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Aug 6, 2011 4:34 PM
Sep 2009
Not enough action in this ep!

I've gotta read the manga to see how it differs from this.
Aug 6, 2011 5:36 PM

Jan 2010
I agree with Janus382 in saying that "As for Roberta... I'm glad she ended up butchered, in a way. She's played out, imo. She can't top what she did in the OVA... so any future appearance of her would seem somewhat lame, in comparison." But I also believe they wouldn't do such a thing without an author's consent in someway or another. I don't think Madhouse would just randomly butcher a character like her without reason. I highly doubt that she will appear again in the manga since there would be no way for her to top what she did in Roberta's Blood Trail. I mean this arc lasted 30+ chapters in the manga, and over half of the manga was dedicated to her already including her first appearance. Black Lagoon isn't one to stray much from the original story after reading the manga and watching the anime entirely. Of course some things are omitted at times, but that happens a lot more frequently in other works than Madhouse produces. Madhouse isn't one to stray far from the original story without a meaning, if you look at other works they did such as Hellsing Ultimate, Monster, and Hajime no Ippo; they produce works very closely to the that of the original. Though I do agree with the above poster in saying, Claymore's ending was quite awful. In my opinion though, it's somewhat good she was injured more than she was in the manga, makes her seem more human; even if she is a damn monster on the battlefield. A monster will in time get some battle scars.
VitaXAug 6, 2011 5:58 PM
Aug 6, 2011 10:28 PM
Aug 2011
I havn't read the Manga, but the episode's / OVA's were very good in my opinion. Did get confused sometimes, but after re-thinking it made quite some sense.

As for Rock...

In the 2nd season the Japanese girl told him certain stuffs, about him beeing in the twilight and such, if I can remember correctly. Also, I think she said things like Rock beeing too kind / nice and things like that, and that the things he did for work did not suit him at all. (The maffia / drug and etc things) Although I am not sure if that's exactly what she said, I should rewatch season 2 for that, but I can't be bothered at the moment.

Eitherway.. I think because of what I listed above, the reason for Rock's behaviour in these OVA's was because of the end of season 2. Rock is a nice and good person at heart, but I think he realized that he had to become the bad guy in order to achieve his goal. He had to sacrifice his good personality and endure the killing and such in order to make his plan come to work, and that was to make Roanaprur (or whatever the name was.. bad at remembering names <__<) a safer and better place.

Unfortunately, it did not work at a scale he had desired for, eventhough how noble his goal/cause was. (That's the way how I see it atleast, because what evil or bad person would want to make a city become a better place?)

The reason I think why he still acted bad-ass towards Revy in the end was probably cause he might have thought Revy understood his intentions. And might have thought she would be happy because of it. But she didn't understand his motivation / objective and such, probably, and thus getting pissed off on him.

This is the way of how I think/see for what reason Rock decided to become 'bad'.
Just felt like saying how I understood the ending and progress of these 5 OVA's.

And since I got no one else to discuss it with, I just had to post a comment and share my thoughts about the OVA's / ending with you guys and girls.

Also, My apologies for any amazingly lame grammar fails and such. Did my best to make it 'understand able'.
private108Aug 6, 2011 10:38 PM
Aug 7, 2011 2:49 PM
Apr 2011
Roberta was presented as an unstoppable assassin since she first appeared. It was out of character for her to get hit by bullets when she is several meters away from the soldiers. Compare that to her previous feats in the 1st season and OVA 1-4 where she dodged bullets at almost point black range.

Madhouse followed the manga since the very first BL episode...why do they have to deviate? Answer: Madhouse just wanted some shock factor that's why we saw a maimed Roberta and raped Revy. When animation companies create their own endings they are potentially screwing themselves when the original author creates something that contradicts the anime ending. Look what happened to FMA. The anime ending is so bad the series needed a reboot. My point is, IF some producer decides to create a BL season 3(based on the manga) and it just so happens that Roberta is in the story...Madhouse don't really have a choice but to reboot OVA other words they just wasted money by deviating from the manga. And the worse part is...creating a contradicting ending may reduce the chances of having a new season because the "producer" will have to shoulder the expenses of a reboot so they might think that it would be better if they won't make a sequel (Ex. Claymore.)

