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Jun 11, 2009 7:42 PM

Dec 2007

Please discuss the featured one-shot here.

Did you enjoy it? Was it too short for your taste? What did you think of the characters or story line? Hope that it becomes more than a one-shot? Anything like this happen to you? Etc. Have fun with it :)
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Jun 11, 2009 8:35 PM

May 2008
Interesting.. I definitely liked the concept of the story and where it was headed. It's disappointing that no closure was given though. I would have liked to see a little more to the story.
Jun 11, 2009 9:29 PM

Dec 2007
I agree! I was pretty upset that the story just kinda, cut off.
After all that waiting, I really wanted to hear what the teacher had to say. It seemed she might have been interested, but then again she didn't look like she cared all -that- much. I do like the student even though she was sorta... flirtatious. She reminded me of a Shizuma ;p
Jun 11, 2009 10:13 PM

Mar 2009
ahhhh~! it left me hanging~~ >_>
Jun 11, 2009 11:56 PM

Aug 2008
I liked it, coulda been 2x as long though :)

Jun 12, 2009 12:39 AM

Dec 2007
Agreed, seems everyone wanted just a little more... what a shame.
Jun 12, 2009 1:10 AM

May 2008
I'm somewhat satisfied since it at least seemed to fit the story to leave it at a cliff hanger. I still can't help but think that it would have been nice to add more though.
Jun 12, 2009 2:03 AM

Mar 2009
yeah.. isn't it going to be continued?
Jun 12, 2009 3:19 AM

Nov 2007
Oh that was so cute! I like teacher-student relationships!

Next one-shot:
Snowflakes Fluttering Down Through the Clear Sky
PLEASE!!!! It's SO good!!!!11

Jun 12, 2009 4:29 AM

Feb 2009
I like how that one was done, its meant to be a little frustrating in my opinion, the title tells all. "Proof" indeed this one shoot was cute and fun, I generally don't score one-shoots highly, but that's a personal... ummm ness. Anyway for a one shoot that was a good way to finish because from then on you could tell a story, and that would be more than a one-shoot. that's just the way I feel about it or maybe I just what to disagree with someone I can't really tell >.> *scratches head
-"Just an ordinary woman who won't ever regret, being with the person she loves."
(Rokujou Ruri, Azure Dream, manga)

-"Shinobu, even if this body should turn to ash, I will never leave you."
(Naitou Momoko, shoujo-sect, manga)
Jun 12, 2009 5:33 AM
Jun 2008
I really liked this one. Not as much as the Secret Stream, since there was more finality to that one, but this one was fluffy and sweet, in a curiously deadpan way. Given a protagonist who is pretty cut-the-chase (Yamamoto-sensei) and a captivating supporting character like Saitou.

Yamamoto-sensei is either a really cool person or she is seriously aloof. I mean, she caught two girls making out in the classroom and didn't even bother fussing about it. She was more like, "Whatever, I wanna get my smoke." I sort of like that. I dislike when the story meanders around the conventions or stereotypical reactions. Her mindset kept her in character: she is a woman who has better things to be concerned about that seeing girls in a girl kissing one another. Like her cigarette break :P

And Saitou is a lady killer, seriously. She's got this rebellious air about her without seeming like a punk or smart-ass or anything. In fact, she sort of was really sexy in a non-obvious, confident way. Demeanour says a lot, then! She's got a realistic though romantic outlook on relationships, such as her wanting the other girl to give up on her futile, fleeting feelings (realist attitude there) and yet she harbours deep feelings for her teacher for years, makes an unrealistic promise but actually returns to fulfil it (romantic attitude there).

Plus, you have to have real guts to kiss your teacher. Thank goodness this was tastefully done, since it was wading in the dangerous territory of teacher/student affairs. I guess one-sided situations don't count.

