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Aug 22, 2016 5:24 AM

Mar 2012
I didn't expect the manga to be this crappy, it completely shattered the good image I had of the creators. One fine day they just woke up and said fuck you logic we only need fan-service. As a long time fan of the series I just had to write this.

The manga left behind many questions which weren't answered even in the final chapter. It completely lacked even the tiniest shred of logic after it began to leave the novels. They just added in a lot of cliches common to every other manga/anime which made it even more boring.

Here are some points why it sucks!

Saralegui's early and pointless appearance
Maxine clearly mentioned that whatever he was doing was for Saralegui, even after that and all the ruckus caused after the box being opened with the wrong key Sara had the nerve to show up in front of them and say that he'll give them a ride back to Caloria. Even when he mentioned about Yuuri being the demon king, both Murata and Wolfram started to come up with reasons why and how Norman Gilbit is related to the demon tribe and has black hair and eyes. I guess they just didn't know how cunning and smart Sara truly is at that point. Someone of his caliber would never fall for such a cheap trick and that was obvious from his expression but he just played along for god knows what reason because he didn't really do anything in the end and that's really odd. What happened to the cunning and sly Saralegui!? Honesty, his appearance in the manga was completely pointless, he didn't do anything, absolutely anything, nothing good, nothing bad. Story wise, it was really pointless, but they still included him for the heck of it.

Yelshi's appearance with the box
According to the novels Seisakoku is surrounded by violent and rough seas and that is the reason they haven't made much contact with other countries. Entering or leaving the country isn't an easy task, even the best of sailors face trouble when it comes to sailing through that. So how did Yelshi who was supposedly out of contact with Big Cimarron find out about the battle tournament, besides isn't the tournament for the countries which fall under the rule of Big Cimarron!? Seisakoku definitely doesn't fit the description. So why would Yelshi face the dangerous waves and come all the way to Big Cimarron and that too with the box!? What happened to him wanting to save his mother Alazon with the box!? Why the major change of heart all of a sudden!? If bringing the box all the way just to hand it over to Sara was his main objective as he mentioned in the manga then couldn't he have just done so personally by going to Small Cimarron instead!? The box is no play tool, you don't suppose that Belal II would have kept quiet if he knew that the king of Seisakoku is here with a box. (It's been over 2 years since I read that part of the novels so correct me if I'm wrong)

The stupidity with Wolfram in the box and his super easy recuse | Wolfram only cares about his beauty sleep
Let's go back, why and how did Wolfram get stuck in the box in the first place? Simple, it's the usual, "Yuuri is a flirt and I need to keep an eye on him all the time so he doesn't cheat on me!". Wolfram was sound asleep that he didn't even realize that Yuuri had gone somewhere, the boy loves his sleep so much that even if the enemy stabbed Yuuri right next to him, he would be completely clueless in his sweet dreamland. And when he wakes up the first thing he does is blame Yuuri running off to find him but finds Conrad and the box instead. When he got close to the box, something took over him and he was pulled into the box. When Yuuri goes to rescue him later all that he needed to do was call out his name and he comes back to his senses. If that's all it took, then I wonder why the same didn't work on Yozak in the novels, Yuuri was every bit as serious while wanting to free him from Yelshi's control in the novels. Does that mean that Yelshi is stronger than the force that is capable of destroying the world!? How ridiculous, everything was done just for some fan service! I'm very much tired of seeing the generic possessed by some evil then coming to their senses on their name being called out cliche, am I glad that such a thing didn't happen in the novels and even in the anime when Wolfram was taken over and later Shinou took his heart. And after being rescued he just lets Yuuri wander around trying to find a way out and even falls asleep while walking! He's completely useless for a 82 year old soldier letting their king walk around in a dangerous place. Of course, the fandom is filled with Yuuram fujoshits so their brain most probably stopped working to even think of anything after Yuuri held his hand. It was at that point that I lost any last bit of respect I had for the blond brat.