I hope Madhouse won't do this s*** to Hajime no Ippo(one of my fave manga/anime)
Aug 8, 2011 6:24 AM

Apr 2011
Did anyone else notice that foreshadowing, complete with wish and shooting star in the background, when Balalaika said that she wanted the opportunity to face off against the American forces?

I think we will see that in BL chapters to come.
Aug 9, 2011 7:00 PM

May 2009
This episode was terrible to me. All that action and badassness just to come to such a mediocre end? No. I didn't like it personally. I mean, am I missing something here? Some huge picture that's supposed to make me go "man, that ending didn't suck after all!"? My disappointment could be from waiting weeks for this episode to come out and then more time for it to get subbed but hey man, tough titty. I did not like it. Anyway.

Well, all in all the OVA was great (minus this episode) and I'd give it a 10/10 if it wasn't for this ep, but I think i'll give it a 7.
<!--link--><a href="">
Being sane is over rated :)
Aug 15, 2011 9:21 AM

Jun 2009
What was that creepy song at the end? :<
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Aug 16, 2011 3:41 PM
Apr 2011
I think they went wayyyyyy too overboard with maiming Roberta. Like, gratuitously so. Even if she's not going to appear in any future arcs, it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth to see her character so destroyed. The biggest part of her appeal in the manga was how unstoppably beast she was, but now Madhouse just took a giant dump on that image.

Yeah, it is more "realistic" that she'd have gotten wounded. But for god's sake, this is the series where a guy blocked bullets with a katana and Roberta herself broke a goddamn knife in her teeth. "Realism" should not have been Madhouse's concern. It was simply over the top how bad they butchered her.

Well, with any luck Funimation could do an alternate ending when they get to the dub, simply reanimating the bits of the credits scene Roberta is in. I mean, it's only about 4 seconds of footage and she's either sitting or standing still the whole time. How much trouble could it be for them to give her back an arm and a leg? At least the eye and finger loss made sense, as we saw it earlier in the episode. But the loss of those two limbs didn't make a lick of sense, since they were perfectly functioning in the scene prior. So I wonder what it would take for them to give her those limbs back, and maybe even her eye if they felt generous. The finger loss is unavoidable I think, since we see it happen quite clearly earlier on, and it's indisputable she loses them there. Whereas she could still have her eye since it'd be perfectly believable the bullet grazed her head instead of hitting her in the eye directly.

Well, that's what I think of this anyway. I really wish they could just redo it while making Rock's character change and plans more clear, and not condensing the longest manga arc into 5 episodes. But I know that's evel less likely than Funimation doing what I mentioned.
XagzanAug 16, 2011 3:47 PM
Aug 19, 2011 12:19 AM
Aug 2010
lol. so nobody really cared about the whole Garcia kissing Roberta thing?
I saw it coming but when it happened I was still shocked xD

I think the OVA was awesome and I'm surprised that Roberta didnt die from everything she went through, all the pills and stuff. Liked the ending but who were those people at the end? Her family? Hmm...

-still in shock about the kiss between those two-
Aug 19, 2011 4:31 AM

Oct 2009
The jungle fight was awesome~~
Well i for one liked the ending quite a lot ;\
Hopefully this is the last we'll see of Roberta, i don't like her even though shes a badass..

So Garcia did have a crush on her ><.
Though i am disappointed that she was just let to be at the mansion after all the slaughtering she did, all is forgiven huh?

Revy's past :\ no wonder she turned out that way XD

*fingers crossed for a sequel*
Aug 29, 2011 2:54 AM

Oct 2010
Sep 13, 2011 11:49 PM

Jun 2009
Frankly, I thought it was a great decision to change the end of the battle. Roberta being a ridiculously powerful character who is apparently unkillable just never in the slightest sit well with me. I mean, yes, there were things throughout the series that weren't realistic but the Roberta arc in the first season REALLY stood out to me in contrast to the rest of the series.

Plus, in case no one noticed, she is going against a much more trained enemy now and has been getting shot up throughout the OVA isn't all that surprising.

