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Dec 22, 2022 3:42 PM
Jun 2021
Mugiwara_Luffyy said:
EmmyMoomin said:
Ok I know what bait looks like.
hmm.. why do think this bait?
Probably because your criticisms are pretty stupid
Dec 22, 2022 4:13 PM
Dec 2021
For me: S2>S3>S1. S3 has more emotional appeal, as the Series has its well-established narrative points. S1 was weaker for its ending, not as enriched as other seasons. S3 is not the best, because of the little content. Dimple's return is not forced, as he cannot intentionally take his farewell as something precisely his death.
Dimple is a non-physical form, a "little ghost", how can he "die"? That event is a probabilistic term, whether or not it can come back, just like it did in S1. Well... I like all three seasons, I'm going to miss this show
Dec 22, 2022 9:05 PM

Dec 2016
samsince04 said:
@Kimurah Why do you feel the need to make a long line of quotes replying to multiple people?

Because it's easier for me to address each point people try to use as a defense and it also causes less flood in the threads. Also mods delete multiple consecutive posts coming from a single user.

samsince04 said:

Also, aren't you doing the same thing you claim I'm doing? You are among the vocal minority who criticize it a lot and you're looking for people to validate your opinion that this season of Mob Psycho isn't as good as its predecessors which I have already stated is an opinion I agree with.
Actually no, I'm not doing the same thing you do, acting condescending to others and I'll quote you on that " Use your oblongata and put two and two together." nor I'm downplaying others arguments by saying that it is straight out "bitching". Insert Gus Fring meme "we're not the same".

I'm not looking to validate my opinion, specially since unlike you I don't need to use other people as a crutch for my statements (for real I couldn't care any less if I'm either in the majority or the minority of a stance on a subjective matter). I care for people being able to pour their good and bad takes without the need of self certified police users.

samsince04Criticism is fine, but I still think Mob was one of the best anime to air this season despite the flaws that people like you seem to want to point out at every opportunity. Is that a reflection of how bad some of the shows airing in the same season are or is it a reflection of Mob just being a good anime? That's the question you should be posing instead of taking offense to a tongue-in-cheek comment. 

Aren't Mob or any other series stans doing exactly the same thing, shilling on their favorite show every single oportunity they get? Yet I don't see anyone trying to censor them because somehow that's some unnaceptable behaviour in a discussion board (yeah, the irony of using a discussion board to bring out the good and the bad).

The rest of your paragraph is nothing but playing semantics and plain deflection to act as if you had a good defense to stand on. Good and bad anime is all subjective and claiming that people should worry about other shows that are allegedly worse is on the same level of deflection of Trump asking for people not to look into all his screw ups and instead they should focus on Hunter Biden's laptop.

-_Victorique_-@Kimurah First of all, i will say sorry for the unnecessary insults i dropped, but i will stay to what i said.

This goes at the Group of People who make countless Hate Threads.

There are Discussion Threads are Made for each Episode. You know for shure what Thing i mean. And since insaw this User who created this Threads in one of these Not to Long ago, he will know for shure they exist.

while i do admit that i ranted and overreacted hard, Its Not to oversee how annoyed People are by These hate Threads. Of course including short tempered People Like myself. I Just Dont get why you would do that. Because Its probably the best example the AoT Manga ed. People hated it EVERYWHERE and Dont let enjoy anyone. I personally also was Not a huge Fan of the Ed, but why the hell should i now Go on SocialMedia, MaL and co. to rant about? The Episode Threads are there for that. (But idk If there are simlar Threads for Manga chapters)Its Just Sad when you Finish a Series, you Go on your Phone to for example MaL to Put it on "Completed" and you a greeted by Hate Threads. It Just Ruins the enjoyment. So at least Dont make the Titels so assulting, thats probably the Most annoying Thing. The Titles.

