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Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2
Apr 30, 2022 7:58 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 10
Evangelion Movie 2: Ha
Evangelion Movie 2: Ha
Feb 7, 2022 2:46 PM
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Evangelion Movie 1: Jo
Evangelion Movie 1: Jo
Jan 9, 2022 6:45 AM
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Dr. Stone
Sep 26, 2021 9:37 AM
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kuchitsu Jan 13, 2021 2:20 PM
I guess I'm just really......... mean
tl_dr Jan 10, 2021 12:07 PM
Ah damn dude, that's happened to me a couple of times before. Really hate it when it happens. I mean if you wanna switch to another means of communication you can let me know, since stuff like Discord stores the messages when tabbing out etc... Anyhow, I regret not being able to read your reply, I'm sure it would've been interesting to read :/ The condensed version was really fun to read as well though, especially the synonym names you chose.
Didn't know AOT still had that much content left... I hope for the fans that it won't turn out rushed/open. Concerning 5-toubun no Hanayome, I rather seem to have heard the opposite, in that it's supposed to be quite fun (especially considering the manga isn't too bad in general either), but well, they did change some aspects of the series now (like especially character designs). Still gotta catch up on Re:Zero but I probably would've hated to end on a cliffhanger from part 1 (which is why I generally tend to stick to finished series I guess?), but I hope it turns out well, so I can enjoy it once I get to it. Beastars 2nd season will probably show the entire Tem Murder Arc (the guy that was killed by another student in the beginning of the first season), which was pretty nice in the manga. Haven't really got any knowledge about Dr. Stone so I'll skip that one, your summary of Horimiya is quite fitting, like I said, gonna see how it manages to stay entertaining... I still want to catch up on Log Horizon 1 & 2. And lastly, Promised Neverland's supposed to be a good shounen series too, I don't really know anything about it, apart form it being a dark story.
Well, sadly I wasn't able to read your long version, but it was still nice having this fun condensed one. You don't really need to add any BBCode to any series links, since I usually know the name (unless it's something really niche or unkown...), to save you in the future ;)
tl_dr Jan 10, 2021 8:09 AM
Oh by the way, are you watching any seasonal stuff right now, or planning to? For me in fact, there's a lot I've kinda been looking forward to that started right about now. In my case that's

  • Beastars 2nd Season (seems to be just as good [objectively] as the first one, and having read the manga it's exciting to see it being adapted further, the opening from YOASOBI is really great too though)
  • 5-toubun no Hanayome ∬(seems to have changed a bit from the previous season, but the comedy and charm seems to have stayed there; haven't read the manga here, so I'm interested to see how the open end of season one continues)
  • Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? (kinda surprised by the CG in this, but I've read a bit of the manga, where the "humans" didn't appear in the first "episode" though - maybe that's a difference to the Light Novels, but the first episode here was quite fun to watch, I also like the opening song hehe)
  • Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun (premise seemed kind of interesting, but the first episode actually let me down quite a bit; gonna stick with it though to see if it gets better)
  • Horimiya (read the manga, which is still ongoing though, and well it's what I expected - gonna have to watch further to see what they do with the "no story" plot - since the manga is pretty hard SoL)

I think you mentioned you were excited for Attack on Titan, Log Horizon, Re:Zero and also Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? That reminded me, I also still wanted to catch up on Log Horizon and Re:Zero of those, they both seem kind of enjoybale (even though I'm not the greatest fan of the "isekai/game" genre). Well apart from that I also still wanna catch up on Non Non Biyori (Repeat + movie) and Yuru Camp, since some SoL like that is really fun from time to time. Well, there's still a lot of other series coming this year that I'm looking forward to...

