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Jan 23, 2007 12:42 AM

Nov 2004
No death note topic made yet huh?

If you haven't finished it, stop reading now.

I just finished it. Was anyone else incredibly disappointed like I was? Light going crazy like that? Bullshit. I don't care what anyone says about having a disorder or being crazy, Light would NOT do that. The manga author really screwed up Light's personality. I love how 105 chapters are of a composed and very level-headed L and then she throws them out because he's caught. Again, bullshit.

It also really bothers me that Near is this genius that can figure out anything with nothing to go off of. 90% of his facts were based on speculation, and then that speculation of course turned out to be right because if it wasn't there wouldn't be any opposition to Kira. Can't have no opposition either, oh no.

Bah, I'm really disappointed with how things worked out. I hope they end the Anime right after L dies, it'll be such a nice and sweet ending.

Anyway, your thoughts on this junk of an ending.
Jan 23, 2007 1:01 AM

Aug 2006
lol, so basically your just a big Light fan who's dissapointed that he lost?? ....or something like that?

In anycase, I can totally see Light doing that, why? because he's a coward. He wasn't willing to risk his life to achieve what he wanted. This is evident in the fact that he never took the shinigami eyes. If he had he would have easily won, seriously.

Before I finished this manga, Light was my favorite character, but after seeing how he reacted in the end, I too was upset. it really left a bitter taste. I then started thinking about L, and how he was willing to risk his life in order to stand up for his brand of justice. Even when he suspected Light of being Kira, he still invited him to work with him despite the dangers.

Furthermore, the characters bend to the authors will, not the other way around. If the author wanted to make the ending that way, or Light act a certain way, thats the way it goes. Dislike the character if it bothers you.

Well, those are just my opinions basically. I thought the ending was fine and only hardcore Light fans seem to hate is so passionatly. (at least in my experience)
Jan 23, 2007 7:29 AM

Nov 2004
I'm a Light fan because he's brilliant in every way. And then in the end he's shut down by an elementary schooler (I know N is more like 15). No, sorry, I don't believe it. N has less than HALF the amount of detective experience that L had. N could not possibly have deduced everything he did. Too much credit is given for something he just hasn't enough experience in. You don't figure out stuff by just being smart, it doesn't work that way.

A coward because he never took the shinigami eyes? I don't see it that way. He never wanted to shorten his life. If I was going to live to 80 as a God, would I want to shorten that to 40? Hell no.

You're right the author bends the characters to their will, but these characters were not bent to their personalities, but rather a Hollywood "happy ending" where the bad guy loses.
Jan 23, 2007 8:08 AM

Jan 2007
Personally, I LOVED the ending.

Well, I didn't love the Near came out on top (what a little wanna-be L punk... *grumble grumble*), but Light's complete breakdown was, I think, wonderful. His whole universe was built on the presumption that he was the most brilliant person in it and the only one worthy to pull all the strings. When that started to crumble...well, he basically disintegrated. His world literally fell apart. Sure he was a smart guy - genius, even - but the kid was deranged, too.

And, really, you kind of had to know that it wouldn't all end well for Light. :) The mangaka was basically told "you cannot write an ending where Light wins."

One of my favorite parts in Matsuda's role in everything, and how guilty he feels afterwards. It was important for him to get that chance to step up and do something, the comic relief character finally showing some backbone. And he was the perfect counterpart to Light, because he's so innocent and straight-forward, where Light is devious and shrewd. Even though he knows it was the right thing to do, I think he resents Near to some extent. He certainly doesn't respect him as much as he did L or Light.

It's been a little while since I finished the manga, but that's my reaction as best as I remember. :)
Jan 23, 2007 10:58 AM

Nov 2004
Matsuda shooting L was bullshit. Derrr, I'm a perfect shot (nevermind the fact that I've never shot my gun outside of training before) and I blew a hole through your hand. *cough* bullshit *cough*

I thought about this a bit and came to the conclusion that everything would have been perfect for Light is he would have killed Aizawa, Mogi, Matsuda and Ide right after his father died. There was no correlation to anyone else outside of his group, and there was no way for Near to relate L to Yagami Light from everyone in the investigation dying. Light would have won. Naturally though, I'm sure the author would have pulled out some ridiculous bullshit (like Near finding out about Mikami) hypothetical crap again.
Jan 23, 2007 12:18 PM

Jan 2007
Er...don't you think if everyone in the group had died except for Light that would have been a bit of a tip-off?
Jan 23, 2007 1:45 PM

Aug 2006
So what you're saying is the only way you could have been happy is if Light had won? Did you really think he would? From the beginning I honestly never thought he would. I wasn't sure what would happen, maybe he would be stopped, maybe he would go crazy from the guilt of killing people, I dunno. However, if you had of asked me when I started if I thought Light would actually kill all his opposition and actually become a god, I would have said no.