Going by your really clouded logic, since there are discussion threads for each episode, there's no need for any other kind of discussion threads since anything that affects or acts as reference to any show at hand should and could be adressed in the discussion threads, don't you think? Yet that's not the reality, stuff like upcoming dates for events or second seasons or just a positive new post about the series are quite the common ocurrence to provide you know "discussion" in the boards. Why should the more critical or even negative takes of any series should be discussed only in the discussion threads? Like I said, show me where in the rule guide of this site state this asinine and ridiculous way of distributing discussion.

Regarding annoyed or even angry people against these kind of critical threads, that's more of a YOU problem and something maturity should've taught you how to deal with dissenting opinions. I seriously don't see how you or other people with this "issue" can act as a person in society if anything that doesn't align with your values and thoughts makes you angry.

If you're really that irked by threads that are made to discuss the low points of a series, you really shouldn't be taking part of discussion boards or social media at all.
KimurahDec 22, 2022 9:23 PM
Dec 22, 2022 10:16 PM

Sep 2020
I would actually like to see criticism that couldn't be refuted with one or two statements. Idk why you're accusing me of downplaying comments, when I took every point that OP made and explained why I disagree with them. 

Dimple coming back was not out of left field. It was never explicitly stated that he died. Also, he has cheated death countless times before. This counts for little but I made a prediction about his return.
So you can see why I think his return was imminent and pretty obvious. Just another opportunity for people to fish out criticism from an open-ended scene.

Mob "destroying the city without any consequences" just seems like a weird criticism. OP pretends like they would actually care if Mob got scolded for his actions and that the whole arc wasn't 
focused on something entirely different.

"Extremely and predictable ending". Again, it seems like another weird criticism. This is Mob Psycho. You've been watching this for three seasons, how else would you expect it to end? Personally, Mob not getting the girl was surprising to me. 

Maybe I am being "condescending" and "censoring" people because their criticisms just seem like nitpicks. There is no suggestion as to how those scenes/moments could've improved. Most of what I see is just people complaining about how x scene didn't turn out as they expected. And I don't need to tell you how that doesn't encourage any sort of meaningful discussion.

samsince04Dec 22, 2022 10:21 PM

Arteta's Tricky Reds!

Dec 22, 2022 11:44 PM
Jan 2013
Mugiwara_Luffyy said:
EndlessNights9 said:
not the battle shounen you thought it was
it's the opposite. i was expecting it to be more unorthodox, but the ending was extremely generic like conclusion to any other generic shounen arc. so you are wrong in there.
You should probably stop using the word "generic", which ironically is making your entire critique generic. Mob Psycho 100 is a show with a simple message and story, so if you're problem with the show is that it didn't tell a deeper story, then your problem with the show is that it just wasn't for you. 

The show told the story it wanted to tell, the focus was always on Mob, they were very clearly going to circle back to him at some point and explore why he is the way he is,. They showed it in season 1 when he 's crying as he repairs the school after the fight with Teru and the guilt he carries. They show it again in season 2 with him changing during his squabble with Reigen, then finish his character arc in the final season with him confronting himself at the end.

I'm curious to know what more did you want from the show? 
Dec 23, 2022 3:18 AM
Jun 2020
I Apologize, sorry.I will delete my Comments. Or edit them since i Dont know how to delete them.
I_GoSickDec 26, 2022 10:43 AM
Dec 24, 2022 11:45 PM

Mar 2018
Completely agree- I strongly, strongly dislike this ending for the reasons mentioned above. 

No matter how glamorous or righteous your themes and morals are, they should never take precedent over making sense plot-wise.

(Copy & Pasted from other forum): Hot take, but I don't think Mob "deserved" a happy ending. He destroyed the city, displaced many, and who knows if he killed people, yet he is able to go on living his life like normal. I don't know man. It just seems stupid to have a walking nuclear disaster live such a normal life. Maybe I'm just weird.
Dec 25, 2022 11:13 AM

Dec 2016
samsince04 said:
I would actually like to see criticism that couldn't be refuted with one or two statements. Idk why you're accusing me of downplaying comments, when I took every point that OP made and explained why I disagree with them. 