So, how about you, also in for any of those / watching anything else? :)
tl_dr Jan 10, 2021 7:56 AM
Yea I kind of get what you mean. Haven't seen Konosuba yet, it always seemed kind of too (?) goofy for me, but maybe it's because I saw scenes out of context, etc. I've still been meaning to give it a try sometime. It's hard for me to not rate by enjoyment, because if I'm not able to enjoy something (that should be enjoyable - some anime series/books/movies/etc. aren't made purely for entertainment ofc), then I feel like it completely missed the point for me.
I kind of heard a bit about Inferno Cop, but haven't looked into it much - the episodes seem pretty short though, should probably be able to pace through it pretty quickly then, right? I understand what you wrote afterwards though about enjoyment vs. objective criteria; there's many ways to approach it, but for me it's hard to decide what I value more, but I've kind of come to the conclusion, that I'd rather value enjoyment more than objectively being good, since in the end every bit of perception is still something subjective.... I dunno, it's kinda hard to put into words, but what I mean is something like: "if you think the animation looks good / the sounds are good / the characters are well written / etc.., there's some point of objectivity there that most people would agree on, but you'd also always find people that view something the opposite way, since it's due to taste, general knowledge of other similar things ["reference values"], personal preferences and so on...". Then it's also a question of what you value most when reviewing something.
MAL's review system is kinda good for this I think, since you can give every category a score, but also have a total score. But it reminds me of things like Demon Slayer (haven't watched it yet but at least heard about it), having really great animation, but some potentially questionable writing (apparently). As an example, I tend to often regret watching stuff from the horror category, since those tend to have really unbelievable and not relatable decisions and plot conveniences etc. in them, and that often really ruins a movie/series for me, when there's just too great of a disconnect with what I seem to expect.
But when you mention Steins;Gate, I really gotta agree that pretty much everything about it is objectively good/well done (also in my opinion!), but that doesn't mean that I couldn't enjoy something that has some objectively worse aspects; it would kind of feel like everything had to match up to Steins;Gate for me to enjoy it... Well, I'm kinda going in circles now, what I kind of wanna say is that objectivity in the end is also kind of subjective (.....? haha).
In the end, I dunno if I was actually able to convey my thoughts here, like you said at the end, "I don't rate based on enjoyment but if you do that's fine", it's the same the other way around (I guess?). But I do think it's kind of "debatable" (?) to rate something really low because you didn't enjoy it as much as others did, like people giving 1's to stuff they disliked or just to "be special" lol. But i guess that's another big topic, it's hard to discuss concisely.
tl_dr Jan 9, 2021 8:41 AM
Alright, finished up the remaining 5 episodes last night... And well, it reminded me how series like these are my favorites. I gotta be honest, I got moved to tears quite often throughout this anime, it was just unbelievably beautiful. I really regret not having watched this sooner (not really sure why I didn't...), it's just hard to put into words how nice it is. It just gave off this vibe that - in retrospect - had me constantly smiling, since it radiated this overwhelming sense of positivity. Especially towards the end, the scenes became more moving and it was nice to see each character grow a little bit: Shirase coming to terms with her mother's love of Antarctica and her death; Yuzuki (well, and basically the three others as well) realizing what friendship is (about) and realizing her status as an actress; Hinata settling the situation with her former club members; and Mari having achieved her goal of "doing something", something memorable that lasts, making friends, experiencing the unknown. Also, Shirase reconciling/having a talk with Gin was pretty nice to see as well. Really, just all the (main) characters were just so well-rounded and complete, it's hard to say more.
Well I see you gave it a 10 as well (which in your case seems a bit more rare haha), so what are your thoughts about it? Anything I missed in my thoughts here/you wanna point out anything? I'd be glad to discuss if you want to :)
tl_dr Jan 8, 2021 11:07 AM
Oof, glad you asked I guess! I wrote to a friend about it recently, who also had recommended it to me a while ago (I mean I'd been eager to watch it but just hadn't got around to it). And damn, I'm glad I finally got to it. Since I watched Non Non Biyori before I was kind of in the mood to watch something similarly upbeat/cheerful. I just love the series up to now. The opening/ending + animation is fantastic and the songs (also soundtrack and insert songs) are just amazing at adding to the ambience/mood. The motivation of the characters is portrayed really well and I think it's something I'm very able to sympathize with, especially Mari - just "wanting to do something", something memorable, different, inspiring. It's not just about adventure, it feels more like exploring yourself and what it means to have dedication. I'm pretty sure the anime will end up in my favorites if it keeps up like this - once I'm done watching it - and well, I guess you enjoyed it lots too if you put it there yourself, right?
tl_dr Jan 3, 2021 9:41 AM
Lol what the heck. Well I've been there before as well, although in my cases it's rather been me being retarded and accidentally reloading the page / closing the tab, etc. Sorry for indirectly having caused you to waste time :x
anhela943 Jan 3, 2021 8:31 AM
I'm glad you enjoyed it I hope you will like second season as well
tl_dr Jan 3, 2021 8:02 AM
Haha I wasn't quite going into that direction with the conversation, but well you're not completely wrong either :P
If anything I'd have rather pointed out the phenomenon of recency illusion; also known as the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, where your brain gets more focussed on stuff you've recently been talking/thinking about, so your perception of that matter increases, and you also confirm this suspicion yourself when you then actually seem to see/encounter that topic more. The linked arcticle explains it quite curtly.
And well, back to the other matter, you're right it's not that great to have your activities/interests/etc. tracked, and while it's probably not the best mindset to have about it, I don't really mind it too much (ofcourse I'm not ignorant about privacy/data security either), since you've also got a point about at least having your interests tailored (although that leads to another discussion topic regarding influence on your interests, etc.).
tl_dr Jan 3, 2021 7:42 AM
Doing fine, how about you? It's funny, you know those YouTube Auto-Mixes that are based on content you seem to watch? I sometimes open those in Incognito tabs to be able to hear some new stuff, since YouTube seems to always just throw stuff at you that you've already watched when you're logged in and doing that means the stuff you get is based solely on YT's recommendations and not yours. So anyway, I did that and like 3 songs I was wondering what I was hearing when I noticed it was actually the Blue Exorcist opening theme haha. Apart from that I've also had some of the other shows you recommended in that autoplay list. I just thought that was kinda funny since we'd been talking about that :P
anhela943 Jan 3, 2021 2:41 AM
Hello :) It's no problem, i hope you liked some of the recommendations.
tl_dr Dec 31, 2020 4:11 PM
Happy New Year to you too! :D
tl_dr Dec 31, 2020 8:44 AM
A Place Further Than The Universe is also still on my high priority list, I've been meaning to watch it for a while now, and was actually somewhat debating whether to watch that or NNB; I think I'm gonna do that next :P
Haven't really heard much about Talentless Nana, but I'd thought about watching Blue Exorcist some time ago, did you enjoy those?
CrimsonWanderer Dec 31, 2020 5:32 AM
Stark says that he's very grateful that you enjoyed reading his reviews.
tl_dr Dec 30, 2020 10:04 AM
Doing fine, finished Cyberpunk two days ago, sadly I just barely missed the requirements to unlock the secret ending (the one which I'd have preferred to play), so I went with the Panam Ending, which was still really great. I'll probably still play the other 3 endings regardless, since the game sets you back to the point of no return after the credits so you can experience those as well.

Apart from that I'm finally finishing up on Non Non Biyori (a calming/charming/funny slice of life, the type with absolutely no drama, which just brightens you up by simply watching it haha). How about you?
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