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Dec 4, 2023 2:39 AM

Aug 2012
Gracefeel seems extremely evil making soul suffer endless suffering through reincarnation.
Dec 4, 2023 3:57 AM
Apr 2022
Well, reincarnation is relative topic for each individual.

Some feel regret & suffer & others feels satisfied & grateful.
Dec 4, 2023 7:03 AM

Feb 2015
she's not even a fleshed out character so it's hard to hate atm
Dec 4, 2023 8:34 AM

Mar 2013
What's there to hate?
It's her purpose... To give them rest in this story. To safely transfer them. 🥲
Anyway, where did you get this "endless suffering through reincarnation"?
The true definition of suffering would be to be with Stagnate, and becoming a mindless undead.

Edit: Gracefeel doesn't make them suffer. lol
CrazyButNot4UJan 30, 11:43 PM
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Dec 4, 2023 8:40 AM
May 2011
Probably. Not many people subscribe to nihilism.
Dec 4, 2023 1:27 PM

Sep 2020
Although she is a generic ass Goddness, I do not hate her.
"I'll Take a Potato Chip and EAT IT"
Dec 5, 2023 12:23 AM

Aug 2012
Reply to CrazyButNot4U
What's there to hate?
It's her purpose... To give them rest in this story. To safely transfer them. 🥲
Anyway, where did you get this "endless suffering through reincarnation"?
The true definition of suffering would be to be with Stagnate, and becoming a mindless undead.

Edit: Gracefeel doesn't make them suffer. lol
@astralkill00 this is the main principle of reincarnation in hinduism and buddhism. Basically unless you are a chosen one or helped by a chosen one you can never escape. Also as a note having to redo the same task over and over is soul crusing. Do you know what is the best way to torture someone mentally? have a mountain of rocks. Have the person move them one by one by hand from location A to location B. Then have them move them back from B to A and so on. The fact that it has no purpose is the destructive thing. So what is the purpose restarting life over and over from 0 without remmebering anything from the past? People are seen by Gracefeel as batteries endlesly reused to maintain the flow of magic. About your Stagnate comment if you watched the show most do not become mindless zombies. Unless they get themselves consumed by rage or under the influence of demons they generally maintain their intelect personality and so on. She resembles the Elder God in Legacy of Kaine series
nightcrawlercypDec 5, 2023 12:30 AM
Dec 5, 2023 12:32 AM

Aug 2012
Reply to Fail_Man_X
Probably. Not many people subscribe to nihilism.
@Fail_Man_X not sure what you mean. There are many alternatives. Like a place where they could rest and enjoy for eternity
Dec 5, 2023 6:51 AM
May 2011
Reply to nightcrawlercyp
@Fail_Man_X not sure what you mean. There are many alternatives. Like a place where they could rest and enjoy for eternity
@nightcrawlercyp If your argument is that "Gracefeel is evil because life is pain", then all procreating peoples are also evil for bringing life into that world. If what you are trying to do is argue for some heavenly afterlife, then the god(s) who implemented the system where people are born just to suffer are also evil.

My argument is that life doesn't necessarily have to be categorized as suffering. Will's led a pretty good (second) life so far. The people living in his city have it pretty good. As do the people of Whitesail (I think that was the city from season 1).
Dec 6, 2023 3:15 AM

Aug 2012
Reply to Fail_Man_X
@nightcrawlercyp If your argument is that "Gracefeel is evil because life is pain", then all procreating peoples are also evil for bringing life into that world. If what you are trying to do is argue for some heavenly afterlife, then the god(s) who implemented the system where people are born just to suffer are also evil.

My argument is that life doesn't necessarily have to be categorized as suffering. Will's led a pretty good (second) life so far. The people living in his city have it pretty good. As do the people of Whitesail (I think that was the city from season 1).
@Fail_Man_X my argument is as follows: what is the point of reliving an ignorant lide without knowledge of the previous ones over and over? What purpose does it serve except fuelling the magic of the world? Having to go through everything again and again is just a pain in the ass. Having to relearn basic stuff again and again is tiring. That why I consider she is evil
Dec 6, 2023 3:17 AM

Oct 2015
This is certainly one of the takes of all times... honestly your arguments boils down to is that you dislike her since it clashes with your ideal version of the afterlife.
Dec 6, 2023 3:30 AM

Aug 2012
Reply to Blazu0
This is certainly one of the takes of all times... honestly your arguments boils down to is that you dislike her since it clashes with your ideal version of the afterlife.
@Blazu0 maybe. But she does not do much to help anyone.
Dec 7, 2023 10:27 AM

