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May 7, 2016 1:26 AM

Jul 2015
i cant say that old animes are better because i started watching anime active in 2014 but i dont think that the new animes are bad there are some that are really good in my opinion :)
May 8, 2016 7:22 AM

May 2015
ashfrliebert said:
TheBrainintheJar said:

I really don't get 'anime is for Japanese people' as an argument. How does it work against refuting an argument why one anime is bad?

This is the anime discussion section and not one anime discussion section, so you never really see criticisms for one anime here anyway. "Recent anime" or "this season" or "anime nowadays", yawn.

You missed what I meant.

Person criticizes anime. People tell him anime is meant for Japanese people, and since he's not Japanese his opinion doesn't count.

How does this refute his criticism?
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
May 8, 2016 7:32 AM

Dec 2014
You know what? You're right and wrong. Anime hasn't gotten better but it really hasn't gotten bad either. What probably happened is that someone might've said "Oh today's anime suck, Watch Evangelion and Bebop." and then some people followed suit and it kind of probably became a trend lol

I have seen shows from back in 2005, Some are cool, some suck ass. Same can be said about the shows in 2016, Some are good (Shouwa was extremely good) and some suck. The quality is the same but that's all my opinion of course. Though I do think, in a sense, today's anime is better because the art has gotten prettier with time. Again it's all IMO
May 8, 2016 7:50 AM

Oct 2014
Perhaps the way to tackle this issue is wrong.
Take the best shows of every year, the best of the best. Consider them the "peak" of every year. Then, draw a line. If you compare the story (because really, most of the time comparing art and animation isn't gonna help the cause), then maybe you would see the point of the people that shout "retro is better" or shit like that. The peak of what anime has done has been dropping.

Also, there is a difference between Music and Anime, starting with the fact doing music is cheaper, in relative terms, as you require the musical expertise, a disc company to sell and a manager to handle the negotiations, and sometimes just the musical expertise and motivation to be independent. Anime requires script, storyboard, music, voice acting, animation, and a lot of other things. So in term of mere quantity, comparing both is unfair. There's also the fact that most albums last for 1 hour, while you can have shows that span for over 100 episodes, roughly 33 hours.
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; What is essential is invisible to the eye.

But does the heart have the right perspective?
May 8, 2016 10:34 AM

May 2015
TheBrainintheJar said:

You missed what I meant.

Person criticizes anime. People tell him anime is meant for Japanese people, and since he's not Japanese his opinion doesn't count.

How does this refute his criticism?

Yeah I'd agree cultural context doesn't change much here
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May 8, 2016 10:54 AM

Apr 2015
Modern Anime is better than older anime

> Kek
Brace yourself.

Soon as LotGH 2017 comes out. The anime community is going to become so cancerous you will need to take cover and hide.
May 8, 2016 11:09 AM

May 2016
Singular perspective is probably the anathema of critical thinking...

I mean it seems a gross conflation to consider ANYTHING, media or otherwise, as a whole, as being either "good" or "bad". Or trying to justify any critical study of a singular, or even pluralistic, sample of artifacts within that media and say they are indicative of a particular positive or negative trend?

Using a simple questions doesn't render simple answers, the world of critical study is immensely complex world where you need to consider not just the microcosm of the thing you are looking at, but also the macrocosm of the world to which it is contributing. In addition, trying to critically explain anime with a holistic model of "x + y = good" is kinda in someone can say anime is getting better because of x and y examples, and the arguement will no doubt be persuasive. However, this doesn't mitigate the fact that person omitted twenty-four other variables...they are basically are cherry picking/quote mining examples to fit a particular conclusion, rather than presenting evidence from which a particular idea might emerge (but isn't explicitly apparent) =/ (the inverse is true as well, saying anime is getting worst etc.).

