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Mar 16, 2011 9:28 PM

Aug 2010
Game was bad. Hurts to say since I'm a Bioware fanboy, but what a letdown.

Combat went from strategy to LOLOLOL FACEROLLOLOLOL. The most interesting boss in the game happens during the first act. The locations went from varied to... three? Every sub-area is the exact same. ie caves, houses. Pro tip: Having the same exact locations, but making them at night time is not variety. Story left much to be desired, and the ending was just lazy.

Add to this the wall of text worth of bugs, and Bioware employees astro-turfing review sites with 10/10's, this game really damaged their relationship with the fanbase imo.

Basically the full title is Dragon Age 2: Tunnel Vision, the Game.

Also, rouge is a color, not a class in rpg's.
Mar 16, 2011 11:08 PM

Aug 2010
I think the Demo looked amazing. But after seeing really terrible reviews i just bought something else.

I really thought it was gonna be a 10/10 game from the Demo.. oh well

Mar 17, 2011 7:26 AM
May 2010
I'm about to hit the final act and my feelings are still the same. Boring story, boring characters save a few, combat is button mashing, no party interaction other than on special quests, no varied locations and the voiced dialogue choices are bland. Easily one of the biggest game letdowns for me in recent years.
Mar 17, 2011 1:26 PM

Sep 2008
Wow this was terrible, I pirated it, played it for an hour, uninstalled it due to boredom, Found a crack for Dragon Age: Origins installed it and decided to play that instead and I don't even like DAO very much (mainly played to try out some mods.)

Dear god DA2 screams laziness.
It doesn't think, it doesn't feel, it doesn't laugh or cry..... All it does from dusk till dawn is make the soldiers die.
Mar 17, 2011 2:29 PM
Jul 2010
terrible, finished in 2 days whole game takes place in one city, there is really little freedom, environment is quite repetitive, Warrior/Rogue classes were fucked up (at least for me), dialogues looked pretty dull for me, and I didn't like whole Friend-Rival bar, anyways this was piece of shit compared to dragon age origins...

There was like only one or two epic battles in whole game, High dragon and last boss (high commander if I remember right)

Anyways I fished more freedom, like in origins, they could've left interface, even skills all the same I wouldn't mind, as long as they have made new at least medium long story with decent freedom, instead they worked on new interface, skills and other crap which was shitty anyways. Also equipment variety was so fucking limited, I was like wtf?Is this really an RPG?You only get decent looking armor at the end of the game (champio one) I didn't even see any impressive weapons or so, anyways this game was dull I was surprised that I even finished it..I was hoping for something til the end and I was let down, niiiiice!
Lightyear8684Mar 17, 2011 2:33 PM
Mar 18, 2011 5:22 PM

Nov 2010
At least lelianna makes a cameo, can't really ask for much more than that. Still no boobs in the game. I have to be 17 to buy the game, NO boobs. What is up with that?
Mar 19, 2011 9:46 PM

Sep 2008
Bostonblows said:
At least lelianna makes a cameo, can't really ask for much more than that. Still no boobs in the game. I have to be 17 to buy the game, NO boobs. What is up with that?

I think there was boobs on one monster. Brood mother I think
It doesn't think, it doesn't feel, it doesn't laugh or cry..... All it does from dusk till dawn is make the soldiers die.
Mar 19, 2011 10:21 PM

Sep 2010
Lightyear8684 said:
terrible, finished in 2 days whole game takes place in one city, there is really little freedom, environment is quite repetitive, Warrior/Rogue classes were fucked up (at least for me), dialogues looked pretty dull for me, and I didn't like whole Friend-Rival bar, anyways this was piece of shit compared to dragon age origins...