Dec 2017
Reply to nightcrawlercyp
@Blazu0 maybe. But she does not do much to help anyone.
@nightcrawlercyp literally no god does, with that argument any god who doesn't wipe out life is evil since life is suffering. Doing anything else is just prolonging the suffering.
❝Kabo-chan is ran by the MAL staff team and does not respond to individual comments made on her profile.❞
I was immensely devastated.
Dec 7, 2023 11:35 AM

Aug 2012
Reply to karrotStick
@nightcrawlercyp literally no god does, with that argument any god who doesn't wipe out life is evil since life is suffering. Doing anything else is just prolonging the suffering.
@karrotStick I diagree. even in the anime Stagnate does help quite a lot. William was raised as a hero thanks to the deal his adopted parents made with Stagnate. The dwarves we meet in the iron mountain were able to see their land reclaiming one step closer thanks to Stagnate. And William decided to prepare better for the fight with Valecirca thanks to Stagnate again. Also a necromancer is the best power to have in a fantasy world.
Dec 9, 2023 9:37 AM

Apr 2011
Sorry, but amnesia is better than ethernal slavery. After all not having memories of past life hurts noone. You just live your life how you choose every time. With Stagnate you don't have such choice. Well, I don't hate Stagnate. She did offer fair(?) deal for Wills parents soul, but not everyone got that choice and even with than, equal exchange cannot be considered "helping" as you get something and you loose something else instead, putting you on net zero.
Dec 9, 2023 10:50 AM

Aug 2012
Reply to Tenzen12
Sorry, but amnesia is better than ethernal slavery. After all not having memories of past life hurts noone. You just live your life how you choose every time. With Stagnate you don't have such choice. Well, I don't hate Stagnate. She did offer fair(?) deal for Wills parents soul, but not everyone got that choice and even with than, equal exchange cannot be considered "helping" as you get something and you loose something else instead, putting you on net zero.
@Tenzen12 1. all "gods" demand obedience Gracefeel included, so eternal slavery you have either way unless you topple them
2. Not having the memories of the past hurts none... actually pretty much does. First off considering how much time of our life we spend in schools is a significannt waste of time relearning the same things over and over. Second have you hears the saying: "Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it?" Not knwoing what worked and what did not in the past for you is extremely bad as you very likely will repeat the sam emistakes.
3. Stagnate is male AFAIK
4. About the equal exchange thing in this manga's universe the "gods" are not immortal and just as other entities they need to feed to survive. Also they are not all powerful and since they have certain limits they depend on their minions to do certain tasks. So I think it is fair.
5. About not everybody getting that choice maybe... but based on what we know so far it seems to me that every one that became undead ( except those infected by demonic energy) had to agree to it before Stagnate could use them. Think of it as a contract. Seems fair to me.
Dec 9, 2023 2:20 PM

Apr 2011
1. Not all gods demand obedience. People get power in exchange for making promise with gods, but even then every individual has complete freedom to choose any god and any degree (which might include completely none) of commitment. Stagnate is currently only God that continuosly use dead souls who didn't agreed to anything. Included ones that opose her.

2.Wasting time =/= getting hurt. I waste time all time and I don't feel hurt to slightest. Not to mention childhood is usually best part of life. Also you got it completely backward starting anew means you are no longer stuck with your ways. You can still learn from mistakes of past, but with no baggage it comes with. Different experience means you would become different person. You could be saint in one life and dictator in other or vice versa. In other hand longer you live, less likely are you to change.

3. Stagnate ECHO was male. Stagnate herself is female.

4. Yes, it's fair. It being fair is also irrelevant. You either helping or making fair deal. You could argue that it's helpful, if both side ONLY benefits, but Stagnate is one that would made profit and other side has give up something important (for eternity no less) by making that deal. Gracefeel in other she just lead decesead to new life without asking for anything in return.

5.Only heroes were offered deal as far as we seen. Rank and file zombies don't seem to have much awarness.
Tenzen12Dec 9, 2023 2:24 PM
Dec 10, 2023 4:57 PM
Mar 2021
Imagine hating Gracefeel for guiding souls to lifeclycle of reincarnation. This feels like you hate most Gods in other isekai show.

Dec 15, 2023 1:07 AM

Aug 2012
Reply to Tenzen12
1. Not all gods demand obedience. People get power in exchange for making promise with gods, but even then every individual has complete freedom to choose any god and any degree (which might include completely none) of commitment. Stagnate is currently only God that continuosly use dead souls who didn't agreed to anything. Included ones that opose her.

