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Best of BL

Feb 25 2023, 3:50 PM
Some stand out (for being good) BL from all I've read.

Hopefully I'll write actual reviews for these someday
Smells Like Green Spirit
Manga, 2 vol, 2011 Me:- Author:9
A ton of people hate it, most of the reasons I've seen are pretty thoughtless.

I absolutely love basically everything about this manga:

Unique character relations (bullying was handled lightly, but if it wasn't future relationship development wouldn't have been ok)

Well handled sexual assault (absolutely no reason or way you could interpret it as fan-service (seems like a pretty obvious thing to do but a ton of BL are absolutely disgusting))

The small town old people are weird as hell (As someone who lives in a small town I can say that most old people are absolute weirdos, It's not like "Only Yesterday")

And a ton of other things.
Itoshi no Nekokke
Manga, 5 vol, 2010 Me:- Author:8
The art is amazing (the mouths are really triangular, which is really cute)

One of the only actual switch BL I've ever read (Usually the seme is like "EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" which is pretty cringe) even if glasses boy was pretty against the idea of being a bottom at first (understandable) he actually tries it (really cool)
Bakeneko Katatte Sourou
Manga, 1 vol, 2018 Me:- Author:8
Rakugo and cats
Hadashi no Tenshi
Manga, 3 vol, 2020 Me:- Author:8
I wasn't sure if this would be good based on the cover (a ton of BL with great covers turn out to be bad) but I was very pleasantly surprised

He makes shoes (really cool)
Boy Meets Maria
Manga, 1 vol, 2017 Me:- Author:8
Gorgeous art, handles gender identity very well.

(I went to Barnes and Noble recently and saw it in a "Spicy Manga" section, which like no???? absolutely not????? It isn't????)
Manhwa, 3 vol, 2015 Me:- Author:8
I was shocked by how good this was. All of stories were of similar quality.

I've read one of the authors other works "Wolf in the House" (which is also pretty good) and I have to say that they do sex scenes very well, their art style is very unique as well.
Senobi no Housoku
Manga, 1 vol, 2009 Me:- Author:8
Side characters who are actual people
Ganbare! Nakamura-kun!!
Manga, 1 vol, 2014 Me:- Author:8
(The sequel is an equal amount of great, but I didn't add it for space concerns (who knows if I'll ever actually fill this list though))

Great art, great characters, really funny.

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