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Nov 4, 2020
I have too much time in my hands to be honest.
So here I am watching some of Go Nagai works being animated into OVAs and Kamasutra is simply dumb. Once again Nagai tries to pull his edgyness with another series that tries to provoke into the sexual part of his awful writting. BTW This is not even a Hentai, there are sex scenes but barely last like 1 minute each so the sexual interactions are not the principal part of this.
This show is about how a Hindu Princess is revived after centuries with the science of Semen and love juice inside a sex cup.... (I
have no words) and she comes back to life and somehow she has to have relationships with the grandson of some archaelogists for some reason. (Just roll with it) and for some reason another guy wants her so like that he can have eternal life.
The plot is non sensical things happen because they say so. There is a scene where the protagonist and one girl are going to get crushed by walls and their brilliant idea is that they should put the clothes at the walls and that will stop it, I know that there is something called suspension of disbelief but give me a good solid reason on how clothes will stop a wall crushing you, not just for eyecandy of a man and a woman being naked.
Characters are dumb and Go Nagai seems to insist in having that dumb caveman and himself in chibi form in all these crappy Ovas and that don't add anything to the plot and are there just to remind us that it is one of his works. The other characters are not even worth talking about because they don't have not even a single trait that I could describe.
Art and sound. I really dig the artstyle and animation used in this but again the caveman and chibi Nagai don't blend well at all with the other characters. Although some backgrounds were very amateur. There was nothing much as a sound, the voice actors are good I guess but again it is very standard.
Enjoyment. It is boring and stupid. Go Nagai's works are overrated.
Well I guess that is it,there nothing much to say besides that this is not a hentai per se if you are looking even for that.
Take care and see ya around.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Oct 7, 2020
Hey it's me and I am back with review of a show almost no one of you cares about, but there is no review about it so let's do one.
Yagami's Family Affairs is a couple OVAs released in the 1990 and it's story is about how our main protagonist Yagami falls in love with his mom because he hasn't seen photos of him as a child with his mom and because his mom looks young. Yep this is the premise of this thing, the good part is that the mother looks at the statement of the main protagonist as a son that loves his mother
as a family relation not a sexual one, but still it is creepy.
Also there are stories on how the teacher of our main protagonist wants to have a relationship with the mom and also a dumb story on how one of colleagues of our protagonist's dad wants to break the relationship of him so like that Yuuji get alone with his mom. Again it gets creepy.
The jokes in this show get stale very quick, like how Yuuji's classmates wants to date his mom and how our protagonists has to say he is in love with his mom.
As with many anime from this era, I am sucker of those designs. I love them and I don't care. These OVAs have some decent animation but sometimes it is reused a lot.
If you expect music in this show let me tell you that there is no much. Most of the music that you can listen is in the ending because there is not even an opening. The voice actors are good. I really liked them and do the job, mostly Yuuji's mom which is really soft and sweet to listen.
In the end just watch this show if you are curious for Production IG previous works before their sports massive hits. But in the end this is not something that special.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Sep 30, 2020
I am going start asking this.
Why do you even have a Crunchyroll Subscription?
On February 25th 2020, Crunchyroll announced their new lineup of anime for 2020 with the introduction of CR Originals and everyone flipped out with never before seen adaptations of korean source material because for some reason this is revolutionary because it is from a site called Webtoons where you can publish your own stories, which to this date I don't see why it is revolutionary when sites like Shōsetsuka ni Narō exist and do the same with known shows as ReZero and Konosuba the only
difference one been for worldwide audiences and one for japanese, but the concept is the same. So again I don't see the revolution in adaptations. If it is because they are based on something non Japanese then Heidi girl of the alps anime adaptation was revolutionary back in 70s.
After watching what it called the amazing and outstanding boring show of Tower Of God I knew something for sure with these so called CR Originals. They are going to be rushed, they will be cheap or they are created just for the sake of making anime and having anime,in their anime catalog. So like that one their shows that wasn't shown in that trailer and because it is not of korean source was not present but CR proudly presented later as one, and that horrendous show is Gibiate.
The question about Gibiate is where do you even start describing this anime. Everything in it is atrocious, the story, the characters, the production, the animation, ESPECIALLY THE ANIMATION which is I think it is the big elephant in the room. I hope you don't care about spoilers for basicly the worst anime of 2020 and even the century to this point in which I am writting the review.