I will say, however, a good indication of anime potentially becoming a more dominant media are sites and fan communities such as this one. Did you know anime is the most translated media as well as the most culturally diffused media in the world (as other 2014) because of fan translations and the support from its online communities? That is to say a single anime is translated and distributed online in more countries, not as product distribution (i.e. one anime is translated and shown in multiple countries...but still counts as one product). We are living at a time where industry dominance is being increasingly subverted by consumer participation. And considering (relatively) new introductions such as anime made specifically for mobile phone viewing it would seem it is adapting faster to the new zeitgeist more aptly than most. Though, admittedly this just supposition...
JaarinMay 8, 2016 11:18 AM
May 8, 2016 11:20 AM

Mar 2016
everybody has his own opinion. nobody gives a fuck..
May 8, 2016 11:26 AM

Oct 2014
Why do people get so upset when others criticize anime? It's not like we're criticizing you when we say a particular anime is bad, average or good, we're criticizing the anime. No one says that there's too much game, movie or western TV show criticism, so why does this happen with anime?
May 8, 2016 12:43 PM

Apr 2015
Gluzin said:
Why do people get so upset when others criticize anime? It's not like we're criticizing you when we say a particular anime is bad, average or good, we're criticizing the anime. No one says that there's too much game, movie or western TV show criticism, so why does this happen with anime?

Because fanatism in anime>>>>>>>>>>fanatism in any other types of shows. maybe almost to the level of religion fanatism.
May 8, 2016 2:12 PM

Jan 2011
mouvite said:
CoolMan1999x said:
my opinion is that anime has become much much better than how it used to be

How can you say that if, judging by your list, you haven't seen many old anime?

It also depends on what you consider an "old anime" (for me "old" means 2000 and earlier).

I would think 2008, or 2010 at best, we're in 2016 already, so pre-2000, that's almost ancient at this point. All those great anime released from, 2000-2010, which many consider to be sortof a golden age, it's hard to believe that those are actually old now, but yes, it's been 6 years.

The point is, most people that have gotten into anime recently have almost never seen anything before 2008 or so, and these are the majority of MAL right now, and will only grow. Of course there are those who are more open minded and tried out the older stuff despite being new to anime, but it's not easy. This is the new generation, and good point, OP as a newcomer, should try out older anime, literally anything before 2010 and maybe he will understand the criticism.
May 8, 2016 2:17 PM

Apr 2014
Gluzin said:
Why do people get so upset when others criticize anime? It's not like we're criticizing you when we say a particular anime is bad, average or good, we're criticizing the anime. No one says that there's too much game, movie or western TV show criticism, so why does this happen with anime?

Yeah, I also feel some people take anime criticism a little bit too personal..
I always liked when there's positive and negative feedback for a show. It's just a lot more interesting to see what different people thought about certain scenes than just seeing the same praise repeated ad infinitum. It can create interesting discussions between the two parties.
Frankly as long as the criticism is well-founded and doesn't attack anyone, I can't see why people would oppose to it.
May 8, 2016 2:20 PM

Jan 2011
GamerDLM said:
There will always be hate on what's modern as has been discussed in many forms throughout the forums. People will always say "Anime was better back before *insert vague year here*" then proceed to name the handful of popular series to represent that time. Generally these people probably rarely watch anime or watch very little when they do. They ignore 90+% of the shows that released before that vague year and basically just blindly hate everything modern because of nostalgia, post-filter popular series, other peoples opinions which they construe as fact, and generally just become extremely jaded.
In terms of fanservice since it was mentioned, there's been fanservice in anime since like the late 60s at the latest it's hardly anything new. And no those 6 ecchi series per season (at most) out of ~40 airing aren't killing anime as some people would like to preach.

Not the best argument, you could argue that as something becomes more popular it will get more attention and naturally comes the criticism.

There was a time when anime was not criticized as much or aren't criticized as a whole, and this could be because it wasn't as popular back then, but it may be ignorant to assume that, since I'm sure anime was already quite popular in 2008-2010, but I don't think there was nearly as much criticism at that time, and most criticized was targeted at specific anime.
May 8, 2016 2:22 PM

Oct 2012
I don't think the "overall" quality of anime has gone down, but it can certainly feel that way considering more anime than ever gets produced per season. Older shows also had a habbit of running for atleast 2 cours, sometimes more than that, and its fairly rare these days to get a show that runs for more than 1 consecutive cour (If we're lucky we get a split cour).