And I countered those points you made also with a single statement (to which I must also point out your original arguments were also single sentences)

Dimple coming back was not out of left field. It was never explicitly stated that he died. Also, he has cheated death countless times before. This counts for little but I made a prediction about his return.
So you can see why I think his return was imminent and pretty obvious. Just another opportunity for people to fish out criticism from an open-ended scene.

I seriously don't see what's your point to quote someone else's thoughts about Dimple's comeback. Is it peer validation? (which we already stated it's worthless)

For starters just to point out how bad are your skills to keep up with a debate, neither OP nor I mentioned that Dimple's coming back was out of the left field. My gripe is that it's a very overused and cheap trope writers rely on when they corner themselves and (using your very own words) don't use their "oblongata" in order to use other characters or a better angle for the hero to save the day or at least survive the encounter. Dimple had his time under the spotlight and had his proper goodbye from the cast and the audience. He should've remained out of scene after episode 6, rather than pull out a cheap "hey we never showed Dimple's body so it's all fair game trololo".

Mob "destroying the city without any consequences" just seems like a weird criticism. OP pretends like they would actually care if Mob got scolded for his actions and that the whole arc wasn't focused on something entirely different.

Not really a weird criticism, specially considering that Reigen mentioned to Mob that they should gather up the rest of the psychic guys and help rebuild the city. This isn't about Mob being reprimended, it's about Mob helping out clean up a mess he made even if he did it unconciously and without malice. Otherwise the whole message about self improvement kinda gets tossed in a sack with a hole at the bottom. This is something that should had been a quick montage using stills that wouldn't had taken more than 20 seconds of screentime and Bones studios should had probably added them if it's not canon.

"Extremely and predictable ending". Again, it seems like another weird criticism. This is Mob Psycho. You've been watching this for three seasons, how else would you expect it to end? Personally, Mob not getting the girl was surprising to me. 

How about not using cheap fake deaths and returning heroes to save the day on the eleventh hour. Not relying on deus ex machina and power of friendship and also abiding to chekov's gun and not having Serizawa play a weaker background character. Again, if your only defense for the element of surprie is hanging to the idea of Mob not getting the girl, I don't see why you keep coming back with such a poor and worthless argument.

Maybe I am being "condescending" and "censoring" people because their criticisms just seem like nitpicks. There is no suggestion as to how those scenes/moments could've improved. Most of what I see is just people complaining about how x scene didn't turn out as they expected. And I don't need to tell you how that doesn't encourage any sort of meaningful discussion.

It's not a maybe, it's a FACT. You are being condescending and gatekeeping while claiming that other arguments are just nitpicks when your own arguments are weak and conveniently based on a very low bar, while using this as an "excuse" to entitle yourself to call others' takes as "bitching". But like I said previously, it's not like I expected better from you or your kind anyway.

@-_Victorique_-Kimurah Just because i feel Like you ignored what i personally call the biggest issue, again, why should you make the Titles so offensive, Like Clickbait or Something? It should be obvious that Hardcore Fans will be offended by this.
You Said Something Like "in the rules it is not forbidden" and shure, youre right, but in rela Life Its also Not forbidden or illegal to insults People.  Its Just a Thing of Respect. Because you know you would offend People you Just Dont do it. It's an unwritten law. Its somewhat Same with These Titles. The People could easily have wrote Something Like "Why i am dissapointed by Titles XY Season XY".
Its Just a minor Change, but it would have been huge Difference, because it wouldn't upset the fans that much. People still would dicuss with them, but it wouldnt bei as toxic as it is. My First comment is the best example for this toxicity.
Even If thats never going to Happen, since Its a Thing that can't stand since years, i Just had the urge to let my thougts Out. Its Just a coincidence that it was that Thread.

Your biggest issue is that people in this subforum aren't using some weird and catered set of rules that only you came up with. Offensive titles? Clickbait? How? explain to me like I was 5, how is the title  "Disappointing ending and season Overall" a clickbait? People that felt that this ending was dissapointing are pouring their toughts in this thread, same for those who don't think it was dissapointing and also the bottom of the barrel users who only jump in these threads to yell "bait" because they have no way to make a proper reply with actual words.