And I think its wrong to say there is only contrivence and bullshit on L/Near's end. For example, when Light decided to let himself lose his memories because he "knew himself" enough to know that he would somehow touch the death note again and regain his memories. Then when it happens he acts like it was all part of his thats bullshit I think.

What I mean when I say Light is a coward is that he wasn't willing to give his all and do every possible thing he could in order to win, he wasn't willing to risk his life for it, and when you're playing a game with human lives of that magnitude, you damn well better be ready to lose and die at any moment. His arrogance made him believe that he could not possibly ever lose even if he didn't use the shinigami eyes, he couldn't even phathom it, and like what hounddog said, when he realized he lost, his world crashed down around him. So yeah I think his reaction was quite appropriate.

Also, I think its wrong to say its impossible for Near to beat Light because he has less experience. I mean, at the beginning of death note Light is only 17 (two years older then Near(if he is 15 as you say)) and L is in his 20's (24 I think) and is known as a genius detective. I think its safe to say he has more experience then Light. Yet Light is able to battle on par with L and eventually beat him. Also, Near is L's apprentice, its safe to say L taught him a few things and even let him help with cases in the past.
running_lemonJan 23, 2007 2:26 PM
Jan 23, 2007 3:00 PM

Nov 2004
Hounddog: Of course it would have been a tipoff. But to what end? No one, aside from everyone Light killed knew that Light was working as L. Anyone else affiliated with it was dead. Near would have known something was wrong but he would have had absolutely nothing to work off of.

RL: No I didn't really think Light would win, but I also didn't think he would go crazy/lose his mind. That never even remotely entered my thoughts. Light would either win or he would be caught by concrete evidence (not Near's floundering assumptions that eventually lead him to the end).

I agree that Light was somewhat of a coward in that he didn't bet his life when he needed to. He was definitely playing a game of life and wasn't prepared to offer his own in forfeit.

I never said it was impossible for Near to beat Light. It's pefectly possibly, just NOT with the way the author went about doing it. Everything was way too far fetched and "assumed". "Omg, why would someone pick Takada? Wait, look at this, let's look through hundreds of TV shows...OH LOOKIE Mikami..wait a sec, wasn't he on Sakura TV just a moment ago? ZOMG X-Kira and he's looking for orders!" Bullshit. You can't deduce that, it just doesn't work that way.

Light didn't beat L either. Remu beat L. Granted Light was a direct influence on that, but Remu definitely was the main factor because without her, L would be alive. At the time L could have taught him anything (before Kira), Near would have been 11. Eleven! Hardly old enough to be able to handle anything extraordinary. L dies when Near is 12. Three years pass with Near researching data. RESEARCH, not actual detective work, just research. No skills, or very little skills in detective work should have been acquired.
Jan 23, 2007 11:53 PM

Aug 2006
lol, Thats it! I demand to hear from Crystal! =P

anyway though, I think I've said just about all I can say and have voiced my opinion on most things.

I'll just add that I think, as you said, you need more then intelligence to be a good detective, and in a case like L and Near faced in death note where there are so many unknowns (the death note, shinigami, etc) you really have to follow your hunches. Like how L got a feeling about Light, even though there probably wasn't enough evidence to suspect Light of being Kira as strongly as he did, he still followed his suspicion through, which I think is important.

In any case, I really enjoyed this topic. Possibly more then any other topic on this site. (I like anime discussion, especially about anime like death note and I've been waiting patiently since the death note anime started for it to end so we could discuss it. BTW, sorry if I came off as a little rude or insulting earlier, I get kinda heated pretty easily =P)
Jan 24, 2007 12:13 AM

Nov 2004
I'm glad I could contribute to this topic then. I really enjoyed the manga (up until the end) so I absolutely had to make a manga topic and get some feedback.

