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What do you think about 10's on above user list and how much would you rate it?

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Apr 17, 2014 8:53 AM

Sep 2012
Bakemonogatari: Not my favorite, but still good. We all know how much you like it. It didn't leave a lasting impression on me, and unfortunately I seem to only be able to remember what I disliked about it, which sucks because I remember liking it a lot when I first finished it. 8/10

Naruto: never seen, so I'll withhold any judgement. It doesn't look particularly interesting to me, let alone 500 episodes or however many there are.
Apr 17, 2014 9:19 AM

Nov 2013
Clannad:as - far from masterpiecie, but it's a great anime imo. 8/10
Death Note - 9/10 for first half and 5 or 6 for second. Imo overratted as hell. Overall 7/10.
Code geas r1- good show, fun, intresting, but i fail to see anything special about it 7/10.
Shiki - best anime with vampires, very intresting characters, overall really worth to watch 8/10.
Baccano! - Characters and paceing makes this show very good, but every thing else is bit weak imo. 8/10
Shinsekai yori - Intresting, dark and deep story plus great ending. 9/10
Haven't seen other so far.

Note for next poster: Feel free to use my 9's if you have not seen the one i gave 10.
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Apr 17, 2014 9:25 AM

Mar 2014
Mushishi - I've only seen one episode, but really liked it. This was also a long time ago, so I can't remember very clearly, but I'd probably give that first episode by itself an 8/10.
::End of Transmission::

Apr 17, 2014 9:56 AM

Apr 2013
Three 10's, and none of which I recognize.
Just need to find out how to quote this every time so I can dodge the stupid 30-character limit.
Apr 17, 2014 10:00 AM

Nov 2013
Well i have watched only one of your ten's so.

Madoka: Great show, intresting story line, perfect ost, intresting visualy. Only weakness is characters imo, not that they are bad, just not as good as others aspects of this anime. 9/10
Signature was not removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Tulip & Flower Guidelines.
Apr 17, 2014 10:01 AM

Sep 2011
mushishi, im probably going to give it a 10 when i finish it

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Apr 17, 2014 10:05 AM

Apr 2013
Shinsekai yori - I really like this show. I gave it a 9 instead of a 10 because it kinda lost me somewhere in the beginning, but I was for the most part there.
Just need to find out how to quote this every time so I can dodge the stupid 30-character limit.
Apr 17, 2014 10:22 AM

Dec 2012
Madoka. Really bored the hell out of me, it took me 3 months to watch 6 episodes of it. The second half was interesting but with a pretty terrible ending. The main problem the series has imo is the characters especially Madoka, who I think off only as a plot device and nothing more. I hated the reason for Sayka's development and the basis for her conflict. 7/10.

Nichijou. Brilliant. The best Kyoani work I've ever watched. Who knew they can actually make a creative, original and funny anime, that doesn't rely on stuff like melodrama and ''moe''. I might re-watch it on the future. For a 26 series that only has comedy, it was pretty damn entertaining. 8.5/10.

TTGL. Meh, I disliked Kamina but liked the second half. Disliked the ending, and didn't really like the over the top style and the cliche on purpose stuff. The plot and characters weren't really that good. 7/10. But I would have probably give it lower if I didn't watch it early on my anime ''carrier''.
Apr 17, 2014 10:24 AM

Apr 2013
Bakemonogatari - For some reason, I just didn't get into the series as a whole, and that includes all the other seasons. That's most likely why I rate it less than others, however, I do see it as a good show. I know it had that capacity. It was interesting, but it did take me a while to watch all of it. 7/10
Just need to find out how to quote this every time so I can dodge the stupid 30-character limit.
Apr 17, 2014 10:38 AM

Mar 2014
FMA: Brotherhood - Only saw the first episode, but it seemed promising. I'm not sure if I'd give it a 10 yet, I'd have to watch more of it. It's currently sitting somewhere between an 8 and a 9 in my mind.
::End of Transmission::

Apr 17, 2014 12:04 PM

Dec 2012
Cowboy Bebop. Looks really boring, one of those anime, that I'm interested in watching and probably will never watch it.