The story of Gibiate takes place in the future year of 2030 in which humanity is getting extinguished by a deadly virus called Gibia (Any relations to real life is pure coincidence) but instead of dying by the virus, people transform into "weird" creatures which even saying "weird" is too soft of a word, more like unpleasant CGI models which persecute any other people and for some reason this world is transporting people from the past to the year 2030 through portals because........ I simply don't know it just happens, and like that with the people from the past and present survive to have a better future in this horrendous and twisted world.
Starting with the story, it doesn't work, although it really does what the setting is about, but one thing that sucks is how boring it is. The show has a structure that is the following, blonde girl records people for their testimonies, later the survivors fight the unpleasant CGI models, then we have flashbacks of characters or history lessons which are not engaging and finally episode ends with a cliffhanger trying desperately to tick your mind in saying this is important and simply is not. Repeat this for 12 episodes and you have a Gibiate.
So as I said one of the big issues of this turd is the animation. If I can explain you how dissapointed and how opened my mouth was with this example: The first movie that I ever watched at the cinema was Disney's Dinosaur (2000) never in that moment in my life I thought there was animation like that if you compare it to the TV Shows that I watched as a kid. I had the thought that animation would be even at the same level or even better than that in the future, 20 years later I watched Gibiate and I am grabbing a bag and throwing up at those monsters designs. Each episode animation is worse than the previous one. The animation is horrendous, the designs are awful, they have an amalgamation of creatures united into one like a scorpion snake lizards, ant tarantula grasshopers, reptillian gorillas with shells and scales. As I said the next episode is worse than the previous one and they even acknowledge it because in episode 11, the story besides having awful looking creatures, people travelling through time, we also have ALIENS! BECAUSE WHY FUCKING NOT? and it is no other than the Doctor that was trying to make cure against the creatures but instead he was working on an antidote only for his fiance because she transformed into a horrible CG creature as well and the survivors thought that she was trying to kill them so the survivors kill her, but then the doctor transform one of the survivors into YuGiOh's lame version of Harpy Lady with teeth on the stomach and the worst cgi elevated to 100. I am not kidding with this statement but when I saw that thing I wanted to throw up. That thing will hunt you in your nightmares I have a PTSD for watching that object being animated and thinking it was approved and no I am not exaggerating. This show says that has no other and the only responsible of Final Fantasy illustrations (Yoshitaka Amano) but I don't see it anywhere in this show. But I guess Crunchyroll is proud of it.
The animation also has weird storyboard directions. Sometimes they do weird jump cuts with what position the characters must be looking at other times they forget to draw between frames and sometimes they recycle scenes that were already shown on the same episode.
One thing I was having hope is the music, some of the people working on the music are the Yoshida Brothers who you composed the song for the early Nintendo Wii Commercials that said "We would like to play" and Yuzo Koshiro who composed the awesome music of the classic and one of the most beloved RPGs that is Ys I and II and music and other Nihon Falcom games. (If you haven't played at least check the music) but the music is standard. The opening and ending are short and don't have an impact in at least trying to watch the show. The soundtrack also lacks impact and the tunes are not memorable at all. Talking about voice acting is just another symptom of how unpolished and lacking Gibiate is. I don't feel anything for these characters all I know is that they scream whenever they attack land cry when someone dies. As I said with boring and insipid characters why would I care?
Talking about characters I can resume you with one sentence.
Blond Girl - Eye Candy for the viewer and useless fighter.
Samurai Guy - Awesome, never loses a fight
Blond Girl's mom - Typical caring mother
Blue hair guy - Badass Ninja
Doctor - Your cliche doctor of the crew
Short Hair Girl - Your action packed woman that can use guns.
Monk - Typical Big guy that has protective feelings.
Old guy - Your reformed Yakuza.
and like that I described these humans walking on their world. Should I care about their names no, neither you if Crunchyroll tries to tell you that this is one of their magnus opus and that you can watch it legally only on their website don’t trust them, this product is lame and it is ass.
Did I enjoy it? HELL NO. I would give it a -Infinity in the enjoyment category.