A lot of the critcism doesn't come from the actual QUALITY of the show, but more or less the content of the source material that gets adapted. Lately we've been getting 4-5 DIFFERENT shows that feature almost exactly the SAME plot/formula. Now i do feel like there is something wrong with that direction of things. That being said, the amount of "enjoyable" shows overall hasn't really went down, except that personally in the last 5 years or so hasn't really produced a Masterpiece (except for the continuation of Gintama) in my opinion.
May 8, 2016 2:37 PM

Jan 2011
Ksuga said:
I think nowadays anime are considered "bad" because it is very hard to be original since there are so many anime that new ideas are usually inspired from an older anime and thus would be considered a "ripoff", which sounds very bad, making the anime bad. Furthermore, unconventional things have the problem that different is viewed as bad by some people, making it not sell well. And that's why using the success formula to make anime happens quite often nowadays; so there you go, anime is bad.

This is common remark, and might actually be true.

However, I'm also under the perception that anime trying to be original has led to its own downfall, if quality must be sacrificed to obtain originality then you know something's wrong.
I feel this is the case for some anime.

For other anime, and yes there are just too many similar anime nowadays, they all follow a similar formula as you said, gone are the days where anime is just a medium for telling a story, nowadays, anime is it's own thing, it's exclusive and must follow some formula to be accepted by the anime community/otakus.

To sum it up: you get a shitstorm from both sides, some are trying too hard to be original, losing sight of the original purpose, others are just following a convention which has been solidified into the mainstream anime culture, and should also generate the most revenue.
May 8, 2016 2:45 PM

Jan 2011
Halicone said:
Gluzin said:
Why do people get so upset when others criticize anime? It's not like we're criticizing you when we say a particular anime is bad, average or good, we're criticizing the anime. No one says that there's too much game, movie or western TV show criticism, so why does this happen with anime?

Yeah, I also feel some people take anime criticism a little bit too personal..
I always liked when there's positive and negative feedback for a show. It's just a lot more interesting to see what different people thought about certain scenes than just seeing the same praise repeated ad infinitum. It can create interesting discussions between the two parties.
Frankly as long as the criticism is well-founded and doesn't attack anyone, I can't see why people would oppose to it.

A lot of people want their taste to be respected/accepted, but can't separate enjoyment from actual quality, most criticism isn't saying "you shouldn't enjoy this", you can enjoy something that you know is bad (in the critical sense), just as you can dislike something but can understand why people would say it's good (critically speaking). What is valid criticism? that's an entirely different discussion, the main takeaway is,criticism towards your anime doesn't target the enjoyment/entertainment aspect of the anime, it usually targets the "substance" behind it, for a lack of a better word.
May 8, 2016 3:21 PM

Jul 2012
ShiroiMuffler said:
GamerDLM said:
There will always be hate on what's modern as has been discussed in many forms throughout the forums. People will always say "Anime was better back before *insert vague year here*" then proceed to name the handful of popular series to represent that time. Generally these people probably rarely watch anime or watch very little when they do. They ignore 90+% of the shows that released before that vague year and basically just blindly hate everything modern because of nostalgia, post-filter popular series, other peoples opinions which they construe as fact, and generally just become extremely jaded.
In terms of fanservice since it was mentioned, there's been fanservice in anime since like the late 60s at the latest it's hardly anything new. And no those 6 ecchi series per season (at most) out of ~40 airing aren't killing anime as some people would like to preach.

Not the best argument, you could argue that as something becomes more popular it will get more attention and naturally comes the criticism.

There was a time when anime was not criticized as much or aren't criticized as a whole, and this could be because it wasn't as popular back then, but it may be ignorant to assume that, since I'm sure anime was already quite popular in 2008-2010, but I don't think there was nearly as much criticism at that time, and most criticized was targeted at specific anime.