Panaroia agent. Currently watching it, and really liking it. So far it's really good.
Apr 17, 2014 12:47 PM

Mar 2014
Naruto: Shippuden - I've watched the first 175 episodes of it. The show is so inconsistent in terms of quality, and even when it's good, I still don't find it to be incredible. It also has horrible pacing. I like the variety in the characters, but even in that respect, no one character stands out to me and being incredible.
It seems like the show just tries to be a jack of all trades, and a master of none, and even though I halfheartedly enjoyed some moments, getting to those moments still felt like a chore... and that's bad. In the end, I rated it a 4/10.

Bakemonogatari - Never seen it, so I don't have an opinion.
::End of Transmission::

Apr 17, 2014 12:55 PM

Apr 2013
Haven't seen any of your shows yet, but I'm really looking into watching Cowboy Bebop. I hear a lot of good things about it.
Just need to find out how to quote this every time so I can dodge the stupid 30-character limit.
Apr 17, 2014 11:43 PM

Dec 2012
iSheep said:
Haven't seen any of your shows yet, but I'm really looking into watching Cowboy Bebop. I hear a lot of good things about it.

tsudecimo said:
Madoka. Really bored the hell out of me, it took me 3 months to watch 6 episodes of it. The second half was interesting but with a pretty terrible ending. The main problem the series has imo is the characters especially Madoka, who I think off only as a plot device and nothing more. I hated the reason for Sayka's development and the basis for her conflict. 7/10.

Nichijou. Brilliant. The best Kyoani work I've ever watched. Who knew they can actually make a creative, original and funny anime, that doesn't rely on stuff like melodrama and ''moe''. I might re-watch it on the future. For a 26 series that only has comedy, it was pretty damn entertaining. 8.5/10.

TTGL. Meh, I disliked Kamina but liked the second half. Disliked the ending, and didn't really like the over the top style and the cliche on purpose stuff. The plot and characters weren't really that good. 7/10. But I would have probably give it lower if I didn't watch it early on my anime ''carrier''.
Apr 17, 2014 11:49 PM

Nov 2013
Well this one is going to be a fail ahaha. Okay so the only 10 I saw on that list but I haven't watched it, and don't really plan on watching it, is Naruto-Shippuden. I can't really give a rating, BUT all I can is that generally with Shounen anime that are really long I wouldn't give a 10. I think that long animes tend to have filler episodes or they are completely episodic. This is weaker story-telling animes *usually* because a lot of great 26 episode short animes can budget the story-time without dragging on. But of course anything I am saying isn't valid since I haven't SEEN it, but it's my prejudice of why I am sceptical of watching it in the first place. :p
Apr 18, 2014 1:14 AM

Apr 2013
Higurashi - Brilliant horror show, second season was better. 8/10
Madoka Magica - Favorite show, ever. But currently being contested by Nagi no Asukara. 10/10
Just need to find out how to quote this every time so I can dodge the stupid 30-character limit.
Apr 18, 2014 1:44 AM

Sep 2008
TTGL - I gave it a 10 too. Probably for the same reasons as you.
Madoka - I didn't like the first half but the 2nd half was very good. Gave it a 7
Nagi no Asukara - My favourite anime from the previous 2 seasons. I gave it an 8.
Apr 18, 2014 1:46 AM

Jan 2014
After story 9
TTGL-9 as well
Apr 18, 2014 7:55 AM

Dec 2012
Bakemonogatari, my first 10.
FMA:B. That it was only okay, the beginning was interesting, the middle was boring and the ending was good. 7/10
Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu. Waste of my time. 6/10
Monster. Started it out great, the slow pace killed it for me, along with some very stupid scenes and issues. Currently on hold at 8/10.
Apr 18, 2014 9:36 AM

May 2013
Naruto Shippuden - the sequel to my first anime ever (apart from Pokemon, Dragonball Z, etc but they don't really count). As a result, I have a soft spot for this one, and still watch it to this day as it is ongoing. The fillers are often less than pleasurable and are numerous in amount, but other than that I fully agree with this score and am close to giving it a 10 myself.
Apr 18, 2014 9:41 AM

Sep 2008
Wow, you gave Yama no Susume a 10. Not a bad anime, just not something I'd expect to see with a 10.
Apr 18, 2014 9:46 AM
Mar 2011
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Apr 18, 2014 9:50 AM

Mar 2014
@Dark_Chaos: Holy crap! so many 10s! (o_o;)

Let's just go with the ones I've seen...