But, to talk about the OVA in general, like I said I was not a fan of the first Roberta arc but this REALLY worked for me. Part of it is the incite into pretty much every major character, except for the eternally shafted Benny and Dutch (actually a bit of their pasts were revealed I do believe). Also, the character development for Rock after his trip to Japan is very believable and seems like the natural course for things to go. Of course, seeing a bit of Revy's past was great as well and the Eda sub plot is incredibly interesting.

In any case, I give this a 9 for now. Probably the best part of Black Lagoon thus far.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Sep 26, 2011 1:55 AM

Aug 2006
I really liked it because it was a realistic ending. Rock thought he had all the cards in his hand but he didn't take in mind that the higher-ups had motives and incentives to keep illegal activity going.
Corruption is like a plague, either you burn it all in one go or you won't make a difference at all. Hard lesson Rock learned from that arc.

Sep 28, 2011 10:41 PM

Feb 2008
so the ending was confusing and I get that roberta got butchered. But please, did anyone notice the cigarette scene at the end get animated COMPLETELY terribly? If not, take a look at it again, look at how its placed in rocks hand, and the moment revy takes it, it miraculously flips over. not that its a big deal, just seems like laziness for an ova.
Oct 11, 2011 10:31 PM

Nov 2008
Most of the time I was confused because I couldn't remember what happened in the previous OVAs so I still have no clue what was Rock's plan and the bet he was making.
Even though Rock was extremely out of character, I loved him all badass like that. I also extremely loved the peak into Revy's past.
8/10 for beautiful beautiful violence!! Hope for more Black Lagoon in the future.
Oct 12, 2011 2:38 AM

Aug 2010
Finally decided to watch these OVAs myself. I was trying to wait for the dub but at this point who knows how long that could take. I loved the OVAs but at this point there's nothing they could do to make not like anything Black Lagoon related. Though I am glad to see we're done with Roberta so we can get to some of the good stuff they were talking about during like the stuff with Eda and Mr. Chang.

Now I'm just sad because I'm not going to be able to watch any new Black Lagoon related anime for a looooooooooooooooooong time. I think I could have held off watching these for even longer.
Oct 20, 2011 7:32 AM

Feb 2009
One of the best episodes of the show. I enjoyed the jungle battle as well as the ending. Somehow it felt appropriate and much more realistic than many other episodes. It was also pretty well done how Roberta had a much harder time against a trained and lethal enemy.

My only complain about this episode was how Rock did act out of character. It didn't feel like Rock, at least for a moment there. I don't think he has actually changed, and the whole gamble was believable in my eyes, but the way he acted it just didn't feel right.

In the end it was a pretty good OVA, up there with both seasons.
Oct 23, 2011 8:02 PM
Nov 2008
ravagestorm said:
Damn you Madhouse!!! They did it again. They already ruined Claymore by making a crappy anime ending now they ruined Black Lagoon by butchering Roberta for petty reasons. She's not even missing an arm in the manga... *facepalm

I think Madhouse is trying to tell us that there won't be a Black Lagoon season 2 or OVAs in the future...

While I agree on Claymore, I don't think they changed this adaptation so much that would make a 3rd season impossible. Roberta prolly won't ever show up again even in the manga, so it doesn't really matter how much they butchered her.
Nov 12, 2011 5:24 PM

Dec 2009
I didn't quite get it huh, but it had pretty badass moments. Not entirely pleased, though. I give these OVAs a 7/10
Nov 20, 2011 9:08 AM

Jul 2009
i think it was really good, but just feel sad that again Rock is hated in the end.. ( i thought he was gonna be the cool one since in the ending part of each OVA there images Mr. Chang, Balalaika and Rock are showed with cigarettes well if you seen it you will know what i mean xP)

and in the last part too.. Was that Lt. Shane working as Lovelace's Gardener? maybe bodyguard too..i like how that turned out &gt;_&gt; still not sure if it was him in the end together with the Japanese electrical worker's son and wife .

But really amazing this show!