Anime was extremely popular throughout the 90s and early 2000s, it kind of cooled down a bit afterwards aside from other hits like death note, code geass, or FMA just to name a few examples. But in the 90s there were much more filtered hits internationally, like sailor moon, gundam, dragonball, etc. Basically because of the lack of distribution methods only the most successful of series generally made it over seas to the general public, but they were still extremely popular.
But as you get into more modern times there's a much smaller filter on successful series and distribution methods have seen drastic improvement.
So as a result the gist of my argument was people are only fondly remembering the shows that had made it overseas but now everything is much more accessible you aren't just getting those mega-hits that make people remember a time long past. You're getting everything that releases as it airs.
Quick Edit: Especially when you take into account a majority of series pre-1990 might be lucky to be subbed or dubbed so they're basically exempt from criticism outside of native speakers. You might be lucky to find a handful of anime each year prior that actually were subbed and chances are they're the established classics so to speak. Even in the 90s you start to find series that got skipped over.
GamerDLMMay 8, 2016 3:28 PM
May 8, 2016 4:40 PM

Jun 2015
Gluzin said:
Why do people get so upset when others criticize anime? It's not like we're criticizing you when we say a particular anime is bad, average or good, we're criticizing the anime. No one says that there's too much game, movie or western TV show criticism, so why does this happen with anime?

The amount of people in the past who do as a matter of fact criticize the people who like said shows, leads to pre-assumptions.
May 8, 2016 4:48 PM

Dec 2012
Gluzin said:
Why do people get so upset when others criticize anime? It's not like we're criticizing you when we say a particular anime is bad, average or good, we're criticizing the anime

Because I rather see people criticize me than spread hate about a medium that I love or series that I like. What am I? just an anonymous person online so it doesn't matter if somebody I don't know and he doesn't know me criticize me.

Also let's not pretend and hide the hate and toxicty and call it criticism.

Stuff like:
Saying the medium is filled with crap

Watching anime of genre you know you hate just to bitch in the episode discussion threads

Bitching with literally the same notion in every LN announcement thread

Creating thread about how much worse anime is compared to back then in the ''good'' old days.

Going out of your way to hate on the most hyped show of the season

Pretending quality is inherent and denying opposite of views


all of that is just toxicty and hate.
No one says that there's too much game, movie or western TV show criticism, so why does this happen with anime?

That's because Anime is niche. It's not mainstream or broad like those mediums. Also the fact it's from another country is relevant because a lot of said ''criticism'' have some ignorance to it.
tsudecimoMay 8, 2016 4:52 PM
May 8, 2016 4:52 PM

Dec 2015
tsudecimo said:
Gluzin said:
Why do people get so upset when others criticize anime? It's not like we're criticizing you when we say a particular anime is bad, average or good, we're criticizing the anime. No one says that there's too much game, movie or western TV show criticism, so why does this happen with anime?

Because I rather see people criticize me than spread hate about a medium that I love or series that I like. What am I? just an anonymous person online so it doesn't matter if somebody I don't know and he doesn't know me criticize me.

Also let's not pretend and hide the hate and toxicty and call it criticism.

Stuff like:
Saying the medium is filled with crap

Watching anime of genre you know you hate just to bitch in the episode discussion threads

Bitching with literally the same notion in every LN announcement thread

Creating thread about how much worse anime is compared to back then in the ''good'' old days.

Going out of your way to hate on the most hyped show of the season


all of that is just toxicty and hate.

Why shouldn't one be genuinely upset by the downward spiral the medium has taken? It isn't blind hatred like you imply it to be. If anything, it is rooted in the same love for the medium that you feel.

As someone who loves the medium, I hate to see originality be sapped from the vast majority of title because they fall to all the blatantly overused "sex sells" tropes.
May 8, 2016 4:52 PM

Apr 2013
Most people who propose either variant of this argument aren't in a position to know what they're talking about, you, OP, are definitely included with them.
May 8, 2016 4:54 PM

Jun 2015
I definitely dislike both extremes, either your typical pessimistic snob too focussed in one particular anime that aired 20 years ago or the one saying anime is at its bloom when it's simply not true.
May 8, 2016 4:54 PM
Feb 2014
TheBrainintheJar said:
Mamster-P said:

yep same....

and people act as if anime needs to change for them instead of them changing for anime....

people either don't realize or seem to forget that most anime is made with Japanese people in mind and act as
though the industry shouldn't be thinking about Japanese culture when making anime. its really just a bonus if we
like anime

some shows do really well here and not in japan, so its really just chance sometimes

I really don't get 'anime is for Japanese people' as an argument. How does it work against refuting an argument why one anime is bad?