Feelings and emotions are definitely an integral part of being a detective. When they're all that the author uses though (which is pretty much Near in every aspect), I just can't stomach and accept it.

I think I can't get over the fact that Light was caught by some little shit kid playing with action figures/Legos. My mind can't accept it.
Jan 24, 2007 5:39 AM

Nov 2004
Oh, dear, haha. I was thinking of replying to this discussion but I decided not too because you guys are all posting these big scary posts that are just way above me. I'm not really much of a deep thinker. I can barely remember what happened in Death Note now, so I really don't have much to say. I can only say my initial reaction after reading the part where Light goes batshit crazy was huge disappointment. I agree with RL, I think it was expected that Light wasn't going to take the end of his "battle" like a hero, cause he isn't one. But still, people just don't like seeing people they're amazed at fall from grace. I'm going to have the same disappointment if Lelouch from Code Geass gets caught and reacts in the same way light does (bah, that's the thing with anti-heroes, they're cool at first but there's the risk they'll lose it all eventually).

I was pretty dissatisfied with the second part of the story. Near wasn't half as interesting as L, and the plans, tricks and what not just flew over my head (if they're were any). I also got pretty bored, the story just dragged on and on as the opposing sides magically pulled things out of a hat.
Jan 24, 2007 6:24 AM

Nov 2004
Yay! I'm not alone in my thinking. :)
Jan 24, 2007 10:14 AM

Aug 2006
lol, no Xinil I don't think you are alone, in fact, I think that most people do/will have a similar opinion to yours.

Yeah I have been worried about Lelouch as well. He really reminds me of Light and I'm hoping he doesn't end up the same way. There are some key differences that make me think he won't though (but I guess I shouldn't get into them in this topic).

I will agree with you that Near wasn't half as cool as L and the second half of the manga (after L died) wasn't as good as the first. I even stopped reading if for awhile because it didn't seem as interesting, then when it was close to finished I picked it up again.
Jan 24, 2007 11:52 AM

Jan 2007
Near is a much different character from L, so it's not entirely fair to judge them side-by-side.

That said...I hate the little punk.
Feb 2, 2007 8:21 PM

Aug 2006
Well, I don't want to get into it to much, my opinions are all in this thread already...but to respond to Arinohyoshi in the poll topic...

Thats the thing about Light....he's arrogant...he couldn't comprehend losing so he was overconfident. Hell, even if he didn't take precautions, all he had to do was not yell out "I am Kira" or w/e and he could have talked his way out of it.
Feb 2, 2007 8:35 PM

Jan 2005

Really most what i would have said is said already, but the little shitty kid had no freaking way to coming that far, and taking in mind the brains of Light... He should have had a backup plan IF something failed, Misaki not appearing for some reason or this fake Death Note into consideration there would have been the small possibilities of anything happening. And Light should have thought about that and having something as a backup plan, Misa would have been best choice (she would have taken The Eyes again, had he asked) but she was kidnapped. But like there wouldn't have been anyone else to use? BULLSHIT like Xinil said.

True also that Light was watched 24/7, but it didn't stop him before, why did it now?
Just bullshit ending with Near and Mello just happening to be there to bust the whole plan-counterplan-countercounterplan thing? BULLSHIT.

Argh why any serie can't end like its supposed to? True I liked Light alot over L/N, but just because his character was much more plausible than others.

just one comment, I would have posted a cartoonlink also if I could have found it but no luck there.

Truly yours, Arinohyoshi

~ Join the SOL Brigade Today! ~ Save our World by Overloading it with Lolis! ~
Feb 2, 2007 10:21 PM

Nov 2004
running_lemon said:
Well, I don't want to get into it to much, my opinions are all in this thread already...but to respond to Arinohyoshi in the poll topic...

Thats the thing about Light....he's arrogant...he couldn't comprehend losing so he was overconfident. Hell, even if he didn't take precautions, all he had to do was not yell out "I am Kira" or w/e and he could have talked his way out of it.