Also, I just found this scene to kinda hot (btw folks, "hot" does not necessarily have to be something smutty):

Well, other than Otsu Hiyori being one of my favourite mangaka, I loved the character design for this one-shot. I'm torn between Saitou with long hair or short hair though :0

Oh, and cliff hanger endings. HOW WE LOVE THEM SO. It really does seem like it could continue from there, but the likelihood of that is zero to none. Although, the teacher seems to be a level-headed woman of her word; it only makes you wonder just how much Saitou will make her remember that promise they made years ago.
Jun 12, 2009 6:45 AM

Apr 2009
I just read it and I must say I did like the story although it wasn't finished. I did like the secret stream better then this one though. the proof of her love is a little bit different from what I would expect from a yuri one shot, since it is obvious it could be a way longer story, so that kinda dissapointed me. overall I gave it a seven.
Jun 12, 2009 9:43 AM

May 2009
I really enjoyed this one, but Secret Steam was more to my taste. I really to wish that this story would continue, but it's been out for a while and I don't think anything will be done with it. I liked the story, it was realistic. I've known my fair of students who have been infatuated with their teachers (perhaps not enough to become a teacher at the school and ask them out...) I was also very happy that Saitou grew out her hair because it can be interpreted as character development without actually showing us. When she was a student, with her short hair, she was very popular with the girls, just as most short haired girls are in yuri and shoujo-ai anime/manga. But with her hair grown out she seemed to have grown into an adult and has probably been thinking a lot about her love for Yamamoto-sensei. (Not to say that short haired adults have not grown up....I just took it as symbolism because during most flashbacks characters styles change a bit but not this dramatically.)

Overall, I really enjoyed it and the ending, although I wanted to know more about Yamamoto-sensei's thoughts, was suited to the style.
Jun 12, 2009 12:43 PM

Apr 2008
It is definitely too short. Like 'and now you should imagine what will happen next' when you simply want to know it. So I felt a little disappointed.
Still I prefer same-age realtionships then teacher-student ones.. in the second ones always something naive is disguised. The student always kisses sensei and then it comes out then sensei likes this person the and the live happily ever after..boring -.-' <That makes me kinda sure that this story would end this way as well>.
20 pages =too few to tell the story. Beyond any doubt to tell this story.
Jun 12, 2009 1:03 PM

Mar 2008
The one-shot has a good story, but i hate the one-shots- because the stoty always is incomplete
Jun 12, 2009 1:21 PM

Sep 2008
I had read this several months ago so I had to refresh my memory. I echo what everyone else is saying really, the lack of closure was a turn off. Also I mean come on the story is pretty unbelievable. So a girl kisses her teacher once 5 years ago and returns and now wants answer after love. How could she possible love you when she doesnt even know you? And she seems a bit like the crazy stalker type, Id probably be running from the room screaming.
Jun 12, 2009 1:53 PM
Jun 2008
Skadi said:
I had read this several months ago so I had to refresh my memory. I echo what everyone else is saying really, the lack of closure was a turn off. Also I mean come on the story is pretty unbelievable. So a girl kisses her teacher once 5 years ago and returns and now wants answer after love. How could she possible love you when she doesnt even know you? And she seems a bit like the crazy stalker type, Id probably be running from the room screaming.

Ever the realist, eh? :P

You forget, this is manga and Japan. You know, the land of "If I love you, I will treat you like crap." The worse you behave in the name of love, the more of an ideal lover you appear to be. This is true of things like Twilight as well. Those teenage girls don't seem to notice that Edward is an intrusive, overly-possessive stalker with rage issues. Yeah, sounds so charming now, doesn't he?

It makes me remember this scene from the TV show Friends, where one of them was dealing with this psycho stalker guy and he tries to explain himself saying, "Crazy...? Or romantic?" So I think it applies to most romantics, especially those who like manga. The more unbelievable and everlasting the love affair, the more poetic it is.

I didn't see her as a crazy stalker. And hell, if someone can grudge for years, I don't doubt there are folks out there who can crush for years. Though I don't see the relationship going anywhere since the teacher didn't seem interested in her romantically in the slightest.
Jun 12, 2009 4:13 PM

Sep 2008

Well not intending on being a party pooper.. hehe

I do expect a tinsy winsy bit of plausibility in my stories. Atleast the I love you I treat you like crap stories know each other for more than 5 minutes. Thats the feeling I was left with at the end. She admired the teacher from afar and they basically have 1 5 minute conversation and a kiss and this is what they want to build a relationship around? Its not a bad story its just not a great one.
Jun 12, 2009 4:16 PM
Jun 2008
Skadi said:

Well not intending on being a party pooper.. hehe

I do expect a tinsy winsy bit of plausibility in my stories. Atleast the I love you I treat you like crap stories know each other for more than 5 minutes. Thats the feeling I was left with at the end. She admired the teacher from afar and they basically have 1 5 minute conversation and a kiss and this is what they want to build a relationship around? Its not a bad story its just not a great one.