Because anime is a foreign concept to the Western mind. And criticizing it is only natural, most of the time, criticism is in fact, lost in translation. Don't deny this.

Gluzin said:
Why do people get so upset when others criticize anime? It's not like we're criticizing you when we say a particular anime is bad, average or good, we're criticizing the anime. No one says that there's too much game, movie or western TV show criticism, so why does this happen with anime?

The same old "criticisms" are recycled just as much as the so-claimed anime you are conditioned to dislike.
May 8, 2016 4:56 PM
Feb 2014
CherryLover said:
tsudecimo said:

Because I rather see people criticize me than spread hate about a medium that I love or series that I like. What am I? just an anonymous person online so it doesn't matter if somebody I don't know and he doesn't know me criticize me.

Also let's not pretend and hide the hate and toxicty and call it criticism.

Stuff like:
Saying the medium is filled with crap

Watching anime of genre you know you hate just to bitch in the episode discussion threads

Bitching with literally the same notion in every LN announcement thread

Creating thread about how much worse anime is compared to back then in the ''good'' old days.

Going out of your way to hate on the most hyped show of the season


all of that is just toxicty and hate.

Why shouldn't one be genuinely upset by the downward spiral the medium has taken? It isn't blind hatred like you imply it to be. If anything, it is rooted in the same love for the medium that you feel.

As someone who loves the medium, I hate to see originality be sapped from the vast majority of title because they fall to all the blatantly overused "sex sells" tropes.

Downward spiral? Says who?

And you can't stop anything. Fly over to Japan and lead a march of disenfranchised Western anime fans if you really want things to change. Too bad they're already the same people who stopped the UN from worrying too much about fictional characters' rights as trivial at best, lol
May 8, 2016 5:06 PM

Dec 2015
The_Nico said:
CherryLover said:

Why shouldn't one be genuinely upset by the downward spiral the medium has taken? It isn't blind hatred like you imply it to be. If anything, it is rooted in the same love for the medium that you feel.

As someone who loves the medium, I hate to see originality be sapped from the vast majority of title because they fall to all the blatantly overused "sex sells" tropes.

Downward spiral? Says who?

And you can't stop anything. Fly over to Japan and lead a march of disenfranchised Western anime fans if you really want things to change. Too bad they're already the same people who stopped the UN from worrying too much about fictional characters' rights as trivial at best, lol

So being unable to stop something eliminates my right to voice my opinion on the matter? Nice leap in reasoning you have there. More importantly, this isn't about the rights of a fictional character. It is about misrepresentation and gross objectification; it is about the community being stuck in a constant patriarchal circlejerk. I, along with numerous others, have the right to be frustrated about it.
May 8, 2016 5:14 PM

Jun 2011
If anime "nowadays" is now being criticized so much... then why is it that most of the anime in the top list is from 2005 onwards? Also notice something else, when someone asks for anime, they want anime from 2005 onwards because they can't stand pre-blu-ray anime.

Many of us older fans are being left behind... It sucks. Especially since a lot of newer fans wont even give older anime a chance. Princess Tutu, Golden Boy, Rose of Versailles, Video Girl Ai, Gunbuster... So many people haven't seen Sailor Moon but have seen Madoka Magica.

How many times have you seen in the rec me an anime section: No mecha? They wont even give it a chance. Especially insane when they are asking for a good war drama.

Also to note- If you rate everything a 7, 8, 9 or a 10... it is so difficult to rec something you will like. I mean really and truly love. The more diverse the ratings, the easier it is to tell what a person loves.
Energetic-NovaMay 8, 2016 5:20 PM
The anime community in a nutshell.
May 8, 2016 5:31 PM

Jun 2011
GaryMuffuginOak said:
It's not like old toons anymore and people don't like that. Those who say modern anime suck simply have failed to look hard enough for things worth watching. Watching the first ecchi series that airs and generalizing the state of modern anime to be exactly as mindless fanservice does not count.