2.Wasting time =/= getting hurt. I waste time all time and I don't feel hurt to slightest. Not to mention childhood is usually best part of life. Also you got it completely backward starting anew means you are no longer stuck with your ways. You can still learn from mistakes of past, but with no baggage it comes with. Different experience means you would become different person. You could be saint in one life and dictator in other or vice versa. In other hand longer you live, less likely are you to change.

3. Stagnate ECHO was male. Stagnate herself is female.

4. Yes, it's fair. It being fair is also irrelevant. You either helping or making fair deal. You could argue that it's helpful, if both side ONLY benefits, but Stagnate is one that would made profit and other side has give up something important (for eternity no less) by making that deal. Gracefeel in other she just lead decesead to new life without asking for anything in return.

5.Only heroes were offered deal as far as we seen. Rank and file zombies don't seem to have much awarness.
@Tenzen12 1. are you sure they did not agree?
2. do you know what is the most soul crushing task? doing the same thing over and over with no accomplishment as a result. Is hellish. Think Sissifus. Being stuck in your ways... how about the ones that are not stuck in their own ways i.e. the vast majority? You can still learn... not really. The only way to mature is to experience the negative consequences of ones actions. Most people cannot really mature otherwise. That is why the vast majority of women never mature past the age of 16 because they are protected from said consequences by society.
3. ok...
4. Who said is for eternity? AFAIK most deals are time limited. Granted sometimes it may be thousands of years but is not eternity. Gracefeel on the other hand condemns one to Sisifian torment in an neverending hell.
5. Rank and file zombies you mentioned are corrupt ny demons. They do not count. Stagnate is not the only one that can create undead. As a note the ones created by demons do not really have a soul. They are just animated by magic energy mixed with string emotions like hunger or hate.
Dec 15, 2023 1:08 AM

Aug 2012
Reply to Shimura27
Imagine hating Gracefeel for guiding souls to lifeclycle of reincarnation. This feels like you hate most Gods in other isekai show.

@Shimura27 while you are not completely wrong, there is a key difference between those and Gracefeel. Those allow one to maintain their past memories. This is extremely important
Dec 16, 2023 12:58 PM

Apr 2011
Reply to nightcrawlercyp
@Tenzen12 1. are you sure they did not agree?
2. do you know what is the most soul crushing task? doing the same thing over and over with no accomplishment as a result. Is hellish. Think Sissifus. Being stuck in your ways... how about the ones that are not stuck in their own ways i.e. the vast majority? You can still learn... not really. The only way to mature is to experience the negative consequences of ones actions. Most people cannot really mature otherwise. That is why the vast majority of women never mature past the age of 16 because they are protected from said consequences by society.
3. ok...
4. Who said is for eternity? AFAIK most deals are time limited. Granted sometimes it may be thousands of years but is not eternity. Gracefeel on the other hand condemns one to Sisifian torment in an neverending hell.
5. Rank and file zombies you mentioned are corrupt ny demons. They do not count. Stagnate is not the only one that can create undead. As a note the ones created by demons do not really have a soul. They are just animated by magic energy mixed with string emotions like hunger or hate.

1) Yep, pretty sure. if you look on Will family, they only agreed because they felt huge obligation to guard seal. They hated consequences but agreed out of altruism. Thing is less heroic souls loose their reason and just cling to their obsessions, which Stagnate interprete as "agreement" even though people in questions are no longer in state to actually consent.

2) No acomplishment is huge stretch. Normal people might not be able become super heroes or kings, but they have crafts they mastered. Children that grow into splendid adults and many other bigger or smaller successes in their life they can take pride in. I don't know about your circumistances, but from my personal experience life is good thing and that is in spite of fact that my own is far from productive one. And anyway if you forgot you did it before it just means you can enjoy it twice without burn out.

4)Not deals with gods. Marry, Blood and Gus were given limited time after their death in exchange for their souls. If you make deal with no specific timeframe it means it's forever. That's how deals works. only exactly what is written is given.