Dec 12, 2011 12:35 PM

Jun 2010
Completely dissapointed. I haven't understand anything.. And something tells me that there is nothing to understand. But I'm totally unsatisfied.. Chang plans are pointless.. Rock plans are pointless. I think that even ending where Roberta just kills all soldiers and this major and returns back unharmed would be better..
Jan 2, 2012 8:19 PM

Jul 2008
I was kind of disappointed.

Wow Roberta got fucked up. She wouldn't have made it home to serve anyone tea.

I hate what Rock has become these past few episodes.
Jan 2, 2012 8:27 PM

Dec 2010
GarLogan78 said:
I was kind of disappointed.

Wow Roberta got fucked up. She wouldn't have made it home to serve anyone tea.

I hate what Rock has become these past few episodes.
If you're wondering, this arc plays out very different in the manga.
Jan 2, 2012 10:15 PM

Jul 2008
notsureifsrs said:
GarLogan78 said:
I was kind of disappointed.

Wow Roberta got fucked up. She wouldn't have made it home to serve anyone tea.

I hate what Rock has become these past few episodes.
If you're wondering, this arc plays out very different in the manga.

I think I saw your post elsewhere, but would you mind saying again what happened in the manga?
Jan 24, 2012 6:34 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Sad ending really. Nothing changes in Roanapur and Roberta is so severely hurt that she'll be using a wheelchair the rest of her life.

Rock sure was different though.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jan 27, 2012 3:38 PM

Aug 2010

It pains my heart to see Roberta in that condition ;_;

God dammit WHY.jpg

Badass Rock is badass though. Living in Roanapur would change ANY man
Feb 2, 2012 2:26 PM

Aug 2009
I fail to see the reasoning behind being disappointed by Rocks behavior. What exactly makes many of you here to think ill of him or rather "I don't like him any more"? He did not change at all. His plan, how of a longshot it was, actually succeeded, however the upper parties involved in this have had outplayed him in the end, but thats not the point.
He succeeded with minimal to no losses:
-- Mayor and his squad had a mission which they would "never abandon" and most of them survived
-- Levy lightly wounded but alive
-- Dutch and Havana-shirt-guy had been kept out of danger
-- Roberta survived
-- Little maid-bitch survived as well
-- Few Roannapour thugs and punks got killed..boohoo

Taking that into account Rock is pretty awesome. And the fact that Levy had kicked him is way less dramatic than some people here mention. My guess would be she got pissed off by the "I will save everyone" (which includes her and we all know how Levy reacts to care) followed by the "now I know how you feel" which means to her something like: Rock becomes himself the next day and she does not. Simple as that.

Awesome series by the way. Shame there was no drunken sex between Levy and Rock.
Feb 17, 2012 3:38 PM

Oct 2011
Loved the ova series ,terminator Roberta rules also we finally saw the consequences of living in Roanapur on Rock and how that changed him ,and I'm also disapointed that the anime studio masacred Roberta at the end in the manga she looks perfectly fine and that means if Rei ever picks up BL again he may bring her back :D
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Apr 26, 2012 3:13 PM

Mar 2010
didnt read the manga so im not sure why people are dissapointed
i liked the ending and im looking forward for more episodes
Jun 17, 2012 10:43 AM

Jul 2009
Episode was alright I guess, episode 3 was my favorite in the OVA.

But how come Roberta lost her left arm? The Eye, fingers and foot I saw but she was using the left arm just fine before the credits started rolling. Did the American commander sever it off screen to force her surrender or something?
Jun 19, 2012 3:51 PM
Jun 2012
After reading through a few posts, its weird to hear people talk about how Roberta shouldn't have been all messed up in the ending. I'm honestly surprised she lived at all. I thought Garcia would have just lied and killed her to everyone but Rock's surprise, and the show goes on. That's basically been the trend so far anyways, just this time Rock would be in control. That sort of ending would have meant Rock stays all evil looking and stuff though, so I thought this ending was appropriate for Rock's character development, especially if they aim to keep him as the "living" character. Getting back to Roberta's disfigurement, it keeps with the kind of disposable "villain" theme, seeing as she won't be kicking any more ass anytime soon and I thought it was appropriate for this show. I mean they shot 2 cannibalistic, multi-personality kids (one which lost his arm and bled out and died, the other seemed like he/she was recovering at least a little before getting shot in the head) one of the seasons, why would the ending be so clean? It was good enough she even lived at all.

