Ghost Talker's Daydream isn't a well known anime. I had certainly never heard of it prior to last week. This is unfortunate, because it has all the elements to be a cult classic. I don't mean it's great in a traditional sense, but DAMN is it ever entertaining!
Ghost Talker's Daydream was based on an extremely obscure manga that ran for 22 chapters back in the early 2000s. The manga is classified as an Ecchi/Horror that combines bad comedy and fetish pandering with edgy as FUCK content including lots of child murders and rape. Imagine a level of mood whiplash and tonal inconsistency that makes
Elfen Lied look like Monster. Now you're beginning to get an idea of what this manga is like. Oh yeah, we're in for a trip!
The premise of the manga is that there's an albino girl with psychic powers. She can communicate with ghosts and her father is a police commissioner who wants to force her to use her powers to solve difficult murder cases. However, she hates using her powers and rebels against her father in the most EPIC way possible... by becoming a dominatrix at an S&M club. She's also the part time editor of a porno magazine. Despite her wishes, she is sometimes given an offer she can't refuse and is roped into a case where she has to solve a murder and usually exorcise the victim's spirit. If this plot sounds kind of insane, it's because it is.
However, the plot summary alone doesn't prepare you for the pit of madness that awaits. In chapter 3, our heroine Misaki is at the S&M club catering to a failing manga editor with a scat fetish. She's in the shower washing the shit off herself and singing a song about her clitoris. Then she returns to the room to find that the manga editor has hanged himself! This is played off as a joke! Some police arrive and interrogate Misaki, who has to channel the spirit of the dead manga editor and convince the cops she didn't kill him. That's what a normal chapter of this manga is like. Well, I forgot to mention the random pop culture jokes like when Misaki turns into Buttercup from the Power Puff Girls for 1 panel. This manga just punches you right in the brain!
In 2004, the studio behind Princess Tutu and Aria decided to adapt this shitty manga into a 4 episode OVA. I don't know how this happened. I don't know why this happened, but it somehow happened. Guess who was forced to direct it? Only the fairly legendary Osamu Sekita. This is the guy who directed Cross Game and was co-director of the original Mobile Suit Gundam and Zeta Gundam. I don't know how they dragged him into this project, but I'm glad they did. He made a damn masterpiece!
In the first episode, Misaki must solve the murder/suicide of a young mother and daughter whose spirits are haunting an apartment. Easily the highlight of this episode is when the villain throws the little girl forward, which somehow causes her to rapidly accelerate upwards at an odd angle and splat against the ceiling. If the ceiling wasn't there, she would have achieved orbit. I think Sekita forgot he wasn't working on a Gundam anime and that this wasn't a zero gravity environment.
Then Episodes 3 and 4 happen and they are glorious!
Detective: "One dozen children were abducted, raped, and murdered! To solve this case we need the world's greatest psychic! Where could she be?
(cut to hot spring promising hair rejuvenation)
Our Heroine: (Sings) "La La La-La Lee Lee Lee Gotta grow more hair on my pussy!"
As the anime will remind you many times, our heroine is mostly bald down there because she's an albino. This is the ONLY aspect of her albinism that the anime remembers. She never wears sunglasses to block out UV light. She walks around in the middle of the day wearing basically nothing. The fact she hasn't died of cancer is her real superpower, not the psychic stuff!
While the tonal whiplash from the manga is back with a vengeance in the anime, this adaptation has a few flaws. Several plot elements from the manga are simply never explained in the anime. There's a guy who keeps stalking Misaki and taking photos of her, but it's never explained who he is! In the manga, he's a masochist who wants to enter the club but keeps getting turned down because he's only 17. Remember at the beginning of the review where I mentioned Misaki's father is a police commissioner? Well the anime NEVER explains that! She just keeps getting jobs from some mysterious voice on the phone and all we see is her yelling at whoever is giving the orders. It's never even insinuated this is her father. Another plot point from the manga is that she can also summon demons and bind them to her will. She mostly uses a demon made of hair, very similar to Bayonetta. The anime once again doesn't explain this! She's fighting some thug in a warehouse and suddenly drops trou and fires this hair/rope demon from her panties. There's no callback to it and it's never explained!
Despite all the flaws this anime has, Misaki is genuinely enjoyable. She is a confident, sexy, bad bitch! However, she ultimately does have a soft side and helps out when she needs to. Her English voice actress mostly worked on 4kids dubs and is best known for playing Mai Valentine in Yugioh. So if you ever wanted to hear Mai swear up a storm, say lewd things and sing about her pubic hair, you've come to the right place!
Ghost Talker is the kind of random, apeshit insanity you can only find in cheap, old OVAs. I call these O.B.A s for "Old. Bad. Anime." Ghost Talker is right at home alongside Mad Bull 34, Angel Cop, and all the classics of this genre! It's shocking, distasteful, absurd, and you'll probably love every minute of it!
Alternative Titles
Synonyms: Teizoku Rei Daydream, Vulgar Ghost Daydream
Japanese: 低俗霊DAYDREAM
More titlesInformation
Finished Airing
Jun 25, 2004 to Dec 23, 2004
Geneon Entertainment USA
HAL Film Maker
24 min. per ep.
R+ - Mild Nudity
based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Available AtResources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 12 / 12
Your Feelings Categories Dec 4, 2020
Ghost Talker's Daydream isn't a well known anime. I had certainly never heard of it prior to last week. This is unfortunate, because it has all the elements to be a cult classic. I don't mean it's great in a traditional sense, but DAMN is it ever entertaining!