How is the key passed to the next generation!?
I still don't get this, is a person from that family chosen at random or is it something contained within the soul? If the fist is true then how and why is Yuuri the key when he's not a Wincott, it makes more sense if it was in his soul and that's how he's the current key. Didn't the novels mention that they didn't know who the current keys are and specially the one from the Wincott family since their family is spread out and the key might currently be even living among the humans or something, in other words it was out of Shinou's control. Then that brings another question, was it a complete coincidence that the three brothers are the keys to three of the boxes? Seeing the manga the possibility of the soul possessing the key is completely ruled out since it was mentioned that the box devoured the previous keys, if it was the soul then the key to "Hell fire in frozen land" (or whatever it's English translation is) should have not existed. I really really don't get this part.

What happened to Lady Flynn!?
After all the act about Norman's death, Flynn completely disappeared never to show up again. So what happened to her!? She was the only character that went missing and completely unnoticed. When their official twitter account posted about the the final volume I even asked them about it, the account usually replies to the fans but that was the only time when they ignored me, I have got replies from them when I wished them on Yuuri's birthday or on Christmas and new year. It not stated anywhere that she went back to Caloria by herself and even if she did Yuuri isn't the type who would have let her go alone. And here's another catch, do any of you honestly think that she could have returned to Caloria right in the middle of a zombie outbreak!? Seriously!? Considering the box running a muck, the possibility of her returning is close to zero. It seems that the creators just completely forgot that there was a character called Flynn. And why wouldn't they when she isn't a part of the fan-service that they aimed at. Like I said at the beginning they just said fuck all logic, we'll just make the unnecessary characters disappear into thin air!

Yuuri's new found powers!?
From where, how and when did Yuuri get the power to literally bring someone back to life!? It's the sort of thing that only Shinou could pull off at the most. Again even if Yuuri's soul holds enormous powers, he has never been able to completely control is and use it to his will, he never even got enough "development" to do so at the point where the manga ended.

Source of Wolfram's knowledge!?
How in the world did Wolfram all of a sudden become so knowledgeable about the box and how to control it!? Say my box one more time and I swear I'll punch you in the face, it's really annoying. Please just go somewhere and die with your box, oh wait Shinou stole your beloved precious box from you too bad.

Belal IV overthrowing Belal II
From the way he speaks and acts it's pretty obvious why Belal II had more power and respect despite Belal IV officially being the king. Even if he was encouraged and instigated by Conrart to do it, let me repeat, in the end the fact remains that Belal II had more influence and power, even if he was somewhat of a tyrant, the soldiers should have been more than aware that Belal II makes a better and strong leader who is capable of holding the strong dominance of their country over the other minor countries than a wobbling king who can't even walk straight. Belal IV doesn't seem very right in the head by the way he speaks or acts. Why would the soldiers who were so loyal to Belat II suddenly listen to this joker of wimpy king and arrest Belal II!? Makes no sense. Weren't they even thinking of their country?

Belal IV discussing peace with the demon tribe
Even if he's the king, what about the people!? Conrart somehow seems to have convinced him to get into peace talks with the demons at the cost of his own happiness. From the way he reacted on seeing Shinou in the last chapter and how Shinou just introduced themselves as demons right after Conrart had convinced Belal IV, it's more than obvious that Conrart was ordered to do all of it by Shinou. Coming back to the topic, the people of Big Cimarron have grown up in an environment where demons are deemed as their long term enemies and perhaps even as monsters who possess powers, just by their king declaring some sort of peace treaty won't change that, moreover there will be many including the nobles and soldiers who would want to overthrow Belal IV for that reason. Years of enmity and prejudice isn't something that just disappears overnight. Maruma had always been the type of series that paid attention to such details and that's the main reason I ended up liking the LNs.

What about the 4th box!?
Some more loose ends, why introduce the whole thing about the boxes when you are going to end the manga with just Shinou making the boxes (I think two of them?) just disappear. Couldn't he have done that right from the start!? And what about the 4th box which was in Darco's prison in the novels? Apparently Shinou just wanted to play around with everyone, huh?

Yuuri introducing himself as the Demon King in the end
Yuuri originally entered the tournament as Norman Gilbit representating Caloria and won, as the promised prize he asked for Caloria's independence. Belal IV has already seen Yuuri's face as Norman and later on, Norman was supposed to have died. If that Yuuri just comes out of nowhere and just introduces himself as the Demon King, isn't that like the demons had already infiltrated and deceiving them all this while? Common sense would tell that they are not to be easily trusted, speaking from the point of view of the humans that is. The creators are really thinking way too one dimensionally when it comes to human nations.