The problem is, Ecchi used to be a great genre. Gunbuster was a great show with a great plot and bouncing tits that were revolutionary. Cutie Honey despite it's flaws was fun and yeah tits! Project A-Ko was hilarious and high quality parody for the time. Video Girl Ai? Cried almost every episode and had very clever gags. Golden Boy hilarious adult humor with adults. Felt like it had something to say and had a very lovable male hero that actually wanted the girls. Tenchi was hit and miss but he was overall loveable and you could love the girls. They really were more than just walking tits. Tenchi was a prize to be won! Great Teacher Onizuka is today still said to be one of the most hilarious anime ever made. People still think fondly on Ranma 1/2 even though it never ended.

Ecchi and harem anime didn't used to be a dirty thing that needed to be avoided at all cost. It used to be the thing you went to anime for. It used to be the BEST thing about anime that nothing else did better. But now ecchi and harem is cheap thrills and forgettable... and stupid. I am not saying the classics didn't have it's share of forgettable or that there aren't modern good ecchi/harem... it is just so much harder to find compared to before where you could literally just pick anything up...

Also... they really did used to show you the tits in older anime ecchi. Now adays they don't. I think that makes older ecchi easier on the eyes. Less teasing more pleasing.
Energetic-NovaMay 8, 2016 5:36 PM
The anime community in a nutshell.
May 8, 2016 5:37 PM

Dec 2015
Jonouchi-Katsuya said:
GaryMuffuginOak said:
It's not like old toons anymore and people don't like that. Those who say modern anime suck simply have failed to look hard enough for things worth watching. Watching the first ecchi series that airs and generalizing the state of modern anime to be exactly as mindless fanservice does not count.

The problem is, Ecchi used to be a great genre. Gunbuster was a great show with a great plot and bouncing tits that were revolutionary. Cutie Honey despite it's flaws was fun and yeah tits! Project A-Ko was hilarious and high quality parody for the time. Video Girl Ai? Cried almost every episode and had very clever gags. Golden Boy hilarious adult humor with adults. Felt like it had something to say and had a very lovable male hero that actually wanted the girls. Tenchi was hit and miss but he was overall loveable and you could love the girls. They really were more than just walking tits. Tenchi was a prize to be won! Great Teacher Onizuka is today still said to be one of the most hilarious anime ever made. People still think fondly on Ranma 1/2 even though it never ended.

Ecchi and harem anime didn't used to be a dirty thing that needed to be avoided at all cost. It used to be the thing you went to anime for. It used to be the BEST thing about anime that nothing else did better. But now ecchi and harem is cheap thrills and forgettable... and stupid. I am not saying the classics had it's share of forgettable or that there aren't modern good ecchi/harem... it is just so much harder to find compared to before where you could literally just pick anything up...

Also... they really did used to show you the tits in older anime ecchi. Now adays they don't. I think that makes older ecchi easier on the eyes. Less teasing more pleasing.

Agreed, except ecchi/harem was never entertaining. It was just more tame.
May 8, 2016 5:53 PM

Jun 2011
CherryLover said:
Jonouchi-Katsuya said:

The problem is, Ecchi used to be a great genre. Gunbuster was a great show with a great plot and bouncing tits that were revolutionary. Cutie Honey despite it's flaws was fun and yeah tits! Project A-Ko was hilarious and high quality parody for the time. Video Girl Ai? Cried almost every episode and had very clever gags. Golden Boy hilarious adult humor with adults. Felt like it had something to say and had a very lovable male hero that actually wanted the girls. Tenchi was hit and miss but he was overall loveable and you could love the girls. They really were more than just walking tits. Tenchi was a prize to be won! Great Teacher Onizuka is today still said to be one of the most hilarious anime ever made. People still think fondly on Ranma 1/2 even though it never ended.