Do you want to know how this ends. With a dumb cliffhanger saying that there will be more. Yeah no resolution or anything, the world in 2030 is doomed even if they killed the alien. I hope Crunchyroll doesn’t make a continuation of this horrible acid trip.
I have watched 2 of the worst animes released this year which are The Island of Giant Insects and Gibiate but I can tell you that Gibiate is the worst between those 2. Although both are insulting to the consumer with CGI that doesn't even close to the early stages of CGI back in the late 20th century and both you can watch them legally on Crunchyroll but the difference is that Gibiate has 12 episodes of bad animation, dumb story and crappy characters that you won't care about but in the end Crunchyroll is proud because it is Original and I guess you know for what your $8 are going to, to amazing and incredible CG that you won't find anywhere else. #PoweredByCrunchyroll
Thank you for reading this review. I hope you are doing fine, take care and see you later people.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Mar 13, 2020
This is the most WTF Anime I've eve watched and that's saying alot.
Longtime no see my MAL friends. One of the things I am always invested on is the media that was around the times I wasn't born. Watching many shows that my parents used to watch and to find old media that not everyone doesn't care is always fascinating to me and you come across OVA anime, specifically 20th century OVA anime and let me tell you, it is the most perplex form of anime that you can encounter. I have watched horrible anime like Try Knights and Conception, idiotic animation like Varanoir, the
most ridiculous hentai that was Tsui no sora, but Majo Demo Steady is by far the most astonishing thing I have seen so far at this point. I am using astonishing in a confused and loosely way. So let me tell you about this OVA from 1986. You don't mind some spoilers right?
The story at first looked like it was going to be like Bewitched (1964) with some touch of ecchi here and there. But what you get is a mumbo jumbo of random stuff going on. The story begins with our main protagonist waking up with a girl in his side, everything standard so far, but then the girl disapears and creates other dimensions after the protagonist comes back home. But his boss wants him to play with his stick and stalks him almost every moment after he leaves his job. But then our witch transports herself to the bar where he was and fights some demon spirits that appear and then she makes doubles of him and her, but she dissapears again and then some pyramids start appearing at the town they live and she is transported to another dimension, our main protagonist enters the dimmension and she rescues his wife in the most ridiculous way of entering to the part where she was and we get some "philosophical" talk about the Anima and Animus for some stupid reason and our main protagonists become one. The End.
Honestly writing what this thing is about is not enough to express the WTF kind of animation I just watched. It is so bizarre and beyond the mind of anyone that wasn't the production team. Because it is that but the way the things happen here will make your brain explote trying to put together everything that occurred here.
The characters are there I guess? They only have traits, our main protagonist wants to be with his girl, the girl is a manifestation that has magical powers and the boss is a perv against out protagonist just that.
The art is not bad, but I don't like how many of these 80s shows don't have a constant artsyle between characters when some of them look way too cartoony and others have a certain artstyle. It is distracting to me.
Sound is ok. Most of these shows don't use many sound effects and decide to throw many songs in a scene to save for a lot of dialogue. Talking about dialogue, the voice actors did the best, but you will forget them
Overall if you want to watch some of the weirdest anime that you could find produced in the 80s and that is 40 minutes long, the Majo demo Steady is your show. Maybe if you are high enough you may comprehend something that I didn't see there.
Thanks for reading and take care in this pandemic situation.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jan 28, 2020
Before starting the review, I decided to watch all Go Nagai's OVA Anime and maybe some shows that aren't too long. I hated Devilman Crybaby but I blame that mostly to Masaaki Yuasa's direction but since Nagai is considered one of the oldest manga writers and a very respected figure in the anime/manga world but seeing that he has some of these shows being hentais I decided to start by that and I will make this clear I don't like hentai but that doesn't make me hate a show because it is hentai content, this is the same mentality I have with most
Isekais done from 2010s, they are simply not my thing. Are we ok with that? Ok. I hope you don't mind spoilers for a Hentai.
If I can resume you in a TL/DR
Heisei Harenchi Gakuen sucks ass!
The story about this awful OVA is about 2 new teachers that got hired in an only girls school. But these 2 idiots are also happy because they want to score with some girls there and they sure did.
