Hetalia Axis Powers Movie: Paint it, White

Hetalia Axis Powers: Paint it, White!

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Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Ginmaku Hetalia: Axis Powers - Paint it, White (Shiroku Nure!)
Japanese: 銀幕ヘタリア Axis Powers Paint it, White (白くぬれ!)
English: Hetalia Axis Powers: Paint it, White!
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Type: Movie
Episodes: 1
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Jun 5, 2010
Producers: Frontier Works
Licensors: Funimation
Studios: Studio Deen
Source: Web manga
Genre: ComedyComedy
Themes: HistoricalHistorical, ParodyParody
Duration: 1 hr. 20 min.
Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older


Score: 7.061 (scored by 3375433,754 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #41782
2 based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #2855
Members: 59,571
Favorites: 204

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Preliminary Spoiler
Mar 15, 2011
Mixed Feelings
Axis Powers Hetalia (or Hetalia: Axis Powers, if you prefer) has much to be proud of for itself. Starting off as a webcomic in 2006, it has since spawned a manga, a Drama CD series, an anime series, and now a theatrical film.

The movie makes several departures from the main series, most notably having a storyline as opposed to simple sketches, although a few appear in the beginning to ease the viewers into the movie. This new approach brings a few interesting twists to the Hetalia mold, but unfortunately, the movie tries too hard to stay true to its roots, giving very little new ...
Feb 20, 2013
If you've never watched Hetalia before, then you are guaranteed not to have the slightest foggiest on what is happening. Even if your Hetalia-crazed best friend is sitting beside you and giving you a running commentary on what is going on. #experience

That aside, this was actually a decent movie - but again, if you've never seen Hetalia before, you won't get a lot of the inside jokes (e.g. best friend is laughing out loud at random pieces of dialogue that you didn't really notice). If you're a fan of Hetalia, then you shouldn't miss out on this.
May 25, 2015
Hetalia is an interesting success story. It began as a webmanga by Himaruya Hidekaz. Due to its popularity, it was adapted into a manga and published by Gentosha. This was quickly followed up by an anime version by Studio Deen and the series is still going strong. It's on it's fourth anime series, had a PSP game, a movie and a ton of merchandise. I may do a proper review of one or more of the series eventually, we'll see. That being said, I do have reservations about the film. The anime themselves are made up of short episodes that are made up of a ...
Aug 2, 2015

I'm VERY happy to finally write this review of the Axis Powers Hetalia Movie. Why? It means I will never have to review anything else Hetalia related ever again!


Wait a minute...does this mean APH actually has a plot?! For the movie adaptation of Hetalia, yes it does! Do they finally do what the series was allegedly created for and finish telling the story of WW2 with our anthropomorphic Yaoi countries? Hell NO! Instead we get a plot about aliens invading Earth. So Hetalia went from being all about WW2 to being about space aliens? (Insert joke about the History Channel here)! The aliens wish ...
Jul 25, 2013
Mixed Feelings
For me being a fan of Hetalia. I did not enjoy the movie that much.
One reason was that they kept showing past episodes in the movie. Which one, I did not enjoy, second I was more interested in the movie that episodes I've seen.
The story was okay, it didn't seem much there was much thought in it.
Oct 31, 2015
I love Hetalia and just recently got into watching it. I sort of binge watched it and obviously finished the whole thing relatively fast since the episodes are so short. Then I found out that there was a movie and I thought, well... This is going to be interesting, since the episodes rarely have actual plots that lasts for longer than half a minute. I feared that the movie would be chaotic, pointless and that it would make no sense.
I was right.
The movie is funny, sort of, but the fact that it's main plot is interrupted by these small sketches from the episodes is just ...
Nov 23, 2011
Hetalia Axis Powers: Paint it, White is a movie based upon the webcomic/manga/anime Hetalia Axis Powers.

While the main series mostly takes place around the time period of World War II (with occasional episodes/scenes taking place before that and in the present), Paint it, White takes place during the present day.

Overall, the plot of the movie is what would be expected from this series, silly and fun for laughs. The animation of the movie is relatively the same as the animation from the television series. Normally, this would be a bad thing, but seeing as the movie has random cuts to the series, it actually isn't.

The ...
May 2, 2015
Ok,So with this movie{Which i havent watched for a few months may i add,im a lil rusty}was one that i actually enjoyed.

I liked how the story may not have been the most original one used but they made it into their own and made it enjoyable.The art style like always was unique,clever and pleasing to the eye.The sound is something i unfortunately cant remember to well but i think it was decent.The characters included were very good for me because i love them all in the end,apart from the few who are a bit off to me{ahem france ahem}.

Overall i found it very enjoyable but ...
Jul 30, 2015
OK let me start this off with saying I'am a big Hetalia fan. I think the movie was very good and the plot fitted the general atmosphere of the show with it being random and at points hilarious and providing great entertainment to any fan. A nice touch was that the creators made Tony ( the alien) make an appearance. The ending song of the movie was fantastically done and is one of my favorite Hetalia songs. The movie did a great deal to slightly expand on the characters and kept nicely to the canon. The art is in the style of Axis Powers and ...
Nov 4, 2011
Being a Hetalia fan, I was super excited when I found the subbed version of this movie. I was expecting so much of it, and I have to admit I was a tad disappointed with what I got.
By no means am I saying it was bad - it wasn't. As expected, it's super funny and wonderfully animated, so I've got nothing to complain about there. However, I feel like the plot could've been better.
Now, not spoiling anything, I think it started pretty well, but the ending seemed kind of rushed. I didn't quite buy how easily such a big issue was resolved.

I recommend this to ...
Apr 4, 2016
The movie itself had a plot that made no sense making hard to endure, honestly Hetalia is best as short ridiculous 5 minute video's. The movie never really explained why the aliens were there or have much story to them at all. The movie had nothing to do with the rest of the series and was honestly a let down. The art was mediocre and the characters weren't at there finest. The comedy was bland (like any other Hetalia show). The only thing this movie did right were the references. Okay, okay, the cat was good too. This movie is probably not what ...
Sep 10, 2016
Movie? This counts as a movie?!?! Well, get the bleach, cause I'm gonna need it! This movie is an absolute disgrace to such an amazing anime, I could get more entertainment out of staring at a globe for 2 hours! All the characters I've come to know and love have been dumbed down and made annoying at an offensive level (like China, America...) and the characters I already despised with every part of me are...somehow even worse! (like England, Italy...) The plot made no coherent sense and the random clips didn't help, you're just taunting the veiwer with the fact that they could be watching ...
Feb 9, 2021
The hetalia movie, despite being a comedy anime directed at fujoshi with poor attention spans, is actually a very solid metaphor for the dangers of white supremacy, hence the title "Paint it White". The film tackles historical elements of each country's past and ties it in with very tasteful satirical commentary of both the axis powers and allies as they unify and tackle the issue of racism and white supremacy at a global scale. Perhaps presenting us with a utopia that could never be, Hetalia: Paint it White is truly a call to arms. Through queer baiting and pasta-based humor, I believe this film has ...