Indeed not a great one. I think I might have given it a 7/10 or so. That's what I liked about it. It was implausible, but the teacher was sort of, "The hell...? Forget this... not worth my time, really." about it for the most part. She wasn't all swept up with the student nor did she pass her off as a psycho; she just seemed so disinterested in her. I don't expect anything to happen between them at all.
Jun 12, 2009 6:47 PM

Aug 2008
Haha I remember this one-shot! :)
It's so cute just rereading this again. Otsu Hiyori has good art. Like "Your Cuteness".
That's for the one-shot!
Jun 12, 2009 7:32 PM

Dec 2008
The title of the one shot certainly fit well with the story. It had been some years before Saito came back to prove it wasn't infatuation. Although I would have liked the story to continue, it was still pretty good imo. I can leave the rest to my imagination.

Keep them one shots coming!
Jun 13, 2009 7:19 AM

Dec 2007
Haha a creepy stalker type? I do agree with that. If we are realistic about the situation I would say she is a creeper as well haha.

@Nomi- I loved that part too. It was "hawt"
Jun 13, 2009 8:04 AM

Feb 2009
i have to say it was kinda lame. : \
Jun 13, 2009 10:10 PM

Dec 2007
Really??? You thought it was lame D=
Jun 14, 2009 4:55 AM
Jun 2008
ninryu said:
i have to say it was kinda lame. :

Drocr said:
Really??? You thought it was lame D=

To each their own :P But admittedly, the first time I read it, I was like, "That was it??" It was only on second and third readings that I appreciated it more. That happens. There was a one-shot I once had to read about six times to fully understand what happened since the first time I just thought it was depressing and weird and horrible.
Jun 14, 2009 10:18 AM

Jan 2008
Let me start by saying I generally find one-shots boring. There is almost never enough space to build a plot. There are occasional exceptions, but they are exceedingly rare.

This one in particular seemed more of a prequel than a stand alone, however the only path for a sequel would be for the sensei to still reject the student (well the only path that would create tension, which is necessary for a story). While "eternal" love & devotion are themes that I personally adore, the space alloted to develop the story so that I could care about the characters was insufficient. It came off as rather trite (admittedly in a cutesy way).
Jun 14, 2009 11:53 AM

Dec 2007
Just because it's short doesn't mean its not cute, for example the first one-shot was really adorable. There was a plot there and it was still really short. For this one I would say its more of a 'to pass time' sorta one-shot and let your imagination flow for the rest of the story. I think it was good, could have had a better ending but it was still a good one-shot
Jun 14, 2009 12:03 PM
Jun 2008
nexist418 said:
Let me start by saying I generally find one-shots boring. There is almost never enough space to build a plot.

Less is more, I always say. If it's short and still manages to move a person in some way, it is a success. I know one-shots that have done incredible things with 20 pages than manga with 20 volumes have done.

I second Drocr's comment, you should at least try the Secret Stream. Unless you already have.
Jun 14, 2009 12:43 PM

Jan 2008
tehnominator said:
I second Drocr's comment, you should at least try the Secret Stream. Unless you already have.

I have. I tend to actually read the selected one shots prior to their recommendations. I regularly check out lilicious. Secret Stream was better, but to be honest I am tired of justification plots -- I was bored of them years ago after reading De Sade. I realize many people have issues, but I think it has been done to death and there is little new or interesting with the trope.
-KyoJun 14, 2009 9:02 PM
Jun 14, 2009 9:03 PM

Dec 2007
^fixed the weird quote thing you had going on xD

And I guess it's your opinion, but I still disagree s(^_^)--b
Jun 14, 2009 9:32 PM

Jan 2008
Drocr said:
^fixed the weird quote thing you had going on xD

And I guess it's your opinion, but I still disagree s(^_^)--b

I can accept that, I flipped a coin and the holy jihad side wasn't showing...
Jun 14, 2009 9:54 PM

Nov 2008
It was ok, I prefered the first one more.