There was like only one or two epic battles in whole game, High dragon and last boss (high commander if I remember right)

Anyways I fished more freedom, like in origins, they could've left interface, even skills all the same I wouldn't mind, as long as they have made new at least medium long story with decent freedom, instead they worked on new interface, skills and other crap which was shitty anyways. Also equipment variety was so fucking limited, I was like wtf?Is this really an RPG?You only get decent looking armor at the end of the game (champio one) I didn't even see any impressive weapons or so, anyways this game was dull I was surprised that I even finished it..I was hoping for something til the end and I was let down, niiiiice!

kinda disappointing and yes I had problem to get some decent and good looking two hander myself..anyway I'll just wait for mods lol
Mar 20, 2011 8:09 PM

Feb 2005
In the last part right now. There's been some rather funny moments now and then, and overall the story hasn't been too bad.
The battles are a mess though, the increased pace is welcome, but dammit, they've thrown pretty much any tactical considerations out the window to make room for it, and the constant spawning of mobs in the middle of battle only serve to make things frustrating at higher difficulties and further undermining any tactical battling.

And the areas, oh shit. I was willing to forgive Mass Effect for recycling the same colonist settlements and cargo ship interiors because that was all side quest stuff and at least the main story's areas were varied enough.
But that's not the case here, now we get the same storehouses, alleys and caves recycled over and over again. How bloody hard can it be to make a different map at least?
Plus the timeskips were a wasted opportunity. The city changed a bit through the acts, but not nearly enough. It would have been a lot better if you'd have been given the opportunity to influence the development of the city somehow.

And then you've got all the embarrassing bugs whether it's quests not working correctly or cutscenes playing before you've even received the quests they're linked to. Certainly seems to be a step down from the last one.
And I don't get why, If they'd only made it just like DAO, with perhaps the design change for the elves and Quinari, and actually bothered making different areas, it would have been so much better.
Mar 21, 2011 10:24 AM

Jan 2011
It's basically a shitty console port that slaps pc gamers in the face, it was simplified too, they should of just improved on what DA:O had, instead BioWare threw everything out. Shame since I bought DA:O Ultimate Edition for the PC :/

Going through my 4th play through of Origins. First two were on my xbox without the DLC, it's so much better on PC, now the roles are switched for DA2. For shame.
Mar 21, 2011 10:35 AM
Jul 2018
hmm hopefully this means they are putting a lot more into ME3 so couldnt be bothered with dragon age.
Mar 21, 2011 12:25 PM
May 2010
It's a slap in the face for fans of the series, not just PC gamers. We console players think it sucks too lol.
Mar 21, 2011 9:04 PM

Jan 2011
That's good. They tried to make it like Mass Effect, which is bad since Dragon Age isn't that type of game.

I'm not bashing Mass Effect, I played one and two. They're great games.
Mar 22, 2011 6:16 AM
Nov 2010
jpem said:
hmm hopefully this means they are putting a lot more into ME3 so couldnt be bothered with dragon age.

DA and ME don't have the same team working on them so hopefully they won't do the same mistake and rush the game.
SuperSaiyenMar 23, 2011 6:25 AM
Mar 22, 2011 8:59 AM

Feb 2005
CaritasAvaritia said:
That's good. They tried to make it like Mass Effect, which is bad since Dragon Age isn't that type of game.

I'm not bashing Mass Effect, I played one and two. They're great games.
Or rather, they tried to make it like ME2, that is, more focus on fast paced action with less inventory and overall being more compact.
And it could have worked, but when even the important companion quests take place in generic caves you've slogged through fifteen times already, it doesn't work quite the same way.
Mar 22, 2011 10:47 PM
Feb 2011
Baman said:
CaritasAvaritia said:
That's good. They tried to make it like Mass Effect, which is bad since Dragon Age isn't that type of game.