InuYasha - It was dumb, generic shounen stuff. I never cared much for it, or it's characters. I gave it a 4/10

Death Note - The story continued to be interesting throughout, just seeing how Light would fool everybody next. However, the characters, while decent, still ended up being a bit disappointing to me, overall. It also isn't very re-watchable at all. I gave it a 7/10.

Yu Yu Hakusho - This was a fun shounen anime, and the characters were all really nicely done. I didn't give it a score yet, because I can't remember it too clearly. I plan on re-watching it, but in my memory it felt like an 8/10.

Ranma 1/2 - I've only seen one random episode, and it was funny, but I didn't get a good sense for how the quality of the show actually was. It didn't seem incredible, but gave me a good first-impression, So, I guess currently it's sitting at a 6/10.

Crap, posted too late, lol.

Alright, let's see...

@FGAU1912 - Taking a look hang on.

HOLY CRAP! 449 different shows rated 10?!?!?!

Well, lemme just go with the 18 of those that I share with you...

Neon Genesis Evanegelion - I never watched very much of it, only a handful of episodes. I didn't officially give it a score yet, but I'd say it's currently sitting around an 8/10 for me.

Akira - I thought the animation was really nice, and the characters were decent, but the overall plot got a bit disappointing, especially by the end, where it kind of just became too big. I gave it an 8/10

Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team - I've only seen two episodes of this randomly, and really enjoyed it. I rated it a 7, but something tells me I should go back and watch it in full to really appreciate it fully. 7/10.

Princess Mononoke - This was an incredible film, totally deserving of a high amount of praise. I'm not exactly sure why I gave it a 9 instead of a 10, but I did. 9/10

FLCL - Another anime that is definitely deserving of a high amount of praise. I gave it a 9 because I felt like even though it's one of my favorite anime, there are still a few minor things that it could have done better in terms of the plot that are made almost completely meaningless by it's many other positive points. 9/10

Outlaw Star - I really liked this show, but felt like the style of it kind of held it back. It fell into many cliche shounen-style tropes, but still managed to stay enjoyable, creating a memorable cast of characters that held it up and made it feel really special. 7/10.

Perfect Blue - Satoshi Kon is a genius, and this is one of his best works, for sure. I gave it a 9/10.

Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence - While I thought the animation was beautiful, and it had a good presentation, it just seemed to be lacking something in terms of substance. I just felt like it dragged on and on and nothing really happened. Batou is a great character, and it was nice to see him take center stage, this film just seemed a little dry and boring, though, despite looking incredible. 7/10

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind - The film was memorable, and had quite a great story to it, as well as really well done characters. However, I felt some of the dialogue was a bit explanitory, explaining to the audience what was currently going on, and that was the biggest disappointment. The soundtrack was also a little weak. I gave it a 9/10.

Vampire Hunter D - A cool tale about a vampire, great animation for the time. It was memorable for it's action scenes and it's animation, even if the characters or story aren't. 7/10.

Detective Conan Movie 03: Last Wizard of the Century - I liked this, but thought the pacing was a little weird like in all of the other Detective Conan films I've seen. It also focused more on action scenes instead of the mystery aspects. It was good, but didn't overly impress me. 7/10.

Ronin Warriors - I've only seen one episode of this, of the English Dub, and it was TERRIBLE. Maybe the original dub is a little bit better, but I was so disappointed at this that I gave it a 1/10.

Bio Hunter - A cool action/horror OVA. It's fun to watch, and the animation is good, but it didn't overly impress me. 7/10.

Cyber City OEDO 808 - This is another cool little sci fi action OVA. However, this one sticks in my mind so greatly. It's got some really memorable scenes, and osme really great characters. Still, it's not like it's incredible or anything, it's just a fun little action thing. I gave it an 8/10.

Voltron - I only saw one episode of the English dub and thought it was pretty sub-standard. 4/10

Barefoot Gen - I couldn't finish this film because it was so sad. I think that really says something positive about the story. The animation was nice, too. however, I thought the characters seemed very forgettable, and I can't recall the soundtrack whatsoever. I gave it an 8/10.

