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Jun 16, 2008
Master10K (All reviews)
One guy, several girls and a heap of mishaps are the base ingredients to what make a harem however Sekirei does things a little differently. Rather than focusing on being a typical Harem, Ecchi, Rom/Com; here we have a sort of battle royale, with a "gotta catch 'em all" feel to it. But instead if catching cute Pokemon, these trainers gotta catch cute girls, not with a ball but with a kiss. Oh, and occasionally their clothes explode.

The "Sekirei Plan" is a super duper secret project where hot girls & guys of unknown origin have to fight, fight and fight some more. Why? Who knows. read more
Dec 26, 2011
Hexnaka (All reviews)
Sekirei described in a sentence would be ahem... highlander with boobies. but don't let that put you off now I say i've read 61 chapters but that is a bit of a guess it's around 61 but i lost my place
so now for the reveiw (oh and please forgive my bad spelling and gramer)

Story: as mentiond it's basicly highlander with hot chiks in revealing outfits oh and if you haven't seen highlander got to a dvd rental shop and rent it I'm not describing it for you but basicly it's a good plot taken from a 1980's action movie so it losses points masivly read more

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