Sudden change in personality of characters
Character development plays a huge role in manga and it's very desirable when it's gradual and not an over-night change. All of them suddenly starting acting all weird which is not like them. Yuuri seemed kind of arrogant (you know how he just pulled Murata's arm and just made him help revive Sara?). His eyes seemed completely blank and emotionless, this is something different from the Yuuri in maoh/uesama mode. And as I've already mentioned above Wolfram seemed different to. At first I started suspecting that some part of the Originators got into them when they were in the box and that was the reason for the sudden odd behavior, but turns out that it wasn't the case. To put it straight it was just fan-service! Murata was being all pessimistic and the only thing everyone did was just stand and talk about a lot of nonsense. Conrart seemed very odd in the way he was being so open about how much he adored and respected his previous master, even in one of the extra chapters he didn't hold back while saying that Yuuri is the most important to him. After things settled down with the box and he went to see how Wolfram was doing, he made a joke about Wolfram wanting to slap(propose) to him on Yuuri's behalf. I find that really odd and unlike Conrart, he's the type who normally isn't so straight forward about these things. Let's just leave that sort of things to Wolfram, shall we? Another thing that bothered me is that both Conrart and Yuuri were trying to avoid each other. Yuuri in the novels as well as anime tried his best to convince Conrart to return every chance he got but here he just isn't! Even Conrart, when he returned he just talked to Wolfram and didn't bother to go and check how Yuuri is doing with his own eyes. Even in the last chapter he just answered while looking at Wolfram and not Yuuri. The creators just did their best to make out Wolfram to be the star of the show who solved most of the things in the end. Again, it's the fuck you logic concept. So apparently Wolfram is even more powerful than the 3 witches of Shin Makoku now!? Because even Yuuri couldn't control his box when they were in Darco.

This manga was a complete waste of time and I just wasted some more time on it by bothering to write this long winded post. In terms of story, it's way less than the novels or anime or even the games!

Let's just see what happens in the gaiden. And I wonder how long it will be, 1 chapter? One volume? Or something that will run for a long time...

Edit: Gaidens were pretty terrible too. It's strongly hinted that the editor GEG was the one who changed the story and knowing that GEG is a complete fujoshi who once even said she thinks Yuuri and Wolfram are very natural and super cute couple (yes, abuse is cute GEG, very cute and of course natural in relationships *sigh*) you can't expect anything better from her, at least Takabayashi doesn't show her likes and dislikes so blatantly in her works like GEG.

Maou_heikaFeb 3, 2019 4:09 AM
Mar 22, 2017 11:52 PM

Dec 2011
Yup. Didn't read your post, but I gotta agree the manga was not that great. Pacing sucks. Plot holes everywhere. Seems the main purpose of this manga is to fulfill fan service needs, and it didn't even do that well. It's even more disappointing because the premise of the story seems genuinely interesting... but the story simply falls far short of the expectations. I'm surprised the manga got as many chapters as it did.
Apr 22, 2017 10:40 AM

Mar 2012
DalPuri said:
Yup. Didn't read your post, but I gotta agree the manga was not that great. Pacing sucks. Plot holes everywhere. Seems the main purpose of this manga is to fulfill fan service needs, and it didn't even do that well. It's even more disappointing because the premise of the story seems genuinely interesting... but the story simply falls far short of the expectations. I'm surprised the manga got as many chapters as it did.
It would have gotten a lot better if they would have just followed the original LNs instead of trying to use their useless fanservicy brains, the Seisakoku arc was the best but they never even reached that part. That's what I personally thought anyways.
Aug 5, 2017 4:53 AM

Mar 2010
aww this is disappointing , ive read a very meticulous review about the manga and its sounds disappointing. to think that i wanted to marathon this series , anime and manga :(
i've watched up until ep 40+ in 1st season 2 yrs ago , havent continued since then due too busy
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Aug 19, 2017 8:32 AM

Mar 2012
Sebastian333 said:
aww this is disappointing , ive read a very meticulous review about the manga and its sounds disappointing. to think that i wanted to marathon this series , anime and manga :(
i've watched up until ep 40+ in 1st season 2 yrs ago , havent continued since then due too busy
The anime doesn't follow the LNs either but it's different than the manga and quite good till season 2; OVAs and season 3 seemed more fanservisy so I didn't like them as much as the first 2 seasons, still much much better than the manga though.
Aug 19, 2017 6:44 PM

Mar 2010
Maou_heika said:
Sebastian333 said:
aww this is disappointing , ive read a very meticulous review about the manga and its sounds disappointing. to think that i wanted to marathon this series , anime and manga :(
i've watched up until ep 40+ in 1st season 2 yrs ago , havent continued since then due too busy
The anime doesn't follow the LNs either but it's different than the manga and quite good till season 2; OVAs and season 3 seemed more fanservisy so I didn't like them as much as the first 2 seasons, still much much better than the manga though.