I appreciate that everyone is waaaaaaay less overpowered this time. I mean the last season only had one badass on the other side, how does that happen? Glad this OVA made basically all the commandos pretty badass to the point that they could each fight off Roberta for at least a little despite her God hax.

I didn't understand that ending with Roberta and the picture though, I had no idea who those people were.

Also interesting to see Rock try and take out Roanapur, and that he finally saved someone and some people's sanity.

Also that sniper guy who blocked the first pole was badass as hell. Props to him. Wished he lived.
Jul 7, 2012 6:24 PM

Oct 2011
julio55555 said:

I didn't understand that ending with Roberta and the picture though, I had no idea who those people were.

That was the family of a guy roberta killed long ago you know that guy who was appearing in robertas hallucinations.
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Jul 16, 2012 10:46 AM

Jun 2009
I still have many open questions... Hopefully there'll be a third season that shines some light on various things, such as Revy's past. It'd be also fun to see some development in the relationship between Rock and Revy, it's so marginal atm. Although it shouldn't become a romance thing, just wanna see more action there. ^_^
Jul 30, 2012 9:41 PM

Jan 2012
action scenes were badass

other than that... meh
Aug 1, 2012 1:42 PM

Apr 2009
I actually like Rock the way he was there, even though it was only for a brief period of time. I actually really liked the OVA. The only thing that disappointed me was the fact that Roberta did not die in her battle but ended up a cripple for the rest of her life. Maybe Garcia and Roberta herself will be happy with that ending, but I can't see how a true soldier/killer like Roberta should live like that. I personally think she should have gone down gloriously on her own battlefield, even though she went full crazy out there.
The OVA also explored the character's personalities some more, so overall: 9/10

Aug 7, 2012 5:57 AM
Aug 2012
Hi there

I just finished watching this ova... there were some great moments but I can't help but feel that the writing and editing was horribly handled... or perhaps something was just lost in translation? as it was rather confusing and much of it seemed pointless... like Balaikas role or the nude/rape scenes

they seemed to want to have Garcia end up killing Roberta and that ending would have been far better than what they did especially with maiming her which nothing in the anime really gave cause for her to lose an arm/leg/eye (considering how all other characters heal up from far worse)
I can see that they wanted to play up Garcias wish to be Robertas Crutch but that was just ridiculous (considering realism = ridiculous in BL) Especially considering that arm that she lost was uninjured in the final scene and she was using it! to fire at Garcia and to check for the bullet wound from Garcias shot

and what was that at the ending? in regards to the picture and the visitors...??? i read someone saying its the family of that Taisho employee she was having visions of but why on earth would they be visiting her? and was that the US military squad captain there in a Hawaiian shirt? why???
stylinredAug 7, 2012 6:01 AM
Aug 16, 2012 2:18 PM

Jul 2009
amazing stuff O__O

though i have alot of mixed feelings so here it goes.

first it seems Garcia and Fabiola are getting some moments all along.

yay we get to see Revy's past!!!!

i definitely can understand why she's angry towards family relations etc.

it's definitely not a good picture burned in her memory.

Classic Roberta Maid Outfit!!!!!!

Garcia vs Roberta moment was intense!!!!!

the kiss with roberta was beautiful ^^

i was surprise fabiola didn't get jealous or something.

im glad Revy and Fabiloa kick rock's ass.

this idiot think he can just do what he wants all of a sudden.

Kohei_no_kimi said:
Too be honest, I really enjoyed the OAV ending, much more than the manga's for several reasons :

- It gave more credit to the Grey Fox ( and by extension to Balalaika's soldiers since they could keep up with them )
Even if Roberta was such an exceptional fighter, the Grey Fox were a special military unit, it didn't make much sense to have them defeated that easily in the manga by one single woman.

- I still think that they went too far in butchering Roberta but it was more « Black Lagoon-like », you know... plenty of action with a sudden depressing ending like with the twins and the yakuza girl.