I'm not bashing Mass Effect, I played one and two. They're great games.
Or rather, they tried to make it like ME2, that is, more focus on fast paced action with less inventory and overall being more compact.
And it could have worked, but when even the important companion quests take place in generic caves you've slogged through fifteen times already, it doesn't work quite the same way.

ya i cant believe they repeated maps :(
bioware's better then that

i found combat nice just because of the eye candy, but they really toned down difficulty in this game.
theres videos on youtube of people playing on the nightmare difficulty barely even pausing to issue orders...
in da:o u needed to pause after pretty much every command on nightmare and it was still damn hard.

personally i like some ways the dialogue went in this game. the classification of the options in dialogue were great. dialogue wheel ftw.
one horrible issue was that u couldnt really stick to a specific personality like me2 or anything (ofc this is personal preference)
u had to be so nice to certain characters or else they just ditch you...
i think it kills pacing if your ruthless on some quests and turn into some charity in the next

i had to go with a female main character...male voice acting was

story wasnt too bad. its better than many games out there, but there didnt seem to be an overall goal or anything. call me traditional, but i like it when theres a last boss thats revealed near the beginning of the story.

i thought it was worth the money i paid. of course it could have been much better just through some subtle changes and more care on the developer's part, but i'm not exactly horrified with the game.

and for the thing where the developers got caught rating their own game...that shouldnt really be getting the flak that it has been. wouldnt u vote for yourself in an election? people spent months in developing this game. its only natural for them to do that, even if it is "unethical". only mistake they made was getting caught. ^^

and last thing, on the bioware forums, ppl have been ranting on how horrible da2 was and that they would not buy mass effect 3 because of it. for god's sake theyre completely different development teams, with a different director and writer. dont affect the sales of another game just because another branch of the company did bad :(
Mar 23, 2011 6:10 AM

Feb 2005
Malteeser said:
story wasnt too bad. its better than many games out there, but there didnt seem to be an overall goal or anything. call me traditional, but i like it when theres a last boss thats revealed near the beginning of the story.
I don't really get why people find this being an issue. The way the story was told with that whatshername seeker hearing the story about the MC managed to tie it up decently imo.
In fact, I'd say it was refreshing in how it didn't play on the old "Evil overlord burns MC's hometown in the beginning" sort of plot.
And there were some nice little things that pulled it all together in the end, like how it turned out Meredith got the artifact you found in the Deep Roads and Orsino had actually been researching blood magic all along, and even worked with the madman that kill your mother.
One thing that was annoying though, is how we see Hawke's eyes glowing red in the trailer, but in the end, you don't get the option of taking the sword from Meredith.
BamanMar 23, 2011 6:13 AM
Mar 23, 2011 7:21 AM

Sep 2010
Baman said:
In the last part right now. There's been some rather funny moments now and then, and overall the story hasn't been too bad.
The battles are a mess though, the increased pace is welcome, but dammit, they've thrown pretty much any tactical considerations out the window to make room for it, and the constant spawning of mobs in the middle of battle only serve to make things frustrating at higher difficulties and further undermining any tactical battling.

And the areas, oh shit. I was willing to forgive Mass Effect for recycling the same colonist settlements and cargo ship interiors because that was all side quest stuff and at least the main story's areas were varied enough.
But that's not the case here, now we get the same storehouses, alleys and caves recycled over and over again. How bloody hard can it be to make a different map at least?
Plus the timeskips were a wasted opportunity. The city changed a bit through the acts, but not nearly enough. It would have been a lot better if you'd have been given the opportunity to influence the development of the city somehow.

And then you've got all the embarrassing bugs whether it's quests not working correctly or cutscenes playing before you've even received the quests they're linked to. Certainly seems to be a step down from the last one.
And I don't get why, If they'd only made it just like DAO, with perhaps the design change for the elves and Quinari, and actually bothered making different areas, it would have been so much better.