So...season 3 is completely not adapting the manga and light novel? vwoiiiii that sucks!
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Aug 20, 2017 7:07 AM

Mar 2012
Sebastian333 said:

So...season 3 is completely not adapting the manga and light novel? vwoiiiii that sucks!

The anime can obviously not follow the manga as it was made before the manga even started publishing. Story wise the manga just ends at a point which would be equivalent to the end of season 1 of the anime.

The anime started with it's original story somewhere around the end of season 1, so both season 2 and 3 don't follow the LNs. At the most you'll only see some extra stories from the LNs as filler episodes in the anime. As a matter of fact none of the media adaptations ever followed the LNs.
May 21, 2019 5:52 PM

Sep 2010
So is the LN complete or is it on Hiatus?
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
May 24, 2019 8:18 AM

Mar 2012
Roloko said:
So is the LN complete or is it on Hiatus?
On hiatus since 2010 but the author sometimes writes short stories and sells them during Comiket.
May 24, 2019 7:51 PM

Sep 2010
Maou_heika said:
Roloko said:
So is the LN complete or is it on Hiatus?
On hiatus since 2010 but the author sometimes writes short stories and sells them during Comiket.

Dang that sucks makes me sad cause I really loved the anime and wanted more.
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
May 24, 2019 11:43 PM

Mar 2012
Roloko said:
Maou_heika said:
On hiatus since 2010 but the author sometimes writes short stories and sells them during Comiket.

Dang that sucks makes me sad cause I really loved the anime and wanted more.
The last published volume gives a proper conclusion to the Prison arc. If the author decides to write again she would be starting with a completely new arc so it shouldn't be a problem if you do decide to read the the LNs, it won't leave you at a cliffhanger.
Oct 13, 2019 7:49 AM

Mar 2012
youcansmileagain said:
OMG YEAH THAT WAS SO BAD. and I know I just said I wished they’d commit to romance or something but now that I think about it I really don’t think they’d be capable of writing any kind of decent romance like wolfram is a stupid character yuuri is also stupid and everyone else would be a creepy and terrible romance option. like they play everything up for comedy or fan service and if they were in an actual relationship it would like be kind of an awful relationship
The author has mentioned quite some times that she wanted to make it Boys Gag not Boys Love so basically romance was never supposed to be the main focus.

I've taken this from baka-tsuki, it's a comment from the author:
And now we'll talk about the "couples". A lot of people send me letters telling me they want Conrad x Yuuri , or Wolfram x Yuuri to be together. Stuff like that, always makes me feel strange. Since I didn't think it was clearly a boys-love style story, I didn't think about that kind of stuff.

I, rather than thinking about who will end up with who, think about how to make more and more gags. I want to have tons and tons of that, rather than the other. For real, lately I've been having a shortage of gags..... So, if this book, seems to be a little biased towards a particular couple, it has nothing to do with the main story, so please just laugh it off, as if it were a bad dream. Even if evidence piles up, nothing has been decided yet. I haven't decided anything. Ah! But Beatrice x Yuuri seems promising, right? Ah, but that's also a troublesome remark. Because that would be completely illegal, Shibuya Yuuri. (I wonder if he's even interested in healthy relationships).

Of course the editor has a completely different opinion and maybe even the author might have changed her own somewhere down the line that's why the bait kept on increasing with them being uncertain about what they actually want to do with the series.

I also don't get why you think that a romance with anyone other than Wolfram would be a "creepy" and terrible option given that among all the characters Wolfram is the only one who has attempted to rape him which makes Yuuri x Wolfram the creepiest among all the potential ships. If it's the age gap then lets not forget that Wolfram is 82.

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