly thanks Safu clinging to him because of her love. She seems to be the only one putting effort into maintaining their relationship. If not for that, if she thought of him as just another friend, I think they probably would have drifted apart after Sion was kicked out of Chronos, like what happened with all his other school friends.(I think it mentions something to that effect in the novel) And then he would have been left with no one, since he's so antisocial. So I guess it's a good thing Safu is so headstrong. I still don't like her, even though she is a good character...

Nezumi seems to be the only person Sion actively pines for. Even after Safu declares her love(in the novel), Sion completely ignores this and right after says Nezumi's name. Talk about a one track mind... -_-
Sep 10, 2011 8:33 PM

Mar 2011
Nezumi>>>>>>>>>>>>> Safu
Sep 10, 2011 8:49 PM
Jul 2011
It is apparent Sion does not like Safu like that and that he is inlove with Nezumi and has made confessions to Nezumi.

I am not sure the point of this question as this anime is listed as a shonen ai so it is apparent who has the romantic relationship in this and it is not Sion and Safu her feelings are one sided (kinda like the girls on Naruto "cough") anyways I also know how this ends so will just say, I preffer Nezumi.
Sep 10, 2011 10:02 PM

Apr 2011
@NS: As is usual for pairing threads, I think the Safu shippers are just talking about their preferred pairings and not what they actually expect to happen. For whatever reason some people want to pair Safu with Sion, even despite the glaringly obvious. I'd like to see someone pair Safu with Nezumi though. That would be hilarious, and just about as likely as Sion x Safu.
Sep 11, 2011 1:05 AM
Jul 2011
whitetear said:
@NS: As is usual for pairing threads, I think the Safu shippers are just talking about their preferred pairings and not what they actually expect to happen. For whatever reason some people want to pair Safu with Sion, even despite the glaringly obvious. I'd like to see someone pair Safu with Nezumi though. That would be hilarious, and just about as likely as Sion x Safu.
well yeah this thread is about what you WANT to see and not what you expect, right?

speaking of which, MAN i'd want to see nezumi and safu together. they'd be so much fun. but i can't see how it would happen, someone think of a likely scenario. xDD

sion/safu... i really can't see it happening (or at least, happening in a way i'd like) in their current situation even if nezumi has never been in the picture. with the way shion feels caged in no. 6, i think it'd take someone who feels different/not part of the system to pique his interest, anything else would feel like he's just settling for less. hmm. maybe if safu had a chance to stay longer in no. 5 and develop her 'wind'? but the government would definitely take her away then. or wait...

"Young Sion is living a privileged but discontented life in the utopian city No. 6. On the rainy evening of his twelfth birthday, he meets an escaped lab 'sample' Safu, who has is unlike anyone he's even met, strange and blunt, who talks only in scientific terms but has ~amazing chocolate truffle eyes~. Four years later they meet again when she saves him from the government and introduces him to the joys of Picasso and Gogh and da Vinci and freeform poetry. However, their bliss is not perfect as Safu hides a superowered evil side while Shion's none too stable himself. Also, a mysterious aging disease is ravaging No. 6, and the city will stop at nothing to get their 'perfect sample' back, after the first clue in four years..."

...hmmmmm. i'd ship that.

whitetear said:
One more thing I should say to be fair to Safu: I mentioned above that I didn't like how she asked "Who's Nezumi?" all the time. I think what really bothers me is that Sion could never tell her. He couldn't even tell her why he got kicked out Chronos and lost all his privileges.
well it was probably for her own safety?
Sep 11, 2011 1:44 AM

Aug 2009
Nezumi > Safu

Because yaoi.

Just quietly leave a memo in my heart.
Sep 11, 2011 1:32 PM

Jul 2009

Quote from novel:

But Sion for the most part, had not even been looking at Safu. His soul had been captured by something else, and he had forgotten about her. For the first time, she had seen this calm and serene boy of few words being ruffled right before her eyes.


I think those quotes says everything and even more.
SharykaSep 11, 2011 1:39 PM
Sep 11, 2011 3:48 PM
Dec 2007
So, what happened to "I swear to you guys, this is totally NOT GAY" topics thattried to convince people there was no BL going on? Seems to me like the anime itself said otherwise.

Sep 11, 2011 8:57 PM

Apr 2011
The anime itself does indeed say otherwise. The books, however, SCREAM otherwise. lol...
Sep 12, 2011 12:11 PM

May 2009
So I entered this topic with the assumption it was a 'fighting' topic, physical fighting. Like for the showdown in this final ep.
That just means I've been in far too many shounen fanboy threads lately.