Bugs?? didn't notice any actually...well about interiors and exteriors its true that there are not many locations and most of them look the same:( The plot actually I think is better than DAO, simply I'm tired playing rpgs with "one idiot saves it all plot"
Conflict between Templars and Circle looked more appealing to me than the Blight lol
But what I miss the most are proper dialogues:( theres no chance of failing in DA2 dialogues and persuade and intimidate options have been left out:(
plus armor and weapons look a bit plain to me (true that most armors in DAO looked liked made from plastic, but at least it looked good)
Mar 23, 2011 8:05 PM

Jun 2008
Still haven't got this, and don't think I will until the end of april after final exams, but DA:O (on nightmare) was not as difficult as people make it seem to be. The need to pause was more of a habit and it's very addictive when everything is executed according to plan. The necessity to pause was really in boss fights like that ridiculous brood mother and werewolf/mage scenario. God I swear one of my characters goes unconscious even if I pause to drink that potion.

The more I hear about it though the more it seems mods are necessary for this game. Lack of equipment variation? Are you serious? It's like one of the fundamental values of RPGing (for me).
Mar 24, 2011 8:39 AM

Feb 2005
kain361 said:
Bugs?? didn't notice any actually.
Apparently it's rather random whether you happen to hit one or not, except for some like the one broken sidequest in the end that are always present. Either way it's rather sloppy to leave unfinished work :(
Tachii said:
Still haven't got this, and don't think I will until the end of april after final exams, but DA:O (on nightmare) was not as difficult as people make it seem to be. The need to pause was more of a habit and it's very addictive when everything is executed according to plan. The necessity to pause was really in boss fights like that ridiculous brood mother and werewolf/mage scenario. God I swear one of my characters goes unconscious even if I pause to drink that potion.

The more I hear about it though the more it seems mods are necessary for this game. Lack of equipment variation? Are you serious? It's like one of the fundamental values of RPGing (for me).
My advice; don't. Wait for the inevitable complete collection with all DLCs and potential expansions to to appear on steam, saves a lot of money, and by then it probably plays more properly too.
I'd have don the same if I hadn't been lured int to preorder for all that bonus stuff.

There's not really a lack of equipment, it's just a lack of varied designs outside the obligatory palette swaps. But from what I had by the end, there wasn't too much a difference from DAO.
Mar 26, 2011 5:16 AM

Mar 2011
First of hi! Second my personal feelings with DA2:

The main problem with this game was it lack of content. it gave me little compared to dragon age origin. The game is not bad but it should have been better than the last game in some fundamental ways.

There should have been no re usage of dungeons to this extent nor should there have been so few different armor types for your comrades. What I’m saying is that this game should have been huge. Given you 60-80 hour of solid gameplay making you use even more time to explore the magical fantasy world of Thedas.
when i played dragon age 2 i didn't have any problem with style, art, combat or characters but i hated that the game was divided into 3 acts and that you skipped so many years which could have been used for gameplay and more story. i believe that they should have used 5 years like the last game, at least 3.

With origins they used 5 years and gave us a lot. now they used 1,5 years and they managed to be cheap by reusing way to much of their already made environmental aspects like high town or that elven mountain. This is what made dragon age 2 a lesser game than origin for me.
Mar 27, 2011 9:06 AM

Nov 2010
playing trough DA:O (again -> think it's No. 36 now haha) and it blew me away that EVERY random batlle had an other designed map... (except for the fade parts that kinda looked the same hahaha) and in DA2 every friggin dungeon is a mine-pit... what anoyed me was i was always walking at parts that were sealed off. this is so far the only anoying thing i could think of... but it gets old real fast so don't think i'm going to play it as much as origins or awakening... it just gets old very fast because of the copy/paste dungeons...
Apr 12, 2011 8:59 PM

Jan 2009
I got this game on release day and I still haven't been able to finish it. It was really fun at first, but the more I played the more I realized the story was very empty. Overall, it's a decent game compared to most crap that comes out. But compared to other Bioware games, it was such a huge disappointment. DAO is my favorite Bioware game, and I think I was expecting way too much from DAO2. I really should jut tank through and finish it, I was half way through act 3.
Apr 13, 2011 1:06 AM

Sep 2007
Dragon Age 2 was pretty damn mediocre. Given the fact that EA was probably rushing Bioware to finish it completely obliterated the potential DA2 had. It had an interesting setup with the "story" spanning 10 years but overall, the game executed that and everything else poorly.

