May 6, 2019
Before reading I deleted this review because I had to find if some things I wrote were correct and they were but it was hard to find some veracity on this thing but with the research I had now everything is fine.
Honestly why I am hurting myself with watching bad anime? What am I gaining? All that time wasted. Why are we still here just to suffer? I hope you don't mind spoilers for something like this.
You thought Mars of Destruction or Skelter Heaven were bad anime. I researched so much for a a treasure with lots of poop inside. I will review Gakuentoshi
Varanoir Joukan, the lost sister of both series mentioned above. Also note this anime is only Raw state.
One thing before starting, no Myanimelist, this series is not 25 minutes each episode. The first episode is 50 minutes long and the second is 43 minutes long. Yeah in total this is Idea Factory's longest running crapfest of the OVAs they have made. 1 hour and 33 minutes of my life gone. It seems that MAL is basing this lenght because there is a torrent that divides the first episode in 2 parts but it is still the same episode.
Let's begin with the obvious the art and story. The artstyle and animation are the best in trying to insert the most awful animation and artstyle you can come up with.
The show begins with horrible pictures made in paint and with a grandpa having a sexual affection for his grandaughter. Yes it is one of those. Then after the girl finishes dressing she goes to the school she got accepted and they show this abhorrent background and they shove to the face everytime they can. Also this series incorporates a horrible and shitty Haohmaru from Samurai Showdown copy that fights the main protagonist for some reason. But she has the power of luck because everytime she looks down there is money and she defeats her enemies like that.
So what other bad type of animation is found here. What if I told you that the producers are so crazy and so retarded that when our protagonist presents herself to the class and all her classmates and literally all her classmates are just the same 2 characters copy and pasted and with the same expression.
They are so cheap and take the viewers as a fool is over beyond and you want to know something. The first episode is being sold on Amazon Japan for over 100$. If anyone wants to have that turd in their collection go ahead but they should be giving those copies for free.
In episode 2.
They start with a food competition where our protagonist and her rival compete and other cheap way to solve animation issues is that the assholes grab frames of the animation. Put it in Stop and then they just start zooming into the faces of the characters whenever they feel like it.
Later the protagonist and her rival go to a horrible cave for some reason. The focus on that escenario takes almost 1/3 of the 43 minutes. It also seems to look that at some point in the production of the show.The backgrounds didn't render at all. So they decided to put the characters into focus boxes while leaving the whole background black. (Do I even have to continue with how repugnant this show is?)
Some parts on that cave, the animation is so bad that it looks like if you go to Vegas and you start moving pictures like those shitpost videos on youtube.
Also there is a subplot of the grandpa talking to a man, and all of the suddent they throw a Generation of Chaos (another Idea Factory Anime) flashback? and I am like, was Idea Factory trying to make their own cinematic universe back in 2002, even before Marvel had that idea?
So to not make this long because with this show you could do a thesis how bad an anime can be. The director of the school they are going becomes evil and has thunder powers for some reason and evolves but the main protagonist arrives to the scene and she defeats him by hitting his hand, the impact of the hit is so hard that even destroys the school and the reality in it because the deepest part of the background becomes black. Honestly I will stop here with this review. Trying to put thought and criticial thinking will make my brain explote of trying to get logic out of the most intolerable animation that I could come across.
Story, Sound, Character are non existent, they just put things going along, the voice actors are horrible and the characters are so stupid and lifeless beyond believe.
Enjoyment and overalll.
Go watch it if you want to laugh at it and it is simply hilarious that Idea Factory was doing this tactic to sell more of their crappy games and win some extra cash before their hit series Neptunia came. Honestly with this sort of magnificent turd, I would not give my money at all for those games they were producing for the Playstation 2.
This is everything from my part take care in whatever you do and see you next time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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