They enter to their respective classrooms and they are assaulted by some of the most urgent girls with the biggest desire to have sex in a class schedule that icludes Physical Examination and Physical Education with convoluted scenes where women jump into our main protagonists.
Then there is another scene where they go to the examination room and look if they don't have anything wrong with their bodies and it becomes a scene where these 2 poopy heads have another convoluted scene with all the teachers.
For reasons like this I don't like hentai. They try to put some "story" and "Plot" progression to make me feel some attachment to these characters when they are jackasses. But in the end there is a serious story in this crapfest which involves the school principal who is a caveman guy that is part of Nagai's trademark and punishes all the girls of one of the doofus' class and tortures them so he can make porn movies and sells them in VHS until the day is saved by another female teacher.
This story comes out as a cringefest in which I just wonder why just not draw sex scenes and call them "Teachers inserting it to Schoolgirls" or some bullshit like that and that's what I am starting to notice with Nagai's works. He just wants to pull his edgyness to the extreme since he was releasing them in an era that was too tame but with the influence of things like playboy. But pushing the boundaries of what was the norm in a medium doesn't make a good story. One thing is to use those themes to tell a story and another is just inserting those themes because you just came up with them.
The characters are retarded drawings that I didn't care to remember their names in this 40 minute video. If you want to have some reference of some sorts, the protagonist that isn't the chubby one tries to act like crappy Onizuka but without the charm of making him a great teacher but Heisei Harenchi Gakuen is older than GTO so I cannot say that, but that is the comparison I can give you so you can have an idea.
Then his chubby sidekick is just another retarded idiot that scores with all the women around him and it is just a pathetic fool, the caveman is just a perv and the girls are just sex objects that have a desire of milk but when they are forced to it by the caveman they don't like it. THEY ARE JUST FUCKING STUPID.
The artstyle is something I got to give praise. It is good and has an amazing character design with those textures that very recognizable from the 1990s which I am a big sucker of. But one of the things that I always hated about Nagai and even when I used to watch some episodes of Mazinger Z 70s version when I was young with my mom is that some characters don't look well when they blend with their main characters. This includes the caveman and his sidekicks which look cartoony and when they interact with the other characters, it looks awful because they contain a design that doesn't look correct.
There was no music that I remember and the voice actors did well. But again faking sex sounds it is easy to convey.
Overall it sucks. I will never understand the praise of Go Nagai honestly and this is just the second one of his works that I watch. If you are into the Hentai Genre maybe you would find it good but in the end even the story is just a morronic series of events in animation form. Next thing I will review of this guy is the other hentai which will bd another hard task to endure.
Hope all of you take care, thanks for reading and see you around.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jan 21, 2020
My First review of 2020 for an OVA of 1999. You know the deal I love digging this site for things that are not talked about at all so here it is Juliet. This will be short.
The first thing to point out, No MAL this is not a Hentai, It features the girl on the cover naked a couple times but there are no sexual scenes at all. So if any MAL editor or worker or whatever is reading this, make a better research on the info for the entries in this database.
So what is this non so hentai about? It is about a rich
girl called Juliet that wants to leave her home because her brother doesn't let her go out and they have it all since they are rich after both parents died. When I say everything is everything cause they are so rich that they afford to bring Disneyland to their backyard and I am not kidding when I said Disneyland. So some delivery guys come to their house and they give her a cat that was wondering around but she escapes with them in the back of the truck but her brother finds out and rescues her until they die in a robbery, but somehow Juliet survives because their parents told her it wasn't her time, but her brother "dies" until he is reincarnated in the cat she had. Then it looks like side stories of her on how she became part of a veterinary shop and clairvoyant about dead animals. It is a very stupid OVA.
The characters are stupid beyond believe.
The older brother whose name you won't believe is NARUTO, is stupid beyond believe because when he died his parents told him that Juliet wasn't his real blood sister so that makes him horny and for that reason he reincarnated in the cat's body that died minutes ago because he drowned, so his whole character is being a perv cat like in the OVA Kennel Tokorozawa but there it is a dog instead.
Juliet is just a naked figure shown in whatever moment they want. It is an airhaid and simply that. Nothing more but a drawing shown to make you milk yourself if you were desperate but for some reason she has a good sense of telepathy with animals and to talk to the spirits of dead animals.