5) Well yeah, if Stagnate rise udeath that used to be demons, they become corrupt demons corpses. When it's human they will became corrupt human corpses instead. Nonetheless Stagnate is always is always source of said "corruption". Undeth in that city were all explicitly created by Stagnate as part of deal with three heroes.
Dec 17, 2023 4:04 AM

Feb 2014
Wew man's got a hate for recycled product.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Dec 17, 2023 7:48 AM

Aug 2012
Reply to Tenzen12

1) Yep, pretty sure. if you look on Will family, they only agreed because they felt huge obligation to guard seal. They hated consequences but agreed out of altruism. Thing is less heroic souls loose their reason and just cling to their obsessions, which Stagnate interprete as "agreement" even though people in questions are no longer in state to actually consent.

2) No acomplishment is huge stretch. Normal people might not be able become super heroes or kings, but they have crafts they mastered. Children that grow into splendid adults and many other bigger or smaller successes in their life they can take pride in. I don't know about your circumistances, but from my personal experience life is good thing and that is in spite of fact that my own is far from productive one. And anyway if you forgot you did it before it just means you can enjoy it twice without burn out.

4)Not deals with gods. Marry, Blood and Gus were given limited time after their death in exchange for their souls. If you make deal with no specific timeframe it means it's forever. That's how deals works. only exactly what is written is given.

5) Well yeah, if Stagnate rise udeath that used to be demons, they become corrupt demons corpses. When it's human they will became corrupt human corpses instead. Nonetheless Stagnate is always is always source of said "corruption". Undeth in that city were all explicitly created by Stagnate as part of deal with three heroes.
@Tenzen12 1. those that cling they do agree.
2. What use is masteringa carft if you forget it? About children maybe , that is debatable since they will be fated for the same torment of reincarnation. Life is a good thing indeed. Reincarnation is an evil idea though. You have one life and then comes judgement. You can enjoy it twice? Not sure what you mean, but while I did enjoy my job until it was ruined by a marxist methodology I did not enjoy that much learning it.
4. well then you should read the fine print before making a deal
5. that is not how they work. Stagnate is not the only one that can raise the dead. I explained the difference but you constructed something entirely different
Dec 21, 2023 2:15 AM

Aug 2012
Reply to Shimura27
Imagine hating Gracefeel for guiding souls to lifeclycle of reincarnation. This feels like you hate most Gods in other isekai show.

@Shimura27 also as a note most isekai do not have reincarnation rather a type of transmigration of souls where someone comes to possess (like a demon) someone else's body, i.e. steal someone else's body. The cases where is really reincarnation are fewer ( at least in recent manga).
Dec 23, 2023 10:00 AM

Jul 2014
Reply to nightcrawlercyp
@Tenzen12 1. those that cling they do agree.
2. What use is masteringa carft if you forget it? About children maybe , that is debatable since they will be fated for the same torment of reincarnation. Life is a good thing indeed. Reincarnation is an evil idea though. You have one life and then comes judgement. You can enjoy it twice? Not sure what you mean, but while I did enjoy my job until it was ruined by a marxist methodology I did not enjoy that much learning it.
4. well then you should read the fine print before making a deal
5. that is not how they work. Stagnate is not the only one that can raise the dead. I explained the difference but you constructed something entirely different
If I remember correctly, Mary (Will's mom) said that "Evil Gods" aren't bad, they are just seen as "Evil" in the current era

Stagnate's reasoning behind resurrecting everyone as undead seems to come from a wish to not let living beings dead (especially heroes)
If she really think that, there's no way she would set free the soul of the undeads at any point out of her own will, even if the undead in question wishes to reincarnate, as she would think she's doing the right thing
In S2 Episode 12 it was also said by Gracefeel that Stagnate is her sister and both worked in the cycle of reincarnation before, maybe Stagnate didn't want to reset souls anymore and split from Gracefeel because of that

Gracefeel is similar, she also doesn't wish to let living beings dead, but she guide them to the cycle of reincarnation instead, giving them a new life

Also, it's important to keep in mind that it's currently not clear what happens if souls stays as simple wandering souls (aka not reincarnated or resurrected as undead), maybe it brings more pain than the other alternatives, or maybe souls are limited in quantity, meaning the more wandering souls and undead there is, the less living people there is

As for why Gracefeel doesn't make the souls keep their memories, it's currently not explained either, however, we can make theories about it;
Maybe it requires a lot of energy or costs more the "heavier" the soul is, and Gracefeel simply doesn't have enough energy to do that
Maybe it would break the balance of the world because the technology/magic/knowledge/techniques would evolve at a much faster rate
Maybe it's so that people would still fear death to not throw their life away
Maybe it's to "reset" past grudges/hatred/traumas, to not bring them in their next lives
Maybe souls can break if they are too "heavy", making it a real danger as we don't know whether souls are infinite or not

