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Mar 30, 2015
When an anime is pigeonholed based on its most popular or well-known feature, it does a great disservice to the anime. People only see the show as a part of what makes it unique.

Should you watch Jojo's Bizarre Adventure *only* because it is "GAR" or super-manly-moe-stomping-fun? Absolutely not.

Should you watch Jojo's Bizarre Adventure because it has an interesting premise, great art, amazing music and voice acting performances, and some fascinating characters? Absolutely YES.

Story: The show is divided into 2 parts, with different feels. The first is a Victorian-era action-adventure, with our hero learning to master a supernatural power, and fighting supernatural enemies. The second ...
Nov 12, 2014
As a fan of Steins;Gate, I decided to watch these shorts. Before you watch these shorts, there are a few things to keep in mind. These shorts are advertisements, meant to show people how IBM's "cognitive computing" initiative might enhance people's lives in the future. The 4 shorts use the Steins;Gate characters and universe to show different scenarios and how the "cognitive computing" (represented by an Oopa with a cutesy voice) help solve problems.

If you can get past the fact that these are advertisements, and you are a fan of S;G, there are some very enjoyable moments and interactions in the approximately 12 minutes of ...
Mar 26, 2014
Mawaru Penguindrum is a roller-coaster of a show. I recently rewatched Mawaru Penguindrum, so I've decided to update my review.

Story: The story starts off as a slow, almost slice-of-life drama. Characters (and their weird quirks) are introduced and start interacting with each other. Some comedy hijinks ensue, and help to flesh out the characters a bit. After a handful of episodes, the series starts dropping hints and foreshadows the dark twists and turns the series will take.

It's a mood whiplash to say the least. What was once a charming story about cute kids and cute penguins delves into more serious and heavy themes: death, ...
Mar 18, 2014
The second Tiger & Bunny movie, "The Rising", is definitely for the fans. Being a big Tiger & Bunny fan myself, I was very excited to see this movie. While it is not a perfect movie, it did a good job of being true to its source.

Story: The movie's plot is very straightforward: we rejoin the heroes some time after the end of the TV series. Kotetsu and Barnaby are part of the Second League, but that quickly changes when a new owner buys Apollon Media. What follows is a predictable, but still entertaining story.

While the TV series can be seen as "Barnaby's story", the ...
Feb 23, 2014
Kaze Tachinu (Anime) add
As a big Miyazaki fan, I wanted to see The Wind Rises in theaters to show my support. I went into The Wind Rises with the expectation that it would be a decent film; certainly not another "Spirited Away", but still a movie worth watching. I was let down by some aspects of the movie, but it was still worth watching.

Story: The story seems to suffer the same problems as many biographical movies; trying to tell a story of over 20+ years in 2 hours. Some aspects of the story (such as how certain things in everyday life influenced Jiro's plane designs) are mentioned, but ...
Feb 12, 2014
Sakamichi no Apollon (Kids on the Slope, or simply KotS) is a heartfelt, realistic look at a group of high-school kids and the effect that friendship, love and jazz has on their development. It is hard to describe in a short review; people write essays on the impact of music on someone's life, or the importance of friendship. It's much more enjoyable to watch a fully-realized, self-contained story complimented by beautiful art and simply incredible music, though.

Story: At the start of the series, it was tough to guess how the story would progress. The experience of watching the story play out over 12 episodes was ...
Jul 18, 2013
By now, you've seen countless reviews saying that Puella Magi Madoka Magica (PMMM) is a great show. Reviewers say that you should watch it because it's a brilliant deconstruction of the magical girl genre, or a surprisingly dark take on the genre.

That is not the only reason to watch the show.

Perhaps you are like me. You heard about PMMM, and decided to do some investigating. I accidentally spoiled major plot points for myself because I was reading too much about the show. Knowing those plot twists, I had a hard time convincing myself to put the effort into watching the show. I finally did, ...
Apr 29, 2013
Gankutsuou (Anime) add
I finished Gankutsuou a few days ago, with one of my best friends (who had seen the show and told me that it was great). Even now, days later, I'm still thinking about the show. I'd like to write a short review on why I enjoyed the show so much.

Story: I have not read Dumas' original story, so I will only review the stand-alone show's plot. A young man meets and befriends a mysterious man, who claims to be the Count of Monte Cristo. The young man, Albert, and his friends are quickly swept up in a massive plot of revenge and deceit. Their relationships ...
Mar 14, 2013
If you like shonen, parodies of shonen or extremely bizarre shows, you might like Yakitate!! Japan.

Story: A young man fights for his dream of baking Japan's first "national bread". He has a talent for baking due to his "Solar Hands", and he has lots of determination. Weekly baking competitions are the name of this game, but the story has different ways of keeping you watching.

At first, I didn't realize it would be so...typical-shonen. I almost gave it up, but then I got to the REACTIONS. Easily the best part of the whole show is watching peoples' reactions to the breads. Touching and absurd, heartwarming ...
Mar 11, 2013
I was finally able to watch the first Tiger & Bunny movie yesterday, and I'd like to share my opinions.

Story: The first movie is 2 parts retelling, 1 part new story. The first two episodes of the series are used, with new sequences added in. Some additions are purely cosmetic (scenes with Kotetsu struggling to put on his CrapSuit in his car) and others serve to flesh out characters (we finally learn what Rock Bison's NEXT power is!).

The new scenario was on-par with an average episode. The villain had an interesting power, and the heroes dealt with him in classic T&B style: everyone ...

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