The art is trash. There are cutscenes that not look good in sequence. There are so many off frames and weird stiff movements that don't convey any sense of storyboard direction and they focused so much in showing her "Beautiful" body which I would say it was a desperation move to sell this in some way or another. Even if I am a sucker for 90s animation this is bad that can't be a guilty pleasure just to look at.
In other words this is not enjoyable, I wasted 25 minutes of it watching for something but I was getting bored or lost the focus of it because of the direction this took.
Take care and see ya around.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Dec 30, 2019
Another old anime, another review that needs to be made. This will be short.
This is Gensei Shugoshin P-Hyoro Ikka. This OVA series was made by the company called Magic Bus and it is surprising how this animation studio has come from making things like Legend of The Galactic Heroes to Short Porn Series. So here it is a series done in between those productions and it was very enjoyable but as with many series it didn't have a continuation.
The story of P-Hyoro is about 4 siblings who are monks and they take comissions in exorcising and cleaning places and people from evil spirits and that's
practically it. The story is very enjoyable there is nothing amazing but it gets the job done but there is a problem, this show from the beginning was setting like an arc about a girl looking from behind every sibling and informs the situation to her boss but it results in nothing. It is not explained at all and the way the show finishes it just stops and that specific plot point is not explained at all. At the end of the series you get a message that you should support the show and manga but it seems that the support wasn't enough for this to continue.
The charactes are really good. Even if the show is short, every character has traits that make them easy to remember. Kota acts the leader and more rational one.
Qta that is the beautiful of the family and girls are around him when he doesn't like it. Kyota that is the youngest that has a lot of energy and goes to school and Ryoko that is the serious one and is the oldest of all. The dynamic these siblings have is amazing and really enjoyable throught the course of the series. They really engage like a family and even joke around.It feels really proper for the show.
The Art is good. It has the typical shoujo feel from that era. It is good and really amazing. The evil spirits really are off putting and they show how horrible they are. Also the action is decent and there are no weird frames in between. It is simple a great experience watching it and seeing the best from the 1980s animation.
The voice actors are decent. The soundtrack only appears whenever there is an action scene. The opening is acceptable and the ending is meh. But it is ok.
This OVA is good. If you want to see a show about evil spirits and a good dynamic between siblings from the 1980s. It is great that series like this are being covered because months ago it was impossible to find.
Take care in whatever you do and this will be my final review for 2019.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 21, 2019
To make something clear.
With that out of the way let's talk again about another anime that doesn't have a review in this site and that the only format available is in a RAW state. I will try to make it simple because this OVA is straight forward. This is practically Ghost Stories (Not The English Dub Version) before Ghost Stories. So I don't know if this is based on some of the books that share the same name.
This OVA
contains 2 episodes of 15 minutes. The first one is about Spider Spirits that the 3 main protagonist decide to look for and take pictures after the school time ends but they are protected by a lady spirit that is not from Go For A Punch and since my knowledge in Japanese language is low I can only say from what I gathered is that she and those spiders protect the school I guess(?)
The other is about a girl spirit that can stretch her arm and her info is found on an old computer data, because she dissapeared or died (?) but her spirit rests in peace after one of the protagonist has a conversation with her and that's this OVA.
It is fairly watchable but it feels that tries to make a scary story for children which is not bad, but it lacks tension because all these cases are solved very quickly and without proper satisfaction after finishing.
The animation is ok for the time it was made but sometimes they make the characters look out of proportion when the camera zooms out. The spiders are the ones that looked to be drawn properly for the situation but the girl spirit, looks horrendous. She looks awful with the hair "covering" her eyes except it shows that the budget wasn't that big for that.
There is not a lot of music and the voice actors are fine but nothing stands out.
This is again just a piece of media for the children of the time with a light version of a scary stories but that as an adult you will find them silly and over the top.
Just watch it if you are curious and to clear up that Go For A Punch is not this show.
This is all. Take care in whatever you do and see you around.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Nov 10, 2019
Oh well let's do this one more time, an anime without a review. I must say this first, I watched this thanks to the youtuber called Kenny Lauderdale who loves watching old and obscure anime stuff like me and made possible that this OVA be released
finally to the whole internet.