But...Safu has no chance. Never did. They have a sibling relationship going on. And that is fine.

I actually like Safu because she has an average design, a personality, and reasonable flaws (being selfish and inability to properly communicate >.o) How often do you find ANY of that in a BL/Yaoi vibe anime? Never. The girls are always made out to be villains, catty, and annoyingly pretty/cute/boobified/etc. It's just damn ridiculous.

For Nezumi, he brings out who Shion is. And Shion is 'attracted' to him. I am also pretty sure the novel implied they share a bed <__< And they are a l w a y s going back and forth like a wedded couple over things. Nezumi saved Shion's life to have him around, as a housekeeper or bed buddy...who knows.

If I could have my most desired pairing, I'd vote Dogkeeper(Female) x Shion
Sep 12, 2011 5:09 PM

Sep 2010
I have found the perfect solution:

Inukashi/Safu! :D

...Aw, c'mon. You know it'd be cute; especially now that we know that Inukashi is a girl. They could bond over feelings for Shion and get along famously.
Sep 12, 2011 9:33 PM

Feb 2011
NezumixSion shall forever be my #1 OTP for the rest of my life.

Anyway, Safu never really stood a chance. Sion made it clear when she confessed, that he only thought of her as a friend.

And well, if you guys have read the novel. Vol. 8 Ch. 1 then you know that even

And as for Nezumi well that...

Sep 13, 2011 12:46 PM

May 2009
Francie-Fugitive said:
I have found the perfect solution:

Inukashi/Safu! :D

...Aw, c'mon. You know it'd be cute; especially now that we know that Inukashi is a girl. They could bond over feelings for Shion and get along famously.

I totally ship Safu/Inukashi, not even gonna lie.
There's a separate stomach for cake~
Sep 13, 2011 6:38 PM
Jul 2011
whitetear said:
@NS: As is usual for pairing threads, I think the Safu shippers are just talking about their preferred pairings and not what they actually expect to happen. For whatever reason some people want to pair Safu with Sion, even despite the glaringly obvious. I'd like to see someone pair Safu with Nezumi though. That would be hilarious, and just about as likely as Sion x Safu.

Yeah but as you know I do not like pairing people for sake of pairing people it is like pairing Bleach characters it is pointless when there is nothing there, the only romantic feelings in No. 6 is between Sion and Nezumi and the novel makes it obvious that Sion has been inlove with Nezumi since they met.
Sep 13, 2011 7:40 PM

Aug 2011
Glitterati said:

If I could have my most desired pairing, I'd vote Dogkeeper(Female) x Shion

haha that exactly what crossed my mind once xD
I like Inukashi while I don't Safu >.>
it just there's nothing interesting about her =___=
just so boring character!
but I can't deny that it interest me the idea of that she may feel jealousy of Nezumi or that Nezumi feel jealousy of her
although I want to say: don't work hard Safu, Shion already chose 4 years ago xD

Crii said:

Safu knew that Shion is with someone before even Shion's mother told her
but I guess the one who sure knows about that is Inukashi, although she likes Shion but she knows that Nezumi already has him

And as for Nezumi well that...

I cross my fingers praying that would happen in the last episode x333
pureromanceSep 13, 2011 7:47 PM
Sep 13, 2011 7:48 PM

Apr 2011
narusasu1 said:
Yeah but as you know I do not like pairing people for sake of pairing people it is like pairing Bleach characters it is pointless when there is nothing there, the only romantic feelings in No. 6 is between Sion and Nezumi and the novel makes it obvious that Sion has been inlove with Nezumi since they met.
You already know I agree about that when people mean the pairings seriously. But I see no harm in letting people have their fantasies, since most of them already know things won't go their way. And personally I like joke pairings that would be completely ridiculous, like in the entire Bleach pairing thread on AC. That thread is like 70% joke pairings, 30% fantasy pairings, and 0% serious speculation.
Sep 14, 2011 12:49 AM
Jul 2011
natures-song said:
Francie-Fugitive said:
I have found the perfect solution:

Inukashi/Safu! :D

...Aw, c'mon. You know it'd be cute; especially now that we know that Inukashi is a girl. They could bond over feelings for Shion and get along famously.

I totally ship Safu/Inukashi, not even gonna lie.
I'M IN! <333 it would be awesome. safu is blunt and smart while inukashi's really no-nonsense, with a pack of dogs at their disposal i think they'd be the strongest pairing in the series!

ok i NEED the anime to go for a different ending and make these two live together I NEED IT LIKE AIR.