- And more importantly the OVA ending set things straight between Rock and Revy.
I don't know what was possessing Rock all along but he spent the arc playing the bad boy, playing people, bullying kids and everything just worked out fine for him in the manga with him not even realizing how lucky he had been ( I mean who knows what Balalaika 'd have done to the Grey Fox if Caxton hadn't won her respect, for example ).

Revy was too much passive in front of Rock for my taste ( the scene with Rock laying in her own bed like some badass dandy while she was staring down in the shower was just horrible ). It suddenly was like Revy was Rock's underlying, her leg had been sliced open in the Japan's arc and now she got shot twice for the sake of Rock's plan ? WTH ?! It was the right thing to do to support Rock in front of Fabiola, since she was just an outsider, but Revy actually never brought Rock back to Earth in the manga. I completely enjoyed that in the OVA, Revy finally woke up from her daze to give Rock a lesson and somehow reminded him that she was his guide in Roanapura and not the other way around.

agree, still it was too much for them to make Roberta like that.

yeah rock was acting like an ass and minding everyone's business.

he should have stayed in japan tbh with you.

i hate that douche, in the first episode he was soo scared and scar'd and doesn't want nothing to do with this, then all of a sudden he's enjoying this laughing like stupid clown who think's he's gonna win this.

just as Chang said, hypocrites are the worst kind.

as the other's said, the Major went all over and find the family of the engineer Roberta killed in this past episodes.

i hope the Major and Garcia/Roberta are in good terms now, he doesn't look like he's working with them, but it's good for them to visit from time to time.

i feel sorry for Roberta, i mean she is definitely scar'd for life, still i think she had enough of her battles

CyborgNinja said:
Turjake said:
They did not change the ending of her arc at all. The extra pages where she is shown in wheelchair weren't in the monthly chapters but added when the volume was released. Which is the reason they aren't in the scanlations.

Just to clarify, it is true that there were extra pages in the tankobon release of volume 9 of the manga that weren't in the magazine, but they didn't show Roberta in that pitiful state (at least she looked pretty unharmed to me).

Here is what I'm talking about:

Anyway, I pretty much liked the way the producers animated this arc, and although they had to remove some scenes, they weren't crucial to the story. The only thing I found disappointing was the fact that they literally butchered Roberta at the end. I understand that they wanted to make Roberta seem less indestructible than in the manga and show us that even she can take damage, but I think they went too far.

i actually like this change, i mean yes Roberta is a killing machine, but she is still human after all, still i agree with others that they could have toned down a bit by not letting her lose one of her limbs, fingers, just the eye and scrape all over her body is good enough.

AICW said:
The conversations between Eda and her CIA boss, Rock and Revy, and Rock and Dutch at the end are absent from the manga. Unfortunately, the manga's conversation between Rock and Mr. Chang is missing.

(The people at the ending are the family of the Japanese man Roberta killed years ago, the man she kept on hallucinating. Apparently Major Caxton went to find them and brought them to the Lovelace household.)

such a shame it didn't get animated :(

there seem to be a good amount of information they had discussed.

though it was only 5 episode so im guessing they needed at least 2-3 more to fully convert it.

Xagzan said:

Well, with any luck Funimation could do an alternate ending when they get to the dub


get that funi shit out of here. stick to localizing and don't bother changing things up.

it's a shame they change a good amount on this, still amazing episode.

only disappointing is that we didn't get to see Eda(and her group) Yolanda, Balalika had little role in the end(though the last one was amazing)

Revy and Black Lagoon was mostly on the sidelines on this, but it's fine since we were able to spend time with other characters outside of Lagoon.

definitely became one of my favorites, i really love the story, watch season 1+2 last week and finish Omake and Roberta's Blood Trail in one go.

amazing stuff, guess if i want another Black Lagoon anime/manga(damn it why the hiatus T___T) i could always watch Gunslinger Girl, Jormungand, or even rewatch Hellsing Ultimate since it's been awhile since i last watched one(stuck at Ep 7)

please Season 3 with this kind of animation and quality!!!!!!!!!!

see you next time Roanapur!!!!!