At what point in the series did Light ever do anything "for certain"? He always had a plan.
Feb 2, 2007 10:27 PM

Aug 2006
I'm confused by the phrasing of your question...sorry ^^

Feb 2, 2007 10:28 PM

Nov 2004
There was never a point where Light didn't have an alternative plan or a plan that would work because he was "positive" it would work. Light was smart enough to think out all possible solutions.
Feb 2, 2007 10:30 PM

Aug 2006
Yeah, he was 'positive' his final plan would work as well....but it didn't. He was outsmarted. He seemed to stop being as cautious in the end as his confidence grew
Feb 2, 2007 10:34 PM

Nov 2004
Outsmarted? More like shafted by the writer. The Light after L died was not the same as the Light before he died. Simple as that.
Feb 2, 2007 10:38 PM

Aug 2006
Well of course not...he killed L. Thats a big confidence boost. He started to feel safe and that no one else could stop him. He considered L his only worthy adversary and with him gone he could afford to be less cautious. Then in the end when Mello was taken out of the picture and it seemed like he had a plan to end Near too....well....he felt like it was over I guess. That he had already won.
Feb 2, 2007 10:44 PM

Nov 2004
But my point is that I don't believe the real Light would have thought like that. He wouldn't have put himself in that state of mind.
Feb 2, 2007 10:56 PM

Aug 2006
lol, well I do.

Like I've mentioned, im sure countless times before, imo Light is very arrogant. I mean, anyone who can say something like "If anyone else found the death note would they be able to use it like this? No, only I can do it. Only I can change the world." (eh, I can't remember exactly what he says...something like that...its in the anime, kind of near the beginning.) has to be a little on the arrogant side.

So I believe the progression I mentioned above would happen to him. I mean you have to admit that Light thought highly of himself and his abilities. So is it really unreasonable to think that someone confident in themselves, after taking out their biggest competition, and it looks like no one can stop them, wouldn't get a little comfortable?

ahh w/e I'm just going in circles now =P
running_lemonFeb 2, 2007 11:03 PM
Feb 2, 2007 11:20 PM

Nov 2004
We're both going in circles and we both aren't going to change our opinions on the matter, lol. Oh well. :)
Mar 24, 2007 9:12 AM

Mar 2007
Well guys... I WAS obsessed to Raito... up until the 7th (!!!) episode / Chapter 14 where he killed Misora Naomi... Plus when he made Remu to write Ryuuzaki's name in the Death Note... well, I hate him from the bottom of my heart! Ever since Nate showed up I cheered for him to teach him a lesson for what he did! Killing is killing guys come on! No matter what is the goal... it's just not right! As N said: "You are just a killer."

In some way, Near is smarter than Ryuuzaki was. The main difference between them was L used more risky ways to achieve his goal, while N kept the distance. And at the end he was right... yeah Near wasn't as experienced as L (remember his age?), he needed some luck and the help of Mello, but still... he thought further than not just L, but Raito as well. I couldn't thank him enough what he has done at the end. He had to abase Yagami to win against him... and at the end he took the same risk as L.

And at last but not least, you can't complain about L's fate, Ryuuku told him the Death Note would only bring him pain and suffering, and at the end he (Ryuuku) will be the one who writes down his (Raito's) name in it. Also don't forget about the "cute-Misa-M isa-sama-darling-airen-bitch" without HER Raito HASN'T GOT A CHANCE many-many times before. And the ending about her was also flawless... since she hasn't died, yet she has 1/4 of her lifespan and she will feel only sadness for the rest of her remaining life... yet again, exactly what she has deserved for her blindness. Raito didn't like her one bit... he only loved himself... he hasn't really cared about his family either (think of his dad)... so can we really think that he did this for mankind? B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T ;)


P.S.: Seems I'm the only one with this opinion, so here I am, come on... bite me :)

"Humans, someday, will surely die. After death, their destination is nothingness." /Death Note/
Mar 24, 2007 12:37 PM

Aug 2006
Hmmm, In your third paragraph, did you mean that "you can't complain about Raito's fate?"

Anyway, although I don't dislike Raito as much as you seem to, I do pretty much agree with you. I also never attempted to compare Near and L much in this topic, but I'd say you pretty much have it right.

Also, its revealed in Death Note: How to Read 13, that Misa commits suicide 1 year after hearing of Raito's death.
Mar 24, 2007 3:42 PM

Mar 2007
Oh yeah, "Raito" - that is. Sorry I do carried away a bit... :P Maybe the part "hate him from the bottom of my heart" was a lil' much, cuz' at the beginning I thought he is right... and sometimes - for example when he lost his memory - he was reasonable and cool. But then came the evil grins... I could blow when I saw them. :)

Hmm... seems I'm missing something btw... "Death Note: How to Read ?"

