Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki (Wolf Children) is an award-winning animated fantasy film released in 2012. The plot follows a brave young mother, Hana, who falls in love with a werewolf man, Ookami. They get married and Hana gives birth to two children - a girl born on a snowy night named Yuki (snow in Japanese) and a boy born on a rainy night named Ame (rain in Japanese). Unfortunately, the family bliss is destroyed when Ookami disappears and Hana must struggle through everyday life with her wild wolfish children. That is why she moves with them to the rural secluded countryside where they can live freely and have their privacy.
This story of a woman, who would give everything to raise her children properly, and her wild kids, who must fit into society despite their differences, has stolen the hearts of people throughout the world.
However, the essential part of the film is its amazing soundtrack, consisting of 24 tracks, composed by Takagi Masakatsu. He is a musician and filmmaker from Kyoto who is known for his diverse style and experimental music. He mixes the piano sound with guitars, violins and a mandolin in order to create a nostalgic atmosphere.
Here are a few fan favorites:
・Lullaby in the Peaceful Light
・First Echo
・Cradle of Myriad Stars
・Maternity Sky
・Kito Kito - Dance of Your Nature
・Ne Ne
・Hifumi - Medicine Song
・All the Warm Lives
・Home After Rain
・A Boy and the Mountain
・The Day I Got the Sun
・Weave Your World
Even the more upbeat and catchy tunes such as The Day I Got the Sun, Ne Ne and Kito Kito - Dance of Your Nature have a bittersweet side to them which can easily force you to fight back the tears. Most of these ballads have a perfect blend of fantasy and quirkiness that fit the breathtaking animation and unique story perfectly. The soundtrack has even been compared to those of Studio Ghibli works, which means that if you have not watched the film so far, you should definitely do so because this is a rare gem in the world of animation.
The ending theme Mother's Song is probably the most touching song of the OST, perfect for closing such an amazing film. It is performed by a Japanese singer Ann Sally whose melancholic voice fits the piano music and the whole gut wrenching atmosphere of a mother who has just realized that her children have chosen their own paths and futures, meaning that she had finally succeeded in turning them into strong and independent people.