SomaHeirAug 16, 2012 2:34 PM
Aug 30, 2012 6:08 PM

Jun 2012
well this ova's where really good to me even to think i didn't understand some parts or actualy many in some way it made me keep paying atention so they thit a great job for me.

some say they didn't like roberta to get so ****ed up but actualy it was all good since she deserved it and make it more realistic only a normal human wouldn't survive her wounds. also she stil got some one who loves her and in the end you see the family of the japenese man who she kilt and halusinated about so in other words they came to forgive or something like that she had a normal life back only whit out one arm a few fingers and a eye.

private108 said:
I havn't read the Manga, but the episode's / OVA's were very good in my opinion. Did get confused sometimes, but after re-thinking it made quite some sense.

As for Rock...

In the 2nd season the Japanese girl told him certain stuffs, about him beeing in the twilight and such, if I can remember correctly. Also, I think she said things like Rock beeing too kind / nice and things like that, and that the things he did for work did not suit him at all. (The maffia / drug and etc things) Although I am not sure if that's exactly what she said, I should rewatch season 2 for that, but I can't be bothered at the moment.

Eitherway.. I think because of what I listed above, the reason for Rock's behaviour in these OVA's was because of the end of season 2. Rock is a nice and good person at heart, but I think he realized that he had to become the bad guy in order to achieve his goal. He had to sacrifice his good personality and endure the killing and such in order to make his plan come to work, and that was to make Roanaprur (or whatever the name was.. bad at remembering names <__<) a safer and better place.

Unfortunately, it did not work at a scale he had desired for, eventhough how noble his goal/cause was. (That's the way how I see it atleast, because what evil or bad person would want to make a city become a better place?)

The reason I think why he still acted bad-ass towards Revy in the end was probably cause he might have thought Revy understood his intentions. And might have thought she would be happy because of it. But she didn't understand his motivation / objective and such, probably, and thus getting pissed off on him.

This is the way of how I think/see for what reason Rock decided to become 'bad'.
Just felt like saying how I understood the ending and progress of these 5 OVA's.

And since I got no one else to discuss it with, I just had to post a comment and share my thoughts about the OVA's / ending with you guys and girls.

Also, My apologies for any amazingly lame grammar fails and such. Did my best to make it 'understand able'.

thanks alot that certainly made sense to me now i think i can understand the parts that i didn't understand at all
RobertovkDec 21, 2013 7:23 AM
"When a flat-chested loli hugs you, she holds you closer to her heart"
"--I am a single bullet. It has no heart. Therefore, it does not think. It just flies straight towards its target."
Sep 20, 2012 12:05 PM

Sep 2012
Roberto get nearly killed here... I know that it's more impressive to put a lot of blood, but how many bullets did she take ?
Oct 12, 2012 9:07 PM

Nov 2011
Tbh, I didn't really like these OVA episodes. I thought it would be a bit better when Roberta first debuted in season 1. Oh well.

Not much else to say here really and was looking forward to a big rematch duel in these episodes between Roberta and Revy again. Didn't happen so...

7/10. I'll just be generous here as I'm a fan of Black Lagoon.
Oct 17, 2012 11:05 PM

Oct 2010
I give it i guess a 7/10. First time i liked that hypocritical pussy Rock. He should play the bad guy role much.
Oct 22, 2012 6:42 PM
Apr 2008
Well I finally got around to watching this since I couldn't wait any longer for the dub.

Gotta say I really liked it, this is probably my favorite arc of Black Lagoon.

I felt they portrayed the American soldiers really well, not only making them really bad ass but gave them some emotion and character unlike a lot of times when they are stereotyped fodder. I didn't expect for one minute during the entire OVA that Caxton would not only end up living but end up helping Roberta so much. I feel bad for the one sniper who blocked Roberta’s spike shot with his gun, that guy was a boss.

Speaking of badassary I like how many of the characters other than the OP Revy/Shenue/Roberta etc, were badass. The playing field was more level and made the fighting much more intense.

I thought Rock's diversion to a darker side was good. It shows he has what it takes to be a good boss/villain, but he still does what he does for what he believes is the greater good. He is too reckless and willing to bet too much causing sacrifices but he still holds onto his good nature. He isn't a bad guy, but I think he knows he has to become one in order to do good things.