Ghost Talker's Daydream was based on an extremely obscure manga that ran for 22 chapters back in the early 2000s. The manga is classified as an Ecchi/Horror that combines bad comedy and fetish pandering with edgy as FUCK content including lots of child murders and rape. Imagine a level of mood whiplash and tonal inconsistency that makes ... May 18, 2009
let me get straight to the point (any plot summary will serve you well on this one, trust me): the problem with this anime is that it's not a smart idea to choose an episodic narrative structure for an 4 episode OVA. there was simply no time to develop the characters, or any meta-plot.
the basic idea of having a spiritual medium working part time as a dominatrix does seem pretty nice to me, but not even the amount of fan service will make up for the fact that it doesn't satisfy in the end. i'm actually quite anxious to read the manga after this, but ... Nov 4, 2015
Misaki Saiki is a young woman who works solving cases involving apparitions as a spiritual medium together with her associate Souichiro. She can channel the spirits and allow them to speak through her, and has also been able to see them for as long as she can remember. Her ghost hunting adventures land her into unsolved murder and suicide cases. Her second job is at an S&M club working as a dominatrix to help pay her bills.-summary
This is another one of those titles that had so much potential, but was marred by very poor direction by a hack director; a complete fool who should ... Oct 18, 2023
I mean perhaps if you're just casually a paedophile you'd enjoy this. I do not even see any of this 'investigation/mystery' aspect supposedly featured as I read in the description, it's really just a poor excuse to present sexual and physical abuse on minors. I mean what did I expect from an 18+ rated, 4 episode anime. The only reason I've given it a 3 is due to the potential it had, but I can't even really complain because I guess it was created for those into sadomasochistic ecchi, the portrayal of BDSM was realistic however and the concept of uncovering the cases was somewhat
May 5, 2017
I liked the animation and the characters are interesting. There are plenty of ecchi scenes. Aside from the ecchi and slight comedy there are serious moments dealing with death. There is rape and killing behind these stories of ghosts. I actually didn't think I was getting into such a serious show but this show was a good one. The last 2 episodes were my favorite because the story it contained. The first 2 episodes deal with different stories and the last 2 deal with 1 story. I see some low ratings for this OVA but it really is a good one and I enjoyed
Apr 19, 2013
Odd mixture of genre’s, yet strangely watchable!
PLOT: Um, well Misaki is a dominatrix but also a spiritual medium and the 4 episodes follow her on three cases where she speaks with the dead and poses in skimpy leather outfits – that’s the plot in a nutshell! Really this show could quite easily have been a hentai film – all the elements are there, just no actual sex! Its quite an enjoyable watch though, mixing elements of fanservice, creepiness, action and comedy. Misaki is quite an interesting character, but we only really get hint of her backstory – I’d love to know why she ... Dec 10, 2008
In Brazilian Portuguese:
Bem, se você está na duvida se vai assitir ou não, te digo: Não assista. O anime tem uma história fraca, sem qualquer aprofundamento. No fim, para que o anime não fosse uma desgraça total, abusam de cenas de nudez, e das roupas de stripper. Se você não é um velho tarado, nem se de ao trabalho de assisti-lo. Pra não deixar de comentar, a arte até que é boa, naquele estilo mais realista, o contrario de desenhos como o de "Code Geass". E se você gosta de echii, você vai estar satisfeito. São pelo menos 2 pontos bons então! xD Translated to English: Well, if you still ... Apr 20, 2017
Well i got this anime as a recommendation on a website... I gave it a try .....
My Review and beware it contains spoilers .... At first i thought it was an ecchi anime where they show a lot of boobs. Well it is an Ecchi Anime but not focused only on this topic. It has "Investigation Stuff". It only has around 5 episodes contains two Investigations with Ecchi scenes. The first Investigation was good which showed the reality which happens in real life .... The second investigation, mass murder of children was not good enough.... It was not interesting.... Why it was not interesting because it was ... Jan 15, 2020
Note: the following comes from a video review, links on my profile page.
This daydream's story is told in a sensitive way; can be comedic, but also substantial enough that goes beyond the typical slice of life thresholds that usually consist of most of the story being about a specific objective. The animation is precise about characters' expressions - contrasting hues, and yet subdued, can be bright and yet dark - as it sort of reflects the chaotic narrative that somehow blends well. It shows the archetypes of beauty, alongside with what is typically considered to be its opposite - not just architecturally, but with regards to ... Dec 9, 2012
It has always been interesting to watch or read any type of series with episodic stories which these OVA had. Why? Because it always gives you the excitement of seeing another story different from the previous episode or chapter. It makes you anticipate the next episode or chapter a lot more. To add it up, every episode was investigative and so it would make you wonder what will happen at the end.
The story was about a woman who worked as an S&M Queen full-time and a Spiritual Medium part-time. In every episode she had to deal with rough playing with customers at night and not ... Feb 10, 2022
Bad OVA that can't blame it's poor quality entirely on it's inability to fully flesh out its story within its duration. It's not even all that interesting in concept; dominatrix by day, exorcist/medium by night, our protagonist lacks any depth beyond her occupation and the occasional gag. Misaki (The protagonist) doesn't seem to have any actual motivation, we are never shown her employer, or even given a rational reason as to why she works as a medium [she doesn't seem to like it]. The sexual humor isn't funny and clashes with the otherwise serious tone of the show, in a very unpleasant way. The animation
Feb 29, 2024
I watch Ghost Talker's Daydream knowing nothing about it and was still somehow disappointed by it
The story was boring and badly written. Ghost Talker's tries to handle serious topics but always falls flat. The writers aren’t trying to say anything by putting in scenes like the flashbacks, SA, and all the “dominatrix” scenes. There was no discussion to be had. The story just feels edgy for the sake of being edgy. (story: 4) Somehow the story was not the worst part for me, it was the characters. Characters like Mitsuru and Detective Anzai served no importance to the plot, and if they were removed very little would ... |