The story was probably one of my two largest concerns. Sure, they wanted to focus on a smaller aspect of Thedas and make it more "personal", but the execution was kind of bland. Like I said before, they had an interesting thing going on with the whole 10 years spanning Kirkwall but execution was lackluster. Each time a new act was introduced, you seem the SAME NPCs walking around. What, they like to say the same exact thing and walk the same exact route for 10 years straight? There was little visual difference to show off the timeskips.
Hawke did what they did and became Champion of Kirkwall. That was pretty much it. Not much of an overall arching story. It's like some cheap anime that has a protagonist and just throws unconnected storylines arc after arc.
Not to mention there is only one ending. Especially for a game that throws the whole moral compass black and white decision making at you, you'd think the ending would've at least change a bit. But it didn't. The climax of the last act just had you choosing one side and that didn't even matter

The environment is my other main concern. What the fuck, Bioware? What the fuck, EA? Recycled maps for every single dungeon. If Bioware was given enough time, they probably wouldn't have let something like this pass.
Gameplay wasn't that bad except all the fucking mob reinforcements that just magically jump off from a roof of the building or pop out of a god damn corner or sewer entrance. That was pretty facepalmy.

I do have to give it up to Bioware for the some of the dialogue and updated visuals. There were plenty of funny moments between characters. The party chatter seems to flow much better than DAO. Voices were a mixed bag. There were some good and bad parts. Hawke just sounds kind of weird given how strange the tone is for the good/sarcastic/aggressive lines. There seems to be no flow when going from a 'good' line of dialogue to a 'sarcastic' or 'aggressive' one. Maybe it's just femHawke talking. Have yet to really see how maleHawke does. I do facepalm when people bitch at how they have the "wrong accents." How the fuck are the accents wrong? They're not British, French, or Australian. They're Fereldan, Orlesian, Dalish, Dwarven, etc. How the hell would you know how their accents are suppose to be? They're a bunch of fictional people.
Kudos to them for giving elves and qunari their own character model. The qunari look especially badass now with their horns. DAO just seemed so bland with everyone looking the same. Leliana looks way better here too than in DA:O. Her forehead wrinkles in DA:O were just so terrible.

Dragon Age 2 had plenty of potential. All wasted on a rushed job. Same maps definitely killed it for a lot of people I'm assuming. Mired by plenty of bugs too on release but 1.02 supposedly fixes the majority of them. Here's hoping DA3 won't be as messed up as DA2 was.
WasabiApr 13, 2011 1:21 AM
Apr 21, 2011 8:51 PM

Jun 2008
So after I played through it all without any walkthroughs, it does seem like the bigger flaw is the repeated setting. I liked this story. There was plenty of what ifs or maybes that made me want to play this again. I like how decisions made in earlier gameplay would change (at least the conversation and characters) in later stages. It was great to see quests which seem to be sidequests, only to have those characters play some role in the main quest.

Combat is a bit quick, but there seem to be a lot of different styles there that practically make me want to replay again. (This added with the story actually make me look forward for the 2nd playthrough). I think tactics compared to Origins is more or less the same. Only thing I remember in Origins was freezing dudes and shattering them.

The repeated setting was ridiculous. I was actually like, alright, I can take this. But after 25+ hours, I was like, pleaaaaaase, I don't want to see those caverns and coasts anymore. So much so I didn't even want to do the quests anymore.

Dialogues were overall great. The sheer amount of quantity was ridiculous (as a good thing). And plenty of sarcasms everywhere. But what is with the facial expressions? Maybe it's my graphic setting, but their eyebrows everytime seems so abnormal when they talk.

Oh and did I mention the loading times? My GOD what an improvement. Maybe it's the repetition... but man, the loading time was so much better. I actually don't have enough time to read the message.

Think I'll play DA:O/awakening to get a few more endings and wait for mods to show up to replay it.
TachiiApr 21, 2011 9:10 PM
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