Feels like your whole argument is "people should walk on eggshells so they don't offend me or people like me for not liking certain aspects of fictional media" rather than you fixing your anger and intolerance issues.

Regarding your sentence about real life and insulting people, I don't see how that has anything to do with this thread, specially since your first post was just pure childish insults towards OP (sounds like the "do as I say not as I do")

Like for real, it feels like you're trying to make a reply with nothing that speaks about the topic at hand just for the sake of having the last word, but just losing any credibility the more you reply (if you even had one to begin with).

KimurahDec 25, 2022 11:26 AM
Dec 25, 2022 1:07 PM

Jul 2017
You're right.

While the show's ending is consistent with the show's portrayals of collateral damage being irrelevant, that was because all those incidents were not Mob's fault. Only now when Mob destroys the city himself does this become relevant, because this anime is about Mob's growth, and that growth includes facing consequences for your actions, which Mob does not.

I also found Mob's way of becoming unconscious to be very flimsy, as he's able to sustain damage with his psychic shield before. They could have gone with something more interesting like a panic attack, or some blunt trauma specifically to the head. Anything other than something he'd normally be able to handle.

Reigen also took hits like it was nothing. Season 2 he would take one hit on the back with hands behind his head and be unable to move. Now he's slamming on concrete multiple times like it's nothing. You could hand wave that since it's shonen-like and whatever but it's still stupid.

And you know the worst thing about the ending for me? Since everyone is so unapologetically okay with Mob after seeing what he's capable of in terms of harm, what if they're being nice to him to not get on his bad side, like his relationship with Ritsu in season 1? Is that an implication? I wouldn't blame anyone for thinking it!

The themes and ideas for the ending were there, but the execution was terrible, and it implies a lot of dark stuff, especially the way Mob laughs everything off in the end like a loon. As someone who deeply loved this series, I was severely disappointed.

God. You throw any criticism at the show and people attack you for it. Let this be a lesson, MAL forms are nothing but obnoxious circle jerks, where you unconditionally praise shows and ignore their faults, while elites mock your trash taste in favor of their considerably trashier taste.
Dec 26, 2022 12:54 AM
Jan 2021
Mugiwara_Luffyy said:
>Dimple coming out of nowhere after such a great and emotional departure 
>Mob destroyed whole city without any consequences
>Extremely generic and predictable ending
what do you think?

Yup i agree that it was so much predictable and would be better if dimple was dead and so much plot armour of other characters but i will say it was enjoyable
Overall it was 7.7/10
Dec 26, 2022 12:54 AM
Jan 2021
samsince04 said:
>It was never explicitly stated that Dimple died. Use your oblongata and put two and two together. This is not even an asspull. It was pretty obvious that Dimple was going to come back.

>I mean it's not the first time the city is getting destroyed due to psychic powers so maybe this is the only valid complaint. 

>Predictable ending where the timid MC doesn't get the girl? Yh.

Season 3 is far from being my favorite season, but I'm tired of people bitching about it like it's not a more than respectable season compared to some of the dross airing this season.

Man shut ur biased ass mouth up
This was trash season in many ways
Dec 26, 2022 12:56 AM
Jan 2021
-_Victorique_- said:
(No native speaker so probably some Major grammar Mistakes ahead)

Do you have nothing better to to than to annoy People with your Opinion no one cares about?

I thought we we're done with this since AoT Manga ed.

A Mature Person would do this:

If he Likes it, cool, he can Talk with People that Liked it too, but wont say BS like 'They are to Dumb to understand it', they Just Dont Like it.
What a Gigachad.

If he Dont Like it thats cool too, but he wont try annoy People with a shitty, illogical Opinion or try to eliminate the Fun. He has His reasons, and If someone asks, He would calmly explain why He Dont Like it. What a Gigachad.

You Dont have neither of this traits. If you want to rant, there is an Discussion extra for Opinions, so you can say, what you think. But No, you need extra Attention and you created this unnecessary Discussion.