"Humans, someday, will surely die. After death, their destination is nothingness." /Death Note/
Mar 24, 2007 3:52 PM

Aug 2006
Death Note: How to Read is something like a 13th volume that just answers some questions about the series but doesn't continue the story
Mar 24, 2007 11:12 PM

Mar 2007
Bah! L should have just left Light/Raito/Kira alone. All he was doing was killing bad guys. No big deal cuz they desrve it. Cops sometimes have to kill bad guys and my Light-kun was helping them. Anyways, if L didn't stick his nose in Kira's business, he wouldn't have to kill all those other people. I would have done the samething and I'm sure you would too. Besides, L went too far when he put hidden cameras in their homes. He's so wierd and creepy.
Anyways, you think I hate L? I totally DESPISE Near and Mello. Those 2 brats were the worst. It should have been just L and Light in the whole seris.

And one last thing. Your sig is frickin huge. Please change it. @_@
Mar 25, 2007 2:24 AM

Mar 2007
kirAth-shiAue said:
Bah! L should have just left Light/Raito/Kira alone. All he was doing was killing bad guys.

Raito killed Penbar, the other 11 FBI agents and Naomi BEFORE L...

kirAth-shiAue said:
Anyways, if L didn't stick his nose in Kira's business, he wouldn't have to kill all those other people.

Raito killed criminals to "bring HIS justice to the world"... and others (FBI, NPA, CIA,
L and his crew) just tried to bring THEIR justice over Kira. It's the same... only the point of view differs: which one is the right thing?

kirAth-shiAue said:
I would have done the samething and I'm sure you would too.

I couldn't... that's why I admired him at the very beginning... he dared to take up the task... I may be a coward I don't know. But he DID went too far.

kirAth-shiAue said:
Besides, L went too far when he put hidden cameras in their homes. He's so wierd and creepy.

L's character must be like that, since a "normal" person wouldn't have a chance against Raito. Think of his victims. Ryuuzaki couldn't be some ordinar guy.

kirAth-shiAue said:
I totally DESPISE Near and Mello. Those 2 brats were the worst.

Remember the time when Yoda said "Truly wonderful the mind of a child is." in SW: The Attack of the Clones ? - I think that's the reason Raito's opponents are like that.

kirAth-shiAue said:
It should have been just L and Light in the whole seris.

Seems we agree on somethin' :). When I saw L collapsed I couldn't believe it. I hoped it's just another of his plans (cuz Yagami told everyone in the hospital "L's dead." but we didn't see his body). At that point I thought the story collapses... but fortunately that's not how it happened. ^^

kirAth-shiAue said:
And one last thing. Your sig is frickin huge. Please change it. @_@

Ya I know sorry, I will make somethin' about it. Don't wanna "cut" his head off, and his pointing fingers are also important. Btw that is the pic when Nate says: "Yagami Light, you are Kira." :P

Oh, yeah: running_lemon cheers for "How to Read" ^^

"Humans, someday, will surely die. After death, their destination is nothingness." /Death Note/
Mar 25, 2007 9:52 AM

Aug 2006
kirAth-shiAue said:
Bah! L should have just left Light/Raito/Kira alone. All he was doing was killing bad guys. No big deal cuz they desrve it. Cops sometimes have to kill bad guys and my Light-kun was helping them. Anyways, if L didn't stick his nose in Kira's business, he wouldn't have to kill all those other people. I would have done the samething and I'm sure you would too. Besides, L went too far when he put hidden cameras in their homes. He's so wierd and creepy.
Anyways, you think I hate L? I totally DESPISE Near and Mello. Those 2 brats were the worst. It should have been just L and Light in the whole seris.

And one last thing. Your sig is frickin huge. Please change it. @_@

lol, no.
Mar 25, 2007 12:07 PM

Mar 2007
running_lemon said:

lol, no.