Ecchi and harem anime didn't used to be a dirty thing that needed to be avoided at all cost. It used to be the thing you went to anime for. It used to be the BEST thing about anime that nothing else did better. But now ecchi and harem is cheap thrills and forgettable... and stupid. I am not saying the classics had it's share of forgettable or that there aren't modern good ecchi/harem... it is just so much harder to find compared to before where you could literally just pick anything up...

Also... they really did used to show you the tits in older anime ecchi. Now adays they don't. I think that makes older ecchi easier on the eyes. Less teasing more pleasing.

Agreed, except ecchi/harem was never entertaining. It was just more tame.
Well it is never good when that is all there is to an anime... Nothing wrong with a little raunchy comedy here and there. I donno though... Kinda wish they would do more than just the school setting over and over. Or that they would really GO somewhere and DO something. And wouldn't just tease all the time. hahahaha on you thinking Golden Boy was tame. It had better characters and something to say and better gags.
The anime community in a nutshell.
May 8, 2016 6:14 PM

Feb 2015
TheBrainintheJar said:
I really don't get 'anime is for Japanese people' as an argument. How does it work against refuting an argument why one anime is bad?

Japanese people have much lower standards for art than us Westerners. They are a sadly artistically stunted species.
May 8, 2016 6:33 PM
Jul 2018
More time and effort was put into classic anime plots and characters than many modern anime shows today. It's true that animation has gotten better since, let's say, Magic Knight Rayearth, but few anime today, especially in Slice of Life categories, are as "crisp" as they once were back in the 80's and 90's.

I don't mean to sound like a ingrate, some anime today, is just slapped together, and then sold for an extremely absurd price, and all because their is fan-service in it, which is what matters to a lot of people when watching anime, even if the animation quality itself is lazy.
May 8, 2016 10:25 PM

Oct 2011
Because people are nostalgiafags

If people really have a problem with current anime with no intention of giving it any chances, they should just drown themselves in their backlog/retro anime.
May 9, 2016 2:51 AM

Aug 2015
Noxious_ said:
Modern Anime is better than older anime

> Kek

Will that opinion of yours changed if LotGH (2017) could turn out to be better than LotGH (1988) (pretty sure the 2017 might be using the updated character designs derived from the 1988 series and not those from the manga that is currently published [based on some Japanese ads I saw somewhere in the Net], much like Space Battleship Yamato 2199 to its retro counterpart)? I know that LotGH isn't the basis for comparing retro animu to the modern ones, but I am quite wondering about it considering your forum signature.

BlueKite said:
Because people are nostalgiafags

If people really have a problem with current anime with no intention of giving it any chances, they should just drown themselves in their backlog/retro anime.

Well, the same can be said to those people that have problems with old anime with no intention of giving it any chances because "animation is bad" or "sound is bad"... Unless if those people's reason is time management (specifically people in their 20s above who watched modern animu before the retro ones) that is. After all, among the retro titles, there will always be the 'good' anime (the ones that are still well-known to be considered good until now like Rose of Versailles), the 'bad' ones (the ones that are recognized by most who watched these shows as bad like Psychic Wars and Super Kid), the popular ones (Dragon Ball series is quite enough here) and the forgettable ones (have certain someone ever heard of shows like Sorcerer Orphen, Escaflowne, Knight Hunters/Weib Kreuz, Pygmalion, Dragon League, Eto Ranger and Hell Teacher Nube more often than other retro titles that are considered 'good', 'bad' or 'popular').
Frankies_MonsterMay 9, 2016 3:08 AM

May 9, 2016 4:14 AM

May 2016
Isn't the concept of originality kinda bland in the first place when considering content? I mean I would love to watch Shimokawa Oten's "Imokawa Mukuzo Genkanban-maki", but there are no copies available (original was printed in 1917 and the prints have subsequently be lost/destroyed). However the concept behind it, based on the records, do not seem such a radical departure from what can be seen in more recent anime such as "Hayate no Gotoku!", which was adapted nearly a century later.