Gracefeel doesn't do much in the story because she doesn't have much energy left, it was explained in the beginning that most of her believers died during the massacre that made Will's family become undead

And I don't think we've seen someone else than Stagnate resurrecting people as undead (maybe soulless undeads? S1 was a long time ago so I might be wrong tho)
Dec 24, 2023 7:19 AM

Aug 2012
Reply to Kuroimi
If I remember correctly, Mary (Will's mom) said that "Evil Gods" aren't bad, they are just seen as "Evil" in the current era

Stagnate's reasoning behind resurrecting everyone as undead seems to come from a wish to not let living beings dead (especially heroes)
If she really think that, there's no way she would set free the soul of the undeads at any point out of her own will, even if the undead in question wishes to reincarnate, as she would think she's doing the right thing
In S2 Episode 12 it was also said by Gracefeel that Stagnate is her sister and both worked in the cycle of reincarnation before, maybe Stagnate didn't want to reset souls anymore and split from Gracefeel because of that

Gracefeel is similar, she also doesn't wish to let living beings dead, but she guide them to the cycle of reincarnation instead, giving them a new life

Also, it's important to keep in mind that it's currently not clear what happens if souls stays as simple wandering souls (aka not reincarnated or resurrected as undead), maybe it brings more pain than the other alternatives, or maybe souls are limited in quantity, meaning the more wandering souls and undead there is, the less living people there is

As for why Gracefeel doesn't make the souls keep their memories, it's currently not explained either, however, we can make theories about it;
Maybe it requires a lot of energy or costs more the "heavier" the soul is, and Gracefeel simply doesn't have enough energy to do that
Maybe it would break the balance of the world because the technology/magic/knowledge/techniques would evolve at a much faster rate
Maybe it's so that people would still fear death to not throw their life away
Maybe it's to "reset" past grudges/hatred/traumas, to not bring them in their next lives
Maybe souls can break if they are too "heavy", making it a real danger as we don't know whether souls are infinite or not

Gracefeel doesn't do much in the story because she doesn't have much energy left, it was explained in the beginning that most of her believers died during the massacre that made Will's family become undead

And I don't think we've seen someone else than Stagnate resurrecting people as undead (maybe soulless undeads? S1 was a long time ago so I might be wrong tho)
@Kuroimi exactly.
I do not think is behind creating demonic undead though. I think she actually cares for what the soul wants.

I think it depends of the soul. If they are consumed by rage or anger or resentment they can become demonic, but if not probably just live like they were still alive more or less.

About souls being limited in quantity I considered that theory but since the whole reincarnation bs is not limited to a species and some species have billions of members... I think is not really a problem of quantity.
Dec 25, 2023 10:44 AM

Jul 2014
Reply to nightcrawlercyp
@Kuroimi exactly.
I do not think is behind creating demonic undead though. I think she actually cares for what the soul wants.

I think it depends of the soul. If they are consumed by rage or anger or resentment they can become demonic, but if not probably just live like they were still alive more or less.

About souls being limited in quantity I considered that theory but since the whole reincarnation bs is not limited to a species and some species have billions of members... I think is not really a problem of quantity.
nightcrawlercyp said:
@Kuroimi exactly.
I do not think is behind creating demonic undead though. I think she actually cares for what the soul wants.

I think it depends of the soul. If they are consumed by rage or anger or resentment they can become demonic, but if not probably just live like they were still alive more or less.

About souls being limited in quantity I considered that theory but since the whole reincarnation bs is not limited to a species and some species have billions of members... I think is not really a problem of quantity.

She does care about the soul's desires, but only to a certain extent, or else she would've let go Will's family when they ask (but to be fair, they did make a promise with Stagnate at first)

For souls, who knows how it really works? There so many different ways of explaining the soul system, used in many different series, so unless there's hints, it's hard to actually make real theories
I'm just saying it's probably a bit soon to put the fault on Gracefeel for not letting souls keep their memories, especially since we don't know much about her yet, or even how the reincarnation actually works
Dec 26, 2023 8:02 PM

Mar 2012
Reincarnating does not mean returning to repeat the same mistakes (or experiencing the same hardships), it means giving the opportunity to live again a completely different life.
In my opinion no god is bad in the series, it all depends on the perspective from which you look at it. When I was a girl, immortality seemed fascinating to me, but as I grow older I think more about the possibilities and doing things differently. Which fits better with the possibility of reincarnation and with not carrying the burden of memories with you (because they condition your actions based on what you experienced in another life and not on the new possibilities that living and growing in another environment gives you).
But like I said, they are different perspectives.
Dec 27, 2023 7:52 AM