...or she could go back to no. 5 and get with betty and/or ann and/or rick. xDDD or just go back to no. 5 and have a wonderful life.

@narusasu1: pairing non-canon characters is fun! you get to stretch you imagination and like-minded people squee with then you feed each other fics and fanart~
Sep 16, 2011 11:57 PM

Sep 2010
jjoym said:
natures-song said:
Francie-Fugitive said:
I have found the perfect solution:

Inukashi/Safu! :D

...Aw, c'mon. You know it'd be cute; especially now that we know that Inukashi is a girl. They could bond over feelings for Shion and get along famously.

I totally ship Safu/Inukashi, not even gonna lie.
I'M IN! <333 it would be awesome. safu is blunt and smart while inukashi's really no-nonsense, with a pack of dogs at their disposal i think they'd be the strongest pairing in the series!

ok i NEED the anime to go for a different ending and make these two live together I NEED IT LIKE AIR.

...or she could go back to no. 5 and get with betty and/or ann and/or rick. xDDD or just go back to no. 5 and have a wonderful life.

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who's in love~<3 Ahhhhhhh I am so craving cuddly Safukashi fanart right now. WHERE BE IT, I SAY. D8
Sep 17, 2011 9:22 AM

Apr 2011
lol... SafuKashi art. That would be so cute to see.
Sep 17, 2011 5:13 PM

Mar 2009
natures-song said:
Francie-Fugitive said:
I have found the perfect solution:

Inukashi/Safu! :D

...Aw, c'mon. You know it'd be cute; especially now that we know that Inukashi is a girl. They could bond over feelings for Shion and get along famously.

I totally ship Safu/Inukashi, not even gonna lie.

As do I. Excellent pairing.
Sep 17, 2011 5:18 PM

Sep 2011
nezumi by far, its the firts yaoi ive ever supported

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Sep 17, 2011 8:44 PM

Sep 2010
I like them both, but I chose Nezumi since the novel/anime is a BL or something right? Then Safu never stood a chance in the first place if that is the case.

I think Sion saw her more as a friend he wanted to rescue and protect than a lover.
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Sep 19, 2011 1:24 PM

Sep 2011
Nezumi of course!
and not just because i am a fan of bl. which i am. a raging one >:L

but because its just too clear that safu doesnt even have a chance. its obvious that she was in love with shion, and obviously she admitted it to herself, but its also blatant that shion doesnt think of her in that way - and she annoys me in this respect because she continues clinging to this love even after receiving a pretty blunt "no". >>

I think she should jump move on with her life :P or shouldve, you know, before plot happened....

anyhow, nezumi is just 1000000x better. i dont wanna be one of those people who is just like, ahhhh, so cute, they danced, they kissed, tehehehehe! ..... but it really does elicit those reaction out of me xD
Sep 24, 2011 8:38 PM

Sep 2011
Nezumi/Shion is the 3rd canon pairing that I've [bold]ever[/bold] liked

But for me the most surprising thing about the anime is the amount of love that I had for the female(?) characters. InuKashi with her(?) forceful personality , her greed, and her need to survive are all something that I can understand. And even though she also fallen for the Shion charm (not in a romantic way though)

Glitterati said:

I actually like Safu because she has an average design, a personality, and reasonable flaws (being selfish and inability to properly communicate >.o) How often do you find ANY of that in a BL/Yaoi vibe anime? Never. The girls are always made out to be villains, catty, and annoyingly pretty/cute/boobified/etc. It's just damn ridiculous.

And that is why I love Safu. She wasn't overly beautiful or popular. She (early on) didn't have a lot or respect from people and was seen as weird by others ()her wearing of her grandma's sweaters). But she was happy with herself and was confident (verging on aggravating) in her skills and knowledge. She knew what she wanted and went after it aggressively (something that is rare since the Japanese have Passive/Aggressive down to an artform)

I'm of the belief that if her grandmother hadn't died, Safu would have gotten over Shion (or at least found someone to appreciate her). At No. 5, she was focused more on herself and her wants which made it heartbreaking to me when her grandma died and she returned to 6.

teakitten said:

but because its just too clear that safu doesnt even have a chance. its obvious that she was in love with shion, and obviously she admitted it to herself, but its also blatant that shion doesnt think of her in that way - and she annoys me in this respect because she continues clinging to this love even after receiving a pretty blunt "no".