Gigantor - Saw a few episodes of this. It seemed like your pretty standard classic robot anime. I didn't like the art or audio mix very much. I also didn't really like the silly storylines they had in the episodes. 4/10

Moyashimon - It was decent, but I thought many parts of it seemed very standard. I have a full review for this one up if you want to know more. 6/10.
vigorousjammerApr 18, 2014 10:20 AM
::End of Transmission::

Apr 18, 2014 10:18 AM

Apr 2013
i'd rate them all 0
an egomaniac and a fool

Apr 18, 2014 10:19 AM

Jun 2012

Uchuu Kaizoku Captain Harlock- Oozes sex appeal, you have gud tasuto 4 this 10/10

Cowboy Bebop- Cool stuff, I'm a cowboy, fuck shit up, not as good as Trigun 9.5/10

Bakemonogatari- Pretentious shit, how could you rate this 10/10. 8/10

Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita- Ehh, why? 7/10

8.625/10 brother.
Apr 18, 2014 10:26 AM

Mar 2014
Emnay said:
i'd rate them all 0

But you didn't... I'm looking at your list now, and you clearly gave Cowboy Bebop a 10... :/

@YorozuyaGinSan: I'll just rate the anime we both share, since you have quite a lot of 10's.

Trigun - 8/10
MSG 08th MS Team - 7/10
G Gundam - 3/10 (it's so rediculous and dumb)
Fist of the North Star - I've only seen one episode of the English dub, which was not good. I haven't officially rated it yet, because I think the original would probably be better. It's currently sitting in my mind at somewhere around 4/10.
JoJo (2012) - 7/10
::End of Transmission::

Apr 18, 2014 12:30 PM

Aug 2009
Cowboy Bebop - 9/10 Haven't gotten around to it yet, but I'm well aware of it's legacy.
Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi - 9/20 pretty familiar with this one too, might eventually watch it.
Mousou Dairinin - 9/10 Satoshi Kon is one of my favorite directors. Love Perfect Blue and Paprika was pretty awesome.

Apr 18, 2014 12:34 PM
Jul 2012
Perfect Blue- Very great movie! Even though the movie is very confusing and have some odd moments, the movie was pretty awesome. 8/10

Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo- Too overrated. Don't understand what's the love for this movie since the story for me isn't that good. 6/10

Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone- Haven't seen the tv show or this one before. Used to wanting to try it out, but I cancel on trying it out.
Apr 18, 2014 12:34 PM

Jun 2012
Perfect Blue- 9/10 now that is how you do it mayne.

Girl who leapt through time 8/10 ait ait.

Evangelion 1.0 7/10 is OK but original and "End" was better imo.


Kara no Kyoukai - o u no ufotable and type-moon r gud stuf rite. 9/10

Redline- I jerk off to this art lik everi de u no is the best 8/10

Steins;Gate - Is ok u no but alotta ppl think it's the hypest shit but the first half is pretty slow amirite. 7.5/10

Another - ew that is sum pretentious shyt u got goin on u no.
OchimushaApr 18, 2014 12:38 PM
Apr 18, 2014 12:38 PM

Sep 2011
Bebop overrated, drop all gundams a minimumn of two points, what is harlock even?

Guess it could be a 10, probably not

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Apr 18, 2014 12:40 PM

Jun 2012
Legend of Heroes - OK u no pretty gud 10/10

Monster- The one with the guy with shoes u no pretty gud 9/10

Sakura Tryk- This is 1 boring ass show with 2 much yaoi kissing mayn 7.5/10

Inugami so bad I not even start it yet 5/10

Kannazuki no Miko- atleast u try mayne 4/10

Harlok n GUndem is 2 gud 4 u clerly men bcus ur just lymp dik cunt amirite. I have to rewatch Bebop, haven't seen it in over a decade so my rating is a bit skewed.
Apr 18, 2014 1:26 PM
Mar 2011
vigorousjammer said:
@Dark_Chaos: Holy crap! so many 10s! (o_o;)

Let's just go with the ones I've seen...