Aug 2012
Reply to ShySeishuro
Reincarnating does not mean returning to repeat the same mistakes (or experiencing the same hardships), it means giving the opportunity to live again a completely different life.
In my opinion no god is bad in the series, it all depends on the perspective from which you look at it. When I was a girl, immortality seemed fascinating to me, but as I grow older I think more about the possibilities and doing things differently. Which fits better with the possibility of reincarnation and with not carrying the burden of memories with you (because they condition your actions based on what you experienced in another life and not on the new possibilities that living and growing in another environment gives you).
But like I said, they are different perspectives.
@ShySeishuro first off there is a reason why Stagnate changed her stance on the reincarnation thing and I thing is the same reasoning as what I said. Second there is a saying no use crying over spilled milk. Sometimes you cannot change things. You just have do the best from this point on
Dec 28, 2023 6:06 AM
Jan 2021
You know, when you reincarnate, it is you, but also not you at the same time. It's not evil if you're perspective does not focus on the bad side, or if the bad side weighs more for you than good sides, or if you disagree someone giving a chance in life. I haven't watched this completely so this is what I'll say for now ^_^
Dec 28, 2023 6:09 AM

Aug 2012
Reply to Jacques_Monreal
You know, when you reincarnate, it is you, but also not you at the same time. It's not evil if you're perspective does not focus on the bad side, or if the bad side weighs more for you than good sides, or if you disagree someone giving a chance in life. I haven't watched this completely so this is what I'll say for now ^_^
@Jacques_Monreal It is you but not you... what do you mean? what makes you you?
Dec 28, 2023 6:37 AM
Jan 2021
Reply to nightcrawlercyp
@Jacques_Monreal It is you but not you... what do you mean? what makes you you?
@nightcrawlercyp basically you are different before and after the reincarnation. Even if you reincarnate a million times, even with memories intact, you won't be the same. Same soul, different personality, experience, body, etc. Just learned it from watching lots of cultivation donghua. If you ask what makes "you" you, I don't know. Only you can find an answer for that. Knowing oneself is hard, after all (at least for me). Even I am still in the process of learning about myself.
Dec 28, 2023 6:43 AM

Aug 2012
Reply to Jacques_Monreal
@nightcrawlercyp basically you are different before and after the reincarnation. Even if you reincarnate a million times, even with memories intact, you won't be the same. Same soul, different personality, experience, body, etc. Just learned it from watching lots of cultivation donghua. If you ask what makes "you" you, I don't know. Only you can find an answer for that. Knowing oneself is hard, after all (at least for me). Even I am still in the process of learning about myself.
@Jacques_Monreal you are different in every moment but generally this is by your experiences. Also as a note do yu know why hinduism (and by extension) preached reincarnation?! Is to maintain the caste system and to basically say that if something bad happens to you it either is because you did something bad in a past life or you chose it for yourself. It propagates lack o empathy and love for those in suffering. We can see it plenty if you walk through the poor regions in India or if you talk in earnest with budhist monks
Dec 28, 2023 7:07 AM
Jan 2021
Reply to nightcrawlercyp
@Jacques_Monreal you are different in every moment but generally this is by your experiences. Also as a note do yu know why hinduism (and by extension) preached reincarnation?! Is to maintain the caste system and to basically say that if something bad happens to you it either is because you did something bad in a past life or you chose it for yourself. It propagates lack o empathy and love for those in suffering. We can see it plenty if you walk through the poor regions in India or if you talk in earnest with budhist monks
@nightcrawlercyp I see. It boils down to your beliefs against what reincarnation in this anime after all. The teachings in hinduism and anime is different (even if its based on reality) but I learned something new. I have nothing to say.
Jan 7, 8:20 PM

Nov 2016
some pretty deep discussions here but i do agree i dont like gracefeel. she pushed will over the top and if stagnate didnt help welp dem be dededed without any chance of reincarnation (his dragon breath breaks the cycle right)
like in other shows the amount of people who worship you = your power, its still not an excuse to push your fav toy til it breaks (woops made her sound evil lol)
stagnate helped a ton more tho, and is confirmed a tsundere i guess
anime/manga version of steam would be awesome -
Jan 29, 9:19 PM

Jul 2017
nightcrawlercyp said:
Am I the only one that hates Gracefeel?

Yes. She's the ultimate mommy.

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