Wouldn't it be better, therefore, to call particularly impact anime as being a result of novel compositions rather than originality? Especially considering the "origin" is not necessarily as significant an element as a novel take on it. Or, put more precisely, I do not consider Gintama original, but incredibly novel in the way to represents common, convenient, or otherwise repetitive conventions. Granted Gintama utilizes parody and satire, but these two techniques are not necessarily restricted to comedic/humorous designs.

As for the "formulaic" arguement, though it is detectable it would be kinda strange to cite such examples as being indicative as a form of anime "zeitgeist"...I mean we are dealing with an incredibly narrow part of history (i.e. five years versus fifteen years versus 100 years etc.).
May 9, 2016 7:22 AM

May 2015
BlueKite said:
Because people are nostalgiafags

If people really have a problem with current anime with no intention of giving it any chances, they should just drown themselves in their backlog/retro anime.

If you're not giving modern anime a chance, you're not in any position to make an argument about it. It's like claiming a certain species is a predator without even knowing how it looks.

The_Nico said:
TheBrainintheJar said:

I really don't get 'anime is for Japanese people' as an argument. How does it work against refuting an argument why one anime is bad?

Because anime is a foreign concept to the Western mind. And criticizing it is only natural, most of the time, criticism is in fact, lost in translation. Don't deny this.

Gluzin said:
Why do people get so upset when others criticize anime? It's not like we're criticizing you when we say a particular anime is bad, average or good, we're criticizing the anime. No one says that there's too much game, movie or western TV show criticism, so why does this happen with anime?

The same old "criticisms" are recycled just as much as the so-claimed anime you are conditioned to dislike.

Many things can get lost in translation, but supposedly The Odyssey is still great in English. Many anime are still brilliant despite experiencing them via dubs/subs.

I'm welcome to the possibility that there are anime that are ruined by subs. I need a specific argument for a specific anime for that though.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
May 9, 2016 1:21 PM

Apr 2015
Frankies_Monster said:
Noxious_ said:
Modern Anime is better than older anime

> Kek

Will that opinion of yours changed if LotGH (2017) could turn out to be better than LotGH (1988) (pretty sure the 2017 might be using the updated character designs derived from the 1988 series and not those from the manga that is currently published [based on some Japanese ads I saw somewhere in the Net], much like Space Battleship Yamato 2199 to its retro counterpart)? I know that LotGH isn't the basis for comparing retro animu to the modern ones, but I am quite wondering about it considering your forum signature.

BlueKite said:
Because people are nostalgiafags

If people really have a problem with current anime with no intention of giving it any chances, they should just drown themselves in their backlog/retro anime.

Well, the same can be said to those people that have problems with old anime with no intention of giving it any chances because "animation is bad" or "sound is bad"... Unless if those people's reason is time management (specifically people in their 20s above who watched modern animu before the retro ones) that is. After all, among the retro titles, there will always be the 'good' anime (the ones that are still well-known to be considered good until now like Rose of Versailles), the 'bad' ones (the ones that are recognized by most who watched these shows as bad like Psychic Wars and Super Kid), the popular ones (Dragon Ball series is quite enough here) and the forgettable ones (have certain someone ever heard of shows like Sorcerer Orphen, Escaflowne, Knight Hunters/Weib Kreuz, Pygmalion, Dragon League, Eto Ranger and Hell Teacher Nube more often than other retro titles that are considered 'good', 'bad' or 'popular').

The reason I have my signature the way it is. Is because of what will happen with the community. People will shit talk it, and others will love it. It won't be the same thing because it has been said that it is not a remake. I mean I really don't think it will be better, but I'm open to see what happens./
Brace yourself.

Soon as LotGH 2017 comes out. The anime community is going to become so cancerous you will need to take cover and hide.
May 10, 2016 1:42 PM
Aug 2015
If there is room for criticism, then I don't see the problem. Anime, contrary to popular belief, is a medium, not a genre. Thus, it's obviously going to be flawed, considering how large the industry is, and it can certainly be improved.
May 10, 2016 2:44 PM

Apr 2016
because alot of anime now if your unable to see some of it is just okay my favorite anime youtube said it best "were content with okay and itll never go away as long as we support the industry today" dont get me wrong there are exceptional animes out there being made now but to a lot of ppl they are okay
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