One shots in general are nice because they -have- to produce some sort of development in the plot unlike long series where 13525483372 chapters of nothing happens.
Jun 15, 2009 1:28 AM

Jan 2009
I truly enjoyed this one-shot ^^. I kind of like how it ended with no confirmation whatsoever. For me, not all stories need to have tidy, wrapped-up endings; I like the ones that can end like this and leaves the rest up to the reader's imagination.

SapphiredRain said:
The title of the one shot certainly fit well with the story. It had been some years before Saito came back to prove it wasn't infatuation.

I agree! That's what really made this story different for me. It doesn't focus on the dilemmas that are typical for yuri stories. This simply shows the result of a real crush that turned out not to be a "phase". Even though it only shows the teacher reminiscing about that one event years ago, what it shows is the end result of a student, over those few years, figuring out that the love they felt for the teacher was real.
"Wish as hard as you can, and they will know your feelings" - Juri Arisugawa
Jun 15, 2009 7:41 AM

Nov 2008
The best word to summarise it I think is "interesting". I actually in a way liked the end, I detected a bit of subtle comedy. However that may just be one of my false misinterpretations. I defiantly agree with it being "cute and fluffy", which I love.

I did really like this one, but overall I prefered the first one-shot. It was still a great read though :)
Jun 15, 2009 5:17 PM

Dec 2008
I enjoy one shots. Sometimes I'm not in the mood for a long story that takes hours to read. Many of them are short and sweet. If it can accomplish a ^__^ on my face at the end, I'm all good.

It also give us something to discuss in the forums. An actual manga wouldn't be a bad idea to feature. ;-)
EveningRainJun 15, 2009 5:22 PM
Jun 15, 2009 6:53 PM

Dec 2007
You are right SapphiredRain. I think featuring a manga can be fun. Especially if it's a new released chapter and such :)
Jun 16, 2009 10:03 AM

Nov 2008
Hvesier said:
One shots in general are nice because they -have- to produce some sort of development in the plot unlike long series where 13525483372 chapters of nothing happens.

Agreed. Like how you can get more into and more out of a shorty story than a huge novel like Twilight. :P

I think it was different. Certainly worth the read, and certainly interesting. Short mayhaps, but it doesn't waste pages. I like it.
Jun 16, 2009 10:11 AM
Jun 2008
Tasogare said:

Agreed. Like how you can get more into and more out of a shorty story than a huge novel like Twilight. :P

I'd get more into and more out of a phone book than a copy of Twilight though.
Jun 16, 2009 10:55 AM

Jan 2008
tehnominator said:
I'd get more into and more out of a phone book than a copy of Twilight though.

I am soooooo tired of angsty vampires. I hated Loius from Interview for the same reason. You are the summit of the food chain, you have super powers. If you can't cope stand in the sun, it's not like suicide would make you more damned.
Jun 16, 2009 3:04 PM

Nov 2008
tehnominator said:
Tasogare said:

Agreed. Like how you can get more into and more out of a shorty story than a huge novel like Twilight. :P

I'd get more into and more out of a phone book than a copy of Twilight though.

Oh, true enough.

But it's just the best example in existence of how long novels can go wrong. :D
Jun 16, 2009 7:44 PM

Dec 2007
Tasogare said:
tehnominator said:
Tasogare said:

Agreed. Like how you can get more into and more out of a shorty story than a huge novel like Twilight. :P

I'd get more into and more out of a phone book than a copy of Twilight though.

Oh, true enough.

But it's just the best example in existence of how long novels can go wrong. :D

Rofl. I liked Twilight...
Apr 21, 2013 5:22 AM
Mar 2013
hmmm i guess it was ok but nothing happend, just a confession, i liked it yeah it was cute i guess... but.. well yeah it was a one shot so you can't expect to much of it, overall, it was nice :)
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