So without further ado let's go.
With Old anime you must have some things clear, there is a difference between Tv anime and OVA anime during the 80s and 90s, because with TV anime they follow mostly the source material they had, be a manga, a book, a light novel, etc and with the latter
expect so many WTFs because the stories are really messed up sometimes and you have to read that source material to understand what is going on and not like the opposite like it is done today.
Having said that we have a clear example with Hana no Asugami 2. This OVA is based on a manga that features girl delinquets or sukeban like it is called in japanese which was very popular during those years cause if you have time to look at OVA being sold during that time, there is a lot of that genre. Although with this one it is just so random in the sense that things happen and it is just way too convuluted to comprehend.
The story is about a battle royal that will happen among the strongest delinquent girls around the city this show takes place because... reasons and the winner will get... something I guess (?). This is the premise of this thing which shows that you have to read the manga to understand what the hell is going. This OVA is just pure fight scenes and some flashbacks that doesn't make sense at all and that's all that you can get. In other words it is just bad. It has some cool fight scenes but it is so static.
The characters are delinquents and just that. It is hard to see some development when there is none and even calling them tropes is just not ok. These characters are just girls fighting and nothing more.
The animation is bad. I can pass on anime being old and and not having flawless animation like it is done today but this one looks so effortless by Toei. The fight scenes are so quick and don't have an impact except for one that happens during the night and the way Asuka uses her coin weapon it was cool. But again it is static and without any emotion to every punch or any attack.
The character desing is also bad. Many girls look like they copy and pasted the same face on them and just added different hair cuts and that was all. Looks kinda boring in my opinion.
The sound is ok, with all these weird OVAs you get a lot of synthwave soundtracks which is enjoyable and some random pop music of the time that sometimes you don't expect. The inserted songs are good and enjoyable but the voice actors are just meh. Nothing stands out but they do the best.
Overall this is just one those old anime that if you are curious about anime history you should check it out, but again there is nothing of value of this thing except that is not lost media. It isn't that horrible like many other stuff I have found in this website but again don't raise your expectations and just look at a piece of media that was made in 1990 just to find out that the ammount of many kinds of anime that exist.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Oct 15, 2019
Ok guys be warned I am going to rip apart this piece of garbage. I hate it so much that I can finally take all my anger with it.
Watching many kinds of filths can be really tough to endure, so sometimes in my free time I decide to do other activities like practicing New Zealand’s rugby national team dance, the Haka so like that, the Maori Gods can help me endure this piece of turd that I will talk about.
The torture I had with this was horrible that I want to forget it. I thought that Afterlost was
the worst anime of 2019 but Try Knights takes the cake and tried harder to surpass it, unless something wants to challenge it in the fall 2019 season.
Try Knights is a manga adaptation of the same name written by Shunsaku Yano, but the author doesn’t know a thing about Rugby and I will explain this in a little bit, because inside of this pseudo sports anime, what there really is a laughable try hard boys love story and to add to this disaster, the Japan Rugby Football Union, the official governmental entity of Rugby in their country, decided to get help from 2 of the worst current animation studios that I already talked about in this site before. This atrocity was made possible with the morons who brought you Conception and the hentai assholes who brought you Galaxy Tylor oh yeah baby we go all out today.
THIS PRODUCED THANKS TO GONZO AND STUDIO SEVEN. Since mathematics don’t fail and the commutative rule also applies here I can assure you that if you have turd and you add another turd you get a bigger pile of turd and this show is the biggest example of that. See science is everywhere.
After finding this information
The biggest questions I have is how did they let this manga adaptation of the same name got to be accepted and how did a sports federation approve that this should be done by the hands of assholes who are only good at making scenes where a male human and female human drawings reproduce only for lust and not for making babies and also they destroy legacy series like Captain Tylor.
I cannot process how did a committee didn’t see something wrong with this idea. NOT EVEN A MINISCULE THING GOING WRONG WITH IT.
Holly hell really that work of CG is so wrong, so inadequate, so beyond believe. I will tell you my scale to comparison and I hope you are reading. NOT EVEN STAR FOX FROM SNES LOOKS THIS BAD. I don't think that even the worst playstation game or the worst Saturn game that used polygons looked that repulsive. There are scenes where they design the characters like the icon of the yellow person of google maps but in a horrendous way.