Please grow Up, my fellow 5 Year old (mentally)

Bruh it's the community that's why we share what is good and what is bad on season ........ that's why it's called discussion.......if ur mature then don't use this and don't even come here u hypocrite asshole
Dec 26, 2022 1:59 AM

Dec 2012
Natsu988 said:
mob will continue to work for reigen? I don't understand this...
I think there are strong implications that, mob doesn't use at all, or doesn't want to use his powers as much as possible. Kurata now works there, and there's serizawa too. I doubt mob works at reigen's place anymore.
Dec 26, 2022 9:57 AM
Apr 2020
third season was unnecessary
Dec 30, 2022 1:23 PM

Aug 2020
I understand from a writing standpoint it could have been better, but I feel like they still ended the show perfectly. Everything wrapped up well and it made me just really happy. 
Jan 1, 2023 6:57 AM
Jun 2016
It wasn't bad but I would say it was disappointing considering how good season 2 was and it was built up to have a major story. This one was very forgettable and the whole alien episode was pointless. Season 3 had no real major story and no build up
Jan 1, 2023 9:10 AM

Aug 2020
Mugiwara_Luffyy said:
>Dimple coming out of nowhere after such a great and emotional departure
I partially agree.

Mugiwara_Luffyy said:
>Mob destroyed whole city without any consequences
This is not even valid criticism. You are basically nitpicking stuff. There has been a lot of collateral damage earlier in the series due to the psychics and its never been brought up later on. This is the case with most shounen.

Mugiwara_Luffyy said:
>Extremely generic and predictable ending
"Generic" and "Predictable". Did you expect some last minute shitty plot twist or some cliffhanger for another possible season?
This is the best possible way for Mob Psycho to end and its been decided it would end like this ever since we got to the characters especially Mob. You should probably learn when to expect over-the-top endings and when to expect an ending which ties up all the characters with its themes well.
Jan 1, 2023 10:38 AM
Oct 2022
mr_modest said:
Mugiwara_Luffyy said:
>Dimple coming out of nowhere after such a great and emotional departure
I partially agree.

Dimple came back multiple times in season 1. From Mob erasing him, Teru erasing him and being trapped in a jar with other spirits that wanted to eat him but dimple ate them instead.
Jan 1, 2023 12:22 PM
Nov 2014
I'm planning to watch it but is it more similar to season 1 or season 2? I loved season 1 but season 2 was just ok for me, there wre moments I really enjoyed though. I loved Mob and Ritsu's complicated brotherhood in season 1 and in general I liked the vibe and story of the first one a lot.
Himitsu127Jan 1, 2023 5:36 PM
Jan 1, 2023 5:29 PM

May 2010
Himitsu127 said:
I'm planning to watch it but is it more similar to season 1 or season 2? I loved season 1 but season 2 was just okayish for me. I loved Mob and Ritsu's complicated brotherhood in season 1 and in general I liked the vibe and story of the first one a lot.
It's quite a bit different from the previous seasons. There are several arcs that do not really feel like they fit together and there is barely any character development.
While I did like the ending I would suggest skipping this season, it is nowhere near as good as the first two.
Jan 1, 2023 5:46 PM

Jul 2019
I preferred the first half of this season to the second half. I wouldn't just randomly throw the word "generic" but it's not entirely on the level as the first half. 

-[ ~♫~ ll Credit ]-
Jan 1, 2023 6:34 PM
Oct 2022
Himitsu127 said:
I'm planning to watch it but is it more similar to season 1 or season 2? I loved season 1 but season 2 was just ok for me, there wre moments I really enjoyed though. I loved Mob and Ritsu's complicated brotherhood in season 1 and in general I liked the vibe and story of the first one a lot.

Mob and ritsu's brotherhood gets brought up again in the final arc of this season.

This season wraps up loose ends brought up in the previous seasons. And completes characters for certain characters.

It's the end of the story so I think it's worth watching if you care enough to see how it ends.
Jan 1, 2023 9:08 PM
Apr 2022
I totaly agree with you
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