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Sweat and Soap

*This is a digital eBook, not a physical book.


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Nov 2, 2021
dadnaya (All reviews)
This manga is one huge journey, one that shouldn't be brushed off due to its weird first few chapters.

What we get throughout this manga is a somewhat slow yet steady development between our main leads. They start going out rather early and hit the "relationship goals" once in a while, in a very satisfactory manner.

On top of that, both characters really do feel like proper adults.
They communicate their feelings and their problems. They also sometimes can get annoyed with each other or even fight, but I love it that they will always seek to fix it by talking things out, saying everything out, and read more
Jan 3, 2023
tyrandriel (All reviews)
I went in with high hopes after seeing the glowing reviews but dropped it in just 6 chapters though I would’ve dropped sooner…I wanted to stick it through for a bit first.

It was a weird read. Hear me out, I love josei romances set after high school (though fem MC acts & looks like a high school girl IMO). I’m down for steamy scenes. But it was just too weird and the pacing was not great.

When I read the premise & saw the cover I thought it was going to be some fetishy smutty stuff (and from what I read it was) but read more

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