Yeah, she definitely knew that he wasn't interested. I think her, 'i want sex' statement was really just just a blunt way of asking him if he'd ever Could be interested in her. She just fell into the trap that a lot of women fall into which is that she believed that she could change Shion's mind (or heart).

Sharyka said:

I think that Safu as a character is in no.6 just to emphasize the deep bond between Sion and Nezumi.

For example, the sweater story.It didn't even exist in the novel at the first place... And in anime it just showed blurry Sions feelings to Safu and how much he wanted to help to a boy that he didn't even knew.

I believe so too. In the first episode, it feels like Shion is just 'going through motions' of everyday life. He's bored and apathetic about everything. Seriously, I know many guys would have a s*** fit if I gave them a lilac sweater. Shion doesn't seem to 'wake up' until Nezumi has his hand around his throat (S&M fetish?).

In the short time Nezumi's with him, we see more of him than we saw previously. He shows empathy (wants to help the bleeding kid), kindness (bandaging up Nezumi), inquistiveness (constantly shooting off questions, one right after another), a proficient liar (in a split second he thinks up a believable lie for his mom). but to me most telling is that Shion doesn't do anything after Safu kisses him but he blushes just by being in close proximity of Nezumi.

[qoute=teakitten]i dont wanna be one of those people who is just like, ahhhh, so cute, they danced, they kissed, tehehehehe! ..... but it really does elicit those reaction out of me xD

They do me too, but for me its more the domesticity of their lives that had me going. How easy it was for the two of them to share a space and it not cause any problems (which anyone with a roommate can definitely attest to).
Sep 24, 2011 10:27 PM

Apr 2011
@sharyka (just noticed from yama_nashi's post): It's true that in the novels, Safu didn't have a sweater that travel from her to Shion to Nezumi to Karan (the kid). BUT in Volume 2, Chapter 4, in which we get some interesting insight into Safu's memories of Shion, there's a very touching sweater incident. Shion was so adorable in that scene. *_*

@yama: I like your insights-- especially the one on domesticity. That's a very good point, that it's not easy to live with a roommate at all.
Sep 26, 2011 1:46 PM
Jan 2011
the problem is not that I want safu over nazumi but that i want safu to aslo be happy. I do agree that Nazumi and shion should end up together.
Sep 26, 2011 3:32 PM

Apr 2011
qdewolf: lol... I completely agree on that. I think there's more to some of it in the final novel though. I'm looking forward to reading that.
Sep 26, 2011 9:39 PM

Mar 2009
Nezumi! I like Safu but I just like the Shion with Nezumi more. Like many have said I don't think she ever really stood a chance.

I also like the effects Nezumi and Shion had on each other. I agree with yama in that they both changed each other and caused each other to grow, which counts for a lot IMO =)
Sep 29, 2011 2:07 PM

Jul 2009
i didn't even have to think hard for this answer,

NesuShi FTW!

i dun like Safu, her character like mwah,
can't really explain what i should think of the girl.
Our Dreams are the portals to see the future, our memories won't let us remember, but our bodies will
Sep 30, 2011 6:51 AM

Jun 2008
Nezumi x Shion sure win. LEWLs.

fan girls are stronger than ever. :D

ooh~ how i wish i could understand the ending more. But who the hell cares about the ending?! as long as NezuShi will end up together..banzaiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~ and that kiss was......hwuagsgjdhgwyfeyfqbJABSJBaygiuagsbasbassmm..
Sep 30, 2011 1:46 PM
Jul 2011
qdewolf said:
the problem is not that I want safu over nazumi but that i want safu to aslo be happy
YES. safu is a favorite character of mine, so any ship that screws her over, even the ultimate OTP, makes me sad.

the worst of it is, even IF she gets together with shion in the end (like, if nezumi had never been in the picture) it'd still feel like "settling for less" somehow, on both their parts. i can't see shion giving her that crazy wild passion he feels for nezumi, and she deserves nothing less than her partner offering her all the of themself like that.

also! safu/shion would be nice, it would be cute, and fluffy, but it would be more ehh than EPIC. D: she might be happy with just that, but it displeases me.