The downgrade is so notorious that in episode 8, which is the stopping point I had for this mess, they gave up and the producers decided to throw their roblox characters, that I was perplexed by such ridiculous way of animation, and sometimes I was thinking that they did this as “try to watch before you close the video player challenge” cause there were instances that I was wondering if one character is emaciated or just drawn poorly.
It’s hard to believe that in 2019, something like Star Fox on Super Nintendo or any super Nintendo game using the FX Chip looks better than this and that was the 90s. Heck for all you, haters of Panzer Dragoon, the 90s CG of that OVA looks better than this and Just let me remind you of that this show was supervised by the Japan Rugby Football Union by the way.
Well besides having people using old technology to make CGI and making it even worst, what is the premise of this thing?
If you have watched any typical sports anime, you already know. It is about these rugby school club that wants to get better, but they don’t have certain key player positions, so this guy enters to the club despite having lost his practice after an injury that occurred many years ago, and they want to prove that they are the best of the region so they can defeat the Elite 3. Sorry there is no Elite 4 here and that’s the premise of this piece of garbage.
One of the things that really annoyed and angered me, as a sports fan and for sports anime standards, the producers and manga author don’t know a thing about rugby in general. In shows like this explaining the rules is one of the basics if you want to attract more people to play such sport. But here they just searched rugby on google and rubbed it through their asses because these producers don’t know that Rugby has many variants. This show doesn’t know about the different variants of rugby, is it Rugby Union, Rugby League, Rugby Sevens because I barely see more than 7 players in this team, but apparently it is Rugby Union. Well thanks for at least telling us about the different ways Rugby is played Try Knights. Maybe you should try harder
Also they don’t know the rules of this sport even though they hired a professional rugby player to explain the rules after each episode ends, but they don’t implement them properly in any instance.
The biggest issue I have with this crap it is that in Rugby Union, for example they don't know the difference between Maul and Scrum and the moment when they are making points, the numbers appear randomly on the scoreboard and they don't do other ways of making points like Conversion Kick and Drop Goal and I know this may be nitpicking but if a sport federation is supervising this project, and not because the show is called “TRY” knights , shouldn’t the rules be as clear as possible? Even the little I know about over the top sports anime like Inazuma eleven with their crazy techniques at least don’t pull non sense like this.
Also another thing Try Knights doesn’t even Try to do something Right and they desperately attempt to create fanservice for any desperate fan of Boy Love stories, but it comes out as annoying and really doesn’t make the show even better, it makes moronic, stupid and bland. It is just filler to kill time for this crappy promotion of a big sporting event.
I don’t know if the fujioshi bate is strong on this one since I am not the target audience for that aspect, but comparing to series like Kuroko no Basket or Free where the artstyle is impressive to even attract people that don’t give a damn about sports in general just shows that this is low levels of ass.
Now I will tell you how to make over a million dollars and a good rugby promotion. Grab the JoJo episode and the part where Jonathan and Dio are playing rugby, make it an anime and boom you made over 1 million dollars. But I guess that is asking too much.
To end it all, the question is why Studio Seven is trying so hard with non hentai shows? I mean if you look at their other works which contain sexual intercourse, they are regarded as one of the best in that genre. I know some studios started doing Hentai at first like JC Staff back in the 90s and they sucked at it, to the point that they produced that Mom show that I could possibly talk about it in the future, but with Studio Seven, these guys are swimming on a gold mine if they know how to translate sex in animation perfectly, I may not know that since I won’t watch more hentai than the 3 shows I already watched and with my Tsui no sora review also here but the ratings seem to valid this claim. so Why bother on this non sexual shows whenever something from them comes out every single time
The other part it is sad seeing one of the producers that filled my childhood in the now extinct channel called animax and brought me entertainment with things like Black Cat, kaleido Star and even Linkin Park’s music video “Breaking The Habit” has gone so low and asking for help to a crappy hentai studio for their productions and to end it all, really Japan, is this the way you want to promote the Rugby World Cup 2019? Let's see if they don't do something more pathetic for the Summer Olympics Tokyo 2020.
This is everything for today, I hope you enjoyed reading this long review and see you around.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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