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StardustSynchro Yesterday, 12:43 AM
Me too.

Btw, did you watch Drinker's video on Baribie? Man, he was 100% spelling facts once again. The fact the movie was just to make men look moronic and make the girls looks smarter is so stereotyping.
StardustSynchro May 31, 11:14 AM
I see the pattern you're pointing out. It's interesting how the communities and identities people engage with can influence their perspectives and the content they create. Digibro's reaction to being misgendered and MangaKamen's brony affiliation might indeed shape their viewpoints and how they present their opinions. It can sometimes lead to content that feels half-baked or biased.
StardustSynchro May 31, 5:44 AM
Remember Zaid Magenda aka MissanthroPony?
StardustSynchro May 31, 5:34 AM
Yes, MangaKamen is indeed a brony or has been involved in the brony community.

The problem with MangaKamen is that he refuses to acknowledge toxic masculinity and acts more like a femboy rather than being straightforward and honest. His critical thinking seems to stem from half-baked ideas.
StardustSynchro May 30, 3:20 AM
Yes, I am familiar with the YouTuber It'sAGundam. He is at least coherent and not like CriticalDrinker. But there is one YouTuber I refuse to support, and that is MangaKamen. God, where do I even start with this guy?! I'm not entirely sure how I found him, so things might be all over the place. . However, his tone of voice was annoying. He seemed snarky and arrogant with a possible sizeable ego to boot. A pretty annoying man to listen to, but at some point, he changed his tone to more of a "I'm just a depressed anime guy, listen to how real I sound" and it actually made miss his old egotistical voice. But his voice wasn't the only problem.

Another gripe with him is how he seems... almost obsessive when it comes to defending things, mainly things revolving around his personal interests. Look, I get it, people wanna defend the things they like, but this guy took some pokemon bait, man is down BAD. Even if someone already makes a good point on something or the tweet has like 1,000 comments, he'll still comment on it. Don't know why, but for those following along at home, don't do this. worrying about everything and stressing over things like this is kinda unhealthy. As long as a point has been made, everything should be all good in the hood.
StardustSynchro May 28, 4:14 AM
QnA Topic: What do you think of Mark Ruffalo - Overrated or Stupid?

QnA Topic: Squid Game is the Most Overrated Mainstream Media of Them All

QnA Topic: Velma was a Mistake
StardustSynchro May 28, 4:09 AM
I have no problem with CriticalDrinker because at least he's honest about Hollywood being crap and woke. His ego does reflect on his reviews, though. Snob can sometimes be edgy and annoying, but he's honest. The reason I stopped watching mainstream YouTubers a long time ago, back in the late 2010s, was that I was getting sick of them always producing the same satirical content instead of doing something new. For example, I remember liking the YouTuber SimplyUnlucky back in the early 2010s, but after 2015, I stopped supporting him because he kept pandering nostalgia to his viewers.

Yes, I am aware that YouTube has become a cesspit for modern media. Nothing I want to watch is there anymore—it's just overrated mainstream nonsense, and I can't stand it. I remember back in the late 2010s and early 2020s, it was all about hype culture around anime, fake news, and celebrities being assholes towards Jews (like Kanye West). I've stopped watching anything remotely mainstream and now mostly watch Yu-Gi-Oh! fanfiction duels scripted on YouTube. However, I do watch the YouTuber TheProfessional, who covers topics on GTA lore. His recent one was about why Claude from GTA 3 is dangerous.

What started all this was my extreme hate towards the YouTubers YGO Everything (Dylan) and ForneverWorld (Shrek), both of whom I loathe. Dylan is just a prick—100% of his content is the same clickbait, and instead of doing something new, he keeps making the same mistakes in his videos that I keep pointing out. He doesn't understand that YGO fans can't take Yoshida seriously and is clearly doing this to boost his ego. Meanwhile, ForneverWorld is just a grifter who supports mainstream anime and lacks the self-awareness to understand that he is just hyping generic battle shonen.
StardustSynchro May 26, 8:22 AM
Ah, The Anime Man. I can't stand his ego and his hype train. He and that MoistCritical jerk are both on my list of creators I refuse to support. The Anime Man avoids spreading negativity to prevent upsetting people. MoistCritical, on the other hand, defends modern garbage anime. Don't get me started on Critical Dunker and Channel Awesome—I have problems with them too.