InuYasha - It was dumb, generic shounen stuff. I never cared much for it, or it's characters. I gave it a 4/10

Death Note - The story continued to be interesting throughout, just seeing how Light would fool everybody next. However, the characters, while decent, still ended up being a bit disappointing to me, overall. It also isn't very re-watchable at all. I gave it a 7/10.

Yu Yu Hakusho - This was a fun shounen anime, and the characters were all really nicely done. I didn't give it a score yet, because I can't remember it too clearly. I plan on re-watching it, but in my memory it felt like an 8/10.

Ranma 1/2 - I've only seen one random episode, and it was funny, but I didn't get a good sense for how the quality of the show actually was. It didn't seem incredible, but gave me a good first-impression, So, I guess currently it's sitting at a 6/10.

Crap, posted too late, lol.

Alright, let's see...

@FGAU1912 - Taking a look hang on.

HOLY CRAP! 449 different shows rated 10?!?!?!

Well, lemme just go with the 18 of those that I share with you...

Neon Genesis Evanegelion - I never watched very much of it, only a handful of episodes. I didn't officially give it a score yet, but I'd say it's currently sitting around an 8/10 for me.

Akira - I thought the animation was really nice, and the characters were decent, but the overall plot got a bit disappointing, especially by the end, where it kind of just became too big. I gave it an 8/10

Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team - I've only seen two episodes of this randomly, and really enjoyed it. I rated it a 7, but something tells me I should go back and watch it in full to really appreciate it fully. 7/10.

Princess Mononoke - This was an incredible film, totally deserving of a high amount of praise. I'm not exactly sure why I gave it a 9 instead of a 10, but I did. 9/10

FLCL - Another anime that is definitely deserving of a high amount of praise. I gave it a 9 because I felt like even though it's one of my favorite anime, there are still a few minor things that it could have done better in terms of the plot that are made almost completely meaningless by it's many other positive points. 9/10

Outlaw Star - I really liked this show, but felt like the style of it kind of held it back. It fell into many cliche shounen-style tropes, but still managed to stay enjoyable, creating a memorable cast of characters that held it up and made it feel really special. 7/10.

Perfect Blue - Satoshi Kon is a genius, and this is one of his best works, for sure. I gave it a 9/10.

Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence - While I thought the animation was beautiful, and it had a good presentation, it just seemed to be lacking something in terms of substance. I just felt like it dragged on and on and nothing really happened. Batou is a great character, and it was nice to see him take center stage, this film just seemed a little dry and boring, though, despite looking incredible. 7/10

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind - The film was memorable, and had quite a great story to it, as well as really well done characters. However, I felt some of the dialogue was a bit explanitory, explaining to the audience what was currently going on, and that was the biggest disappointment. The soundtrack was also a little weak. I gave it a 9/10.

Vampire Hunter D - A cool tale about a vampire, great animation for the time. It was memorable for it's action scenes and it's animation, even if the characters or story aren't. 7/10.

Detective Conan Movie 03: Last Wizard of the Century - I liked this, but thought the pacing was a little weird like in all of the other Detective Conan films I've seen. It also focused more on action scenes instead of the mystery aspects. It was good, but didn't overly impress me. 7/10.

Ronin Warriors - I've only seen one episode of this, of the English Dub, and it was TERRIBLE. Maybe the original dub is a little bit better, but I was so disappointed at this that I gave it a 1/10.

Bio Hunter - A cool action/horror OVA. It's fun to watch, and the animation is good, but it didn't overly impress me. 7/10.

Cyber City OEDO 808 - This is another cool little sci fi action OVA. However, this one sticks in my mind so greatly. It's got some really memorable scenes, and osme really great characters. Still, it's not like it's incredible or anything, it's just a fun little action thing. I gave it an 8/10.

Voltron - I only saw one episode of the English dub and thought it was pretty sub-standard. 4/10

Barefoot Gen - I couldn't finish this film because it was so sad. I think that really says something positive about the story. The animation was nice, too. however, I thought the characters seemed very forgettable, and I can't recall the soundtrack whatsoever. I gave it an 8/10.