Exactly :P

"Humans, someday, will surely die. After death, their destination is nothingness." /Death Note/
Apr 1, 2007 11:27 AM

Jan 2007
Gawd, all these in depth conversations && i`ve only read the first 2 chapters, hah.
Apr 14, 2007 5:26 PM

Feb 2007
Loved the ending personally, but then I never did like Light. Seeing him finally get beaten was very satisfying, and the breakdown was a nice touch.
May 2, 2007 2:05 PM

Apr 2007
I detested the end, it gave me a feeling of.. heh that's my point, something missing.
It just ended with nothing, also I hated near. I read it quite a while ago so I don't have anything to say however I do remember what I felt when I finished reading and that was disappointed.
How Raito (or was it Light) aka Kira was so smart he even beat L and that lil kid just comes and arrests him.

May 2, 2007 2:46 PM

Jan 2007
So far I am only on teh first manga of the series and from there I think i am just going to buy the whole series. XD.
Jun 28, 2007 3:50 PM
Jun 28, 2007 11:14 PM

Aug 2006
Bah, you'd prefer that raft to my Lemon sub??
Jun 30, 2007 12:59 PM

Feb 2007
ahah, I had a pleasant read of this discussion.. I am so far behind you all, arn't I?

It's not my fault I bought it all.. Death Note 12 just came out a few days ago (in Canada at least.. *shrugs*)

I wonder if this discussion will become more active or not now that it has been been fully released.

I would have to mostly agree with Xinil. Light was awesome, and Near never could have beat him.. *frowns*

I actually liked L, he was awesome.. I also liked Light. The fact that L died was spoiled to me before I even read it, which really pissed me off. Even so, I was still shocked and sad to see it.

But stupid Near.. and Mello... They were no where near as good as L or Light. While I am not as upset that Light went crazy, I am amazed Near beat him, even though I saw it comming. The Author sold out with the whole "two minds are better than one" thing.. Mello and Near were not working together.. even if Mello "helped' ... arg. It's so far fetched.
The thing I hated about Near the most was how he based everything on assumptions. To me, Light dying is basically a fluke. Seriously, the ending was like a 1/1000000 chance..

Oh well.. back to adding Managa to the db now..
Jul 5, 2007 12:41 AM

May 2007
I almost cried when Light dyed in the anime but was said as well in the manga........ Im really sad for light hes my hero.
Jul 6, 2007 2:20 PM

Jun 2007
i think in the Manga he died more dramtically than the anime.
Jul 30, 2007 4:14 PM
Jul 2007
Well, I'm aware I'm probably a little late for this topic (Okay a lot late) but I was actually rather amused by the ending...well, I think what happened wiht Light was...not particularly in character, but I was never a fan of his.

I was told that towards the end of the series Ohba-sensei got bored with the story and therefore finished it differently than first intended...not to mention by the looks of it quickly and sloppily.

It could have been better, yes, but overall I don't think it was too terrible.
Light may have overreacted a bit, but if you consider it, he was facing a life's imprisonment somewhere secluded, and locking him away would be called 'justice' by Near and the investigation teams, something he was convinced he was. Not to mention he had already demonstrated that he by no means wanted to die anytime soon, when Near caught him he, was most likely in his opinion, merely steps away from becoming 'God of the New World' (as he fondly called it =p) so to be aware of that slowly slipping from your fingers...
Plus he was under a lot of pressure, it was only a matter of time before he cracked really...

Gah >.< Sorry!
That was more than I meant to write....
Aug 2, 2007 6:24 AM

Jun 2007
Well,i thought that the manga was the best - because L was like the coolest character.Then L died,and the manga became un-readeble. Alright,Near and Mello was also good characters,but the manga went from ass kicking to normal. And in the end,when Light went crazy,i couldent belive it. So,in my opinion it was a disappointing ending.
to the people who look up the stars and wish
to the stars who listen and the dreams that are answered
Nov 29, 2014 12:28 PM

Jul 2014
-What do you think? Let's go go go!
he said, grinning.
Nov 29, 2014 12:29 PM

Jul 2014
-What do you think? Let's go go go!
he said, grinning.
Apr 28, 2015 8:56 AM

Jun 2013
mgronald said:
i dont like green day.
A listen to their albums from Dookie to American Idiot can change your mind. :)

^neutral cause i don't know you
Jan 4, 2020 10:42 AM

Jan 2016
I thought it was a predictable ending since
The word elitist is stupid since it's just used by people who can't defend their favorite shows and use it on people who criticize their favorite shows.

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