Drugs? It could have been meth.
StardustSynchro May 25, 9:51 AM
I have a theory on why Digibro fell hard. He started as a YouTuber in the early 2010s but over time became wasted on beer, causing him to make bad decisions. Currently, Digibro is a woke elitist who promotes mental gymnastics for his viewers.
StardustSynchro May 25, 9:44 AM
Let me take a guess: she's one of those consumers who only sees herself as another moron.
StardustSynchro May 25, 5:45 AM
Remember the whole Double4anime argument where he went insane over Filthy Frank's satire? The reason is that Digibro went insane since Snob was always right. This happens to people who can't take criticism from satire. Digibro has ruined people's lives with modern anime and mainstream degeneracy. He could at least delete himself from the internet and be done with it.

StardustSynchro May 24, 9:39 AM
As a matter of fact, let me explain the whole Oshi no Ko debate. It all started in 2023 when someone questioned my grammar. I had written a review, and people got mad at it. The same thing happened with my Chainsaw Man review—people reacted with strange emojis.

That person and I got into a large argument where they (since they didn't specify their gender) accused me of being blinded by nostalgia and deleted some of their comments. They accused me of stereotyping, not listening, and being pretentious—similar to what happened with Snob. They tried to tell me to unblock them, but I refused. We hadn't seen each other since then, but now they are back. This time, I got my revenge. We got into a big war, and I ended up giving them a mega headache with my texts.

Whatever that person was, they were also a problem. They wanted to tell me to change my attitude, but who gave them the right to be that stupid? It's like telling Donald Trump not to build the wall—he doesn't care either way.
StardustSynchro May 24, 9:31 AM
And here I thought the 2010s sucked.I can sum up everything in the 2020s with one phrase: 'Wah wah wah.' That's the 2020s in a nutshell: one messed up moment leads to another.What really screws up everything is how society has collapsed. COVID, war, celebrities slapping each other, celebrities being anti-Semitic, people lying about job opportunities (happened to me three times in 2023), people being jerks in the anime community, and people constantly lying about anime being good when it’s not.

I saw it. I feel like the same thing happened to my old account. Most people found my review on FMAB funny and strange. It's like anime fans are that salty. I don't mind the reaction, but when you don't support their hype over some anime scores, you just get trolled. In fact, if you go to my old account, you'll see some FMAB fanboy with bad English telling me to change my criteria.

StardustSynchro May 24, 3:38 AM
''Once again we see why fanboys can't tell what is actually good for the thing they defend''' -Snob being right again for the 2000th time

StardustSynchro May 24, 1:39 AM
You don't have to remind me how much I suffered through Velma Season 1. The idea of a second season is borderline repulsive. I can't stand what they did to the show's original cast, turning it into a modern disaster.

Now, regarding the MAL problem: yes, I agree with you. It feels like MAL is becoming less self-aware. I remember how the mods kept rewriting my reviews, often removing them due to their egos. That's why I try to write my reviews in a way that avoids getting deleted. In fact, Snob's reviews were deleted because their negativity triggered modern millennials who couldn't take a hint and relax—it was just satire."It also reminds me of that one annoying MAL fan who attacked me over my Oshi no Ko review because they claimed I was stereotyping. Little did they know, I’ve been watching anime since 2001, while they’ve only been into anime since who knows when. Like I care. Many anime fans are so impulsive, especially those born after 2001, and they try to tell me to 'know my role,' but they need to shut their damn mouths.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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