... oh man someone PLEASE tell me someone else in the universe ships safu/nezumi, PLEASE.
jjoymSep 30, 2011 3:37 PM
Sep 30, 2011 3:10 PM

Apr 2011
Since I suggested Safu/Nezumi as a joke, I don't believe anyone has suggested it for reals. :/

btw thanks to this thread, I've been thinking for a while of writing a Safu/Inukashi fic. I'm working on something else right now, but I keep thinking of funny things the two of them might say or do so I'm bound to write it eventually.
Sep 30, 2011 3:39 PM
Jul 2011
58 i like it for realz, mostly because of "what if he'd stumbled into her house instead?" scenarios and the quirkiness of these two combined would have made up for a lack of ~OVERWHELMING COSMIC CONNECTION~

safu's not as out of touch with no. 6 as shion, but she is still something of an anomaly -- IMMA WEAR MY GRANDMA'S SWEATERS, STFU! -- and something about her makes me think that there's a good possibility she'd have helped him, if in a more wary/sensible manner, instead of just going "OMG HIS EYES ARE BEAUTIFUL."

she's level-headed and quick to act and is able adapt to new situations, if nezumi can manage to win her over (or threaten her enough to make her comply) before she trips the alarm they might have a chance.


jjoymOct 1, 2011 11:14 AM
Sep 30, 2011 5:27 PM

Aug 2011
Safu&...... Inukashi?! such thing didn't ever cross my mind!
1- what's the link between them?! (or from where you managed to imagine that rather!) xD
2- didn't guess that I would see Yuri fans here xDDD
Oct 1, 2011 3:50 AM
Jul 2011

1.) imagination has no bounds man. xD besides, safu = awesome; inukashi = awesome, stands to reason that safu + inukashi = SUPER awesome.

their personalities would be fun together, i think.

2.) i remember screaming rather loudly about being a yuri fan, it was in the early ep threads. IIRC, the only pairing i've refused to try give a chance to was between a human and an insentient animal or something.
Oct 1, 2011 11:46 PM

Apr 2011
jjoym said:

1.) imagination has no bounds man. xD besides, safu = awesome; inukashi = awesome, stands to reason that safu + inukashi = SUPER awesome.

their personalities would be fun together, i think.

2.) i remember screaming rather loudly about being a yuri fan, it was in the early ep threads. IIRC, the only pairing i've refused to try give a chance to was between a human and an insentient animal or something.
Wait, was someone on the site somewhere seriously suggesting giving an animal/human pairing a chance? o_O;

And yeah, I'm fine with any pairing (human-human, that is) with good chemistry. Safu's awesome but I can't see her putting up with Nezumi's issues for very long. Her and Inukashi, on the other hand... you just know they'd have gotten along really well if they were ever to have spent time together. :P
Oct 2, 2011 2:12 AM

Aug 2011
jjoym said:

1.) imagination has no bounds man. xD besides, safu = awesome; inukashi = awesome, stands to reason that safu + inukashi = SUPER awesome.

their personalities would be fun together, i think.

2.) i remember screaming rather loudly about being a yuri fan, it was in the early ep threads. IIRC, the only pairing i've refused to try give a chance to was between a human and an insentient animal or something.

hahahahaha good then that supportive have a limit xDDD
talking about animals, I like stories which about animal (mostley cat, dog or wolf) turn to a human for a while <3 I find it cute and intersting ^^
about Yuri, I'm not a Yuri fan, only Yaoi
1- guys have their own attractive magic even when it's only friendship relationship
2- I adore love/attraction between 2 guys in anime/manga.. to me, it's the place to feel love sensation and passion sex at the same time, the thing that I couldn't found it even in Shojo nor henti
Shojo >>> love without sex (I love Shonen ai though)
henti >>> sexual molesting/actions is more than love
as for Yuri, I watched some vids on Youtube about it (out of curious) but as a normal thing to me I didn't find girls attractive that much, only guys can turn me one xDDD
but I've to admit that Inukashi is the girl that I like after it have been a long time since the last girl I liked in an anime! Inukashi is really an unique character! I really like her <3
pureromanceOct 2, 2011 9:18 PM
Oct 10, 2011 10:48 AM

Aug 2011
here I found it on tumblr xD
Oct 10, 2011 7:32 PM

Mar 2009
pureromance said:
<a href=""&gt;
here I found it on tumblr xD

Great pic! Thank you, and saved!

There aren't too many Safu x Inukashi pictures out there. I've looked. &lt;_&lt;

pureromance said:
Safu&amp;...... Inukashi?! such thing didn't ever cross my mind!
1- what's the link between them?! (or from where you managed to imagine that rather!) xD
2- didn't guess that I would see Yuri fans here xDDD

I dunno really. We're stupid, I think. It's basically like, "Oh, hey! Two girls! They should be paired together!"

We're shallow people.</a>
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