Gigantor - Saw a few episodes of this. It seemed like your pretty standard classic robot anime. I didn't like the art or audio mix very much. I also didn't really like the silly storylines they had in the episodes. 4/10

Moyashimon - It was decent, but I thought many parts of it seemed very standard. I have a full review for this one up if you want to know more. 6/10.

rread how i rate f=befire you qquestion me
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Apr 18, 2014 1:31 PM

Sep 2011
FGAU1912 said:
rread how i rate f=befire you qquestion me

Started to read how you rate out of curiosity, but then quit becuase what I can only assume was a poor attempt at humor (The gross mistypings that would make a pre-schoolers mom proud) came off as ignorant, so I can only assume your rating system is of the same caliber

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Apr 18, 2014 1:32 PM

Aug 2009
I'm calling shenanigans on all of those 10's, FGAU1912 . ಠ_ಠ So out of what we have in common, agreeing with Perfect Blue and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. Everything else I gave a 9.

As for Line_, agreeing with Monster despite not having seen it, though I can't speak for the others.
FacelessVixenApr 18, 2014 1:35 PM

Apr 18, 2014 1:41 PM

Jun 2011
I gave Evangelion 1.0 a 7/10, though I might increase it to an 8 since I like Evangelion as a whole.

Apr 18, 2014 4:31 PM

Dec 2012
FMA:B. It's okay, didn't impress me overall, despite me watching very early on, when everything about anime impressed me. 7/10

Gintama'. Didn't reach this season but overall I think Gintama is decent, it's has it's problems with the miss comdey episodes, the lack of good serious arcs and similar issues. But when it's funny, damn it's fucking funny. 7/10.
Apr 18, 2014 4:52 PM

Jul 2012
Anohana: 8.7/10
Bakemonogatari: 8.9/10 (haven't finished but it's good so far)
Agree on steins;gate
Apr 18, 2014 5:57 PM

Jan 2013
Sword Art Online: 4
Trigun : 8
Fairy Tail : 7
Apr 18, 2014 6:05 PM

Jul 2013
Code Geass 5, I don't like giving yaoishit a higher score than yuri.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 18, 2014 6:09 PM

Dec 2012
Aria. Looks boring as shit, slow paced slice of life is..ugh.
Apr 18, 2014 7:12 PM

Apr 2013
I saw Naruto a while back. It's way too lengthy and they could slim the number of episodes just by focusing on the story. Not my cup of tea.

It's been a while, so no rating. But definitely not 10.
Just need to find out how to quote this every time so I can dodge the stupid 30-character limit.
Apr 18, 2014 7:37 PM
Mar 2011
Lime_ said:
FGAU1912 said:
rread how i rate f=befire you qquestion me

Started to read how you rate out of curiosity, but then quit becuase what I can only assume was a poor attempt at humor (The gross mistypings that would make a pre-schoolers mom proud) came off as ignorant, so I can only assume your rating system is of the same caliber

there is very few to no misspellsings in that
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Apr 18, 2014 7:41 PM

Dec 2013
evangelion 3.0 4/10.
it only confused me and it couldn't hold a candle to nge, none of the rebuilds can
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 18, 2014 7:43 PM

Jan 2014
Clannad AS 10
Spirited Away 9
Apr 18, 2014 7:44 PM

Aug 2013
K-On 1/10
Apr 18, 2014 7:55 PM

Dec 2013
samurai champloo 8/10
good but not perfect
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 18, 2014 7:59 PM

Sep 2011
clannad AS, 9/10, its charming and touching, i was not bothered by its ending at all
spirited away, 8//10 good

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Apr 18, 2014 8:00 PM

Jul 2013
^^Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi
1/10 because I don't remember.

12/10, changed my life.

^ gintama 2011. 8/10
I wish it had a consistent tone, even if those serious arcs were nice.

6/10, i probably shouldn't have watched this after Brotherhood.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 18, 2014 8:02 PM

Dec 2012
Gintama 7/10
Monster 8/10
NHK 6/10
Apr 18, 2014 8:05 PM

Apr 2013
Yeah, so about Naruto....
Just need to find out how to quote this every time so I can dodge the stupid 30-character limit.
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» Have You Ever!? v6 ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Barnald - Aug 15, 2023

5027 by Timeline_man »»
1 minute ago

» Ask the person below you a question. v35 ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

-DxP- - Jun 28

6440 by Timeline_man »»
3 minutes ago
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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