I wasn't sure what was up with Garcia and Roberta and that kiss, maybe something is lost in translation to me, either from a Japanese or a Spanish perspective but I think I got the wrong idea from what was going on there. Is Garcia in love with Roberta, or does he just love her as family?

Revy and Rocks relationship took an interesting point. Before this it was obvious Revy had feelings for Rock, but not so much the other way around. The fact that Revy walks nude around Rock shows that they have something going on, Rock doesn't act surprised or caring at all, which means it’s a common occurrence. I highly doubt she walks around the ship like that in front of Benny or Dutch (or maybe she does in which case my opinion is entirely wrong). At the very least if they don’t have something going on Rock has to be aware of her feelings. So we go from possibly finding out they got something going on, to Fabiola telling Revy that she doesn’t actually care for Rock, it’s a good dynamic.

I’m exciting to see what Rei Hiroe brings to the table now that he has hinted at starting Black Lagoon again.

Speaking of that which manga chapters have NOT been animated? I haven’t read the manga (I heard it was subpar in comparison), but I’d like to read what I haven’t watched.


I'd like to comment on Roberta being jacked up in the end, compared to the manga, and about her arm. I'm going to say this, I think it’s fine. There is no way Garcia is going to let her go insane again, it isn't going to matter if she can still be a badass or not. It also is possible if they really wanted to make her badass still, so what she has a fake leg, she still has one good arm, she was accurately shooting 50 caliber shots one handed, she doesn't need both arms to be badass. About her arm though, I have no idea why it is missing, but I can see why they did it. It HAD been shot quite a few times and even though she is using it in the end (when she’s all messed up on pills/adrenaline/bloodlust mind you) its very possible that it was injured enough to cause infection that would need to be amputated. She had her leg shot with a sniper rifle and fought on (running and crawling and jumping) for a good time with a freakin' sniper shot in her leg, so it’s not out of the possibility that her arm was shot up really good and she was still using it in the end.
HelltechOct 22, 2012 6:52 PM
Dec 19, 2012 10:11 AM

Jan 2012
I'm angry at myself for watching these ovas. This was an eyesore. I don't remember Black Lagoon being a mecha show, but all i saw in season 3 was an immortal cyborg running around killing proffesional soldiers with a musket. Thank God it's over.

Mar 12, 2013 5:10 PM

Aug 2012
This episode is great :] it change my mind 8/10 into 9/10 but still...I hope they make a season 3 there are some question I didn't understand or missing in the story....

Note : I didn't impressed to rock T_T feels liked I have high expectations from him but it didn't achieved...
wvrMar 12, 2013 5:15 PM
Mar 14, 2013 5:23 AM

Feb 2011
Awesome , animation was win and wow at the end Roberta was a mess . Anyway 10.10 entertaining OVAs
Mar 19, 2013 8:25 PM

Aug 2008
this was soo boring too much talking, too much trying to look badass...
Apr 13, 2013 4:54 AM
Apr 2011
The manga has restarted again and remember Roberta is not maimed. If the author decides to make another Roberta arc, Madhouse may not animate the arc at all. So in the end we all lose because of the stupid deviation from the original plot. Fuck Madhouse.
May 22, 2013 8:39 AM

May 2013
Actually I think the ending is very fitting for series, there is always someone lost and things go on as they used to. In the end no one is really saved or anything major is achieved...

I think Revy just like to take her own frustration on Rocky. She can't really express them in otherways, part of it might be disagreement of what he does. But main thing is her own state...

I quite like Rocky being mastermind schemer, he needs to have some power even if he don't make it. I would get rather bored if he didn't have the means, for his goals and just was passively dragged around.
Jul 28, 2013 10:21 PM
May 2013
Anyone else regret watching this? It was fantastic but god's depressing to think there probably will never be more Black Lagoon.
Aug 9, 2013 11:06 AM

May 2012
nintendont said:
Anyone else regret watching this? It was fantastic but god's depressing to think there probably will never be more Black Lagoon.

Same here man, I should've stopped at season 2... Revy scenes in Ep. 5 hit me right in the damn feels...
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